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I dreamed that I was shaving. Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of shaving, in a dream. Interpretation of male dreams

For any man in modern world shaving is commonplace. However, such dreams are rare. There are many variations in the interpretation of sleep in which a person shaves. It can be a call to some action or inaction, to warn against something, or to push a person to any action.

Why dream of shaving in a dream

If you shave in a dream, you should not take on the business that you started or just want to start, because you are unlikely to be able to complete this business. Due to the peculiarity of your character and restlessness, you will not have the patience to complete the work you have begun to the end.

Shave in a dream for a man

  • Shaving your mustache or beard - you strive for independence, do not allow criticism in your address, try to control everything. Any interference in your affairs by unauthorized persons can lead to misunderstandings and quarrels. You consider yourself the head of the family and do not listen to the opinions of others;
  • Shaving with a dull blade - you give strangers a reason to criticize your family relationships and personal life. Your environment does not share your opinion and treats it condemningly;
  • Seeing the object itself in a dream: a razor, an electric razor is a sign of danger, be careful and do not get involved in dangerous adventures;
  • Try to shave yourself with a knife - expect betrayal;
  • A clean-shaven, neat and fresh face means peace, an idyll at home and at work;
  • A bristly, poorly shaved face - problems in family relationships;
  • Cut yourself when shaving - disappointment and failure in business, possibly a serious illness;
  • Look at your reflection (shave in front of a mirror) - a period of difficulties and obstacles begins in your life. Beware of deceit by people close to you. For a family man, this means being deceived by his soulmate, a strong quarrel, perhaps this will lead to a break in relations and divorce;
  • If a man dreams of a shaving woman - a pleasant surprise and increased attention from the female;
  • Vanga's interpretation: to be shaved means to be rejected, deceived, to remain disappointed;
  • Shave someone - to the dead;
  • Watching someone shave - take a closer look at your partner, your relationship has reached the point that there can no longer be any talk of any development, continuation, or manifestation of feelings, your light has gone out, it's time to change partners. For a single man to shave his face in a dream - to marry.

Shaving in a woman's dream

This is an unusual condition for the female, as a rule, women immediately have a sense of danger and anxiety. The interpretation of such a dream depends on what exactly you saw:

  • Seeing yourself shaving in a dream means that you lack femininity. Show your feminine charms in your behavior and style of clothing, be softer and more flirtatious, otherwise you will be perceived not as a woman, but as a colleague, pleasant conversationalist or friend. Allow yourself to be weak, allow men to show courtship and signs of attention to you, trust them to solve your problems;
  • A woman dreamed of a shaving man - she lacks romantic feelings and relationships, but soon she will have a fan and invite her on a date;
  • Shaving your intimate places in a dream indicates to the girl that she is too frivolous in her actions and in relation to men. She should be more selective in her choice. In your desire to be the right man, a woman allows her naivety to be used, allows her to be deceived by men. Your behavior will become a subject of discussion in society;
  • If you dream that you shave your legs - to a pleasant journey or vacation;
  • Shave the hair on your arms desire get rid of an annoying friend or girlfriend.

Shave bald in a dream

  • If someone shaves your head and your hair falls to the floor, it means that you have enough strength, energy, courage and professionalism to move forward. career ladder. You, like no one else, are suitable for the role of senior management. You have pronounced leadership qualities, you need to skillfully use this gift. You are respected by colleagues, you can easily manage a team. You will be satisfied with your work, enjoy the work done, and achieve good results in a new position.
  • Shave your head yourself - you have this moment There are some temporary difficulties, but this is not for long.
  • If you shave someone's head, you risk being left with nothing, financial loss is possible, you risk being deceived.
  • Being forcibly shaved on a bald head is an unexpected event or unexpected news.
  • Shaving the head of a woman or girl - a loss awaits you, a loved one will refuse to help you;
  • Seeing a woman a shaved head on a bald head is mental anxiety, frustration, illness;
  • If a woman dreamed of another shaved woman, you have a rival.
  • Shave White hair- you have long wanted to get rid of obsessions or problems, but do not know how to do it and where to start.
  • A married woman dreams that she shaves her gray hair - to discord in the family.
  • An unmarried girl dreams that she shaves her gray hair - it may indicate that she has problems with women's health.
  • Shaving eyebrows or eyelashes - a pleasant meeting with friends awaits you, you will have fun. Shaving sparse eyebrows is a disappointment in love.

Shave legs in a dream

  • If you dream of shaving your legs, for a woman it means going on a long-awaited journey; for a man - the desire to avoid problems and responsibilities.

You can learn about why a man dreams of shaving in a dream from various dream books. It is important to take into account all the nuances of the vision, since the decoding of the night plot also depends on them.

Interpretation in various dream books

To be on the alert - this is the warning of most dream books about this vision. But in more detail you can learn about the dream, taking into account some of its factors.

Miller's dream book:

  1. Watching in a dream how someone shaves - plans that are not destined to come true.
  2. Deception on the part of others promises a vision in which you had to prepare for a shave.
  3. Shave - take command into your own hands. You may have to manage some process at work or in the family.
  4. Peace and a flawless future promises a dream in which the face was clean-shaven.
  5. family unrest and love relationships portends a vision with a bristly face.
  6. While shaving, the dreamer realizes that the blade has become dull, which means that in reality friends will criticize his life and teach him something.
  7. Shaving a gray beard - to be unfair.
  8. If someone shaves a man in a dream, this promises deception.
  9. I myself had to shave someone - to the disease of the person whom you put in order. His death is possible.

Wangi's dream book:

  1. To be on the verge - such an interpretation has a dream in which you had to shave. Most likely, this vision portends a serious illness, a failure at work or in a relationship. It can also promise ruin.
  2. To be jealous of your beloved is a dream in which an unshaven face was seen.
  3. Gossip and quarrels promise a vision in which the shaving process is uncomfortable.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century:

  1. Dreaming of shaving your face - to financial and physical losses.
  2. Shaving someone means that this person is in mortal danger.
  3. Cutting your face during the process is bad news from blood relatives.
  4. Shaving with a dull or broken blade is a target for gossip.
  5. Seeing someone shave you is leading a double life. The deception will soon be revealed, you will have to pay the bills.

In some dream books there is such an interpretation: if a man shaves his legs in a dream, it means that a woman will deceive him in reality.

Meaning for a married, single man

A dream about shaving for a married and single man can portend various events.

If a married man had a vision:

  • shaving yourself means quarrels with your wife, who lacks your attention and love;
  • shaving with a dull blade - to trouble at work, caused by the inability to plan your own time;
  • watching someone start shaving your head in a dream is success;
  • clean the beard - litigation and property losses;
  • shave off mustache - become more responsible, reliable;
  • a serious illness that cannot be cured portends a dream in which it happened to shave off the hair on the chest.

Sleep for a bachelor:

  1. Look at yourself and shave - relationships with girls have no continuation. It is worth thinking about those around you.
  2. Seeing someone shaving is a sign of disputes and scandals with parents or friends.
  3. Shave mustache - begins new life more mature and responsible.
  4. Shaving legs in a dream is a problem in the intimate sphere.

If a man sees himself as a hairdresser, this is a sign of new achievements in life. If he likes this occupation, then he can achieve everything himself.

Shave legs or arms in a dream

Often, a dream in which the lower limbs were dreamed is a symbol vitality. If the legs appear well-groomed, healthy and clean, this is a sign that the sleeper is confidently on his feet. For men, a vision in which hairy legs dreamed promises success and prosperity. But shaving off hairs from them - to worsen your situation. Possible loss of a job, discord in the family and other troubles.

