Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Can roofing material be glued with liquid nails. Mastic for roofing material or how to securely fix waterproofing? How to properly lay roofing material: practical advice

Roofing material Is a laminated plastic based on paper (roofing cardboard) and bituminous resin. Accordingly, it is a soft, flexible sheet (roll) material, strong enough, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, weatherproof, lightweight and with good waterproofing and dielectric properties. As you can see, many advantages are listed, so this article will tell you how to properly cover the roof with roofing material for the construction of economical roofs and waterproofing (mainly foundations).

Lack of bitumen it became that the cardboard base, although it is impregnated with low-melting bitumen, can deteriorate over time or absorb moisture if the protective layer is broken. In addition, it is not puncture and tear resistant; the material is dark, which means that it gets very hot from the sun (although it is covered on top with a layer of refractory bitumen resin).

The cardboard of different brands of roofing material has different densities, which determines its purpose. The roll length is 15 meters, and the weight and strength are different for everyone. Before covering the roof, roofing material in rolls must be rewound with the reverse side.

The letters in the abbreviation mean "P" - roofing material; "K" - for the roof of the roof.

The third letter is the type of top powder, for example:

  • "K" - coarse-grained
  • "P" - scaly
  • "M" - fine-grained

The numbers are the density of the cardboard, the larger it is, the stronger the roofing material.

Coarse roofing felt - always for the outer layer. The most powerful waterproofing is provided by fused roofing material, which has a thick upper layer and an additional lower layer of special mastic. It can be glued using kerosene or white spirit, or by melting the bottom layer with a burner.

For the middle and lower layers of the roof of the roof, it is necessary to use roofing materials of the RKP brand, for internal ones with the RKM marking.

How many layers of roofing material need to be laid

For the roof of the roof with ordinary roofing material, at least 2 layers are required

The number of layers of roofing material depends on how long it is planned to operate the roof, on its slope and on the material used. Where euroruberoid can be laid in one layer, 2 layers of ordinary roofing material are required.

On slopes with a slope of 45 degrees to make a roof that will last several years, roofing material is laid at least 2 layers: on the bitumen mastic, a layer without crumb is glued, then the top layer with stone chips.

With a slope of 20-40 degrees and if a roof is needed more durable, for 10-15 years, 3 layers are laid. The two lower ones are paving stones, the upper one is filled with stone chips.

On roofs with a small slope (up to 15 degrees), 4 canvases are laid, three pads and a finishing one, they must be laid perpendicular to each other.

On flat roofs, 5 layers of roofing material are made, and all are glued. Lay perpendicular to each other.

Cooking the roof surface

An important condition: your roof must be dry. Do not cover with roofing material in the rain!

Roofing material is laid on a flat base, rafters or support. All roofing work with roofing felt is performed only in clear weather. If it rains, you can arrange a shed and continue work, but only if the surface remains dry or does not get damp from splashes, fog, high humidity. Otherwise, the material will simply not stick.

If you need to cover a flat concrete roof with roofing material(for example, from reinforced concrete floors), then a reinforced screed is made over the floor, 3-5 cm thick, with a slope (1 cm per linear meter) in one direction to facilitate snow melting or to the gutter. On the dry, cleaned screed with a brush or roller (option - pour out a bucket of mastic, smear with a mop), gently apply heated or cold (see recommendations on the bank) bituminous mastic. When it grabs, you can glue the first layer of roofing material.

If the slope is small, the lathing needs a solid one (end-to-end boards or plywood, chipboard), otherwise the snow can push through the canvas and the roofing material will begin to collapse. A slope of more than 30-40 degrees will allow you to make a discontinuous crate, but the gaps are a maximum of 30 mm.

To make a pitched roof sheathing, it is necessary to push a board from the attic between the trusses and, attaching it from the outside, nail it to the farm. They begin to make the crate from below, when the crate is slightly larger than the width of the roll, it is coated with mastic and a layer of roofing material is placed on it parallel to the lower edge of the roof. Fastened with slate nails. Then the next layer of lathing is made, etc.

