Encyclopedia of fire safety

Modern heaters in construction. Types of heaters, their properties and characteristics. Online calculator for calculating the thickness of wall insulation with foam foam

An important element construction is - insulation of the house. In Russia, after all, most of the year is winter. You have probably heard such an expression - don't drown, but it's still cold!

Houses are insulated with the help of building materials such as insulation. Do you know what types of heaters exist and which one is better to choose. Today you will learn about some of the most popular heaters today.

After all, it is easy to make a mistake when choosing a heater, but replacing it will be quite expensive and difficult. If during the cold season the heat in your house does not last long, and gas or firewood bills are growing, you should think about warming your house.

The first thing that comes to mind is to insulate windows, walls, floors, doors and roofs. As for the walls, it's quite simple here, big loss heat can be corrected by warming outside and inside.

So, let's move on to the types of heaters. The simplest and cheapest insulation is straw. It is used in the form of straw blocks or in the construction of an adobe (clay + straw) house.

Of course, adobe is now rarely built. And so we move on to more modern heaters. Of modern, three main and popular types can be distinguished - glass wool, stone wool and polystyrene foam.

glass wool

AT Soviet time it was the most common, and probably the only kind. Glass wool has a very huge minus that prevents the use of glass wool as the main one.

It absorbs moisture too well, which leads to its shrinkage. If there is not a big gap, at least 1 centimeter, heat will quickly leave the room and heating costs will increase.

It is rational to use glass wool for sound insulation in partitions. And as an auxiliary layer, insulating the attic or floor.

Basalt wool

The second type is stone wool slabs based on basalt. Basalt slab is made from several types of mineral stones. It does not burn and has good thermal insulation properties.

For insulation, it is better to choose basalt slabs 50 mm thick, 100 mm are laid faster, but in this case it is more difficult to block all joints (and these are cold bridges) and it is not much more difficult to cut a thick slab.

Basalt heaters have several degrees of rigidity. In terms of thermal insulation properties, they are the same, but more rigid ones can be used as facade slabs under plaster.

Rigid slabs are more expensive, so inside the frame it is better to use a slab with low rigidity. Basalt insulation can be easily cut with an ordinary sharp knife.

Heaters from basalt and glass wool are issued both in the form of rolls, and plates. and roofs are much easier to produce with slabs. And rolls are easier to roll out at and attics.


The next type is polystyrene foam or simple foam. Thermal insulation properties foam is much higher than for example basalt wool, respectively, the layer thickness may be less.

Expanded polystyrene has 3 significant disadvantages:

  1. it combustible material. During combustion, melting, harmful substances are released.
  2. For some reason, mice are not indifferent to polystyrene (they really like to gnaw it).
  3. If there is one small hole, heat will escape from the room.

It breaks and crumbles easily, so installation should be done as carefully as possible, and it is a little difficult to use it to insulate the floor. Extruded polystyrene foam suffers the least from such shortcomings.

Of course, such a heater costs a little more than ordinary polystyrene foam and is much more expensive than basalt wool. But extruded is denser than usual, so it is easier to mount it, you can not be afraid to break or crumble.

He is probably the most best material when warming floors, especially under a coupler for a heat-insulated floor. The list of types of heaters is constantly updated, but it takes time to test new heaters.


Not very long ago, such a variety as ecowool appeared.

Ecowool is split paper (cellulose) with the addition of fire-fighting and antiseptic substances. Ecowool is poured in bulk or sprayed on vertical surfaces hose. It absorbs moisture too well, if the vapor barrier is broken, this insulation will be wet like after rain.

For insulation from the inside, there are several types:

  • wallpaper or plates of cork insulation;
  • wallpaper made of expanded polystyrene with heat-insulating properties;
  • heat-insulating polystyrene foam plaster;
  • polyethylene foam (polyfoam) - a special wallpaper insulation.

Polyethylene foam is located under the wallpaper and has a paper coating with a special substrate or a foil coating.

That is, if your floor is wooden, it is advisable to insulate with mineral wool, and if the floor is concrete screed then foam is applied. The foam is vapor tight.

"... does not last long, but bills ..."

“... all joints (and these are cold bridges) and not much more difficult ...”

"... mice are not indifferent to foam..."

Please check the spelling - it is impossible to read ....

