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How to recover from gluttony. How to get rid of gluttony with folk remedies? Unconventional methods of dealing with the disease

Today obesity and overweight is considered one of the most global problems of mankind. We have conquered many dangerous diseases that were previously considered incurable, but we cannot cope with overeating in any way. Uncontrolled binge eating is a disease that anyone can develop. Our task is to be ready for the blows of fate and try to cope with the problem on our own. But if you can't control yourself, then you don't need to give up. The timely assistance provided by a medical specialist will become a lifesaver for those who have already given up on themselves.

People often ask how it turns out that we start to eat and can no longer stop. This becomes the reason for the rapid set of excess weight, which is fraught with the development of many concomitant diseases. Thoughtless, uncontrolled, immeasurable consumption of food leads to a dangerous one, which not everyone can defeat on their own.

Greed, excessive eating indicates a clear problem. If a person begins to absorb a much larger amount of food than is required for him to maintain life, then we can talk about a serious gluttony can be put on a par with such serious diseases as or.

Gluttony as a disease

Some specialists, just after hearing a description of patient complaints, immediately begin to talk about. However, ordinary gluttony still differs from it in its psychosomatics. Today, about thirty to forty percent of the citizens of our country suffer from overweight, but this does not mean at all that they are the “happy owners” of this difficult disease.

True, if you do not know how to stop, gluttony may well develop into an extremely severe form of mental dependence. How exactly can you tell one from the other? It is enough to ask yourself a few simple questions and be extremely honest with yourself.

  • Do you show signs of binge eating regularly and systematically? If you overeat at least twice a week for the past six months, then the problem is clearly present.
  • Do you hide, at least occasionally, to eat something delicious? Regular gluttons don't hesitate to devour tons of candy or junk food in public. Those who suffer from compulsive psychogenic disorder often prefer to eat their favorite treats alone.
  • Do you experience negative emotions after a bout of overeating, do you feel empty? If nothing like this happens, then the problem has not gone too far.
  • Can you tell offhand whether you are eating because you see food or because you are hungry? Ordinary gluttons can easily distinguish real hunger, they know for sure that they have already overeat, even if they continue to "trample" the next donut at the same time. Victims of binge eating cannot clearly distinguish between when they really want to eat and when they are already full.

If most of the answers are negative, then most likely it's time to run to the doctor, it will not be easy to cope on your own, and sometimes even impossible. When you have not yet sunk into the abyss of mental problems, then it makes sense to take care of yourself in order to prevent the development of the disease.

Signs and symptoms

Before figuring out how to get rid of gluttony, you need to clearly understand what signs indicate its presence.


  • Periodic attacks, the so-called "gagging". They can last from a few hours to a whole day.
  • Complete or partial loss of control over the amount of food consumed.
  • The person begins to eat food at a faster rate than usual.
  • There is a desire to hide from everyone in order to eat in silence and loneliness.
  • The desire to eat from only one type of food, regardless of whether you are hungry.


  • The emergence of a strong sense of guilt, remorse, depression, which may appear after another binge binge.
  • Food brings pleasure, reduces stress symptoms, up to the relief of headaches.
  • Loss of self-control. That is, a person completely turns off, as psychologists say - goes on "autopilot". When he wakes up, he discovers that he has eaten much more than he could afford.

As soon as the habit of eating heavily develops into something more serious, the person usually feels strong remorse, experiences stress, and sometimes even becomes depressed. There is also a third option for signs - functional. This is convulsive eating of food, as if someone will take away the "prey", eating record-large portions, food to the point of insanity. However, they are already more inherent in a more serious problem than the usual household gluttony.

Rapid gluttony test

This popular problem is frightening more and more people. However, many cannot figure out whether they have a similar problem or whether they are just lovers of delicious dishes. This is also not very good and can lead to the development of symptoms, but it is still not a disease. Therefore, it makes sense to take the test, finding out if you are suffering from gluttony, without realizing it yourself.

  • Do you drink alcohol every day, several times a week, or close to this indicator?
  • Are you ready to spend the last money on your favorite delicacy?
  • Could you spend your entire salary on treats?
  • Do you never watch your weight?
  • Do you buy food on the street every day on your way home or to work?
  • Do you often eat out?
  • Have you ever thought about the ratio of calories, amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food, choosing it to taste?
  • Is it true that you can never deny yourself a loved one when it comes to food?
  • Do you regularly consume sweets, chips and fast food?
  • Do friends, acquaintances and colleagues consider you a real gourmet and connoisseur of different dishes?
  • Do you watch cooking shows and TV programs?

If you answered in the affirmative to at least half of the proposed questions, then there is definitely gluttony. In no case should you close your eyes to this, otherwise it may become a serious problem in the future.

To assess the "scale" of the disaster, "you need to understand that gluttony can become overgrown with various serious diseases. It does not immediately cause health problems, because the process can occur unnoticed for the glutton himself.

  • Some types of cancer.
  • Apnea.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Hypertension.
  • Disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, people who are overweight usually have excessively high blood cholesterol levels. As a result, this can lead to blockage of the arteries, as well as other unpleasant diseases.

