Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Drawings of units of a house made of rounded logs. Building a house from a rounded log is a technology for assembling a log frame. Log building technology

For a long time in Russia, the main material for the construction of houses was wood. The most interesting thing is that such buildings have survived to this day. Despite the fact that nowadays there are different technologies and materials for the construction of houses, they still could not squeeze the tree. There are many reasons for this. Wood is "living", a natural and environmentally friendly material created by nature itself. Wood has high heat-saving properties and is able to accumulate and release moisture, so living in such a house is much more comfortable, and breathing is much more pleasant.

One of the important advantages is the economic factor, since the construction of such a house can be cheaper than a brick or stone one. The thing is that finishing work is not needed for such a house, it is enough just to grind the wood, which has a pleasant color and appearance. Moreover, if you compare a wooden house with a similar house made of stone or brick, then it will be much easier. In this case, you can save money on the foundation. After all, a house like this looks very beautiful. Based on the foregoing, let's look at how you can make a house from a log with your own hands.

If you want to build a wooden house, you should know that there are 3 types of wood processing that are currently used in construction:

  • construction from natural logs;
  • construction from rounded or profiled logs;
  • construction from simple, profiled or glued beams.

Mostly houses are built from natural or rounded logs. The first option is an ordinary chopped tree, which was trimmed by hand and removed from the bark. In this case, you have to manually adjust the tree to size and make the grooves. But due to the fact that the upper layers of wood were not affected, the design is reliable, resistant to moisture, mold and mildew.

Harvesting material by hand is a difficult and time-consuming task, since the logs have different diameters, and the structure must be even and strong. That is why log houses are considered elite. After all, services for the construction of such structures are much more expensive.

The disadvantage of this technology is that after the construction of the house, it must stand for 1–1.5 years in order to dry out. During this time, the building should shrink. It is possible to install windows, doors, carry out communications only after shrinkage.

This method was used by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But modern technology allows you to avoid all these inconveniences. Purchased logs can be processed industrially using special machines. As a result, logs of an ideal cylindrical shape, length are obtained, and also in them, according to the project, all grooves and joints are made. Everything is done with millimeter precision. In this case, it is much easier to build your own house, it is enough to fold it as a designer according to the drawing and instructions. Such logs are called rounded, they are more convenient to work with.

The only drawback is that during processing the log lost the top layer, thanks to which it was protected from external factors. Therefore, before work, such logs must be covered with a special antiseptic, antifungal and anti-rot. But despite this, its advantages are obvious:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Thanks to machining, all barrels are perfectly flat and grooved.
  3. Based on your project, the logs are trimmed. All you need to do is fill the foundation and assemble the house.

If you are planning to build your home yourself, it is much easier and more efficient to use a rounded log. Let's take a look at how you can turn your plans into reality.

Where to start?

The first thing you need to do is the project of the future home. Here you have two ways: to do it yourself or to resort to the help of specialists. If your knowledge of design is not very deep, it is best not to try to experiment. Design mistakes can be costly, and even worse, the dwelling can be uninhabitable. What to do in this case?

Many ready-made room designs can be found on the World Wide Web. Some of them can be obtained for free, while others are only available for money. If you are not sure about the reliability of such sources, you can contact specialized companies that will think over the project of your house to the smallest detail.

Next, you need to choose from which tree the house will be built. Basically, these are the following species: pine, spruce, larch, cedar, aspen, oak and ash. Often, coniferous wood is used for such purposes, since their trunks are quite even, and the wood itself is easily processed. Moreover, pine and spruce can be purchased at an affordable price. And thanks to the resin with which the wood is impregnated, moisture resistance and a pleasant smell are provided.

It is better to purchase logs in winter, since then the moisture resistance indicators are the highest.

After that, you need to order sawing wood for a finished project in a company that provides such services. After discussing all the issues, a whole set of logs for your house, floor beams, rafters and joists will be manufactured at the factory. To make sure that everything is done as it should, the house is assembled for the first time at the factory. After checking it is disassembled and delivered to you.

Now your participation is needed. You inspect a set of wood for quality and prepare a place in which you will store the material for subsequent work.

To prevent the tree from getting wet when it rains, the storage place must be equipped with a canopy.

This completes all the preparatory work, you can proceed to the next stage.