Laying roofing material on bituminous mastic

Preparation of mastic

Bituminous mastic is sold in stores (now there is no need to melt bitumen tar)

Bituminous mastic- ready to use, sold in cans, does not require melting. It is possible to melt bitumen tar, but this is inconvenient and traumatic. It is easier to dilute the bitumen with gasoline to a jelly consistency, season with used engine oil (ask at the service station). The mastic will not crack, it will adhere perfectly. The only feature is odorous and fire hazardous until dry.

Roofing material laying process

Roofing material does not have to be glued. But if the slope is small, and the roof is made in winter, gluing with mastic is required. It is convenient to fix it by pressing with a metal tape (steel or aluminum) or slats, in 50 cm increments.

The overlap of the canvases depends on the slope of the roof. The greater the slope, the smaller it is (7-20 cm, respectively). The roof must be covered from the bottom up, overlapping and gluing the sheets, then the water will not go into the seams. Previously, the panels are cut into pieces of the required length.

Methods and technology of roofing roofing material

  • Cloths across the slope. Laying on the roof from the eaves from the bottom up, the upper row is placed on the lower one with an overlap of 10-20 cm. Water will not get into the seams.
  • Cloths along the slope. The overlap on the side is done taking into account the wind, also 10-20 cm. Laying from the pediment (we look at the wind rose, the wind should not tear off the layers!).
  • For the first layer across, and for the top - along the slope.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Usually, the first layer of roofing material is placed on the bitumen of the prepared base, an overlap of 15-20 cm, parallel to the edge of the roof, their ends are wrapped under the edge of the roof, and fastened with a rail.
  2. Additionally, they are fastened with slate nails (after 50 cm). They are smeared with bituminous mastic, the next layer is laid, with an overlap over the ridge (its canvases are perpendicular to the first), the edges are also wrapped.
  3. Bitumen is applied again and a finishing layer of roofing material is applied.
  4. Each next layer is placed with an offset of 1/3 or 1/2 of a sheet so that the seams of the upper layer do not appear above the seams of the lower one: the first panel is folded onto the side of the fence or cut in half, the rest will move as a result.

Roofing material should be laid with an overlap of 5-15 cm

For roofing onneed a ladder long enough to nail the sheathing boards on the highest part of the roof without any problem.

To roll out a roll of roofing material on an almost vertical crate, it is suspended from a hook or pipe, like a spool of thread. The hook is hooked to the sheathing board and, by moving it, the suspended roll is rolled out.

The last sheet must be fastened already from the outside, as it is thrown over the skate. The second layer of roofing material can be laid with throwing over the ridge, across the slope, for this you need a ladder. For pitched roofs made of roofing material, ridge elements are not used.

Laying of welded roofing material

There is a film on the surfaced roofing material on the heated side, it turns white and burns when the heating is sufficient for gluing. It is impossible to overheat the sheets, they are easily melted through.

The preparation of the base is the same.

Step-by-step instructions for laying the welded roofing material

  1. A roll of roofing material is placed in front of you so that, rolling it forward and gluing it, go on it.
  2. They hold a burner in their hands, warming up part of the surface of the roll and the mastic in front of it for 20-30 cm.
  3. Then a heated sheet of roofing material with a burnt film (the adhesive base “boils”) is rolled out and glued for about half a turn, trampled down, while all the folds and bulges must be straightened out.
  4. It is better if the glued roofing material is rolled with a heavy roller. Then the next section heats up.
  5. So gradually, heating and rolling, and glue the entire roll. It is important to roll, press the glued roofing material.
  6. The second sheet is glued with an overlap (5 cm) after it has completely cooled down and the first is glued.

Glue for working with roofing felt is a homogeneous adhesive mass, which is made using the technology of a multicomponent mixture. The basis for the manufacture of this adhesive is such components as:

  • Bitumen;
  • Solvent;
  • Technical filler;
  • Technological additives.

There are two types of mastic - the so-called hot and cold. From the name itself, it is obvious that the use of cold mastic is possible with a short heating and mixing with a solvent, and hot before application must be brought to the required temperature, which on average should be about 200 degrees Celsius and such a mass is cooked much longer.

The use of the described mastics is possible when equipping the waterproofing of floors, walls, foundations and other elements of buildings and structures.

Benefits of using bituminous glue

The use of bituminous glue is rightfully considered the most reliable and effective way of arranging waterproofing from roofing material. The main advantage of using mastic over other methods of fastening roofing material is the absence of air pockets when joining the joints of the roll material. Mastic allows you to achieve a one-piece monolithic waterproofing sheet, which will serve for a long time without the risk of damaging the edges and joints of roofing material sheets.

