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Interpretation of dreams parting. Breaking up with an ex-love. Nobody leaves anyone

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Why dream of Parting in a dream according to 10 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Parting” symbol from 10 online dream books. If you haven't found correct interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

I had a dream as if I was standing next to my boyfriend and next to him was my ex-boyfriend, I understand that my boyfriend and I are breaking up and I'm starting to meet with my ex. What can this mean????

This time I dreamed of a guy that I like. I want to note that I rarely dream about him (although I often think about him).
The dream was that we were at my dacha and just talking. He asked me simple questions, I didn’t ask anything, I remember one of them: “What kind of ice cream do you like? «) In general, the essence is clear.
He even agreed to stay overnight, and then he, with the company that was with us at the dacha, went somewhere to the city, and this crowd returned without him.
Then he announces that we are breaking up.

Everything would be fine, but real life we don’t even meet, because I like him, but he doesn’t like me (this has been going on for two years).
What would that mean?
The action took place in the evening.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were walking in the park with tractions, he was riding a water slide (but it seemed to be made and there was little water, just a terrible slide) ... And my beloved hurt his face while rolling, it was a little bloody , I started demanding money back for this traction, but they refused me, the guy began to calm me down and say that it’s okay, everything will be fine and began to take me away. Then we ended up in some mall and somehow it happened that he said that we were breaking up, I don’t love you, I liked the other one ... he had a wedding bouquet, he said make a wish and whoever catches him is your fate, I wished to love and be loved, he threw him into the crowd of people going up the escalator and his friend Denis caught him ... I was just in shock and then my beloved woke me up. We have been with him for 1.5 years, I am 20 years old

i dreamed that I broke up with a girl (whom I see for the first time only in a waking dream, I don’t know her ... and as if after breaking up with a stranger, I came to my girlfriend (whom I meet in real life) and told her EVERYTHING I PARTED WITH HER NOW WE CAN MEET EASILY AND NOT HIDE ... after she answered me YES OKAY??? SERIOUSLY? I answered YES SERIOUSLY! then I woke up

I had a dream last night before similar dream didn't bother me.
I broke up with my girlfriend through my own fault, because of my too close communication with another special female, although in reality I would never do that! We broke up on her initiative, but it was my fault.
The dream was in color, it's hard to say which colors prevailed.
The dream was fast and abrupt.
I fell asleep in the morning and after an hour of my nap I dreamed of this horror.

In a dream, my common-law husband leaves home, taking things, and at that time I have guests ... they cook something from food; for some reason, my daughter ends up in this house (although she is now in America) ......., I see in there are a lot of chocolates on the bedside table .... and they also give me a huge mushroom (looks like a butter dish) I want to bite it off, but I understand that it is raw

I dreamed that my boyfriend was walking lately with his brother's girlfriend and with his old girlfriend, starting to avoid me. At the meeting, he told me that we need to leave .. I told him that he did not love me and does not love me. already in the morning, I woke up, I had tears in my eyes, and inside everything was so compressed, my heart ached, as if it was a reality.

Hello! Today my husband and I officially got married! And at night I had a dream that we had a fight in the registry office and they didn’t begin to paint us and we broke up. The dream was just from Thursday to Friday. Why dream of parting during marriage?

i dreamed that my boyfriend was kissed by a girl pooping, I don’t even know her and I saw and got jealous and my boyfriend saw that I saw that that girl kissed him and he ran to me. and there was some boy next to me, well, I asked so that he would kiss me on the cheek, and he kissed not on the cheek but on the lips, and I wanted to break away from him, but he didn’t let go and my boyfriend saw this and I don’t really remember anymore, but I remember that we faced off

I dreamed of parting with a young man, I am the initiator. having learned that I want to leave, he began to scream, but then he calmed down, after parting there was a feeling of regret and as if something was missing.

I was at home, I was my girlfriend, my boyfriend, and who else drank, everything was fine .. A very confusing dream, I don’t remember much already ... But I saw someone else’s opinion in the arms of my ex-boyfriend’s child .. I lost the current one in a dream, that is, they disappeared from sleep with my girlfriend, I was left in my arms with someone else's child and started calling to look for my boyfriend, but alas, in a dream I had very long hair

In fact, in reality, we have not been living with my young man for three months already. Both he and I still have feelings, but he is very proud and does not go to reconciliation. I dreamed that I packed my things to leave my beloved of a person, on his initiative, and in a dream he tells me that he will not stop me, and at the same time expresses some signs of attention, but does not stop me

At first we walked. Then we began to misunderstand and we began to swear. It was already evening, it was dark, I met a friend, we talked after the conversation, the girl was not there. I called her, she said that she was at the bus stop. there was something like that, and started hugging a strange guy. I got angry, hit the guy and gave her a cuff. Then we walked and cursed a lot. I was swearing. And everything got so bad, I didn’t feel well. We both began to cry with her. Then a woman called her, it was the mother of the boy who studied in our gym, and I was a coach. We talked, it hurt me. I went out I look from the hall, she washes herself. it will be better, I understand everything, I say that everything? We are no longer together, she is gone, and she leaves, I felt very bad, I took her hand, she tells me everything was explained, I myself don’t want to be with you and I don’t love you, mb only after 2 years I will start a new relationship. And then I woke up

i dreamed that my wife and I were loosening flower beds near 5 storey building and a guy with flowers drove up, I asked her, is this your fiancé, she answered yes, and I began to say unpleasant words to him, then I took her away and said that I would not give you to anyone. this moment we live separately, in a litter, we live in private houses.
Why this dream?

called my girlfriend in the morning thinking that she was at home. picking up the phone (I asked her where she was?) she answered guess: I realized that at a friend’s wedding. and she told me on the phone that we were parting in a cheerful voice

I dreamed that I and my boyfriend went to another city just to go shopping, and. I leave the store, and he left and left me alone, I asked the guy to call somewhere, called somewhere and ended up at home with a stranger's phone

Hello! i dreamed that we were walking with my boyfriend and I told him that I was pregnant, ion told me that either have an abortion or we would part, I answered him that I wouldn’t kill the child when I didn’t, then he told me that we were breaking up, I went for him crying for a long time and asked to he returned to me and then agreed to an abortion, I told him that I would get rid of the child, just stay with me, to which he replied that I should not have an abortion, that he said this because of the shock

Write here your dream for interpretation ... in real life, we broke up with my husband 2 weeks ago, in a dream, my husband invited me to visit .. where everything was going well, suddenly he says that he decided to leave me! I was very upset in a dream that I woke up and I can’t understand, because we already parted for 2 weeks already! but in a dream I didn’t want it!

