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Dna HPP type 39 is present in men. Symptoms in women and men

The papillomavirus has become widespread and is observed in more than 80% of the population. HPV type 39 is often diagnosed, which poses a great health hazard and threatens with oncology. Papillomavirus of this type is extremely rare in men, in most cases type 39 papillomas damage the genitals of a woman, especially the cervix. It is impossible to get rid of papillomavirus type 39; patients with this diagnosis use maintenance therapy for life.

HPV type 39 is a disease requiring immediate treatment due to the risk of going into oncological stage.

The essence of a viral disease and its features

The papillomavirus infects humans at any age: the disease is observed in newborns and in elderly people. Doctors know more than 100 different strains of papillomavirus, which have varying degrees of oncogenicity. Some are more common in women, while others are found exclusively in men.

Statistics claim that the papilloma virus is in 2nd place among all viruses.

There are about 30 strains of papillomavirus with a high degree of oncogenicity, including 39 HPV type. The peculiarity of this strain is that it is more characteristic of the female sex, and men are only carriers of such a virus. In a woman, the reproductive system is affected by the papillomavirus. At the same time, for a long time, the disease may not manifest itself, but at this time it has a detrimental effect on healthy cells and tissues of the organs of the reproductive system. Due to this, the scale of the pathology increases and, over time, cancer is diagnosed. With papillomavirus type 39, a woman forms a kind of growths on the skin and mucous membrane.

The main causes of infection

Human papillomavirus type 39 is able to stay in the body for a long period and not manifest itself in any way. This suggests that a person has a strong immune system that does not allow viral microorganisms to develop. It is possible to "pick up" a dangerous viral disease in several ways:

There are three ways of infection with HPV 39 type: sexually, at home, in the womb.
  1. Transmission of papillomavirus type 39 through sexual contact is the most common mode of infection. The virus can enter the body not only during vaginal intercourse, but also during anal or oral sex. Also, a viral disease is transmitted by kissing, as a result, condylomas appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
  2. HPV can be transmitted through everyday contact when a person uses the personal belongings of an infected person.
  3. Often, type 39 papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to newborn. This happens when the child passes through the birth canal, and the woman in labor has condylomas on the cervix and vagina.

Risk factors

Not always and not all the disease begins to actively progress. Doctors identify the following risk factors for the development of papillomavirus in the body:

  • promiscuous sexual intercourse in which no protective equipment is used;
  • hormonal imbalance in the female body (pregnancy, menopause, taking oral contraceptives).
  • treatment with certain medications for a long time;
  • the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • constant stressful situations and overvoltage;
  • incorrect daily routine in which a person does not get enough sleep;
  • alcohol, smoking and drug abuse;
  • work related to hazardous production;
  • exposure of the body to constant overheating or hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins of the congenital or acquired type;
  • unfavorable ecological situation in the region of residence;
  • diseases of the chronic type, given inflammation;
  • a genetic factor affecting the development of papillomavirus.

This type of human papillomavirus is often diagnosed in women who have had an abortion at least once. This is due to the fact that after the procedure of artificial termination of pregnancy in a woman, the local immune system of the pelvic organs worsens. In this case, the vaginal mucosa is unable to suppress the development of papillomavirus.

Clinical manifestations of human papillomavirus type 39 in women

HPV type 39 in women is accompanied by the growth of papillomas in the intimate area.

Due to the penetration of the human papillomavirus type 39, the patient develops unaesthetic neoplasms on the epidermis or mucous membranes. A woman can observe the appearance of warts, genital warts and papillomas, which indicates papillomavirus. They can be located in different parts of the body and differ in appearance. Type 39 virus predominantly provokes the formation of genital warts and flattened type. The table below shows their features and common locations.

Type of condylomaPeculiaritiesPlace of localization
PointedIt is a single growth that has a thin stem and a pointed end. With the formation of multiple warts, a neoplasm is formed that resembles a head of cauliflower. Painted in light red or flesh-colored. The size of one genital warts does not exceed 6 mm.Formed on the labia majora and labia minora, around the anus, in the urethra. Often, the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix is ​​injured.
FlatSuch a growth is a flat wart that does not protrude above the surface of the skin. They have a wide base and dense structure. They can form up to several centimeters.Often damages the lining of the vaginal wall or forms on the cervix.

