Encyclopedia fireproof

Fastening the grinding on the bath of the bath. Gromotka for the country house with their own hands: Will the effect be? Selection of grounding installation sites

Most of the owners of private houses, cottages and cottages are trying to create inside and outside their housing as comfortable and safe conditions for accommodation. A completely understandable desire, but most often the owners of such real estate are completely forgotten about such a natural phenomenon, as a discharge of static atmospheric electricity, which in an instant can cause tremendous harm to residential buildings and health of people. By its natural essence, atmospheric lightning is a very powerful discharge of electrical energy, which is capable of accurately in directly in a private house, destroy not only all household appliances and electrical appliances, but also the structure itself.

If your private ownership is located next to a high building, then you should not worry. The system of grinding of a multi-storey object will ensure reliable protection of your housing from the affecting factors of atmospheric electrical discharge. But this location of cottages, private houses and cottages is practically not found in modern reality. Basically, such real estate objects are built away from high buildings, so they need to be protected from lightning, equipping with modern blocks of ingravity.

Lightning, most often discharged at the highest point, but even growing next to the house a huge tree is not able to protect it from the discharge. Only the device of lightning protection can be fully protected from atmospheric discharge your home appliances, as well as people present in it. In this article, we will look at all questions regarding the types of lightning protection and their installation methods for any types of houses, cottages and cottages. And also in a compressed form, we will tell how to install the threshold with their own hands, but first we will tell about the striking lightning factors.

Agrowing factors of atmospheric discharges

The technology of creating protection against thunderstorms is directly related to the affecting factors of atmospheric electrical discharges. Any natural phenomenon affects the environment with a particular degree of exposure. Lightning is not an exception and its amazing factors can be divided into the following two types.

You can protect your property from a secondary affixing factor by simply disconnecting electrical appliances from the supply network for the entire period of time of the thunderstorm front. To effectively protect against direct lightning, it is necessary to install lightning protection in the cottage, a private house or in the country.

The installation of a grossing and additional protective equipment will avoid negative consequences from the impact of the discharge on your living property and people living in it, regardless of the type of affecting factor. Next, we will look at the types and categories of lightning protection.

Categories and types of external lightning protection

Atmospheric lightning is a powerful discharge of electricity, subject to the basic laws of physics. Everyone knows that the electric current moves along the way with the smallest resistance. The main task of the block of lightning protection of any kind of creating just such a way to pass the electricity, bypassing the structure of the structure. When the lightning strikes in a private house, equipped with such a block, all the power of the electric charge will simply go to the surface of the Earth, not damage to buildings, electrical appliances and man.

In folk slang, such types of protection of private buildings are called differently: grounding of a country house, a system of lightning consists, as well as thundering. The last name of the name is completely incorrect, because the thunder is the sound of a lightning strike and it is not necessary to get it away. But the term has long come true and is used in spoken speech. Regardless of how the defense of the house from lightning is called, it is intended to perform one task - removal of the energy of the atmospheric electric discharge into the ground. Blocks of lightning protection are divided into three categories: by the method and type of protection, as well as on constructive features.

To choose the best protection against the discharge of atmospheric electricity for your home will help you with the next chapter of the article in which we will talk about the design of the most popular passive external lightning protection, in addition to which it is necessary to establish internal protection against the secondary affixing factor.

Design of passive external protection against lightning

The design of the external threshing on the cottage, in a cottage or private house is satisfied. It consists of three components of the parts: a lightning receiver, auxiliary and grounding circuit. Clakes and earthingers have a standard design. Unlike them, lightning parameters of passive protection systems can be divided into three types, which we will consider in detail below.

What type of lightning conductor use - choose to you! No strict recommendations are impossible to give this account. All three types of lightning games are able to reliably protect the private house from the primary striking lightning factor.

The following elements in the lightning protection system are recesses. The main task is to transmit the energy of the atmospheric discharge from the lightningness to the grounding device. Clamps can be made of steel wire with a diameter of at least 6 mm, a special copper or aluminum cable or steel tape with a width of 30 mm and a thickness of more than 2 mm. Any current reinforcement is fixed at the ends of the lightning lines using a threaded connection, welding or soldering. In private houses built from non-combustible materials, this element of lightning protection is fastened on the walls at an invisible place using metal fasteners. You can not place the recesses near the windows and doors.