I dreamed that I came home with a guy, it was either a meeting of graduates or a holiday. I was in a beautiful dress, we went there with my boyfriend and girlfriend. Then the dream breaks off and I go to buy seasoning (cloves) and my friend and boyfriend leave, standing in a long line and called the guy but he didn’t answer the phone, I called my friend, she said that they were on the beach and they were fine without me. I have hysterical tears call the guy and after repeated calls he answered and said that he got drunk and slept with my girlfriend. Then the dream is shaved off and some kind of transport is dreaming, and I’m going somewhere with stranger and I watch my girlfriend and my boyfriend how good they are. Then I dream of some children and that I put them on gray, yellow and red hats. Because I’m in my yard, I’m looking into my friend’s yard and her lily is blooming, something happens to me and I throw it on her and my soul. Here is such a strange dream in my opinion.

Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend had arrived, but I didn’t stay overnight, I was looking for him for a long time. When I found him, we began to quarrel, then he tried to calm me down and kiss me. And suddenly he changed his behavior and was about to leave, I tried with him talk, cried, tried to stop him, but just left.

Good morning, I had a dream that the girl and I were going through passport control to another country, two very large queues of which one moved faster (1st queue), she pulled me to the fast queue, when we were waiting for stamps, she said get the passport, I get it with back pocket two passports, one with one page laminated and the other with a bunch of pages. I give a passport with one page, they put a lot of seals, they can’t put the last seal on us, since it ended on us and they still let us through, while saying come on Monday for the last seal and we immediately received citizenship of this country, while I recognize we signed with her. But I don’t mind, I’m glad that they signed with her. We immediately go to the market with it and buy it. I ask the seller where I can rent an apartment. The seller pulls me, says my brother rents out housing, let's go and show me, at this time the girl says to me, no, no, they will give us free and give money for groceries. I remember that I also forgot a bag of groceries at the seller nearby, I return and ask him to weigh again everything that was in it. The seller says now and goes towards the sea to the beach, I follow him. On the pallet, I see that he is not going to weigh, but has come to rest. I ask him again when you weigh the onions and carrots. He drank a glass of vodka while sitting on the bedspread and breathed in my face and laughed, I couldn’t stand it and threw sand at him (the sand was river sand) and went towards the 9th floor while I see the sea or the river, the beach is very beautiful here, not reaching the 9th floor meets me the kid is 5-7 years old and leads to the apartment that the girl and I were given when I enter the apartment I see a girl, she says clean up, I’ll come turning in the window and see a beautiful view of the beach. (even when I saw something resembling fields with plants in the market.)

My girlfriend had a dream from Thursday to Friday that she left me for another guy without hiding it from me. Then she realized that she had made a mistake, regretted our separation and returned to me. At this point in life, our relationship is in question due to her cooling off towards me.

After dinner, I went to bed and I dreamed that the girl who was my boyfriend was calling me, her name was straight, well, I answered, but as she started to say something, I disconnected, I got scared and started calling my boyfriend and this one answered the call ex girlfriend. I kind of passed out crying

first dream, Dreaming means me this .... After training, I leave the building and see my girlfriend, let's say her name is Lisa, so, but she doesn't like kissing with her tongue, and what do you think? she kisses me with her tongue, and after the kiss she said the phrase (that I kiss badly) and smiled, after which we went for a walk and it turned out that I was walking barefoot .... and yes, we are now a little in a litter, we haven’t been talking for about 2 days, but literally 5 minutes ago this: I’m riding a bike and she’s nearby, I find out that she was at a party and kissed a guy, she said that they say maybe he clamped it, and that's it

I walked with my loved one in Moscow. He has a girlfriend (both in a dream and in reality), and for several weeks I have been waiting for certainty from him - me or her. And once again I ask him how things are going with our difficult choice, and for the first time (in a dream) he does not meet this question with a gloomy or irritated expression on his face. "Do you want me to leave her?" - he asks and, without waiting for an answer, he enters Vkontakte and writes in the status (not to her in private messages!) That he is breaking up with her. Then he smiles at me and, it seems, kisses me.

In general, I broke up with a girl in a dream, this was not shown, but it was clear that we broke up (In real life, we love each other very much). And here I am already meeting with my former classmate, I don’t remember what happened to her in a dream, but I remember one thing, she said that something was wrong with her, it seems she was pregnant (in a dream it was clear that not from me, but from relations with her ex, with the person before me in common), I stroke her belly and that's it, nothing more.

She turned to me all in tears, and even jerked away sharply when she touched her shoulder.

- why?

I had a dream about how I made an appointment, but because of work I was late. Before the meeting, he left his briefcase in the subway (consciously), straightened his tie, and went to the girl, she stood with her back. Touch her:
"Hi, sorry I'm late," I tell her smiling.
She turned to me all in tears, and even jerked away sharply when he touched her shoulder.
Immediately she hugged me tightly, continuing to cry, and as if in hysterics said that:
Today is our last meeting, I don't need you anymore.
- why?
I only found out about you at the last moment.

Here I suddenly woke up. What is so new and shocking she could learn, I can not imagine.

Hello, I dreamed of a girl I worked for, in real life we ​​have not been talking for more than a month. But in a dream we met. We were in an apartment, there were a lot of people, but it was not noisy. First, she and her friend took knives and wanted to stab me, then they laughed and said it was a joke. I tried to tell her that I would like to work for her again, but she did not listen to me and did not want to cooperate with me anymore. Later we resolved the issues and came to the conclusion to disperse peacefully. I was happy that I could finally live in peace, that she would not touch me, because in real life she was always looking for me and catching me, because she needed me as a worker. What does this mean? a truce with her or something else?

Good afternoon, Tatyana!
Help me please, I can not find a place for myself. I am sick and have a hard time sleeping at night. She fell asleep herself in the morning and it seems the dream was in the morning. Friday to Saturday. January 15 to January 16, 2016.
I myself meet a guy with whom I next week Thursday will be a month. I began to communicate with him on September 29, and offered to meet on December 21, that is, all this time we just talked with him and got to know each other better. The most annoying thing is that when we haven’t met yet, he sought me out, called me, wrote often, but when he realized that I was already his, the relationship somehow began to cool. I'm not saying that it's not common at all, it's just that this stage relations are not clear
Since I'm sick right now, we haven't even seen each other for exactly a week. It was already such that he wrote to me on VK that we should leave, but on the trail. day he apologized so much and proved that it was not he who wrote it, but his friend!
The dream ... consisted in the fact that we were walking with him, then I didn’t like something and I went ahead, and he walked behind me. And when I came home and went into the phone, that is, in VK, I saw the message “Forget me”, something like this ... I don’t remember well, I got up sharply, I was very scared, but then I still fell asleep and the dream continued, which, like, he starts me soothe and speak. that it was not a relationship and all that ... When I got up, I could not find a place for myself, because I really like him very much and I would not want to lose him. So many memories that will just kill me!
So I want everything to be GOOD!
Please help, Tatyana. Thanks in advance.

