Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Show where the fairies used to be on the map. What a magic fairy she is - history, secrets and riddles ... drawn new beautiful pictures of real fairies. The truth about the Wicks fairies

Everyone loves to dream. You can achieve your goals on your own, but it's better to call on magical creatures for help. Summoning the fairy of desires is easy. To do this, you need to have strong faith and be sincere. Correctly formulate your desire, following the rules, perform the ceremony and wait for its fulfillment. Show the fairy your kindness and gratitude, and she will willingly help you realize your cherished dream.

It's pretty easy to lure the wish fairy

Who are fairies

Possessing magical abilities. These are not only favorite characters in fairy tales and cartoons about magic, but also almost goddesses. Thanks to their magic, they help people, do good and fight evil. Usually, the magical powers of fairies are based - earth, water, fire, wind.

Fairies are associated with females. Fairy men are extremely rare. And the character traits that are assigned to fairies are more inclined to feminine:

  • coquetry;
  • responsiveness;
  • kindness;
  • tenderness;
  • activity.

What sorceresses look like

The fairy is described as a tiny girl with wings.

The images in the mythology of different peoples may differ insignificantly. Some write that they have wings, others that they do not. There are fairies who use a magic wand or pollen. Without these attributes, they have no supernatural powers. Other sources say they radiate magic by themselves.

Fairy fairies are portrayed as beautiful girls, no more than 15 cm tall. They are dressed in beautiful bright dresses. The manner of their communication fascinates a person from the first minute.

Where fairies live

From stories and legends it follows that fairies can live both in the real world and in another reality. Forest sorceresses live in forests, flower-in the flower glades. Tinker Bell, known from the Peter Pan book and cartoon, lived in the fabulous country of Neverland.

From cartoons and films, we learn about the existence of magical worlds in which a huge number of magical creatures live. They easily move to and from the real world.

Who is called the fairy of desires

All magical creatures have their own purpose. Some fight against evil forces, others protect, protect, help. There are also such,. They are more popular with people because everyone wants to make their dreams come true.

Fairy tales and stories are not simply taken out of thin air. They have been passed down from generation to generation. Everyone added something, changed, paraphrased. Not the full meaning has come down to our times, but we have heard about inexplicable creatures fulfilling wishes. In films and fairy tales, they are represented as a fairy, goldfish, pike, gin, gnome.

The fairy of desires is known as the kindest of the representatives of the wizarding world. She will help not only to fulfill dreams, but also to determine the true dream. Her magic is kind and light. One of the main rules when contacting her for help is good intentions and thoughts. If she feels negative, then she can direct it against the person.

What are the ways to summon a fairy

There are several special rites for summoning a tiny sorceress. You need to strictly follow the rules for the ritual to be successful. Don't worry, you won't need the blood of a killed raccoon or the corpse of a mouse. Different items are used for each rite. The following attributes may be needed:

  • clear sheet;
  • whatman;
  • paints;
  • pencils;
  • candle;
  • treats;
  • mirror;
  • ribbon;
  • water.

There are several ways to summon the fairy of desires:

  1. Painting. The most common way among children. You need to portray a fairy with bright colors. The background can be anything: pond, forest, flower meadow, cloud. The main thing-the character. After the drawing, put it under the pillow. Before going to bed, say your desire out loud 3 times.
  2. Into the moonlight. Take a white satin ribbon and tie it to a pencil. Write your wish on a small Whatman paper. Continue writing and rolling the tape over your pencil until it runs out. Say a wish out loud 3 times, and put the Whatman paper near the window for the night so that the moonlight falls on it.
  3. With fire. Arrange the 3 candles so that they form a triangle. A bowl of water is placed in the center. You need to light the candles and repeat 3 times: "Good fairy, come, help me to fulfill my desire." Then you say your cherished dream. Put out the candles, don't talk to anyone, go to bed thinking about your desire.
  4. For sweets. Dissolve 3 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. Eat candy and drink the resulting sweet liquid. Put the exact same candy and water on the windowsill. Say what you want several times and ask the miniature sorceress to do it. Open the window and go to bed with good thoughts.
  5. Into the rain. Take a glass of water. Quickly write what you want on a piece of paper, then tear it into small pieces and put it in water. If, after what has been done, the rain subsides within 10-15 minutes - the sorceress heard you and will fulfill her plan.
  6. On the bell. This ritual should be carried out in nature, preferably near a reservoir. Write down your wish in advance on a small piece of paper. Then go to the clearing. Hold the leaf in your right hand, bell-in the left. Make 3 circles clockwise while mentally pronouncing what is written on the piece of paper. At the end, ring the bell strongly.