Laying the foundation for the future home

It's no secret that the foundation is the basis for any building. It is thanks to him that the entire building will reliably stand for many years. What exactly your foundation will be depends on the number of storeys of the house and its size. Since wood is a relatively light material, it is not necessary to deepen the foundation by 2 m and make it massive. This is one of the advantages of wood over brick. The foundation device can be varied, but the main thing to remember is that it must be done according to all standards of reliability and strength. To make a foundation, you can use several options suitable for a wooden house:

  • shallow strip foundation;
  • slab foundation.

Basically, a strip foundation is chosen for the foundation. But the pile foundation is also often used. And if the soil on the site is wet and loose, then they resort to making a slab foundation. To choose the right foundation, you first need to analyze the soil.

For example, you have chosen a strip foundation. Due to its design, it is quite reliable, as it repeats all the contours of the building: load-bearing walls and piers between them. To do all the work, you need:

  • Mark out the site according to the project of the house, transfer it from paper to the ground. To do this, it is necessary to hammer in the stakes in the corners of the building and in places where there will be walls, and pull a rope between them. Thus, you will make for yourself a guideline for further work.
  • Dig a trench based on the designated landmark.
  • Make a formwork for pouring concrete. It can be either plywood or simple boards. The main thing is to do everything without cracks, holes and securely fix it so that the concrete with its weight does not knock it down.
  • A cushion of fine gravel, stones or sand should be made in the trench. Recommended cushion height 50 mm. It must be tamped well.
  • If the load on the foundation is large, then you can make a frame from reinforcement.
  • Directly fill the foundation with concrete. It is important that the pouring takes place quickly and in several layers throughout the foundation. If you only do some vertical sections or pour concrete partially, there is a possibility that the concrete may crack in those places.
  • Drive air out of the concrete with a deep vibrator.
  • Level the surface and leave to dry for a month.

After pouring, it is important to carefully check the surface with a hydraulic level to ensure that it is level. The difference can be up to 10 mm. If it is larger, those places need to be leveled with mortar or waterproofing. After all the work, the concrete will dry out in a week, but you need to continue working in a month, when it is completely stronger.

As practice shows, if you live in a climate with harsh winters, where snow can stand knee-deep, the base of the building should be high, about 500 mm. If it is made smaller, the first two crowns or logs, which are at the base, will constantly be under the snow, which will negatively affect their properties and further suitability.

Now you have moved on to the main type of work - the construction of walls and the formation of the frame of the future house. But before laying the first crown, it is important to ensure good waterproofing of the material, especially when it comes to wood. Since if you just put the first embedded log directly on the foundation, it will quickly become unusable. Therefore, the first thing to do is to lubricate concrete with molten bitumen. After that, it is necessary to lay 2-3 layers of waterproofing (roofing felt or waterproofing) on ​​the foundation. Then you need to put the stacking board. It is better to choose linden timber 50-100 mm thick, at least 150 mm wide. After that, another layer of waterproofing is laid on the board so that it extends beyond the edge of the foundation by 250 mm on each side. Thanks to this, the first stowing log will be protected from moisture and will serve you for many years.

Now, you can safely start assembling walls from rounded logs.

All logs must be treated with an antiseptic so that they do not rot in the first winter.

At the stages of wall construction, it is important to constantly check whether the installation is being done correctly. It is important to ensure the horizontal position of the logs and the strict verticality of the frame. Since there are openings in your house for door and window openings, you need to carefully lay down short logs, carefully securing them.

That's all, now you can see the result of your work - the house is almost ready. But note that doing everything yourself will be unrealistic. The logs need to be lifted to a certain height. Therefore, ask for help from family, friends or neighbors.

Roof over your head

You should know that it is impossible to leave the walls made of logs uncovered, therefore, you should not hesitate with the installation of the roof. Floor beams and rafters should be included with your home. The rafters can be installed either directly on the upper logs or on the laid Mauerlat (a special bar for rafters).

If there is a veranda in the project, then a special shrinkage compensator must be inserted into the vertical log supporting the structure. After all, logs that are laid horizontally will shrink and dry out, but logs that are laid vertically will not. Therefore, in order to avoid skewing at home, each vertical log must be equipped with a compensator.