Hello, Alexander.
I'm sorry, but what's wrong with the spelling? Of course, I did not graduate from institutes, but it seems to me that everything is written correctly. Perhaps you mean punctuation? Here I agree with you, I have a problem with commas. For this I apologize.

Very helpful video, thanks! At one time I was looking for an environmentally friendly heater and I was also not satisfied that heaters made from natural fibers are treated with all sorts of rubbish, organic heaters are also with poison, but I still found an arctic heater for myself - they didn’t treat it with any rubbish, which means it’s definitely environmentally friendly clean. I insulated the walls and the roof with them, everything is fine.

All right! It's warm then it's warm when you know that you don't breathe phenol fumes and other chemicals. Therefore, the choice fell on an eco-shelter and I am very satisfied, because it is warm and without chemicals

The unheated hangar for storing vegetables was insulated with mats made using FORA technology. Aesthetic appearance and practicality in everything

And for the walls of reinforced concrete grade m300 vetted, can you use a heater whose vapor permeability for reinforced concrete 0.03 is very low? Insulation PIR-plate, produced on the basis of polyisocyanurate foam, is a heat-insulating material with a very low thermal conductivity coefficient λ25=0.023 W/m °C. PIR-boards PIRRO have a very low vapor permeability coefficient µ=0.0015 mg/m h Pa.

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There is a wide variety on the market of building materials intended for thermal insulation. Choose from it suitable insulation happens to be difficult. To purchase the best products, it is necessary to take into account its main characteristics and application features.

What you need to know about heaters

The main task of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss in winter and reduce the heating of the building in summer. Also thanks to the heater bearing structures will be protected from negative external factors. This will help to avoid deformation of the elements of the building, which will favorably affect the service life.

It is important to remember that all types of heaters must have certain characteristics.

  • Thermal conductivity. If this coefficient is small, then the room will be quite warm. Thanks to appropriate materials, heat losses can be almost completely eliminated. It must be remembered that different kinds heaters have a different coefficient. If it is minimal, a small layer of thermal insulation will be required.
  • Moisture resistance. Thanks to thermal insulation characteristics the material will not absorb moisture.
  • Fire resistance. This property ensures that the product does not undergo combustion.
  • Vapor permeability. Using a layer of thermal insulation helps to remove water vapor.
  • Retention of dimensions, as well as strength. Due to the absence of shrinkage, the performance properties of the selected insulation will remain for quite a long time. Moreover, there will be no cold bridges at the joints.
  • Environmental friendliness. All thermal insulation materials must be environmentally friendly, so that no harmful substances will be released during the work and operation of the structure.

Modern thermal insulation materials conditionally are divided into several groups:

  • cotton - mineral and glass wool, as well as mineral wool blocks and slabs;
  • sheet - extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene;
  • foam - all materials that are customarily sprayed onto the surface using appropriate equipment;
  • others - we are talking about such rare exotic heaters as cellulose, linen, etc.

Mineral wool insulation

It is customary to attribute mineral and glass wool to such soft heaters. Such materials are very popular due to affordable price and good quality. Products are produced in slabs or rolls. In this case, the products can be cut using a regular knife.

The main disadvantage is insufficient moisture resistance, due to which the heat-shielding characteristics deteriorate. Accordingly, such heaters are used for thermal insulation of structures where a waterproofing layer is provided.

Most often, glass wool is used for insulation. pitched roofs. For this, a material with a density of 35 kg / m³ is suitable. Modern manufacturers do not always indicate this parameter on the packaging. Usually they write that the material is intended for pitched roofs. Using such products for roof insulation, it is important to remember that during a leak, moisture will even get on wooden rafters. For this reason it is necessary take care of reliable waterproofing . Mineral wool is not suitable for a flat roof, because waterproofing can be difficult on such a surface.

Other applications:

  • using glass wool, you can insulate walls for cladding or plastering;
  • for floors, thermal insulation with a minimum density is suitable.

Foam glass

Such a heater is produced broken glass and quartz sand , as well as a foaming agent. Thanks to the use of an appropriate installation, a durable porous material with increased thermal protection is obtained. The product is not afraid of fire and moisture. It can be cut with a simple hacksaw. Important characteristics include frost resistance and the ability to withstand high pressure. The material is produced in blocks and granules.

Most often, such products are used as bulk insulation during well masonry walls. But, subject to frame technology foam glass is not suitable due to the large weight.