Causes and factors of binge eating

There are many reasons that can cause bingeing in a person. To figure out how to deal with gluttony, you need to find out why it could appear. Knowing the factors and causes will help prevent a developing problem before it develops into a serious illness.


Scientists believe that the main reasons for gluttony lie in the plane of psychology. The percentage of people who are susceptible to this ailment is regularly increasing. There are several direct psychological factors that usually lead to binge eating disorder and ultimately obesity.

  • Excessively increased anxiety, fear of the future, major loss or psychological trauma. Often people begin to seize the death of a loved one or parting with loved ones.
  • To comfort or reward themselves, people prone to these problems often eat exorbitant amounts. This is called emotional burnout. Unfulfilled, unspent feelings and needs become the main reason for this.
  • With regard to feelings, psychologically weak individuals feel their insecurity, vulnerability. Therefore, trying to hide from the world, they seem to freeze, while fencing off from understanding the problem.
  • Feeling very frustrated with life can also lead to gluttony. When a person is not satisfied with his achievements, life in general, when everything goes wrong, the only outlet may be food, which is always "ready" to satisfy, to bring pleasure.

Feelings of guilt, shame, excessive self-examination and self-absorption, like other similar feelings, often cause serious psychological problems. As a result, a person simply abstracts from the world around him, looking for consolation, reassurance in food. Moreover, often, the role is played not so much by the taste as by the amount of food eaten.


In medicine, there is even a special term - a genetic predisposition to gluttony. Long-term in-depth studies have shown that children with obesity are also prone to regular over-eating. All this is explained quite simply: the human body has at least six genes discovered in 2001-2003, which are responsible for obesity. Carriers of these genes usually weigh slightly more than those who do not.

Moreover, this is usually true even for those who diligently monitor their body, is. It would be a mistake to think that a biological predisposition to overeating is a sentence and you are destined to remain the owner of excess weight forever. However, if you have them, the chances of becoming fat are increased. About 50-65% of people with high degrees of obesity carry a combination of these six genes.


As strange as it may sound, but the basis of gluttony is often laid in us by the parents themselves. Moreover, this happens at a stage when we still cannot and do not know how to resist. Surprisingly, over 80% of obese people have experienced psychological abuse in childhood without even knowing it. Remember how your mother or grandmother made you eat boring porridge or stuffed you with pies?

The stronger ones distributed goodies to their friends, fed them to the cat, and the weak ones had to eat through force. The child could not resist the pressure of adults, and as a result, he was injured for life, and together with it, a large number of health problems and excess weight. Also, can you get fat in one day of binge eating? The answer, of course, is no, but in the end, if you think so every time, you can build up serious excess weight.

In some families, it is customary to regularly roll up a feast in the mountains, as in old Russian fairy tales. Moreover, even the culture itself seems to suggest that a good fellow can eat a whole bull. Even in fairy tales and sayings, they say that workers who eat little will also work with laziness. All this adjusts to the fact that eating large amounts of food in one sitting is great, an indicator of health and strength. When it comes to a loader pulling heavy bags, this is almost true, but when it comes to an office worker, the case "smells of kerosene."

How to stop binge eating: basic strategies and tricks

Food addiction and binge eating are very difficult to stop. Sometimes, it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor. However, at the stage of ordinary everyday binge eating, everyone still has time to stop, look around and change their lives in such a way as to prevent more serious problems.

In order to stop unhealthy behavior patterns (gluttony) in time, it is important to realize why you need food at all. You need to absorb foods not only for your own pleasure, enjoyment of taste, but primarily to ensure the vital functions of the body. We must regularly nourish it with energy, maintain health. A deliberate approach, when choosing a healthy, balanced diet, usually does not allow you to plunge into the abyss of gluttony.

Sense management and stress regulation

Overeating is often caused by the person's regular stress. For example, we may be annoyed at work, do not appreciate our bosses, and infuriate conflict situations at home. As a result, we begin to seize it with tons of unhealthy food, trying to somehow compensate for the negative emotions experienced. But you can satisfy this emotional hunger in other ways.

It will be optimal to replace regular burnout with moderate sports activities that can bring physical and mental satisfaction. Yoga helps well, as well as other oriental practices of relaxation, meditation. Respiratory types of gymnastics are also good for clearing the head, giving as a result an understanding of your own feelings, allowing you to take control of emotions and stress.

Balanced split meals

Starting with the morning meal, the metabolism starts, therefore it is not recommended to skip it. You need to give up the habit of eating as you have to. It is generally optimal to pay attention to the type of your diet. Fractional meals 5-6 times a day will be the best option in order not to feel hunger. This will help prevent bouts of binge eating.

We must not forget that food should provide all the substances the body needs: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, vitamins, and minerals. A balanced menu is good for your health, and along with frequent meals, it will be easier for you to overcome the urge to forget about everything, overeating fast food or sweets.

Complete prohibition of strict diets and elimination of temptations

Any restrictions cause persistent psychological resistance. Therefore, if you are prone to gluttony, then you can not sit on any strict diet, in the manner. Unhappy, hungry, it will be much easier for you to succumb to the temptation to eat a bun or chicken wings on the way home from work. Therefore, it is best to limit portions, that is, the amount eaten, but do not forbid yourself to eat your favorite "sweets" completely.

