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Why does a ficus shed its leaves? Immediate response. Growing ficuses, why leaves fall

A flower grower's pet is represented by almost every collector of indoor plants. He is loved for ease of care, excellent decorative properties and the ability to shape both the trunk and the crown. But improper care leads to the fact that the plant completely sheds foliage and is threatened with moving to the nearest garbage dump. But you should not rush into this, as there are many ways to help the flower return its former radiant appearance.

quite a lot, but the structural features of Benjamin's ficus are as follows:
  • he has a straight shoot, and the stem is round
  • crown, branched
  • leaf blades are smooth, slight bending is allowed. The skin is thin, the leaf is oblong and oval, ending in a pointed tip. The dimensions of the plate are approximately from 5 to 14 cm, its width is from 3 to 7 cm.
  • the arrangement of plates on the branches is regular
  • petiole 0.5 to 2 cm.
  • well developed
  • gray bark

If you initially create a plant good conditions, then there will be no problems with the plant:

  1. temperature environment, should correspond to the climatic season. In winter, ficus is kept at a temperature of 15 to 22 C, in summer 24-29 C.
  2. watering must be done as the top earth crust dries up. The water from the pan must be removed. Water must be at least 14 C, otherwise the soil will overcool and all processes will slow down
  3. especially variegated varieties need a good light source
  4. spraying is done only in the absence of drafts and soft, settled water. Special sugar for plants can be added to it, or sometimes

Despite the fact that the ficus is not as capricious as many pets that need similar conditions, but with improper care, the ficus sheds its leaves and it is rather difficult to restore rich hair afterwards.

There are some factors that directly affect the fact that the plant sheds foliage:

  1. The first reason is drafts. Ficus Benjamin categorically does not tolerate even the slightest sharp fluctuations in temperature. Although airing the room where the flowers are located is only welcome. There is a big difference between when the room is deliberately ventilated or when the flower is in places where there are constantly sudden changes in temperature. That is, a large area of ​​the plant and its roots are in the same temperature regime, and some part is cooled. Of course, in such places, nutrient intake slows down, when, as in the rest of the plant, nutrition is consumed at the same level. The immune system of the flower receives a signal that a disease is developing in some area and potentially diseased branches begin to die. Ficus forms new branches, and the area standing in the through wind begins to die off. So if the ficus leaves fall only on a few branches, then the cause is drafts.
  2. Lack of nutrition also has a detrimental effect on foliage and the general condition of plants. Ficus must be fed from early spring to late autumn. Ficus Benjamina is a large plant that develops well under favorable conditions, so the lack of essential trace elements and substances that are needed for the further growth of the tree leads to exhaustion. The leaves first become faded and lethargic, and then weakening fall off.
  3. Mandatory spraying. Excessive dryness of the air affects the ficus not only by the fact that abundant leaf fall begins, but also by the fact that a scale insect is attached without any special obstacles, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. comes from humid tropical places, and the water consumption system is designed in such a way that the plant also feeds on water through the leaves, in a larger volume than all the others. Therefore, if you deprive it of a moist environment, then the ficus will begin to lose leaves in a much larger volume than it is laid down by nature.

And there are other reasons why this problem occurs:

  • insufficient, but it is easy to fix if periodically illuminate
  • check for diseases and pests
  • this can happen if the ficus has changed its place of residence or when transplanting into another pot

But do not confuse abundant leaf fall with natural leaf fall, since each leaf lives for about three years, and then it dies off. Old leaf plates are tougher and darker than young ones, so if the grower periodically finds them on the floor, then this is not scary.

How to help the ficus, if the leaves have fallen off?

Helping the plant should be reasonable. Because if you take active measures during the period of biological hibernation, you can seriously harm the ficus. Therefore, if such a nuisance began to occur in the autumn-winter period, when the feeding season has already ended, then the following measures can be taken:

  1. add some fresh earth, but no fertilizer
  2. spray the plant several times a day
  3. add an extra light source
  4. eliminate all access to through wind

Such precautions will help slow down the process of inhibiting the vital functions of the ficus, and prepare it for intensive care in the spring and summer.