With the help of such material, the facades of brick houses are insulated. The material is fixed on tile adhesive, and the process itself resembles bricklaying. After that, the coating is plastered or tiled.

Other applications:

  • since the material is moisture resistant and tolerates increased loads, it can be used to insulate flat roofs, but it is not suitable for pitched roofs;
  • with the help of foam glass insulation is performed floors, as well as the floors of the first floor;
  • foam glass is a good option for thermal insulation of the blind area, foundation and basements because the material is denser.

foamed perlite

This construction material appeared on the market recently. For its formation, frozen volcanic lava is used. First, perlite is crushed and then impregnated with special protective compounds. Products available in slabs. For this purpose, the finished granules are mixed with cellulose and subjected to compression. The properties of the finished material are similar to those of foam glass. In general, foamed perlite is easy to process, resistant to mold, moisture, and high pressure.

Application area:

  • material for insulation flat roofs, and in the case of thermal insulation pitched structures a significant load will be placed on the rafters;
  • when decorating walls, foamed perlite acts as a bulk insulation;
  • perlite in the form of granules is suitable for floors, as well as foundations and blind areas.


There is a lot of controversy around this type of thermal insulation. Some believe that the material is harmful because it releases toxic substances, while others recognize modern views Styrofoam is more environmentally friendly.

Naturally, technology is constantly evolving, and manufacturers want to improve product quality. It is for this reason that modern varieties of material are often used for external insulation of housing.

Application area:

  • most often with the help of polystyrene, walls are trimmed;
  • heat-insulating material is suitable for flooring on concrete or soil, while it is necessary to choose the right density;
  • a good option for using expanded polystyrene is the thermal insulation of the foundation, but you should first take care of the availability of reliable waterproofing.

In the building materials market, you can find many heat-insulating materials that lose their relevance or appeared not so long ago.

Presented for sale today big choice heaters. All of them have advantages and disadvantages. To determine the desired option, it is necessary to take into account the features of the application. So, for roofs, lightweight insulation, including ecowool or extruded polystyrene foam, will be optimal. The latter option is also suitable for thermal insulation of the foundation, but almost any materials can be used for wall decoration.

Wide range of heaters for wooden houses, they can insulate the house outside, and some even inside the house. Which types are suitable for frame house? Which is the best, consider their characteristics in this article! Correctly carried out will not be superfluous in any climatic conditions.

When it is done correctly, then under its “protection” it will not only be warmer in the house in winter, but also noticeably cooler in summer.

Installation of insulation will create a comfortable microclimate in a room for any purpose - in a residential building, office or production workshop.

In addition, saving heat is an obvious financial savings. It is completely unreasonable to heat the street, despite the fact that the technologies used today provide an opportunity to start saving energy resources at an early stage. construction works. Most of all, those parts of the building that are more adjacent to external environment- , and .

The material produced in this way has excellent properties, besides it is not combustible, and therefore does not pose a fire hazard. But a huge part of the wonderful qualities of a heater can be irretrievably lost when it gets wet. This should be taken into account.

Cotton wool stone

stone wool

This is a fibrous material that goes on sale in the form of rolls and portioned plates, and has an extremely low thermal conductivity.

The highest quality product is made from rocks called gabbro-basalt. This non-combustible material is used with equal success in the construction of private facilities and the construction of various production facilities. A wide range of use is also explained by the possibility of its use at extremely high t, reaching a rate of one thousand degrees.

The insulation's complete immunity to fire is complemented by its excellent moisture resistance. This is a hydrophobic material, the peculiarity of which is that it does not absorb water, but repels it.

This ensures that the insulation remains dry even after a long period of time. This, in turn, will allow her to maintain her high working qualities. The unique properties of basalt wool make it possible to use it even in boiler rooms, baths and saunas, where both high humidity and high temperature are combined. Strength in this case is not directly dependent on the density of the material.

It's pretty soft material with a sufficient margin of safety. Its structural stability is due to the special arrangement of the individual constituent fibers - chaotic and vertical. The material has high anti-corrosion properties.

It can quite peacefully coexist with concrete and metal, without the occurrence different kind chemical reactions. High biological stability provides him with immunity to various biological pests: damage by insects and rodents, the occurrence fungal diseases,

The basalt insulation passed the combustion test, but the organic heaters burned out

Basalt rock is the main raw material for the production of this type cotton wool. Treatment with formaldehyde resins gives the material a sufficient level of strength, and the materials used modern technologies guarantee the complete elimination of harmful phenols even at the stage of material production.

