Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Where to get vitality and energy for a woman. Where to get the strength to act? - conscious breathing

Ayurveda was part of the revelation of the holy sages, who acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the Universe. It says that if a person advances in the spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

  1. A person is becoming happier and happier every day.
  2. His relationships with other people are improving.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter what good spiritual or religious practice a person is engaged in, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can feel love only when we give. A selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly anyone will love him and want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we are not dependent on this world. The less attachments we have in this world, the more we are able to give and, therefore, the more we can love.

If the willingness to take, to receive, is more than the willingness to give, then you are dependent. The recipient depends, the giver does not depend.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which amazes with its depth and wisdom, it is argued that greed and envy lie at the root of all disease and suffering, since these qualities increase egoism, self-concentration, and greed.

And what becomes of an organ or a cell that does not want to work for the entire body, but only to receive and consume the resources of the body? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, then it dies. So the universe as a whole seeks to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, in the first place, ceasing to give them energy.

The enlightened Arians pointed out in their canons that civilizations perish not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc., but because everyone begins to think only about himself, only about taking, not giving. And the basic principle of harmony is the exchange of energies. Only he opens the hearts of people to love and makes the world happy.

Spiritual homeostasis

Selfishness and self-interest are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state of complete harmony between the inner and outer worlds.

In order for homeostasis to be present, a living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then a living creature begins to depend on the environment. The main principle of independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being.

Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. For spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster I will be destroyed by the changes in this world.

We must stop being a consumer, we must give a lot more. But if we give on the physical, emotional, etc. levels, we ourselves must take somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities.

This purest Higher spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should govern us, that we are secondary, if we can keep this feeling, even if we lose human (money, prestige, loved one, etc.). etc.). Through the feeling of unconditional love, the main energy flows to us, which is spent on everything.

Food gives us energy on the Outside plane, but takes it away on the inner plane. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. Therefore, when we get sick, we do not feel like eating, through fasting the body is cleansed and restores energy.

This whole world with its constant stresses, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, anxiety - take energy, and fasting, solitude gives it. But the greatest reception of energies goes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all the shortcomings, yourself (whatever I may be), your destiny in all situations, under any life circumstances.

Do your best to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set yourself the goal of life - the acquisition of Divine love, for we take energy from the goal, and only a strong striving for Divine love in itself fills us with higher energy.

Please note that our civilization lives under the motto: "Consume, consume, consume!" At the same time, the number of happy and healthy people is decreasing every day. Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medicines, nor various methods from the series “How to Become Happy and Healthy,” or many public organizations help. The number of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome is increasing every day. How could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists assert: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and her environment.

When do we receive subtle energy?

We receive subtle energy when:

  • we are starving;
  • we perform breathing exercises;
  • we retire;
  • we take a vow of silence for a while;
  • we walk (or just are) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful landscapes of nature;
  • we are engaged in unselfish creativity;
  • we praise a worthy person for her lofty qualities and actions;
  • laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart;
  • we help someone disinterestedly;
  • show modesty;
  • we pray before meals;
  • we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables;
  • we sleep from 9-10 pm until 2 am (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep);
  • we get a good massage session from a harmonious personality. Or we do self-massage;
  • pouring ourselves with cold water, especially in the morning and the strongest effect if we are standing barefoot on the ground;
  • we donate our time, money;
  • we see the divine will behind everything.

When do we lose energy?

Energy losses are caused by:

  • despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future;
  • setting and pursuing selfish goals;
  • aimless existence;
  • resentment;
  • binge eating;
  • uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate;
  • when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, food containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers;
  • eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol;
  • food in a hurry and on the go;
  • smoking;
  • empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone at the same time;
  • improper breathing, such as too fast and deep breathing;
  • being in direct sunlight, from 12 noon to 4 noon, especially in the desert;
  • promiscuous sex, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner;
  • excessive sleep, sleep after 7 in the morning, lack of sleep;
  • tension of mind and body;
  • greed and greed.

Eastern psychology is 50% composed of pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled with vitality (Prana).

According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

  1. Earth Element: eat natural food, live in nature, contemplate trees, walk barefoot on the ground. Recently, I talked with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his thesis in medicine, he argued that if a person begins to live in nature, far from big cities, which are forced to ride the subway, walk on the asphalt, then such a person quickly regains immunity and begins live a healthy life.
  2. Water element: drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeine containing drinks, alcohol and soda.
  3. Fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.
  4. Air element: it is the most important element in obtaining Prana by breathing in clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.
  5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats properly, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last a long time in a city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically "break out" into nature.
    In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, monasteries.