On the other hand, if your refrigerator is full of fatty, smoked, and there are a bunch of buns and cakes in the bread bin, then it is very difficult to refuse to eat them. Moreover, once you start, you can hardly stop. It is optimal to completely remove all unhealthy foods from the house so that you do not even have the thought to eat them. Even if you crave candy, there will be time to think again on the way to the store. Perhaps you will abandon this idea, returning to the rut of healthy eating.

Physical education and water regime

It is very important to exercise in moderation to keep your body healthy. It does not have to be any specific kind of sport, strength training in the hall. Choose about what you like. Do Nordic walking in the park, ride a bike, sign up for the pool, dance. All this will benefit your body, and you will simply be reluctant to overeat.

Don't forget that our body is mostly water. Therefore, it is necessary to drink water regularly. The amount of liquid drunk per day can be individual for everyone, but less than one and a half liters per day is not recommended for anyone. Some people mistakenly think that they need to force themselves to drink the prescribed amount of water, even if they don't feel like it at all. You can't force yourself. Please note that tea, coffee, compote, juice and even soup are included in the required daily amount.

Sleep well and fight boredom

Sleepiness, constant fatigue, all this can lead to an attack of gluttony, in order to somehow compensate for negative emotions with pleasant sensations. In addition, it seems to you that by eating, you will significantly raise the level of energy supply to the body, but for some reason this does not happen. It's better to take a nap than to have a snack, or even go to bed early. This way, the chance of getting overeating during a snack will be much less.

You shouldn't be allowed to have nothing to do, it invariably causes bouts of boredom. You will definitely want to eat something, and this can lead to another bout of binge eating. As soon as you feel bored, find something to do. For this, it is best to choose a hobby to your liking. For many, this is hand-made, gardening, painting, or even computer games.

Listen to your body and keep a diary

Often, instead of physical hunger, we try to compensate for the psychological, emotional. It is important to distinguish between these two completely different sensations and not succumb to false urges, which lead to breakdowns and burnouts. If you've recently eaten but want to go back, drink a glass of water. This usually helps to get rid of false feelings and wait for the next meal.

It is very convenient to keep a diary of weight loss or just food, if your weight is normal. In it you need to record all meals, their calorie content, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This will give you a clear understanding of what your diet consists of. In addition, you will be able to track your own feelings and the direct dependence of mood with gluttony. So you can identify the problem at an early stage, contact a specialist, and completely get rid of it.

Helping people close to a person in the fight against gluttony: recommendations

Sometimes we do not even notice how our close and dear person is sliding deeper and deeper into the abyss of gluttony. This may be evidenced by empty wrappers and packages from products that you have not seen in your eyes, empty cabinets where sweets were previously stored, as well as the rapid weight gain of a partner or relative. Then the time comes for a heart-to-heart conversation, but in no case should you press. This can only make the situation worse. But how can you help?

  • Support a loved one in an effort to seek help from professionals - nutritionists, psychologists, trainers. It is necessary to "warm up" his faith in the success of the treatment, and not skeptically break the fragile hope.
  • Do not impose a sense of guilt, it will definitely not do anything good. A person will begin to feel even more insignificant, therefore, he will try to smooth over moral torment by gluttony. You can't blame, scold, insult, lecture, how to live, this will have the opposite effect.
  • Set an example with your lifestyle, dietary style, diet, and regular exercise. So a person will be able to see what fruits all this brings, he will also want to follow your example.
  • Taking care of your own health, as well as the condition of a loved one, is another condition for those who really decided to help get rid of gluttony. For this, it does not hurt to regularly undergo examinations, take tests to identify problems in the early stages.

If you yourself or your loved ones are no longer able to help yourself, and bouts of gluttony occur more and more often, the weight steadily increases, it makes sense to seek help from specialists. Experts recommend cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, as well as group and physiotherapy. In the most advanced cases, medical treatment in a closed hospital may be required. However, these are extreme measures, at first it is better to try to overcome gluttony on your own, most do it well. The main thing is to never give up and always look to the future with hope.

How to stop Compulsive Overeating or an irresistible urge to chew something using powerful methods and natural supplements.

Do you often eat more than you should or intended? Are you overweight? Do you feel guilty but can't stop? Do you feel like food is your drug?

You are not alone, I also used to be in the same boat with you.

I suffered from a so-called eating disorder called Binge Eating Compulsive.

It happened many years ago. I was 17 and entered a medical university in a completely foreign city where I didn't know anyone. I felt lonely. And to interrupt this feeling - I ate. First, sweet, and then everything else, in huge quantities. I couldn't stop. It got to the point that I began to hide my addiction even from friends. I went outside, bought myself a hot dog, chocolates, ice cream and just stuffed my mouth with them.

Bottom line: from 58 kg I recovered to 75. In a month !!!

But I found the strength to stop, reconsider my addiction and start treating food in terms of nutrition for the body, and not emotions. This was the starting point.