I dreamed that my friend was playing football in the gym, 1 against 5. Later I entered the game for him and it was like in reality. When we sat down on the bench, my friend was confused, and his girlfriend looked at him with disgust. They began to talk about something, she reproached him for something. And in the end, I remembered one sentence - we are no longer meeting with you. It was said with a smile. Everything.

I didn’t see my beloved in a dream, but I met a friend who told me that he often writes to her. She told me that we broke up. And then in a dream I realized that we really broke up, it became so bitter. I woke up with this.

the girl and I talked, quarreled, put up, then I told something for a long time, then I look at her next to me, I turn around, she leaves with her friends. At this moment, my nose starts to hurt terribly, as if it had just been hit hard. well, then I shout to her that we are breaking up
And I don't need that kind of relationship.

I walked with a girl and something we quarreled, I went further away from her and wrote an SMS on the phone “let's see you soon”, and in response I received “Why did I meet with you at all, you ruined my life, now I hate guys.”

Good afternoon! I saw in a dream that I broke up with a guy (and in reality we love each other) and began to be friends with another guy (but not seriously, we just talk), then I wanted to get my boyfriend back, I felt that he was very worried, cried a lot and woke up

Hello! my name is Alesya, I’ve been dreaming for the third day that we are breaking up with my boyfriend, we have a child, we live together, this has happened before and we broke up, now I don’t need a place for myself I don’t know what to do.

Hello! Tonight (i.e. from Thursday to Friday) I had a colorful, very emotional dream about parting with my girlfriend (after a small quarrel because we were unable to talk privately, because next to her, in addition to her child, there was another child whom she under no pretext did she want to take her to another room, we don’t have children together in real life, she has a 7-year-old girl), and she was more radical in that we need to leave. It feels like I was ready to compromise, but she certainly wasn't. I said goodbye to her parents and realized that the relationship is most likely over. That was the dream.

Good morning! In a dream, we were sitting with the girls in a room, then my boyfriend called one of them and asked me to open the door. He came to us, he was with things from the road. kissed me. He had white linen in the bag. we were left alone. then I don't remember if it was night or not. Then we walked along the corridor, hugged, ate. he led me into the room, asked me to wait, and I got scared and ran away. I walked down the corridor, saw the commission. Then I remember some meeting, they lift me up and then on the screen a video declaration of love from him. I burst into tears. And then I somehow found myself on the deck of the ship (although the thought flashed through my mind that 4 years had passed since the recognition and there was no news from him). The room where we watched the video, there was an explosion and we all went down to the cabin of the ship. And the end of this dream - I'm walking along the embankment - he comes up from behind and confesses to me that he missed me and loves me. I turn around and we kiss.
Thanks in advance!

I dreamed that my boyfriend sent me an SMS about a breakup. I cried and worried a lot, but I didn’t show it to him in a dream and I answered him just ok) ... but when I wake up, I’m very worried about this.

I dreamed that I was leaving my boyfriend and at the same time I did not feel pain. In reality, before this dream, at night there was a conversation with him about our relationship and about things that he does not like in my behavior.

It was night... we stood and talked with the guy, and then a guy came from somewhere, whom I know and I like him very much. We talked and talked and it turned out that I left my boyfriend for the second (I don’t remember the details, but I remember the essence). And then we went with the second guy to some room and sat there talking ...

I dreamed that I broke up with a girl and started dating a girlfriend. And then, as if not a friend, but an acquaintance who does not even like me. And I love the girl very much and I don’t want to part, just lately we’ve been arguing a bit

The other day, my boyfriend and I had a very big fight, we didn’t talk for 2 days. in a dream, I saw that I was coming home and he told me that everything between us was over, pack your things and leave. there was still an old woman in the dream, like the one I know. I got ready, a little upset and went to my friend.

My name is Darya. I have been dating a young man for a year, we are planning next summer get married. But I have a former young man who reminds me of himself (I haven’t cooled down to him a bit), but now it’s not about that. With whom I have been dating for a year now, I dreamed that we broke up and in a dream I didn’t understand whether he left me or I him. But in a dream, I cried very much, that I even fell to the ground and sobbed, woke up all in tears. I'm very afraid that we will still part, he is the most the best man in my life. He is both a support and support for me. What did it come up with.

I dreamed that my beloved was going to visit a friend for 3 days. I didn't want him to leave. At the station, we quarreled and I left, wishing a happy journey. When I returned for him, he probably had already left. I called, cried, but to no avail.

I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that my best friend had a big quarrel with a guy.
In a dream, I was walking with my friend and met a friend's boyfriend with a bottle of alcohol. He was very upset. The guy begins to talk to us with a friend, saying that his girlfriend (my best friend) does not understand him, does not support him, etc. I wrote to my best friend (hereafter I will call her Masha) to go outside and talk to a guy (suppose his name is Dima). Dima began to talk about what he wanted with Masha for a real relationship (in reality they have an open relationship), but she scared him away with her calmness and indifference. They shouted at each other for a very long time, remembered all the joints, and in the end they parted in different sides without even saying goodbye. Before leaving as far as possible from the place of the quarrel, Dima came up to me and said "seven" and left. What does it mean?
In reality, Masha and Dima have been in an open relationship for about half a year. He writes once a week, often ignoring Masha. My best friend has been wanting to talk to him for a month, but she never comes out. In the last week, she tried to meet with him and have a serious talk. How can a dream be related to reality? Is it worth considering a dream as a prophetic one, or is it just an ordinary dream? Please help me explain all this.

I dreamed that my friend was leaving me, although in reality we don’t even meet with him. But when he called me in a dream, for some reason he had the voice of my boyfriend ... he told me: “forgive me ... I know that I hurt you ...” I no longer remember what he said, but for some reason I cried very much then I was very hurt because of his words ...

