Encyclopedia of fire safety

What to do if you are bitten by a tick: simple recommendations from NTV. Tick ​​bites in humans If the tick bite is inflamed

With the onset of spring in medical institutions a boom in the registration of cases of tick bites begins. Every year, up to 400,000 Russian citizens seek medical help.

The Siberian, Ural and Volga districts suffer the most from invasions, and the North and South Caucasus suffer the least. It is very important to know what to do in case of a tick bite in order to prevent unpleasant consequences.

Ticks intensify their activity according to the season. It is clear that in winter there is nothing to fear from them, but with the onset of spring, a hot season begins, which lasts until the first half of summer. The last bites are recorded in late autumn.

Symptoms and signs

Ticks are dangerous because they carry pathogens of some dangerous diseases. We are talking about encephalitis, borreliosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis.

Most ticks are free from pathogens, but even an attack by a sterile tick is dangerous to humans, because it can provoke severe allergic reactions.


The first signs that appear 2-3 hours after a tick bite:

  • loss of strength, drowsiness;
  • chills, accompanied by aching joints;
  • photophobia is one of the hallmarks a person has a tick bite;
  • skin inflammation and local allergies. The suction site turns red, acquiring a rounded shape, but there is no pain.

By appearance a bite can already be understood, a sterile tick has stuck to the skin or is infected. For example, an insect infected with Lyme borreliosis (the infection affects the nervous system) provokes the development of a specific rash that looks like a spot.

The spot at the site of the bite can have a diameter of 10-20 cm. But there are times when it reaches 60 centimeters! Its outline is not always a regular round shape, but after a while you can see a raised outer border of intense red color. In the center, the spot is bluish or white. It becomes like a donut. After 2 weeks, the scar completely disappears.

The infection is easily treated with antibiotics, but here it is very important to diagnose the disease in time to prevent dire consequences disability and even death.


In the elderly and children, as well as those suffering from various chronic diseases, including allergies and immunodeficiency conditions, signs and symptoms may be exaggerated. These categories of citizens are characterized by such symptoms after a bite as headache, nausea and vomiting, labored hoarse breathing, hallucinations and other nervous manifestations.

  • temperature rise to 37–38 ᵒС;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • rashes and itching;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

First aid

First aid for a tick bite is to properly remove the insect, transport it to an accredited laboratory to identify pathogens and help the person if he has developed a severe allergic reaction.

In order to gain a foothold on the human body, the tick needs time - from two minutes to several hours. If the insect is round and gray color, then it has already drunk blood and it will be necessary to remove it with care so as not to damage the abdomen.

Provision of medical care:

  1. Tick ​​removal. The used improvised tool, thread or own fingers, must be treated with alcohol or another alcohol-containing agent, and after extraction, treat the wound with such a composition.
  2. First aid for tick bites involves transporting a live insect in a suitable container or bag at room temperature, and if it is dead, ice it.
  3. Attach a piece of paper to the container or package indicating the full name of the person from whom the insect was removed, the date, time and place of detection, as well as contact information.
  4. If you can’t remove the tick yourself, you need to go to the hospital.
  5. If a person develops a strong allergic reaction with swelling of parts of the face, as well as difficulty breathing and muscle pain, in other words, Quincke's edema develops, then it is urgent to give him some kind of antihistamine - Suprastin, Zirtek, Tavegil, Claritin, Zodak express. Of course, it is best to administer such a drug intramuscularly along with Prednisolone and provide the victim with access to fresh air.

What to do if the tick is not stuck?

Many do not know what to do if the tick has bitten, but not stuck. During a bite, pathogenic pathogens can get into the body, so it is necessary to pass an insect for analysis in any case. If it managed to escape, you need to seek the advice of a specialist and pass all the necessary tests.

How to remove at home?

It is possible to remove a tick at home, but contrary to popular belief, you do not need to drip oil, alcohol or any other liquid on it. You can not burn the insect. It is undesirable to damage his abdomen, since in this case the risk of infection increases. The fact is that when breathing is disturbed, the insect injects saliva under the skin, which just contains pathogens.

The actions of the victim in this case should be as follows:

  1. You can remove a tick from the body with a regular thread. Form a loop out of it, try to fix it on the insect as close to the head as possible and with slow movements, slightly swaying from side to side and rotating, pull it to the surface. You need to pull perpendicular to the skin.
  2. If it doesn’t work with a thread, then you can also pull out a tick from a person with your nails, swinging from side to side with slow movements.
  3. You can use nail tweezers or tools such as Trix, Tick Nipper.
  4. It is advisable to take out the whole insect without damaging it, but it happens that the head remains inside, torn from the body. A tick without a head can still live, so it must be immediately sent for analysis, and the head removed with a needle as if removing a splinter.
  5. To properly pull out the tick, it is recommended to disinfect the wound on the body and go with the insect to the laboratory.