Special requirements are imposed on the installation of the tank rails of the wooden house. When lightning gets into a lightning protection system in a private house, the wires of the cocovers can warm up to high temperatures. To eliminate the fire of wooden walls of the structure, it is necessary to correctly establish a current part of the ingravity system. Clakes must be positioned at a distance of at least 10 cm from the walls of the building. For one rod lightning message, it is necessary to install one current, and for cable and mesh discharge receivers, two current elements. The number of current depends on the number of lightning parameters and the area and the roof design.

The last element in the external protection system of the private house from atmospheric electrical discharges is a grounding device. The simplest earthinger is two metal rods with a diameter of at least 30 mm, scored in the soil layer for 2-3 meters and interconnected with a jumper from a metal tape. The distance between these grounding elements should be at least 3 meters. This design attaches a current deduction exclusively by welded.

We looked at the design of external passive lightning protection. It is able to effectively protect a private house from the primary striking lightning factor. To protect the house, cottage or cottage from overvoltages in the network arising from the influence of the second impact factor of the thunderstorm discharge, additional equipment must be installed. These devices provide internal protection against lightning.

Inner lightning protection

Household appliances and electrical appliances in a private house should be protected from the effects of a powerful induction field, which arises as a result of an atmospheric discharge. External lightning protection is not able to cope with this task. To protect against thunderstorm overvoltages, it is necessary to use special electrical devices. They are called impulse overvoltage protection devices (uzip) and are installed in switchboards at the inlet of electrical lines in a private house. Currently, there is a large range of instruments, with different capabilities and levels of protection against pulse voltage jumps.

Only after installing the uzip in the distribution panel and the installation of external lightning protection, you can safely say that your home is reliably protected from all affecting lightning factors. We reviewed the design of protection against lightning for a private house of both external and internal. In the next part of the article will be answered to the question: how to make a grossival at the cottage, in a cottage or private house with your own hands.

Independent installation of lightning protection

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the installation of lightning protection can be carried out with their own hands without attracting employees. Of course, if you have elementary mounting skills. Otherwise, an expert should be invited. If you still decided to carry out the molding with your own hands, then you must first design and calculate lightning protection. This process will not cause difficulties. We briefly tell about the design of lightning protection and its independent installation on the example of the setting of a rod with a rod lightning game. This is the most popular version of the protection against rustic real estate.

The thunder rod with a rod receiver of lightning provides protection in the form of an imaginary cone, with a vertex at the end of the lightning game. In the inner zone of this cone, to ensure reliable protection of the structure from lightning, the whole object should fall.

In the shown figure, we see that part of the house did not hit the protection zone, so it is necessary to transfer the lightning message to the middle of the house or increase its height. The best place for mounting the zipper pin is the lip of the roof or chimney. The calculation of the height of the rod receiver is calculated according to the following formula.

  • Rx is the lower radius of the protection of an imaginary cone, which must be measured with a tape measure on the ground surface;
  • HA is the height of the active zone of lightning protection, which bothers from the ground to the highest point of the imaginary cone;
  • HX is the highest point of a private house, which can be on a roofing, chimney or on other design elements;
  • H is the height of the rod of lightning message.

After calculating the length of the rod of lightning game, it is necessary to determine its location and lay an imaginary route of the installation of the current-cutting from the rod to the grounding place location. This design and calculation of lightning protection are completed and can be proceeding directly to the minting of the thunder.

Installation of the grounding

First of all, the grounding circuit should be mounted. To perform work, you will need the following tool and materials:

  • bulgarian with cutting circles, welding machine, sledgehammer, hammer and shovel;
  • steel corner 40 × 40 for vertical pins and strip 40 × 5 for jumpers.

The earthing should be mounted near the wall of the house. We choose a place and dig up an equilateral triangular trench with a depth of 70 cm with sides of 1.2 meters. To the wall of the house, it is also necessary to proceed the trench for laying a current. In the corners of the triangle, we score the segments of the steel corner to a depth of 2 meters.

A strip is welded to the ends of the pins. A steel strip is welded to one corner of the circuit and excreted on the wall of the house, where the current sequel from the lightning message will be attached to it. Trench burst and tamper. The earthing is ready for a current connection.

Installation of a lightning receiver

The best place for fastening the rod of lightning game is a chimney, located near the roof skate. Fasten the mast is the most convenient brackets with clamps at the ends.

An alternative option for fasteners of a zipper pin is its installation on a special support at the skate at home.

