Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Business plan for an educational institution. Psychological salon. Ready-made business for conducting psychological games, trainings and consultations

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The educational sector can be considered an unplowed field for business. There are many options for earning money, competition is minimal, and government education does not satisfy the need for quality services. In this review, we have not only collected for you trending business areas to start in the educational sector, but also provided links to ready-made guides for opening them.

Children's development center

Children's development clubs are one of the most trending areas in the business of additional education. The main source of income is formed by paying for classes by parents living in major cities country and wanting to give the best to their child. With well-functioning work, development centers can earn 500 thousand rubles. per month.

Open a small children's creativity studio in an island format in mall possible for the amount of 530 thousand rubles. Such studios allow parents to leave their children under supervision while shopping. At this time, children can sculpt from polymer clay, paint plaster figures, create cards and much more. Net profit is within 100 thousand rubles.

You can open your own training business for less than 100 thousand rubles. The main task is to arm yourself effective methods training, decide on a niche and work to attract clients. The income of trainers exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Clubs can be considered a specialized area in the field of child development early development. The activities of these clubs include classes for children just a few months old and their parents under the guidance of experienced teachers. Anyone wishing to open such a business will need to take care of mastering one of the recognized international techniques and rent premises. Income from conducting such activities ranges from 30 to 250 thousand rubles.

The increase in trade turnover with China and the growth in the number of joint business projects with this country are increasing the population’s need to learn the Chinese language. Recently Chinese in Russia came in 5th place in popularity after English, German, French and Spanish languages. You can open your own courses in the tutoring format from an amount of 40 thousand rubles, and for one lesson a teacher can charge an amount from 800 rubles.

business plan for organizing Chinese language courses

Comprehensive schools in Russia today are not able to meet the demand for quality education foreign languages, so private language schools fill the need. To open a language school on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 635 thousand rubles, which will pay off after just six months of work. Net profit will be 140 thousand rubles. per month.

In our age of digital technology, the need to study cryptography is rapidly increasing, the basics of which are beginning to be conveyed to even young children in the format of games. If you understand the topic, consider the idea of ​​organizing your own lessons in which you can explain to everyone the intricacies of the cryptocurrency economy, the features of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

business ideas for cryptography courses

In a large city you can easily find a company that provides training for hairdressers and stylists, but there is no need to talk about a high level of competition. You can often earn much more in this area than in hairdressing and beauty salons themselves, and the initial investment in such a business is estimated at less than 1 million rubles. When organizing a school on the basis of an already operating beauty salon, you can open a small educational institution for 100-200 thousand rubles in addition to the main type of business investment.

Read the guide to opening hairdressing and manicure courses

Ready ideas for your business

This type of educational leisure activity, such as survival courses, is popular abroad. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, the latter of which takes place in natural conditions. Course participants are taught first aid, how to build a shelter, make a fire, and get water and food far from civilization. A former military man, firefighter or rescuer can start such a business. In large cities, for a two-day survival course, presenters receive from 5-6 thousand rubles. per person.

A new direction is actively developing in the consulting services market - the organization of psychological games. The venue for the games is most often neutral territory: a rented hall, office, meeting rooms, anti-cafes, classrooms of schools and universities, training centers. The game itself lasts about 2-3 hours. The cost can vary from 250 to 3000 rubles, depending on the size of the city and the authority of the organizer. An interesting direction for conducting such games and trainings is the format of a psychological salon, which has parallels with literary and political salons of the 18th-19th centuries. The owner of a psychological salon is usually a woman who plays the role of course leader. It’s interesting that you can start such a business even without a psychological education and with an investment of 60 thousand rubles.

In many new residential high-rise areas, local authorities are unable to meet the local population's need for kindergartens. In such places, a popular business will be the organization kindergarten at home. The profit of a kindergarten at home will be 50-100 thousand rubles. per month.

Guide to opening a kindergarten at home

To voluntarily deprive oneself of vision for several hours, days or even a week - nowadays customers are willing to pay a lot of money for such a service. Finding themselves in pitch darkness, training participants completely deprive themselves of the sense organ that provides 90% of the information. However, instead, they discover a lot of new things. Habitual visual patterns and stereotypes disappear, speech becomes more confident, people begin to hear and listen to each other.

Graffiti itself usually does not generate income. Another thing is conducting graffiti training courses. You can organize something like a permanent school for children and teenagers, give master classes at all kinds of festivals and earn additional income from selling graffiti paint, markers and other things. Interesting way express yourself and find a new niche - holding all kinds of social events, like graffiti courses for older people.