What to do if bitten by a tick during pregnancy?

Ticks are doubly dangerous for pregnant women, because the fetus inside will also be under negative influence pathogens that enter the body. In general, first aid and insect removal measures are the same as in ordinary cases, with the only difference being that the insect must be submitted for analysis as soon as possible.

Until the results arrive, doctors are unlikely to do anything, as they are afraid to harm the child. Immunoglobulin injections are also not used, as there is no data on how they affect the development of the fetus.

If a pregnant woman is bitten by a tick, you can start taking antiviral drugs for insurance, but not everyone is allowed to use in position. Without fear, you can take Anaferon, Viferon and Oscillococcinum.

If, after receiving the results of the tests, it will be clear that the encephalitis tick was acting, then it is rather difficult to predict the predictions during pregnancy. As you know, encephalitis causes paralysis of the body, and whether it will be possible in this case to endure pregnancy and give birth to a child, doctors decide in each case. But most often, the terrible consequences do not affect the fetus.

An unpleasant and threatening opportunity for everyone to become a victim of a tick attack makes closer to the peak season of their activation to be interested in the signs of a tick bite in a person and what its consequences may be, as well as whether there is a treatment for them.

Those who are not personally familiar with such a nuisance as the fact of being bitten by a blood-sucking ixodid or argas tick are most of all interested in whether they will get sick after, and also what symptoms they should expect if they are bitten by a tick.

Argas and ixodid ticks

Only the complex of all these factors is responsible for what happens from the bite of a particular tick and what kind of symptoms will appear after it.

The tick is capable of transmitting the following infections to people at the time of the bite:

  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • Lyme borreliosis;
  • Marseille fever;
  • coxiellosis;
  • endemic typhus;
  • tularemia;
  • anaplasmosis.

Important! By appearance alone, it is impossible to recognize whether a tick that has bitten a person is infected! Only a study of a bloodsucker removed from the wound or a blood test of a bitten person can give an answer whether that person has pathogens in the blood of some kind of disease caused by a tick bite.

How to find a place bitten by a tick

The reason is that the tick bite goes unnoticed by the victim because of its painlessness at all stages - the moment of skin puncture, the introduction of the proboscis and the very process of sucking blood, because the saliva of the tick contains a specific natural anesthetic to lull the vigilance of the victim - a person or a warm-blooded animal.

The tick must have time to find a vulnerable place for a bite, make a puncture of the skin where it is introduced oral apparatus, fully satiate and fall off. In time, its “feast” can take from several hours for males and drag on for up to several days for nymphs and adult females, so evolutionarily the tick has adapted to remain unnoticed on the victim’s body for as long as possible.

How in this case to determine that a person was bitten by a tick? It is necessary after returning from a walk, if you have visited places with thickets of grass or shrubs, first take a good look at your body, including in the mirror, in order to look at yourself from behind. You can trust someone close to you.

Usually seasoned hikers, or foresters, hunters, beekeepers - all those who are constantly busy in nature know how to correctly recognize a tick bite in a person, what first symptoms and possible diseases it can cause, and what to do next with a bloodsucker .

On closer examination, it is necessary to especially focus on places vulnerable to ticks:

  • on the areas under the knees;
  • on the groin area;
  • on the stomach and back;
  • on the armpits;
  • on the neck;
  • on the back of the head and areas behind the ears;
  • on the head in the area of ​​hair growth.

A sated tick that has bitten and saturated with blood looks like a voluminous dark mole, and if you look at the bite site with a magnifying glass, you can find paws sticking out to the sides of the swollen body.

The area around the biting tick often looks reddened and may have slight signs of swelling. Sometimes the local temperature rises around the bite area.

Tick ​​on human skin

How and why to remove a tick

As soon as the bloodsucker adhering to the skin is detected, it must be removed as soon as possible, while not panicking and observing right ways. Actions must be competent and confident. It is better if the extraction is performed by a health worker, but when it is far from such, then you will have to perform the manipulation yourself.

How to properly remove a tick

For this, tweezers are better suited, in its absence, a strong thread, and if you don’t have anything at all, then you can pull out the tick with just your hands.