However, it should be noted that hot and cold mastics differ significantly in the price range. The price of bituminous glue for roofing material, which belongs to the cold category, will be much higher, since this type of mastic is ready to use and does not require long preparation.

How to glue roofing material on cold or hot mastic?

Before how to glue roofing material on cold or hot mastic, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the work surface. The presence of debris, dust or other third-party objects on the treated area is unacceptable.

You also need to take care of personal protection when working with bituminous glue - use gloves, a respirator and goggles. If the upcoming work involves being indoors, and not outdoors, then you need to take care of its effective ventilation.

Before gluing roofing material to the working surface, it is necessary to prime it to increase the strength of the base and improve adhesion.

On average, the consumption of mastic should be 1.5 - 2 kg per sq. m. This indicator depends on many factors, however, non-compliance with the norm can significantly affect the quality of work.

To apply bitumen glue, a notched trowel with a notch size of 4 mm is usually used, and for hot mastic, the consistency of which is too liquid for a trowel, special brushes can be used with which the glue is evenly applied to the work surface.

You can buy cold mastic for roofing material in any specialized stores. At the same time, attention should be paid to the compliance with the GOST of the mastic manufacturing technology, the integrity of the factory packaging and the final application period. The average shelf life of bituminous glue is about 12 months, therefore, when determining the required amount, you should carefully consider the calculation of the required volume. Today, there are varieties of bituminous adhesives, which, thanks to unique technologies, can be used on wet surfaces or on surfaces with an aggressive chemical environment.

Example how to glue roofing material on cold mastic(video):

- the material that is most often used for waterproofing work. It is a roofing board impregnated with soft petroleum bitumen and covered with refractory bitumen on top.

To increase the strength characteristics of the material, talcum powder or a special powder is applied to it. Due to this composition, roofing material has good elasticity and resistance to temperature changes. Therefore, for waterproofing basements, walls, roofs, floors and foundations of buildings.

Many people wonder if roofing material is really needed. If, during the construction of a house, you do not perform high-quality waterproofing of the foundation, over time you may encounter the problem of excessive humidity and dampness in the premises. As a result, fungus will appear on the walls, and the foundation will gradually collapse. This can lead to subsidence of the building and the appearance of cracks in the bearing surfaces.

There are various ways to isolate a foundation:

  1. roll;
  2. penetrating;
  3. coating;
  4. mounted.

Most often, insulation is made using roll-type materials. For this purpose, roofing material is usually used.

What roofing material is used for insulation

: roofing and lining. The main difference between the two is the density of the material. The density of the lining roofing material is 300 g / sq. m, while the roofing material is denser - about 350 g / km. m.

For the device of waterproofing the foundation, ordinary smooth roll material of the RPP brand is usually used. ... The first letter "P" stands for "roofing material". The second letter can be "P", that is, "lining", or "K", that is, roofing. The last letter denotes the type of sprinkling - fine-grained, flaky, etc. The number indicates the density of the base.

Horizontal and vertical insulation

Waterproofing the foundation with roofing felt can be horizontal or vertical. How to lay each of them is described below:

  • Horizontal waterproofing- consists in gluing roofing material to the foundation cushion with bitumen mastic. This method protects the foundation tape and basement walls from moisture penetrating from below. Waterproofing is carried out, making a margin of 15 to 20 cm. After the installation of the foundation is completed, the edges of the roofing material are wrapped up and attached to the wall.
  • Vertical waterproofing- with its help, the foundation and basement are protected from moisture from the side. Roofing material is attached to concrete with mastic. In some cases, the surface is first coated with a bituminous primer and then a mastic is applied. With this type of waterproofing, an overlap of 10 cm is made on the sides. To make the insulation especially reliable, several layers of roofing material can be used.

