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Apple pie covered with sour cream with sugar. The most delicious apple pie with sour cream. For fill need

Tsvetaevsky apple pie - I would even call him a cake-cake, which consists of a thin crispy sand dough, filling with apples and sour cream - it is a gentle souffle with apples that melting in the mouth!

I also use the recipe for this apple pie for a very long time, especially in summer in the apple season.

Apples Wash, remove the core, cut into thin slices. If the apples are "thick-core" - then to cleanse them from the peel, otherwise they may not succumb. This time I have a package of frozen apples chopped into slices, I only cut them on thinner plates + added a pair of apples, since this quantity was not enough.

Now we will deal with the test. Oil melt (for example, in the microwave),

a little cooled, connect with sour cream.

To join the flour with soda,

and gradually adding the dough gradually to the sour cream and oil mixture. The dough is very soft, much more gentle than for rolling.

The dough with the hands to smoke in the opposite (bastard not to lubricate anything, the dough contains a large cloth of oil and itself remarks from the form) with a uniform layer, to form flights. It should be accomplished hereinafter.

In the form with the test lay out our apples, spread.

Make the fill: Sour cream with sugar (I do it with the help of a mixer), add 1 egg, I continue to beat, in the last answer to introduce flour. Must get a creamy mass.

Now pour our sour cream into the shape of apples

and changing the shape slightly that the filling is evenly distributed sending our pie to the oven preheated to 180-190 degrees, about 1 hour.

Readiness is checked like this - in the middle of the filling cake should not be liquid!

All our cake is ready

and after about 30 minutes after cooking, they can enjoy, but if it is cool and give him to stand in the refrigerator - then you will be rewarded for patience - it will not be a pie, but almost a cupcake frozen with awesome taste! Hacred with us, he rarely lives to the refrigerator.

Here is a pup's 30 minutes after cooking

But the cake after cooling in the refrigerator, the consistency is more dense after cooling

The result - the pie is very tasty in a warm form, but in the cold (after the refrigerator) it is just gorgeous!
Bon Appetit!

Time to prepare processes will leave a little, we will need only to clean and cut apples, and then knead the dough and make sour cream. If you have a mixer, then with the dough and with the fill you will cope very quickly.

At the heart - the sandstop dough with the addition of sour cream, it should turn out to be gentle, creamy and more liquid than for ordinary cupcakes. That is why, perfection, the basis will be porous and air.

The next component of the cake is apples. If possible, take large ripe fruits with a sour-sweet taste and a more loose pulp. We can clean them from the peel, seeds and just cut on the halves, which we melt in the dough literally.

When the dough grab a little in the oven, we remove the cake and water it sour cream. And then continue to bake it until readiness.

There is nothing difficult in principle, and the pie goes very beautiful and most importantly delicious. It can be furnace and just to tea on the day off, and on the festive table. Present in this case, the pie must be cutting with portion pieces and watering a sweet chocolate sauce, coffee or berries.


For dough:
- chicken eggs - 3 pcs.,
- sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.,
- fat (butter, margarine) - 125,
- Wheat flour - 200 g.,
- Sugar - 125,
- salt chinful,
- Food soda - 0.5 h. l. (Haired lemon or vinegar).

For filling and fill:
- Ripe fruits of apples - 5 pcs.,
- sour cream - 200 ml.,
- Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
- Starch - 1 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

At room temperature softening the oil.

We mix it with chicken eggs, stirred with sugar and salt.

Now we pour sour cream.

Gradually we enter flour.

And, of course, add soda redeemed by vinegar.

With apples, remove the peel, cut them in half and cut the middle.
We put apples over the test, so that they drown a little in it.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees and put a baked pie.

For the fill mix the sour cream with sugar and starch, whipped a little.

After 10-15 minutes, when the dough starts to be captured, take it out of the oven.

Last time we prepared delicious and gentle

Creamy oil softening in the microwave. We put into the bowl of the mixer, add sugar, interfere until uniformity.

We put sifted flour, sour cream and baking powder.

Mix the dough on low revs. Powerful crumbs from the dough are obtained.

We form from crumbs a lump of dough. We do it with your hands, as if you leopard a lump of plasticine.

For such pies it is better to use a detachable metal form, but ceramic is suitable. In any case, the form must be well lubricated with butter, without forgetting not only about the bottom, but also about the sides.