The main thing is to do it right: do not pull out, do not grab the little body itself, so as not to crush; do not fill with gasoline, kerosene, oil, vinegar and other liquids that kill the tick. Otherwise, at the time of death, he will relax the oral apparatus and the entire contents of the abdomen and salivary glands will fall into the bitten blood, along with the entire “reserve” of pathogens, and then the signs of the disease will become more likely!

After extraction, the bitten place must be thoroughly disinfected with an antiseptic, it depends on what symptoms a person will experience when a tick bites in order to minimize their intensity.

But if such an opportunity this moment is not available, it is better to burn it, scald it or crush it well between layers of napkins, paper, fabric.

That is why the intensity and severity of the disease, if any, and how severe the symptoms will be, depends, among other things, on how quickly the tick is removed.

What are the first signs of a tick attack in humans

The manifestation of signs of a tick bite in humans and the symptoms of possible infections again depend on a number of factors, the main of which is whether pathogens have entered the bloodstream, which one, and in what quantity.

Important! If the bitten bloodsucker was a carrier of infection, then the first characteristic of a person Symptoms after a tick bite may not appear immediately, depending on the type of disease introduced.

Symptoms after a tick attack

Specific symptoms after a tick bite in infected person directly depend on the type of disease introduced into the body or a combination of them, because one bloodsucker is able to infect with several infections at the same time.

No less responsible for what symptoms after a tick bite the disease manifests itself, the state of immunity of the bitten person.

Signs of the disease after a bite of an infectious tick in humans depend on the internal picture of the development of a particular infection.

Tick-borne encephalitis

This deadly viral infection, which has the most ominous signs after a bite encephalitis tick, a person may begin to show the first symptoms after a week or two.

Symptoms initially include headaches and muscle pains, the temperature rises strongly, nausea with vomiting appears. Then, after a short relief, there are malfunctions in the nervous system and meningitis occurs, ending in a disturbance in consciousness.

Without adequate assistance, if there is no treatment, a patient who has been bitten by a tick is doomed to disability, and sometimes death.

Lyme borreliosis

Most frequent bacterial disease, which provokes the bite of an infected tick, its symptoms are expressed mainly in the occurrence of only its inherent rash - erythema migrans.

The symptoms of Lyme disease begin with fever and pain - head, joints, muscles. After the heart, eyes, nerves are connected.

Treatment consists of antibiotics, which is already in short term stops the negative consequences after a tick bite in a sick person.

But if the treatment is not prescribed in time, it will turn out for the person who survived the bite, disability, there are cases of death.

Other, rarer types of infections

A high temperature when bitten by an infectious tick is also observed in other types of infections, accompanying a person in most cases.

Symptoms such as general malaise, fever, and digestive disorders are characteristic of rarer diseases that occur in humans as a consequence of a tick bite.

Important! How quickly the pathogen is identified and the therapy is prescribed will depend on what kind of symptoms after a tick bite a person will have, and what their severity will be.

Statistics and prognosis for encephalitis

You can not ignore the fact of a tick bite and the symptoms that arose in a person, treatment should begin as early as possible, then the prognosis will be favorable.

For encephalitis in Russia during the past year, about half a million residents who suffered a tick bite turned for help.

Encephalitis pathogens were found in approximately 2300 bitten. Not everyone received on time help you need, and 24 people died.

Of the victims of tick bites, only 7% were vaccinated against encephalitis.

About 20% of those who have had an infection remain disabled after. Mortality is up to 2% for the European part and increases for Far East up to 25%.

With the onset of the spring-summer period, knowledge of how to properly provide first aid for a tick bite becomes quite relevant. Their bites at this time are becoming quite common. Given arachnid has a small size. It digs into human skin and exists by sucking blood from vessels located on the surface of the epidermis. If bitten by a tick, you must definitely go to the hospital and in no case self-medicate.

Seek medical attention immediately after being bitten

This arachnid, and especially the forest one, can be a carrier of such dangerous ailments as borreliosis (Lyme disease), encephalitis, etc. It is important to know what symptoms appear after a tick bite - correctly provided first aid can save the victim from surgical treatment.

What areas of the body are susceptible to attack by dangerous insects

Ticks can bite into any part of the body, but they have favorite places that are distinguished by delicate skin, multiple blood vessels and are not visible to a person without a mirror. They are most often found on the neck, chest, arms, groin, or armpits. Less commonly, the insect attacks the lower limbs.

In children, ticks stick mainly behind the ears or on the back of the head.