Every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve selflessly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower urges, to see the Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this situation in order to teach us something, to thank ...

Or make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, plunge into your problems, make money, in order to spend it on feeling gratification, show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction ...

A simple, regular question to yourself: "Am I lighting up the world or am I absorbing the light?" can quickly change the course of our thoughts and, therefore, actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow, full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise ...

Based on materials from Rami Black,an excerpt from the book "10 Steps to Happiness"
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An incredible article based on Rami Blackt's book that will help you overcome apathy, find out where to get energy for life to find happiness!

Lack of energy is the first sign of impending misfortune and disease.

Ayurveda was part of the revelation of the holy sages, who acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the Universe. It says that if a person advances in the spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

  1. A person is becoming happier and happier every day.
  2. His relationships with other people are improving.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter what good spiritual or religious practice a person is engaged in, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can feel love only when we give. A selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly anyone will love him and want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we are not dependent on this world. The less attachments we have in this world, the more we are able to give and, therefore, the more we can love.

If the willingness to take, to receive, is more than the willingness to give, then you are dependent. The recipient depends, the giver does not depend.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which amazes with its depth and wisdom, it is argued that greed and envy lie at the root of all disease and suffering, since these qualities increase egoism, self-concentration, and greed.

And what becomes of an organ or a cell that does not want to work for the entire body, but only to receive and consume the resources of the body? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, then it dies. So the universe as a whole seeks to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, in the first place, ceasing to give them energy.

The enlightened Arians pointed out in their canons that civilizations perish not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc., but because everyone begins to think only about himself, only about taking, not giving. And the basic principle of harmony is the exchange of energies. Only he opens the hearts of people to love and makes the world happy.

Spiritual homeostasis

Selfishness and self-interest are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state of complete harmony between the inner and outer worlds.

In order for homeostasis to be present, a living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then a living creature begins to depend on the environment. The main principle of independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being.

Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. For spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster I will be destroyed by the changes in this world.

We must stop being a consumer, we must give a lot more. But if we give on the physical, emotional, etc. levels, we ourselves must take somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities.

This purest Higher spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should govern us, that we are secondary, if we can keep this feeling, even if we lose human (money, prestige, loved one, etc.). etc.). Through the feeling of unconditional love, the main energy flows to us, which is spent on everything.

Food gives us energy on the Outside plane, but takes it away on the inner plane. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. Therefore, when we get sick, we do not feel like eating, through fasting the body is cleansed and restores energy.

This whole world with its constant stresses, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, anxiety - take energy, and fasting, solitude gives it. But the greatest reception of energies goes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all the shortcomings, yourself (whatever I may be), your destiny in all situations, under any life circumstances.

Do your best to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set the goal of life for yourself - the acquisition of Divine love, because we take energy from the goal, and only a strong striving for Divine love in itself fills us with higher energy.

Please note that our civilization lives under the motto: "Consume, consume, consume!" At the same time, the number of happy and healthy people is decreasing every day. Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medicines, nor various methods from the series “How to Become Happy and Healthy,” or many public organizations help. The number of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome is increasing every day. How could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists assert: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and her environment.

When do we receive subtle energy?

We receive subtle energy when:

  • we are starving;
  • we perform breathing exercises;
  • we retire;
  • we take a vow of silence for a while;
  • we walk (or just are) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful landscapes of nature;
  • we are engaged in unselfish creativity;
  • we praise a worthy person for her lofty qualities and actions;
  • laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart;
  • we help someone disinterestedly;
  • show modesty;
  • we pray before meals;
  • we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables;
  • we sleep from 9-10 pm until 2 am (at other times the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep);
  • we get a good massage session from a harmonious personality. Or we do self-massage;
  • pouring ourselves with cold water, especially in the morning and the strongest effect if we are standing barefoot on the ground;
  • we donate our time, money;
  • we see the divine will behind everything.

When do we lose energy?

Energy losses are caused by:

  • despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future;
  • setting and pursuing selfish goals;
  • aimless existence;
  • resentment;
  • binge eating;
  • uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate;
  • when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, food containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers;
  • eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol;
  • food in a hurry and on the go;
  • smoking;
  • empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone at the same time;
  • improper breathing, such as too fast and deep breathing;
  • being in direct sunlight, from 12 noon to 4 noon, especially in the desert;
  • promiscuous sex, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner;
  • excessive sleep, sleep after 7 in the morning, lack of sleep;
  • tension of mind and body;
  • greed and greed.

Eastern psychology is 50% composed of pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled with vitality (Prana).