At the final stage of the installation to the lower end of the rod, a reservoir is mounted using a clamp with a threaded connection.

Installation of cocoquers

The current, metal wire with a diameter of at least 6 mm is paired directly on the roof and the wall of the house, to the location of the connecting steel strip from the ground loop. The whole design is attached to the roof and walls of the house with plastic or metal clamps with a support.

The lower end of the actuator wire is fixed on the metal earthing strip using a threaded connection.

On this, the installation of external lightning protection is completed, but if you do not install a block of internal overstress protection, then your lightning protection system will be incomplete.

Installation Uzip

The pulse overvoltage protection device completely de-energizes the electrical network of the house when a powerful induction field occurs, that is, a secondary affecting lightning factor. The module is installed in the distribution panel according to the following scheme.

After installing the Uzip, your lightning protection of a private house receives a fully complete functional view. With this system, your real estate and household appliances are reliably protected from atmospheric electrical discharges.


High-quality grounding will provide you with comfortable accommodation in your home. In this case, protection against all the striking lightning factors will be provided. But it should be noted that lightning protection must be periodically verified for damage. The main attention in prophylactic inspection should be given to all connections. Only subject to the working capacity of the grossing, your home will be reliably protected from lightning hits.

Video on the topic

Historical certificate or who invented the grossing? Commerce (or Lightning Summary) - a mechanism that is installed on the facilities and performs the function of protection against lightning strike. In common, also known as "Gromotnuts".

It is generally accepted that the threshing of the invention of Benjamin Franklin, which he did in 1752, but also there is evidence that such structures existed before this date (for example, high masts of ancient temples in ancient Egypt were also structures and the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem , Nevyanskaya Tower, Paper snakes Jacques Roma). In Russia, the first thunders were created by M. V. Lomonosov and G. V. Richman in 1753

In this article, we will tell about what is a thunderbank and how it works, who invented the threshing and how to make a threshold for the country house with their own hands.

Lightning discharges are an extremely dangerous phenomenon of nature, especially in a situation where structures are in open areas, precisely because to ensure the peace of mind and the safety of their family, it is necessary to establish a threshold. The setting of the threshold will not require tremendous temporary costs, but, ultimately, you will be sure that the buildings are reliably protected from various weather troubles.

Required funds and building materials

For the installation of grommet in a private house, you will need:

  • pin for lightning game;
  • metal wire made of copper or aluminum cross section 6 mm and corrugation for the current;
  • stainless steel to prepare grounding;
  • welding machine;
  • saw with a disc on metal;
  • drill electric;
  • multimeter;
  • sledgehammer or hammer;
  • shovel bayonet;
  • spanners;
  • bolts M8 or M10;
  • dowel;
  • clamps for fasteners;
  • powerful wooden pole;
  • holders.

Stage of preparation

Planning should be started with the determination of the height of the structure. The top of the rod of lightning game is necessary to position up to 12 meters above the ground.

It is necessary to take into account that structures designed to protect buildings from lightning strikes, protect buildings only in a limited area. The space around the structure itself can be reserved. Therefore, when building a threshold, it is necessary to take this into account and build them so that all objects located on the site fall into protection.

There are two types of structures:

  • Type A.
  • Type B.

Thunder trunks of type A create protection by 99%, which makes them the most effective in protection against lightning designs.

Building type B compared with type A facilities and have less efficiency and as a result, the structure is protected by only 95%.

Important! The security zone, which is created by lightning message, will be within a radius of 1.5 sizes of the mast height.

That is, with a height of 10 meters, the threshing will cover the area in diameter of 30 meters. If it is necessary to protect a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe site with construction, then the construction of two or three masts, evenly located on the territory of the site, will help solve the problem of lightning. Thunderings must be at an altitude of more than 2 meters from the surface, to effectively perform the function of protecting the house from lightning.

Selection of grounding installation sites

The ground circuit must be placed at a distance of the 1st meter from the foundation of the construction, which will protect the threshing, and a few meters from the sidewalks and the porch. The grounding place during a thunderstorm is a danger, therefore it is necessary to arrange it so as not to subjected to the risk of households and guests. It will be best to find a place for her with a wall or a fence covered house. One of the options is to position around the ground zone any floweruba or another composition of boulders, stones, etc.

The most suitable materials for the components:

It is also necessary to determine in advance and mark the location of all structural elements.

Installation design

  • Installing the grounding.

