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Self-improvement examples. Basics of self-development. Where to begin? Self-development is not a light walk

Self improvement - This is a conscious work on personal growth and development. The process of self-improvement is to form certain qualities, skills and property properties in individual interests and purposes. Those. Under this process means the development of some abilities that contribute to the subjective success and development of new social roles.

The main thing in the process of self-improvement is the orientation not on the inner sensations, but on the current trends, the requirements of life and society. Human self-improvement can be held in various directions, for example, development in a moral, spiritual or professional direction.

Self-improvement of personality

The human self-improvement lies in a kind of self-education or is a targeted personality action towards further development. Often, people seek to develop positive qualities according to their own ideas about the ideal.

It is possible to distinguish 6 main stages of self-improvement. At the first stage, the purpose of self-improvement is determined. Then the perfect image is created or the ideal result of actions to improve itself. The next stage is to determine the temporary limits of implementation and allocating secondary purposes. And the subsequent stages are based on self-knowledge and self-consciousness, self-control and self-regulation, self-development.

How to start self-improvement? There are several general recommendations on which successful development and self-improvement is based.

In order to be able to record or save the ideas coming to the head, you should always have a notebook, a tablet, a recorder, or other device, aimed at saving information. It should be selected for yourself the most suitable and current topic and adjust the brain to generate ideas relative to the chosen theme. Be sure to record everything that you have come to mind on this occasion. Your thoughts can give you a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done to improve the quality of your life. As a result, your intentions will become more serious and effective. When you feel that the topic you work with has already exhausted yourself, you should move to another.

The next immutable rule on the path to self-improvement and life success is the principle "here and now." It is committed to the necessary actions to eradicate the habit of living with beautiful illusions and dreams.

Another important recommendation lies in art to achieve more small margins. To achieve the desired result, a certain part of the total load should be performed every day. This technique is easier to consider on the example of sports. You want to have a beautiful figure, so to get the desired result you need to make certain exercises every day. Only with this condition will appear a tangible result.

Self-improvement is quite difficult to imagine without mastering planning skills. Therefore, you need to split your day into several blocks, for example, morning, lunch, evening, etc. With this reception, you can easily track down, how much time is required to perform a task set.

Try to communicate with people inspiring you on accomplishments and feats. But from communicating with individuals, in comparison with which you and so much achieved, it is better to eliminate.

For excellent well-being and excellent appearance, it is necessary to quite well in the following directions: healthy food, exercise, competent mental self-regulation.

Self-development and self-improvement

Development and self-improvement is the path to success, achieving a dream, and to life saturated with interesting events. This is a serious and painstaking work on self, in the course of which sets certain goals, while acquiring new knowledge and skills to incarnate the dream. If you consider yourself a doubtful person, regularly encounter insurmountable obstacles in life, you do not get pleasure and happiness from life, then you should do self-development and self-improvement.

Motivation for self-improvement is harmony in the shower, which leads to the fact that a person is less ill and becomes more successful.

How to start self-improvement? Self-improvement of personality flows throughout life. It is characterized by awareness and constancy, which forms new personal properties and quality. It is important not to forget about moral and spiritual self-improvement. Many people today think that there is no need for this to spend time. There were no ancestors that spiritual and moral self-improvement is internal agreement and the Union of Spirit, the individual and the mind. People walking along the path of development are not prone to, they are calm and balanced.

Physical self-improvement is also very important. After all, it is not for nothing that there will be a healthy mind in a healthy body. So in the process of evolution, that people are inclined at the beginning to evaluate the appearance, but only then the mind. The body is the so-called compatibility, a temple for the soul. That is why it is important to care and follow him, not allowing its destruction.

Personal relationships are considered to be the most fertile soil with which any promotion, success, all achievements in life begin. Therefore, interaction with people should always be put in the first place.

If you seriously decide to do self-development, start with reading a book on self-improvement. The surrounding situation is also very strongly affected by the course of thoughts and consciousness. That is why, if the house is polluted and littered, then thoughts will be the same. General cleaning every year will not lead to order. Enter the rule for yourself to clean the cleaning regularly. As a result, there will always be full order and clarity in thoughts. So self-improvement should be started with the guidance around them. However, the most important thing is, after all, order in your own head. This means to determine the objectives, dreams and formulate the final result, to which you should move every day. Try to deliver 4-6 ambitious purposes, and then determine the steps that are necessary to achieve them.