You can summon a fairy in other more complex ways. They require little preparation. The main component for all rites -your impeccable belief that a wish will come true. If you not convinced in this, then the strongest fairy will not be able to help in the implementation of the plan.

A fairy can be attracted by a bell

How to make a wish correctly

Call the sorceress only in a good mood. If you are annoyed or embittered, at best, the desire will not come true, at worst-will turn against you.

Make a wish in the present tense and articulate it clearly. "I want to travel" is a very abstract desire, and the fairy will not fulfill it. You need to think like this: "I am traveling in China in May 2019". Indicate details, time, amount.

Only a good dream can be fulfilled. Do not wish harm to others. Forget about greed and profit.

Be sure to thank the fairy for her help. And don't bother her more than once a month. Better use

There should be no strangers in the room, they can frighten off the sorceress. Observe silence, except for your voice, she should not hear anything.

You can call the sorceress day and night. It is better to do this immediately before bedtime and with thoughts of your desire to fall asleep right away.

If you are referring to a fairy outside the house, then choose a quiet, deserted place. Preferably by the reservoir. This affects the speed of execution of the desired.

I would be friends with fairies.
I would live my life
Among these lovely fairies,
In a field where sage blooms

Fairies- in celticand Germanic folklore- women with magical knowledge and strength, fabulous sorceresses.
In mythology, two types of fairies are distinguished.
Some Fairies are tiny girls with wings, nature spirits. Others are women - sorceresses with magical knowledge.

Word Fairy, fay,) - from the old French "feer" - "to enchant, bewitch. Hence the English" faerie "-" magic kingdom ". fata(guardian spirit), from fatum("Predicted, destiny"). Compare: in Spanish, fairy - veil, in Italian - fate.
Translated as “ subject to fate”, Or rather - the recognition of the ability to predict or influence fate.

First messages about fairies appeared in medieval Europe, most of all in Ireland, Wales and Scotland.
The fairy has been described in two ways - either as a luminous angel-like entity, or as a very small creature.

Fairies with wings, as if borrowed from insects, began to be portrayed relatively recently, in the 19th century. This is how they were portrayed by Victorian illustrators.

Fairies are presented in the form of beautiful maidens, often with butterfly or dragonfly wings, in flowing robes. Sizes - from tiny to ordinary human.

Fairies have magical powers, they can fly, suddenly appear and disappear.
A connection between the image of fairies and the creatures of Persian mythology is possible: fairies (from Persian — peri).
Peri- beautiful winged women in Iranian mythology, Arabian tales - a cross between an angel and a fairy.
NS eri, payriksspirits of fire and air, kind beings who help people. The appearance of peri is accompanied by an extraordinary aroma and fragrance.

Peri are able to defeat evil demons and genies. Falling from heaven stars are a sign of such a battle.

European folklore has preserved many legends about sorceresses - fairies.
In medieval literature, the Morgana Fairy gained particular fame.

Fairy Morgana, or Morgan Le Fay, mistress of the mythical Avalon Islands- in the legends of the Arthurian cycle - a sorceress, half-sister of King Arthur and his enemy.
In Celtic mythology, "the island of the blessed" Avalon received the name "island of apple trees" - from the Welsh afal (apple). On Avalon, in the midst of amazingly beautiful nature, beautiful fairies lived who offered magic apples to the guests who got there, giving eternal youth.
Have Malorie Morgana persuades Sir Accolon to kidnap Excalibur, the sacred sword of Avalon. King Arthur meets Accolon in duel, without a magic sword, but defeats him with Lady of the Lake... Morgana steals the sword sheath (possessed the ability to heal wounds), and Arthur suffers from blood loss.
John Lydgate wrote that King Arthur was crowned in " fairyland", And after death he was carried away by four fairies-queens , to Avalon where he rests under the Fairy Barrow.
Chretien de Troyes says that Morgana has the skill of healing, shape-shifting (hence Fata Morgana) and can fly.

Morgan's name to her, who studied the beneficial properties
Any herb that can heal bodily weakness;
She knows the art of changing her appearance and can
Take off in the air on new wings, like Daedalus ...

An optical phenomenon named after Morgana Fata Morgana... So on about. Sicily in the 19th century began to call mirages in the Strait of Messina, ghostly visions arising from the streams of hot air over the horizon.

Lady of the Lake, Lake fairy- also a character in Arthurian legends.

