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What does the name Benjamin mean for a boy. Name Benjamin: meaning, origin, characteristic. Decoding the letter code

The male name Benjamin has many analogues in other languages. For example, it has the form Benjamin, Benjamin, or simply Ben. However, his origin is not Russian, and not even English. Where did this name, quite rare in our time, come from?

Benjamin. Origin and meaning

This name is of Hebrew origin. In the original, it sounded like Benjamin. That was the name of the son of the patriarch Jacob. His mother was Jacob's second and beloved wife, Rachel. She died after giving birth due to the onset of the disease. Benjamin was born while his father and mother were traveling to Bethlehem. The only thing that the woman managed to do was to give a name to her son. She named him Benoni, which translates as "child of sorrow." However, after the death of his wife, Jacob decided to change the name of his son, calling him Benjamin.

The Russified version of the name that Jacob once gave to his son sounds like Benjamin or Benjamin. The meaning of the name is "the son of a beloved wife." In addition, there are similar meanings: “happy son”, “son of my right hand”, “son of my right hand”.

The meaning of the name Benjamin for a boy

Little Benjamin is often jokingly referred to as a professor. And this is not accidental, because such a smart, diligent and diligent child still needs to be looked for. The best way to raise such a baby is to indulge his interests. In this case, the parents can be sure that the boy will turn into an intelligent and gentle man who nevertheless knows how to stand up for himself. If we apply a tougher, "masculine" approach in raising a boy, the only thing that parents can achieve is the transformation of a wonderful and obedient baby into a stubborn, wayward and nervous boy.

If someone from childhood knows how to go towards their goal, then this is Benjamin. The name, the meaning of which speaks of the romanticism of nature, confirms such qualities. A boy in childhood and adolescence can get carried away with poetry, playing musical instruments. And in general, a person with such a name is a creative nature.

Regardless of whether it is a little boy Venya or an adult Benjamin, he always remains kind, gentle, capable of compassion. In addition, the guy is good. And in those around him he is not able to see anything bad. Benjamin is happy to help relatives and friends, and just strangers, but he never expects anything in return.

Love and relationships

Thanks to his gentleness, romance and intelligence, Benjamin can be called a favorite of women. In his youth, he can fall in love quite often, while absolutely any woman can please him. In a relationship, he will most likely prefer to remain on the sidelines.

A woman who wants to be with him must have a strong character, be decisive and strong-willed. Moreover, she must be loving and faithful. We can say that this is why Benjamin, whose name indicates a kind of lack of initiative, often chooses a woman who is a little older than him as his life partner. In this case, she will have no illusions about a cloudless marriage, she will understand her responsibility for her children and her husband. And that's exactly what Benjamin expects. The name, the meaning of which indicates the romantic nature of the owner, also says that he will not be able to marry for convenience. He is sure that marriage can only be made for love.

The only woman with whom Benjamin could not get along is the one who is characterized by rudeness, arrogance, cynicism. And if anything can break his heart, it is a lie.

A man named Benjamin adores children. Most likely, he dreams of becoming the head of a large family. At the same time, he realizes that he must take responsibility for them, and is ready to provide his kids with everything they need: education, home, rest, and most importantly, love.

The meaning of the name for a career

As already mentioned, a man with this name is most passionate about creativity. Therefore, he needs to choose the profession that will correspond to these impulses. Best of all, he will be able to realize himself as an artist, writer, musician. And scientific activity will not be alien to a man named Benjamin. The name, the meaning of which indicates an undoubted talent, also speaks of the fact that such a person will be interested not only in developing himself, but also in teaching everything that he knows to others. Therefore, he may well combine creativity with work in the field of education or lead his own courses.

Besides, Benjamin can make a great helper. He has all the qualities necessary for such activities: responsibility, punctuality. He has a remarkable mind, in addition, he can be trusted in any situation.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Aries, Leo and Cancer are the zodiac signs that are the patrons of a man named Benjamin. The name for a child is ideal if he was born under one of these signs.

If a boy is born under the sign of Aries, he will be straightforward and optimistic. Despite the fact that Benjamin is inclined to idealize the people around him in particular and life in general, this sign gives him some strength of character. This does not allow his kindness to be used against himself.