Since hands, as a rule, are not customary to shave even among women, such a vision is a harbinger of loss and disaster. If you had a chance to see how a girl shaves her hands, then his soulmate will become a source of problems. Shaving yourself is a financial loss.

head or beard

I had a chance to shave my beard in a dream - the sleeper will show his true face. It is this interpretation of vision that can be found in most dream books. But if you take into account some of the nuances of the night plot, you can understand that not everything is so simple.

  1. Shaving a long beard - to the loss of sanity. Possibly psychological illness.
  2. Shaving a gray or white beard - to actions that are unusual for the dreamer.
  3. I dreamed about how a barber was working on you, which means that there is a danger of being involved in an adventure.

Shaving bald in a dream is a very ambiguous sign.

Such a vision can have several interpretations:

  1. Shaving yourself - you should take a break and not commit any unforeseen acts.
  2. To see how someone shaves your head - it's time to become more determined, otherwise all the planned things will not be crowned with success.
  3. Shaving someone bald - you should expect obstacles in business. Dream Interpretations recommend letting go of the situation and waiting for a while.
  4. I happened to watch how a child is shaved - a good value. In life are planned global changes for the better.
  5. If the dreamer was shaved only some area on his head, then there may be problems with the law. It is worth being afraid of risky cases and new connections.

If in a dream a shaved head caused a feeling of disgust, your connections on the side will cause a divorce.

Seeing your face clean-shaven

A clean-shaven face is a symbol of success and good news. Depending on the circumstances under which it was shaved, the dream is interpreted.

  1. Shave yourself - to solve problems.
  2. You have been shaved - someone will help, a meeting with an influential person is possible.
  3. Seeing someone clean-shaven is good news.

A dream in which the skin is smooth after shaving and a man admires his face can symbolize a quiet and peaceful life. No foreseeable future major changes, you can plan your time without fear of force majeure situations.

A man dreams that a woman shaves him

In a dream in which you had to watch a woman shave you, you need to take into account the places that she shaves.

  1. Head - quick matchmaking (for a single man), strengthening the marriage union (for a married man).
  2. Breast - big losses in life, most likely, they will be associated with health.
  3. Legs - among your environment there are people who are not too honest with you. Perhaps someone will try to undermine your reputation.
  4. Hands - you should not rely on the opinions of others, you need to seriously consider each of your actions.
  5. Beard or mustache - you will have to become more self-confident, otherwise you will not be able to solve many problems.

If the spouse is shaving, all dreams should be attributed to family members. If an unfamiliar girl, then the interpretation will concern the immediate environment.

shaving cut

Regarding shaving associated with skin trauma, there are several opinions in various dream books.

  1. Unrealizable dreams - this interpretation is given by the English dream book.
  2. Problems with business partners - portends Tsvetkov's dream book.
  3. Modern dream book - failures and unjustified hopes.
  4. It happened not only to see blood, but also to feel pain, which means that betrayal of the soulmate is possible. Thus deciphers the vision of Freud.
  5. Anxiety and vain experiences are foreshadowed by a dream in which a stranger had to be cut while shaving.

Vanga's dream book gives a different interpretation: blood runs in a stream - to the death of a blood relative; just oozing - bad news; cut yourself without blood - gossip and gossip behind your back.

Shaving bald at the barbershop

Visions in which I had to observe myself sitting in a barbershop may indicate the following:

  1. To look in the mirror as you are shaved bald means to meet obstacles in your path. You can solve problems if you think more carefully about your actions.
  2. To feel that you are being shaved, but not to see it, is to the fears caused by the last actions of the dreamer. Perhaps his conscience is tormenting him. Charity work or a frank conversation with a loved one will help get rid of such feelings.
  3. I dreamed of shaved hair - hopes are in vain. You can safely leave all your plans, because they are not possible to implement.
  4. To see how a hairdresser shaves someone bald - soon there will be a “bright streak” in life.

If the hairdresser cut you or caused other pain, then someone close to you will betray you. It is worth paying attention not only to friends, but also to relatives.

What you had to shave in a dream is also of great importance.

  1. Straight razor in hand - a sign of danger. It may come from the most dear people. If she happened to cut herself, then your life is in danger.
  2. To shave with a machine - to have some obstacles in your path. If he shaves hairs easily and painlessly, then the problems are temporary. If the machine is dull and brings discomfort, this leads to an increase in problems.
  3. Electric razor - fraud by others is possible. Dream Interpretations advise you to take a closer look at people so as not to become a target for hypocritical enemies.
  4. I had to shave with a clipper - the inability to control the situation. In this case, the dream is a sign warning the dreamer that it is time to change his character so as not to sink to the bottom.

Despite the fact that many dream books interpret the vision of shaving as negative, you should not be upset. If after shaving you see smooth skin, do not experience pain and do not feel discomfort, then the night scene can be regarded as a positive omen.

If you are only an outside observer of the shaving process in your dream, in reality you will have a desire to realize promising idea, however, you will not have enough perseverance to realize what you want and succeed.

If in a dream you are only going to shave, you should be on the lookout: there is a chance of being deceived by crooks.

If during a dream you shave yourself, it means that you will manage your business and manage family members at home. However, the presence of a conflicting hostess can create a scandalous atmosphere.

If after shaving in a dream your face is clean-shaven, in reality a quiet life awaits you, and your business relations with partners will be on high level thanks to your good behavior.

If in a dream you appear poorly shaved, stale, with pronounced stubble, a lot of unrest awaits you on the marital front.

If in a dream you feel that the blade is dull and it scratches your cheeks, this is a warning: you will give your acquaintances a reason to be critical about your personal life.

If you dreamed that you have a beard, and even gray-haired, it is likely that you will lack the justice that you will need.

If a woman sees a shaving man in a dream, her nature is not indifferent to carnal desires, and it will not be easy to resist such a temptation. If she dreams about how she shaves herself, this is an indicator that her behavior is so far from feminine that the strong half will not only not pay attention to her, but may even turn away on purpose.

Dream Interpretation of Khamidova

If a man sees himself shaving in a dream, this is not a good sign: he will have a grumpy scandalous wifewho will constantly create conflict situations. Seeing your face bristly, unshaven - to turmoil in the family.

A dull blade, uncomfortable for shaving, symbolizes problems in personal life, the likelihood of gossip.

It is difficult for a woman who dreamed of a shaving man to avoid carnal temptations. A dream in which a woman needs to shave indicates a lack of femininity, which in reality makes her extremely unattractive to the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Shave yourself - property losses; shaving another person is looking for nice people. If single - to an early matchmaking.

English dream book

A dream in which you are being shaved is a harbinger of a betrayal of a loved one and the likelihood of disappointment in matters that you consider important. If a married person has such a dream, he warns of family strife. For a businessman, such a dream turns into losses and a fiasco in business.

Correct dream book

If you were shaved in a dream, then in reality you should beware of lies. If in a dream you shave yourself, in reality you will have the opportunity to show independence in managing your business and not depend on anyone.

You dream of a clean-shaven

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Shave - Himself - loss; date. They shave you - deception. Shaving someone - to death, a serious illness of this person (or a loved one).

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Shave in a Dream

In a dream, why dream of Shaving - If single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Shaving in a dream

Shave (if single) - Close matchmaking.