Has grown Lancelot Ozerny after the death of his father (hence his nickname). Gave Arthur a sword Excalibur and took it back after his death. Together with other mysterious queens, she took Arthur on Avalon.
Two characters: Vivien or Nimue- a lying villain who is destroying Merlin, and Lady of the Lake- Lancelot's educator and giver of Excalibur.
Edward Burne-Jones. Nimue bewitches Merlin ("The Enchanted Merlin")

Melusine- a fairy from Celtic and medieval legends, the spirit of water in springs and rivers.
Often depicted as a snake woman or fish woman from the waist down (cf. mermaid),
She marries a mortal, making him a condition that he never sees her in animal form. When he finds her like this, he leaves him.
Plantagenet dynasty, Counts of Anjou, who became in the XII century. English kings, considered Melusine their ancestor.

Fairy Characters (Titania and Oberon) play significant roles in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; the action here takes place simultaneously in the forest and in the land of fairies.
Queen Mab in English folklore - mistress of sleep and dreams... She rushes in a nutshell drawn by mosquitoes like in a chariot.

Shakespeare did Queen Mab a mythological figure, a kind of goddess fantasy and imagination. Fairies in a Midsummer Night's Dream say:

All this is Queen Mab's tricks ...

All times are thrown into confusion.
Spring and summer
Birthing autumn and winter
Change their outfit, and cannot
The world is amazed to distinguish between the times!
All because of our quarrels and disagreements:
We are their cause, we create them.

And in Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" (1594), Mab is called the "midwife of the fairies" because she helps the birth of dreams.
In the land of fairies no disease, death, aging. Romantic stories tell of a mortal who falls in love with the Fairy Queen, who takes him to her kingdom, and when he returns back, he learns that hundreds of years have passed on earth ...

Thomas Lermont or Thomas Rhyme
Ayrsildun is located on the Tweed River in southern Scotland. The ruins of an old castle are visible on the hill. A poet lived in it in the 13th century Thomas Lermont, nicknamed the Rhymer.
His fairy ballad has reached us, in which the poet talks about his stay in the kingdom of fairies and elves. It tells how Thomas captured the heart with his song Fairy queens, and she took him to a magical land, where he stayed for 7 years.

As happened with poets who created poems on fantastic themes, Thomas Lermont was considered to be involved in secrets and a seer. They say he received the gift of foresight from the queen, and predicted many events in the history of Scotland. Some historians consider Lermont to be the ancestor of Scottish literature.
Descendants of Lermont
In the 16th century, the ancestor George Byron, attorney Gordon Byron, was married to Margaret Lermont, which gave Byron reason to count Thomas the Rhyme in his ancestors.
And in 1613 a representative of the family, a captive lieutenant of the Polish service Georg (George) Lermont, entered the service of the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. He became the founder of the Russian noble family Lermontov, belonged to her Mikhail Lermontov who is believed to be a descendant of Thomas Lermont.
This story is inspired by Lermontov's poem "Desire":

Why am I not a bird, not a steppe raven,

Flying over me now?

Why can't I soar in heaven

And only one freedom to love?

To the west, to the west, I would rush

Where the fields of my ancestors bloom,

Where in an empty castle, on foggy mountains,

Their forgotten ashes rest.

On the ancient wall, their ancestral shield

And their rusty sword hangs.

I would fly over sword and shield

And I would dust them off with my wing;

And the Scottish string harp would have touched,

And the sound would fly over the vaults;

We listen to one, and one is awakened,

As it rang out, so he would have stopped ...
The entire poem is here:

The image of the fairy as an attractive petite woman was formed during the heyday of romanticism and was developed in the Victorian era.
Victorian " flower fairies”Were largely popularized by Queen Mary, who was interested in this branch of folklore.
Famous Paracelsus believed that fairies - elementals, elemental spirits... For example, sylph - spirit of air and undine is water.
Most fairies are sylphs, sylphs. Sylphair fairy, she flies without the help of her wings, rolls in the wind.
Wings painted in the 19th century to highlight her flight. And then the bird's wings were replaced with insects - "otherwise the children will confuse the pagan fairy with the angel."

Lydia Charskaya so describes fairies in the collection "Tales of the Blue Fairy":
“Fairies were walking there, airy and gentle as a dream. Their long hair gleamed with gold, their crimson lips smiled; their light dresses, woven from rose petals and lilies, were of the most delicate shades. Light and airy, they were running, dancing in the air, a little rustling with their light wings, which seemed silver in the glitter of a May day ... Not a bird, not a moth, but a cheerful tiny blue girl. "
Oberon and Titania- the king and queen of fairies and elves in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", the rulers of a magical land.