Already at the end of March, the ficus must be transplanted into new land, according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare soil mixture but not universal peat soil from the store, but a complete diet for a pet. If not garden plot and the land has not been harvested since autumn, then the land can be bought in nurseries.
  • Prepare a biofungicide solution in a bucket.
  • Remove the plant from the pot, shake off as much of the soil as possible without damaging the roots.
  • Soak the root system for several hours in the solution, and then lay it on a perforated surface to allow excess liquid to drain.
  • Plant the plant in a new land.
  • Make sanitary unnecessary branches and cover the cut points.
  • Moisten the trunk and crown abundantly with a solution of biofungicide.
  • After a few days, the ficus must be fed.
  • From the moment of transplantation, it is necessary to either highlight the plant daily, or it must stand on the sunny side.

Such resuscitation can work wonders, since in about a month the ficus will be covered with new young foliage.

In order to indoor plant grew healthy and beautiful, it needs to be properly looked after:

  • be sure to update the soil. Even if the plant is large, this all the more indicates that the soil is mostly depleted, and changing the top layer will not good result. But if you carefully and gradually remove old soil and change it to a new one, while fertilizing the ficus, then in about 2 months the soil will recover
  • need to feed the plant
  • the formation of the crown is not so much a tribute to design thinking as the need to refresh the crown
  • once a month, and if possible once a week, a useful procedure for ficus is a shower
  • be sure to shade the plant if it is located near the south or southeast window
  • if the plant was struck by a scale insect, then with a small accumulation of it, it can be collected by hand, and then each leaf should be washed with soapy water. With a large accumulation of ficus should be placed in plastic bag and spray pesticide inside it
  • for irrigation, use only warm and filtered water

It is worth remembering that an initially healthy plant cannot “waste” in a tub for no reason. There is always either a causative agent of the disease, or the conditions of detention are violated. Ficus Benjamin can please with its appearance for many years, but only if at least a small part of the care is taken of it.

More information can be found in the video:

Indoor plants are a kind of outlet in the modern city. A corner with living greenery resembles an oasis in the desert. Of course, the plants themselves will not survive, they definitely need care - watering, transplanting, feeding, etc. Ficus is considered one of the most popular and unpretentious home flowers. True, allegations of his unpretentiousness are more myth than truth. In fact, flower growers often have to wonder why ficus leaves fall.

What are ficuses

Ficuses are represented by a huge number of species. Some of them grow in the wild, usually in the tropics and subtropics, where these plants grow truly gigantic. Most often, homemade ficuses are of the following types:

  • ficus Benjamin - small-leaved plant with spotted green-white leaves;
  • rubbery. The leaves of this flower are large, smooth, green;
  • Bengal. leaflets middle length, dense and velvety, dark green;
  • dwarf (or Pumila) - ampelous species, with flexible stems and small heart-shaped leaves;
  • lyre-shaped. Large bright green leaves with wavy edges.

Is leaf loss normal?

First of all, figuring out why ficus leaves fly around, you need to determine the cause. If this is a disease, the disease should be diagnosed and dealt with already. All other causes are much easier to eliminate, as they are based on the life conditions of the flower, which can be changed to more acceptable ones by stopping the loss of leaves.

a lack of useful substances it is also detrimental to the plant, the leaves can not only fall off, but also become smaller. Excess moisture leads to the appearance yellow spots on leaves and root rot. You also need to be careful with fertilizers - the death of leaves along the trunk from the bottom up speaks of its shortage, and from an overabundance of foliage crumbles in a chaotic manner.

Other causes of "leaf fall"

If the room is cool, watering is less frequent. When waterlogging the soil, it is better to let it dry for one and a half to two weeks. The affected plant should recover during this time, but in the absence of positive dynamics, the flower will have to be transplanted, changing the soil and removing rotten roots. The surviving root system must be washed with a weak solution of manganese.

Kira Stoletova

When growing ficuses at home, flower growers often face problems associated with caring for home flowers. It is not uncommon for a ficus to have leaves falling off.