Hello! i dreamed that my girlfriend wanted to break up with me, I said she was tired of it, but I said no, I will not leave you all my life !!! but I said this with sadness because I understood that she no longer loves me, and everything is like me woke up, the neighbors drilled so loudly that woke up)

I’m a friend and my boyfriend (in reality I don’t have a boyfriend), went shopping and suddenly I saw a gold jewelry with diamonds in the form of a star and I wanted to buy it, but I didn’t have any money with me ... I decided to call my mother to borrow money from her , but my friend dissuaded me ... Then I took the guy aside and said that we needed to leave ... To which he took out that very golden jewelry and said: “I wanted to give it to you later, but if so, then this is my love for you.” The next day he was supposed to have a birthday ... I asked my mother and girlfriend not to come to him and they promised me this ... And on his birthday I can’t get through to my mother and girlfriend ... I immediately realized that they were on his birthday and went there ... I go in, and my mother and girlfriend are sitting there. I didn't say anything to them, but looked at them with disapproval. Then I took off my jacket and sat down at the table ... I only remember that I drank a glass of some kind of alcoholic drink in one gulp and told my boyfriend that I love him, but what I said yesterday was because ... (And that's why I don't remember ).

I dreamed that the bark guy would meet me for half a year, we just didn’t communicate, he passed by and didn’t notice me. During the night I dreamed about it twice in a row. It seems to me that this may be due to the fact that we quarreled yesterday and it was the same as in a dream, but then we successfully reconciled

We walked with a pillow and his friends were there, they were watching us, then he ran up to me and started yelling why I was not at home yet and why I was walking. Before that, he either looked at me angrily or with a sad look. His girlfriend was there all the time.

Hello. I dreamed that the guy had left me, but had not yet started dating me. In real life, we know that we like each other, but he is not comfortable communicating with me, and he has a choice to meet or not to communicate. In a dream, he makes this choice. It's hard for him but still he leaves

Hello. So I start to quarrel with a girl, she calls a taxi, she doesn’t tell me about it, I hear it all, it was all on the phone, and then I ask her why you called a taxi, she says yes, I’ll go to my girlfriend. I ask why? she says to meet guys

I was sitting in a cafe, a guy comes to my girlfriend and says that they broke up, he offered to go to the store, on the way we met with that girlfriend with whom he broke up, she was jealous, but I said why, you already broke up, yes and moreover, I just support it

I’m a guy, I came to my girlfriend and they have such a fuss .. a lot of people, it’s clear that they are preparing for the celebration.
after our communication on the spot, I go somewhere, and then approaching her quietly, I see that she secretly writes me an SMS on e-mail Farewell letter. which I should have seen after leaving her,
I ask her what happened, and in response: I'm getting married and we should no longer communicate, and you should not have seen this SMS here! after which I leave her in a rage and finally wish her happiness

I went to America, somehow I met two friends there. I went to the toilet, the cubicles were made with a hole at eye level. A guy came in, I just closed the door, he began to look into my eyes and ask what I was doing. A drop of blood flowed out of me, I removed it and left. To which I answered coldly, when he asked why I was like that, I replied that I like to stay in the hearts of guys. We went out together and talked. There was a yard. They talked and played. Later, I went further to study America, but whispered in my ear that I was waiting for him. He followed me. We talked to him, he took my hand. Then for a long time I watched the car park, where there was one exit, but we went through the other, although it was open. We went to different places, the sunset was terribly beautiful, I found out why he speaks Russian so perfectly. Then she ran away to run on the sand, but there was some kind of caustic sand. I returned to him, after which there was a lake below, where people swam and created the figure of a flower, it glowed. Later we got to the airport, where our paths parted, he and his friend went on the escalator to the left, and I went straight ahead and also with a friend. I asked her: “It happened that it turns out that you don’t love a person, you love another, but you are not with him”: yes, it happened, she answered.
and I thought it might be worth breaking up to be with that boy from America.

a friend came to me in a dream, I was with her, we laughed and chatted, then I went to the social network and saw that my beloved took away photos with me, I called him to ask what it means, he replied that we were breaking up, because I don’t pay him time, constantly with a girlfriend, what does that mean?

In general, we met with a guy named Vanya. And one day I left him and started dating my best friend's boyfriend. We walked with him for a couple of days. And I decided to return to Vanya again. I apologized to him for a long time.

I came to the army to my boyfriend, someone told me that he cheated on me, I decided to check. I came and asked if you really cheated on me or not, to which he answers yes he did. As a result, he leaves me, but I still don’t leave, but I try to return him

I was sitting at home with an unfamiliar girl in my room and considered her a friend, then we left the room and smoke appeared in the apartment, something was burning in the kitchen. Then I stirred the food. And there appeared an unfamiliar couple, but he was my boyfriend and this girl was his sister, she began to interfere in the conversation, I told her not to interfere. I told her that my mother cooked me a ramontic dinner. Then I went to my room to change clothes, he went in, I hugged him, we talked about something unpleasant. Then I followed him out of the room. He started yelling at me that he was tired of everything and we were breaking up. I started to cry a lot and puff out my cheeks. Then I woke up.

In a dream, a former boyfriend appears to me, to whom I still have feelings. He has a girlfriend now. In a dream, I understood that this girl was leaving him, and she was left alone. Further, in a dream, we are going somewhere. Me, ex-boyfriend, rival, and my girlfriends. She started being rude to my friend. I stood up for a friend. And in the end, she immediately switched to me, as if she wanted to. And we started to fight. And in general, the dream ends with a fight.

Recently broke up with his girlfriend. They parted for a month, since he himself came to her, she chose another. We were together for 3.5 years. Today she dreamed as if we also parted in a dream, after the dream there were negative feelings. Why this dream?

Hello Tatiana! I dreamed about how we broke up with a guy, he left me, explained that we didn’t need to be together, I started asking him in a little panic for the reason, he explained to me, I became very worried, followed him and we parted ways different sides. Something like that.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were at my house, there were many guests and we were celebrating new year and I don't have feelings for my young man and he annoys me, then I hear him complimenting some girl, it makes me angry and I kick him out of my house, he doesn’t want to leave, but my father shouted at him and my martyr left. I immediately regretted it and went for my martyr

I had a dream about how I came home, my wife’s friend and my wife are sitting, my friend laughs, and my wife tells me, we are breaking up, I immediately have a question why, she cried and answered, I don’t want to live with you anymore, I turned around and left all drooping, miserable, my mother-in-law called, my wife picked up the phone, said no and threw it off, I started looking for my wife, although I knew in a dream that it would be impossible to return her 100% and then they woke me up, what is it for?

We stood on some kind of bridge with a loved one, there was a sea below and it was very dark color.. in a dream, love was also with us and we were running from someone and something very terrible ... after we went through the tunnels and reached the point we needed, one person took a flashlight and shone on the walls from them blood .. we ran back and the bridge began to collapse, I run and understand that my beloved is at the other end and cry very bitterly

a few weeks before this dream, my beloved and I fought over alcohol, he swore to me that he would not drink another gram, and today I have a dream that we were sitting at my work, I left the office for a while, I go back and he already stands drunk! and in a dream I left him. and the next dream was that I met a man and some girl constantly wanted to beat him off from me.