Squamous intraepithelial injury of the cervix

The greatest danger is represented by flat warts caused by papillomavirus type 39. This is due to the fact that such formations are more often reborn into a cancerous tumor than genital warts. In most cases, flat warts form in the cervix and lead to the development of cancer. It is extremely difficult to detect such neoplasms on your own, therefore, a special examination is required. For this, a 3% solution of acetic acid is applied to the damaged surface. In the place where there are neoplasms, the mucous membrane will turn white. To identify a lesion of the cervix, the following diagnostic procedures are required:

  • cytological examination of smears according to Pananicolaou;
  • histological examination of damaged tissue, which is taken with a biopsy of the cervix.

Features of the course of the disease in men

HPV type 39 can cause pain during intercourse or urination due to the growth of warts.

Human papillomavirus type 39 rarely affects men and poses less of a threat than women. In most cases, a man is only a carrier of the virus and does not show any symptoms. But with weakened immunity or in the presence of other viral diseases of the reproductive system (chlamydia, gonorrhea and others), the following symptoms arise:

  • discomfort, itching in the genital area;
  • painful sensations when excreting urine;
  • discomfort and pain during intercourse;
  • frequent discharge from the urethra;
  • the formation of pink or gray genital warts on the head of the penis or foreskin.

Often, neoplasms lead to Bowen's disease, in which a precancerous condition is diagnosed. In this case, a velvety red neoplasm is observed, which forms on the skin of the penis. If you find the above symptoms, you should contact a urologist and start treating the papillomavirus.


Examination by urologist and gynecologist

Women with pathology should consult a gynecologist, and men are consulted by a urologist. A woman often takes a smear from the cervix for laboratory research (oncocytology). HPV type 39 in women requires an annual Pap test in order to timely identify changes in the cells of the organ.

Instrumental and laboratory research

HPV can be diagnosed visually, but its type can be found only on the basis of laboratory tests.

To identify the DNA of this type of papilloma virus, it is not enough to conduct an examination. This requires a comprehensive diagnosis. With the help of hybrid capture, it is possible to identify the damaged areas on which the papillomavirus has "settled". By means of such a diagnostic method, it is possible to determine the quantitative accumulation of the papillomavirus. Thus, it is possible to find out how much the disease threatens with malignant transformation. The table below shows other diagnostic methods and their features.

MethodFeatures of the procedure
1 BiopsyDamaged tissue is taken from the patient from the cervix or other part. Thus, it is possible to identify the DNA of the pathogenic microorganism and establish the early stage of cervical cancer in a woman.
2 Test system "Cobas"A modern highly effective diagnostic method, with the help of which it is possible to find out the typology of the papillomavirus present in the body.
3 Daigen testA diagnostic method with which you can find out the presence of hpv (papillomavirus). The test gives two results: negative (no cancer was found) and positive (cancer cells were detected).
4 PCR analysisThis diagnostic method detects human papillomavirus type 39. PCR analysis is used for both sexes.
5 ColposcopyUsing a special apparatus, the cervix or other damaged area is examined. With a colposcopy, the doctor can illuminate the area to be examined and, using a colposcope, examine it at 10x magnification.
6 Cytological examination of the cervixCytology is not marked by pain and is aimed at studying the structure of the cervix. For diagnostics, material is also taken from the cavity of the cervical canal.

Human papillomavirus is a term that has been able to combine a wide variety of types. Based on the variety, they can lead to certain lesions and symptoms.

Strain No. 39 is the most dangerous and threatening, on this basis, the treatment of HPV type 39 should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. If you neglect this rule, you can get serious problems in terms of health indicators.

Description of the virus

This phenomenon has a clear difference not only in terms of the degree of danger, but also in the place of localization, the type of warty processes and formations caused. Among all types of papillomas, about 30 species involve the formation of growths in the genital area, and type 39 is directly related to this group.

The strain is dangerous by its property - to cause cancer-type formations associated with the functioning of the reproductive organs, and this danger poses a threat mainly to women.

In men, this type practically does not manifest itself, since they act as passive carriers of HPV.

Under the influence of HPV type 39, flat-type warts are mainly formed on the external and internal organs. There is a noticeable rise of these growths above the skin surface, and there are no distinctive features in color. In 90% of situations, the patient does not even have an idea that she is infected, and flat warts are subject to accidental detection when an appointment with a specialist takes place.