Why dream of Shaving - If you just watch shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed. If you dream that you are going to shave, it means that you will let crooks deceive you. If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals. If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you, clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable. If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships. If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life. If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack the elementary sense of justice that circumstances will require from you. If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that her nature will be difficult to resist carnal pleasures. If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation Shaved Head - Seeing or being yourself - to one degree or another, the image can be associated with the following meanings: punishment (prison); recruit (will be taken into the army); image of "new Russians" and teenagers (modern teenagers).

To shave in a dream to see - Himself - loss of property; shaving others - looking for good people.


Dream Interpretation Shaving, why dream of Shaving, to see in a dream

Dream Interpretation shaving in a dream - if you dreamed that you were shaving someone - this is a serious illness or death. If they shave you, there is an enemy in your environment who wants to take your position. Shaving yourself is a waking burden that you have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why dream of shaving:

Shaving seen in a dream is a direct symbol of sexual intimacy.

If you cut yourself while shaving, fears of an unwanted pregnancy will turn out to be groundless.

English dream book Why dream of shaving, in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream A dream in which you see how you are being shaved - to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one, a possible betrayal or termination of a relationship. In addition, shaving symbolizes vain expectations, in reality you will be disappointed in an important matter for you or will be deceived by one of those whom you trusted.

Why dream of shaving a business person - failure, losses, problems in business associated with the outflow of capital.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of shaving, in a dream:

Passive observation of shaving suggests that in reality you will take on the implementation of a large object or a responsible task. It is difficult to interpret such a dream both positively and negatively for you, since this business will not succeed due to your lack of the potential necessary for its successful implementation, but at the same time, you will gain invaluable experience and become more resolute.

Going to shave - to be deceived of your own free will. Perhaps you are not too circumspect and there are scammers or swindlers in your environment.

Dream Interpretation to shave oneself - to become the master of one's own life, successfully manage affairs and dispose of subordinates.

Women's dream book

A shaving man dreaming of a girl or a woman symbolizes temptation, soon you will have a fan, whose charms will be simply impossible to resist.

Why dream of shaving a woman - if you shave yourself in a dream, perhaps in reality you lack femininity, which is noticed by the men around you who see you as a good colleague and true friend, but not a lover.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of shaving yourself - the desire to become the master of the situation.

Someone shaves - to deceit, illness.

Seeing a clean-shaven body or face is a desire for loneliness, peace, tranquility and stability.

Seeing a shaving man is temptation, marriage, guardianship. Perhaps someone needs your support, both moral and material.


Dream interpretation: shaving why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Shaving

For a man who dreams that he is shaving, the dream promises a grumpy and quarrelsome wife who will constantly quarrel with him.

Seeing your face overgrown with bristles portends troubles in family life.

A dull razor that is uncomfortable to shave means that your personal life is far from ideal and will cause a lot of gossip.

A woman who sees a shaving man in a dream will not be able to resist carnal pleasures.

The dream in which the woman herself shaves speaks of her lack of femininity, which scares off men.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about shaving are about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see shaving in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


Shaving in a dream ... why would it?


Personal Account Deleted


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get rid of something obsessive


Himself - loss of property; shaving others - looking for good people.

Interpretation of sleep to shave (if single)
Close marriage.


you're trying to get rid of something you don't need!

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to material loss

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Shave the woman herself

Dream Interpretation Shave the woman herself dreamed of why in a dream the woman herself shave? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Shaving a woman herself by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shave

yourself - loss of property

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Joyful and peaceful life.

Imagine how smooth, soft and clean skin you have after shaving.


Shave bald

Dream Interpretation Shave bald had a dream about why in a dream Shave on a bald head? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to shave bald in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bald

Seeing a bald woman in a dream is a harbinger of need, hunger and deprivation. Seeing a bald man in a dream is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Sometimes a dream indicates that your partner or lover is insincere with you. Hairless children in the snow are a sign that your business will improve. Seeing yourself bald in a dream means that your situation will change for the better (if the sleeping person is a man) or for the worse (if it is a woman). Seeing your spouse bald is a sign of alienation in family life associated with a lack of funds.

Dream Interpretation - Bald

Seeing a bald man - to losses, losses, deprivation of rights.

Increase your vigilance - and plans against you will not come true.

If a man sees a bald woman, this is a symbol of a shameless and talkative wife.

An unmarried woman sees a bald man - it is better not to get married yet.

Seeing a bald child is, fortunately, fun, a good husband and obedient children.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

it is a sign of peace, comfort and healing from diseases of the head and eyes. Sometimes, shaving in a place where one would not normally shave indicates distress and loss. Shaving the head is the fulfillment of what is entrusted to him and safety. And shaving the head in the Hajj is security, payment of debt and victory. Hair shortening is safety. And if the dreamer shaves it not in the Hajj, then he is less pious, and if his friend is in sorrow or in debt, then he will get rid of it. And shaving a beard is a loss of property, dignity and rank.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving in a dream is a harbinger of useless work. The dream in which you shave predicts loss of property and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord in the family. If in a dream you want to shave, then you are in danger of being deceived and you can lose a lot of money. For a woman to see a shaving man in a dream is a sign of temptation that she cannot resist; shaving herself in a dream is an indication that she is not doing her own thing. Seeing your face in a dream well and clean-shaven is a harbinger of peace and prosperity. If someone shaved the back of your head, then shame awaits you, a lot of worries, and sometimes danger. Only criminals such a dream predicts good luck. If in a dream you shave someone, then in real life you will act dishonestly towards your close friends and partners. However, as a result, your dishonest act will benefit this person, and you yourself may suffer. Sometimes such a dream portends news of the death of a friend or relative. If a man dreams that his beloved woman shaves him, then he should be more careful, since his beloved is unfaithful to him and, using his trust, allows himself a lot of excess. For a single man, a dream about shaving predicts an early marriage. Seeing or using a razor in a dream is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, you should try to reconcile your friends, because as a result, both of your friends will be offended by you. A dream in which you are trying on how best to hold a razor means that you will make bold plans for enrichment that can harm your partners or loved ones. The same thing means a dream where you carefully observe how others shave. If in a dream you see that you are being shaved, then a streak of failures, disappointments and sorrows awaits you. See interpretation: what you shave, by name.

Dream Interpretation - Bald

Seeing a bald man is the desire of some scammers to harm your plans; be on your guard and you will not allow this;
devoid of vegetation, "bald" mountainside - hunger, suffering;
for a young lady - sees a bald man - you will need all your determination and mind to reject an insincere marriage proposal;
children's heads without hair - future family happiness and a house - a full bowl.

Dream Interpretation - Bald

Seeing a bald head in a dream is a sign of the approach of the disease. If a girl sees her beloved bald in a dream, it means that he is not destined to live to see their wedding. If she sees herself bald, then her fate will be even more sad. Similar dream promises her poverty and the sad fate of an old maid.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

The process of shaving symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A shaving cut suggests that your fears about a possible pregnancy were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving - if single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Seeing in a dream how someone is shaving - in reality a business that you will take on with excessive haste and without certain plan, will end in obvious failure.

If your friend or husband shaves in a dream, in reality he will reveal your trick, and the deception will not work.

If your head is shaved, it means that you have the courage and strength to lead a solid enterprise, proving your superiority over the claims of all other applicants for this role.

If you shave yourself, it means that in reality there will be temporary difficulties, but then you will rest like never before. Shaving someone in a dream - you will experience many unpleasant minutes in explanations with your husband or boss.