Fairies are close to elves
Elves(German elf - from alb, white) - a magical people in Germanic and Celtic folklore. These are magical creatures, spirits of the forest, air, beautiful little people in hats made of flowers, tree dwellers. They loved to dance in the moonlight. In a word, they are very similar to fairies.
I married such an elf Thumbelina, and became the queen of the elves.

"He took off his golden crown, put it on Thumbelina's head and asked if she wanted to be his wife, queen of elves and queen of flowers?"
But Tolkien's elves look different: tall and fair-haired, with pointed ears.
Folklorists there is an interesting theory, according to which the idea of ​​fairies could arise from the conquerors who lost sight of part of the population of the conquered people. Fear-inspiring "invisible" (hiding in caves) began to be attributed magical abilities ...

Celtic folklore mentions a "race of little people" who, fleeing from invaders, were forced to go underground.
From Stevenson's Heather Honey:
“The whole family cooked and drank it in cauldrons.
babies-mead brewers in caves underground "...

Each blade of grass has its own angel, who bends over it and says: “Grow! Grow!"
The angels mentioned by the Talmud are "natural angels", fairies.
Flower fairies- graceful tiny creatures wielding the magic of nature, promoting the growth of flowers.

About flower fairies - from Doreen Verce's book "Magic Fairy Kingdom"
Fairies live in forests, in meadows among flowers, each group has its own Queen. They feed on pollen, nectar, dew, berries and milk.
Flower fairies live in flowers, in a hollow tree, or in a tree house, they love to sleep in flowers and dance in the moonlight.

Buttercup, Mint and Marshmallow,
Forget-me-not and Sage -
The names of the flower fairies.
Their petal houses
Spiderwebs of hammocks
As light as a bee
I could break them in an instant.
But they, having created comfort,
Have fun and sing. ..
... I would be friends with fairies. I would live my life Among these lovely fairies,

In a field where sage blooms.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Fairy garden
Fairies love flowers and help them grow and blossom. Fairies especially love bell-shaped flowers: bells, foxglove, lilies of the valley.

Fairies love it when there are many birds, butterflies in the garden and will reward you if you keep bird feeders in the yard (especially for hummingbirds!))
The circles of flowers or smooth stones - "magic circles" - are a favorite gathering place for fairies.
Fairies like it when they put their figurines in the garden.

Geranium fairies

Above are works by Cecile Mary Barker. English artist, painted children among flowers in the form of fairies and elves. The Flower Fairies book series contained 168 illustrations of flower fairies and elves.
In Victorian times a literary and fabulous idea of ​​a good fairy was formed, who becomes godmother of princes and princesses, brings them magical gifts as a gift. The fairy has a magic wand with which she works her wonders.

And the Brothers Grimm used fairies as characters.

Fairies are fairies
Everyone knows good fairies - sorceresses - from "Cinderella" or "Sleeping Beauty".
Fairy Godmother from "Cinderella", a film by N. Kosheverova 1947. An image that has become a classic in cinematography.

Flora, Fauna and Maryweza- three good fairies, characters of the Disney cartoon Sleeping Beauty, based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault.

Willina and Stella- fairies of the wolves' cycle about the Emerald City.
Emerald City- the city, invented by Lyman Frank Baum, and described by him in the stories about the land of Oz, is known to us in the arrangement of Alexander Volkov.
Willina- a kind sorceress, ruler of the Yellow Country.

Looks like an old lady in a pointed hat and a white robe with shiny stars.
Stella- the kind sorceress of the Pink Land inhabited by Chatterboxes. She possesses the secret of eternal youth and rare beauty.

Kristinafairy roads and pavements, the most beautiful of the road fairies, a modern mythological character. Endowed with the ability to pave the way - people travel with pleasure where the fairy Christina passed.

Fairy mythological creatures are well known in the modern world. Today, the term "fairies" refers to some tiny people or creatures that often have wings and can fly. There are beliefs both in house fairies that live in the house, they can help people, and in forest fairies that live in the crowns of trees and tall grass. The most famous fairies are: Melusine - the spirit of water, rivers, springs (depicted as a half-woman-half-snake or half-woman-half fish) and Fairy Morgana - a fairy magician, a healer, a famous character in English legends of the 5th-6th centuries. The most famous modern fictional fairies are: Tooth Fairy, Thumbelina and Tinker Bell Fairy from Peter Pan.