A child is lower than an adult, so it is easier for insects to climb over the baby’s body and bite where it will be least noticeable.

Children are more commonly affected in the neck and head

The abdomen of the insect has a dark color, as it is filled with blood.

For more information about the symptoms of the disease after a bite, see this video:

The first signs of a bite appear only a few hours after contact with an insect. These include:

  • pain in the joints;
  • aches in the bones;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • chills;
  • panic attacks and causeless attacks of fear;
  • fear of light;
  • inability to focus on specific things and actions.

The most obvious and main feature─ is the presence of a pest on the body of the victim.

If a stuck insect is found, you must immediately remove it along with the head, otherwise it can stick even harder, then only surgery will help.

Chills and photophobia after a bite will tell you that you are infected

A person sometimes does not notice the presence of the first symptoms after a bite. This happens quite often because bad feeling may be mistaken for fatigue or the onset of a cold. On the second day, additional symptoms appear: fever, tachycardia, migraines, nausea. Sometimes there are even hallucinations. Such manifestations in humans indicate a possible allergic reaction. If the temperature does not drop within a week, then this indicates a serious infection.

Manifestations of encephalitis and Lyme disease

Learn more about Lyme disease in this video:

If an insect is a carrier of a virus and a bite occurs, a person can have many manifestations:

  • excessive excitability;
  • hysterical fits;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • fainting;
  • severe headaches;
  • improper digestion;
  • frequent, uncontrollable seizures;
  • increase in body temperature up to 41 ° C;
  • falling into an unconscious state;
  • appearance of hallucinations.

Borreliosis, or Lyme disease, is an infectious disease. It is no less dangerous than encephalitis. The nervous system, heart and muscle fibers are affected.

The clinical picture during infection with borreliosis is characterized by the bite site. It quickly turns red, and this spot increases by 40 - 60 cm. The edges of the affected area are burgundy and slightly rise above the skin.

The speck that appears increases in size up to 40 - 60 cm

If you do not consult a doctor, then after 3 weeks the redness will subside. However, after a month, the most dangerous signs will begin to appear:

  • pain in bones and joints;
  • disruption of the heart muscle;
  • hearing loss;
  • paralysis separate parts body;
  • increased dryness in the mouth;
  • a sore throat;
  • elevated temperature.

The bite of a tick, which is a carrier of borreliosis, is easy to recognize. It is necessary to immediately carefully examine the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epidermis.

If the spot grows rapidly and has dark edges, then you need to urgently go to the hospital, as there is every reason to assume infection with Lyme disease.

This pathology in itself does not pose a danger. Manifestations may disappear without the use of special treatment, but the consequences of borreliosis cannot be predicted. If the myocardium or nervous system is severely damaged, even death is possible.

Many people are interested in what to do with a tick bite.

In this situation, the only true tactic of behavior is to correctly remove the insect from the epidermis.

Pharmacies sell special tools with which you can do this, ─ Uniclean Tick Twister or a lasso pen, for example. If these devices are not at hand and the pharmacy is far away, then doctors recommend using ordinary metal tweezers or a strong thread.

Pull the tick slowly so that the detached head does not remain under the skin

After removing the pest, doctors recommend lubricating the damaged area with iodine or brilliant green - this contributes to rapid regeneration skin. The bite site, the treatment of which depends on the symptoms that appear, heals quickly. Sometimes there are small white scars.
If a tick has stuck into a child, what should parents do? This question worries many mothers who walk with children in the summer in nature. If the baby has been attacked, then the tactics of behavior remain unchanged - the insect must be pulled out of the child's body as soon as possible. Children are more sensitive to infections than adults, so for the prevention of babies, you must definitely show the doctor.

Blood-sucking mites are carriers of numerous infections and belong to the class of especially dangerous ones. Infection occurs directly through the bite of an arthropod. The most serious infections carried by ticks are encephalitis and borreliosis.

The peak of registration of bites falls on the first half of summer, but the activity of ticks is observed until late autumn. A tick can get caught on clothing and then make its way to exposed skin. Often penetration dangerous tick occurs through the sleeves, at the bottom of the trousers, in the collar area.

Tick ​​classification

In size, these representatives of arthropods rarely reach 3 mm, in general, the size of mites ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 mm. As befits arachnids, ticks lack wings.

Ticks are classified into two main groups:

  • Sterile - those individuals who are not carriers of any infections;
  • Infected ticks that are carriers of viral, microbial and other diseases (, encephalitis).