There comes a time

For many ficus lovers, the period when the latter suddenly begins to drop leaves comes as a complete surprise. They begin to look for reasons leading to the fact that the leaves turn red, darken to the color of rust, their tips are wrapped inward, bent and deteriorated.

So, for the flower of Benjamin (Balsamina) and its curly variety Nitida, the slightest change in the state of room comfort becomes the reason for the loss of leaves: a change in care methods, a transplant, an attempt to propagate in winter or autumn.

Ficus, even with proper care, annually loses leaves, this is a natural process of changing foliage in winter. Fall occurs at the onset of the autumn-winter season. This is due to the aging of vegetation and the need for its renewal. Immediately with the arrival of cold weather, the leaves fall, become lethargic, turn yellow, curl and crumble. In winter, the leaves on the ficus fall off or dry up not entirely, but only the lower ones, attributable to the beginning of the trunk. With the onset of spring heat, new and young ones will grow on an empty ficus trunk.

Reasons for falling leaves

If the ficus dropped its leaves or they dropped, wilted, bent, curled up, turn yellow and brown, fly around not only when the cold season sets in, the reasons lie in improper care: home flower something is missing.

One of the most common causes of leaf fall is a change climatic conditions, in which the plant is accustomed to develop, which often occurs during its reproduction or transplantation.

Often, changing the location of the flower pot is a temporary phenomenon, so that a flower with twisted leaf blades hangs the foliage down and then throws it off. In such a situation, it is quite realistic to restore the former beautiful crown of the flower, root it until the leaves of the ficus have completely fallen off.

In the list of common reasons why ficuses shed their leaves, infections and care problems appear first. In most cases, they are easily removed. Timely measures taken allow you to reanimate the indoor flower.


The lack of nutrients in the soil where the ficus grows leads to the crushing of the leaves. With inadequate feeding and improper care, when a too dry climate and excessively high temperatures are created in the room, the situation is aggravated: the ficus leaves become smaller, you can see how they drooped and dried out, which often leads to abscission. With insufficient fertilizer, the ficus, as a rule, begins to fall off in the direction from the bottom up.


When yellow spots appear on the leaves of the ficus, we can talk about rot on the root system of the plant, which manifested itself due to excessive watering. An excess of liquid that does not have time to evaporate from the soil layer in a pot leads to decay, yellowing, leaf fall and death.


Oversaturation of the land with fertilizers also adversely affects the quality of ficus foliage. For such reasons, brown spots appear on the leaves - speckles, the foliage turns black and flies over time. Falling occurs randomly.


Presence on the plant spider mite, aphids, scale insects and other insect pests looks like convex spots of a brown or brown hue, leaf blades turn white from plaque.

Signs of rot and soot fungus are black or red spots of mold, which are located on the outer part of the leaf blade and may be present on the stem of the plant. Ficus leaves affected by a fungal infection begin to turn yellow and fall off. not detected in time fungal disease becomes a frequent cause of plant death, and in a short time.

Initial measures

When asked what to do if the ficus leaves fall, most flower growers advise to find out exactly the cause of this process and eliminate it by establishing proper care.

At various kinds ficuses can be traced to different causes of falling leaves. It depends on how exactly you need to care for the plant.

ficus benjamina

The reason for yellowing and falling leaves in the ficus Benjamin can be:

  • A change in the usual conditions of detention, since this species does not tolerate a change in conditions, temperature fluctuations, and a decrease in the light regime. Moving ficus Benjamin from his usual warm place to a colder one will be the reason for dropping his leaves.
  • Sudden changes in temperature and hypothermia as a result of contact with cold window glass or placing a flower container on a cold ceramic surface, so the place for the pot is chosen so that the leaves do not freeze.
  • Unfavorable conditions: an excess of light regime, excessively dry air, overdried soil, leading to the appearance of yellow spots and yellow edges at the leaves.
  • Imbalance in top dressing: lack of micro and macro elements, as well as oversaturation of the soil with fertilizers.