Shaving a beard - you risk losing your property, a mustache - the end of a careless life, sideburns - an unfortunate loss, perhaps a large amount of money that does not belong to you.


wash shave

Dream Interpretation Wash Shave dreamed of why in a dream to wash and shave? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of washing and shaving by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

it is a sign of peace, comfort and healing from diseases of the head and eyes. Sometimes, shaving in a place where one would not normally shave indicates distress and loss. Shaving the head is the fulfillment of what is entrusted to him and safety. And shaving the head in the Hajj is security, payment of debt and victory. Hair shortening is safety. And if the dreamer shaves it not in the Hajj, then he is less pious, and if his friend is in sorrow or in debt, then he will get rid of it. And shaving a beard is a loss of property, dignity and rank.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving in a dream is a harbinger of useless work. The dream in which you shave predicts loss of property and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord in the family. If in a dream you want to shave, then you are in danger of being deceived and you can lose a lot of money. For a woman to see a shaving man in a dream is a sign of temptation that she cannot resist; shaving herself in a dream is an indication that she is not doing her own thing. Seeing your face in a dream well and clean-shaven is a harbinger of peace and prosperity. If someone shaved the back of your head, then shame awaits you, a lot of worries, and sometimes danger. Only criminals such a dream predicts good luck. If in a dream you shave someone, then in real life you will act dishonestly towards your close friends and partners. However, as a result, your dishonest act will benefit this person, and you yourself may suffer. Sometimes such a dream portends news of the death of a friend or relative. If a man dreams that his beloved woman shaves him, then he should be more careful, since his beloved is unfaithful to him and, using his trust, allows himself a lot of excess. For a single man, a dream about shaving predicts an early marriage. Seeing or using a razor in a dream is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, you should try to reconcile your friends, because as a result, both of your friends will be offended by you. A dream in which you are trying on how best to hold a razor means that you will make bold plans for enrichment that can harm your partners or loved ones. The same thing means a dream where you carefully observe how others shave. If in a dream you see that you are being shaved, then a streak of failures, disappointments and sorrows awaits you. See interpretation: what you shave, by name.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing dishes in a dream means the onset of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how they wash a car or other equipment, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will get good protection in reality. Washed fresh face means pleasant company, interesting interlocutors. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream portends a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Wash in a dream warm water- a sign of hypocrisy, which will come out sideways seeing such a dream. wash in cold water- cope with a serious illness. If you wash in the river - this is a hassle associated with money.

Taking a bath portends great disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bath with a man, this means strong unrest due to fear of losing the favor of your loved one.

To wash a child in a bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random fellow travelers. Bathe in a bath - to an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men washing with women in the bath - a motley society of people awaits you different interests and tastes. Wash in the pool - get an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone's admiration.

Washing animals in a dream portends good health and a plentiful feast at a party, where you will be invited soon. Washing under a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself, standing under the shower in clothes, this is a sign of illness and the machinations of enemies.

To wash, soaping the whole body - you will be on someone's errands, if you are soaped - you will become a victim of vile deceit and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. To wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends with your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning humility. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to give up your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Wash your head in a dream - a sign adultery. If you use when washing your hair good shampoo- it means that you will get stuck in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposing a secret love affair. Washing someone's head or seeing how others wash it for themselves - soon you will go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

The process of shaving symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A shaving cut suggests that your fears about a possible pregnancy were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving - if single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Seeing in a dream how someone is shaving - in reality, a business that you take on with excessive haste and without a definite plan will end in obvious failure.

If your friend or husband shaves in a dream, in reality he will reveal your trick, and the deception will not work.

If your head is shaved, it means that you have the courage and strength to lead a solid enterprise, proving your superiority over the claims of all other applicants for this role.

If you shave yourself, it means that in reality there will be temporary difficulties, but then you will rest like never before. Shaving someone in a dream - you will experience many unpleasant minutes in explanations with your husband or boss.

Shaving a beard - you risk losing your property, a mustache - the end of a careless life, sideburns - an unfortunate loss, perhaps a large amount of money that does not belong to you.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

You have such a quality as stinginess.

If you cut yourself while shaving, you will lose your investment due to rash actions.

She dreams that you shave - you are prone to stinginess.

Cutting yourself while shaving is a loss of money due to unwillingness to think everything over.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes the washing away of past needs, troubles, feelings of guilt.

the washing up separate parts body means the dissipation of petty delusions.

Washing in clean, clear water - to health, success.

Wash in dirty, muddy water - illness, trouble, disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

yourself - loss of property
shaving others - looking for good people


Shaving a man's head

Dream Interpretation Shave a man's head dreamed of why in a dream Shaving a man's head? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to shave a man’s head in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shaved head dreams

A bad dream that does not bode well. You have blocked the subtle channels of the mind under the influence of tridoshas that have gone out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or the disease can be cured, thereby pulling you out of the clutches of death.

Dreams that occur in the first half of the night do not come true soon and not completely.

Dreams dreaming at dawn come true on the same day and with sufficient accuracy, unless the person fell asleep again (after having a dream) or told it (to a person who does not believe in prophetic dreams).

A bad dream can be neutralized by sacrifice, almsgiving, witchcraft.

Try to have a good dream after a bad dream and happy dream, the last, good dream will be fulfilled.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

it is a sign of peace, comfort and healing from diseases of the head and eyes. Sometimes, shaving in a place where one would not normally shave indicates distress and loss. Shaving the head is the fulfillment of what is entrusted to him and safety. And shaving the head in the Hajj is security, payment of debt and victory. Hair shortening is safety. And if the dreamer shaves it not in the Hajj, then he is less pious, and if his friend is in sorrow or in debt, then he will get rid of it. And shaving a beard is a loss of property, dignity and rank.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving in a dream is a harbinger of useless work. The dream in which you shave predicts loss of property and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord in the family. If in a dream you want to shave, then you are in danger of being deceived and you can lose a lot of money. For a woman to see a shaving man in a dream is a sign of temptation that she cannot resist; shaving herself in a dream is an indication that she is not doing her own thing. Seeing your face in a dream well and clean-shaven is a harbinger of peace and prosperity. If someone shaved the back of your head, then shame awaits you, a lot of worries, and sometimes danger. Only criminals such a dream predicts good luck. If in a dream you shave someone, then in real life you will act dishonestly towards your close friends and partners. However, as a result, your dishonest act will benefit this person, and you yourself may suffer. Sometimes such a dream portends news of the death of a friend or relative. If a man dreams that his beloved woman shaves him, then he should be more careful, since his beloved is unfaithful to him and, using his trust, allows himself a lot of excess. For a single man, a dream about shaving predicts an early marriage. Seeing or using a razor in a dream is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, you should try to reconcile your friends, because as a result, both of your friends will be offended by you. A dream in which you are trying on how best to hold a razor means that you will make bold plans for enrichment that can harm your partners or loved ones. The same thing means a dream where you carefully observe how others shave. If in a dream you see that you are being shaved, then a streak of failures, disappointments and sorrows awaits you. See interpretation: what you shave, by name.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

The process of shaving symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A shaving cut suggests that your fears about a possible pregnancy were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving - if single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Seeing in a dream how someone is shaving - in reality, a business that you take on with excessive haste and without a definite plan will end in obvious failure.

If your friend or husband shaves in a dream, in reality he will reveal your trick, and the deception will not work.

If your head is shaved, it means that you have the courage and strength to lead a solid enterprise, proving your superiority over the claims of all other applicants for this role.

