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What is lipstick made from? What is lipstick made from: composition. Additional natural ingredients

The desire to get a high-quality natural product encourages fashionistas to start making lipstick at home. It will not cause damage to the body, but will give beauties proper care for the skin of their lips. A flight of female imagination combined with a wealth of natural ingredients will help create a real masterpiece that will emphasize the uniqueness, natural beauty its owner.

Ingredients we will need

Natural matte lipstick easily turns into a delicate balm that can restore the beauty of your lips, into a liquid gloss that gives a seductive shimmer, since it is made from natural ingredients at home. The basic components used are:

  • Beeswax is an excellent base that ensures high quality products. His key advantage pronounced antiseptic properties. Wax creates a weightless film on the surface that has softening properties. It covers the lips of beauties and prevents moisture loss.
  • Carnauba or Candelia wax is a popular alternative to the previous base. It will also delight fashionistas with its striking anti-inflammatory effect. Jasmine wax will soothe and soften lips, mimosa wax will moisturize their surface.
  • Capsule vitamins and liquid oils will provide shine and enhance caring characteristics.
  • Flavors, pigments, sweeteners are added as desired. To achieve the desired effect, essential oils, natural and synthetic components can be used.

Professionals have determined the “golden” proportions of lipstick, which is easy to make with your own hands at home. The product should include:

  • wax - 30%;
  • liquid oil - 30%;
  • solid oil - 40%.

The number of ingredients and proportion in the product may vary.

Beeswax is the best base for homemade cosmetic products

Tools needed to make lipstick

To start making lipsticks at home, you don’t need professional equipment or expensive equipment. All tools are easy to find at home and purchase. You will need:

  • A container that allows you to melt the composition in a water bath. It is very important to heat all the components so that the mass becomes homogeneous, but does not boil.
  • Syringes, measuring spoons, pipettes will act as dispensers.
  • Wooden spoons, orange sticks for stirring the mixture.
  • Storage containers finished products- tube, jar.
  • Notepad for writing down new recipes.

By combining components in different proportions, you create a new recipe; don’t be lazy to write it down.

Tools needed to create natural products

Popular recipes

Craftswomen set out to make black lipstick or get a unique lip gloss. Popular recipes will help the novice housewife, allowing her to take the first step towards professionalism.

To create liquid lipstick, grate 50 grams of beets, combine them with a quarter spoon of glycerin, a vitamin E capsule. Apply the burgundy mixture to your lips with a cotton swab. If you want to achieve a matte effect, blot your lips with a napkin.

Combine beeswax with coconut oil and shea butter in equal proportions. Heat the mixture, stir the ingredients. To get red lipstick, add a little food coloring.

Without Vaseline

When planning to create your own lipstick, keep in mind that its base will affect not only the quality of the final product, but also your health. Vaseline is a petroleum product. Women who use cosmetics based on it eat approximately 5 kilograms of the substance over ten years, which negatively affects their well-being and leads to the development of cancer.

Mix a teaspoon of wax with the same volume of grape seed oil and wheat germ. For pigments, add titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, four teaspoons of mica. After making the sour cream solution thicker, finish cooking by adding half a tablespoon of vitamin E.

From Vaseline

When studying information on how to make lipstick at home using Vaseline, keep in mind that ordinary cosmetic products are not always safe for health. By creating your own products, you will be confident in their composition and will be able to change the color intensity and aroma.

To get the product, mix a tablespoon of Vaseline with dry eye shadow, ground into powder. Their composition is safe, the product itself undergoes strict control during the production process. When creating colored lipstick from shadows, control the intensity of the color by gradually adding powder.

Eyeshadow plus Vasiline - simplest recipe homemade lipstick


The key task of such a product is lip care, so the composition should contain useful, natural ingredients. A simple recipe will allow even a novice craftswoman to try her hand at it. Do not make the mass very dark. Go for the colorless option.

Combine half a teaspoon of wax with cocoa butter and jojoba butter, adding a teaspoon of each component. Dissolve the ingredients and mix them thoroughly. Add a drop of your favorite essential oil. Fill the tube a quarter full. When the mixture has cooled, pour in the rest. If such a container is not available, use a regular syringe. To completely harden the product, place it in the refrigerator.

From wax crayons

Wax-based pencils consist of plant pigment and a natural base. This allows them to be used not only for children's creativity, but also to make lipsticks at home that have bright, unique flowers. To make the product you will need:

  • a pack of wax crayons;
  • shea butter, cocoa;
  • argan, almond, coconut, olive oils;
  • essential oils for aroma;
  • syringes, storage tubes.