In addition to this type of formation, genital warts are sometimes formed. These growths have the appearance of papillae and are represented by a large number of papules in flesh color. Outwardly, they look like solitary neoplasms that look like cauliflower. Multiple growths look like a cock's comb.

Genital warts are more likely to be injured, unlike ordinary warts, and, despite this, it is flat formations that are the most dangerous. After all, their occurrence often goes unnoticed, and the progression lasts a long time without obstacles, they develop into more serious ailments.

For what reasons do strains start to progress?

The 39 type virus in women and males "roams" sexually due to unprotected sexual intercourse. Many people, unfortunately, do not use contraception. There is also a version that the strain begins to act due to the contact-household method.

When considering this issue, it should be noted that warts form at the site of detection of the primary type of disease. The cells of this virus are characterized by the fact that they can quickly die, falling outside the human body. The only way of transmission of infection is sexual intercourse, there is a small probability of HPV penetrating into the child's body in a vertical way.

Some groups of people are at increased risk of developing HPV 39:

  • Those who have sex with several partners at the same time;
  • people who neglect the use of barrier contraception;
  • citizens who do not have the habit of following simple hygiene rules;
  • patients who often change sexual partners and lead a promiscuous sex life.

The incubation period can be long, during which time the cells do not multiply. The activation of the virus occurs due to a decrease in immunity caused by several causal factors.

  • Postponed infectious and colds;
  • exacerbated chronic pathologies;
  • problems with hormonal background;
  • reactions of an allergic nature;
  • changes in climatic conditions;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins;
  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • poor quality living conditions;
  • the presence of diseases of a sexually transmitted nature;
  • an abundance of bad habits.

Due to the fact that the HPV virus of types 18, 39, 45, 59 is dangerous, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

How to avoid infection

For many years, foreign doctors have been using vaccination with preparations containing empty viral membranes, which penetrate the body and entail the formation of antibodies in it. It is due to this pathway that the final formation of a stable immune system to the strain occurs.

The manufacturer who made these injection products noted that they are only active against some types of HPV virus, forming protection for several years to come. There are no age-limiting features in this case.


The diagnostic complex starts with a general examination of the patient on the gynecological chair using special instruments. The doctor examines the cervix and vagina, and then conducts a complex of cytological studies, separately studying the biological material obtained.

To determine the 39th strain in humans, several methods are used, mainly PCR diagnostics are used. The disadvantage is that this measure does not allow determining the degree of viral load on the body. To identify the number of progressive particles, more modern techniques are used - tests. A biopsy and a complex of histological studies are also shown.

Features of the treatment of the disease

Scientists have not yet created a final drug that could contribute to the destructive effect of a viral nature. But doctors often use proven methods that prevent the multiplication of human papillomavirus type 39 and do not cause complications. The population is not growing, so pathological formations are minimized. To suppress the strain, therapy should be of a combined nature and contain several types of therapy.

  • Destruction with the help of hardware techniques involves a special effect directly on the formation in order to "cauterize" it and instantly eliminate it.
  • Means that correct immunity are used to strengthen the general condition of the body, because it is a decrease in protective immune functions that provokes the appearance of such formations.
  • Antiviral compounds are used to prevent the spread of viruses throughout the body and to remove the main symptoms of HPV after removing warts, papillomas and genital warts.
  • General strengthening therapy is aimed at combating the general phenomenon and improving the condition of the body. Its purpose is to increase immunity.

The human papillomavirus cannot be completely eliminated from the body, but there is the possibility of a complete cure for warty formations.

First, the growths are removed by means of chemical methods or caustic physical methods (radio wave therapy, cryogenic, laser). Most often, the growths formed during the action of this strain are removed with a laser device, since it does not leave scar tissue.

If the disease is malignant, the growths are removed with a scalpel so that as much of the area as possible is captured.

So that the papillomavirus does not begin to provoke the occurrence of recurrent diseases, special methods are carried out: immunostimulating therapy and antiviral treatment. The funds can be used topically (creams, ointments, gels, emulsions and solutions of the chemical composition), as well as applied internally (tablets and capsules, injections). They are used to improve the condition of the skin and stabilize the internal picture. To solve these problems, the specialist most often prescribes pills.

Nutrition and HPV

To prevent the virus from recurring and progressing in its development, it is necessary to observe dietary habits. To do this, you need to give up bad habits, limit the amount of sweets, flour products, animal fats, spicy and smoked foods consumed. If necessary, you can agree on the diet with specialists.