The paths of self-improvement of the individual conclude, above all, in their work on their own personality. Try to read more, communicate with different people, engage in self-knowledge, learn to love and cherish others. Along with self-improvement and self-development costs self-education - the development of the qualities of the qualities that she wishes. These are conscious purposeful actions, to obtain the result. After all, each individual wants to look perfect in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. This is the problem of self-improvement. After all, all the surrounding society do not please, since each person has its ideal.

Ways of self-improvement of the personality

Start self-improvement should be with sleep. Need to sleep less. After all, for a full-fledged rest, a person needs only about 8 hours of daily sleep. Therefore, teach yourself to get up for 1 hour before the usual time. So you will have more free time to implement ideas and plans.

Try first to fulfill more important things. Every day, in the evening, analyze the rationality of the spent time and energy. Make your slogan phrase - if you manage time, therefore you manage your life. On the phone you need to communicate with enthusiasm and confidently. Be sure to show respect for the interlocutor.

It should always be remembered about the goal, and not about the end. Do work not for the sake of recognition, but for pleasure.

Laugh more, especially in the morning. Raise your mood with a smile, charge the body's vigility.

Summing up the above, it should be concluded that the main components of self-improvement and self-development processes are: a dream, systematic and discipline, a goal and achievement, mind, the power of happiness, inspiration, responsiveness, physical condition of the body and soul. It is the development of the personality and its self-improvement are the main tasks for the realization of themselves in life and the world.

Methods of self-improvement

Permanent self-improvement is the one hundred percent result of life prosperity and success.

Self-improvement methods have a significant set. One of the most popular and necessary is the study of foreign languages. It is not only useful, but also quite interesting. Knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bopens up broad prospects for traveling in distant countries, reading books in the original, career growth, etc. Language can be studied independently or with the help of various training trainings, courses, or using the teacher. To consolidate a foreign language, you should read a lot. This will not only increase the level of ownership of a foreign speech, but also replenish the horizon, will develop a fantasy, contributes to a more competent presentation of thoughts. You need not only foreign literature, but also domestic books on self-improvement.

If you can, then do not neglect the trips to different countries and cities. This type of self-improvement is probably one of the most pleasant. Travels will help you not only have a break from everyday life, but also learn a lot about the culture, religion, the peoples of countries. And this contributes to comprehensive development. Therefore, try to please yourself with a trip at least once a year.

Engage in their upbringing. Create a list of important cases and make a schedule of their execution. Try to get up daily at the same time. At the weekend should not be allowed to sleep for more than eight hours. After all, to extract the maximum, organizedness and collens are very important.

If you are prone to laziness, then you need to gradually get rid of this harmful illness. Forbid your clock lying on the sofa, to play infinitely to computer games or watch entertainment programs on TV. Everything is good in moderation. It is better to spend time on viewing calves or on their reading on the Internet. Make your personal schedule so that you have free time only in the evening and just a couple of hours before bedtime. Sport is the road to self-improvement. Exercise make an individual happier. However, they do not have to be active, such as running. It will be enough to do regularly yoga or pilates.

Direct your strength to improve your nature. The most important component of self-development are dreams. Therefore, do not forget to dream. After all, they contribute to a brighter presentation of their goal.

If you decide to make a self-improvement, but do not know where to start, then go to any courses, for example, on cooking or psychology. Remember that the new day is not just like that. Nature is laid in a person the need and self-improvement. Learning every day anything new, or attending new skills, you will always feel happy, and the disadvantage and boredoms will not remain in life.

Self-improvement program

The self-improvement program is based on several basic principles. The first principle is education. Touch your skills in what you get good. However, also do not forget that you get bad. Such skills are very important to improve. Try to find anything interesting in the area where you are not very strong, then you will have more motivations to gain knowledge in this area.

The next principle is never stop learning. You can be sure that perfectly own somehow, but it is far away. After all, the world does not stand in one place, it is continuously developing as humanity. There can always be a person who will do it better than you. Therefore, curiosity and enthusiasm must be unchanged your satellites throughout the life path. Give preference to reading books that will inspire you, motivate on "feats" and accomplishment. Do our best to tell you your actions, not words. So often it happens that most people have a word to disagree with the case. After all, it is much easier to say than to do. Therefore, consciously monitor yourself and stop when noting that unconscious actions contradict your own words.

Show care of yourself, which lies in physical activity, the right diet, strong and full-fledged sleep, as well as in the balance of mental, physical and spiritual development. All of the above will contribute to the establishment of absolutely all aspects of life. However, do not forget about rest. After all, even superheroes sometimes need rest.

Put yourself a goal that will inspire you strongly and seem a little impracticable. Try every day to approach its implementation. Make in your life a drop of diversity - determine the goal that will go beyond the boundaries of your usual interests.