Over the summer, I lost weight up to 55 kg, started going to the gym. And I can say for sure, if I could, then it will work for you too!

What is Binge eating disorder?

Overeating is not just an eating disorder.

It's like a cycle that a person is not able to control.

At first, you eat a lot (overeat), often unhealthy or so-called forbidden food. Then it makes you feel shame and guilt. After that, you decide to put an end to this - and there comes a period of rigid diets and restricting yourself. And everything ends - again with a breakdown and gluttony. And on top of that - you are often overcome by depression, melancholy, bad mood and anxiety.

Symptoms of Binge eating disorder:

  • loss of control over the amount eaten
  • emotional outbursts after overeating (feelings of guilt, shame, self-loathing, depression)
  • repeated at least once a week for 3 months
  • eat until you burst
  • eat large amounts of food even when you are not hungry
  • try to eat alone so that no one sees how much you have eaten
  • hide food so that you can eat it later while no one is looking
  • eat when stressed, in a bad mood, upset, anxious, under stress, and so on
  • no feeling of fullness, regardless of the amount eaten

Causes of Overeating Compulsive and Overeating

In order to treat any condition - first you need to understand the reason... And having figured out the reason why you actually overeat, you can already find the right approach to get rid of it.

Genetic predisposition

Scientists have been able to identify a specific gene that plays an important role in eating behavior problems.

Mental disorders

Almost always, people suffering from gluttony also suffer from depression, anxiety, and the use of illegal drugs. In a word - not from a good life, we begin to eat uncontrollably.

Aligning with fashion

Many (especially women) feel enormous pressure from society about their appearance. One has only to look at women's magazines or turn on the TV. “Skinny means beautiful” is still the main slogan of our social circle.

Frequent diets

A strict diet leads to breakdowns and then again to overeating and again to diets. In general, it turns out such a vicious vicious circle.


Special substances, an imbalance of which in the brain can lead to uncontrolled absorption of food. Many scientists argue that it is the problem with neurotransmitters that leads to psychological / mental problems and ultimately to binge eating.

The Threats of Compulsive Overeating:

  • increased risk of obesity
  • increased risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, hypertension
  • increased risk of developing anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, depression
  • sleep problems, insomnia
  • gallbladder problems
  • muscle / joint pain
  • digestive problems, including

How to deal with Binge eating disorder?

In general, I believe that this problem must be approached in a comprehensive manner.

It is necessary to understand yourself and understand what exactly can cause a pathological desire to chew. Observe what you are experiencing at this time. For example, I ate to dull feelings of loneliness and anxiety. I got pleasure from it and the so-called feeling of comfort.

So, the main methods of dealing with Compulsive Gluttony:

Change your perspective on how you are trying to lose weight or achieve the ideal

Don't see your life as a movement towards your ideal weight and shape. Do not count calories and do not sharply limit yourself in food, this will lead to irritability and the desire to eat again without stopping.

You just need to switch to complete and natural nutrition, which will exactly nourish your body.

It is also best to serve your food in smaller bowls. So visually it will seem to you that you have eaten more.

And sometimes you need to pamper yourself - allow both baked and a little sugar, natural of course. Homemade baking, again in normal quantities, will not negatively affect your figure.

Eat without distraction! Do not watch TV or read during this time. Chew your writing well. Do not hurry! I have already written in more detail about these extremely important aspects in.

Learn to manage your emotions

Or they will always rule you! When we cannot take control of negative emotions, situations and thoughts, our body begins to need comfort. And one of them will be zhor!

Try to walk more, do your favorite things, start practicing yoga, listen to meditations (they can be found on YouTube), go to, play sports, read more. In short, find other ways to relax and comfort.

By the way, I would like to single out one of the most effective methods. Still, self-talk really works and helps to overcome any fears, negative thoughts and emotions!

Anti-Gluttony Supplements

It's not about the so-called diet pills or cocktails that replace food intake (both are only temporary and harmful).

As I wrote earlier, some scientists argue that abnormal hunger can be caused by a malfunction of neurotransmitters in our brain. And by bringing them back to normal, you can achieve normal eating behavior.

I support this theory, because I believe that depression and other negative feelings often arise precisely because of some kind of imbalance, or at least lead to it.

Major neurotransmitters:

  • Serotonin- a substance responsible for good mood, appetite, sleep, learning and memory.
  • Dopamine Is the so-called neurotransmitter of motivation.

So, here is a list of supplements that can be successfully used to treat Overeating Pathology:

B complex vitamins

Helps regulate Serotonin levels, improving energy and mood and leading to less binge eating. For example, this complex.


Especially come in handy. It helps the penetration of Insulin into cells, regulating the level of glucose and as a result, our brain stops receiving signals that we need more sugar. For example this one.

Dosage: 200 per day


This mineral helps with the transport and metabolism of glucose. Stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces sugar cravings. For example this one.

Dose: 10 mg per day


And this miracle mineral relaxes our body and brain. The glucose level is stabilized. Helps you relax and sleep. I like this Magnesium Citrate or this ionic solution of Magnesium.

Dose: 400 mg daily or until the stools are too soft.


This mineral is essential for appetite regulation. Here's a great option.

