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Features modern clothing as well as trendy options. Modern clothing styles: fashionable looks Modern fashion trends

For at least ten years in voguecasual luxe casual clothes made from expensive materials, well cut and well-made. The aesthetics of clothing and appearance follows the path of simplification: from rigor to everyday life. At the same time, scientific and technological progress is moving forward, which makes it possible to create better fabrics, better quality accessories, more perfect cut and, most importantly, makes all this available to millions of people. Thus, it turns out that the forms are becoming simpler (casual), and the execution is becoming more expensive (luxe).

Laissez-faire fashion trend

Laissez-faire- means "going on as usual, without interference." This is where modern day goes fashion... The look "I woke up like this" in the near future will be most appreciated. Of course, waking up like this takes a lot of effort. The figure, skin, hair, teeth must be perfect, and only natural and very high quality materials must be used in clothes. And so, when you wake up with good skin, beautiful hair and white teeth, put on the latest jeans, cashmere sweater or silk shirt and nice shoes, you are as required. laissez-faire attitude.

is the future of all fashion... At all times, there was a signal in fashion: "This is available to me", only desires changed depending on the circumstances. In different periods, silk, fur coats and the like, which were inaccessible to the majority, were “desirable”, but now it is health and a way of life that allows you to be beautiful without putting a lot of effort.

In the last two years in vogue a new direction appeared Athleisurewear- even more casual than casual because it's just sportswear made from non-athletic or new materials like neoprene. It is quite possible to use these clothes in the gym: they are elastic, wrinkle-free, comfortable, with traditional elements in the form of drawstrings, hoods, elastic bands and footwear. But it's not for the gym, it's just for life, including work. This trend has been captured by many sports giants such as Nike, Adidas, etc. They are hiring famous designers like Adidas hired Stella McCartney and launching new lines of semi-athletic or non-athletic apparel and footwear. Conversely, traditional fashion houses are hiring new designers to create sportier pieces like Dior Fusion Sneakers. When these two directions met, in the middle arose Athleisurewear.

Nowadays the most conservative shoppers are getting used to walking the streets in sneakers, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Yes, for such a price as these things are sold, just few people will buy them for the gym. Athleisurewear- this is where everything goes fashion, therefore, it makes no sense to be indignant and say that "I will never wear this." It is better to think about which elements and details of this style to include in your wardrobe. In a similar style can be not only sweatpants, but also dresses, blazers, coats and skirts. And about the price: we must remember that these are pseudo-sports clothes, not made for running in the morning. The element of luxury in it is no less important than style. It cannot be replaced with tracksuit pants and regular sneakers. And it requires accessories, jewelry, the right color combinations, and everything else that a regular wardrobe requires.

At all times, people have been interested in fashion. In Russia, in appearance, it was possible to determine which class a person belongs to. Times have changed, fashion has also changed, it has become more comfortable and practical.

Almost every person who is not indifferent to his appearance, the opinion of others about him strives to look beautiful, to dress fashionably. You can look modern at any age. The main thing is that the clothes fit the person's lifestyle, be, as they say, to his face. It is important to skillfully use the details of the toilet, skillfully select a wardrobe according to colors.

Modern fashion is alternative and varied. Fashion is what a person is comfortable in, what emphasizes his individuality and originality.

Psychologists say that 25% of students indicated that, when forming an attractive image of a teacher, a special role should be assigned to his appearance. "They meet by their clothes, they see them off by their minds" - a long-known proverb.

It is important for a teacher to look modern, follow fashion trends.

Modern fashion, in my opinion, should be elegant, comfortable, practical and always emphasizing individuality. It is also important not to look pretentious, too extravagant. In fashion, everything is good in moderation.

An essay on the topic: WHAT SHOULD A MODERN FASHION BE?

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  • essay on the topic Modern clothing

Stylist, style coach

We all noticed that over the past ten years, fashion has changed a lot - the approach to creating things has changed, a new interpretation of styles has appeared, categorical "yes" or "no" no longer exists, fashion is focused on the personality, and this allows it to constantly change.