Finance and credit, banking, trade - all this is gradually and irrevocably moving online. Using outdated textbooks to train specialists for modern realities it became difficult, so lessons became a popular area financial literacy. Abroad, children begin to be taught in this direction from school age, explaining how to properly create electronic wallets, make secure electronic payments, and so on.

Just a few years ago, the business of organizing intimate skills courses was considered a curiosity, but today this no longer surprises anyone. You can be called a sex school, a training center for “preserving love and harmony in the family” or a sex education center, but the essence will be the same - educating people in the field intimate relationships. You can open such a business with minimal investment, but remember that for ethical reasons, trainings are always divided into male and female, and are conducted by a person of the same gender as the trainees.

City walking tours allow tourists to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. An interesting trend in this area is conducting excursions with thematic mini-performances. You can launch such a project for less than 50 thousand rubles.

Speed ​​reading courses are a great option to make money for those people who are not only able to read quickly and highlight the essence of the text, but also for mentors. First of all, a speed reading teacher acts as a motivator for his students, who can be both children and adults. The cost of speed reading classes may vary and depend on the duration and authority of the teacher. A course of classes can cost from 8 thousand rubles.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam is a profitable business direction in the educational field. There are several options for starting your own business here - you can limit yourself to tutoring, or you can open full-fledged group classes by opening a school for preparing for the Unified State Exam on your own or as a franchise. A new niche in this area is the organization of online exam preparation services, where the entrepreneur’s income is generated by selling paid access to the service. In this case, a teacher is not needed: the student works with electronic tests.

Ready ideas for your business

Mental arithmetic is a technique for training the mental abilities of children, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. With its help, children not only learn to easily add, subtract, multiply and divide six-digit numbers in their heads, but also develop attention, memory and imagination. A school of mental arithmetic with one classroom can bring the owner more than 100 thousand rubles. net profit.

The sand painting studio is a mixture of educational, entertaining, cultural and even wellness: sand painting is considered art therapy. To open a children's sand painting studio you will need about 330 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months.

Two mandatory components for organizing sommelier courses are skill and marketing. Wine culture in Russia is developing rapidly, so the need for such a service is growing. More and more restaurants are looking for employees whose task will be to conduct tastings and consultations on wine selection.

Courses acting- this is a line of business, the need for which is much higher than it seems at first glance. They are in demand not only among actors and theatergoers, but also among people seeking to improve their skills in managing their psychological state, body and voice. Acting courses are also suitable for business people and people who need to communicate and negotiate frequently. To open a small acting studio, 200 thousand rubles will be enough.

A business preparing drivers to pass traffic police exams when purchasing budget cars can be started with an amount of 5 million rubles. Net profit per month will be more than 160 thousand rubles. The payback period for driving schools is on average about 2 years.

Ready ideas for your business

Mother Nature is increasingly being seen by entrepreneurs as a huge hall for business training. For six-figure sums, company owners and ordinary managers are taken on extreme tours, taught to act together and reach mountain peaks, drawing parallels with business development. In between ascents, the business coach informs managers about the concepts of the “Blue and Scarlet Oceans,” conducts metaphorical business games and helps build their “Value Curve” or “Success Map.”

If you have cooking skills, consider organizing culinary courses. Before renting a room and purchasing any equipment, you need to think about a promotion strategy. To begin with, you can give several master classes in an anti-cafe to gain experience working with an audience and feedback, get your first clients and take good photos.

1801 people are studying this business today.

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If you have a personal car and a desire to earn money, this is enough to start your own business in the self-employment format. Here are 10 ideas that require minimal money and time to implement.

Manufacturing business ideas are different big investments, but have wide opportunities for profit and turnover. In this collection we have collected 25 manufacturing businesses, as well as guides to them.

Any business can have its own romance, but in some areas it is most pronounced. We are, of course, talking about creativity, organizing unique holidays and travel.

A true entrepreneur can make money from anything. Even at the time of year. Seasonal business – perfect option for students and those looking for temporary income. Minimum preparation, maximum impact.

What types of small businesses can boast the highest markups? In this collection, we have collected 15 areas where margins can reach 300%, 1000% and even 4000%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

This business plan presents the preschool educational institution to possible investors with the aim of raising capital in the amount of 300,000 rubles. to open a computer class on its basis for children aged 4-6 years, which will provide the city population with a unique package of services in the field of information support for their children.

IN Lately industry growth in the country was approximately 5%, which is good indicator. With such development great importance automation of the technological process plays a role, i.e. implementation information technologies to the enterprise. To solve this problem, competent personnel with knowledge in this area are required. Thus, there is a need for qualified labor resources. This need can be satisfied either by attracting third-party specialists, which requires significant financial resources, or by training our own personnel already at the preschool stage, which is a cheaper alternative.