It is necessary to control their emotions to study its consciousness. Every time you feel any emotion, you need to make aware that it is a consequence of your thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what caused emotions. Such self-analysis contributes to the awareness of the qualities of the personality and properties of the nature, which you could have previously could not be suspected. When you are informed about your own involuntary emotional manifestations, you can transform your perception of circumstances and improve the reaction to them, just changing the thoughts about them.

Try to avoid a negative configured environment. Remember that you can unconsciously adopt the quality of individuals with which they often spend a lot of time. Therefore, give preference to communicating with people who will inspire you, cause a smile and throw calls.

The key to self-consciousness is to understand the personal being and clarity of thinking by doing records in the diary. It is needed for recordings of various ideas, interesting thoughts, and not just for the sake of dry statement of events that occur daily with you.

Remember that self-improvement should occur in different directions. For example, physical self-improvement is inextricably linked with personal growth and self-improvement. Physical self-improvement is work on its own body, its strength, beauty, tempered, resistance and health.

The most successful businessmen are not only graduates of prestigious economic or law faculties, but also athletes, graduates of the Department of Physical Education. Competent work on its own body is a difficulty of improving his personality.

Unfortunately, many people in the daily pursuit of material well-being forget that spiritual self-improvement plays a very important role for personal growth and development. Spiritual self-improvement is aimed at the awareness of the right choice of the direction of life principles and goals.

Moral self-improvement lies in adaptation to life, in flexibility while maintaining its own inner rod. The first concepts about morality are laid in early childhood by their parents, and then teachers. However, these knowledge in adulthood is not enough. After all, life often throws many unexpected surprises. With the purpose of moral self-improvement, you should try to evaluate yourself impartially in different life situations, read serious literature, engage in self-knowledge, attend trainings.

Professional self-improvement

The pace of modern progressive development carry tensions, transformation and modernization is absolutely in all areas of human vital activity. Due to such changes, the problem of self-improvement in all areas is of particular relevance and sharpness. This is due to the fact that the knowledge that was previously obtained is pretty quickly out of themselves. After all, time always dictates its own. Back in the past century, the professional skills of the absolute majority of specialists did not change, since the pace of life was more measured, therefore the rates of transformations also answered it. Individuals practically did not seek professional growth and self-improvement, since the life did not require this.

Today, using the latest scientific achievements and technologies, time requires the preparation of highly qualified and professional specialists who are fluent in knowledge, skills, skills necessary for work in the selected field. They must be competitive specialists, and not just competent employees. Currently requires every working person of mobility, creative thrust and ability to use daily information flowing daily information. This cannot be achieved without independently persistent systematic vocational self-improvement. Current experts seek to take a maximum of life for the minimum time. Therefore, such deadlines should be used more competently and with the mind.

The speed of promotion over the career ladder directly depends today on how much the specialist is able to learn and improve its own professional skill, and not so much from his efforts.

Therefore, in recent years, various cultivation of various corporate trainings that are aimed at personal growth and professional improvement are received. Today, quite often, the people of the older generation, which still work and work, become practically unsuitable for professional implementation in society due to difficulty adaptation to constantly changing conditions, mastering new skills and interaction with the modern world.

Trainings of professional self-improvement are aimed at helping to cope with this task. Employers interested in the company's prosperity include compulsory training staff with trainings, raising their qualifications. They understand that this is an essential condition for competent planning of human resources.
Professional self-improvement is one of the directions of the formation and development of the person in the process of its life path.

Self-improvement of teacher

The constant self-improvement of the teacher is a conscious targeted process of increasing the level of professional competence and the formation of important qualities, respectively, external social requirements, the conditions of professional activity and the personal development program.

The processes of self-improvement of teachers are carried out in interrelated forms. These forms include self-education and self-education, which must mutually complement each other and influence the nature of the work of the personality itself. However, at the same time, they are considered two relatively independent processes.

Self-education is a conscious work of a teacher in the systematic formation of the positive and elimination of negative qualities of personality and character properties. It occurs in three directions. The first direction is an adaptation to the requirements of the pedagogical professional activity of its individual personality features. The second direction is a systematic increase in competence in the profession. The third is the continuous formation of social, moral and other personal qualities.

Professional self-education is a targeted cognitive activity of the teacher to master special and methodological knowledge, universal experience, professional skills necessary to improve the pedagogical process.

Acquisition of knowledge through independent classes and is self-education, i.e. independent learning. Self-forming is one of the main aspects on the way to self-determination and self-improvement of the person, since only by entering the culture, it creates such an ideal image of its "I", which is a kind of reference in its movement for the better of himself.