So, HPV type 39 can be treated, and it is quite simple to do it. Only timely detection of the disease and regular visits to the doctor will improve the overall situation and bring health back to normal

HPV type 39 in women is a dangerous strain of the human papillomavirus, which manifests itself in the form of genital warts on the mucous membrane of the intimate organs. Early diagnosis avoids the consequences. The disease must be treated with a partner so as not to get infected again.

Any HPV strain is caused by contact with a carrier of the infection. Human papillomavirus type 39 in women causes flat warts on the cervix. Infection occurs only during sexual intercourse with a carrier of the virus. The type of intimacy - genital-genital, oral - does not play a role.

A household route of infection is possible if hygiene requirements are not followed, but such infection is extremely rare.

A feature of the disease is its latent course. The pathogen has been present in the body for a long time, but the attack of the virus begins only when the level of immune defense decreases. The cervix has no pain receptors, the symptoms of the disease are smoothed out. Condylomas are detected during a visit to a doctor for reasons not related to HPV.

Symptoms and diagnosis of papillomavirus type 39

Strain 39 belongs to the highly oncogenic type of papillomavirus. Vegetations that appear after infection provoke a malignant neoplasm.

The complexity of diagnosis lies in the absence of external symptoms. Papillomas appear on the cervix, rarely on the vulva or the skin of the perianal fold. The patient may feel discomfort, minor pain in the lower abdomen, itching.

Infection with HPV 39 reduces local immunity, the appearance of vegetation may be accompanied by vaginal dysbiosis. Women go to the doctor with complaints of itching, leucorrhoea, burning, dryness in the intimate area, discomfort during intimacy.

Diagnosis of HPV 39 in women includes:

  • examination by a gynecologist in the mirrors;
  • a smear on the flora - to exclude inflammatory diseases, dysbiosis, STDs;
  • colposcopy - to detect neoplasms on the cervix, dysplasia of the organ epithelium;
  • scraping for cancer cells;
  • hpv test - blood sampling to determine antibodies to the virus;
  • PCR analysis - confirmation of the fact of HPV infection, determination of DNA and the type of virus, viral load on the body. For research, smears from the cervical canal, urethra are used;
  • Daizhen test is an analogue of PCR analysis, but only for the detection of 8 oncogenic strains.

When HPV DNA type 39 is detected in women, examination of sexual partners is indicated.

Features of the treatment of papillomavirus type 39

The tactics of managing the patient depends on the severity of the process, the results of colposcopy and analysis for the presence of atypical cells. If dysplasia is not detected, signs of condyloma degeneration into a cancerous tumor are absent, then conservative therapy and mandatory removal of the formations are indicated. The partner is undergoing a course of drug treatment.

If an oncological process is detected, then the patient is referred to a gynecologist-oncologist. Treatment of HPV 39 in this case is aimed at removing the carcinoma, preventing metastasis.

Antiviral and immunostimulating drugs

There are no drugs with proven efficacy against HPV 39 in women. But drugs are used to activate their own immunity to suppress the virus. Additionally shown are immunomodulators and agents for local treatment of formations, vitamin complexes.

The gynecologist will prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Isoprinosine or Groprinosine.
  2. Interferon-based means in the form of injections, suppositories for rectal or vaginal use - Viferon, Alfarekin, Bioferon. The choice of dosage form depends on the viral load.
  3. Panavir - injectable form, ointment for treating genital warts.
  4. Epigen spray - to suppress the virus in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs.
  5. Preparations for the rehabilitation of the vagina, means for the normalization of the microflora of the genital organs.
  6. Immunomodulators - Galavit, Immunal, Immunomax, tincture of ginseng or echinacea.

Traditional medicine is not used to treat highly oncogenic types. Using recipes from herbalists, you increase the likelihood of degeneration of formations into a malignant tumor!


Vitamins for HPV 39 in women are a component of complex therapy. They do not suppress the virus, but help to normalize the mineral balance of the body, stop vitamin deficiency. This contributes to the normalization of immunity and the activation of internal reserves to fight the virus.

Drugs of choice:

  • Vitrum - all combinations;
  • Aevit;
  • vitamin C;
  • Superia.

Any vitamin complex is suitable, but it is better to listen to the doctor's opinion.