Thus, the need for this project is obvious, and the organization of a computer class will create a more favorable general social background in the area.

A preschool educational institution is an educational institution owned by the municipality.

During recent years specialists from the department for the introduction of new technologies conducted research and developed a range of unique information services that meet the most pressing needs of the population in the area.

Thus, the subject of business is educational services.

The founder and organizer of this project is the administration of the preschool educational institution represented by the division for the introduction of new technologies.

The structure of the proposed services is as follows:

  1. obtaining initial computer skills;
  2. access to Internet resources;
  3. work with development and training software products (“Intellect-plus”, “ Smart child" and etc.);
  4. gaming leisure;
  5. work with a software package (Windows, office software package, PhotoShop, etc.) to improve the level of computer knowledge (for the most gifted children).

What is fundamentally new is that in this project there is the introduction of new information technologies in education at preschool educational institutions, which is an exception, because an attempt was made to combine modern technologies with a child's worldview and mind. Thus, there is some free space on the market that this project can successfully fill.

The second positive argument is that there are experienced teachers and a psychologist in the class, i.e. children are under strict control.

Particular attention must be paid to the safety of activities. Before each lesson or leisure activity, children are given instructions on proper behavior and work in the classroom. In order for this process to be most effective, the rules are read in the form of a game, i.e. The teacher shows everything with his own hands.

In view of the fact that there is only one preschool educational institution in this area, it can be argued that the offered educational services will remain in demand, at least until the appearance of a second such institution.

3. Description of the sales market

Number of classes

Thus, we can conclude that both women and men prefer classes with their children once a week or more to all other options. Some men want classes for children more than once every two weeks or even a month, which is not at all typical for women. The voices in the answer “never” increased approximately. Those. It can be noted that in general, women are characterized by the position of either working out or not working out at all. Men are more restrained in this matter and suggest leaving the choice to the children.

Thus, we can conclude that when segmented by gender, and given that the first category is the most significant, women have a greater influence on the activity schedule, i.e. mothers, which is a fairly predictable factor.

In addition, it is also necessary to clarify which age portion of the female population is dominant. To do this, we will look at market segmentation by age.

A training schedule of once a week or more is absolutely preferred for women aged 16 to 25 years (59%). Women aged 25 to 45 years (35%) play an important role in choosing a training schedule. Thus, it is precisely these segments of the female population that must be targeted when drawing up a schedule and program of classes.

After segmenting the market, we will focus on analyzing the competitors of preschool educational institutions.

Because this project is the only one in its class ( preschool age), then the preschool educational institution has no main competitors, so we will consider alternative proposals in the classroom (school age).

Based on the market segmentation, we can talk about the expected volume of classes per month, i.e. with 3 lessons per week (12 lessons per month) for 3 hours, we have a total amount of time equal to 36 hours. For 3 groups we have - 108 hours per month.

The main competitors among schools are “School No. 1”, “School No. 2”.

According to the results of marketing research, the volume of classes conducted in these schools is 90 hours and 100 hours, respectively.

All educational institutions are fairly evenly distributed in the service market, but the main ones can still be identified - these are preschool educational institutions and School No. 2.

Thus, all our competitors occupy a stable position in the services market.

In this situation, the main advantages of preschool educational institutions come first, namely, that prices for services are lower than those of competitors (50 rubles/hour). Competitors do not serve their customers using plastic cards. In addition, the most important advantage is that the preschool educational institution is located in this area, i.e. ensuring a simultaneous visit to the institution with classes in the computer class, and competitors in other areas. The competitor analysis is presented in the table.

Thus, we can define concepts such as:

  • market size - this and nearby areas of the city;
  • market capacity - 108 hours of classes per month;
  • market share - 36%.

4. Organizational structure

Organizational and legal form - LLC.

Investment amount - 300,000 rubles. at one time.

The general management of the project will be carried out by the administration of the preschool educational institution. The project will be directly managed by the department for the implementation of new technologies represented by its head. All consulting, technical and other issues related to the project will be resolved by the personnel of the above department, who have all the necessary intellectual and methodological resources for this, as well as patents for unique software products. The control system is presented in the table.

Organizational management chart

Job title

Salary per month, rub.

Head of preschool educational institution

Project Manager

Leading software product specialist;

Programmer - training program consultant



Accountant/project secretary

TOTAL per month: 6 people.

TOTAL per year:

This staff will meet all of the staffing needs of the project; other staff will be hired as needed. The remuneration system provides for a remuneration policy in the form of one-time payments from profits.