The dream was quite long, despite the fact that the events in it developed quite quickly. Having met an unfamiliar girl in a dream, we spent all the time together. She was unlike anyone I had known in the past. We were good together, until the moment when the end of sleep came. In the end, we broke up with her, due to the fact that someone forbade her to have a relationship with me, she asked for forgiveness and said that it should be so. But I, for some reason unknown to me, agreed with her and said that it was easier to be alone, after which, the dream ended and I woke up.

I don’t remember exactly, but it was that he came and said that it was time to leave. And it’s like I’m leaving with a child and we look out the window and there is some kind of satellite and it’s so close. I turn my head and he walks and smiles and again we need to talk. And I go away, I don’t talk to him, and in my heart I don’t let him go.

I dreamed that the guy I liked for a very long time broke up with his girlfriend and was with me. In real life, we broke up with this guy 1.5 years ago, he still couldn’t forget me, and recently he had a girlfriend, she’s walking, that is. Would rather have a drink at a bar than be with him, also with him, for the sake of the car. And he doesn't understand it. I also dreamed of his parents, I dreamed many times that we were together again

It was at school. The guy was sitting with my classmate and talking, there was a vase next to me, which I gave him. I tried to talk to him, but he did not pay attention, then I took a vase and throw it on the floor, but it does not break, all the contents (papers with 100 reasons why I love him) fell out. He didn't care, then I said that we were breaking up and ran away. I started telling my girlfriends about it jokingly, but then I got scared, I wanted to return everything, I came to school, he was not there, I started collecting the pieces of paper back and ran towards his house.

Hello. I had a dream this afternoon, my ex-boyfriend is breaking up with me again, while he introduces me to his new girlfriend to whom I don’t feel any evil. After talking with him, I left, and already being on the balcony of a high-rise building I see a portrait painted in white and blue chalk where he was depicted, on the left side a new girl and on the right side I. His image in the portrait was turned to the left side to new girl and there was a smile on his lips. After he finished the portrait, he turned in my direction and shouted: You are my smart one, don’t do anything stupid, and disappeared. After that, I was already on the street, tried to follow him, but he was nowhere was, he disappeared.
Almost a year since we broke up with our ex, before that I had never dreamed of him, so I would really like what this dream means.

First I saw myself. Not very long. Then the actions are observed from the first person: I am standing and several other young guys (either at the barracks or at the police station ...) there is an expectation (which is unknown) then 2 people come out a man (35 40 years old) Russian (I think in military uniform) and a young woman (no more than 18 years old. Maybe less) not Russian, the dialogue flew by in an instant, the man shouted something condemningly at the guys (inclusive), and the girl, putting on bracelets for the guys, began to put them on and dressed me pretty quickly (glancing at the same time in the glpza ) but fastened badly (and in the meantime all the guys entered the room (?) Together with the man.) when I looked away from her eyes, I only saw how she quickly left (turning around) I looked at the handcuffs and saw that one side was not buttoned up, I smiled in surprise and tried to catch up (caught up) with her name, I didn’t know her (as well as her herself), but she was insanely beautiful. Calling to the girl, I raised my hands and pointed to the right one with my left (the right one was unfastened), she smiled lightly and went on a moment later, I opened the left one (how?) And added a step after her, called out again and saying “and the left naturally” I pointed to my hand (already without a bracelet) she smiled a little stronger and already added a step herself. Catching up with her once again, I saw her sad face, followed by “Andrey, we can’t be together) I stopped, it turned out that we were a couple of meters from her house (I think it was a small remote village surrounded by forest) I sat behind the house under a canopy ( as I then thought) the girl’s father and not kindly (maybe even menacingly) looked at me. Then, as if on a rewind, I changed clothes (from winter to summer) and I walked past her house (slowly) in the hope of seeing her beauty. So I didn't see it.

I dreamed that I broke up with a girl on the phone, the initiative to part was hers, she wanted it so much. The dream was like everything was in reality, I was very scared, and there is still such a suspicion that it was not she who corresponded with me, but it feels like she ....

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I (there is no boyfriend in my life) were in some kind of cafe. There was not much welcome good company They knew the guy. They offered to play cards for something (I don't remember exactly). I was against and asked to leave and not to play, but the guy decided to play and I said that then I would leave and we would part. He agreed. For some reason, we were wet, as if after rain, and I was in other shoes, not in my own, they gave it to me temporarily, while mine was wet. I started to change my shoes and get ready to leave, looked at the guy and waited for him to stop. I felt angry, resentful and upset. And then the next dream, that I am hugging another guy on the couch, the sofa is on the street, and other girls are trying to stick to the guy, I feel that he is a womanizer. I knew that we were not yet a couple, but there were feelings. In the end, he leaves me, tells me to sleep and goes somewhere

In a dream different worlds and my dad, the king, is friends with the king of another world, and I am friends with the son of another king, and we fell in love with each other, but due to the fact that our fathers quarreled, we had to part. Five years pass and I decide to watch a movie disc and the 12th movie was about this guy and I decide to go to the 12th world
When we arrived there was security (we used to pay 10,000 coins for entry, which was not much for that time) we went there and they told us that everything is different, I start crying because I understand that I am losing my love and the security guard just lets us through . We run to the place where we used to talk and play and there he stands. I shout: "Sasha!" And we run to each other and I tell him: “I missed you so much!” And he tells me that he loves me very much! And we start talking like 5 years ago!
But then we have to part again
I'm already getting on the bus with tears in my eyes. And I understand that I love him very very much and I can’t live without him, I jump out of the bus and run to him and at the same time he understands that he loves me very very much and cannot live without me and runs to meet me, we hug and we say that we will never part again and I stay to live with him!

Today I had a dream in which a guy offers me to break up that nothing good will come of our relationship. I was very upset because I was in love with him, I was afraid to lose him. And then such a dream. Why could this be a dream?

I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar apartment with a woman and a man unfamiliar to me. In a dream, I was at first a chipmunk from the cartoon, Alvin and the Chipmunks. All my friends were them too. I had such an idea that they caught us and we lived with them. My friends and I tried many times to escape, but failed. Then the man and the woman said that we were leaving for Moscow (at that time I did not live in Moscow and not in Russia, so it was an unfamiliar city for me) after these words I was already myself. My mother came, I cried for a very long time and strongly, because I would go there without her, maybe forever. (I am 11 years old) so I cried. This is where my dream ended and another began.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I had a scandal, I feel that he is cheating on me. I pull the phone out of my hands, and there is direct evidence of this. He's leaving. I looked after him for a long time, shouting curses.