If a boy was born under the sign of Leo, this will bring a sense of pride and determination to his character. In addition, the sign promotes the development of creative energy and helps to nurture a sense of purpose.

Name compatibility

Considering that Benjamin is a name, the meaning of which indicates a gentle character and the ability to find a common language with almost everyone, for a happy family union it is not so important how the life partner of such a man will be called. However, it should be borne in mind that this name is quite rare in our time, so its owner will feel comfortable with a girl who wears the same.It can be Stella, Ada, Dora, Mirra, Sarah. Despite the fact that feelings are as acute as possible, Benjamin is able to build relationships with women whose names are more popular, such as Anastasia, Maria, Varvara, Nina.

As for the unsuccessful union, he will most likely be with the chosen one, who bears the name Catherine, Regina, Yana, Angela, Veronica.

In the modern world, the name Venya is not popular, although it was once very common, especially in the territory of the CIS countries. Men called Benjamins have characteristics that make them incredibly high in compatibility with other people.

Name history

Before establishing the origin of the name Benjamin, scientists and astrologers spent a lot of time. But their efforts were not in vain, and one riddle became less. As it turned out, this rare name has Hebrew roots, and it came from Benjamin. Having established what nationality the name Benjamin is, you can translate it. Literally it sounds like "beloved son" or "son of beloved wife." Over the years, it quickly spread throughout the planet, in each country changing the root and sound, for example, in America you can find Benjamin.

Benjamin: characteristics of the name

Almost every Venya is a talented person. They are incredibly purposeful people who are not used to stopping halfway to their cherished goal. Being stubborn, they are able to achieve great results. Already at a fairly young age, they give the impression of a person whose life is completely successful.

The meaning of the name Benjamin is able to tell us about his very romantic nature. From an early age, he devotes a lot of time to writing poems, shows interest in mastering musical instruments. He is very amorous, but in most cases does not receive reciprocity. Having matured, he is more and more inclined to pragmatism, but you cannot call him a heartless or rude person.

Nature always rewards Venya with a big and kind heart, the ability to sympathize and let someone else's pain pass through herself. Without much hesitation, he will give up his own benefits and help a loved one. But you should not take his kindness for weakness, in the meaning of the name Benjamin it is indicated that he will not tolerate a consumer attitude towards himself. With people who cause extremely negative emotions in him, Venya quickly breaks all ties.

The positive traits of his character include:

  • kindness;
  • tact;
  • compassion;
  • excellent sense of humor.

Its main advantage is that Venya is used to seeing only positive sides in people. By doing good deeds, he never expects to receive anything in return or to hear a lot of flattering thanks.

Its negative features:

  • timidity;
  • naivety;
  • shyness.

He is not used to responding to insults, much less getting involved in a fight. It is easier for Vienna to leave silently, even if they are being ridiculed by others.


Pay attention to this name when considering boys' names. Benjamin is a name that can attract the attention of future parents with a decent upbringing. Such a son will be a real gift, since from an early age he is very calm, but at the same time has a tremendous supply of energy. He is able to competently manage his own forces and prefers to do useful things without wasting himself on trifles. Despite the fact that he is incredibly sensible, sometimes he can be caught in all sorts of pranks, for which he will definitely ask for forgiveness from mom and dad.

Responsible and punctual Venya is the pride of parents, but he has practically no friends among his peers. Most guys will find him too mannered and boring, avoiding all contact. Closer to adolescence, the situation will change dramatically. Venya will become more sociable, make friends. The element of water, which is his patron, will help him in this.


At school, he will always receive flattering reviews from teachers. The meaning of the name Benjamin indicates that he has a certain inclination to study humanitarian subjects. He will have a hard time with the exact sciences, but perseverance and diligence will help him achieve positive ratings. Benjamin the teenager will receive a well-deserved authority among his peers, who will admire his patience, conflict-freeness and ability to sacrifice something for the benefit of others. Girls will also have an incredible interest in his person.