The main directions of the self-improvement of teachers include:

- systematic replenishment of professional knowledge;

- Improving professional skills;

- expansion of the horizon;

- moral improvement;

- physical improvement;

- The ability to effectively plan a working day.

The desire for self-improvement

The purpose of self-improvement is, first of all, in the knowledge of itself and the development of certain personal qualities and properties, the implementation of its purpose, the desire to rise over themselves.

As one of the probable motives of self-improvement, an individual's desire to a personal change can be distinguished, improving itself, which is called a desire for self-improvement.

Socially defined motivational readiness for accomplishments, informed by the personality, is the desire. Those. The desire is not only in desire and need, encourage activities. The desire can be displayed as a certain form of manifestation of activity that combines two consecutive actions "I want" and "I can", which support each other, while smoothly transformed into each other.

Personal desire implies the direction of the individual to generate such accomplishments, the implementation process of which is felt like pleasure. Those. In this case, the probability of action itself is transformed into a motion reaction ("I can" is converted to "I want"). Satisfaction of the desire to act undoubtedly gives rise to the growth of potential opportunities for achieving actions.

The desire for self-realization is the leading driving force of the formed personality, which encourages and gives the direction of its activity.

The value and semantic component of the psychological culture of the individual necessarily contains such a component as the desire for self-improvement.

So, the value-semantic component of the individual can contain the following types of asset as components: the desire for self-improvement, to understand itself, regulate their own behavioral reactions and relationships, respectively, humanistic universal values, to the construction of life future and livestock.

It follows that the desire for self-improvement is an integral part of the psychological culture of the individual, which represents a conscious motivation and determines the search, the choice and direction of improving the subject of its own abilities and potential for the most effective existence in specific environmental conditions. The desire for self-improvement as an informed motive, which is characterized by the readiness to become even better, is more successful, is not a constant condition provided by the individual from birth. The desire passes a certain way of formation, modification. Any age period is characterized by individual development prerequisites and forms of desire.

The desire to excellence is the basis of any development and technological progress, both in the spiritual sphere and in the material field.

The result of the lack of purposeful work on oneself is personal errors that do not serve as a lesson for a person.

Realizing them and making work on mistakes, you may not "come to the same rakes." But this is not enough to achieve the goal, namely, personal growth. There is little consciousness alone, practical hard work is needed.

Why start self-development?

First of all, self-development involves mastering three basic qualities necessary for personal growth:

1. The ability to monitor itself, analyze and critically treat yourself.
2. The ability to strengthen and show will.
3. The ability to believe in yourself and the formation of self-confidence.

We consider self-development as the ability to independently follow the fulfillment of the task, to analyze your activities yourself and draw conclusions and, finally, to control the ability to manage and own themselves in order to accurately fulfill the task set before you. These conditions are basic in working on themselves, for self-development.

Independent work on itself, self-education and self-development are possible, subject to sufficiently developed consciousness and thinking. Acqualing to this should be started from childhood. In the full extent, this work should be carried out in the youthful age. But for adults, purposeful people, self-improvement does not hurt.

Basics of self-development: managing themselves and self-control

The ability to follow itself involves the ability to pay attention at the right time, to perform a particular action.

You must learn to notice in a timely manner when you, for example, be angry, worry. Self-development begins with elementary observation. Try to find the causes of imperfection in yourself. After all, it is typical of us first to find these reasons in other people or too objectively assess their shortcomings.

Most of our mistakes, we do not even notice, get used to them and thereby make them harm. And believe me if you begin to treat quite critically and learn to be strict with you (and this is achieved by hard work), then you will stop allowing vital errors. Or will they become much smaller.

Basics of self-development: raising volitional qualities

The ability to own and control itself is achieved by strengthening will in the entire variety of its manifestation.

How to become a volition man?

Try to start thinking about your actions in certain life circumstances in which you do not have enough willpower. Come up with a certain image of your behavior. But since everything is impossible to provide, then in all force majeures do not give in to the influence of the circumstances, the situation, their feelings, and try to find a worthy decision, which later did not cause feelings of shame and repentance.

The will of a person develops when the mind prevails over the feelings. When a person deliberately manages his actions, and thinking remains clear, objective, uncompressed and aimed at a predetermined path, which is achieved by the effort of will.

We are able to manage themselves only when we do in agreement with the conviction and consciousness, but the controversy with your desire. In other words, you need to be able to make yourself do what you need, and not what you want

Remember, braveless can reduce all your good qualities. Why can you still start self-development?