Ridge logs must be connected with metal pins. The rafters must be installed in 600 mm increments. For this, a wooden beam 50 × 200 mm is used. To the last log of the masonry, the rafters must be fixed on sliding supports. After that, a waterproofing film is laid on the rafters. Depending on the roofing material, the lathing is attached. And at the end, the roofing material of your choice is laid.

If, when laying the walls, you left 50 mm of insulation hanging from the logs, it must be carefully caulked. To do this, use a special caulk, wrapping the insulation down and pushing it into the cracks between the logs.

Final stage - installation of windows, doors, floor and ceiling installation

Although you used rounded logs for construction, which were dried, and there was little moisture in them, you still need to give the house time to shrink. It is impossible to proceed directly to the installation of windows and doors.

When the house has shrunk, you can do the finishing touches. Install windows and doors where you want. Please note that you cannot insert them directly into the opening. First, it is necessary to install a wooden casing with a compensating fastening. Only then should the doors and windows be installed. For what, you ask? Since the tree tends to expand from moisture and shrink in its absence, this can critically affect windows and doors, they can deform and completely collapse. And thanks to the casing, the window and the opening become independent.

This completes the construction. Now you know how to build your own wooden house. If you did everything correctly, your "fabulous" home will serve you for many years. Such natural material has a beneficial effect on well-being and health.


This video shows how a house is assembled from a rounded log:

A wooden house is a separate category of construction. Its smell takes us back to childhood, and the atmosphere that is created inside fills us with comfort and gives us a feeling of calmness and serenity. It is easy to live in log houses, they maintain a comfortable climate, and their environmental friendliness is good for health. In order to obtain all these effects upon completion of the building erection process, it is necessary to understand how to properly build a house from a log house and what features it has.

A log house built according to all the rules will become a real fortress until the owners

Choice of material: rounded log house or planed (chopped) log

All log houses are divided into 2 types of buildings:

    the buildings planed log, that is, those that have been processed manually;

    buildings that are built from rounded logs.

In order to understand how to properly build a house from a log, it is necessary to have an idea not only of the external difference between the 1st warrant and the 2nd, but also of the constructive one.

"Wild felling"

The history of architecture tells us that all the log houses that were erected before the end of the 19th century were built from a “wild felling”. This meant that the future building material was handled by hand. Freshly sawn logs were stripped of bark, while the bast layer should remain intact. It was he who protected the wood and its deep layers from moisture. This provided the log house with reliable protection against mold and mildew, and increased their "service life" at times.

The main feature of the "wild log" house was its bright and expressive form. Non-cylindrical beams gave such individuality. A sawn log tends to taper from bottom to top. After processing wood with tools, such a difference in the size of the diameter still remained. The farther from the end, which was located at the roots, the thicker the log.

Houses from a "wild" log completely bring its owners closer to nature

A tall tree can be processed and divided into several logs. Sometimes it turns out 2 building elements, but it would be ideal to get 3-parts.

The classic rule for dividing a bar as follows:

    1 log - butt... This is the part that is closer to the roots;

    2 logs - friend... This is the middle part of the timber;

    3 bar - tretyak or top... Accordingly, this is the last part of the log that came to the top.

For the construction of the house, 1 part was used - the butt. The log house in this place was the thickest, had high strength and the smallest change in diameter. And in order to compensate for the differences that remained, the timber, when laying the walls, alternated: in one row the butt “looks” in one direction, in the next in the opposite direction.

When laying a bar, each top of the logs lies on the previous one with the opposite side

But, despite such opportunities to simplify the construction of a house from a chopped tree, it is worthwhile to approach the selection of building materials very carefully. After all, you need to reproduce an even and solid structure from logs of different diameters. And this is not an easy task for them.

The construction technology itself has practically not changed since those times. Houses are built in the same way: a “wild felling” of different diameters is adjusted as close to each other as possible. It should be noted that houses built in this way are elite and differ in price. This is dictated by a certain complexity and laboriousness of the process. Indeed, after the construction of the frame, the house should stand from 1 to 2 years. During this period, he will "sit down" in height up to 10%. This factor should also be taken into account when designing. So, in addition to spending time and effort on the selection of building materials, it will take a lot of time and patience to see the result.