Dose: 15 mg per day


Or Serotonin's precursor not only supports normal appetite, but also relaxes. Take 5-Hydroxytryptophone in the evening or when you feel another strong urge to devour.

Dose: 200 mg per day


Helps fight strong. You can take L-Glutamine up to 3 times a day when you feel the urge to eat something sweet.

Dose: 500 mg up to 3 times a day


Saffron extract

Helps fight depression through longer activation of neurotransmitters. For example this one.

St. John's wort

Or St. John's grass. It has been used successfully for the natural and gentle treatment of depression. Has the same effect as many antidepressants. Naturally increases the synthesis of Serotonin, which improves mood and reduces anxiety and irritability.


Responsible for the production of dopamine, which is often imbalanced in those suffering from uncontrollable hunger.

Ginkgo biloba

Helps fight depression and all the ensuing consequences. Improves well-being and gives us more energy. I have here

For many of my students, the issue of gluttony is very relevant. It has different forms and manifestations, but it is quite dangerous. We all overeat from time to time, taking an extra portion for lunch at grandma's or an extra dessert at a birthday party. but overeating is regular and uncontrolled for real gluttons.

Using food to combat stress and other negative emotions makes us feel even worse.The feeling of a vicious circle does not leave us, but gluttony is treatable. With the right help and support, you can learn to control your diet and develop a healthy attitude towards food. I wrote this article using the latest scientific materials from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL and my experience of working with students according to my method "LOSE EASY AND FOREVER".


Gluttony: Key Aspects

Signs and symptoms

The consequences of gluttony

Causes and factors of binge eating

How to stop binge eating

Helping a person with gluttony

Health care

Gluttony: Key Aspects

Binge eating or binge eating is eating huge amounts of food that cannot be controlled and cannot be stopped. Binge eating symptoms usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a basic diet. Binge eating attacks usually last for about two hours, but some people manage to binge throughout the day. Gluttons eat even when they are not hungry, and continue to eat even after they are full.

Key features of binge eating:

  • Frequent bouts of uncontrolled overeating.
  • Feeling depressed or regretful during or after overeating.
  • Unlike bulimia, there is no attempt to fix everything by vomiting, fasting, or vigorous training.
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust, and depression.
  • Desperate desire to stop overeating, which is accompanied by a constant feeling of inability to do so.

Overeating can be pleasant for a moment, but returning to reality creates regret and self-loathing. Excessive food consumption often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only increases the desire to overeat. The worse the glutton feels and the more critical his self-esteem, the more often food is used as a calming person. Closed circle, openwhich would seem to be impossible.

Signs and symptoms

People with binge eating are shy and ashamed of their food preferences, so they often try to hide their imperfections and eat in secret. Many gluttons are overweight. v eu or obesity, however, there are representatives with absolutely normal weight.

Behavioral symptoms of binge eating:

  • Inability to stop eating or control what you eat
  • Large amounts of food are eaten quickly
  • Absorbing food even when you feel full
  • Hiding and stockpiling food to eat later in secret
  • It is usually okay to eat around people and gobble it alone.
  • Continuous absorption of food throughout the day, without a scheduled meal

Emotional symptoms of binge eating:

  • Feelings of stress or tension that are relieved only by eating
  • Confusion over how much is eaten
  • Feeling numbduring a binge binge with switching to autopilot
  • Lack of satisfaction, regardless of the amount eaten
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust, or depression after overeating
  • Desperate and unsuccessful attempts to control weight and nutrition
  • Rapid gluttony test:
  • Is your overeating uncontrollable?
  • Are they busy thoughts all the time eating?
  • Does it have a place overeating in secret?
  • Is there any absorption of food before feeling sick?
  • Is food a calming agent, stress reliever, and an escape from worries?
  • Is there a feeling of shame and disgust after eating?
  • Is there a feeling of powerlessness and inability to stop the process of absorbing food?

The more positive answers you have, the more likely you are to have binge eating.

The consequences of gluttony

Overeating leads to many physical, emotional and social problems. People with binge eating are prone to stress, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts. Depression, anxiety and substance abuse are common side effects. But the most famous consequence of binge eating is weight gain.

Over time, overeating leads to obesity, and obesity, in turn, causes numerous complications, including:

Causes and factors of binge eating

There are many factors, the combination of which contributes to the development of binge eating - including human genes, emotions, impressions. But there are certain factors responsible for binge eating disorder.

Biological causes of binge eating

Biological abnormalities can contribute to binge eating. For example, the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls appetite) cannot send messages about true hunger and satiety. The researchers also discovered a genetic mutation that causes food addiction. There is also evidence that low levels of serotonin, a chemical in the brain, trigger overeating.

Social and cultural reasons for binge eating

The social pressure to be slim and judging people who are binge-addicted only spur on overeating and the desire to soothe oneself with food. Some parents unwittingly set the stage for binge eating by using food as comfort, encouragement, and comfort for their children. Children who are subject to frequent criticism of their body and weight are just as vulnerable as those who were sexually abused in childhood.