I have a current girlfriend, but there is one person that I like very much, but we are not dating. In a dream, I started dating this person and I was very happy. I feel good and interesting with her in a dream and in real life. But in a dream, I did not part with my current girlfriend. I don't know how to tell her about it. I'm afraid to offend her. All day long I didn't confess. But it was good for me that we were finally together with that special person. I was very happy, I felt so good. She, too, was glad, but it gnawed at me as if to be the first to admit this, because she has no one like me. I'm afraid to leave her alone. The dream was in warm colors with the special, and with the first in grayish. I think about it in real life, but here is a dream. What to do. My email I dreamed that a guy who really liked in real life broke up with his girlfriend, was very worried, but in the end he left for me. Before that, he came to our house with his parents, where we nursed him after parting. His ex insulted me, and the guy beat the guy, because of whom his girlfriend left. I remember everything very well and all the emotions too.

Good afternoon!
That night I had a dream that, out of jealousy and resentment, I tell my mother next to my boyfriend that my mother, I grow up with him looking into his eyes! And my mother is next to us, I was in tears and I was scared that this would actually happen now ...
After the dream suddenly continued like this: I see his eldest son, something warmly communicates with me and we agree on something, but at the same time we decide not to tell dad to my boyfriend, he notices that and gets angry for some reason ..
After that, I started looking for my boyfriend in all the shops in fear and in the end I found I find not my boyfriend but my ex and I don’t understand what’s happening, but at the same time I tell him Where are you, we are looking for you and I love you! Saying these words, I want to see my boyfriend, but there is a former ...
An incomprehensible dream, please explain why all this could have been a dream.
Thank you.

I dreamed that we were resting in the company of friends and somehow they parted smoothly, I didn’t even understand how, he another girl, and I was with his friend, but I was always drawn to him, it hurt like in reality I called him and showed my character, but I couldn’t stand it and cried and said that I couldn’t and didn’t want to live without him, it hurt in reality, the tears were choking, to which he I was told to do it again tomorrow.
Even in a dream there was his ex, they didn’t swear, nothing was neutral

I dreamed that in a dream I was breaking up with my beloved guy, then a Korean guy appeared and I had a relationship with him. Then I understand that I don’t love the new guy, but I love exactly the guy with whom I broke up. I start to feel sad, I understand that my feelings have not cooled down and I want to return my first boyfriend whom I broke up with because I love him. I realized that I don’t like a new guy and I only need my boyfriend with whom I broke up. At the end we get back together and stay together.

I dreamed that my wife and I were getting a divorce and she came for things. I didn’t want to part and, going up to her, hugged her, while I couldn’t resist and sobbed so emotionally that she also cried, even responded to short kisses, but was still determined to leave. It was so real that I woke up sobbing with tears in my eyes.

My husband left me into obscurity and said that he was tired of me, then when a guy approached me, I don’t remember what he looks like, but I was pleased and I said his name Yura, then another picture that I was walking out of the room and saw how 3 little boys came in to the toilet or bathroom, and the other was sitting on a potty in the kitchen, I saw his face, but didn’t remember it. It seemed to me that quite a few years had passed. I also saw 2 children of different sexes older. I started calling my parents what happened, and why I live with another man and I can’t find my current children ...

A few more days in a row accidentally intersected, a conversation began. And on the third day, I finally decided to part with my current young man. There was no sadness and regret at all, only happiness from the fact that I finally broke up with him. Everything was just wonderful with Sasha, and the dream ended there. Hello, this afternoon I quarreled with my girlfriend, left her home to her parents, not a call from her, nothing, and recently I had a dream that she calls me and asks to come, I say that I won’t come, which in response I get that we are not together and it seems that as I remember that she has a replacement for me, and even then I saw in a dream some incomprehensible message from her and then woke up

The images presented in the world of dreams are not as unambiguous as they seem at first glance. To understand why parting is dreaming of, it is important to remember that the meaning can be both positive and negative. If in a dream you broke up with your loved one, in reality you will probably live with him for a long time. life together. For those who have not yet met a worthy companion, such a dream promises an early acquaintance. But these are far from the only meanings of dreams about parting. Let's look into them in more detail.

Swim in different directions - to great love

The main meaning of parting in a dream is an indication that your relationship with your loved one is moving to a qualitative level. new level development. You are entering a period of change. Get ready for it. In this case, we are not talking about difficulties. This is not a desert crossing at all. The events that the dream of parting portends usually carry a lot of emotions and very positive ones. If you dream that you and your loved one are at sea and are sailing in opposite sides, a dream portends a strengthening relationship. The “sea of ​​love” between you is increasing and you are already at the stage when you understand each other perfectly, and sometimes words are superfluous.

From readers mail:
I had a dream where my boyfriend and I were swimming in the sea. All of a sudden we started arguing. Emotions overwhelmed me so much that I decided to swim away. I quickly moved away and soon reached the shore. Sat on the sand in frustrated feelings. Suddenly she felt something in the water with her hand and took out ... a ring. A couple of days later, in reality, my boyfriend proposed to me.

Water in a dream is always a symbol of emotions. The larger the body of water, the more rapidly your romance will develop.

The further you sailed away from each other in a dream, the stronger and brighter your emotional closeness. The dream of parting in the river or not far from its banks has a similar meaning. A rather eloquent image is the disappearance of a loved one in the waters of the river. You were standing nearby, and in a moment your soul mate is carried away by fast streams of water. Or a person close to you is simply hiding (drowning) in the river. The dream says that your feelings are mutual, with you this person is ready to literally “drown in love”. If you voluntarily push your loved one into the water, then in reality your partner will not be able to resist your love charms.

Water in a dream is a symbol of emotions. If any source of water is present in a dream of parting, the dream says one thing - there is no calculation in this pair, everything is built solely on spiritual connection, physical attraction and emotional intimacy. If in a dream partners quarrel and splash water on each other, in reality, emotional tension often arises between them.

A quarrel in a dream that ends in parting indicates that in reality your partner values ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship with you and openly shows his feelings

If in a dream a loved one pours a container of water under your feet or on top of you, in reality you can rely on him (her) in everything. The partner is not only faithful to you, but also openly expresses his feelings. If you drink water during a quarrel with your spouse, such a dream means that for the sake of your loved one you made some kind of sacrifice, voluntarily renounced something, but you don’t regret it at all, because the love that you drink (water in glass), makes up for everything a hundredfold.