In the completed house, the location of the logs in relation to each other is visible

Rounded log

A rounded frame is a planed log in an industrial environment. On machines, the tree is brought to an ideal state: it becomes smooth and even along its entire length. On special machines, all the necessary grooves for fastening are cut out in the bar. At the same time, the dimensions are adjusted to the millimeter, which minimizes the inconvenience during construction. Building a house with such a log is like collecting a children's designer.

Rounded logs are made of approximately the same size

For all its convenience, the rounded log house has its drawbacks. Perfect evenness in size and smoothness is achieved by removing several layers of wood. During the production process, "useful" layers (sapwood) are also removed, which protect the log from moisture, mildew and mold. Only the mature and hearty central part of the tree remains. She is not protected by anything from external factors. Under such conditions, it is necessary to additionally impregnate the timber with antiseptics, antifungal and antihelminthic drugs. The result is a beautiful and lightweight material for building a house. The downside is the low level of environmental friendliness and, oddly enough, durability.

Rounded timber walls look even and tidier

The choice of material for construction

In order to properly build a house from a rounded log, you need to know how to choose it and what material is more suitable for your region. Coniferous wood is most suitable for log houses. These are such trees as: pine, spruce, cedar and larch. But in the absence of the desired options on the market, you can use oak, ash, aspen and other hardwoods. Spruce and pine are the most affordable in the price range. For this reason, they are the most popular.

Coniferous trunks are smoother and easier to process

When choosing this type of building material, the felling period is very important. It is necessary to choose a timber that was harvested in winter. It is he who has the best indicators of moisture resistance.

The region where the tree grows is also important. If possible, opt for wood from the northern regions. This material is the most durable. Good options: Baltic pine and Canadian spruce. The variant of coniferous species, which was correctly harvested in compliance with all conditions and requirements, from the regions of the middle lane is also very good.

note the fact that the choice of the diameter of the timber depends not only on the design solution, but also on the climatic conditions. The main criterion is the maximum temperature in the winter season.

    if in winter in your area not lower than -20 degrees- you can stop at a diameter of 200 mm;

    when winter maximum -30 degrees- 220 mm;

    with thermometer readings up to -40- choose a log that is not less than 240-260 mm and more.

For laying a log house, a special technique is involved, which facilitates the construction of a house

The thickness of the log for the construction of a house in the northern regions must be at least 25 cm

The main parameters of the log and its cuts are shown in the table

It is also worth noting that by choosing a timber of a slightly larger diameter than the one recommended according to the climatic zone, it perfectly compensates for temperature changes. The main thing is not to choose a material smaller than the one indicated. Despite the fact that the house will be insulated by laying a jute or linen-jute spacer between the logs, it will not be able to give the comfortable temperature that a log of the required size can provide.

Additional criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing a log house:

    quality log yellow or dark yellow;

    on the cut there should be no stains;

    good stuff core dark shade and occupies ¾ of the cut;

    OK, when knots absent, and if they are present, they should sit tightly without gaps. The opposite picture indicates a damaged core;

    best ringing for a log - ringing. Try to hit the butt with an ax and listen to how it rings;

    Availability cracks possible provided that their depth is no more than 1/3 of the log;

    the beam should not be twisted: such a log during the construction of a house can only be used for laying the floor - for this it is dissolved into boards and bars.

The bar is selected according to several criteria, if at least one does not correspond to the norm, the material is changed to the desired one

Construction technology

At first glance, all houses are built in the same way. But upon careful study of this issue, certain nuances and peculiarities of construction in one way or another come to light. So the very and correct construction of a house from a log has its own distinctive characteristics.

Video description

Not knowing the technology of building a house, it is easy to make many mistakes. About them in the video:


The main and most important element of any building is the foundation. Its depth and character depends on the ground on which the house will stand, on the nature of the material of the walls and on the number of storeys.

The log house is relatively light in weight. This quality of construction makes it possible to make the foundation shallow. Almost all options for existing types of foundations are suitable for the construction of a log house. Often they make a tape version. For difficult soils, a buried strip foundation or pile foundation is performed. You can also make a slab version.

It is worth noting that any version of the foundation should go 300-400 mm deep into the ground. After pouring it and completely drying it, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing (roofing material with mastic). This is a very important process, given that the house is made of logs.