If you shave yourself, it means that in reality there will be temporary difficulties, but then you will rest like never before. Shaving someone in a dream - you will experience many unpleasant minutes in explanations with your husband or boss.

Shaving a beard - you risk losing your property, a mustache - the end of a careless life, sideburns - an unfortunate loss, perhaps a large amount of money that does not belong to you.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

You have such a quality as stinginess.

If you cut yourself while shaving, you will lose your investment due to rash actions.

She dreams that you shave - you are prone to stinginess.

Cutting yourself while shaving is a loss of money due to unwillingness to think everything over.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

yourself - loss of property
shaving others - looking for good people

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Loss to yourself; date. You are shaved by deceit. Shave someone to death, a serious illness of this person (or a loved one).




I had a dream I shave at work at this time an unfamiliar girl is looking at me what does this mean ???

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Cyril, you may have to meet some stranger, and it is possible that you will have sexual relations with her.


I had a dream that they shave my face, The face is normal, not overgrown. And shave light hairline. At the same time, I do not feel anxiety, only surprise. The face then became smooth and beautiful

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tatyana, what you saw in a dream, most likely, you run the risk of losing sight of something important.


I dreamed that I was shaving my girlfriend’s sister’s hands ... then a short sexual intercourse, then we ran somewhere with her, some kind of dog was brought in, then together with her I asked an old friend how to get home. I dreamed on the 22nd of Thursday to Friday) what to do?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Yuri, what you saw in a dream probably promises you a long-term relationship with her, or a strong attraction to her.


Today I dreamed that I shaved my entire body, what is this, what kind of nonsense


I dreamed that I was shaving my legs on the beach in Turkey right near the sea ..
what would that mean?


Hello, tell me, please, why dream of shaving intimate places, and with a dull razor ?! That is, I dreamed that I shave and I can’t shave my intimate places with high quality, because my machine of the Gillette trademark is really stupid !!!


And after that, I had such irritation in a dream that I kind of look at myself, and I have the whole bikini zone in huge purulent acne!? Thanks and looking forward to your reply!


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was carefully shaving my chin, so that not a single hair was left, grabbing my neck, while, sort of, I was going on a date.


Tell me please. What means. when to dream. that I sing my own groin. who has a lot of hair. I shave and can't shave, I have too much hair. but the razor is new


My dad dreamed that he himself shaved his beard, and I began to shave his head! how to understand a dream


so the dream is this: for some reason I exchanged razors with my old friend. That is, he gave me an electric razor, and I gave him an ordinary blade machine (with which I always shave in reality). So I started shaving with an electric razor, and she shaves badly and stings. In some places it shaves, and in some places it doesn't. Then the alarm clock rang and I woke up without knowing whether I had done it or not. Why did this dream?


Yesterday, from Wednesday to Friday, I dreamed that I was shaving, dry, I checked it a couple of times with my hand, it seemed smooth, I felt calm and measured in a dream.
Today on the phone there was an unpleasant conversation with a girl, they sorted out the relationship. eventually separated. Is there a connection?




i dreamed that I was holding a razor in my hands and I was going to shave my hands, they dissuade me, but I did it anyway


I remember only a fragment. I see very large the left half of the face, turned full face, the feeling that this is my face. It has stubble dark color(I myself am dark-haired with gray hair in my life), I try to shave it with an electric razor and a disposable machine under my nose, while I feel some burning, as happens when you shave dry. I never met that face in a dream ... It seems that I never shaved.


i dreamed that my friend was talking to me and then abruptly took shaving foam, smeared it over my lips and started shaving there, I don’t remember which razor. And without even asking anything, just continuing to talk, but I was very taken aback, but I did not interfere.


I myself am a guy, but I dreamed about how they shaved the eggs for another guy. The girl shaved with a knife that looks like a scalp. The guy was afraid and did not want to give in. She shaved his top. But there are 2-3 hairs left. Didn't shave the bottom. and then she made him an oblation. he screamed, and all the water in the basin in which he sat became filled with blood. Then I fell asleep. There were two or three girls in the room, me, a guy, and someone else. I did not see. All of them are unknown to me. But I was like a lover for a guy. The dream is very strange, and it alerted me. So I woke up.


I stood in the bathroom and made myself an intimate haircut, and in the end I cut a whole bath of hair, and then I tried to hide it when some girl went into the bathroom, because I was ashamed that there was so much hair


I had a dream as if my daughter had shaved her head, but there were long hair in the back, the dream was so clear when I woke up I was glad that she had hair.


I dreamed about how I shave in the bathroom, I didn’t seem to cut myself.
I remember that I didn’t shave a lot, in the middle right under my nose. Thanks in advance for your help. :)


Hello! I had a dream with someone I’m talking to whom I don’t remember, then I take shaving foam, I start shaving, and my mustache becomes even bigger and black, and I stopped shaving


I dreamed that I was shaving my mustache, my beard and shaved my eyebrows, how can I interpret this, I am now in a position and I am very interested in what this can mean


I dreamed that I was going somewhere and I noticed the hair on my cheeks on my face, I started to shave them off, I don’t have a husband or a lover


Hello, Tatyana! I saw that my husband, who is now away, has a shaved head and I ask him why? And he is silent and takes my face in his hands and kisses my face


I went to the mirror in an incomprehensible place, and tried to shave. But without water and shaving gel it was very difficult, in the end it was very incomprehensible that I shaved and carelessly. Then I walked repeatedly through some kind of village with people with whom I crossed paths a couple of times in my life, we went with them to some kind of bar to eat.


the hairs are coarse, on the chin up to 3-5 cm long, light and dark, she shaved with a razor, while looking in the mirror. There was a man behind me, sometimes I turned around and smiled.


Dark room. The lighting is weak, running his hand over his face, a desire to shave arose. I start looking for something and find only a clipper. I start to shave with a null nozzle, but suddenly a guy appears (seems to be familiar) and offers help, because the mirror is from the woman's pimple. At first I refuse, but he insists and says it's not hard to help. In general, he shaves me, when I felt that everything was already shaved, he focuses attention on the temples. - "... now I'll trim the whiskey and that's it ...". This is where the dream ended.


I dreamed that I had a graduate in a day, and I decided to cut my hair, took a razor in my hands and began to clean my hair, it was lower than a caret, but with all sides different lengths and I was wearing brown and gray low heels


I shaved one cheek and it turned out very smoothly and beautifully, and on the second the razor became dull. And then I understand that I am shaving, there is nothing to shave, only a light feminine fluff, but I take a sharp razor and make my face perfectly smooth.


I am a girl. I dreamed that I shaved my face like a man. Black facial hair began to grow and it was embarrassing to leave the house


Hello, I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, in a dream I saw how my sister and brother were shaving with an electric machine around, in a dream I felt quite comfortable, but after shaving it seemed to me that I shaved badly and irritation appeared! I will be very grateful to you if explain! Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that I was shaving myself, but I couldn’t shave my hair off my face. Her facial hair was thick and light in color.


she shaved her neck while realizing that this did not need to be done, the right side was clean and on the left something like sideburns.