Fairies were originally an integral part of pagan beliefs among the Celts and Germanic peoples... In the mythology of these peoples, fairies were presented as tiny people who are very difficult to notice due to their small size. In addition, fairies successfully hide from people, and you can only see them by chance. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to compare fairies with the beliefs of other peoples, including the mythology of the Slavs, since the Celts and Germans subjected the ancient, common for all, belief in helping and protecting spirits to serious changes. Perhaps nowhere else is there a similar idea of ​​tiny creatures, the size of a small insect, which, at the same time, are almost completely similar to humans. Similar beliefs existed only in England, where little people were called elves.

Fairy beliefs became very popular in Europe, and then around the world, during the heyday of romanticism (XVIII-XIX centuries). This time, when various artists (painters, sculptors, writers) actively turned to the folklore of different countries, opened one of the most beautiful beliefs to the world. It was the miniature fairy girls who became especially popular then, who literally became symbols of love, mischief, and also the harmlessness of this cohort of spirits.

Despite the uniqueness of this belief, which, in fact, served to further awaken interest in beautiful legends about fairies, the very image of fairies and English elves is a modified representation that originated in the days of the Indo-Europeans or Proto-Indo-Europeans. This belief refers to ordinary protective spirits, ancestor spirits, ghostly spirits or creatures that live almost everywhere and everywhere, help people and various territories (spirits of the place). This can be understood even by analyzing the very term "Fairy". According to etymologists, "fairy" comes from the French word "feerie, fee", which, in turn, comes from the Latin "fata", which means - guardian spirit... Thus, a tiny fairy creature is a later reworking of an ancient belief into guardian spirits that live everywhere - in forests, fields, rivers, people's homes, and various buildings of people. Approximately the same development of the folklore tradition of beliefs in guarding spirits can be observed in the history of our country, where the original guarding spirits, known as "", with the passage of time, changing people's worldview, mixing with other beliefs and religious trends, began to be divided into brownies and banniks , courtyard and field spirits, mermaids, as well as guardian spirits, which in our time are often called guardian angels.

Germanic and Scandinavian fairies, Slavic bereginines, English elves, ancient Roman mans and penates, ancient Greek daimons (spirits that, during the evolution of the term, turned into demons, that is, from guardian spirits to evil spirits), ancient Greek nymphs, dryads and sirens, Persian mythological virgins - peri, spirits from kami and many, many others are a belief in the same spirits - spirits that help people, protect people from danger (beregini, ancestral spirits, spirits of the dwelling) or are engaged in important matters in their area (spirits of nature ).

Real fairies videos

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People think that fairies are only in fairy tales. But this is not the case. Fairies live in our world, next to us. Fairies are very small. The size of moths. Fragile delicate creatures, with delicate features, in light dresses and with transparent wings. They hide under the bark of trees, in reeds, in unopened flower buds.
The most important of them are the Fairy of Heat and Fairy of Cold. Between themselves, they decide when and how much to change the ambient temperature.
There is the Snow Fairy, or the Snow Fairy. Mostly it can be seen in winter. She wears fur boots and mittens.

It is she who decides when the first snow falls. And what shape and size the snowflakes will be depends on her mood. This fairy's biological clock may be disturbed by old age, then she is forgetful and absent-minded, confuses the seasons.
Therefore, people sometimes see snow in May or during the summer months. After these unforeseen situations, a young fairy takes over the position of the snow fairy.
There is the Rain Fairy, or the Rain Fairy. She flies with a blue cane umbrella. Bold - goes against the Fairy of Heat, can cause heavy rainfall during long periods of drought. Sometimes the Rain Fairy argues with the Snow Fairy, and then it snows and rains.
The Rain Fairy has a twin sister. Fairy of the City. Everyone thinks that she is evil, but in reality she is just a bad sorceress. She would like to treat everyone to ice cream balls on a summer day, but instead she gets hard pieces of ice. Therefore, she rarely uses her magical abilities.

And travels for pleasure.
There is also the Wind Fairy. This is the lightest and fastest fairy. Flies with a broom like a witch. When she whirls with a broom, it is late autumn, strong winds. The last leaves are falling from the trees. It's hard to see this fairy when she's having fun. The fairy is fast and agile. In winter, he likes to make whirlwinds out of snow and chase snow feathers. She also really likes late spring, when the streets, parks, gardens of cities and towns, and villages in particular, are filled with fresh light floral aromas. She rests in the flowers of cherry trees or trees of apple and pear, bird cherry and mountain ash, lilac and jasmine.