Without knowing it, we became participants in the media revolution. A hundred years ago, information spread very slowly, to appear in a printed edition, a text about fashion went a long way of statements, and only after some time the reader could see it.

In 2008, when social networks gained wide popularity, information began to spread with lightning speed. Man became its main bearer - opinion leaders appeared, the masses began to produce fashion for themselves.

Today I want to talk about how the way of presenting information has changed the vector of fashion development. Fusion style embodies a new outlook on fashion and a new way of adapting what we see around.

Factor 1

The woman leaves the stage and becomes closer to real life. More subtle methods of self-expression become available to her. The perception of a woman in fashion can be easily traced to the most popular faces of different eras. The most popular top model of recent years, Cara Delevingne, set the trend for direct, easy and affordable charm.

Factor 2

Modern fashion has moved away from the idea of ​​originality and the idea of ​​creating something completely new and unique. The same solutions (in this case, a combination of delicate pink with dark skin) are used in different situations, be it an Instagram picture or Rihanna's evening look.

Factor 3

Two directions have been established: things are divided into art objects and practical clothes that are easy to wear and mix with each other. In order to attract attention, clothing should be slightly exaggerated. Exaggeration, which is not applicable in real life, looks natural on a computer screen. It becomes the promotion of new ideas.

Factor 4

Fashion begins to live in a real environment. When choosing an image, it is important to focus on how it will look in the place where you appear in it.

Factor 5

Bright eclectic combinations, sometimes even very bold, are another way to declare a woman's individuality.

Factor 6

There are fewer complaints about the new standard of the human body. The most popular female figure ideal, most quoted in the media, is a tall, athletic silhouette with long legs, narrow hips, broad shoulders and a disproportionately small head. It is impossible to make it exaggeratedly round and fragile. There is also nothing to underline in it, because it is neutral. And one more thing: in most cases, clothes do not cover the body, but become a kind of shell, convention.

Factor 7

The main stylistic directions were overgrown with a new concept. A woman in sportswear impresses with her brightness, energy and strength - not quite feminine qualities that have now become very attractive. For the same reasons, men's style does not give up positions, and military clothing is actively friends with femininity.

Modern clothing is the result of centuries of mankind's efforts in the field of fashion. Today, the wardrobe can determine the status and lifestyle, tell about the habits and hobbies of a person. Fashion designers do not copy elements of the past, but are constantly working on new options, new details. Men and women in abundance of variations can choose their own style that will match their inner world.

“Stylish woman”, “stylish image”, “stylish accessory” are expressions that you have to meet every day. A large number of synonyms can be found for the word "style". But many women of fashion do not know what they are, so any fashionable item is called "stylish". There is indeed something in common between these concepts, but they are not at all the same:

  • "Style" - the Greek word "stylus" (stick) - means a structural unit of a certain system and a way of artistic expression. There are always short-term changes in style, which are called fashion;
  • "Fashion" is a French word that denotes a rule, a way, an image, a measure. It can temporarily prevail in any style, as well as in a variety of life and cultural spheres. Today in fashion, a combination of a variety of modern styles of clothing is allowed. The only important condition is a sense of proportion.

Paris from the XII-XIII century was considered the city of the birth of fashion. Each era was marked by its own specific style, shape and traditional type of costume. Gabrielle Boner, known to the world as Coco Chanel, made a great contribution to the development of the art of costume.

Coco Chanel was the most famous fashion designer of the 20th century. In her work, she used simplified forms of clothing. In her everyday suits, one could see not only the professionalism of the master, but also the accuracy of proportions, comfortable shapes, artistic taste, simplicity, and clarity of lines. Elegance and sophistication were emphasized in Chanel suits. "Fashion comes and goes, but style remains!" ─ This is what Coco Chanel once said.