Psychological reasons for overeating

Depression and binge eating are closely related. Most gluttons are depressed or have been depressed before; some are unable to control their emotions and feelings. Low self-esteem, loneliness, and body dissatisfaction can also contribute to binge eating.

How to stop binge eating

Overeating and food addiction can be difficult to overcome. Unlike other addictions, this "drug" is essential for survival, so there is no way to avoid using it. Instead, we need to develop a healthy relationship with food — a relationship that is based on meeting our physical nutritional needs, not our emotional ones.

In order to stop unhealthy binge eating patterns, it is important to start eating for health and nutrition. Healthy eating involves the creation of a balanced system, where the choice is made towards healthy foods with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and calories.

10 strategies to overcome binge eating:

  • Stress management. One of the most important aspects of binge control is an alternative way to deal with stress and other overwhelming feelings without using food. Moderate exercise, meditation, sensory relaxation strategies, and simple breathing exercises are helpful.
  • Eat 3 times a day plus healthy snacks. Our metabolism starts from breakfast. It's important not to skip breakfast, which should have enough protein and the right carbohydrates. It's important to have a balanced lunch and dinner with healthy snacks in between. When we skip meals, we often overeat on the same day.
  • Avoid temptation. It's much easier to overeat if junk food, desserts, snacks, and other nasty things are close at hand. Remove anything that gives us temptation out of our reach. Clear the refrigerator and cabinets from stocks of sweets, smoked meats, snacks. Let everything be in the store. And if we suddenly want something, we will have time, while we go to the store, to think how much we need it.
  • Stop dieting. A strict diet that leaves us destitute and starving will only fuel our cravings for gluttony. Instead of dieting, focus on eating in moderation. Find nutritious food that pleases us and makes us satisfied. Any abstinence and violence against oneself will end with another overeating.
  • Feasible exercise. No mockery of your body. Love to run - run, love to walk - walk, love to jump rope - jump. Everything should be feasible, not depressing and enjoyable. Thus, the process of burning fat goes on, the mood rises and the state of health improves, and stress is reduced. This, in turn, removes the need to use food as a sedative.
  • Down with boredom. Instead of snacks when you're bored, you need to be distracted by something else. Take a walk, call a friend, read or do something interesting - painting, gardening, knitting, rearranging furniture, designing a children's house. Start repairs, after all. Or play with the kids.
  • Dream. Fatigue and sleepiness increase food cravings to raise energy levels. Taking a nap or going to bed early is a great way to avoid overeating.
  • Listen to the body. You should learn to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger. If the meal was recently and there is no rumbling in the stomach, then this is not hunger. It is enough to drink water to make sure of this.
  • Keep a diary. Recording everything that was eaten, with the amount, time, and mood that accompanied the meal, illustrates the eating pattern, showing the relationship between mood and binge eating.
  • Get support. You are more likely to succumb to a binge binge if there is no strong support from loved ones or people with similar problems. Family, friends, social media, themed clubs are all great support and support in these situations.

Helping a person with gluttony

Signs that a loved one is overeating are piles of empty food bags and wrappers, empty cabinets and refrigerators, hidden caches of high-calorie and unhealthy foods. If you suspect that a loved one is overeating, you need to talk to him. It is difficult to start such a delicate conversation, but silence can only aggravate everything.

If a person denies, snaps, gets nervous, gets upset, do not press on him. It will take time for him to be ready to admit the problem and accept the help of others.

It is difficult to help a person with a gluttony if the initiative does not come from them. A loving person can only have compassion, encouragement and support throughout the restoration of a healthy lifestyle.

5 Strategies to Combat Loved One's Gluttony:

  • Encourage him or her to seek help. The longer the process of restoring healthy eating behavior is delayed, the more difficult it is to overcome binge eating, so you should urge your loved one to visit a personal therapist for timely diagnosis of binge eating and take the help of specialists.
  • Provide support... Listen without judgment and with concern. If a person fails on the road to recovery, it is worth reminding him that it is still possible to quit binge eating for good.
  • Avoid insults, lectures and provoking feelings of guilt. A person with gluttony tends to feel bad enough without further ado. Reading lectures, ultimatums, insults will only increase stress and make the situation worse. Instead, it is necessary to take care of a person's health, about his well-being, making it clear that you will always be there.
  • Set a good example. By personal example of healthy eating, exercise, stress management without food, convince a person that this is real and does not require extraordinary efforts.
  • Take care of yourself. Only by being calm, confident and healthy can you help someone else become that way. Monitor your well-being, do not hide your emotions, give free rein to your fears. Don't make your loved one the scapegoat.

Health care

For those who are unable to help themselves, there is professional support and medical treatment. Health professionals who offer binge eating disorder treatment include psychiatrists, nutritionists, therapists, and eating disorder and obesity specialists.

There are different types of therapy, formal support groups, and different medications. But all this, as a rule, gives a temporary result - as long as the person pays. In fact, greedy weight loss specialists only need our money. We can go to them endlessly, and the result will be only when we go to them and pay.

Only by firmly deciding yourself once, you can help yourself forever. This is what my technique teaches.