The final product that reaches the consumer is a harmless and environmentally friendly material with high insulating qualities.

It is actively used for warming floors of residential and industrial premises, for thermal insulation of roofs and facades, including as an external insulation.

It has found wide application in rooms with extreme levels of humidity and temperature. The best basalt insulation, stone wool made from rocks is a guarantee of high quality for a long time.

Glass wool

The missing 7% is accounted for by specially added flame retardants. Insulation fibers contain lignin, which becomes sticky with increasing humidity. All elements included in the insulation are non-toxic, absolutely non-volatile and harmless to health. Cellulose insulation is not amenable to combustion, rotting processes, has excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating performance.

It can retain approximately 20% humidity while maintaining its working qualities. The material releases moisture to the outside and dries quickly, retaining all its performance. The disadvantage of ecowool can be considered the difficulty of its manual application to the surface, as well as the impossibility of arranging a “floating floor” due to its inherent softness.

Today, the market offers the consumer various types of heaters that differ in cost, installation and thermal conductivity. In addition to these indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to other characteristics in order to have an idea correct application thermal insulation when building a house.

A comprehensive assessment of the material will help you choose the right insulation for your home. Application different types thermal insulation depends not only on their properties, but also on architectural features buildings, thermal conductivity individual elements structures, as well as the proposed cold bridges. Warming of each node of the house is performed different materials.
External insulation of the loggia, balcony, basement is made with foam. Due to the fact that it can withstand loads up to 0.5 MPa and is resistant to moisture, the insulation is optimally suited for exterior finish cellars. Penoplex, being under the ground, is protected from fire and retains all its properties.
Heat insulators for exterior wall decoration of the house are selected depending on the material from which the structural element is built. Wooden houses are best blown with penoizol. The high-pressure foam fills all cracks and its structure allows the wood to breathe. The high price does not always allow the use of penoizol. As a replacement option, you can lay mineral wool. Walls made of concrete, gas blocks and other similar materials are insulated with foam or glass wool. Although, in government building, they are more inclined to use glass wool because of its resistance to fire.
Inside the house, the walls and ceiling are insulated with non-combustible materials. Usually these are mineral wool mats laid in a frame. From above they are closed with a vapor barrier, which prevents the penetration of moisture to the mats and fleecy fiber into the room. If there is a lag, the overlap is blown with ecowool. To insulate the floor, a 100 mm expanded clay backfill is made, plus foam slabs are laid. A concrete screed poured from above prevents the insulation from igniting, and a reinforcing mesh gives strength to the floors.
A modern and very practical insulation for the roof is polyurethane foam. It is applied by spraying. But its high price is not affordable for everyone. Most often, traditional insulation is used for roofing - mineral wool. It is produced different sizes in the form of mats and rolls.
Properly selected according to its characteristics, the insulation will create comfortable living conditions inside the room.

Overview of thermal insulation materials

Preventive types of insulation are most often used to finish various elements of the house structure. They have a low thermal conductivity.
Organic-based insulation is made from wood and agricultural waste. To improve the properties, cement and plastic are added to natural raw materials. The result is insulation that is resistant to fire and moisture. It can withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees. The scope is extensive, but mainly used as internal insulation multi-layer roof or facade structure.

  • white agglomerate is made from the bark of oak branches;
  • black agglomerate is made from bark taken from a tree trunk.

Cork can be used as a base for wallpaper or as a finish. Thin roll material found its application as a substrate under the laminate. The price of such natural material is quite high. Depending on the modifications, the cost ranges from 800 to 4 thousand rubles. rub./m2.

Honeycomb heat insulator

The structure of the material consists of hexagonal cells like a honeycomb. Inside they are filled with fabric or paper filler, fastened epoxy resin. Phenolic resins can be used as a fixative. In appearance, honeycomb panels resemble plastic. The characteristic of the material depends on the raw materials used in the production of the base. For example, the density of the sheet may be from 230 to 500 kg/m2.

Foam-polyvinyl chloride

PPVC heat insulator is made from foamed resins. This structure is given to them by the porousization method. The material is made soft and hard, which gives it versatility. PPVC is suitable for roof, floor and wall insulation. Its density is 0.1 kg/m3.