If a strip foundation is used, it begins with the arrangement of the formwork


Upon completion of the stage of laying the foundation, they move on to the main thing - the construction of walls. It is important to know that the first crown (first row of logs) is never placed directly on the foundation. First, a "backing" board is laid. It is made of linden timber 50-100 mm thick and at least 150 mm wide. Only then proceed to the collection of walls from the rounded log house.

Embedded crown on a shallow monolithic foundation

The first crown must be cut from below. Its end should be the same width as the backing board. This is necessary in order for the house to be firmly supported on the foundation.

Logs for walls are laid in circles (crowns). First, put the logs that are parallel to each other. Then the other two sides, and the insulation is laid on top. It is attached to the log with a construction stapler and should hang around the edges by 5 cm.

Then the transverse sides of the house are laid, which will rest on the mortgage crown. And we repeat the "procedure" assembling the house as a constructor.

House assembly is carried out like a "constructor": each log has its place

Each of the logs has its own number, by which it is easy to determine where the timber should be located

Roof installation

The wooden house must not be left uncovered. After laying the last crown, it is necessary to immediately proceed with the installation of the roof. When erecting walls from wood, you do not need to lay the Mauerlat (a special retaining beam for rafters), but put the rafters immediately on the log. The recommended distance between rafters is 600 mm. It is this gap that will ensure the stability of the roof, and reduce the risk of its possible sagging.

Since the tree belongs to "living" materials - the rafters must be fastened to sliding supports. Then waterproofing is laid and after that - the crate. The step of the lathing depends on the selected roofing material. In the end, "cover" the house with the chosen finishing material.

After the walls are erected, they begin to assemble the roof frame

Caulking log house

Caulking a house is a separate important stage in its construction. Upon completion of the construction of the walls and roof, it is necessary to caulk all the insulation, which was first laid between the logs, inside. To do this, with the help of a special tool, caulkers wrap the hanging 5 cm gaskets down, and then push it inward between the slots of the logs.

Having completed caulking and roofing, the house is left for a year to shrink. After a year, the caulking of the walls must be repeated. Some experts recommend carrying out the "procedure" again after a year of operating the house with the heating turned on.

The insulation laid between the bars must be hidden

After "caulking" the insulation is practically invisible, and there is no draft in the house

Installation of doors, windows, installation of ceilings and floors

Important points when installing doors and windows is that they are installed only after the house has completely shrunk and only in special casing boxes that are installed in openings in the walls.

Installation of doors and windows is carried out after complete shrinkage of the log house, with the exception of houses made of kiln-dried logs - in this case, they can be installed immediately

Such precautions are associated with the fact that the tree is a "living" building material and will completely shrink in size for another 5-7 years.

The floor is installed on logs that cut into the first, or better into the second crown. The crown must be well ventilated in order to be exposed to decay processes as little as possible.

After installing the entrance doors, windows and laying the floor, you can introduce a heating system, carry out communications, connect an electrician, as well as install interior doors, slopes, baseboards and install plumbing.

Wall decoration can be skipped. After all, the beauty of a log house is not only outside, but also inside. The bas-relief of slightly yellowish walls will fit into almost any interior. The main thing is to correctly emphasize the texture of the tree and complement the design with the necessary accessories. And your dream home is ready!

A log cabin in the forest above the water is a great place to relax from the bustle of the countryside

Inside the house does not require additional finishing, and natural wood can complement the stone

One-storey house made of hand-cut logs combined with stone finishes

The first floor is built of stone, the second is made of logs: this combination also looks great

Video description

How a log house can turn out, see this video:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses from rounded logs from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


Despite the seeming simplicity of building houses from prepared rounded logs, there are a lot of pitfalls that can only be bypassed by experienced specialists who thoroughly know the technology. Therefore, the construction of the cottage should be entrusted to professionals who will not only do everything quickly and efficiently, but also give a guarantee for their work.

The cost of installing a log house from a rounded log in construction companies is quite high, so many people prefer to build a house from a ready-made wall kit on their own. In this respect, cylindering is much more convenient than other building materials, but there are many nuances here as well. In order to correctly install a log house from a rounded log, you need to know the order of the stages of work.