The meaning of the name Benjamin says that he can make a successful career in the field of art, drawing, music, literature. When he becomes a man, he will show leadership qualities. Venya will be a welcome guest in any company. He does not experience a lack of communication and attention, but he will never learn to be the first to make acquaintance, especially with the opposite sex. Benjamin will wait until the last minute for the girl he likes to take the initiative and take a step forward.

There is one more disadvantage in the meaning of the name Benjamin - he absolutely does not understand people. He completely trusts even the first person he meets. Therefore, he can create for himself a false image of a person, endowing him with qualities that he does not possess. He deliberately does not want to see the shortcomings of people, which is why he often suffers. However, not all Veni are so frivolous. Much depends on the date of his birth.


For Benjamin, girls who have no less original names are ideal. A happy marriage will be with Ada, Mirra, Stella, Dora, Sarah, Kapitolina, Carolina, Alevtina, Sasha, Isolde. With them, he will be able to experience incredibly strong emotions and create a happy family. A strong alliance with him is also possible with Anastasia, Lida, Varvara, Masha, Nina, Lena, Taya, Marianna, Lina.

What is definitely clear, nothing good will come of him from his relationship with Veronica, Angela, Katya, Yana, Regina.

The name Benjamin is a Hebrew name that sounded like Benjamin (בִּנְיָמִן) in the original language. In translation the name Benjamin means "son of the right hand"... Sometimes it is also translated as "happy son", but this is a more free interpretation, although perhaps more reflecting the essence. In Western Protestant culture, the name Benjamin became especially popular, along with other Old Testament names. This happened as a result of theological disputes, which was reflected in such an interesting way at the everyday level.

The meaning of the name Benjamin for a child

Little Benjamin is noticeably distinguished by his intelligence and diligence. He is a surprisingly persevering boy, which is less and less common in children lately. Little Venya, with all his strong-willed qualities, grows up as a rather soft and gentle child. He avoids any conflict and does not like confrontation in any of its manifestations. He prefers to solve interesting problems together, but without a competitive component.

Studying is given to Vienna quite easily, and he can achieve special success in his favorite disciplines. The main thing for the boy is not to interfere and criticize him less in case of failure. In general, it is noticed that the owners of the name tolerate criticism extremely painfully, but they respond well to praise. Moreover, Benjamin does not tend to turn up his nose, no matter how much he is praised. Often the boy finds himself hobby outside of school, but of course not without the help of adults. Do not rush him with the choice, because children's hobbies usually have a serious impact on their entire future life.

Benjamin's health can only be envied. He rarely gets sick, and his vitality is always high. He is endowed with a strong nervous system and it is difficult to piss him off. He loves sports, but not its competitive component. Benjamin can compete with his yesterday's results, which allows him to achieve good sports performance. Even if Venya is not interested in sports, he will still be well developed. This pleasant feature is seen in most of the owners of the name. Unfortunately, Benjamin also has weak points in his health. In his case, these are vision problems. It is worth paying special attention to this aspect.

Abbreviated name Benjamin

Venya, Venka, Venchik, Venny.

Diminutive names

Veniaminchik, Veniaminushka, Veniaminka, Venechka, Venulya, Venusya.

Patronymic of children

Veniaminovich and Veniaminovna.

Name Benjamin in English

In English, the name Benjamin is written as Benjamin.

Name Benjamin for passport- VENIAMIN

Translation of the name Benjamin into other languages

in Belarusian - Veniyamin
in Hungarian - Benjámin
in Greek - Βενιαμίν (Benjamin)
Danish - Benjamin
in Hebrew - בנימין (Benjamin)
in Spanish - Benjamín (Benjamin)
in Italian - Beniamino
in Latin - Benjamin
in German - Benjamin
in Norwegian - Benjamin
in Polish - Beniamin
in Portuguese - Benjamim (Benjamin)
in Romanian - Beniamin
in Ukrainian - Veniamin
in French - Benjamin (Benjamin)
in Czech - Benjamin
in Swedish - Benjamin

The name of Benjamin according to the church(in the Orthodox faith) - Benjamin. This means that at baptism, Benjamin can receive an ecclesiastical name identical to the worldly one. Of course, you can choose another church name, but naturally it is better to consult with the priest in this matter.