Later, fashion designers classified modern clothing styles. Modern fashion is divided into the following:

  • Classical. Style forms the basis of every woman's basic wardrobe. The clothes are suitable for working ladies who cannot do without an elegant dress, several business trouser suits, a pencil skirt, several strict blouses. The birthplace of the classical style is England, it was there that it appeared at the end of the 19th century. For the manufacture of clothing, manufacturers use expensive quality material, as well as rich noble accessories:
    • linen;
    • wool;
    • silk;
    • artificial fabric
    • precious metals;
    • ivory.

Modern clothes in a classic style have a strict look, fit shapes, and a small amount of details. Restrained colors can be complemented by decorative finishes.

Fashionable clothing can be made in semi-fitted, fitted and exquisitely straight silhouettes.The business suit will ideally personify the modern office style of clothing for women;

  • Vanguard. This style appeared towards the end of the last century. It can be compared to the Art Nouveau style, but there are no such strict requirements for it. Style features:
    • catchiness;
    • novelty;
    • exoticism;
    • madness;
    • extravagance.

The style is not applicable to the broad masses of the population. It can be described rather as “calling the crowd”. Representatives of the avant-garde style are: Pierre Cardin, Vivienne Westwood and the English fashion designer Gareth Pugh;

  • Aviator. Military pilots can perfectly represent the aviator's style. Its main characteristics:
    • coarse loose-fitting clothing;
    • short jacket with elastic at the waist;
    • boots;
    • large glasses;
    • leather or suede gloves;
    • warm hat with a long scarf.
  • Bohemian (boho chic). The style emphasizes the refined qualities of a person, his interest in culture or art. He partially copies the classic elements of clothing. The founders of the bohemian style include many fashion designers, such as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Jane Morris, who abandoned tight corsets and began to use loose-fitting dresses. It is a harmonious combination of bright "gypsy" details, ethnic motives, vintage elements with a military style. By combining details, modern designers have received a sophisticated, sophisticated, distinctive bohemian style. Main characteristics:
    • Layering. Style without design rules. Clothes of different lengths, different styles can be combined. For example, you can wear a small dress with leggings under a wide skirt. Put on several vests of different lengths on a light shirt, and put a shawl or stole on top. The bohemian style has a popular name ─ “from Friday ─ Saturday”;
    • Colour. Clothes with bright ornaments in pink, gray, blue shades are welcome;
    • Material. This is a difficult and expensive style. Products are sewn from natural material, which is considered basic. Clothes made of linen, cotton, silk are preferred. To create a bohemian image, they also use:
      • velours;
      • velvet;
      • suede;
      • fur.

Many images of bohemian-style products are presented in rough leather combined with translucent chiffon or with velvet and cotton;

  • Sports. Sportswear is comfortable, comfortable, with free suits that do not restrict movement, designed for everyday wear, travel and sports. The period after World War II in the United States is considered the beginning of the emergence of the sports style. The main properties of clothing made from sports fabrics:
    • hygiene;
    • water and air permeability;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • strength;
    • wear resistance.

Sportswear includes a shirt, T-shirt, jacket, capri pants, tracksuit.They are distinguished by a large number of decorative elements, fittings and an abundance of patch pockets;

  • Romantic. This style in modern clothing is able to emphasize beauty, sexuality in women, and change them beyond recognition. Ruffles, rhinestones, pearls, beads or other decorative elements will help to solve this problem. In such solemn, festive clothes, a woman feels like a real queen, since the special cut, decorative trim or fabrics correspond to the era of Versailles in the 8th century. In general, the romantic image is based on the historical costume. To create it, they use fabrics made of natural or artificial silk, brocade, nylon, organza. Such fabrics create not only airy, light images, but also voluminous forms of women's clothing. When it comes to a romantic look, wedding and evening dresses are immediately presented;
  • Folklore. The style of clothing for women in each country differs in its own characteristics, national or traditional costume. It can be Indian, Chinese, Russian style, Scottish, Austrian or Ukrainian image stylized for a specific culture;
  • Vintage. This is the return of fashion trends from the past. Vintage style has a time limit ─ not younger than 20 and not older than 50. He may have genuine things or imitations, for the manufacture of which artificially aged fabrics are used;
  • Glamorous. It is a seductive and luxurious style. Characteristics:
    • expensive fabric and accessories;
    • tight-fitting silhouette;
    • deep neckline;
    • high heel;
    • fur trim;
    • bright color and calm tones;
    • expensive car and telephone, etc.