We lay out the dough into shape and hands distribute it along the bottom and sides, so that there are flights with a height of about 2-3 cm.

We prepare the fill: all the necessary ingredients connect and interfer the mixer so that the mass is homogeneous, without lumps.

Apple ringed with running water and clean from the skin, then cut into 4 parts and cut out the core. Frequetries of apples cut thin slices. We lay out the slices of apples on the bottom of the form on the dough so that the pieces overlap each other.

Pour the fill to apples.

Cake is preparing about half an oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

The pie must be allowed to cool in the form of 15-20 minutes. Then you can remove the detachable sides of the form.

When the cake completely cools, we shift on the dish - it is easy to do with a blade. If you want to remove the bottom of the form from another hot cake, act neatly - it can break.

Bon Appetit!

Apple cake recipes There are a great set. For the preparation of desserts, different types of dough are used, and the apple filling is prepared with various additives. One of the options for delicious baking is the cake with apples and sour cream. Such a dessert can be cooked with sour cream or dough for it is mounted on sour cream.

So that the sour cream pie with apples is successful, you need to choose the right products. It is better to take 20% sour cream, this option is most suitable for baking. Too fatty sour cream will add extra calories with baking, and the product with a smaller fat content is usually more liquid.

Flour for the preparation of the dough is necessary to sift. For pomp, the dough is added soda or baking powder. It is not necessary to quench the soda. It is recommended to mix with sour cream and give this mixture to stand a few minutes so that the acid contained in the sour-column product managed to extinguish the scene. But the finished baking powder must be mixed with flour before falling down in the dough.

Yeast apple pie on sour cream

Soft and magnificent yeast pie with apple filling will decorate and everyday, and a festive table.

To prepare a delicious dough on sour cream, in advance of the necessary products from the refrigerator so that they become the same room temperature.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 180 gr. sugar sand;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salts;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 0.5 kg of milk;
  • 11 gr. high-speed yeast (one bag);
  • yolk for lubrication.

For filling, we will prepare 1.2 kg of crude apples, sugar to taste, and for feeding you will need sugar powder with cinnamon - 20 grams.

Tip! When buying yeast, choose exactly the high-speed, on which it is indicated that they should be mixed with flour. If you have chosen active yeast, they must be pre-dissolved in the liquid and only then use to prepare the test.

This version of the test is prepared without a lasting proof. And it will not be upset, it will not be in a warm place, but in the refrigerator. We pour the milk into the scenery, put the same pieces of butter and heated when stirring so that the oil is completely melted. Remove the helmet with fire and overflow the milk in the dishes to knead the test. Dissolve salt and sugar in it, add sour cream.

Flour asking and mix with a bag of instant yeast. Suck flour with yeast into a dairy mixture, with constant stirring.

Tip! Before adding flour with yeast into a liquid, make sure that the liquid mixture is non-affected, the temperature should not be above 38-40 degrees. Otherwise, the dough will not rise.

The dough is quickly mixed, it will be very soft and will stick to the fingers. Addition additionally do not need flour, after exposure in the cold, the dough will change its consistency. The dough in the bowl is placed in the refrigerator for 45-60 minutes.

While the dough is cooled, we prepare the filling - we clean and cut the fruits, fold them into the saucepan, pour a couple of water spoons and add sugar to taste. We put on a small fire and minutes 15 minutes. Salks should be soft, but do not fall apart. You can cook a filling in the microwave - place the sliced \u200b\u200bfruits into the appropriate dishes, mix with sugar and prepare 2-5 minutes, depending on the power of the furnace.

We will prepare open pie. Separate from the dough the fourth part, and the rest rolling into the layer in size or form. We lay out the dough into the lubricated dishes for baking so that small sides are formed around the perimeter. Place lay out the cooled filling. And from the deferred test, we will make flavors and lay them out in the form of a grid.

We give the cake to stand up for about 15 minutes, and the surface of the yolk is lining. We bake at 170 degrees about 45 minutes. The cooled pie sprinkled with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon and cut into squares.

See also: Pie with apples and cranberries - 7 recipes of fragrant delicacy

Bay Apple Pie

It is much easier to prepare the filling cake with an apple filling from the dough on sour cream. This is a very fast recipe, the preparation of the cake takes a minimum of time.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 gr. sour cream;
  • 130 gr. Sahara;
  • 150 gr. sifted flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar;
  • 3-4 apples.