The natural process of replacing Benjamin's foliage with ficus occurs not only in the autumn period. The foliage of this species can also fall off during the winter, losing its crown by 10-20%. If the indoor flower begins to lose foliage daily, it is worth analyzing its watering and sufficient illumination.

rubber-bearing species

This ficus is the most stable and can withstand almost any conditions of maintenance and care, however, it may also have reasons to shed its leaves, including:

  • waterlogging of the soil and stagnant water,
  • lack of lighting in the room,
  • excessive fertilization of the land with fertilizing,
  • low temperatures and the presence of drafts.

Another reason why a rubbery ficus can shed its leaves is not suitable for it. flower pot. If for indoor flower Benjamin's pot would be more suitable, a little constraining it, the rubber-bearing species prefers freedom, therefore the container for its cultivation should be larger in size, not constraining the plant, otherwise its leaves begin to shrink in size and fall off after a while.

The subtleties of preserving the ficus crown

During the cultivation of various types of ficuses, many flower growers noted for themselves that this plant reacts unfavorably to certain factors.


Not all species like direct sunlight on the leaves. If the variegated types of flowers are photophilous, some ficuses, for example, Benjamin, prefer shading for a comfortable state of health.


Ampel large-leaved ficus varieties love frequent spraying. To preserve their foliage, sufficient moisture is most important, therefore, in the process of growing, many flower growers set the flower pot directly on pallets with pebbles or expanded clay and constantly keep them moist.

Unlike ampelous species tree-like ficuses like their soil layer to be dried and there are no lumps.


Frequent replanting adversely affects the quality of the foliage of all types of ficuses. Often, for this reason, indoor flowers begin to shed their leaves, because experienced growers are of the opinion that the plant should be transplanted no more than once every two years.

Why do ficus leaves fall

Why Ficus Benjamin sheds leaves. Main reasons

Why ficus leaves turn yellow

Ficus feeding is carried out from March to September. At rest, which falls on winter time, fertilizers are not applied to the soil. In addition, due to the reduction of daylight hours in flowers, the photosynthesis process is reduced to zero, and the root system does not need as much water as in summer, so the number of waterings is minimized so as not to flood the plant.

Before applying fertilizers to the ground, it must be moistened in a day by spilling warm water.

In order to avoid burning the root system, mineral fertilizers should be used to feed ficuses in the dosage prescribed in the instructions. Otherwise, the oversaturation of the earth will be one of the reasons why the ficus will begin to shed its leaves. For the initial fertilization of the land, the dose is advised to be reduced to half. A plant weakened by parasites and fungal infections is not fully fertilized, the amount of top dressing for it is also reduced.

Quite often, beginner flower growers have a question: why do ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off? In this article, we will look at the main reasons for this phenomenon. Let's figure out when you can ignore it, and when you need to take measures to save the flower.

Before we talk about why ficus leaves fall, let's touch on the question of when this happens as a natural process. Like many other plants, ficus leaves fall in winter and autumn months. If your flower sheds leaves during this period and no more than 10 pieces have fallen, then there is no reason to worry. In the spring, new fresh leaves will grow instead. And if you observe this process in the summer, then it's time to sound the alarm.

Most often, ficuses get sick from improper care. If you notice on the leaves, then the room is too hot. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you are constantly moving a flower pot from one room to another. Leaves fall from lack nutrients. In addition, because of this, the leaves will also begin to shrink.

Have you noticed yellow spots on the ficus? It looks like you're overfilling it. Due to an excess of moisture, not only the leaves turn yellow, but also the roots can begin to rot. You can save a flower only if you understand the reason in time and, for example, adjust watering.

Overdo it with fertilizer, the foliage will begin to crumble in a chaotic manner. Conversely, the lack of fertilizer leads to the fact that the leaves die from the bottom up.

In general, ficuses are capricious plants. Growing them is a painstaking process. Using the example of the rubber-bearing ficus, we see that it can drop leaves due to the fact that the pot is too small. The ficus turns yellow and sheds its leaves because it is uncomfortable in cramped quarters, this flower loves freedom. Rubber-bearers need sunlight. They will react with yellowing to waterlogged soil.

Rubber-bearing ficus can also turn yellow if it grows in unbalanced soil. As we can see, the cultivation of this green pet must be approached responsibly. It's time to learn what to do when a flower sheds its leaves at the wrong time and too much.