Work order

The wall kit is a set of logs, in which the connecting bowls and the mounting groove are made, with its help the parts will be tightly connected: without cracks and moisture penetration. Since all the elements are made on special equipment, they match each other as much as possible. The owner only has to put them correctly according to the numbering.
Installation sequence:

With good quality of the connecting elements, the assembly of a bath from a rounded log, as well as the construction of a full-fledged country house, will take a little time. The main work can be completed in a few days, after which you can proceed to the arrangement of a temporary roof. The disadvantage of any wooden structure is a long waiting period: at least six months must pass before finishing can be started.

Installation of windows and doors

The algorithm for assembling a bath from a rounded log is complemented by the mandatory construction of casing boxes in window and door openings. They are also called a box, they are designed to protect window frames and door blocks from pressure during shrinkage. The casing box is made of a 5 cm thick bar and has an assembly groove that connects to the wall protrusion. It does not have a strong attachment and falls without interfering with the decrease in the height of the logs. It is to the box that the frames must be attached, otherwise they will be crushed.

A gap is left between the casing and the wall, which will gradually narrow. It is filled with elastic insulation: this will preserve the energy efficiency of the building and will not interfere with the normal flow of shrinkage processes.

In order to prevent negative processes during the waiting period, it is necessary to correctly start heating. You cannot heat a wooden building in the first six months after construction. If it is warm inside and cold outside, the wood will dry unevenly and cracks will appear in it.

They will not only reduce the thermal insulation of the house, becoming a gate for the cold, but will also adversely affect the strength of the structure, as they will gradually expand. The optimal time for turning on the heating is a year after the completion of construction, while at first the temperature inside should not exceed 8 degrees. Cracks in any case cannot be avoided, but they can be minimized. For this, an assembly cut is made in the upper part of the cylinder along its entire length. It allows the inevitable deformation to be controlled and stress relieves the wood fibers.

Processing and insulation

After the end of the main shrinkage period, you can proceed to finishing. There is an opinion that a building made of cylindrical construction does not need it at all, this is not entirely true. Even if you do not want to hide the natural beauty of the tree, you need to protect it from rotting and the damaging effects of insects.
Several types of processing are carried out: The question of whether it is necessary to additionally insulate the building remains controversial. Wood is a warm material, and logs with a cross section of 24–32 cm are enough to protect the structure from freezing. However, it is possible to strengthen the thermal protection and insulate the seams.

The minus of the mezhventsovy heater made of natural materials is fragile: it deteriorates over time, birds take it away. However, seams can be closed in another way: one option is an acrylic sealant seam. With the help of a special tool, all the cracks are filled with it, and after drying, it reliably protects the house from the cold. At the same time, it does not reduce environmental friendliness, the walls will "breathe".

Over time, the tree loses its original color, darkens, and very soon the new house will greatly change its appearance. The process can be stopped if you take care of painting in time. You don't have to choose a traditional oil paint, there are many modern solutions, one of which is water-based acrylic paint. The use of polymers allows you to forget about the unpleasant odor, and the treated surface will be smooth, beautifully shiny, without streaks, which looks very neat. The best option can be found, thanks to the large selection of shades. One of the few disadvantages of the coating is its high cost. If you do not want to use "deaf" compounds, you can purchase translucent glazes that preserve the natural beauty of the tree and protect it from destruction. With their help, you can create an interesting eco-interior.

Self-assembly will allow you to build a warm and beautiful house at no extra cost. Minimum skills are enough to get the job done, and nearly every homeowner will be able to build a solid, durable home.

Our portal is replete with examples of the construction and operation of small, or, as they are now called, mini-houses, but usually these are either frame-modular or frame structures. As it turned out, a log is also a suitable wall material, especially when the concept of construction is environmental friendliness and naturalness. One of our craftsmen, with nickname mike099... Its theme has collected all the stars, which speaks of its relevance, so it makes sense to expand the reach of the audience by considering the construction process in stages:

  • Eco-hut.
  • Preparation.
  • Foundation.
  • Box.
  • Roof.
  • Internal work.