It is worth noting that most often ticks begin to bite in early spring and late autumn. Please note that not all ticks are carriers infectious diseases. Despite this, even a sterile tick can lead to serious consequences. That is why it is so important to know what to do in specific situation when attacked by a tick.

Tick ​​bites - the first signs in humans

As a rule, the first sign of a bite is the presence of an insect that has stuck to the body of the victim. Most often, areas of the body hidden under clothing and places with a well-developed capillary system are exposed to this.

A tick bite is usually painless, and this fact goes unnoticed even after the tick has finished drinking blood and falls off the skin.

The first signs after a tick bite may appear after 2-4 hours. These include:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • photophobia;
  • drowsiness;
  • chills;
  • aches in the joints;
  • pain in the muscles.

If redness occurs during the bite, this may be a normal allergic reaction. But red spots that have reached a diameter of 10-12 cm can be a symptom. May appear, both after 2 days, and after weeks.

Overly sensitive people may feel signs of a tick bite, such as:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting and indigestion;
  • Strong headache;
  • dizziness;
  • wheezing breathing;
  • hallucinations.

If you are bitten by a tick, measure your body temperature daily for 10 days! Its increase 2-9 days after the bite may indicate that you have contracted an infectious disease!

Symptoms of a tick bite

Most often, the first symptoms begin to manifest themselves 7-24 days after the bite. There were cases when a sharp deterioration in the condition was observed after 2 months. Therefore, health needs to be monitored.

If the tick has not been infected, then the redness and itching quickly pass without a trace, no other symptoms appear. If the insect was infected, then after the tick has bitten, signs such as general weakness, chills, drowsiness, body aches, joints, photophobia, neck numbness.

Please note that the affected area is painless, there is only a slight round redness.

The severity of symptoms may vary. How tick bites manifest themselves depends on the age, individual characteristics, general condition of the person, and the number of sucked insects.

The main symptoms of an encephalitic tick bite in humans:

  • Body aches
  • Increasing headaches,

If there are such symptoms, nothing can be postponed, you should immediately contact the clinic.

Description of symptoms
Temperature One of the most common symptoms if bitten by a tick is fever. This occurs within the first hours after the bite and is allergic reaction to ingestion of insect saliva. An elevated temperature may appear after 7-10 days, when the bitten about the experience and forgets to think. If during this period heat, this is a sign of the development of an infectious process.
Redness after bites This symptom is characteristic of Lyme disease. The place where the tick is sucked is redder and resembles a ring. This can happen 3-10 days after the defeat. In some cases, there is a skin rash. Over time, the redness after the bite changes size and becomes much larger. Over the next 3-4 weeks, the rash begins to gradually disappear and the stain may disappear completely.
Rash The rash that results from a tick bite, also known as erythema migrans (pictured), is a symptom of Lyme disease. It looks like a bright red spot with an elevated central part. May also be dark red or of blue color, which makes it look like a bruise on the skin.

The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis. Therefore, it is important to get vaccinated on time, to insure against tick-borne encephalitis so that injections with immunoglobulin and subsequent therapy are free of charge.

What does a tick bite look like on a person's body

The tick is attached to the human body with the help of a hypostome. This unpaired outgrowth performs the functions of a sensory organ, attachment and bloodsucking. The most likely place for a tick to stick to a person from the bottom up:

  • groin area;
  • abdomen and lower back;
  • chest, armpits, neck;
  • ear area.

Bites can often manifest themselves in different ways. Let's look at the photo of what a tick bite looks like on a human body:

If, after removing the tick, a small black dot remains at the suction site, this means that the head has come off and must be removed. To do this, the affected area is treated with alcohol and the wound is cleaned with a disinfected needle. After removing the head, you need to lubricate the wound with alcohol or iodine.

Be sure to save the tick (put it in plastic bag) so that you can conduct a study in the laboratory and determine whether it was an encephalitis tick or not. The severity of the consequences for the bitten person or animal and further therapy depend on this.

It must be understood that a small tick bite can lead to serious health problems. So, encephalitis can cause paralysis of the limbs and lead to death.

If you are close to the city, contact the emergency room immediately, specialists will remove the tick without unnecessary risk. And there is a risk of crushing it during self-extraction, and if the crushed tick turns out to be infected, it will enter the body a large number of virus.

The further course depends on how quickly the person reacted to the defeat. If he ignored the symptoms and did not go to the doctor, the prognosis is extremely unfavorable. The fact is that tick bites can manifest themselves only after a while.