What to do and how to prevent falling

So, the natural reason why ficus sheds leaves is seasonal leaf fall. In this case, you just need to continue to care for the plant. If the fall is not seasonal, then it is necessary to immediately look for the cause in order to immediately address it. Let's start with preventive measures that will not allow the flower to wither and die:

  1. Flowers must have permanent place residence: decide immediately where the pot will stand, and do not move it if possible.
  2. Important for ficuses temperature regime and sufficient humidity. Follow these indicators, and the leaves will always be green and healthy.
  3. The pot must have good drainage. exercise moderate.

The question "Why do the leaves turn yellow?" occurs even among those flower growers who perform all preventive measures in good faith.

If the ficus dries anyway and, perhaps, even dropped all the leaves, then you need to look deeper - it looks like the root system has rotted. In general, the ficus must be monitored constantly. Remove the plant from the pot, inspect the roots. They resemble gray threads, and even slippery - so the problem lurked right here. How to revive and is it possible to do it at all? Yes! To do this, you need to do the following: cut off dead roots and dried leaves. Now we soak the root system in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Let the cut dry and plant in dry ground. Water sparingly for the first few days.

If the ficus leaves dry, turn yellow, fall off, you may be replanting the flower too often. Do this no more than once every two years. Only the top layer of soil can be changed more often. Transplantation is a painful process. It is tantamount to an operation. It is not surprising if, after you completely changed the soil, healthy foliage began to fall off. In addition, prepare a balanced soil mixture, and it is better to do it yourself.

So that the ficus does not dry out, remove it from straight lines. sun rays, but he should not stand in the shade either. He will be fine on the windowsill on the east side. The lack of lighting will lead to the fact that weak shoots, twisted leaves will begin to form, which the plant will soon shed. This is especially important in winter, when it is natural to lose leaves, and then you can skip the problem.

Do not despair, even if the whole tree has dried up completely. A tree can almost always be reanimated. But this is not worth waiting for. Look at your flower. The leaves turn yellow along the edge, reduce watering. If the leaves dry up, then you need to reduce the light. The soil can also dry out - also from an excess of light or too dry air. This is the answer to the question of why the leaves dry.

Remember that ficuses shed their leaves due to a lack of trace elements in the soil. Make sure there is enough of everything in the soil. Do not transfer the flower pot from a warm room to a cold one. From such a sharp temperature drop, healthy leaves also fall. Keep an eye on the leaves, because healthy ones fall off only due to temperature changes, and in other cases, affected leaves can fly around.

If the ficus began to actively get rid of foliage, check everything: crown, stem, soil and roots, if no problem is found on the surface.

The flower begins to dry, which means that critical mistakes were made during cultivation. Dried leaves can no longer be helped, so remove them immediately.

Summarize. A ficus that has shed its leaves is not necessarily sick. If this happens in the right season, then the plant is shedding old leaves so that new ones appear in the spring. If you approach cultivation responsibly, then there should be no problems with ficuses. Yellow spots appeared on the edges of the leaves - problems with watering. The tree dries up - it is necessary to moisten the air or remove it from direct sunlight. Ficus that has dried up can be revived. Get rid of dried roots.

Remember that a tree that stands in the sun will not only dry out, but can also get burned. The crown and stem become rusty in color, which means that the plant is infected with a fungal infection. If you do not start immediate treatment, it can fly around the entire tree. Leaves that have fallen or dried up must be replaced with new ones soon, the main thing is to cure the ficus. The leaves of any kind of ficus fly around different reasons so figure them out before you do anything. With seasonal fall, do not overdo it with watering, monitor the temperature of the room.

Now you know why ficus leaves fall. The tree that sheds leaves is weak in this period anyway. Take care of him and help him become beautiful again in spring. And remember that in a healthy ficus, the crown does not fall off in the warm season.

Video "Ficus leaves fall"

From this video you will learn about why the ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Ficus Benjamin is a flower found in almost every grower. Such popularity is associated with the unpretentiousness and decorativeness of this type of ficus. AT small room he will be small lush shrub, and in a spacious room, a flower can turn into a real tree. In addition, its crown and trunk can be given any shape.