Basics of self-development: self-confidence

For successful personal growth, the main condition is faith in itself! Doubts destroy a person from the inside, and then his life in general. This is a psychological fact. Confidence is formed not only thanks to the assessment of others or successful actions.

Rather, on the contrary, first the person begins to believe in himself, and then success comes.
Beliefs and confidence in their own power begins with your thoughts. "I will not succeed," I don't know how it does not take it, "" It is very difficult, not really "- these are the thoughts of doubting and unsure of himself .

To begin with, it should come to how to make something or overcome. After, you must say to yourself: "I will do it, by all means." Let it be an order or self-sustainment, but as a result, a desire appears, that is, a rational optimistic mood, mobilizing moral forces.

Do not be afraid of perfection, you will never achieve it anyway. This phrase of one of the great people, said several centuries back once again proves that people at all times sought to ideal. The development of personality and self-improvement is two satellites of a person who accompany him throughout life. Like any living being, the personality is obliged to develop. Any stop or regression means moral death. Therefore, today it is so important to make every effort so that nothing bothered the development and becoming a person as a full person.

Methods of self-improvement of personality

Self-improvement is a conscious and continuous work on themselves. This process includes improving the acquired skills, qualities and deposits, which corresponds to the life goals of a person. As a base for self-improvement of the personality, psychology considers the function of the adaptability of the highest nervous activity under the conditions in which the person lives and develops, as well as its ability to self-esteem. The motives of the desire for the ideal may be different. This includes love, professional and material incentives, interests, as well as ideas and beliefs. Self-improving personality is impossible without complying with several important conditions:

  • self-analysis, i.e. Comparison of yourself with others, self-surveillance, self-esteem, self-criticism, etc.;
  • program for improving self;
  • will strength and hardening character.

It also happens that many people do not know how to achieve their ideal, or simply do not want to do it, because The state of stability without any movement towards development suits them. In addition, there are other problems of self-improvement of the person. They are studied by such science as acmeology. In its conduct there are regularities of human development during the period of maturity and when the highest level of improvement is achieved by akme. In other words, the acmeological foundations of self-improvement of the individual are active creative activity, self-development, self-education and a huge desire to achieve them. The main properties of the "AKME" of a person is his creativity (as a ability to creativity) and professionalism. That is, the creative focus on creative activity.

What are the ways of self-improvement of the person? They conclude in constant work on themselves and the development of their internal potential. List some of them:

Book as a path to self-improvement of personality

The passage of these stages is far from all ways of self-improvement of personality. Literature plays a huge role in this constant work. Moreover, it is best on the way to achieving the ideal to read the biographies of great people who have entered the history of their achievements, or the literature that these same people wrote. For the full self-improvement of your personality, we recommend the following books to you:

Napoleon Hill - "Think and Rich"

M. Norbekov - "Fool's experience"

E. Robbins - "Giant"

Robert Kiyosaki - "Rich dad, poor dad"

D. Carnegie - "How to acquire friends"

D. Allan - "As a man thinks"

L. Tzu - "The Art of War"

Osho - all books

Zig Zigar - "See you at the top"

R. Branson - Biography

Steve Jobs - Biography

Mahatma Gandhi - Biorgia

Nelson Mandela - Biography

S. Kovi - "7 Skills of High Efficient People"

Richard Bach "Seagull Jonathan Livingston", "Illusions", "The only one", "Bridge through eternity"

Dipak Chopra "Seven Spiritual Testaments", "The Way of Love"

John Kekho "Subconscious can all"

Brian Tracy "Achievement of the maximum"

Paulo Coelho "Alchemik", "Veronica decides to die", "Zair"

Spencer Johnson "Where is my cheese or know your dream"

V. Sinelnikov "Love your illness", "The Power of Intention"

Peter Svetn "For seven years from the beggar to Multimillioner"

Angel de Kutye "All my life you have been waiting for", "Skimnik", "Dance Teacher"

John Wyder "live to live"

Robin Sharma "Monk who sold his Ferrari"

Remember - perfection of just one personality can lead to perfection of the whole world.

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Correspond to internal strength, not an imaginary ideal. Make a personal style - not a template and not a lecture ...

Arina Zavabina

C an ancient Greek word "AKME" is translated as a vertex. Speaking about the process of self-improvement, emphasizing the acmeological foundations, we mean the availability of the need for not just self-improvement, but its most active form. In other words,

the acmeological foundations of self-improvement of the individual are promotion to the tops of skill, which is embodied in the form of perfection.

Self-improvement - concept

Under self-improvement, we will understand the interaction of a person with its surrounding social medium in such a way that it is accompanied by the development of positive qualities. This contributes to success not only in the professional sphere, but also in life in general. Such a development involves deploying qualities throughout the human life path.