According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

  1. Earth Element: eat natural food, live in nature, contemplate trees, walk barefoot on the ground. Recently, I talked with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his thesis in medicine, he argued that if a person begins to live in nature, far from big cities, which are forced to ride the subway, walk on the asphalt, then such a person quickly regains immunity and begins live a healthy life.
  2. Water element: drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeine containing drinks, alcohol and soda.
  3. Fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.
  4. Air element: it is the most important element in obtaining Prana by breathing in clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.
  5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats properly, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last a long time in a city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically "break out" into nature.
    In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, monasteries.

Every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve selflessly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower urges, to see the Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this situation in order to teach us something, to thank ...

Or make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, plunge into your problems, make money, in order to spend it on feeling gratification, show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction ...

A simple, regular question to yourself: "Am I lighting up the world or am I absorbing the light?" can quickly change the course of our thoughts and, therefore, actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow, full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise ...

We all dream of living a full life, filled with various interesting events, to cope with the mission set before us, to always know exactly what we want and be able to achieve it. What is needed for this? First of all, have enough life resources. Indeed, often we cannot fulfill our dreams precisely because we do not have enough strength to realize what we want in life. In this material we will answer the question, where to get strength and energy for life in order to be healthy, happy and achieve success?

What is the energy of life

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of "vital energy" is understood as the energy thanks to which we were born and live in this world. We receive our main energy potential even during conception (some esotericists claim that this happens even earlier - when the future dad and mom are just planning to conceive a baby), as well as during childbirth.

During later life, our energy can both be accumulated and consumed, depending on many factors. Some we can handle on our own, and some we cannot.

The energy of life is a subtle substance that permeates and fills all the cells and atoms of our body, contributing to their unification into one whole. Thanks to this force, all small particles of the human body vibrate at a certain frequency and, as a result, are assembled, becoming a single powerful absorber and emitter of the energy flow of the Universe.

Also, it is at the expense of life energy that we independently "construct" our life, change it in the direction we need, we can reveal our earthly destiny. Generally speaking, life energy engages our thoughts, desires, deeds, actions in every moment of our life. It is distributed between us and other people, forms our living environment, helps us to open up in various life circumstances. As a result, our life becomes exactly what it is.

Where does life energy go

Where to get energy for life

First, we will turn to the sources of filling with physical energy. The most important of these is the state of health of our parents at the time of conception. If our parents (and even more favorable - all ancestors for many generations) had good health, the more "high-quality" gene set we will receive, and therefore, the healthier we will be.

Having incarnated in the material world, a person is filled with physical vital energy through the following sources:

  • Across food... The more high-quality food we eat, the better our body is. And if we add here also moderation and balance along with positive emotions, the result will not be long in coming.
  • Across physical energy of the planet Earth: through water, air, fire, earth, minerals, plants and animals. By touching each of these natural elements, we significantly improve our energy state. Therefore, preserving nature and interacting closely with it is vital for each of us.
  • Across our environment- from it we are also filled with physical and spiritual energy, but not pure, but processed (emotional, mental, sensual, and so on, which then becomes physical). When we experience positive emotions, we do a lot more things than when we are under the influence of negative ones.
  • Across sport, physical activity, exercise, massage, breathing practice - this is another source of vitality. Those people who constantly practice even the simplest exercises have a much higher vitality, more self-confidence, energetic and cheerful than those who are not engaged in their physical development.

We have dealt with the main sources of increasing physical energy. There is nothing complicated in them, and using each of them correctly, we can easily solve most of our life's problems.

Now let's consider a more subtle sphere - the spiritual and emotional part of life energy.

You are probably familiar with the sources of this type of energy, but they are somewhat more difficult to work with than with physical ones. In this case, a person's spirituality, his personal maturity, self-improvement are affected, which means that the quality of work with these energetic fillers will directly depend on the degree of a person's spiritual development and can change throughout life.

Here are some of the sources for receiving spiritual energy:

  • Thoughts are a very powerful source of energy. Experiencing positive and negative thoughts, according to the law of polarity, is equally powerful, but the only difference is that the first category of emotions increases the energy balance of the body, while the second, on the contrary, causes a strong drain of vitality.
  • Feelings - by analogy with emotions, they either destroy us or increase our energy potential.
  • Emotions - the same principle works here as in the two previous cases.

Therefore, try to think as positively as possible, develop physically, communicate with positive people, eat right, get enough sleep, speak the truth and not worry about trifles - then you will always be filled with vital energy that will help you live a happy and fulfilling life.

At the end of the article, watch the informative video

Intellectual and psychological stress without interruption, a frantic pace of life that does not coincide with the tempo of a normal person, stress, household chores ... And it is not surprising that most people feel like squeezed lemons and wonder where to get strength and energy for life. It is quite possible to find it.