Characteristics of the name Benjamin

Adult Benjamin is a confident and independent man who, despite his masculinity, is endowed with a gentle and kind character. He is very popular with women, and in general he often becomes an unofficial opinion leader. He does not strive for direct leadership, but his word means a lot to those around him. Benjamin does not speak in vain and certainly does not strive to rise above others. In general, he tries to interact with people, striving for mutual benefit.

In his labor activity, Benjamin shows himself from the best side, because he is serious about any business that he undertakes. Most often, the owners of the name choose creative directions of activity, but they achieve no less success in science. The atmosphere in the team is important for Benjamin, and therefore it is not easy for him to find a comfortable place for himself. Benjamin does not strive for leadership, although he is regularly offered leadership positions. If he agrees, then you can rejoice for the team. Although he is strict, but a fair boss.

Benjamin's family relationships have been bypassed for a long time, because he is very popular with the opposite sex. It is not easy to choose a worthy candidate when there are so many of them. It often happens that Benjamin marries a woman older than himself or with more life experience. He is attracted by established personalities, and good looks are secondary for him. He is a good and reliable family man, although his wife will have enough reasons for jealousy. And if Benjamin himself does not give reasons, then his fans will do it for him. The future wife should be prepared for such a development of events.

The mystery of the name Benjamin

The secret of Benjamin is what he thinks about others. He rarely speaks out negatively, although he may consider a person a rare villain. Benjamin simply knows how to understand whether his words will change something in a situation or not. Usually he comes to the conclusion that words will not solve anything, and he does not like throwing words in vain. So think about how Benjamin treats you.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Bug.

Name color- Dark red.

Wood- Walnut.

Stone- Beryl.

A distinctive male name often contributes to the great interest of others in its owner. Considering that the meaning of the name Benjamin goes far into the biblical roots and is translated as "beloved son", many parents prefer to call their young children so.

At a very young age, the meaning of the name Benjamin for a child is revealed in the boy's inclination to independently study the world around him, which amazes and touches not only parents, but also other adults. Venya grows up as a kind, gentle and non-conflict, but very assertive and diligent kid.

He has a flexible mind and incredible quick wit. It is undesirable to bring up a boy in severity and harshness, since a child who is not inclined to open confrontation will learn to use his mobile mind and developed thinking to carry out small dirty tricks and tricks.

Diligent and not subject to emotional terror Venichka can achieve a lot in the future. But it is possible that at this time of its formation, there will be many who want to take advantage of such reliability. Therefore, parents should develop the child's firmness and the ability to say "no" to lovers of the gratuitous use of someone else's labor.

At school, the boy studies well, attaching great importance to the exact sciences. He does not like publicity, therefore, community service and assignments are a burden to him. Venya is also burdened by physical activity, from which the boy is trying to escape.

In his youth, the meaning of the name Benjamin for a boy is revealed in the incredible imagination of a child, which goes far ahead of unchanging and gross reality. A flexible mind and a developed memory do not prevent the young man from engaging in creativity, which with age is increasingly important for the well-being and attitude of a young person.

Physical labor does not seduce Benjamin, but routine - repels and plunges into a state of stupor and nervous shock. The interpretation of the name assumes the boy's great abilities for writing, painting, sculpture, construction.

In relations with people, Benjamin is tactful and non-conflict, in disputes he prefers not to defend his own opinion, remaining in his own interests. Reacts positively to praise, does not accept lies and frivolity. Completely devoid of feelings of greed and envy, quickly forgives and forgets offenses.

Collecting is a special passion of a young man. It is to this occupation that he devotes importance and most of his free time. Stamps, coins, weapons or other objects, more seduce a man than communication with people and a noisy company.


Choosing a life partner for himself, a man is guided not by the external "wrapper", but by the existing deep emotional connection. It is easy to touch Benjamin, especially in intimate matters, which means that he needs a woman with a light and gentle temperament, with sensitivity and inner peace. In addition, a girl should be endowed with sensual beauty and sexuality, so that a young man can be jealous of the chosen one and perform feats for her.