Ficus is prone to diseases. Few know what to do if Benjamin's ficus sheds leaves or turns yellow.

General information about the plant

Exist several varieties of ficus benjamin, differing in leaves, size and conditions of detention, and similar to some common properties. All varieties of ficus Benjamin have a straight, round stem in section. The color of their bark is predominantly gray. The root system is well developed. Leaves are smooth or with a slight bend.

A thin sheet plate has an oblong shape with a pointed end. In length, it can reach 5-14 cm, in width - 3-7 cm. The branches and the leaves located on them in the next order form a lush, branched crown.

It is from it that one can judge the health of the plant. If the dense crown abruptly began to thin out, then you should think about the reasons for the fall of the foliage as soon as possible.

Causes of crown fall

As a rule, the main cause of this problem is improper flower care. In order to know what to do if the leaves fall from the ficus Benjamin, you need to correctly identify the source of the problem:

Caring for indoor zamiokulkas at home

In addition to the improper care of Benjamin's ficus, leaves fall and natural causes. The life of the leaves is approximately 3 years. After this time, they turn yellow and die. In this case, only the leaves located below fall off. The cause of mass leaf fall cannot be attributed to the age of the plant.

If timely measures are not taken to prevent leaf fall, the plant may lose them all. But even in this case, there is hope for the salvation of the flower.

How to help the plant if the leaves have fallen

In the event that this problem appears in the fall, when top dressing no longer has positive impact due to the cessation of the growth of ficus, can take the following measures:

  1. pour fresh soil on top;
  2. provide the plant with additional lighting;
  3. to eliminate the possibility of ingress of through wind;
  4. carry out timely watering and frequent spraying.

A month after the measures taken, the ficus will be covered with fresh foliage.

Despite the existence of a method of resuscitation of the plant after the leaves have fallen, it is better not to bring it to such a state. It is necessary to know exactly the sequence of resuscitation in this case and understand what to do if Benjamin's ficus falls.

Beginner's Guide to Pruning Currants in the Fall

Proper flower care will not only prevent leaf fall, but also affect on appearance and ficus health:

  • Renewing the land will help prevent its depletion. It is not necessary to completely transplant the plant, you can remove the top layer of soil and pour a new one, while fertilizing the flower. In 2 months the earth will be completely restored.
  • Feed the ficus organic fertilizers. In March and April, the frequency of top dressing should be once a month, in May - once every 3 weeks. In summer, their number increases to 2 times a month. At the end of September, feeding stops.
  • It is desirable to form the ficus crown, preventing it from growing in all directions.
  • You need to wash the ficus in the shower at least once a month.
  • When located near a south window, the plant should be shaded to avoid sunburn.
  • It is desirable to use filtered and purified water or tap water, settled and warmed up to room temperature.

It is worth knowing that a healthy plant will never wither and will not throw off the leaves on its own. This requires any external factors. If the conditions of care are all met, then it is worth checking the plant for the presence of diseases or pests.

Diseases and pests

The most popular ficus diseases are root rot and anthracosis:

  • root rot occurs due to excessive watering or lack of oxygen. In the latter case, a crust can be found on the surface of the soil. The leaves of a diseased plant first rapidly turn yellow, and then darken. Branches are rotting. The smell of rot emanates from the pot. You can save the plant only if not all the roots are damaged. The limp roots must be removed, leaving only healthy ones, and the plant should be transplanted into a new soil. The leaves should be thinned out so that Balsam's ficus spends energy on restoration, and not on maintaining greenery.
  • Anthracosis Without emergency treatment leads to the death of the plant. First, small leaves appear on the leaves. dark spots which quickly become ulcers. Further - the leaves begin to fall off, and the plant gradually dies. To avoid this, all affected greens must be removed and the plant treated with fungicides. Then adjust the humidity and the amount of watering.

As you can see, the plant can lose foliage and get sick mainly due to improper care. Most of them require immediate treatment, so from time to time you should carefully examine the ficus.

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