Self-improvement of personality - psychology

According to S.L. Rubinstein, the human life path is not just a movement forward, it is also going up. But up as the ascension to the highest, the most advanced forms of manifestation of a true human essence.

Self-improvement - definition

More deeply, self-development and self-improvement is nothing but a conscious process of improving competence, as well as the development of significant personal qualities in society in accordance with the personal development program.

Self-improvement as a method of personality formation

The process of self-improvement, as well as any other process associated with changes, assumes the presence of a mechanism for overcoming the set of contradictions between "I-Real" and "I-ideal." Overcoming contradictions (which in itself is not possible without a social environment), we climb a new quality level.

Of the foregoing, we can conclude that human self-improvement as a driving force within the framework of the social environment, implies the mandatory presence of motives. It turns out that the path to self-improvement is due to a simple formula:

relevant conditions + appropriate needs.

If we take as a basis that the composition must include two components - adaptation and creativity, we can allocate a key reason that stops people in their development.

It is about the fact that it is creativity directly helps to satisfy the need for self-improvement. That is why people who cease to create and indulge in banal adaptation, cease to self-improve.

The path of self-improvement consists of the following steps:

  • Self-knowledge as an essential self-improvement background;
  • Impulse yourself;
  • Self-programming of own growth (both professional and personal);
  • Effective self-realization.

Orientation for success through the processes of upbringing and self-education

There is no limit of personality development. However, the upbringing is not possible without self-education. It turns out that before proceeding to educational processes, there is a need to develop a sufficient level of self-education. How can the processes of education and self-education be tied up with the desire to achieve success?

Take a person with a stable characteristic of the desire for success. If you trace the path of its development, you can see that he became so not in one day. Depending on how the education of a person passes, he comes to one of two: either complete misinterpretation, or becomes striking to success.

The fact that the misinterpretation and the desire for success can be learned, the works of the American psychologist M. Selingman say. Such conclusions were made as a result of experiments first on animals, and then on American students who were first requested by unresolved tasks. This contributed to the complete failure to solve any tasks in the subsequent, although they were simple.

Depending on whether the culprit of his failures is the person of himself or external circumstances, he can in one degree or another may themselves to raise the feeling of helplessness. In other words, a person with trained helplessness will always recognize his defeat even before it becomes a matter, even if it is forces.

Self-development and self-improvement of a competitive person by developing relevant competencies

Live and learn. This phrase, how no other emphasizes one of the characteristics of a person - learning throughout life. Up to 18-20 years, the life of each person involves the presence of a permanent flow of knowledge. As they grow, his personal initiative acquires an increasing role in a person's life. A person learns to apply the experience gained.

For people who have reached the acmeological peak of development, the following is characteristic:

  • Satisfying your own needs without negative impact on others;
  • Self-improvement, such people achieve success in favor matter;
  • Such people are always responsible both in actions and in their own development;
  • They enjoy their lives;
  • Everyday life is characterized by energetic and resilience;
  • Openness of new experience and life change.

Psychology of self-improvement of the personality on an acmeological basis suggest the presence of the following restrictions:

  • The strong influence of family traditions (limited ideas about themselves);
  • Personality inertness;
  • Scarce support from the outside (support of the surrounding people has the strong potential of the energy required for new changes).
  • Destructive impact of hostile people;
  • No feedback or its inadequacy (contributes to the formation of a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthings, like curves of mirrors).

Self-development and self-improvement - an example of a personal work plan:

  • Work to identify their own restrictions;
  • Qualitative feedback with other people - evaluation activity;
  • Effective overcoming difficulties in the process of self-development;
  • Constant purchase of new knowledge, skills and skills (zunov);
  • The cyclicality of the work done (permanent return to the first stage).

Thus, despite the fact that the social environment has a great influence on human development, nevertheless, the measure of the development of each hidden in the consciousness of himself. "We are what we eat" - and concerns this exclusively spiritual food.

Akmeological (from Greek. AKME - Top) The basis of personality self-improvement is the need for active self-development, productive self-realization, promotion to their own vertices of perfection.

Self-improvement is determined by the interaction of a person with a specific social environment, during which he produces such qualities that are successful in professional activities and in life at all. Consequently, self-improvement is a phenomenon of personality-social. It can be deployed throughout the life path.

S.L. Rubinstein interpreted the life path not only as a movement of a person ahead, but also movement upwards, to higher, more perfect forms and the best manifestations of human essence, the completion of life is not to achieve old age, decline and death, but to achieve personal perfection.