Parting in a dream as a reflection of subconscious fears

In some cases, a breakup dream may warn you of inner fears that you may not be fully aware of. For example, a dream in which you tell your loved one that everything is over between you and you are running away from your partner into the forest, hiding in a dense thicket and he cannot find you there, means that you are afraid of excessive closeness with a partner. Perhaps you have not fully revealed yourself to him - and only this hinders the development of relations. The trees in such a dream are a clear indication that your fears, moreover, without solid grounds in reality, are erecting barriers in your couple.

From readers mail:
This dream is deeply embedded in my memory, although I had a dream a few years ago. Because of some trifle, my wife and I quarreled, I ran out of the house and continued to run without looking back. At a certain moment, I realized that I was in an impenetrable thicket. Green fir trees towered as far as meters up. Suddenly I was seized with fear that I had left my wife alone in the house. I started screaming her name and woke up. In the afternoon, my wife told me that she was pregnant. Our family has only gotten stronger.

Many trees in a dream that you hide behind, running away from your loved one - the barriers you erected

If you dream that during a quarrel you tie your partner with a rope and run away, in reality your connection will only strengthen, but you have to go through many trials - you will have to face situations where circumstances will literally pull you apart. If a girl dreams that she tied the hands of her young man and shouts insulting words at him, she has a need to more fully express her own emotions. The dream indicates that this couple simply needs a heart-to-heart talk. And the girl herself needs to explain to the young man that she expects a greater manifestation of emotions from him.

Sometimes dreams of separation are only a reflection of fears of being abandoned and serve as an indication of what not to do in order to avoid a break in reality.

The more upset you are about parting in a dream, the more reason for joy there will be in reality. If a woman runs away from her lover, breaks down and falls off a cliff, with the same ease and in reality she tends to lose her head in love relationships, giving soul and body to his partner, for fear of being abandoned. The dream indicates that a woman needs to learn to value her personal space and leave fears about possible separation. If, having fallen off a cliff, a woman suddenly takes off or in some other way she manages to avoid hitting the ground, this is an indication that she will completely overcome her own fears and will be able to give more in a relationship to her partner.

When parting in a dream has a direct meaning

Parting with a loved one in a dream can be a warning if sharp objects appear. For example, a girl may dream that she is using scissors or sharp knife cuts apart the clothes of a loved one. A sharp object - an indication of what you are hiding primarily from yourself negative emotions. A conflict has ripened in a couple, which can result in a violent quarrel and a showdown. In this case, the dream recommends that the girl, firstly, reconsider her behavior, and secondly, deal with her own emotions and understand what does not suit her in her relationship with her partner. Such a dream appears as a warning sign that will avoid a break in relations in reality.

Harsh words thrown at a partner in a dream are a sign that you lack expressed signs of attention on his part

Even if in reality there are no prerequisites for a break in relations, the dream of a quarrel with a loved one, in which fire is present, suggests that internal discontent, jealousy and even anger at a partner will soon explode like a volcano. Some situation caused these negative emotions, you successfully suppressed them, and now the subconscious mind requires cleaning, referring to you through the world of dreams. The situation can really get out of control if in a dream you and your partner fall into the ground, fall off the bridge, fall into the abyss. Such a dream warns: soon your relationship will be tested for strength. Whether this will lead to a break is up to you, because you received and correctly interpreted the dream warning.

The appearance of a third character in a dream about parting with your beloved may indicate both a love triangle and a fear of competition - you are afraid that you may be bypassed, and your imagination draws the appropriate images for you. Your fears are in vain and your partner is faithful to you, but suffers from a lack of attention on your part if you dream that the figure of a rival (rival) that has suddenly arisen also suddenly disappears. If only you and your partner are present in a dream, and you accuse your partner of being unfaithful, in reality you can be sure of his fidelity. But the appearance in such a dream of a black bird, which flew between you during your quarrel, may portend an imminent separation.

A bird in a dream of parting is a sad herald that inevitable changes are coming.

From readers mail:
I dreamed that the girl with whom we had been together for two years ran to meet me across the field. Suddenly the sky was covered with clouds and a large black bird appeared right above us. She circled over my girlfriend, and when I got closer to her, I saw that this was another woman. A few days after this dream, a serious quarrel occurred between us and we parted. Interestingly, on the same day, I accidentally met another girl who later became my wife.

Dreams are our allies only if we do not take the necessary actions and do not follow the advice that higher powers send through the world of dreams. Dreams can be fatal and become harbingers of what happens later in reality.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a violent parting with friends or companions- this portends a lot of minor troubles in your Everyday life.

This is a sign of future success in love and business.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dreams about divorce, breakups- more often the fear of such a reality than the news of it. They call for the independence of their opinion and the dreamer's self-realization.

break up with someone- changes, self-affirmation, new meetings.

Break up with someone in a dream- you will lose or part in reality. Do not try to return the lost, it is useless.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If in a dream you part with enemies- in reality you will find success in matters of the heart.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Parting- You will be haunted by small but annoying troubles and problems.

Break up with someone in a dream- in the future you expect success, good luck in business and love relationships.

New family dream book

Stormy parting with friends- portends a lot of minor troubles.

If you abruptly break in a dream with ill-wishers- ahead of you success in love and business.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you part with friends and companions- means that small troubles will overshadow your daily life.

If you dream that you are parting with enemies is a sign of success in love and commercial affairs.

Eastern female dream book

Break up with friends- to small troubles, parting with enemies - to success in love and commercial affairs.

Women's dream book

Parting- an overly emotional separation from friends or business partners portends a lot of minor troubles in everyday life.

If you abruptly break in a dream with ill-wishers- This is a sign of future success in love and business.

Esoteric dream book

break up with someone- to get to know each other or strengthen ties.

With something- to acquisitions, successful purchases.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in opened window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Separation from a loved one in night dreams can only indicate that the sleeper is afraid of breaking off relations in reality, being an echo of his experiences. A dream in which a person breaks up with a loved one has various interpretations. Usually such a dream is a good sign, but sometimes it can predict problems in a relationship. To answer the question of what an unpleasant event in night vision means, you need to recall its details and turn to the dream book for interpretation.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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      What day of the week did you dream of breaking up?

      In order to correctly understand the message encrypted in the dream, you should pay attention to what day of the week the parting was dreamed of:

      • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday about parting indicate that something is missing in the relationship. It is worth thinking carefully about how they have been developing lately. If you want to save them, you should take some measures. If a person who is tied by the knot dreams of a breakup, this indicates that his partner is in great need of attention and support.
      • If the dream in which the relationship had to be broken off is a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, then perhaps the person has a rival.
      • To part in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - such a dream promises the sleeper a change in his personal life.
      • But dreams from Thursday to Friday tend to come true.
      • Parting in night dreams from Friday to Saturday is symbolic. Perhaps in personal life, in fact, not everything is going smoothly and it is really worth working on relationships.
      • From Saturday to Sunday it happens to see prophetic dream. In the near future, a relationship with a loved one may end.
      • In dreams from Sunday to Monday, there is usually no serious meaning.
      • Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

        Who had a dream?