Benjamin avoids aggressive, active and domineering girls, preferring not to make any friendship or love relationships with them. Marriage for a man has one of the dominant meanings in life, therefore, deciding on a union, carefully weighs all the pros and cons.

A family

Benjamin is not a supporter of fun companies, he likes to spend time on hobbies and family more. A man is not fastidious in everyday life, will willingly help his wife in the process of cooking, he can easily wash the dishes himself, clean up the table. Although this does not mean at all that the spouse can abuse his kindness.

He tries to interact with children on an equal footing, paying attention to their abilities and spiritual needs. Often spends time with children for educational games and construction sets, trying to develop thinking, memory and flexible mind in their offspring.

Business and career

The creative nature of Benjamin will not be able to put up with routine for a long time, which means that a man will choose a profession not according to his estimated income, but at the behest of his soul. Can become a psychologist, designer, sculptor, surgeon, musician, journalist, writer or writer.

The origin of the name Benjamin

The origin of the name Benjamin is Hebrew. It comes from the old Hebrew name בִּנְיָמִן (Binyamin), whose name has the etymological meaning “son of the right hand, beloved offspring”. In the biblical history of the Old Testament, Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel. Considering where the dialect came from, as well as its mention in the Bible, the secret of the name Benjamin is associated with the dying blessing of Joseph, who characterized his offspring as a predatory wolf.

Characteristics of the name Benjamin

The characteristic of the name Benjamin reveals a clear and balanced distribution of pros and cons in the character of the owner. There are practically no negative traits in a young man, the most dangerous for Benjamin are good nature and reliability, which vile people can use, thereby preventing a man from fulfilling his cherished desires.

Resilience, peacefulness and non-conflict allow the boy to get along in any team. A flexible mind and great intellectual ability contribute to finding a job with decent pay.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone talisman - beryl, aventurine, ruby.
  • Name days - January 27, February 7, March 14, June 5, August 11, 13, October 26, November 20, December 2.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Scorpio.
  • The patron planet is Pluto.
  • Favorable color - dark red, blue, burgundy, purple.
  • The totem animal is a beetle.
  • The treasured plant is a nut, freesia.

Famous people named Benjamin

  • Benjamin Walker is an American actor.
  • Benjamin Millepieu is an American dancer of French origin, dancer, head of the Paris Opera ballet company and concurrently the husband of Natalie Portman.
  • Veniamin Smekhov - Soviet, Russian theater and film actor, director, writer, screenwriter.

The name Benjamin in different languages

In English, the translation of the name Benjamin sounds like Benjamin, the diminutive form is Ben (Ben), Benj, Benji, Benjy (Benji), Benny, Bennie (Benny).

In German, the naming is translated as Benjamin, in French - Benjamin (Benjamin), in Spanish - Benjamín (Benjamin), in Italian - Beniamino (Benjamin).

In Chinese, the naming translates as - 本傑明 (Běnjiémíng), in Japanese - ベ ン ジ ャ ミ ン (Benjamin).

Name forms

  • Full name is Benjamin.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Venya, Benya, Venichka, Corolla, Venyushka, Venyusha, Vinya, Veniaminchik, Veniaminka, Minya.
  • Declination of the name - Benjamin – Benjamin.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Benjamin.

Short form of the name Benjamin. Venya, Vienna, Vinya, Veniaminka, Minya, Venyulya, Venulya, Venusha, Venusha.
Synonyms for the name Benjamin. Benjamin, Benjamin, Vinyamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Binyamin.
The origin of the name Benjamin. The name Benjamin is Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name Benjamin has biblical origin, it is the Russian version of the name of the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel - Benjamin. The name has analogues - Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Binhomen, translated as “the son of my right hand”, “the son of the right hand”, is also interpreted as “a happy son”.

In some European countries, "Benjamin" is an appeal to the youngest son, especially when he is much younger than all the other brothers. Sometimes this is the name that elderly parents choose for their son, knowing that they are unlikely to have more children. This first name is also a surname.

The name Benjamin is often shortened to Ben, Benny and Benji, and Benjamin is often called affectionately - Venya.