Self-improvement is a conscious process of increasing the level of its competence and the development of significant qualities in accordance with the social requirements and personal development program. Having achieved a certain level of self-development, a person acquires the opportunity to manage current events, form good and open relationships with others, to achieve success in professional activities, be a competent and competitive personality, and to perceive life in its entirety.

At the heart of the process of self-improvement lies the internal mechanism for overcoming contradictions between the cash level of personal growth ("I-Real") and some imaginary condition ("I-ideal"). Sources of self-improvement are in the social environment. Self-improvement as a social process is based on the requirements of society and profession to the personality of a specialist. Moreover, the requirements presented must be somewhat higher than the cash capabilities of a particular person. Only in this case there are prerequisites for self-improvement in the form of internal contradictions, the result of which is the process of targeted development of his own personality.

If the source of self-improvement is in the social environment, then the driving forces of this process - within the personality in the form of the motives of personal development. From here and applied output: To successfully manage the process of self-improvement, it is necessary to solve a two-way task - to create relevant conditions and form appropriate needs.

The purpose of self-improvement is unattainable, it constantly eludes how the horizon line. Consequently, the identity development limit does not exist.

Not any activity has activities for self-improvement. In any activity, you can identify two sides - adaptive and creative. The latter is defining in the process of self-improvement. Most people, unfortunately, stop in their development at the level of adaptation processes.

The structural process of self-improvement consists of the following steps:

self-knowledge (awareness of their capabilities, its strengths and weaknesses with self-observation, self-analysis, self-assessment);

self-confidence (use of motives and techniques of internal stimulation to self-development by professional and personal);

programming of professional and personal growth (formulating the goals of self-improvement, the definition of paths, means and methods of this activity);

self-realization (implementation of the program of self-improvement; self-realization as a way of vital activity).

At all stages of improving their personality, it is important to maintain sustainable positive motivation and try to get rid of cognitive restrictions on their personal capabilities.

7.2. Features of upbringing and self-education focused on success.

Possibilities of personal development are endless. Physiology confirms that a person is able to change himself in active work on himself. Academician I.P. Pavlov considered man as the world's only system in the world ", capable of self-regulation and self-education:" The main, strongest and constant impression of the study of the highest nervous activity is its huge opportunities; nothing remains still, non-dusty, and everything can always be achieved, change to The best, if only the relevant conditions were implemented. "

Education, if it is not violence, it is impossible without self-education. Self-education involves a certain level of personality development, its self-consciousness. The need for self-education is particularly clearly detected in the transitional period of personality development, namely in adolescence.

One of the most important qualities of the person necessary in the modern world is the desire to achieve success.

A person who has a sustainable characteristic is the desire to success 1, has become so not one day. The desire for success or misinterfidence is the result of education. The mechanism for the formation of these opposite qualities is shown in the concept of "trained helplessness" proposed by the famous American psychologist M. Seligman.

In his experiment, he placed dogs into a cage with a metal grid instead of the floor, through which an electric current was passed at different time intervals. Initially, the animal tried to escape from painful current blows, rushing through the cell in search of an outlet or some way to stop execution. Finding that no behavior provides safety, the animal became passive and misinterchangeable, clogged into the angle of the cell, but the vegetative indicators testified on pronounced emotional tensions (blood pressure was increased, it was rapid and became uneven pulse and breathing, urine and feces were rapidly, wool became rapidly ). After that, the conditions of experience changed and the animals turned out in a situation where they basically could find a way to avoid punishment with a current (or jumping out of the cell, or opening the current by pressing the lever). But most of them discovered the complete inability to such a search. "Seligman states that animals, who have been subjected to unreasonable punishment for a long time, are trained by the uselessness of their efforts, they have been produced by trained helplessness.

Studies conducted in people largely confirmed the results obtained on animals. Students who have made fundamentally unreserved tasks turned out to be incapable of to continue to cope with the tasks of the decision, although without such a preliminary "training" they easily solved these tasks.

The phenomenon of trained helplessness (if it is common in many areas of life) leads to the formation of low self-esteem, to the inability to overcome the vital difficulties, to the loss of motivation of achievement.

The heavy experience of helplessness occurs most often as pedagogically and psychologically illiterate behavior of parents, teachers, teachers.

It is extremely important, whether a person considers the cause of his failures of itself or external circumstances. In the latter case, the feeling of helplessness is also developing. A person is ready to defeat even before it makes a matter. It seems that a person turns out to be a victim of ridiculous accidents, whereas in reality he naturally causes them to his head.