Currently, the problem of excess weight is of great importance in the world. And here is the most direct relationship: naturally, overweight people are not able to control their own appetite, and they, as a rule, are irrepressible. In such conditions, it is easy to become a real glutton. By the way, gluttony is a very serious ailment that must be dealt with. The problem of gluttony is now very relevant and concerns almost everyone - there are few people who eat properly and rationally, most people "do not bother" with the intricacies of good nutrition - they ate and okay. However, not only the quality, but also the amount of food consumed has become far from ideal. People overeat and any specialist will confirm this. And gluttony isn't just about being overweight. The consequences of gluttony are many diseases, and even very serious ones. So why bring to trouble? Let's talk about the main reasons and how you can get rid of binge eating.

What it is

Gluttony is the regular, uncontrolled consumption of excessive amounts of food, which is difficult to cope with. A synonym for the disease sounds like "binge eating disorder." In some cases of overeating, when it is combined with insatiable hunger and is pathological in nature, the term "bulimia" is also appropriate. Regular overeating in our time is a habit of many, there are too many temptations available. And even the fear of being overweight cannot pacify an unlimited appetite.

Features of gluttony

This state has a number of features that should be voiced. Gluttony manifests itself paroxysm, but systematically. At the moment of uncontrolled eating of delicacies, a person experiences a feeling of guilt, which does not go away for some time after the end of the meal. The glutton has not the slightest inclination to correct the situation by artificially inducing vomiting in himself or exhausting his own body with training for the purpose of losing weight. These attempts are made only by an individual suffering from the above-mentioned bulimia. Often, at the time of bouts of gluttony, a person is disgusted with himself because of such unacceptable and uncontrollable behavior, and may even become depressed. The glutton is clearly not satisfied with the current state of affairs, but he is not able to stop, although he desperately wants to.


What are the symptoms of binge eating?

  • the rapid absorption of a huge amount of food by a person;
  • unlimited unplanned food intake, regardless of the daily routine;
  • accumulation of delicacies and eating them in secret from others;
  • the tendency to eat supplies all alone;
  • the ability to eat within the limits of what is permitted while in the company;
  • being in a state of constant stress and nervous tension, weakening only after the next unthinkable portion of the treats;
  • the inability to achieve a sense of satisfaction through uncontrolled absorption of tasty food;
  • embarrassment from realizing the amount of food consumed during an attack of gluttony;
  • switching to autopilot mode at the moment of saturation.

Main reasons

Gluttony is a deviation from the norm, which means that it occurs as a result of the influence on a person of certain provoking factors. Simply put, binge eating, like any other disease, has specific causes.

According to scientists, the main reason for the appearance of gluttony is a genetic predisposition and dysfunction of the lobes of the brain, in the competence of which is the regulation of appetite. This is evidenced by numerous scientific studies. However, if we are dealing with gluttony not within the framework of bulimia, then more prosaic reasons can play a role in its formation:

  • prolonged depression caused by constant life failures, problems, loneliness, dissatisfaction with one's earthly existence;
  • low self-esteem and total self-doubt is also a common cause of gluttony;
  • lack of love for yourself, for your body;
  • violation of the diet and day;
  • weak willpower, especially strongly manifested in the absence of external control;
  • social pressure - it provokes stress;
  • psychological trauma is also a common cause of gluttony;
  • puberty in adolescents.

However, psychological factors are not always the cause of binge eating. Attacks of binge eating can provoke some diseases. We are talking about diabetes mellitus, traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism, obesity. In the latter case, bouts of uncontrolled eating often ruin people's lives due to their practice of unbalanced diets in order to get rid of excess body weight. Gluttony as a serious pathology within the framework of bulimia can be a consequence of schizophrenia or a passionate desire to lose weight that has once awakened in the heart.

How to get rid of gluttony

Before you decide to embark on the warpath with bouts of uncontrolled overeating and fight binge eating, you need to realize the presence of food addiction. A glutton is not much different from a drug addict or a gambling addict - only the subject of pathological attachment is different for him, much more harmless, at first glance. After that, you need to firmly aim at developing a healthy attitude to food and eating: from now on, the absorption of delicacies should occur to satisfy exclusively physical and physiological needs, and not at all psychological or emotional.

Now let's move on directly to the question of how to get rid of gluttony.