Removal of genital warts

Any formations on the reproductive organs, the cervix must be removed. If signs of an oncological process are not identified, then the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis after the end of menstruation. If atypical cells are found, the process of rebirth has begun, then the patient will be redirected to an oncologist.

Treatments for genital warts with proven efficacy for HPV 39 in women:

  1. The radio wave method is the use of electromagnetic radiation with a specific wavelength. The procedure does not require hospitalization and is performed under local anesthesia. This is a minimally invasive technique, there is no risk of bleeding and infection of the wound surface.
  2. Laser therapy - the method is similar to radio wave. But quanta of light of a certain frequency are used. The likelihood of infection, bleeding is absent. Hospitalization is not required.
  3. Diathermoelectrocoagulation - a loop electrode is thrown at the formation and high-frequency currents are passed through it.
  4. Cryodestruction, cauterization with aggressive fluids - is used to treat the cervix only in nulliparous women.

If a highly oncogenic strain of papillomavirus is detected during pregnancy, the removal of genital warts is indicated without waiting for childbirth. HPV 39, like cervical dysplasia, a precancerous condition, is not a reason for abortion. The decision to continue bearing is made by the woman in conjunction with the attending physician!

How to live a fulfilling life with a virus in your body

The presence of a positive result of a PCR test for HPV of a highly oncogenic type is not a sentence. In 90% of cases during the year, the body suppresses the virus and self-healing occurs in the absence of cervical dysplasia.

  1. Take a course of medication with a partner. It may take several episodes of monitoring viral load and monitoring the body's response to medications.
  2. Remove formations in any convenient way.
  3. Observed by a gynecologist. Twice a year, undergo a scheduled examination, take a PCR analysis to control the activity of the virus.
  4. Once every 2 years, undergo a colposcopy with an analysis for atypical cells.
  5. Pregnancy should be planned with supervision by a gynecologist.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Take vitamins, immunomodulators, eat right.

HPV 39 in women is a dangerous infection. It is imperative to treat it. But it is not recommended to give up on oneself and wait for the onset of the cancer process. With such a diagnosis and the right attitude towards oneself, there is a chance to rejoice at the birth of a baby and see how grandchildren are growing up.

It is very easy to become infected with HPV 39. The main route of transmission is sexual. With unprotected sexual intercourse with unverified partners, the transmission of the pathogen is 100% likely, so that all people who lead promiscuous sex and allow casual sex are at risk. In addition, the virus can enter the body:

  • in a household way, for example, when using someone else's underwear, sheets or towels;
  • on contact with the mucous membranes of the wearer;
  • socially, that is, when visiting swimming pools, public toilets and beauty salons.

Self-infection is not excluded. This happens when a person violates the rules of personal hygiene and transfers the pathogen from dirty hands to the genitals.

HPV 39 is insensitive to most antibiotics. The patient's own immunity plays a huge role in the fight against the disease. Thus, the increased risk of contracting the disease is due to:

  • wrong daily routine;
  • a small amount of foods containing vitamins;
  • ignoring the need to treat other infectious diseases.

If the patient's immune system is normal, then the risk of developing the disease is minimal. Even if the virus enters the body, it will not be able to develop. But in this case, the person will become a carrier of the infection, posing a danger to other people.

Symptoms in women and men

It is almost impossible to recognize the disease in the early stages without laboratory tests. Symptoms are mild, and in most cases they do not appear at all. In addition, most of the signs of any type of HPV overlap with other sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea (gonorrhea). Even papillomas and condylomas, which almost always occur during the development of the disease, are often hidden from view, since they appear on the walls of the vagina and the cervix.

In men and women, the symptoms of HPV 39 differ due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and the immune system.

In women, the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • genital warts on the labia, in the vagina and near the anus;
  • bloody and purulent vaginal discharge with a "fishy" smell;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes in the lower back;
  • painful sensations when urinating (sometimes urine is excreted with bloody impurities);
  • pain during intercourse.

At the same time, there are all the signs of the inflammatory process - dizziness, nausea, weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue. In the later stages, vomiting and stool disorder are possible.

In men, the picture of the disease is somewhat different. HPV 39 can be determined by the following criteria:

  • purulent discharge from the glans penis;
  • a reddish "plaque" appears on the head, which increases in size over time;
  • painful urination;
  • weak potency.

All signs of inflammation in male patients are similar to those in women. The difference is that they show symptoms much less often than women, which means that the diagnosis is even more difficult. The consolation is that men are much less likely to face severe complications.