Energy thieves

Before you understand where to get energy for life, it is worth realizing that it is being stolen. Our life is often made up of energy thieves. Here are some of the most talented criminals:
  1. Lie. The more often we lie, the less creative energy we have;
  2. Unfinished business. If we leave something unfinished, it sucks all the life force out of us. Unfulfilled promises and debts that you do not plan to return are stealing energy;
  3. Distrust and fear. It just takes a lot of energy. This also includes experiences and negative emotions, as well as the love of winding oneself up;
  4. Attempts to prove your case, quarrels and conflicts on this basis;
  5. Talk about nothing, gossip;
  6. Resentment. We are offended and thereby steal energy from ourselves. Forgive others and do not be demanding of them;
  7. Lack of sleep and bad habits. No comments;
  8. Promiscuous sex and sex without love. In bed, we exchange the energy of our feelings, and if they are not there, there is no exchange.
Now let's talk about where to get strength and energy for life.


But only with those who bring you positive emotions. Minimize contact with whiners, energy vampires of various types, brawlers, and those who destroy your faith in yourself. Look for friendships with those who live positively and love to work on themselves. Try to live in a positive way yourself and set an example for your family;

Eat right

Health is also energy. Proper nutrition is not only refusal of junk food, soda, snacks, fast food and alcohol, but also the use of fresh and freshly prepared foods, proper heat treatment (preferably minimal or steamed. Baking is also suitable) and the right combination of carbohydrates, protein and fats ... It is better to take vitamins from pharmacy products too;

Contact with nature

Yes, we are sorely lacking in nature. Therefore, instead of a club, bar and TV on weekends, it is better to choose a forest or a lake outside the city. Water gives especially a lot of energy and takes away negativity with fatigue. Weekend hikes are also good. If you don't want to travel with family or friends, drive alone and be alone with the forest. And most importantly, do not turn communication with nature into a binge: it will only take away your strength. Contacts with nature include communication with animals, as well as work in the country. Pets are generous in sharing their energy with you, so grab it and be happy!

Sports and physical education

We will not tell you how useful it is. Here is just the main thing: it is health, and health is energy. Exercise also helps the body produce endorphins. This is also a source of energy. The main thing is to find the activity that you really enjoy. Regular practitioners know that energy increases after class.

Plan all your activities

This will not add energy, but you will know exactly what to do, so you will not rush about uselessly, wasting your energy on what. In addition, this way you will find time for rest. Write plans for tomorrow and rejoice when you can accomplish everything. Well, do not forget to reward yourself: the positive also adds energy. This also includes the daily routine. Less energy is wasted if you make your workspace comfortable with enough air and light.


Enough hours. Sometimes incredible advice is given like go to bed at 10 and wake up at 5-6 o'clock. This is not realistic, but without the right amount of sleep, you will definitely not gain energy. Determine how much sleep you really need and stick to that amount.

Relaxation, meditation and yoga

15 minutes of meditation a day is enough for your head, and you can do yoga in a sports club, where you go to fitness or to the gym. Just know that this is one of the best ways to add energy to yourself;

Make your list

A list of 10-30 activities that bring joy to your life. It doesn't matter what it is: food, movement, sleep, walks, rest, communication. Write down what really brings joy, and should not be in your mom's opinion. Let you have at least five sources of joy a day.

Don't get energy artificially

We are talking about energy drinks and coffee. This is just an illusion of a surge of energy and depletion of the body in essence. In addition, energy drinks are very harmful. Much more energy is found in fresh juices and herbs such as echinacea, rhodiola rosea, ginseng or aloe.

Take a walk

This is not only air, pleasant physical activity, but also a lot of impressions, and also a natural antidepressant, and depression is one of the main thieves of energy. It is best to walk slowly and enjoy all the experiences.

Spiritual level

We also need spiritual energy. Its sources are:
  • Thoughts. The most powerful source of energy. And if there are more negative thoughts, then the energy is taken away from us, and if there are more positive thoughts, then it is added;
  • The senses. Like thoughts, your energetic potential can increase or destroy you;
  • Emotions. No less powerful in this sense than thoughts and feelings.
There is an important point here. Don't force yourself to think positively or hide negative feelings and emotions. The easiest way is to throw them out once and make room for something better.

You shouldn't live on a fake positive, it also takes energy. Positive thinking (if you don't have one) takes a long time to learn. One should start simply with the perception of things as they are, without any coloring. Over time, you will perceive everything in a more positive way.

Energy is not enough for everyone. To fix this, do not waste energy on trifles, do not abuse negative and emotions, junk food and alcohol, and also please yourself every day. The positive only gives energy, and does not take it away.

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