Due to constant changes, new fashion trends, styles remain relevant today. They just acquired a capacity, included all sorts of subspecies and currents. And the modern life rhythm of the XXI century was marked by the emergence of a new, unique, urban style of clothing that united many directions. With the emergence of a new direction, folklore became invisible, although there are still adherents of it. Classical
Vanguard Aviator
Romantic Folklore Vintage


Modern clothing is diverse, it is distinguished by assortment, material, shape, cut. According to these differences, clothes can be classified:

  1. By gender and age:
      • male;
      • female;
      • children's (for girls and boys of different age categories ─ nursery, preschool, school, teenage).
  2. Seasonality:
      • summer;
      • winter;
      • demi-season (spring / autumn).
  3. Household use:
      • home;
      • casual;
      • festive.
  4. Working (production):
      • professional (for doctors, police, etc.);
      • special (for workers in mines, chemical production, divers, etc.)
  5. Sports;
  6. Spectacular:
      • theatrical;
      • pop;
      • circus.

Modern fashion designers, in addition to classic clothes, have developed new models and gave them interesting names. Some of them are taken from past eras. Consider the most unusual names of models that are firmly entrenched in our everyday life. Mens
Winter Demi-season
Festive Professional Special


  • Anorak is a product with a hood, worn over the head. Men's clothing protects the body from wind and rain. A kangaroo pocket is sewn on the front shelf;
  • Bermuda shorts are shorts that are sewn from suiting fabric in light colors. In Bermuda, it is the national style of dress for men;
  • A blazer ─ looks like a jacket; a distinctive feature is patch pockets, metal fittings, as well as decorative elements in the form of an anchor or heraldry.

Anorak Bermuda


  • A bustier is a piece of clothing for girls, a top with narrow straps or a strapless corset bra. Until the middle of the last century, it was used as underwear for evening wear;
  • Bolero is a type of cropped jacket decorated with beautiful decorative elements. In the past, it was an attribute of the Spanish bullfighters;
  • Duffle coat ─ sportswear for women in the form of a cropped coat. A distinctive feature is the buttons in the form of pencils or sticks, as well as the presence of a yoke;
  • Lenga is a fashionable flared skirt to the floor. Such an item was in the wardrobe of Indian women.

Bolero Duffle coat


  • Bodysuits are clothes for children with long or short sleeves and a fastener in the groin area;
  • Slip ─ has the form of a "man", overalls or pajamas with a closure in the front;
  • A drape is a short cape, an independent product that is worn on a dress or a sarafan of different lengths;
  • Sarong ─ clothing for teenagers that wraps around the thighs or one third of their volume;
  • The cardigan is a product for adults, but there is also a variation of a long, straight silhouette without a collar in the wardrobe of modern children's clothing.


Types of modern shoes

Shop counters are lined with a variety of shoes. The large number of types and variations make buyers get confused when choosing it. It should be remembered that more often than not, manufacturers modify and decorate the same types of shoes. There are only a few basic types:

  • Sandals. This type of product came to us from Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece. Later they began to transform and gradually turned into shoes;
  • Shoes. Models of leather shoes were especially relevant in European countries. Later they began to appear in Russia. In addition, men wore them with stockings, so that the beautiful piece would be open for viewing;
  • Boots. The shoes continue to transform and adapt to cold weather. They grow taller, turn into boots with fasteners or laces;
  • Boots. Modern boots are elongated boots.