Then she becomes dreamy, brooding, frivolous. When she is sad, there is a lull. Summer. Heat. She slowly flutters over field and garden flowers, among the leaves of trees, selects small branches for a new broom.
There are seven girlfriends - seven fairies of the rainbow. They are also called rainbow fairies: the purple stripe fairy (Violetta), the blue stripe fairy (Vasilisa - Cornflower), the blue stripe fairy (Heavenly fairy), the green stripe fairy (Meadow), the yellow stripe fairy (Lemon fairy), the orange stripe fairy (Orange ), the fairy of the red stripe (Strawberry fairy). They are funny, funny, wearing multi-colored panamas.
There are other fairies: at the North and South Poles there are Fairies of severe frost, the Fairy of the Wind has a sister - the Sea Fairy (tsunamis, calmness, etc. are her magic pens), there is the Volcanic Fairy, Geofea and some others.

Every woman is a fairy I know
I wish her to fly high
To worries relentless wings
A fullness of abundance was brought to her house.
And so that day after day is better,
She did not doubt that the fairy,
To fly, flutter, hover,
To give warmth and love to everyone.
So as not to be sad, not tired,
To replenish your light from the sun,
And so that she gives to her family and loved ones
Tenderness, love, happiness, joy and strength.
To make her life a bright fairy tale.
And so that the eyes shine like yachons
To be the best and sweetest
Kind, magical, beloved, happy!
So that you never regret anything,
I heard: You are a real fairy!

Fairy (avest. Wig - witch, Farsi Peri, French fee, English fairy - also faery, faerie, fay, fae; "little people", "good people", "wonderful people", etc.) - in Celtic and Germanic folklore - a mythological creature of a metaphysical nature, possessing inexplicable, supernatural abilities, leading a hidden (both collective and isolated) way of life and at the same time having the ability to interfere in a person's daily life - under the guise of good intentions, often causing harm. The image of a fairy as an exquisitely attractive, usually miniature woman, was formed during the heyday of romanticism in Western literature and was developed in the Victorian era. In a broad sense, by "fairies" in Western European folklore it is customary to mean all the variety of related mythological creatures, often radically different from each other in appearance and habits; supposedly friendly and bringing good luck, more often - crafty and vindictive, prone to cruel jokes and kidnapping - especially babies.

Historical reference

Initially, fairies were an integral part of the pagan beliefs of the Celts and Germanic peoples. In the mythology of these peoples, fairies were presented as tiny people who are very difficult to notice due to their small size. In addition, fairies successfully hide from people, and you can only see them by chance. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to compare fairies with the beliefs of other peoples, including the mythology of the Slavs, since the Celts and Germans subjected the ancient, common for all, belief in helping and protecting spirits to serious changes. Perhaps nowhere else is there a similar idea of ​​tiny creatures, the size of a small insect, which, at the same time, are almost completely similar to humans. Similar beliefs existed only in England, where little people were called elves.

Fairy beliefs became very popular in Europe, and then around the world, during the heyday of romanticism (XVIII-XIX centuries). This time, when various artists (painters, sculptors, writers) actively turned to the folklore of different countries, opened one of the most beautiful beliefs to the world. It was the miniature fairy girls who became especially popular then, who literally became symbols of love, mischief, and also the harmlessness of this cohort of spirits.

Changing the value of an image

Despite the uniqueness of this belief, which, in fact, served to further awaken interest in beautiful legends about fairies, the very image of fairies and English elves is a modified representation that originated in the days of the Indo-Europeans or Proto-Indo-Europeans. This belief refers to ordinary protective spirits, ancestor spirits, ghostly spirits or creatures that live almost everywhere and everywhere, help people and various territories (spirits of the place). This can be understood even by analyzing the very term "Fairy". According to etymologists, "fairy" comes from the French word "feerie, fee", which, in turn, comes from the Latin "fata", which in translation means - guardian spirit. Thus, a tiny fairy creature is a later reworking of an ancient belief into guardian spirits that live everywhere - in forests, fields, rivers, people's homes, and various buildings of people. Approximately the same development of the folklore tradition of beliefs in guarding spirits can be observed in the history of our country, where the original guarding spirits, known as "Beregini", with the passage of time, changing people's worldview, mixing with other beliefs and religious trends, began to be divided into brownies and banniks, courtyard and field spirits, mermaids, as well as guardian spirits, which in our time are often called guardian angels.