The video will tell you about the features of horizontal waterproofing with roofing material:

DIY foundation waterproofing technology

Roll laying of roofing material on the foundation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The surface of the foundation is cleaned of dirt, gaps are covered and leveled. To improve adhesion, concrete is coated with a special mortar.
  2. Mastic is applied to the foundation in several layers.
  3. Roofing material sheets are heated with a burner and glued to the mastic. The overlap should be at least 10 cm. The edges of the sheets are greased with bitumen or mastic and glued together.
  4. Then the roofing material is reheated and lubricated with mastic. If you do not have a burner to soften the material, it is better to use a mastic with a high binding capacity.
  5. To increase the degree of protection against moisture, several more layers of roofing material are laid.
  6. When the composition is completely frozen, the foundation is covered with soil, trying not to break the insulation. To protect the structure from damage, use clamping brickwork or special shields.

In a similar way, basements and basements are insulated with roofing material. However, it should be noted that the premises must be dry. Take care of the free flow of air so that excess moisture evaporates.

Roofing material is laid down on the surface of the foundation with the side on which there is no sprinkling (depending on the grade of material, it can immediately be with an adhesive layer)

How to glue roofing material to concrete

It is better to use cold mastic as a binder, since it is more convenient to use and has better stickiness. A cheaper option is to independently heat the bitumen bars and apply the resulting liquid to the foundation. It is possible to increase the adhesive ability of the material if a little used machine oil (about 20% of the bitumen volume) is added to the hot mixture.

Often mastic is mixed with fluff, which is preheated until softened. This allows a better quality of insulation to be achieved.

How the foundation is waterproofed with roofing felt can be seen in the video:

Waterproofing the floor with roofing felt

Roofing material is used as an insulating material not only for the construction of the foundation, but also for laying floors. Waterproofing is performed in a situation where the room is characterized by high humidity, or to prevent moisture from entering between the ceilings when installing a screed.

Insulation is especially important if the floor is wooden. Cement floors in rooms above basements also need additional protection.

For waterproofing the floor, the same as for insulating the foundation. The material is rolled out over the entire surface of the floor, so that it is slightly wrapped around the walls. The strips are laid with an overlap and glued together with mastic. The edges of the roofing material are attached to the walls with masking tape.

If the floor is reinforced concrete, after laying the roofing material, a screed is made. On the plank floor, on top of the insulating layer, the laminate is immediately laid through a special underlay. It will not work to attach plywood to such a floor in order to level the surface, since it is possible to break the waterproofing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insulation of the foundation with roofing material is reliable and durable, and it is easy to do it yourself. Roofing material provides not only hydro, but also vapor barrier. However, at the same time, it has low elasticity, therefore, it can tear when the soil or foundation moves.

Since roofing material is a material that is afraid of exposure to sunlight, it is covered with plaster on top. To protect the roofing material in the ground, sheets of asbestos cement are used.

If the waterproofing is performed poorly, the life of the building can be significantly reduced. As a result of moisture ingress, basements and cellars become unusable, and the microclimate in residential premises is disturbed.

The figure shows a diagram of the correct waterproofing of the foundation of a house without a basement

And in this diagram - options for waterproofing the foundation of a house with a basement

With a large number of modern roofing materials offered on the building materials market, roofing material traditionally occupies one of the leading places. This is due to its following advantages over others:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of installation;
  • small costs for sealing joints;
  • the possibility of using it for waterproofing.

The disadvantages include the relatively short service life of this coating.

The laying of roofing material and sealing of the joints used to be carried out in the simplest way: a roll of roofing material was rolled out and the joints were nailed through a wooden plank. The connection turned out to be loose and short-lived. They also used molten resin, which made the work very dangerous.

The appearance on the market of modern compounds for performing this type of work has made it possible to perform such coatings even by non-professionals and with less risk. For this, they began to use a special glue for roofing material. To perform work on laying and tightly connecting roofing material with modern materials, you need to know what this glue is, what types of it exist, how to properly prepare the composition before use and some other features of use.


Roofing material glue is an adhesive mass that consists of several components. Typically a solvent, filler, and various additives. It is used for gluing roofing material to various surfaces, as well as for sealing the joints of this material. The main advantage of using this material is the absence of air pockets at the joints of the roofing material.

There are a large number of glue manufacturers on the market. Each of the brands has its own advantages, but the main task does not change. Here are a few of them:

  • TechnoNIKOL.
  • Lepik na zimno.

Types of material

Distinguish between cold and hot glue.

Adhesive for roofing material for cold use is used with slight heating. If the temperature is below the specified one, then before use it must be kept in a warm room for at least a day.