Today, more and more new names appear on the modern footwear market, such as ugg boots, ankle boots, loafers, brogues, slippers, monks, etc. In order not to get confused in the store from the proposed names, you need to have an idea of ​​shoes.

Espadrilles are summer shoes with rope soles. This is the Spanish name for the shoe.

Brogues are perforated boots that came to us from Ireland, with a detachable toe and a medallion. Drawings of the medallion are engraved on the toe of the shoe.

Loafers ─ there are no laces in the shoe, it has a low sole, to which the top is sewn with a decorative seam. Loafers feature leather tassels.

Monks - in ancient times, these shoes were worn by monks. Today it has a high price tag. The product is made from natural material. A buckle is usually sewn on the ankle.

Slippers ─ slippers ─ slippers. Shoes were considered home. But fashion trends have changed it to everyday life. Manufacturers use textile or suede material to make sleepers. A feature of the product is the thin sole.

It is not difficult to understand these nuances. But taking an interest in the historical background that influenced modern footwear is useful and rewarding.



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Anna Harvey - the legend of the British Vogue magazine and the stylist of Princess Diana - knows all about how to look gorgeous, regardless of age and financial condition. A constantly changing fashion is unlikely to provide you with style, but following simple rules will help in shaping and maintaining it.

We are in site we agree that the style must be maintained at any time, so we generously share the learned tips of the star stylist.

1. Follow the rule of the A-line

The so-called A-line skirts are suitable for almost everyone. This cut makes the look airy and light. But when choosing such a skirt, you need to remember that you should not wear the top of the same free cut, it is better to give preference to something tight-fitting. The same rule works the other way around: if you choose a free top, then the bottom should be narrow. Anna says the main thing is to remember about balance.

2. Don't dress for your age

If you are wearing clothes that are appropriate for your age, then you are probably wearing something that ages you. The main thing to remember is that clothes have no age categories. You can wear whatever you like, and how you look in it depends only on your self-confidence.

But of course, do not forget about balance and harmony in clothes, so as not to look sloppy in a hoodie or out of place in a miniskirt. Age is not the main thing, but, while creating an elegant style, one should not forget about it.

Anna advises not to look stylish and fashionable, but just cool. And for inspiration, he suggests looking up to celebrities with good taste: Natalia Vodianova, Kate Winslet, Daria Zhukova.

3. Be careful with pleated skirts

According to the stylist, pleated skirts from the waistline can only be worn by the owners of a slender figure: such a fit emphasizes the sides and stomach. For those who do not want to focus on the waist, it is better to choose pleated skirts with a yoke that start from the hip line.

4. Take your grown-up daughter out for shopping.

The stylist says that you need to go shopping in the right company, so that later it does not turn out that you will buy a thing that does not suit you at all. Friends may tell you that the clothes are right for you, out of politeness, and sometimes out of envy. Therefore, it is ideal to take your daughter with you - an adult girl who will honestly tell you which image is better to choose.

5. Don't be afraid of bright colors

As Anna herself notes, she regrets that for a long time she was fixated on a black and white wardrobe, limiting herself to multi-colored things. Colored items cheer up and create a positive atmosphere around their owner.

But if you still want to go in black, then the stylist advises to complement the image with beautiful jewelry. Anna also notes that in this case, do not forget about tights of a suitable tone.

6. Buy things the right size

With regard to shopping, Anna draws attention to several points:

  • You must always remember that loose things can make the figure thinner, but tight ones, obviously, will emphasize what they shouldn't.
  • Bring your coat and skinny jeans at least one size larger. With regard to a coat, everything is explained by the fact that when you put it on a sweater, it should fall off beautifully, so when buying, focus on your feelings, and not on the size on the tag.
  • If something suits you, take several things at once. Many will agree that finding the perfect piece for yourself is not easy, so it is wise to take these items with a margin, especially if it is a black turtleneck or a white shirt. Use perfectly fitting trousers to fit one pair to a heeled sock and the other to fit flat shoes. The same applies to things of the same cut, but in different colors. Kate Middleton is an example of a woman who knows how to shop competently.
  • When buying a jacket, always check how comfortable you are in it and how it fits you in size. With your jacket on, stretch your arms forward to make sure it fits perfectly along your back and shoulders. If there is an uncomfortable tension, folds in the armpit area, then such a jacket is too small for you and will not sit on you properly.