        Dreams in which a parting with a partner occurs should not be neglected by either the girl or the young man. Dream Interpretations offer various interpretations of night visions. It is important to take into account when interpreting exactly how an unpleasant event occurred.

        If a girl dreams of parting with a guy, the dream books say the following about this:

        • To leave at the request of a guy is a favorable symbol. You can not be afraid of parting in reality, on the contrary, in a relationship a girl will find complete harmony and mutual understanding. To become closer to each other, it is enough to spend more time together.
        • But if in a dream a woman was the initiator of the separation, this indicates that, deep down, she is unhappy with her relationship with her chosen one.
        • If a girl dreamed that after parting, she asked her beloved to get back together, she would have a difficult conversation with her partner.
        • Shedding tears after parting in night vision - the girl will have a fun pastime.
        • If her partner cries when parting, such relationships are hindered by omissions. In this situation, the dream book advises to be extremely sincere with each other.
        • In a dream, parting with a guy with whom the dreamer ended her relationship in reality is not worth renewing relations with this person, she will only torment herself.

        If a guy had a dream in which a breakup occurs, interpretations may be different. The meaning of a dream varies depending on its details:

        • Seeing a breakup with a girl in a dream - the dreamer is too busy with his own affairs and pays insufficient attention to relations with the girl.
        • If after the breakup the guy met another, in the future he will be able to solve a difficult problem.
        • To leave a girl after learning about her infidelity - the dreamer will be overcome by doubts.
        • If, after parting, the guy felt light, as if getting rid of a heavy burden, this portends failure in his personal life.
        • If a young man dreams of an affair with a girl who is already in a relationship in reality, in the future he will have to tell a lie under the pressure of circumstances.
        • If in a dream at the moment of parting a young man kneels in front of the chosen one, this indicates the softness of the character of the sleeping person.
        • To part with a girl without clarifying the relationship - such relationships have already become obsolete, and the guy wants to break up with the girl.
        • If in a dream the relationship was broken due to a misunderstanding, this indicates that the sleeper is too demanding of the girl and constantly finds fault with her for minor reasons. The dream interpretation advises to trust the partner more.
        • Seeing in a dream how a girl leaves for another is a bad sign. This means that someone from the inner circle can deceive the guy.

        Take a break from a relationship

        It happens that in a dream they do not part forever, but only for a while. This dream is a reflection of the dreamer's thoughts and experiences. The relationship of the sleeper is boring and monotonous. It is worth adding a twist to them and they will begin to bring joy again!

        If in a dream a person agreed to part with a partner for a short period of time, then in life he really appreciates freedom, and relationships sometimes require restrictions. Even if he is happy about the break in the relationship, in the near future he will have the opportunity to have fun. To be sad about a temporary separation in a dream - a person is inclined to fill his head with minor problems.

        Why dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

        Why dream of a divorce?

        Divorce in a dream can be both good and bad sign. To understand what a dream promises, you need to remember it in detail.

        Parting with a spouse in a dream is a happy omen. Married couple will begin to understand each other better, relationships will become stronger.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Parting with a loved one in a dream

Parting with a loved one? In most cases, a dream does not contain a semantic load, but only conveys images preserved in memories, thoughts that excite you during the day. Sometimes such dreams are a warning sign - you can really break up with your lover, or some kind of conflict situation will occur, you will quarrel.

Seeing Parting with a loved one can be correctly interpreted only by studying all the details of sleep, and also taking into account your emotions and feelings from what you see. In real life, you began to notice that the guy does not show such warm feelings as before, you had a dream in which he declares his desire to end the relationship - you should not be scared - this is not a sign from above, but just your subconscious fears, in reality, separation can and not happen. If there are any concerns, you need to sort out the problem and your feelings as soon as possible.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Why do you dream of Parting with your loved one in a dream

Parting - If you dream of a violent parting with friends or companions, this portends a lot of small troubles in your daily life. If you abruptly break in a dream with ill-wishers, this is a sign of future success in love and business.

The meaning of sleep about Farewell (Universal dream book)

Interpretation of the dream book: Parting with a loved one makes you think about a common future with a guy, if you are the initiator of the break in a dream. Your subconscious mind wants to show through dreams that you are not a couple with a young man, relationships with him weigh you down, limit your freedom of action, and are alarming. You feel that love has passed, but you are afraid to break off relations, you do not want to be left alone. What is the dream of Parting with a loved one - a dream is not always a sign from above, it is mainly a game of our subconscious, so analyze your feelings, the emotions that you experience during meetings with a guy - a break in some cases can have a beneficial effect on your life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Parting with a loved one in a dream why dream

Parting with a loved one in most cases is interpreted as a warning about a conflict situation, indifference or insincerity on the part of a guy in reality. You decided to disperse quietly, peacefully, without scandals and mutual reproaches - in reality, you should analyze the relationship. Why dream of Parting with your loved one, if in a dream you do not experience pain, regret - your feelings have cooled, you should not cling to such a union.

Seeing Parting with a loved one, if it happens on your initiative and emotionally enough, suggests that you are tired of the relationship, you want to get rid of them, only in a break you see a solution to problems. Why dream of Parting with your loved one - a dream personifies your social life, in which not everything is as smooth as we would like.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of parting with her beloved

Parting - An overly emotional parting with friends or business partners portends a lot of small troubles in everyday life. If you abruptly break in a dream with ill-wishers, this is a sign of future success in love and business.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To see a dream about Parting, what does it mean?

Parting (divorce) - Dreams of divorce, parting - more often the fear of such a reality than the news of it. They call for the independence of their opinion and the dreamer's self-realization. Parting with someone: changes, self-affirmation, new meetings. (See also Station.)

Big Encyclopedia of Dreams / Olga Adaskina

What symbolizes parting with a loved one

Parting - You part with friends, predicts minor troubles for you that will not cause much trouble. If in a dream you part with enemies, success will become your shadow. This applies not only romantic relationship but also business relations.

Dream Interpretation of Arnold Mindell

Dream Creator's Apprentice: Interpreting Parting with a Loved One in a Dream

I dreamed of Parting - it’s as if you are parting for some time with your beloved - minor troubles will distract you from business; you will be annoyed at fate for being forced to obey a woman in the service; you may be forced to rearrange furniture that you thought was comfortable. It is as if you are parting with your beloved forever - everything will be fine in your personal life.

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