I dreamed that I was in a very beautiful Buddhist temple, leaving it I saw a mirror on the door and I decided to shave in front of this mirror right on the aisle where visitors enter and exit !!)) and shaved completely ... getting rid of my beard and mustache !! what would that mean?


i dreamed that I was sitting in the kitchen with my family and then I went to the bathroom and I saw that I had a bad shave, that is, facial hair and cuts remained


i dreamed that I took whiskey myself, while I was beautiful.
I came to school and everyone started asking why I did it, I justified myself.


my wife was shaving me with an electric razor at the same time, and at that time I was shaving myself with a second electric razor, but I never shaved


Hello! I dreamed about my boyfriend with a shaved pubis, I was surprised in a dream because he never did this in reality)


Hello .. I dreamed that I gave my only best machine to some person to shave .. but I understood that after that I would have to shave with this machine, he did not have a small black beard ...


i dreamed that I was shaving but the bristles were small. but before I started shaving, I was looking for new machine and they found it for me


i dreamed of my own childbirth, and I’m not pregnant. I shaved my genitals myself in the maternity hospital, as if I forgot at home. The contractions were very painful, I compared them with my real contractions, which were less painful. gave birth to a girl. I didn’t really see her, she was lying in a crib. She called Violetta. She was very upset that the girl wanted a boy


I began to shave off long hair with a clipper, starting from the forehead and towards the crown of the head, so several times. As if to spite someone. I didn't want to lose my hair. Mom came up and began, as if to straighten her “hairstyle” - trimming with scissors. I thought that there would be a short hedgehog on my head, it was not clear how I would walk with such a head in public. I decided that I would have to stay at home for a month. They showed me my reflection - in it I had a stylish hairstyle just above the shoulders, which I liked. There were no shaved places, to my surprise. The hair was shorter than it really is.


in short, I stand in front of the mirror and rush and I can’t shave in any way !! but then when I came closer to the mirror I saw that I was perfectly shaved !!


I dreamed that I was shaving, then suddenly I refuse on the street and touch my face, remember that I didn’t shave everything off. In the end, I was left with an unshaven face. All this happened in an unfamiliar blast furnace house and area, I remember that in the closet I found a box from a hundred electric razors, I thought it was like an antique, but there was an old radio licking I looked 1989 release. I littered with foam, shaved with an ordinary machine.


i dreamed of a man lying in bed and I approached him, he hugged me with one hand and we kissed, but he was all overgrown, then further on I saw a table and on it among some dishes and objects sat two puppies, one white the second dark gray


I went to the toilet at 6.30 in the morning and went to sleep again. I fell asleep quickly. In a dream, I decided to shave a poorly shaved place on my face. right cheek in front of the mirror. Then, as always, he began to shave his entire face, feeling the blade scraping off the stubble. There was no discomfort.


I dreamed that my bristles had grown and I was shaving with a dull blade. Then, allegedly, it’s not me who shave, but I help my late brother shave. We are in a hurry somewhere, and shaving delays us.


Good afternoon! I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that I shave my husband, neck, groin area and legs. Now we are at odds with him. What does it mean?


Hello! I remember only part of the dream, where I stand in front of the mirror and shave. After the process is completed, I see that there are several areas on the neck where there is a little stubble left. I'm going to fix it, but unfortunately this moment did not remember whether I managed to finish those parts or not (((
Thanks in advance.
[email protected]


Today, April 18, there is a relay race, which I did not get into due to illness. I dreamed of this relay race today, as if I were participating in it, but I saw that I had not shaved my legs, I went to the bathroom and shaved them, that's all.


I dreamed that I was shaving in front of a mirror, the razor was with three blades but dull, and narrow, well, not like a regular one. And I still couldn’t get a clean shave, and after I shaved, I looked in the mirror, my skin was peeling off my face.


Tanya, this is my dream, I caught up with the man and he still ran away from me and then I shaved my face, that's all


In everyday life, I shave with a safety razor. And in a dream, I shaved with an electric razor. I was curious. I, in my opinion, was pleasantly surprised that the shave is quite clean.


Hello, Tatyana! My name is Julia. Today I had such a dream: I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I had stubble, beard and mustache. I tried to shave them, the razor seemed to be sharp, I was afraid of cutting myself. But I didn’t manage to shave, or rather almost succeeded. Shaved for some reason only in places. I'm married. Why could such a dream occur and what does it mean? Thank you in advance for your answer!


My mother shaved her head. I saw her with a clean-shaven skull, she was smiling. I told her that I would never shave my hair, and she smiled and said that her hair was just for beauty.


I dreamed that I started to shave my boyfriend's face, the razor was dull and shaved badly, he began to get angry and snatched it from me, and then he took up this business himself. What does this mean?


dreamed that he shaved. as it turned out, in the end, he shaved on one side of his face, the other side was left with a shield. At first, in a dream, I did not notice this, but then, as if someone suggested ...


i tried to shave my legs dry, but it was not entirely comfortable and pleasant ... then I took the foam and it became normal to shave ... then I already had a picture that my face was in foam and I was going to shave ... although in a dream I understand that women face don't shave...


I dreamed of a shaved sister and left her hair behind and she herself was glad and I cried and told her where your hair is!


I saw in a dream that my girl's hair was shaved baldly (she has beautiful long hair), then they grew a little and I walked there lice in her hair


At first I dreamed that I was pregnant and because of this my mother did not communicate with me.
At the moment I have moved, but in a dream I saw the old location.
I was sitting on a swing and there was an amusement park behind me and my house in front, then multi-colored monsters with long tentacles chased me, then we crossed some kind of border and they fell behind.
I had friends with me, but I don't remember which ones. Why did I rob McDonald's?
After that, the McDonald's cashier was smoked with drugs and I looked into her eyes and they were green with red pupils, after that I took out my suitcase and started putting sweets in it and the dream ended ..


I dreamed that my husband shaved his groin. I did not see the shaving process itself, only the result. In a dream, it interested me and liked it


I'm a man. I dreamed that they were shaving me in a dream. I say that I can shave myself, and they tell me that I can never shave myself again. I wake up.


I dreamed that I was going to shave my legs. There was a lot of hair. I have been looking for a machine for a long time. Then I found it, I saw it clearly. But it was not possible to shave, the dream ended. I had a similar dream about a week ago. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday.


Hello. I recently dreamed that I was shaving my bikini area. I have never done this before, but in a dream everything was clean-shaven. Can you tell me what it is? Can a dream be a warning to something? So how are my boyfriend and I planning on doing this in a couple of months? Maybe I'm too obsessed with this?


Hello. I dreamed about how I shave my bikini area. I had never done this before, and in my dream everything was clean-shaven. Could this be a warning to something? Maybe the fact is that my boyfriend and I are going to do this for the first time and I'm too fixated on this?


Bril intimate place beloved girl who died 1.5 years ago


I dreamed former friend who said that he was my destiny, and I betrayed him. then we were together for some reason. it all went to sex and I went to the bathroom to shave an intimate place. then for some reason he ended up on the balcony with some guy whom I don’t know. I wanted to climb out the window but I didn't let me do it. He came out through the door and I went to him. then woke up


I dreamed that I was shaving my legs with a dangerous razor and cutting myself. blood did not see one leg she shaved herself. and the second mother shaved.

Shaving is a daily routine for many men and women. Elimination of unwanted vegetation on the body allows you to appear younger, fresher. Why do you see shaving in a dream? A dream about shaving in most cases speaks of getting rid of any problems in life, positive changes. A more detailed interpretation of shaving dreams is presented below.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Seeing in a dream how someone shaves off his beard promises the sleeper good luck in realizing his plan. You can safely proceed to the realization of your cherished dream. On the contrary, if a person saw someone shaving him, then such a dream portends his excessive gullibility. Soon he will be deceived by new acquaintances.