The history usually does not work when trying to diagnose the papilloma virus. Signs are not bright, and rarely appear. In addition, the symptoms are almost identical to other sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to detect HPV is to carry out tests:

  • Hybrid grip. This technique allows you to determine the DNA of the virus. This is necessary to determine the likelihood of developing cancer. In addition, testing tests microorganisms for susceptibility to antibacterial drugs.
  • PCR. Determines the degree of infection of the body, and also helps to identify the characteristics of the DNA of the virus.
  • Detection of cervical dysplasia. This pathology is a constant companion of HPV 39. An examination is carried out using an ultrasound scan. If changes are detected, then the presence of a virus is very likely.
  • Biological seeding. On the basis of a biomaterial taken from a patient, an HPV strain is grown in a nutrient medium. This technique allows you to establish the disease as accurately as possible, as well as choose the right path of therapy. The method is expensive and time-consuming, it is not suitable for everyone.
  • Biopsy. They rarely resort to the method, as it is a great stress for the body. As a rule, it is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the development of a neoplasm. Combines with colposcopy.
  • Visual examination by a gynecologist. The doctor can easily detect papillomas, condylomas and warts on the genitals, but he will not be able to determine the specific strain of the virus, additional analysis will still be required.

A complete blood count can only detect the presence of inflammation caused by an infection. The virus itself will remain unnoticed - it penetrates into the cells.


Having become infected with the virus, a person is forced to live with him side by side for the rest of his life. It is impossible to remove it from the body. But there are ways to reduce the activity of microorganisms, reducing the risk of developing dangerous complications. For these purposes, antiviral drugs are used:

  • Interferon. From 101 to 121 rubles;
  • Poludan;
  • Cycloferon. From 195 to 832 rubles;
  • Prodigiosan.

An important drug needed to treat any type of HPV is Isoprinosine. It suppresses the activity of the pathogen, preventing the spread of infection throughout the body, and also activates the immune system, which simplifies the fight against the disease. From 619 to 1,696 rubles.

  • Podophyllin. From 500 to 800 rubles;
  • Fluorouracil;
  • Podophyllotoxin. About 65 rubles.

They are needed to reduce the number of genital warts, which can lower the risk of cancer.

Please note that therapy brings the maximum effect only with an integrated approach. In other words, you need to use several drugs prescribed by your doctor at once. You should also take vitamins. This is necessary to activate the body's defenses. If you ignore this need, then you will not be able to achieve a positive effect.

Removal of papillomas is permissible only in a clinic. Independent attempts to do this lead to sad consequences.

Consequences and danger

We hasten to reassure you - with timely and correct treatment of HPV 39, the risk of developing a complication is small. However, if you delay with therapy or completely abandon it, then there is a chance of encountering:

  • infertility;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • cervical cancer.

The use of alternative methods of treatment leads to the same complications. It only allows you to eliminate the symptoms, and even then not always. Traditional medicine is not able to provide a full-fledged limitation of the activity of the virus.

HPV 39 does not manifest itself as symptoms, is difficult to diagnose, and even more difficult to treat. It is impossible to completely remove it from the body, however, the correctly chosen treatment strategy will help to reduce the activity of the virus, and therefore minimize the risk of severe complications.

You can also find out a few more important facts about HPV by watching this video.


Human papillomavirus is a common phenomenon that occurs in the female half of humanity and is sexually transmitted. HPV has many genotypes that affect the body in different ways and lead to different consequences. Some of them are oncogenic, which means the development of a cancerous condition.

The papillomavirus manifests itself in any person, regardless of gender, age or race. The infection has more than a hundred strains, 30 of them are dangerous. They infect the genitals and carry a high risk of developing into malignant tumors, leading to cancer. The main feature of HPV 39 is that a woman's body is sensitive to the effects of viral cells, and males are only carriers of the virus.

This sensitivity of the female body to the virus strain can be explained by the ability of the virus to affect only the internal genital organs (uterus, cervix), which are absent in men. The virus is able to feed on healthy tissues and cells of the reproductive system for a long time, actively developing and infecting most of the healthy membrane, turning into oncology.

The external manifestations of the virus are the appearance of genital warts ⏤ flat warts on the external or internal genital organs of the reproductive system. Another feature of HPV type 39 is the ability of the virus to form flat and pointed papillomas on the genitals of women who are sexually active.