We start cooking with the inclusion of the oven. The dough is preparing quickly, and while the oven will heat up to the desired temperature, the billet will be ready. Forms we drag with special paper and lubricate it with oil.

Apples purify if the peel is rude, it is better to remove it. In a bowl, sugar sugar, smash the same eggs there, to beat the mixer well. Add to whipped mass sour cream, beat once again. Now you can pour flour that you need to pre-mix with the breakdown and sift. The dough will be liquid.

Right into the dough add prepared fruits and mix the spoon. We lay out the mass into the shape and bake about 45 minutes.

Sand Pie with sour cream

A sandy pie with apple filling and sour cream is very tasty.

For baking this dessert, we prepare:

  • 250 gr. flour and 2 more tablespoons for fill;
  • 150 gr. butter;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 100 gr. sour cream in the dough and 300 gr. in the fill;
  • 3 tablespoons of cold water;
  • 800 gr. sliced \u200b\u200bapples slices;
  • 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Creamy oil must be reached in advance so that it becomes soft. In a bowl, we mix the sifted flour and the baking powder, add pieces of soft oil. We smear a lot of hands before getting a crumb. Then add 100 grams. sour cream and water. Quickly mix the dough. It is not necessary to mix for a long time, it is enough to collect the dough in a lump. The finished dough will prevent the refrigerator, and so that it does not get taught, will complete our "bun" in the film.

Apple slices mix with cinnamon. We cook sour cream, whipping sour cream with egg, two tablespoons of flour and sugar.

Begins to form a cake. We lay out the dough in shape with sides, on the bottom we turn the fork. Then put apple slices on the dough and pour fruit with sour cream. Bakes 1 hour at 180 degrees. The cake will rise greatly, but when cooled, there is a slightly.

Quickness on sour cream

Classic quarreling is prepared from the biscuit dough, but we will prepare another version of this dessert. Our bulk cake is prepared on sour cream and without eggs.


  • 1 cup sour cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 1.5 cups of flour;
  • aniline;
  • a little cream oil and a couple of spoons of dish for form preparation;
  • 2-3 apples.

The oven will turn on for warming up, we need it to heat up to 180 degrees. The shape with lubricated oil and gasped with oil. At the bottom of 2-3 layers, I will lay out apple slices.

Sour cream mixed with sugar - ordinary and vanilla, and baking powder. Everyone is well whipped sour cream and add flour. But it should be sufficiently thick, resembling a thick cream. Put for a few minutes to put in the oven to root. In the warm shape on top of the apples lay the dough, and send a charlotte in the oven.

We bake about 40 minutes. Moreover, the first 30 minutes of the oven door can not be opened, otherwise the biscuit will fall, and the pie will not get so lush as it should be.

Apple cream

The cake based on the biscuit dough is very tasty. This dessert is preparing with cream based on apple puree, it will completely replace the cake on the festive table. But on the usual day you can cook this cake, because it is preparing easy.

Prepare for dough:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 cup of sour cream, flour and sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of a baking powder.

Cream will prepare from such products:

  • 0.5 kg of purified apples;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;
  • 0.5 cup of sugar;
  • 2 cups of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 75 gr. butter;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon.

The dough is prepared with the help of a mixer, but, of course, you can use a whisk, but then cooking will require more time.

Immediately turn on the oven, as the dough is preparing quickly. The temperature in the oven should be 190 degrees. The shape with a diameter of 18-20 cm lubricate with oil, and even better we linked the wool parchment. We whip the egg with sugar, sour cream, then add a baking powder and flour. We stirrate the spoon and lay out the mass in the form. We will bake about 45 minutes.

See also: Pie with apples and pears - 12 recipes for sweet baking

Purified and arbitrarily sliced \u200b\u200bapples spread to the skeleton, pour water and cook on slow heat until the fruit become soft. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar sand and beat a lot of blender to make a puree.

Flour to break in the glass of milk so that there is no lumps. The second glass of milk is heated to a boil and with constant stirring pour a mixture of milk with flour. Boil to thickening. Mix thick milk mass with apple puree, and add a softened and ripped with sugar oil. Beat everything.

The cooled biscuit cut across two halves, spread the cream to the bottom layer. Cover the second cake, slightly press. The top of the cake is greased by a thin layer of the remaining cream and give dessert to stand up to the biscuit to be soaked.