5. Financial plan

To open a computer class in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary, first of all, to purchase the required equipment and furniture. Costs structured by item are presented in the table.

Structured Costs



Amount, rub.


Multimedia computer based on AMD processor

Network card

Mouse pad

Genius speakers



Joystick Warrior

Laser printer HP LJ 1100

Color inkjet printer



Computer desk

Executive chair

Secretary's chair


Total costs

Cash balance


As of 01/01/2003

As of 01/01/2004

As of 01/01/2005

As of 01/01/2006

Cash at the beginning of the year.

Cash receipts:

Sales proceeds including VAT

Total receipts

Additional education is one of the most important requirements in all areas of activity. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are trained on an ongoing basis, constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Thanks to this, educational or training centers have become widespread. Open your own training center – promising idea, requiring certain knowledge from the field entrepreneurial activity and having a sound business plan training center.

The training center aims to provide additional education or advanced training for specialists at various levels. Due to this specificity, the main consumers will be individuals or organizations interested in receiving various educational services.

Majority modern companies They introduce international corporate standards into the basis of their activities. This allows you to increase the level of professionalism of employees, improve the microclimate within the team and increase productivity, while increasing the quality of the company as a whole. Meeting certain standards helps motivate and retain employees, preventing turnover.

The main reason why new market participants should take up this type of activity is the significant increase in demand, as well as the lack of modern training centers that meet the requirements modern society. At the same time, everything larger number companies, especially international ones, strive to meet existing standards.

As for the form of entrepreneurial activity, for a training center that aspires to cooperate with large corporations, the status is more suitable legal entity. By registering an LLC, its creator actually declares his seriousness and reliability, confirming these qualities with the charter and contribution of the authorized capital. In addition, when applying for a loan from a bank as a legal entity, it is easier for the applicant to receive a positive response. The same applies to cooperation with potential clients - training centers registered as open or closed joint-stock companies are more trustworthy.

The LLC registration process includes the preparation of constituent documents according to the following list:

  1. — the charter, which will indicate the type of activity of the company;
  2. — decision to create an LLC;
  3. — decision on the appointment of a manager;
  4. — minutes of the founders’ meeting;
  5. — receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. — confirmation of payment of the authorized capital;
  7. — copies of personal documents of all founders.

These are some other documents that may be requested from the tax service, submitted along with a completed application, in which they indicate the one suitable for the chosen type of activity OKVED codes. The main code can be 85.41 “Additional education for children and adults.” But other basic and additional codes are also possible - it is important that the services offered correspond to the declared information.

Financial aspects of a business plan for a training center

An enterprise providing additional educational services, according to preliminary calculations, needs funding. Most rational method To get the necessary funds - turn to lending. According to the provisions of the business plan, you will need to obtain a commercial bank loan in the amount of 1 million 950 thousand rubles. This is the approximate size of the total cost of this project. The duration of the project from the moment of its launch until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency will be 2 years. Considering that interest rate will be 14 percent, and loan payments will begin from the first month of the center’s establishment, the total amount of interest payments for this period will be approximately 123 thousand rubles. Over the selected period, the total economic effect will reach 9 million 242 thousand rubles.

Such figures can be obtained taking into account the fact that large training companies looking forward to the long term can target an annual turnover of 1.5 billion rubles, subject to a contract of at least 3 million. But such centers must have highly qualified specialists who need an appropriate salary level, as well as a massive marketing campaign. Medium-sized training centers that do not pretend to have premium-class trainers should expect that in the first year of operation they should not expect big profits - during this period all efforts and funds are invested in the development of the company, attracting qualified trainers and selecting a client base. main reason, according to which most centers receive a zero balance by the end of the first year - the absence of truly large clients. This is logical - in the first 2 years the company only earns a reputation in the market.

In addition to lending as the main source of investment for a new business, entrepreneurs resort to other sources of financing. Approximately 30% will come from the issue of bonds, 25% from the placement of shares on the stock exchange, 23% from the participation of financial investors and within 14% from own funds.

Similar calculations can be obtained by analyzing existing proposals in the industry, studying pricing policy and comparing this data with the costs incurred in opening and promoting the company.

When planning the pricing policy of the future center, it is necessary to take into account all existing factors. Thus, the average price of an open curriculum ranges from $300 to $700. True, in elite organizations the cost can significantly exceed this figure. Corporate programs will cost from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Depending on territorial features, composition and saturation curricula and the qualifications and reputation of trainers, the price indicator can vary significantly upward.