7. Choose tights that suit your skin tone

Anna recommends choosing low-rise tights that match your skin tone as much as possible. The main goal that you must achieve by putting on tights is the bewilderment and questions of people in the style of "Has she put on pantyhose?"

If, nevertheless, you are going to buy colored tights, then it is better to take them one size larger, so that the color is uniform over the entire leg, and does not "disappear" when stretched. It is worth remembering that glitter tights make your legs thicker, and matte tights make your legs thinner. The only exception for glitter tights is summer: at this time, they look natural on the leg.

8. If possible, give up leggings.

Anna Harvey advises avoiding leggings. But if they are an integral part of your life, then when wearing them, combine them with long tunics and dresses. And when buying, pay attention to the quality of the material, which should not shine through. In addition, from the models, give preference to those with a high fit to avoid the need to constantly tighten them.

9. Choose tunic dresses

Tunic dresses are a versatile option that can serve as a separate outfit, or as an addition to trousers or pants. Anna recommends: if you are tall enough (so that the tunic ends above your knee), then you can wear it in combination with a straight skirt. This look will make you trendy and stylish.

When buying a tunic, choose one with a set-in sleeve, not a kimono-type model. The latter option will visually shorten the top of your body.

10. Give preference to comfort

Even in a dress, you can feel comfortable if it suits you. In Anna's wardrobe, there are mostly cashmere and silk dresses with long sleeves, which are both comfortable and elegant. The stylist also recommends not to be afraid of closed dresses: they will suit ladies of absolutely any age.

Speaking about jewelry, Anna notes that heirloom jewelry will only look appropriate and advantageous on young girls or ladies of a respectable age. She advises everyone else to experiment with accessories, and those under 40 can generally try wearing different earrings.

11. Earrings are as important as mascara

Anna is convinced that earrings, regardless of their design, are as necessary for every woman as mascara. But she notes that it is better to choose not jewelry, but precious or semi-precious jewelry with diamonds or pearls. A pair of good earrings can help brighten up your face and complete your look.

12. Don't dress completely in sporty style.

Comfort and convenience when choosing clothes for the day is the key to success. According to Anna, she is glad that sports style has become fashionable, but at the same time she does not recommend wearing sportswear completely: this way you put yourself in danger of looking sloppy.

It is better to complement a sports look with interesting accessories and bags, and replace sneakers and sneakers with more elegant shoes.

13. You can wear a biker jacket at any age.

Some events, such as weddings, suggest that part of the celebration will take place on the ground, lawn. Therefore, before the start of the event, be sure to clarify this point so as not to make a mistake in choosing shoes. After all, the situation when your heel falls into the ground, clinging to all the dirt, is not a pleasant one, and taking off your shoes at such an event is clearly not the best option: it will immediately destroy the whole style.

To avoid all these troubles, Anna advises to choose:

  • Flat shoes.
  • Shoes and sandals with wide heels: this type of shoe can perfectly complement a pair of stilettos if the event involves a subsequent transition to the premises.
  • Wedges: Choose this option if you feel uncomfortable wearing flat shoes at an event. Initially, these shoes were only worn by flight attendants, but then Prada introduced its own model, thereby making wedge shoes fashionable and elegant.

16. Wear long skirts if you're over 40

For women over 40, it is recommended to choose skirts with knee length or below it. But their style should not be straight - it is better to give preference to a flowing cut. Well, if, nevertheless, you are confident in the condition of your legs and want to wear a shorter skirt, Anna recommends choosing high-quality material and not forgetting about tights.

What do you think about fashion and style? Do you have your own rules that you follow to always look impressive?

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