Select the color you want. To do this, take one or more crayons from the purchased box. If you want purple lipstick but don't have that color, break off a piece of blue and red crayon.

Melt the selected pencils in a water bath, after first freeing them from the paper shell. Add the selected oils to the liquid mass, add a couple of drops of your favorite aroma. If you are planning a small test, hold the crayon in a spoon over a burning candle. If you want to keep the mixture neutral in flavor, you can omit the oils.

From chewing gum

Trying to create lipstick from chewing gum, you will personally see that this product can be made from any components that retain pigment, and at home. To get started, buy two chewing gums. The best option will become round, pink rubber bands, which can be purchased from a vending machine.

You can get the finished product without a water bath, but then you should be the proud owner of a microwave. Prepare a container in which you will cook the mixture. Peel the top layer of colorful icing off the gummies. Place all ingredients in a bowl:

  • chewing gum;
  • a tablespoon of Vaseline;
  • food colorings according to your preferences.

Microwave the container for 20-30 seconds. Stir the heated mixture and place it in the prepared tube. In this way, it is easy to create products in the most incredible colors.

Cosmetics... such a close and pleasant topic for every girl and woman. How much time do they spend in stores at cosmetics stands, carefully selecting shadows, blush, mascara and, of course, lipstick that are suitable and highlight all their advantages? It is very important to choose the right lipstick, which can not only highlight femininity in the most beneficial way, but also at the same time bring and maintain lips in good condition, moisturize them and protect them from negative conditions. external environment, which is especially important in winter period. In order for the purchased lipstick to perform exactly these functions and not cause harm, you need to pay close attention on its expiration date, manufacturer and know which microelements should not be included in its composition. Those women who pay attention to this often wonder how lipstick is made?

From the history of lipstick

Its history stretches through millennia. Even in ancient times, women knew that women's lips always attract admiring glances. Therefore, for example, Egyptian women moisturized their lips with olive or almond oil and tinted them with substances available at that time (for example, henna or red clay), which made their lips expressive and attractive. Our ancestors tinted their lips with the juices of berries and vegetables, for example, raspberry or beet juice.

In Europe at the beginning of the seventeenth century, bright red lips combined with a pale face were at the height of fashion, but already in the eighteenth century the use of cosmetics was prohibited Christian Church, and women who went against this ban were declared witches and burned at the stake for witchcraft.

At the end of the nineteenth century, lipstick acquired the form we know, acquiring a tube and becoming an almost inaccessible luxury for most women. After that, this product continued to gain popularity, many shades, manufacturers appeared, glosses, balms appeared, and now you can buy the desired lipstick almost everywhere and quite cheaply.

What is lipstick made from?

It is used by women almost every day and is applied to one of the most sensitive places on the body, the lips. Therefore, many girls have probably wondered at least once in their lives what they are made of. The bases of lipsticks can be called fats, oils and various waxes (in most cases - beeswax).

Also important components are pigments, various perfume compositions, plant extracts and vitamins:

  • Wax gives it firmness and shape, makes the skin soft and prevents the lips from drying out;
  • The main function of oils can be called dissolving pigment in them. They also moisturize lips, make them shiny and give the product a delicate texture, which castor oil, the most popular in the production of lipsticks, does very well;
  • Pigments in production are necessary to give lipsticks the desired shade;
  • Perfume compositions make lip gloss incredibly “tasty”, successfully hiding the not always pleasant smell of other components.

How is lipstick made in a factory?

Sterility is very important in production, so workers must wear gloves, shoe covers, special caps and gowns. Here's how it's prepared:

  1. All components of the future lipstick are sent to the cauldron, where they are mixed until smooth.
  2. Afterwards, the resulting mixture is compared with a reference sample, it is necessary that it has the same consistency, the same color and the same smell. Otherwise, the mixture is adjusted according to one or another parameter.
  3. When a sample taken from the boiler can be called “ideal,” the mixture is placed in metal containers, where it remains until it cools completely.
  4. The future lipstick is taken out of the metal containers and cut with a large knife.
  5. After this, it is melted again, but poured into special molds.
  6. After a short cooling, the mixture is automatically screwed into the tube and closed with a cap.

After checking the quality of the finished lipstick, it hits the shelves.

How to choose the right lipstick?

How many times have you stopped indecisively at the counter, not knowing which lipstick to choose?

To make your choice easier, you need to know a few principles, thanks to which you will immediately determine which color will highlight your advantages and which one is better to ignore:

  1. It is advisable to know your color type;
  2. It is better to use matte shades rather than pearlescent ones if you want to visually make your lips appear smaller;
  3. If you want to make your lips fuller, you should pay attention to pearlescent, satin shades and put aside dark-colored lipsticks;
  4. You should choose a gloss, also paying attention to the shape of your face;
  5. You should save bright red shades for evening events, and choose pastel-colored glitter for everyday wear.