For a child or a teenager, so dependent in their self-esteem from the opinions of others, especially those whom he respects, maybe a fairly simple replica "You still will not achieve anything" for the final loss of faith in yourself. Trained helplessness, rejection of achievement is a personality and regression disease in its development. This disease threatens also body health. And all means are good to overcome this condition. Alone is almost impossible to cope with him.

In the process of its development, a person creates his own reality and confident in its truth. Education is a kind of programming. Unfortunately, very often the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis programming sounds like this: "You are a loser." And man believes. He speaks himself: "I can not do it" and the said turns into reality. Imaginary limitations have become as real as physical, and as difficult to solid. To reject negative programming, first you just need to assume that reality is other that the world is full of features and they are available, you need to act!

7.3. Paths and ways of self-improvement of a competent and competitive personality.

People have the opportunity to deal with their development throughout life. In the first 18-20 years, development is closely related to the achievement of physical maturity: schooling and other establishments expands the horizons and develops the abilities of each person. As it matters, the human development is increasingly dependent on its initiative.

The ability to self-development only relative to the ability to absorb academic knowledge.

People reaching acmeological vertices (developed personalities) are characterized by the following features.

Satisfy your needs without prejudice to other people.

Reach significant success in the activity that serves as an object of self-expression.

They take responsibility for their actions and its own development.

Actively enjoy life.

Energetic and life behaience in their daily activities.

Opened change and new life experience.
Individual development is firmly based on one idea: each person has unrealized potential.

Restrictions on the way of achieving acmeological vertices.

V The influence of the family (almost always people * children's years are absorbed by a limited, unilateral understanding of themselves; a person can live a lifetime, implementing a "program", incorporated in childhood).

V Own inertia (any change is possible provided to overcome the inertia, which requires energy and perseverance costs).

V Lack of support (support for others helps to overcome the lack of energy required for change).

V inadequate feedback and hostility of others (in many groups to give adequate feedback is a sign of ignorance: a person looks in the mirror curves and develops crooked; also any change occurring in a person can threaten or make discomfort in the life of people close to him, so they are hostile) .

Life crises, naturally arising in the course of life, can live with developing or demoralizing effect. So that they proceed in the first embodiment, it is necessary to develop a habit of treating difficulties, obstacles as new features. Each, even the most unfavorable event, contains some important lesson for a person. You need to be able to assimilate him and make your own property, reincarnate it into personal experience. Any life change needs the right "reading", the essence of which is to find an opportunity for yourself, to find benefit and benefit for your own development. One successful businessman so formulated this thought: "I never consider failure, as a failure, but only as an opportunity to develop a sense of humor." Thus, obstacles and failures are disguised blessing. Who learns to them, he achieves more successful than it would have if she had not encountered an obstacle or a "failure."

The most practical way to implement self-development is: 1) study; 2) awareness; 3) overcoming personal restrictions that prevent success and personal growth.

Each person, if he wants to be successful, must learn how to handle himself like a unique and invaluable resource. People have the opportunity to influence their future and be the main builders of their own destinies. The ability to dispose of its fate can be defined as "responsibility for yourself."

You can designate a personal work plan for self-improvement, consisting of the following steps.

V Identify your own restrictions.

V Assessment and discussion of them with others.

V Overcoming obstacles in the work on self-development.

V Acquisition of new skills.

V Analysis of your move forward.

V Back to first stage.

Thus, you can always be more fruitful, more successful, more sociable, richer, more stable, more vigorous, stronger, more sincere, more cheerful, more alive. Measure of its own development, the measure of his own life is not in the outside world, but in the consciousness of a particular person. "You become what you have in your head," said someone from the Great.

Questions for self-control and repetition

1. Why self-improvement is called personal social

2. What is self-improvement?

3. What is the basis of the process of self-improvement?

4. Describe a personal change as adaptation and as creativity.

5. Call and expand the main stages of the process of self-improvement.

6. In what age period the most clearly detected
need for self-education?

7. What is "trained helplessness"? How is it formed? What is it

8. What are the devices characterized by a developed person?

9. What are the most common restrictions on the way
acmeological peaks?

Yu.Kakov Stages Plan of work on self-improvement?

Questions for discussion and reflection

1. Why is the goal of self-improvement unattainable?

2. Why creative self-improvement needs sustainable
Positive motivation? What motivates you to your own development?

3. Comment on the quote from E. Fromm: "Human Tragedy
Situations partly in the fact that the development I never happens complete; even
Under the best conditions, only part of human
opportunities. Man always dies before he has time
Born. "

4. Comment on the words M. Svavina: "Adjusting, people want
Save yourself, and at the same time lose yourself. "

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