  • Learn to manage stress. Gluttony, or uncontrolled absorption of food, is nothing more than an opportunity to cope with negative emotions. It is necessary to learn not to seize stress, but to resist it using other, safer methods for health. Self-training, repetition of calming affirmations, meditation, deep relaxation, breathing exercises - choose any method from this list, and one will definitely help you.
  • To get rid of gluttony, strictly follow the diet. Try not to skip any of the meals under any circumstances - this may well provoke an attack of gluttony. Stick to five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.
  • Move away from strict diets in favor of a balanced diet. Any diet for weight loss, no matter how good and effective it is, will make you feel hungry every now and then, and this will certainly serve as fertile ground for bouts of gluttony. Have all the nutrients you need in your daily menu, but in a reasonable proportion.
  • To get rid of binge eating, protect yourself from food temptation. To this end, free your home from tasty food supplies: sweet, flour, salty, smoked meats, fried, too fatty - in a word, tasty and at the same time harmful. Your job: to provide yourself with healthy, nutritious, yet delicious food.
  • Live interestingly. You should not have free time from now on. This does not mean that you have to work all day long, as if the ox and the white light do not see - just do not give yourself the will to sit around, so that tempting thoughts do not arise in your head to follow the lead of a raging appetite and gluttony. Find an exciting hobby, grow indoor or garden flowers, take long walks every day, go to a museum or theater - in general, switch your attention from the desire to overeat delicious things to something else in moments of boredom.
  • Sleep helps to get rid of gluttony! If you feel that an attack of gluttony is ready to take over your will and mind, get over yourself - go not to the refrigerator, but to the bedroom and sleep for an hour or two. You may be a little tired, because there is a direct relationship between fatigue and food cravings. Even a short sleep will quickly restore the required level of energy, vitality and calm down the desire for proper nutrition.

In the case of bulimia, you will need to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

  • Chronic lack of sleep

One of the most common reasons leading to an increase in the feeling of hunger is a person's lack of sleep, especially its chronic form. In this case, hunger occurs due to a lack in the human body of such an important hormone as leptin. It is he who is responsible for all the processes associated with appetite. Without this hormone, a person develops a permanent form of hunger, which leads to severe gluttony.

  • Lack of vitamin B

In addition, low levels of B vitamins in the body can also lead to the development of a constant feeling of hunger.

  • Genetic and mental disorders

Various genetic and mental disorders can also lead to the development of such a pathological condition as gluttony.

  • Post-dietary syndrome

Another risk factor for the development of obesity can be the so-called "post-dietary syndrome", it develops in women who constantly sit on a variety of diets, after which the body rapidly begins to gain weight, by increasing the feeling of hunger.

Ways to get rid of gluttony

  • Cellulose

You can get rid of the constant feeling of hunger in different ways. For example, in this condition, it is necessary to include in your daily diet such foods that contain a large amount of fiber, such as vegetables and legumes. Fiber is not absorbed by the human body, which means that it will not lead to a sharp increase in weight, but it has the property of causing a very quick feeling of fullness.

  • No snacks

While eating, one should not do other things in parallel, the brain should be completely focused on the process of taking and assimilating food, so the feeling of fullness will come much faster. A person with a constant feeling of hunger should completely abandon irregular and chaotic food. All snacks and main meals should be on schedule. This will stimulate both the correct work of the center in the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness, and also cause the production of the necessary amount of the necessary hormones.

  • Health care

A person who is faced with the question of how to get rid of gluttony can go in two ways. He can go to a qualified medical specialist who, after a complex of examinations, will prescribe a number of medicines. All drug therapy will be aimed at regulating the work of the saturation center, which is located in the brain, as well as stimulating the production of necessary hormones, including leptin. The main group of drugs used for this pathological condition are drugs that reduce appetite. Among them, one can distinguish a group of adrenaline drugs, which cause a stressful state, reduce appetite, and a group of serotonin drugs, which are involved in the regulation of the general psychoemotional state of a person and block the body's need for nutrients such as carbohydrates and fats. Recently, doctors mainly use drugs from the second group, since adrenaline drugs have a large number of contraindications. As well as side effects.

  • Folk remedies

The second way to get rid of prolonged hunger is folk remedies for gluttony. A specialist who deals with the treatment of diseases using folk recipes can offer at least 10-20 methods of treating binge eating, from which anyone can choose those that are suitable exclusively for him.

How to get rid of gluttony with folk remedies

The use of folk recipes in the fight against gluttony and excessive hunger is the most gentle way to combat these pathological conditions. This is achieved due to the fact that traditional medicine does not use drugs containing chemicals.

Of course, when using any recipe from folk sources, you must follow a diet, because without some restriction of the diet, no remedy will help. Also, in the fight against gluttony, dosed physical activity is important, which will not only distract from the process of eating food, but also help maintain the body in decent physical shape.

Gluttony Recipes:

1) Clean drinking water

Drink enough water, and not tea or coffee, but pure drinking water without additives.

2) Mint toothpaste

Brushing your mouth after eating with a toothpaste containing mint helps you stop chewing and helps you feel full.

3) Special herbal preparations:

- to reduce appetite, you can use decoctions or infusions from herbs such as marshmallow, flax or corn silk;
- decoctions from the leaves of lingonberry, horsetail, as well as an infusion made from burdock leaves contribute to the acceleration of the removal of excess water and harmful substances in it;
- herbs such as immortelle and dandelion have a good choleretic effect, and bile contains various enzymes that break down food that enters the human body.
- for the general regulation of all processes occurring in the human gastrointestinal tract, traditional medicine experts recommend taking caraway seeds, dill and buckthorn bark.

4) Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is another effective way to combat gluttony. It is believed that when hunger increases, you should mix a few drops of bergamot, orange, grapefruit and rosemary oils and inhale the aroma of the resulting mixture.


A five-minute massage of the point located in the middle of the distance between the nose and upper lip also helps to reduce the craving for gluttony. During this time, you should massage this point strongly enough in a circular motion.

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