Puff apple dessert

Easy to prepare puff pie with apple filling and sour cream. For the preparation of dessert, we need ready-made dough, you can buy it in the supermarket. For this cake, it is recommended to use a bell-free puff pastry.


  • 500 gr. finished test;
  • 2 apples;
  • 1 cup sour cream;
  • 0.5 cup of sugar;
  • 1 egg and 1 yolk;
  • 4 tablespoons starch.

Dough to defrost, roll out into a large rectangular layer, lay it out on a slightly lubricated baking sheet. Apples cut slices, slices should be thin, otherwise the fruits will not cross.

Fruits mix with sugar (to taste) and starch (2 spoons). Lay out apples on the dough layer. From all sides we add the dough, imposing it to the filling. Excess the dough on the corners we clean. We have a cake that looks like a big chest.

Cooking cream, whipping sour cream with egg and sugar. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on the taste of fruit. If apples without sourness, then the cream can be made less sweet. Pour cream to apples, trying to distribute it evenly. From the remains of the test, which we cut off the corners, you can cut branches and leaves and decorate the pie. The yolk is confused, lubricate them to the sides of our cake and laid out over the decoration stuffing. We put bake minutes at 45 at 180 ° C.

Saint apple and lingonberry

Delicious and gentle, apple pie with a lingonberry is obtained. For this embodiment, it is recommended to use sweet apples. They will be well combined with acid berries.

Dessert prepare from the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 2-3 apples;
  • 300 gr. Lamberries;
  • 450 gr. Sahara;
  • 400 gr. sour cream;
  • 200 gr. oils;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of a baking powder.

For the preparation of the dessert, you can take a fresh or fresh frozen berry. The butter specified in the recipe can be replaced with high-quality margarine for baking. Oil cut by pieces and leave for a while so that it becomes soft.

Tip! To speed up the process, you can put utensils with oil into the microwave oven for 5-10 seconds.

Soft oil is whipped with a mixer, adding 200 grams of sugar. Then add two eggs, continuing to beat. We introduce 100 grams. Sour cream, mix. We ask the flour with a bundle, and mix with a sugar-butter mixture. Quickly knead the dough and send it for a while in the refrigerator.

Barberry rinse, dry, mix from 150 gr. Sugar and sliced \u200b\u200bthin slices apples. Sour creaming with starch, remaining egg and 100 grams of sugar.

The shape with a lubricent oil, we will post the dough into the layer in the layer so that the semblance of bowls with sides. Inside the "bowls" of the dough lay out an apple-berry mixture, and in the top we pour sour cream cream. We bake at 180 degrees about three quarters of an hour.

"Tears of Angel" or sour cream cake with apples and cottage cheese

Pie, which may well replace the cake on the festive table, wears the romantic name "Tears of Angel".

For its preparation prepare:

  • 500 gr. cottage cheese, preferably fat;
  • 100 gr. sour cream;
  • 80 gr. butter cream;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar powder;
  • 250 gr. flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of manna cereals;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • Let's start with the kneading test. We mix the sifted flour with a bundle, vanilla sugar and 2 tablespoons of ordinary sugar, stir. We drive 1 egg to dry mixture and add soft butter. Quickly mix the dough, and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, wrapped into the film.

Any hostess would like to prepare a really tasty apple pie with sour cream. The best time for this dish is the end of the summer, when a good harvest of apples of a wide variety of varieties is assembled. Not all hostesses are known, the most interesting and important secrets, for example, one of them sounds so to prepare the filler pie with apples, you need to do the dough on sour cream. Fast apple pie cooked on an ambulance hand, unconditionally enjoyed all lovers of various delicacies, and those who try to at least a small piece. Recipes for the preparation of this fragrant pie There is a huge amount, one of the most popular was called a charlotka. Consider the most delicious and simple recipes.

Consider the most delicious and simple recipe for apple pie, which we will indulge our loved ones.


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 250 grams sour cream;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 bundle pack;
  • Apples.

Step-by-step recipe

Our delicious apple pie is checked with sour cream to readiness in the usual and all known in the way, namely it is pushed with toothpick. If nothing remains on it, then the charlotka is already ready.

Cooking the dish, you exactly mark that this is really a delicious recipe and at the same time very simple. It turns out it combines two basic principles of the hostess so that it was very tasty and simple.