In various fairy tales and stories, fairies appear before us not only in the images of cute girls the size of a thimble - there are also characters whose height has exceeded two meters. Some of them have a magic wand, and some have an invisible hat. Some fairies live in a friendly collective on the forest edges, sing songs and dance in circles. They flutter like butterflies, are light and carefree, love the surrounding nature and take care of it.

Fairies who prefer an isolated lifestyle are also described. They are not so carefree, and sometimes they were even extremely irritable persons. Such fairies lived near a person and considered themselves full-fledged masters in his home. They interfered in all matters, were sullen, touchy and could do something wrong to the owners of the house. They could only be appeased with cream and fresh bread. Such fairies are characterized by dull colors, brown and red shades.

Not all fairies were kind and humorous. It was considered a successful joke to steal or replace a baby from them. Sometimes, just pampering, they could destroy crops or set fire to the house. If they were offended by something, then they played with the owners heartily: they stained the linen, stole things and food, frightened the cattle.


  • They are very fond of music and dancing, and in their free time they organize balls on the lawns and meadows.
  • Fairies are hardworking - they not only look after flowers and other plants and animals, but are also considered skillful weavers, weave graceful, delicate fabrics, transparent and of unprecedented beauty.
  • They make magic carpets, hats, cloaks and capes, durable and possessing the properties of becoming invisible.
  • Fairies feed mainly on nectar and pollen, berries and juicy fruits, they quench their thirst with dew, but sometimes they do not mind drinking milk, stealing it from people.
  • People were wary of fairies, it was believed that some fairies, appearing in the eyes of a person, foreshadow a quick death. Not all fairies are friendly towards humans, some can do harm to spoil crops, destroy crops, with the help of magic, they can abduct babies and bewitch people, kill livestock.
  • And the beautiful appearance of fairies is not always adjacent to kindness, a fairy can become embittered and harm a person, take revenge on him, bring misfortune if a person has offended the fairy in some way, insulted. And if a person violated the boundaries of the fairies' possessions, invaded their territory, prevented them from having fun, then the fairies will certainly punish and destroy this person.


In folklore associated with fairies, abduction stories occupy a significant place. The people believed that this dangerous habit for humans had to do with the "subordinate" position of fairies who are forced to pay tribute to the Devil with their own children; to save the latter, they steal human beings, leaving foundlings in return. The latter were believed to have an outward resemblance to the abducted children, but were paler, more painful, and more irritated. Sometimes it was possible to trick the foundling into admitting his origin, but there was also a more cruel method - torture by fire, and belief in its effectiveness persisted in some rural areas of Great Britain until the middle of the 19th century. “There is no doubt that some children have received fatal burns, falling prey to exclusively their own unusual temperaments,” noted Lewis Spence.

Adults were also at risk of being kidnapped, especially women in labor who had not yet had a priest. According to popular belief, one could be captured by the fairies and just tasted the fairies' treats. There are discrepancies regarding the fate of the abducted in the legends: according to one view, they live happily in the kingdom of fairies, without disease and fear of death; according to another, they wither away from longing for family and friends.

Do fairies exist? Eyewitness accounts

John Hyatt, a British university lecturer, attracted a lot of attention with his photographs, which supposedly depict fairies in the Rossendale Valley in Lancashire. According to him, he photographed various flying insects in the region for study, but what he captured does not look like insects.

Hyatt leaves people to decide what they see in the photo. He said in an interview with the Daily Mail: “I believe that people should view these photos with an open mind ... I think this is one of the times when you have to believe in order to see. Many who have seen these photos say that they have brought a little magic into their life, which is so lacking around. "

Below are some stories related to fairies.

Cindy Drucker of The Epoch Times shared the following story

“When I participated in the youth exchange program, the family where I lived had twin girls about five years old. One of the girls could see the aura of people and fairies living in plants in the garden and in the house.

The mother believed in their stories, but the father did not. One morning, when he was alone, he walked up to a plant in the kitchen and said, “If you really exist, let my daughter say the word 'green' at dinner.