Hot should be used only when heated and used very quickly, before it hardens.

Glue for roofing material "Technonikol" does not require preliminary preparation, it can be used at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees.

Preparing the glue for use

The preparation of the composition before use for different types of glue is different. Cold glue for roofing felt is sold almost ready-to-use. It is heated to a low temperature, the solvent is added and mixed, after which it is ready.

Hot is prepared as follows: bitumen is placed in a thick-walled vessel and heated over low heat. After the main substance has melted, the necessary components are added and cooked at low temperature according to the instructions.

How to glue roofing material?

To use any type of glue, it is necessary to prepare the surface: clean it of dust, dirt, crumbs, putty pits, irregularities on the surface. For a good result, it is advisable to apply a primer. Allow to dry.

Bitumen glue for roofing material is applied to the prepared surface, roofing material is laid on top, smoothing from the center to the edges so that there are no bubbles. If there are bubbles, you need to pierce them, release the air and press this place tightly. After solidification, release.

Hot glue is more difficult to work with. It must be used before hardening.

To create a tight connection between the laying sheets, you need to make an overlap, not end-to-end connection, leading one sheet onto another by about 10 cm. The seam should also be coated with glue. In this case, a reliable leak-tight connection can be obtained.

In all cases, when working with glue, regardless of manufacturers and types, it is necessary to follow the general rules:

  • do not work near open flames;
  • perform work with the use of respiratory protection;
  • when using hot glue, wear protective clothing against burns.

For a more reliable fit of roofing material, you can use a hand roller. This will create a stronger fit and eliminate the possibility of air getting inside.

Roofing material is a soft roll material with waterproofing properties, which is produced on a cardboard basis and is used for waterproofing roofs.

The advantages of roofing material are its flexibility, ease of installation and durability. And the disadvantages include easy flammability. It is used in the lower layers of roofing, waterproofing of building structures, but more often as the top layer of roofing.

So, there are several options for fixing roofing material. Let's consider the characteristics of each of them.

Mastic allows you to create a monolithic seamless coating and provides reliable waterproofing. Apply the mastic using a roller, brush or spray equipment. Thanks to this, it can be used on roofs of various shapes. The coating itself is glued with cold and hot mastics. It happens one-sided and two-sided.

Roofing material is covered with refractory bitumen either on both sides or on one side. One-sided is used for the top layer and is glued with hot mastic. And double-sided is used for any layers of roofing carpet, fixed with cold mastic.

You can also nail roofing material using nails and slats... This method of fastening is called mechanical. It provides a secure fit. This method is used to fix the material on a wooden lathing, the roof of which should have a slope greater than 15º.

How to glue the roofing material?

Before fixing roofing material, you need to prepare the surface. It must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and dirt. Next, all cracks and joints should be repaired so that the surface becomes as even as possible. Then dry it and only then apply a primer coat. The primer makes the surface smooth, removes dust and debris. This helps the roofing material to adhere better to the roof.

After the surface is ready, you can choose how to glue the roofing material. For this purpose, you can use glue or mastic. They have the same gluing method: mastic or glue is applied in an even layer. The rolls need to be straightened from the middle to the edges so that air bubbles do not appear on them. If they did form, they need to be eliminated. To do this, pierce the material and press the canvas to the surface.

After the first layer is applied, the glue or mastic is allowed to dry for 12 hours. Then you can apply a second layer and repeat the whole process.

We nail roofing material with nails correctly

Mechanical fixation is as follows: before nailing the roofing material, it must be laid out in the right place and smoothed out. Then the second layer is put on the first layer. The edges of the second layer should overlap the edges of the first by about 7-10 cm.

Then slats are nailed onto it from above. Lay them on a roll cover. The distance between them should be 10 cm less than the width of the roll. They are fastened with special roofing nails.

A third layer is placed on top. Its edges should rest on the slats. Then it is leveled and nailed to the bars at a distance of 50 cm with roofing nails. The seams above the slats are overlapped with 20 cm strips of roofing material and are also nailed. At the end, the roofing carpet is wrapped 10 cm under the lathing and again fixed with nails. On the ribs and ridge, roofing material is covered with boards from above and the covering is folded by 10-20 cm.

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