Consequences for the body

A tick bite can cause a number of diseases in humans. Naturally, if you do not pay attention to this, serious consequences are possible.

Below is a list possible consequences tick-borne infections, in the form of lesions:

  • nervous system- encephalomyelitis, various options epilepsy, hyperkinesis, headaches, paresis, paralysis;
  • joints - arthralgia, arthritis;
  • cardiovascular system - arrhythmia, jumps in blood pressure;
  • lungs - a consequence of pulmonary bleeding;
  • kidneys - nephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • liver - digestive disorders.

In severe forms of these infections, there may be a loss of the ability to self-service, a decrease in working capacity (up to disability of group 1), epileptic seizures and the development of dementia.

Diseases that can occur with bites

  • Tick-borne encephalitis
  • Tick-borne typhus
  • Hemorrhagic fever
  • Borreliosis. The causative agent of this disease are spirochetes, which spread in nature, including ticks. The disease proceeds in a chronic form, affects almost all organs and systems. In the treatment of borreliosis (Lyme disease), antibiotics are required! They are used to suppress pathogens. Lyme borreliosis is caused by a microorganism from the group of spirochetes.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis. An infectious viral disease transmitted by tick bites, characterized by fever and damage to the central nervous system. The consequences of a bite from an encephalitis tick can be very deplorable. In some cases, after suffering encephalitis, people become disabled.
  • Tick-borne typhus. The rash of typhus is often initially called pink, although this first symptom appears only on fair skin. Next stage- blanching of the rash, and later it reddens and darkens again. In severe cases of typhoid, where hemorrhagic elements are visible, bleeding into the skin (petechiae) often develops.
  • Hemorrhagic fever. The danger lies in severe and sometimes irreversible damage to vital organs. All people with suspected hemorrhagic fever are subject to hospitalization in the boxed department of the infectious diseases hospital.


  1. It is best to get vaccinated earlier, because after infection, the vaccine is prohibited. The vaccine is indicated for those who live in a disadvantaged region, professionally associated with the forest.
  2. First of all, going to the habitat of ticks, you need to dress properly. Clothing should be with long sleeves, trousers, you also need to put something on your head, preferably a hood. Thermal underwear can be very convenient, as it fits perfectly to the body and does not allow the insect to crawl into secluded places.
  3. Recovering to the area in which there are ticks, be as "armed" as possible, grab all the necessary things that will be needed in case of a tick bite.
  4. When moving through the forest, stay in the middle of the paths, avoiding tall grass and bushes.

Some of these pathological conditions can be fatal, so it is extremely important to remove the sucking insect as soon as possible. The more time the tick sucks blood, the greater the spread of infection.

Symptoms (signs) of a tick bite in humans

A person does not feel the symptoms and signs after a tick bite. This is due to the anesthetic that is in his saliva.

If the bite lasted very a short time, then the risk of developing infectious consequences will still be high.

But most major mistake most of the victims is a rough pulling of the bug from the wound. This can lead to damage to the insect, and some part of it will remain inside the wound. If an insect has stuck to an adult, then it is simply removed in the usual way and taken to the SES.

If possible, it is preferable to go to a local emergency room or hospital.

A tick has bitten a child - what to do?

Ticks usually get on children during a walk, so after each walk, it is recommended that the child be carefully examined.

Attention! Monitor the child's well-being after the bite. If there are signs of a cold, then it is worth contacting a pediatrician, since encephalitis can be masked in this way.

Found an insect on a dog

Many people have pets. During the season of tick activity, they should be carefully examined after each walk, since the tick can move from the dog to the household. If an insect is found on a pet, it must be removed. If possible, consult a veterinarian or do it yourself. To do this, the area around the bug must be treated with petroleum jelly or oil, then gently unscrew the insect with tweezers.

After removal, you need to lubricate the wound with any available antiseptic, and it is preferable to burn the extracted tick or send it to the toilet.

Ways to eliminate the tick

It is quite difficult to remove the bug from the wound, since a sticky secret is released from its proboscis when bitten, tightly fixing the tick when bitten.

Important! It is impossible to use sharp tweezers or tweezers to extract the tick, since there is a high probability of simply biting off the body of the insect, and the head will remain in the wound.

If the head came off

Quite often it happens that if the extraction is unsuccessful, part of the tick remains in the wound. This can be dangerous, because foreign particles in the wound cause suppuration or inflammation, and the infectious process lasts much longer.

In such a situation, it is necessary to treat the bite site with brilliant green or alcohol and remove the remaining particles with a disinfected needle.

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