If, after shaving, not a hair is left on the face of the sleeping person, while the process itself went without cuts and discomfort, then this promises him peace and tranquility. In the near future, the dreamer will go on vacation, where he will fully restore his own strength.

Women's dream book

What does it mean to shave in a dream for a woman? Here you should pay attention to the details of the dream. If a woman shaves her legs in a dream, then she will face losses in the financial sector, which she will incur due to her own gullibility and indiscretion.

A dream in which a lady watches one of her male acquaintances shave marks the disclosure of her secrets and mysteries. She shouldn't try to cheat loved one- the lie will be exposed, and the relationship with him will come to an end. If a lady sees a stranger shaving, then she will meet attractive man which she cannot resist.

What does it mean for a young woman to shave in a dream? A dream about shaving off hairs from the body or face portends an upcoming quarrel with a lover. The scandal will be associated with the girl's desire to control the relationship, as well as her unfeminine behavior.

Miller's dream book

Why dream - a man shaves baldly? If the hero of the dream is not the sleeping person himself, but his acquaintance, and the dreamer shaves him bald, then in real life the person will betray his friend, set him up. You should treat your loved ones with more sensitivity and care.

To feel and see how hair is shaved off your head - to losses and a protracted illness. You need to beware of communicating with unverified people. Why dream - to shave baldly with your own hands? A dream means that a person must correctly plan his expenses, otherwise he risks incurring losses.

If, after shaving, the bristles remain on the skin, then the dreamer is threatened with quarrels with a loved one. Shaving with a blunt razor, scraping your cheeks - to unreasonable criticism of the dreamer's actions from friends.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

What does it mean for a family man to shave in a dream? A dream of such a plan portends the head of the family to difficulties in communicating with his wife due to lack of attention, trouble at work. To avoid this, you need to properly plan your work and free time.

For a dreamer who saw how a hairdresser shaves his head, a dream means achieving his goals. A serious event, which he decided to lead, will bring him success and recognition.

Shaving a beard in a dream - to property losses, litigation. The sleeper should prepare for possible troubles associated with the law. The dream in which the dreamer saw how he shaves off his mustache portends growing up, the formation of a person as a person. He is no longer interested in an idle life, now the main thing for him will be finding a family and peace.

If the dreamer had a vision of how he removes hair from his chest, then he needs to seriously think about his own health. The danger hung over him in the form of an incurable, serious illness.

Gypsy dream book

While shaving, cut the skin and see drops of blood, while feeling a sharp pain - to disappointment, failure and unjustified expectations. Moreover, the larger the cut and the stronger the blood runs, the more trouble. A dream in which a man cuts his friend while shaving promises the sleeper inexplicable anxiety.

Shaving a gray beard - to the loss of common sense, recklessness in actions.

If a person saw how he was shaving with a dangerous razor, then he should think about the correctness of his actions. In real life, he often does unfair things to people who love him. Remove hair with an electric razor - the need to be more careful with people. This will help to avoid deception and betrayal.

Sleeping, who saw how he shaves his relatives, the dream warns that all attempts to borrow money will not be successful. Do not count on the help of people in the financial sector.


Dream Interpretation Shaving, why dream of Shaving, to see in a dream

Dream Interpretation shaving in a dream - if you dreamed that you were shaving someone - this is a serious illness or death. If they shave you, there is an enemy in your environment who wants to take your position. Shaving yourself is a waking burden that you have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why dream of shaving:

Shaving seen in a dream is a direct symbol of sexual intimacy.

If you cut yourself while shaving, fears of an unwanted pregnancy will turn out to be groundless.

English dream book Why dream of shaving, in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream A dream in which you see how you are being shaved - to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one, a possible betrayal or termination of a relationship. In addition, shaving symbolizes vain expectations, in reality you will be disappointed in an important matter for you or will be deceived by one of those whom you trusted.

Why dream of shaving a business person - failure, losses, problems in business associated with the outflow of capital.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of shaving, in a dream:

Passive observation of shaving suggests that in reality you will take on the implementation of a large object or a responsible task. It is difficult to interpret such a dream both positively and negatively for you, since this business will not succeed due to your lack of the potential necessary for its successful implementation, but at the same time, you will gain invaluable experience and become more resolute.

Going to shave - to be deceived of your own free will. Perhaps you are not too circumspect and there are scammers or swindlers in your environment.

Dream Interpretation to shave oneself - to become the master of one's own life, successfully manage affairs and dispose of subordinates.

Women's dream book

A shaving man dreaming of a girl or a woman symbolizes temptation, soon you will have a fan, whose charms will be simply impossible to resist.

Why dream of shaving a woman - if you shave yourself in a dream, perhaps in reality you lack femininity, which is noticed by the men around you who see you as a good colleague and true friend, but not a lover.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of shaving yourself - the desire to become the master of the situation.

Someone shaves - to deceit, illness.

Seeing a clean-shaven body or face is a desire for loneliness, peace, tranquility and stability.

Seeing a shaving man is temptation, marriage, guardianship. Perhaps someone needs your support, both moral and material.


Dream Interpretation Shave Beard

Why dream of shaving the Beard in a dream from a dream book?

Shave your beard in a dream - in reality you will suffer financial losses, you may lose your current position.

Also, a dream may indicate problems with the second half. However, you should not worry here - the problem will be solved by itself, you just need to wait a bit.

Who should shave their beard?

A man dreams that he shaves his beard

A dream about shaving a beard for a man predicts constant conflicts with his wife, largely due to her malicious nature. For a woman to see how a man shaves - in reality you will experience a passionate desire that will be impossible to control.

Shaving a woman's beard in a dream

A woman dreams that she shaves her beard - in reality, more attention should be paid to her femininity. Prone opposite sex features, as a rule, repel men, and this you probably do not want.

The girl dreams that she shaves her beard

Shaving a beard for a girl in a dream book means a lack of femininity for the appearance, as well as the behavior of the dreamer. For the opposite sex, you are not an object of sexual desire, everyone perceives you as a friend.


Dream interpretation shaving hair

Why dream of shaving Hair in a dream from a dream book?

Shaving hair in a dream - to participate in a disastrous event. There will be serious problems in the financial sector.

A dream portends a separation from a lover, an unwillingness to take responsibility for committed actions.


Shave the woman herself

Dream Interpretation Shave the woman herself dreamed of why in a dream the woman herself shave? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a woman Shave herself in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Dream Interpretation - Shave

yourself - loss of property

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Joyful and peaceful life.

Imagine how smooth, soft and clean skin you have after shaving.


Shaving in a dream ... why would it?


Personal Account Deleted

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.
If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.
If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.
If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.
If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.
If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.
If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.
If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.
If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

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get rid of something obsessive


Himself - loss of property; shaving others - looking for good people.

Interpretation of sleep to shave (if single)
Close marriage.


you're trying to get rid of something you don't need!