The income part of a business plan is determined by several important features– the level of demand, the state of this market segment and the nature of the proposals of a particular organization. At the same time, in order to avoid bias in calculations, the lowest threshold of profitability should be taken into account, not forgetting the existing risks.

Taking into account that the period during which the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency and generate stable income will be approximately 2 years, a plan for the volume of services provided during this billing period should be prepared:

If the indicated financial results are maintained over the first two years and, in addition, the trend towards profit growth and an increase in the customer base continues (in this case, the growth rate will range from 20 to 55 percent per year), annual sales growth will reach the level of 18 million rubles and more.

One of the main points of the business plan will be its expenditure part. If we take into account the most significant expense items, we can draw the following conclusion:

Expense item 1 month, rub. 12 months, rub. One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Buying or renting premises 93.8 thousand 1 million 125 thousand 187.5 thousand 1 million 313 thousand
Equipment purchase 37.9 thousand 37.9 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 81 thousand 81 thousand
Website creation, hosting, purchase of scripts 92 thousand 92 thousand
Advertising expenses 50 thousand 600 thousand 200 thousand 600 thousand
Wage 738 thousand 8 million 856 thousand 8 million 856 thousand
Tax payments 236 thousand 2 million 832 thousand 2 million 832 thousand
Unforeseen expenses 93.6 thousand 93.6 thousand
Total 882 thousand 10 million 880 thousand 1 million 30 thousand 11.5 million

Composing financial plan, be sure to take into account all existing risks. The most significant factors include the following:

  1. — high competition with a constant upward trend;
  2. — uncertainty in market trends;
  3. high level investments.

All these factors, common to most organizations providing additional education services, can be overcome by ensuring the highest quality of services and developing an effective marketing strategy.

The tax portion of expenses will depend on two main factors - the chosen taxation system and the income the organization receives. But in general, the list of tax deductions for a training center will be standard:

The conclusion that can be drawn as a result of studying the market for additional educational and training services is very optimistic: this sector is very promising and is constantly open to new participants. By properly organizing the company's activities, it is possible to make it highly profitable business with a tendency towards constant development and expansion. Having calculated the financial investments and expected income, you can describe in advance all the steps of creating and developing an organization.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, the best way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

Business plan for educational services

Resume with a budget

We present to your attention a project to create a Higher Educational Institution, abbreviated as university.

The project requires financial investments in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles, and pursues the following tasks:

  • Complete satisfaction educational services consumer market;
  • Creation of a highly profitable enterprise that generates stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

As was written earlier, for the basis similar project financing in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles is required. To obtain the required amount, you can attract investors, or take out a commercial loan from a bank at 14% per annum.

The profit that investors or the bank will receive is 2,269,289.24 rubles. The total profit for the whole time life cycle enterprise, which, by the way, is designed for two years, will amount to 118,748,222.76 rubles.

Estimated payback period for the enterprise: 9 months.

The loan must begin to be repaid from the first month of starting the enterprise.

Steps required to open your own university:

1. Rent or purchase of a building, premises and various outbuildings
2. Obtaining a state license, passing certification
3. Carrying out a whole range of repair and construction work
4. Purchase and installation of all necessary equipment
5. Passing various government inspections: SES, Fire inspection, Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations, and other licensing authorities.
6. Search and hiring of all teaching staff in the amount of at least 2 teachers per subject.
7. Hiring other personnel (security, cleaners, secretaries, accountants, concierges, etc.)
8. Conducting an extensive advertising campaign

Types of training

Typically, university education is divided into several types:

  • Full-time education. All classes take place in full-time, as a rule, in daytime days daily from Monday to Friday;
  • Extramural studies. Correspondence students have a separate schedule and appear at the university, often only during the session, studying independently the rest of the time;
  • Evening courses (full-time and part-time);
  • Distance learning. Teachers give the student assignments electronically, he completes them and sends back the answers. All reading is done by the student independently.

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of educational services in Russia

Equipment required in universities:
1. Desks, tables
2. Chairs
3. Boards, projectors, media boards
4. Stationery
5. Decorative items: flower pots, curtains, busts, portraits of scientists and prominent figures
6. Audio-video equipment, microphones
7. Office furniture, executive furniture
8. Toilet and shower rooms
9. Lighting, alarm
10. Library. Both electronic and regular
11. Equipment for the gym: exercise equipment, mats, balls, parallel bars, etc.
12. A luxury car for the rector of an educational institution.
13. Coffee machines
14. Buffet, canteen or something similar to provide meals for students. Also, the buffet provides additional profit for the university itself; students invest money in the university, and not in third-party stores.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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