That evening, his daughter approached the flower as usual, then ran up to her father and said, "Daddy, the fairy wants me to tell you the word green." After this incident, he also believed in fairies. "

12-year-old boy says fairies want children to see them

Paul, 12 years old: “I really like fairies, once I made a wish under the first lit star: to meet a fairy. The next day I was playing with my animals and then I noticed a little girl, about 12 cm tall, in a blue dress and a long black braid ... I quickly turned around, she did not move. I was so happy that I started crying. She looked at me, smiled, and threw a pinch of dust at me. I sneezed, I thought she was laughing. It seems to me that fairies want children to see them sometimes, so that people believe in them. "

The elf telepathically asks for help

Roland, 79: “I was doing construction work in Belize where we had to clear roads through forests. One clear morning I worked clearing the path. And then I saw an elf flying in my direction. He was about 15 cm tall and wore a black and green vest. Then I noticed that a large black bird was chasing him about a meter away and was trying to catch him.

I felt that he was speaking, although I did not actually hear his voice: "Help, help me." But everything happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to figure anything out. The last thing I saw him fly towards the forest, chased by a large black bird.

This happened 15 years ago in Belize. I still remember the flight of this elf. I would like to believe that he was able to fly away. "

Two generations have seen fairies in the same place

Danny, 36: “I saw fairies when I was 6-10 years old. My grandparents had a dacha in Paterson Creek, West Virginia. They have owned this house since my mother was a little girl. I spent every summer there playing and fishing.

“Once I was sitting in my favorite fishing spot ... It was getting dark, but things could still be seen. I was fishing and suddenly I saw a small figure circling over my fishing rod. She landed on the end of the rod. She looked like a girl with very long hair, as long as her body. Naturally, I got scared and began to move the rod, then it flew off. When I stopped, she again sat down on the line. I ran home and told my grandmother and mother about what I had seen.

Grandmother looked meaningfully at Mom, and Mom said that when she was little, she and her cousin once ate at the dacha. At that moment, the fairy flew in and took away a piece of her pie. The grandmother then decided that she made it up. "

The image of a fairy in cultural works

In literature

As characters, fairies began to appear in medieval romantic literature, mainly as creatures encountered by itinerant knights. The fairy appeared before Sir Launfal and demanded love from him; like a folkloric “fairy bride,” she made a vow on him, which he broke. Gradually, in medieval literature, the number of fairy characters became less and less; in their place came sorceresses and sorceresses. However, the fairies did not leave poetry and literature completely ("Sir Gawain and the Green Knight", "The Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spencer). The Fairy Morgana gained particular fame, whose connection with the kingdom of fairies was indicated by her very name (however, in Le Morte d'Arthur she is a woman who acquired magical powers through knowledge).

In many works of art, fairies figured side by side with the nymphs and satyrs of the classical tradition, in others they gradually replaced the mythological creatures from the classics. The 15th century poet-monk John Lydgate wrote that King Arthur was crowned in the "land of fairies" and that after his death he was carried away by four fairy queens to Avalon, where he rests under the Fairy Barrow and will remain until will rise. Fairy characters play essential roles in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream; the action here takes place simultaneously in the forest and in the land of fairies; the quarrel of fairies creates chaos in nature and forms the "drug-shaky" basis of the plot. Fairies also appear in the work of Shakespeare's contemporary Michael Drayton ("Nimphidia"); sylphs - in "The Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope. In the 17th century, the term contes de fee ("fairy tale") appeared; so the oral tradition of transmitting fairy tales was continued in fairy tales. It is known that the brothers Grimm initially used fairies as characters, only in later editions they replaced them with "sorceresses".

In cinematography and animation

  • The film "Fairyland" (English The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns) is devoted to the description of the confrontation between the Irish "elves" - fairies and leprechauns against the backdrop of a love story in the style of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Fairy Tinker Bell is a character in Disney cartoons about Peter Pan.
  • Fairies are the main characters in the Winx Club animated series and in the full-length animated film Fairies.
  • Fairies are angels and demons in Friends of Angels.
  • The main character of the series "True Blood" (Suki Stackhouse) is half-human, half-fairy.
  • Episode 9 of Supernatural Season 6 (Clap your hands if you believe) features fairies and leprechauns.
  • In the series "Call of Blood", fairies are a common name for all mythical creatures of all times and peoples, countries and folklore.
  • There are fairies in Pan's Labyrinth.
  • The Tooth Fairy is a character in the "Keepers of Dreams" cartoon.
  • Maleficent is a character in the classic 1959 cartoon and the 2014 fictional film of the same name, both released by Disney.
  • The anime series Fairy Tail tells the story of a wizards guild called Fairy Tail.
  • Anime "The Count and the Fairy" based on the cycle of light novels of the same name by Mizue Tani.
  • The fairies, along with the elves, are the characters in Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom.
  • Fairies have appeared in the "Little Worlds" series of the "Torchwood" series.

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