Many people think that chipboard is just a building material. But as a heater, the plates have proven themselves on the good side. Their basis is small sawdust bonded with synthetic resin. The density of the plates varies from 500 to 1 thousand kg/m3, and the water absorption is 5–30%.
The use of chipboard as a heater is justified for floors, walls and ceilings. The cost of the sheets is quite low, suitable for every developer. Depending on the size, a sheet can be bought for 400–900 rubles. Plates are used as the basis for the installation of a soft roof.


The fiberboard board looks like chipboard. Its base consists of fibers of straw, corn or any wood. It is even possible to use waste paper. Synthetic resins are added as an adhesive. The density of fiberboard is small compared to chipboard, only up to 250 kg / m3, and the thermal conductivity is 0.07 W / m / K, plus low strength.
The scope is the same as for chipboard. Low cost ranges up to 800 rubles. per sheet.

Lightweight insulation has a unique closed cell structure, which creates the lowest thermal conductivity compared to other heaters. PPU is formed from the interaction of liquid components, polyester and MDI. The impact of catalysts creates chemical reaction, which results in the formation of a new substance. The density of the insulation is 40-80 kg / m3, and the thermal conductivity of PPU is about 0.028 W / m / K.
PPU is applied to the insulated surface by spraying, which allows you to process any difficult areas. Optimal application PPU is roof insulation and wooden walls at home. The cost of the material, together with the spraying work, is quite high and can reach $200/m3.


Another name for insulation is mipora. It is obtained on the basis of a whipped aqueous emulsion of urea-formaldehyde resin. Glycerin and sulfonic acid are used as additives. Mipora comes to the consumer in blocks or crumbs. Liquid it is used at a construction site. The mipora poured into the prepared cavities hardens at a positive temperature.
Low density up to 20 kg/m3 contributes to strong water absorption. The thermal conductivity index is 0.03 W/m/K. Not afraid of fire.

Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam

These two insulations consist of 2% polystyrene and 98% air. The thermal conductivity index is 0.037–0.042 W/m/K. They differ from each other in structure. Styrofoam consists of small balls, and polystyrene foam resembles foam rubber when broken.
Polystyrene is flammable and emits toxic smoke. Styrofoam is afraid of moisture, so it is more used for facade insulation. Extruded polystyrene foam can be in wet ground for a long time, so it is more suitable for external basement insulation. The cost of the material is low.

mineral wool

A common insulation for walls and roofs is mineral wool. It is of two types:

  • slag wool is made from casting waste of dissimilar metal;
  • Stone wool is made from rocks such as basalt, limestone, etc.

The material is not combustible, resistant to chemical attack, has a low cost. Produced in slabs and rolls.

glass wool

The material differs from mineral wool in fibers bigger size. The basis of production is the raw material used for the manufacture of glass. The thermal conductivity index is from 0.03 to 0.052 W / m / K, and the density is not more than 130 kg / m3. Glass wool is also popular for insulating roofs and walls.

ceramic wool

Produced by blowing zirconium, silicon or aluminum oxide. Cotton wool is resistant to high temperatures and does not deform. The thermal conductivity index at +600°C is from 0.13 to 0.16 W/m/K, and the density is not more than 350 kg/m3. It is used for insulation of facades and roofs of buildings.

Mixed heater

Materials are produced from asbestos mixtures with the addition of perlite, dolomite and other components. The initial state of the material resembles dough. They cover the surface prepared for insulation and leave to dry completely.

Asbestos is resistant to fire and can withstand heating up to 900 ° C, but it is afraid of moisture, so this thermal insulation requires mandatory waterproofing.

An example of a mixed type material is vulcanite and sovelite. Their thermal conductivity is 0.2 W/m/K. The cost of insulation is low, but it is dangerous to human health.

Reflective materials

Foil is used as a reflector, and foamed polyethylene creates a thermal barrier. The material has a thin structure up to 25 mm thick, but its effectiveness is equal to 100 mm thick fibrous insulation. One popular example is penofol.
Reflective thermal insulation simultaneously plays the role of a vapor barrier, so it is convenient to use it in baths and saunas. The cost of the material is low and accessible to everyone.
The main types of heaters considered today and their characteristics will help to make right choice material for specific building needs.
In the next video, you can get acquainted with the characteristics of some types of heaters.

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