But we must also not forget that when choosing a cosmetic product, you should pay attention not only to how it “fits” on you, but also to its expiration date, the manufacturer and its composition.

Making lipstick at home

As you know, if you try, everything can be done at home, and lipstick is no exception. To prepare it, you will need beeswax, any oil (castor, olive, almond, peach and many other cosmetic oils) or vitamins in capsules, which can be bought at any pharmacy, dyes (both some natural products and artificial raw materials ) and flavorings (essential oils are suitable).

The technology for preparing lipstick is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to melt the oils and wax taken in a certain proportion in a water bath, but do not allow them to boil;
  2. Add vitamins, oils, dyes and other additives of your choice to the resulting mixture;
  3. After the mixture has cooled, you need to pour it into prepared molds, where the lipstick should completely harden, after which it can be used.

Lipstick - benefit or harm?

Very often you can hear that lipstick does not so much good as harm. Is it really?

A properly selected product will not only emphasize the attractiveness of your lips, but will also protect them from the effects of environmental factors, for example, from chapping and drying out, heal existing cracks and make your lips soft and tender.

On the other hand, lipstick can actually do harm. This is possible if its service life has long expired. You should also refrain from buying lipstick if there is no information about its manufacturer anywhere. In this case, it may contain hazardous substances that can cause harm not only appearance lips, but also even health. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to these points when purchasing this product, in which case it will not bring any harm to the woman.

There are many shades of lipsticks in the world, so men should not be surprised when they see girls suffering at the counters. Not many women know how lipstick is made and what is included in it. During production quality lipstick Various oils, beeswax and perfume compositions are used.

Video: manufacturing process at a cosmetics factory

In this video, technologist Denis Kuchin will tell you how and what lipstick is made from at enterprises, and what is usually included in its composition:

Eye shadow, mascara, powder, foundation - all this is, of course, good, but not a single woman's cosmetic bag can do without it, the queen of the entire cosmetic industry - lipstick.

And if you “use” this item not only to leave it on the mirror, but for its intended purpose, then you probably want to know what is lipstick made from.

Secrets of the lipstick mafia, or 9 main components of what lipstick is made from

    Waxes (from 2% to 14% of the total composition).

    Without these substances, there is no way to connect the other components into a single whole, and the lipstick will simply fall apart.

    Expensive brands contain a high content of natural waxes - beeswax, palm wax, rose wax, cactus wax and other “natural” waxes.

    Budget lipsticks are loaded with synthetic “brothers” of natural waxes and this is not the same coat at all.

    What is lipstick made from, but what don't you want to know? Lanolin!

    It is also made from sheep wool derivatives.

    This component also helps to bring together the other components of the lipstick and glues them together. And it is because of lanolin that the expired product smells of old rancid fat.

    Uh, well, basically, it’s difficult to find a sheep that smells like a May rose even in the most picturesque alpine meadow.


    They are what make lipstick a product.

    Wild red? Or innocent pink? The choice is yours.

    And if previously natural ingredients were used in the production of women's items (beets, carrots, turmeric, etc.), now science does not stand still and suggests using special chemical dyes for cosmetics.

    The more there are, the more intense the color of the lip “gadget”. For example, 5% dyes - and your lips beckon with pastels, 20-25% - and you have a real burgundy madness on your lips.

    Natural and synthetic oils- an important component of what lipstick is made from (about 30% of the composition).

    They dissolve dyes and prevent them from precipitating. And thanks to them, the product turns out soft and can be applied with a “light movement of the hand.”

    In order for young ladies to enjoy not only the marvelous color of their lips, but also a pleasant aroma, aromatic oils (lavender, peach, bergamot, chamomile, etc.) are often added to cosmetics.

    Pearlescent components provide shine to your lips.

    Ordinary mica or quartz can act as mother-of-pearl on your lips.

    Yes, yes, the same ones that were shown to you in chemistry and physics lessons in your glorious school years.

    Pine rosin(approximately 4% of the product) - this is what lipstick is made from for your lips, to provide it with hardness and a dense film-like coating.

    And this has nothing to do with the fragrance in a pine forest.

    Mineral pigments with scary names “titanium dioxide” and “iron oxide” make it possible to obtain pink color and apply evenly to the skin of the lips.

    Have you thought that a fairy at a cosmetics factory conjured the delicate shade of your lipstick?