Apple Pie Cake

Baking apple pie on sour cream gives us the opportunity to make a gentle, statist and incredibly tasty pie. What does bay tart with apples? This is a pleasant dough structure, which is covered by our charcoard.

The sour cream dough is actually wonderful for the apple cake, it is due to him, the quarrel is obtained most fragrant. So, let's start with the preparation of cream.


  • 6 tablespoons of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 150 grams of oil or margarine;
  • 4 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 0.5 teaspoon, hawked by vinegar.

Step-by-step recipe

  1. Before proceeding directly to cooking, you should pay attention to the next nuance. Cooking oil should be soft. Therefore, it is necessary to get it out of the refrigerator and give a little melting at room temperature for about 15 minutes. After the oil is ready, lay it out in the prepared container. After that, add eggs, salt and prepared sugar to the oil. The resulting mixture is whipped with a wedge.
  2. Next, send flour and sour cream. We beat everything to homogeneous mass. Then add a haired soda. The dough should turn out how not very liquid sweetish cream.
  3. Clean the apples from the peel and cut them with small slices.
  4. We pour our cream dough into a deep shape and put apples into it, as if drowned them in the test.
  5. The oven is warming up in advance and put in it our resulting dough for 30 minutes.

Your aromatic cake will be ready very soon! Such a recipe for a cake will teach you to save your time and at the same time do very tasty treats. Pie with apples recipe on a quick hand, will allow you to dear to feed the whole family.

Apple pie on sour cream

In the fall of everything they want something tasty and fragrant, reminiscent of summer. Autumn, as you know, is the most beautiful time, it's time for apples. The best option to raise yourself mood and pamper the family is to cook something delicious, such as a simple apple pie. I would like to offer you a recipe for such a quarreling. Cooked on an ambulance hand, it will get very tasty and you can see for yourself.

So, we will proceed to cook our charlotte, including we will make a gentle dough on sour cream.


  • 1.5 cups of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 250 grams sour cream;
  • 140 grams of margarine;
  • 1 tablespoon bundle.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. As always, we prepare all the necessary dishes, we take a deep tank and send flour into it. After that, add a baking powder and cold butter. At the same time, we are pre-cutting into pieces;
  2. Next, add sour cream and beat carefully;
  3. We put the dough to cool in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes;
  4. In the meantime, we can cook the filling. We mix the sour cream with sugar and flour, after which they add eggs into the resulting mass. Everyone is whipped with a mixer or a wedge, as you will be more convenient.
  5. After that, clean apples. Cut them with slices, too much is not worth it.
  6. The cooled dough gets from the refrigerator, lay out into the form. Pour sour cream stuffing and put apples in it from above.
  7. The brass is warming up and send the cake dough with apples for 60 minutes.

Apple pie with sour cream delicious and fragrant dessert we can already enjoy. We will apply our simple cake already slightly cooled, it will be easier to spread on the dish.

Recipe number 4.

In this cake, we will try to make the dough when cooking it is gentle and similar to cream. To do this, let's try to make apple pie on sour cream. This recipe is perfectly suitable for both festive treats and daily, everyday cooking. The cake prepared with the soul will be aromatic in autumn, and in a summer fresh.


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1.5 cups are sour cream;
  • 1 baking package;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 3 bags of vanilla sugar;
  • 250 g of oil.

Dough cooking recipe

  1. We calm the oil in the skillet, add ordinary sugar and vanilla.
  2. We add to the resulting mixture of yolks. At the same time, pre-separate them from proteins. We whip the whole lot.
  3. Next, put the sour cream. Thoroughly whip.
  4. After that, add flour and baking powder. Whip the mixer.
  5. Separately thoroughly whip proteins, after which we mix squirrels with the dough.
  6. We take shape with a removable bottom, lubricate it. We post the mixture to this form. Next, lay out the purified apples to the top (slices).
  7. Well, now we can send the dough with apples in the oven for 50 minutes.

Autumn and beloved by children apple pie on an ambulance hand ready. You definitely get a very tasty baking according to our recipe, the main thing to stick to it and cook with the soul.

Now you know how to cook apple pie, and in various ways and choose for yourself the most beloved and the easiest. As can be seen, the preparation of an apple cake will not take much time, will bring pleasure from the process, especially when you do everything with love. Such a simple and tasty dessert is an excellent option for meeting guests, and just to diversify daily food.

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