This strain promotes the appearance of neoplasms, as well as their active reproduction in areas of healthy skin.

Flat papillomas are not injured, unlike pointed ones, but they are still dangerous, they can go unnoticed for a long time. They are localized on the internal organs, actively progressing in the future. This type of genital warts causes the development of cervical cancer.

Methods of infection with HPV type 39

A woman can become infected with HPV 39 genotype in several ways:

  • through unprotected sex. Although contraceptives do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against the penetration of various infections, nevertheless, the risk of contracting HPV is much less;
  • contact-household way. There is a possibility of contracting the virus through household items or personal hygiene products, but this does not happen often, since the infection dies outside the human body;
  • Transmission of HPV to the baby from the mother during labor, when the baby passes through the infected cervix.

The largest percentage of infection occurs through sexual contact.

The most common way of contracting HPV 39 in women is through sexual intercourse, whether vaginal, anal or oral sex is used. That is, condylomas can form not only on the genitals, but also near the anus or in the oral cavity.

Women are at high risk of contracting HPV type 39 if they:

  • began early sexual activity;
  • often change sexual partners;
  • practicing anal or group sex;
  • do not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

After the virus enters the body, it may not appear until favorable conditions are created for its activation, which include:

  • stressful situations;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • prolonged vitamin deficiency;
  • taking certain medications;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • lowered immunity and some others.

A high risk of infection with the 39 strain of human papillomavirus exists in the category of women who underwent artificial termination of pregnancy. In men, this type of virus does not cause serious complications, but without treatment it will continue to infect HPV type 39 of sexual partners.

Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of infection with HPV type 39 is the appearance of papillomas on the genitals. In addition to the appearance of formations in some parts of the body, the patient may not feel other symptoms of the disease, as happens with other sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms such as pain, itching, or other unpleasant sensations appear when the build-up is injured.

Condylomas outwardly resemble a rooster's comb and have a pinkish tint. Their removal is necessary not only from a medical but also an aesthetic point of view. Papillomas can appear instantly, within a few hours after infection. If they are not treated, but in places of formations, a purulent process may begin, papillomas will continue to actively multiply, turning into malignant formations.

Diagnosis of HPV type 39

After finding strange formations on the genitals that were not there before, you must immediately contact a gynecologist for an examination and testing. The diagnosis of HPV type 39 takes place in several steps:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • colposcopy. This procedure involves examining the vagina and cervix using a special device - a colposcope. This event allows you to detect pathogenic tissues and the area affected by the virus;
  • cytological examination. To do this, a smear is taken from the patient, which is then sent for research, with the help of which a malignant tumor can be detected at an early stage;
  • polymerase chain reaction. As a result of the study of biological material, it is possible to identify oncogenic types of HPV;
  • dygen test. With its help, the DNA of the virus is determined in the presence of papillomavirus, and the type of infection is also determined;
  • biopsy. If there is a suspicion of a benign formation, the doctor takes a piece of the affected tissue and sends it for research, which will show the likelihood of oncology at an early stage.

Treatment methods for 39 HPV strain in women

Both sexual partners must undergo diagnosis and treatment.

If the results of the examination turned out to be positive and HPV type 39 was detected in the body, then the doctor selects the appropriate treatment method. It consists of several stages, which together form an effective complex treatment. Combination treatment for HPV 39 includes several types of therapy:

  • removal of papillomas by chemical or physical methods. A suitable method of removal is selected by the doctor, based on the location of the papilloma, its stage of development. Often a laser device is used to remove HPV type 39. And if the growth is large and malignant, it is removed surgically;
  • antiviral drugs and immunostimulants are prescribed. This is necessary to prevent relapse. A healthy immune system is capable of rejecting the virus on its own once and for all;
  • restorative therapy. A complex of vitamins and minerals is attributed that strengthen the body after the harmful effects of the virus.

Both sexual partners undergo diagnosis and treatment, and during the course of treatment it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse, so that re-infection does not occur while the body is still in a weakened state. It is categorically impossible to be treated with folk remedies in the presence of HPV 39 ⏤, as this will lead to irreparable consequences.

And do not panic if you have a 39 genotype human papillomavirus found, because this does not give a 100% guarantee of the presence of a cancerous tumor, but only indicates that the risk of cancer is high. Early detection of a tumor and its treatment prevents dire consequences.

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