  1. Boric acid is a component from which pearlescent lipsticks are made: it provides that same iridescence on the lips that you use to seduce the barista at your favorite coffee shop and an elderly professor at the university.
  2. Antioxidants (0.8%) do not allow the natural components of lipstick to quickly deteriorate.

    Most often, the chemical substance propyl gallate plays the role of such a preservative.

    And everything would be fine, but sometimes, in order to make their products practically immortal, like Duncan MacLeod, unscrupulous manufacturers overdo it with antioxidants, which is fraught with allergic reactions, headaches and other troubles.

What lipstick is made from also depends on its type: for example, more wax and fats are “swollen” into nutritious ones, dyes are added to super-duper persistent ones, and pearlescent components are added to those with a shimmering effect.

The 3 most dangerous ingredients used to make lipstick: tube aside!

Irresponsible like you ex-husband, manufacturers, are not particularly concerned about what they use to make lipstick and add dangerous components to it:

    dyes based on coal tar.

    If you often tint your lips with such lipstick, then you will fill your body with resin compounds that cause nausea and headaches.

    The prospect is, frankly speaking, bleak;

    synthetic fragrances, which give lipstick that delicate aroma of rose or cherry, can cause dizziness, high blood pressure and other health problems.

    So if your beauty product smells like the Triple Cologne factory, put it back on the counter.

Ask us, what to do with all this disgrace?

“And don’t expect to buy high-quality lipstick for 100 rubles on the market. There are no miracles in such matters!
If you don’t want to guess with your mouth swollen from allergies what lipstick is made from, buy tubes from well-known manufacturers in specialized cosmetic stores.
Well, if you also ask the seller to show you a quality certificate, you are a super cool buyer. Keep it up!” says cosmetologist Nila from St. Petersburg.

6 Amazing Facts: What lipstick is made from – that’s not even the most interesting part!

If information about what lipstick is made from can easily put your interlocutor to sleep at a social event, then these 5 interesting facts he will definitely not remain indifferent:

    in those distant times, when boiled sausage was delicious and television was black and white, special filters were installed in the cameras that “ate” the red color.

    In order not to look like pale ghosts, actors and announcers were forced to paint their lips with green lipstick.

    Not just a TV shoot, but some kind of Halloween party!

    To make the lips of ladies in ancient times shimmer like a lunar path, crushed fish scales were added to lipsticks.

    Now manufacturers delicately call this component “pearl extract”. Marketing is everything to us!

    At official receptions, according to international diplomatic etiquette, the wives of presidents are allowed one single shade of lipstick - soft pink.

    And God forbid they wear bright red makeup - a serious international scandal could break out!

    In European royal courts, they “bothered” with the question of what lipstick was made from exclusively by men, who thus distinguished the mouth against the background of the beard and mustache.

    We can just imagine how one bearded courtier whispers to another: “Be a man! Paint your lips, the king is coming!”;

    in order to be seriously poisoned by this cosmetic product, you need to eat at least three tubes.

    And only then, lying in the hospital under a drip, you can think about what it is made of and how to live with it;

    the seductress of all times, Marilyn Monroe, wore lipstick, applying it in five layers.

When you don’t need to sweat what lipstick is made from: 15 best cosmetic products in 2017-2018

Site experts http://www.expertcen.ru carefully checked what famous manufacturers make lipsticks from and, to the delight of young ladies, compiled a rating of the best lipsticks in 2017:
CategoryPlaceNameRatingPrice, Russian rubles

The best lipstick with a caring effect

1 Sisley Phyto Lip Shine10 / 10 2 300
2 Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy9.9 / 10 2 700

The best lipstick that gives the effect of wet lips and/or increases their volume

1 Maybelline Hydra Extreme
9.8 / 10 160
2 Vivienne Sabo Gloire D"amour 9.0 / 10 210

Best matte lipstick

1 Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte9.9 / 10 2 700
2 Maybelline Color Sensational "Matte temptation"9.9 / 10 485
3 Seventeen Matte Lasting Lipstick
8.8 / 10 320

Best all-around lipstick

1 ArtDeco Lip Passion9.8 / 10 700
2 Givenchy Rouge Interdit Shine
9.5 / 10 1 800

Best liquid lipstick

1 Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipstick
10 / 10 640

Best red lipstick

1 Christian Dior Rouge Dior 99910 / 10 2 000
2 Relouis Sapphire (in shade No. 947 fiery)9.9 / 10 272
3 Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick9.1 / 10 550

The best nude lipstick

1 Clarins Rouge Eclat (in shade No. 01 Nude Rose)9.8 / 10 2 250

Best long lasting lipstick

1 Clinique Long Last Lipstick9.7 / 10 1 500

Want to know exactly how lipstick is made?

In this video you will see the whole process with your own eyes!