Benjamin celebrates Catholic name days on March 31 and October 9, the rest of the dates indicated are Orthodox name days.

Benjamin is a multifaceted person, he can be both an extrovert and an introvert. Thus, he is able to find a place for himself both in a large company and alone with a fishing rod on the river bank. This is a deeply solidary person who is ready to help and glad to communicate. At the same time, Benjamin chooses a less hectic pace of life, prefers a somewhat mundane existence, which allows him to enjoy leisurely activities. Therefore, this man will not choose a bright public work, for example, in the field of politics, he will prefer to do good deeds exactly in order to do them, and not to demonstrate.

The owner of the name Benjamin is, first of all, a pragmatic person, his life is associated with such concepts as profitability and efficiency, and his approach to life is very practical. He should feel passionate about his work, and only then he is able to achieve significant success in his work.

As a child, Benjamin is a curious and energetic boy who is sometimes very difficult to control. He, as a rule, wants to do several things at once, so he should instill in him the concepts of order and discipline in order to avoid his further disorganization and distraction of attention. It is worth paying the boy's attention to physical activity and sports.

In addition, Benjamin knows how to see people, observe them, draw conclusions about their behavior. He is not opposed to change, loves discoveries and takes a lot of pleasure from what this world has to offer him. He can consider any event in his life an adventure, both a trip by transport and a vacation in tropical countries. He is not afraid of limitations or monotony. He cannot be called a disciplined young man, he admires in other people their love of freedom and travel, and it is a small trip that can give Benjamin a new breath and feel the taste for life, especially in those moments when sadness and apathy overtake him.

In love, Benjamin is a passionate man, he can lose his head from his beloved to such an extent that he can forget about safety and start doing stupid and dangerous things. He may not always be a model of marital fidelity, he himself is uncompromising, jealous and intolerant in matters of relationships. He is looking for his soul mate who can understand him, because his freedom is very dear to him. However, this does not necessarily mean that he will abuse the trust placed in him.

Benjamin is able to achieve success with tremendous titanic and hard work, if he adheres to his straight line, which he chose to achieve what he wants. It is important for him to do something concrete, in which he believes and understands. Avoiding routine, he can choose the field of travel, sales, business, social work, journalism, creative professions. He will also like technical professions, for example, engineer or logistician, as well as professions in the scientific field.

Benjamin's birthday

Benjamin celebrates his name day on January 11, January 27, March 14, March 31, April 13, June 5, June 20, August 11, August 13, September 10, October 1, October 9, October 26, November 20, December 2.

Famous people named Benjamin

  • Veniamin Efremov ((1926-2006) Soviet scientist-designer of air defense systems, was also a public figure and a good organizer)
  • Veniamin Dorman ((1927-1988) Soviet film director, wrote scripts, also shot the Yeralash series)
  • Veniamin Klyachkin ((1858-1931) Russian doctor, proved himself as a sanitary doctor and infectious disease specialist, taught at the Medical Institute of Omsk)
  • Veniamin Sikora ((1940-2004) Ukrainian economist)
  • Veniamin Chebotaev ((1938-1992) Soviet physicist, conducted research in the field of quantum electronics and laser physics, it was he who discovered a new direction of spectroscopy. He developed various new types of lasers, also worked with optical fields.)
  • Veniamin Smekhov ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian actor, played in the theater and acted in films, directed television plays and documentaries, wrote scripts, wrote books)
  • Veniamin Makovsky ((1905-1985) Soviet civil engineer, specialized in underground tunnel construction. Author of books on this technology. He is a design engineer for the Moscow metro.)
  • Veniamin Grigoriev ((1932-2005) Soviet chemical engineer, worked with rubber products, director of the Kazan factory of rubber technical products. Researcher, author of scientific publications, inventor.)
  • Veniamin Yudin ((1864-1943) Russian and Soviet doctor, hero of labor)
  • Benjamin Tudelsky (Jewish traveler of the 12th century)
  • Benjamin Franklin ((1706-1790) American politician, was also an inventor, journalist. One of the most famous leaders of the American Revolutionary War. It is his portrait that can be seen on the 100 dollar bill.)

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