Eco-hut only 30 m²

mike099 FORUMHOUSE user

It has long crept in the dream of building a wooden house - environmentally friendly, practically without paints, mineral wool, foam and other "benefits" of modern industry. The task is to build a solid, comfortable house with minimal effort, suitable for winter raids and year-round living, therefore, shingles, boulders, mezzanines, Russian stoves and other delights of the past centuries were not included in the project.

The craftsman immediately decided on the construct:

  • Pile foundation.
  • A box made of hand-chopped logs.
  • Metal roofing.
  • As a heater for floors - sawdust and sawdust with lime.


The preparation stage included clearing the site, digging a well, installing a purchased wooden change house and toilet, after which the project selection stage began. Initially, the craftsman aimed at a one-and-a-half-story frame 8 × 9 meters with five rooms, but as he understood it, a completely different design emerged. I refused the second floor, although it was an attic one, both because of the unwillingness to engage in stair fitness, and for other reasons. In addition, with the planned stove heating, there will be a large temperature difference between the levels. Plus, it is problematic to insulate the pitched roof with sawdust, with overlap and a cold attic is much easier. Then it was the turn of the quadrature, and the result of the selection of the optimal layout was the project of a log house 6 × 6 meters, with a set of functional rooms.

Were taken into account both the meters vital for a comfortable existence, and the savings in operation due to the reduction of heating costs, and the country specificity - a house for "drinking and sleeping tea". However, this adjustment to the scale led to the abandonment of the planned felling of logs into a bowl. A six-meter log just fits into the plan, and a seven-meter one is much more expensive, and only a few work with it. Yes, visually cutting into a cup wins, but the “dovetail” with the intersection is quite functional, and the ends can be closed with platbands.


The preference was given to screw piles because of the desire to try the "ultra-modern solution" and save money, as well as due to the speed and relative ease of installation. In total, nine piles were screwed in - three points of support for each supporting beam, pile diameter 108 mm, thickness - 4 mm. Despite some problems during the installation of piles and the flimsy of the coating, positioned as a durable protective layer, and in fact without efforts being peeled off with a fingernail, the craftsman is satisfied with the choice. Moreover, it is possible that the bathhouse will also be placed on piles, although it recognizes that the tape or plate will be "more reliable."


The log house was collected on moss, ordered in advance from another area, before installation, the moss was poured out to dry, since during the delivery it was still fresh and did not dry out especially in two weeks spent waiting in the wings. Making log partitions turned out to be problematic due to the small dimensions of the four-wall, and the cost of the box in this case would have jumped by almost half. Therefore, in one day, the hired team brought and assembled just a box in one more day, and although the moss after assembly hung picturesquely on all the walls, it took much less than planned, as practice has shown - they clearly did not report.

To dry the log house, ventilation holes of 30 × 30 cm were cut out, with a grate. To everyone who is just in the process mike099 advises making more of them. He was already doing the twisting (the primary caulking of the log house with moss) on his own, driving the hanging moss into the voids, and cutting off the excess with a clerical knife.


The craftsman refused from the now popular soft tile for several reasons.


I dismissed the soft roof immediately, due to the lower environmental friendliness and the higher price. Bonding, the basis of soft tiles are far from natural materials. Installation is more expensive, and you need a flat OSB or plywood flooring.

Therefore, I preferred metal tiles that imitate the ceramic source. A wide, semicircular ridge, instead of the rafter elements, there is a central support ridge beam. Waterproofing, counter-lattice along the rafters (50 × 50 mm), lathing with a step for the profile of the covering (35 cm). As planned - eaves overhangs of 70 cm, in the future there will be a metal drainage system.

After assembling the blockhouse "under the roof", he protected the ventilation windows with awnings, and installed temporary ebbs from waterproofing at the ends, slots of the ebb and at the junction of the box and the piping. No matter how much I wanted to avoid the use of chemistry, I had to treat the gables from the imitation of the timber with a protective impregnation.

Internal work

The ceiling was made at the stage of assembling the timber, I wanted to comply with the style, but processing a log now is not a cheap pleasure, like the log itself. The craftsman replaced the log with a board, 50 mm thick, with overlapping slots with an unedged board 25 mm thick, all lumber was debarked and sanded before installation. So that there are no problems when warming with a mixture of sawdust and clay, two support logs go through the ceiling.

I made the opening of the openings myself, since the specialized companies raised the price tag to unattainable heights.