Now that you know for sure what is lipstick made from?, you will be able not only to please your old chemistry teacher with knowledge, but also “with feeling, sense, arrangement”, choose the treasured tube in the store.

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The two-story Oriflame production center is located in the Noginsky district of the Moscow region. It is completely new - it opened in February of this year - but the factory has already become the largest manufacturer of lipsticks in Russia. The company's products are sold in Russia and exported to dozens of countries around the world. In addition to lipsticks and lip glosses, the factory produces shampoos, shower gels, deodorants, liquid soap and other cosmetic products. There is also a distribution center where individual orders are collected, which are then sent to customers. The Village went to the factory to see how and what lipsticks and lip glosses are made from.


Swedish manufacturer of cosmetics, household chemicals and perfumes

LOCATION: Noginsk, Moscow region


SQUARE: 26 hectares

Opening date: 2015


Despite the thick texture, the lipstick is 80% liquid. There are five main components used in production: lanolin (sheep wool fat), oils (mostly castor), waxes (natural origin - candelilla and carnauba), dyes and mother-of-pearl. Food grade polyethylene is often found in the composition. According to employees, there is no need to be afraid of this ingredient; it is harmless. An example is heart valves, the parts for which are made of polyethylene. In lipstick, it serves as a film-forming agent - the cosmetics lie tightly, without getting into the cracks on the lips.

The dye is produced here at the factory. It happens like this: powder dye is mixed with castor oil in a shaker. This mixture is then crushed, bringing the particle size to 10-20 microns using a bead mill: all to ensure that the texture of the lipstick is uniform, without “sand”. To make lipstick, the factory uses 12 colors, including shades of red, yellow, black, and blue. By mixing these colors you can get the desired shade.

Mother of pearl is stored in paper bags or boxes and looks like golden or silver pollen. It is produced on the basis of mica: it is washed, crushed and sprayed with various dyes and titanium dioxide. Plus, fragrances are always added to lipstick, which consist of a mixture essential oils. Vanillin can also be a fragrance. The factory explains that if you leave the lipstick completely unscented, it will smell like a wax candle.

The composition of lip glosses is different from lipstick. Here, either liquid lanolin (it moisturizes well) or polybutene (makes the mass viscous, preventing it from spreading) is taken as a basis. Then wax, dye, mother of pearl, moisturizers and additives are added to the substance. For example, vitamins A or F.

Oriflame purchases all ingredients from foreign suppliers; only packaging is ordered from Russia. The company does not test cosmetics on animals - only on volunteers and under the supervision of experts. Workers and visitors entering the production facility put on gowns, caps and shoe covers, and also disinfect their hands with a special gel.

Production process

Vladimir Migulin, production manager for Oriflame lipsticks, compares the process of making them to cooking in a slow cooker: the operator puts the necessary ingredients into the cauldron and cooks them until done. By by and large this is how it all happens.

In accordance with the recipe from Sweden, the master weighs all the components of the lipstick and puts them one by one into the mixer. Waxes and oils are loaded first, and volatile components such as fragrances are added last.

Everything is mixed until smooth and cooked for about six hours at a temperature of about 80 degrees. After the hot lipstick is ready, a sample is taken from the cauldron. It is compared with a reference sample: if the color is different, it is corrected using dye.

All this happens under a special lamp that simulates different lighting. A sample from the mixer is tested first on white paper and then on leather. Then the hot mass is poured through a pipe into metal containers, the bottom of which is lined with food-grade polyethylene. In this form, the lipstick cools for about eight hours.

Most often, operators have to make lipstick in pink and clover shades - these are the most popular colors in Russia. They are produced an order of magnitude more than, say, red or wine. Each brew is checked in the laboratory for compliance with physical and chemical parameters. If everything is in order with them, then a green tag with the batch number, date, composition and name of the product is attached to the briquette.

Then such a briquette, which weighs about 20 kilograms, enters the packaging area. It is first cut like a piece of butter with a large knife and then melted in a cauldron. Afterwards, the liquid mass enters the molding machine. Using a dispenser, it is poured into molds - silicone or copper - and then cooled for six minutes to harden.

Next, a tube is automatically placed on the lipstick, the lipstick is screwed in and closed with a lid. All tubes enter production washed and sterilized, and equipment is regularly disinfected with isopropyl alcohol. The finished lipstick undergoes quality control - both automatically and, additionally, manually: the operator looks into a magnifying mirror.

Lip glosses are filled and packaged by hand. Then markings and labels are applied to the products, lipsticks and glosses are placed in tight carton boxes: products from Noginsk are exported to dozens of countries around the world - both to Europe and the CIS, and to other continents.

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