Montepulciano D "Abruzzo

to material loss

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shave pussy

Dream Interpretation Shave pussy dreamed of why in a dream Shaving a pussy? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Shaving your pussy by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shave

To dream that you are being shaved is a harbinger of the treachery of your beloved or beloved and a huge disappointment in some important matter. If you are married - this dream promises discord in the family. For a business person, this dream means loss and failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

it is a sign of peace, comfort and healing from diseases of the head and eyes. Sometimes, shaving in a place where one would not normally shave indicates distress and loss. Shaving the head is the fulfillment of what is entrusted to him and safety. And shaving the head in the Hajj is security, payment of debt and victory. Hair shortening is safety. And if the dreamer shaves it not in the Hajj, then he is less pious, and if his friend is in sorrow or in debt, then he will get rid of it. And shaving a beard is a loss of property, dignity and rank.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving in a dream is a harbinger of useless work. The dream in which you shave predicts loss of property and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord in the family. If in a dream you want to shave, then you are in danger of being deceived and you can lose a lot of money. For a woman to see a shaving man in a dream is a sign of temptation that she cannot resist; shaving herself in a dream is an indication that she is not doing her own thing. Seeing your face in a dream well and clean-shaven is a harbinger of peace and prosperity. If someone shaved the back of your head, then shame awaits you, a lot of worries, and sometimes danger. Only criminals such a dream predicts good luck. If in a dream you shave someone, then in real life you will act dishonestly towards your close friends and partners. However, as a result, your dishonest act will benefit this person, and you yourself may suffer. Sometimes such a dream portends news of the death of a friend or relative. If a man dreams that his beloved woman shaves him, then he should be more careful, since his beloved is unfaithful to him and, using his trust, allows himself a lot of excess. For a single man, a dream about shaving predicts an early marriage. Seeing or using a razor in a dream is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, you should try to reconcile your friends, because as a result, both of your friends will be offended by you. A dream in which you are trying on how best to hold a razor means that you will make bold plans for enrichment that can harm your partners or loved ones. The same thing means a dream where you carefully observe how others shave. If in a dream you see that you are being shaved, then a streak of failures, disappointments and sorrows awaits you. See interpretation: what you shave, by name.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

The process of shaving symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A shaving cut suggests that your fears about a possible pregnancy were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving - if single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Seeing in a dream how someone is shaving - in reality, a business that you take on with excessive haste and without a definite plan will end in obvious failure.

If your friend or husband shaves in a dream, in reality he will reveal your trick, and the deception will not work.

If your head is shaved, it means that you have the courage and strength to lead a solid enterprise, proving your superiority over the claims of all other applicants for this role.

If you shave yourself, it means that in reality there will be temporary difficulties, but then you will rest like never before. Shaving someone in a dream - you will experience many unpleasant minutes in explanations with your husband or boss.

Shaving a beard - you risk losing your property, a mustache - the end of a careless life, sideburns - an unfortunate loss, perhaps a large amount of money that does not belong to you.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

You have such a quality as stinginess.

If you cut yourself while shaving, you will lose your investment due to rash actions.

She dreams that you shave - you are prone to stinginess.

Cutting yourself while shaving is a loss of money due to unwillingness to think everything over.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

yourself - loss of property
shaving others - looking for good people

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Loss to yourself; date. You are shaved by deceit. Shave someone to death, a serious illness of this person (or a loved one).


Shave your head

Dream Interpretation Shave your head dreamed of why in a dream Shave your head? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to shave your head in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shaved head dreams

A bad dream that does not bode well. You have blocked the subtle channels of the mind under the influence of tridoshas that have gone out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or the disease can be cured, thereby pulling you out of the clutches of death.

Dreams that occur in the first half of the night do not come true soon and not completely.

Dreams dreaming at dawn come true on the same day and with sufficient accuracy, unless the person fell asleep again (after having a dream) or told it (to a person who does not believe in prophetic dreams).

A bad dream can be neutralized by sacrifice, almsgiving, witchcraft.

Try to have a good and joyful dream after a bad dream, the last good dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

it is a sign of peace, comfort and healing from diseases of the head and eyes. Sometimes, shaving in a place where one would not normally shave indicates distress and loss. Shaving the head is the fulfillment of what is entrusted to him and safety. And shaving the head in the Hajj is security, payment of debt and victory. Hair shortening is safety. And if the dreamer shaves it not in the Hajj, then he is less pious, and if his friend is in sorrow or in debt, then he will get rid of it. And shaving a beard is a loss of property, dignity and rank.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

If you are just watching shaving in your dream, it means that in reality you intend to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary fuse to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - this means that you will let the crooks deceive you.

If you shave yourself during a dream, it means that you will independently manage your own business and command the household at home, although the presence of a grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If, as a result of shaving, your face appears to you clean-shaven in a dream, it means that in real life you will enjoy peace, and your behavior towards business partners will be impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of unrest in marital relationships.

If your razor is dull and scratches your cheeks. You will give your friends reason to criticize your personal life.

If in a dream your beard turns gray, it means that in reality you will lack an elementary sense of justice, which circumstances will require from you.

If a woman dreams of a shaving man, it means that it will be difficult for her nature to resist carnal pleasures.

If she dreams that she shaves herself, it means that her behavior will be so lacking in femininity that men will turn away from her in disgust.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving in a dream is a harbinger of useless work. The dream in which you shave predicts loss of property and trouble. Sometimes such a dream predicts discord in the family. If in a dream you want to shave, then you are in danger of being deceived and you can lose a lot of money. For a woman to see a shaving man in a dream is a sign of temptation that she cannot resist; shaving herself in a dream is an indication that she is not doing her own thing. Seeing your face in a dream well and clean-shaven is a harbinger of peace and prosperity. If someone shaved the back of your head, then shame awaits you, a lot of worries, and sometimes danger. Only criminals such a dream predicts good luck. If in a dream you shave someone, then in real life you will act dishonestly towards your close friends and partners. However, as a result, your dishonest act will benefit this person, and you yourself may suffer. Sometimes such a dream portends news of the death of a friend or relative. If a man dreams that his beloved woman shaves him, then he should be more careful, since his beloved is unfaithful to him and, using his trust, allows himself a lot of excess. For a single man, a dream about shaving predicts an early marriage. Seeing or using a razor in a dream is a warning that you should not interfere in other people's affairs, you should try to reconcile your friends, because as a result, both of your friends will be offended by you. A dream in which you are trying on how best to hold a razor means that you will make bold plans for enrichment that can harm your partners or loved ones. The same thing means a dream where you carefully observe how others shave. If in a dream you see that you are being shaved, then a streak of failures, disappointments and sorrows awaits you. See interpretation: what you shave, by name.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

The process of shaving symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A shaving cut suggests that your fears about a possible pregnancy were in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Shaving - if single - close matchmaking - to yourself - loss of property - shaving others - having good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

Seeing in a dream how someone is shaving - in reality, a business that you take on with excessive haste and without a definite plan will end in obvious failure.

If your friend or husband shaves in a dream, in reality he will reveal your trick, and the deception will not work.

If your head is shaved, it means that you have the courage and strength to lead a solid enterprise, proving your superiority over the claims of all other applicants for this role.

If you shave yourself, it means that in reality there will be temporary difficulties, but then you will rest like never before. Shaving someone in a dream - you will experience many unpleasant minutes in explanations with your husband or boss.

Shaving a beard - you risk losing your property, a mustache - the end of a careless life, sideburns - an unfortunate loss, perhaps a large amount of money that does not belong to you.

Dream Interpretation - Shaving

You have such a quality as stinginess.

If you cut yourself while shaving, you will lose your investment due to rash actions.

She dreams that you shave - you are prone to stinginess.

Cutting yourself while shaving is a loss of money due to unwillingness to think everything over.

Dream Interpretation - Shave

yourself - loss of property
shaving others - looking for good people

Dream Interpretation - Shave

Loss to yourself; date. You are shaved by deceit. Shave someone to death, a serious illness of this person (or a loved one).

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