The window was made simple, rough T-shaped: the grooves in the log were outlined with a saw, the main selection was made with a milling cutter. I laid a block of 50x50 mm dry, with a linen tape (insulation) and shot a box from a 200x50 mm board to it with self-tapping screws.

Another indulgence in favor of modern materials is a metal door and two plastic windows; wooden euro windows were installed in the future living quarters. Again, in order to save money, he painted the windows on his own, which he regrets - the quality turned out to be lower than the factory one, and taking into account the cost of consumables, the difference in money is minimal with high labor costs.

To increase the heat capacity of the house, I chose a combined brick stove with a cast-iron stove, as a compromise between an iron stove and a Russian stove. The foundation under the furnace is 1.7 m deep, reinforcing cage, two m³ of concrete.

The rough floor, as it dries, "pleased" the cracks, I had to cover them with cover strips, before filling the sawdust I laid the remaining dry moss as a natural antiseptic.

Before laying the sawdust, he sprinkled it with lime and carefully tamped it. Before starting the installation of a finishing floorboard, the craftsman brought out communications.

An unpleasant surprise was the strong warping of the floor after shrinking for just one day and the loss of knots. The result is the opening of the coating and re-installation, and the reason is the purchase of materials in a hurry, on the market.

The craftsman decided to leave in the first winter with an insulated underground - a metal frame around the perimeter of the basement, to it XPS, 50 mm thick, and horizontally, on the ground, with a slope from the house also sheets of insulation. The horizontal layer was simply covered back with earth, the lawn was on the site under the frame itself, and the basement was subsequently revetted with basement siding for brickwork.

Grinding logs mike099 started on his own, first with the help of an eccentric sander. It turned out to be rather weak, so they replaced it with a grinder, first I used a circle with 80 grain, the second pass - with 120-150 grain. Only the vacuum cleaner accumulated 200 liters of waste, but it was worth it.

The rounded log undergoes multi-stage processing, which makes it very convenient for installation: the diameter is the same along the entire length and the connecting elements are carefully worked out at the production site. The services of professional builders are expensive, and it is quite possible to cope with this material on your own, therefore, assembling a log house from a rounded log with your own hands will significantly save money.

Log house types

You can assemble a rounded log house with your own hands in just a few days, but this requires the highest quality processing of the surface of the logs and connecting bowls. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase this material in large companies that have sufficient production capacity and normal technical equipment to cope with orders at a high quality level.

In order to properly assemble the log house, it is necessary to lay the processed logs according to the scheme in compliance with the construction technology. There are several options for erecting a log house:

Installation sequence

How to assemble a log house with your own hands: work begins with the creation of a project, which can be found ready-made or developed from scratch. After a place on the site has been chosen, it must be cleaned of debris and various green spaces, after which the foundation is erected. For buildings of this type, a strip base is most often chosen, which is laid along the perimeter of the house and at the locations of the partitions.

When the base is completely dry and solidified, you can proceed to the installation of walls using technology. Cylinder companies offer customers a wall kit consisting of numbered tree trunks treated with antiseptics.

How much do you collect a log house? - The work itself may take only a few days, but after the completion of construction, the building is left for a period of shrinkage. A full-fledged process takes at least a year. During this period, the building must not be heated, as due to the temperature difference, the wood may begin to crack.

How to assemble a finished log house from a log with your own hands - the sequence of stages of work:

Knowing how to assemble a rounded frame, you can quickly build a strong and warm building that will last for many years. When the last crown has been laid and the floor beams are installed, you can proceed with the installation of the rafters and the installation of the roofing system. The wooden house goes well and looks harmoniously with various roofing materials.


It is often said that a cylindrical structure does not need additional finishing, since the tree is beautiful in itself. This is partly true: the natural pattern and color of the wood is very attractive, and it is not worth covering them with any other materials, and the wall does not need to be leveled.

And yet, it will not be possible to leave a house from a rounded log completely without finishing, since living material needs full protection from destruction: the tree is threatened by biological and physical negative factors. There are several types of finishing work:

A house made of cylindrical steel is one of the most common and demanded types of suburban construction. It can be built from ready-made elements without the involvement of professionals and thereby significantly save money. This is an excellent choice for both summer cottages and permanent residence.

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