After conducting markup, a pit in the form of a triangle is created using a shovel - each side of which should be at least 1200 mm, a depth of 600 - 700 mm. From the top of the triangle towards the wall of the house there is a trench. At the end point will approach the ending the current.

At the endings of the vertical parts of the grounding elements, the grinding corners are cut, then sharpened ends rob into the ground to a depth of 2 meters heavy metal sledge hammer. When pumping the pointed ends of grounding to the ground, it is necessary to strike a sledgehammer of a sledge hammer in order not to bend the confosition.

Slices of the same material are welded using the welding machine, of which the metal triangle in the trenches is formed.

  • Installation of lightning message (groting).

For installation of lightning message, you can use two ways:

The current receiver is placed on the roof, and then on the wall vertically down and is attached to the roof and wall by semicircular plastic or metal clamps. The lower part of the current sink should be fixed on the ground, derived from the wall at home.

To do this, a hole is made in the ground plate, which is installed in a bolt with a washer, nut and lock nut. The stripped (acute) end of the current is clamped with the help of washers, nuts and bolts, along with a vitrated twisted pair around the bolt. Then pits are buried.


The installed system must be checked by a multimeter. Perform resistance measurement - the device must be not higher than 10 Ohm. If the instrument readings differ from the regulatory - check all the joints of the structure - all over the contour of the design should be good electrical conductivity.


Properly installed thunder-rolled on the roof is able to protect the house and nearby lightning buildings.

It is important to note that in the case of private homes, the owner decides the question with a thunder. There are a number of factors when placing buildings that minimize in principle the likelihood of lightning strike into the house:

  • in case the house is in lowland, the probability of lightning strike into the house during a thunderstorm is extremely small;
  • in the event that a higher-speed building is located next to the house, it is most likely a lightning will blow it. Thus, the danger of lightning strike is leveled by the presence of a higher structure next to it;
  • if the threshing is installed on a nearby house, then your home can also fall into the zone of action of a neighbor's threshing.

Thus, in some cases, the sharp necessity in the setting of the thunder may not be. The feasibility of installation must be assessed depending on the above factors.

2018 0 0

Homemade grossing for a private house - the subtleties of arrangement and 3 installation schemes

Strong doors and reliable locks are definitely important, but the first thing to do to protect any structure, including a private house, is to establish a gross. The system itself is simple and to mount it with your own hands. Therefore, then I'll tell you why it is necessary and step by step, I'll show you how to equip a lightning conductor in a private house, plus you can choose 1 out of 3 schemas specifically for your home.

How important it is to establish protection

Now, no one needs to prove that the swelling element has a giant strength and lightning here is no exception. In the case of direct lightning to the house, there are 2 danger factor for tenants - this is primary and secondary.

  1. Primary - These include partial or complete destruction of the building designs and the fire arising after that. Lightning, of course, is not a combat shell, but in some cases the damage from its hit is comparable to the consequences of a serious explosion. This factor is considered the most dangerous;

  1. Secondary - This factor for people's lives is less dangerous, but many trouble can bring a lot. We are talking about electromagnetic induction and short-circuit effect. If the discharge of high power "gets" to the wiring, then all the devices connected to it burn. Although here you can safegate, turning off these devices.

By the way, the usual outdoor antenna can easily work as a thunder and then only ashes will remain from your TV.

Although there are still happy owners of private houses that do not need to put protection and be afraid of lightning. From the school course of physics, we know that this phenomenon is the concentration of atmospheric electricity and during a thunderstorm of the lightning strike should be waited in the area of \u200b\u200bthe highest point of the terrain.

If your private house is standing near the multi-storey residential array, then the discharge with a probability of 100% will strike in a high-rise building. You have nothing to be afraid, because at every such building there is necessarily a threshold. But for a cottage house in a pure field, the thunder has vital.

Subtleties of system arrangement

In my house there is a threshold in the house you can fully set for 2-3 days, it all depends on which system you will prefer. But for starters, let's figure it out how lightning protection works.

Principle of system operation

The system of the system is elementary simple:

  • On any high object, whether it is the roof of the house, a tree or a specially installed mast, lightning message is mounted;
  • This lightning game using a conductor through the shortest trajectory is connected to the grounding unit;
  • If the discharge of lightning in the lightning message, electricity passes through the current and enters the ground.

There is an interesting nuance here if the installation is competent, then the so-called protection zone appears around the spider, that is, a safe place.

It is easy to calculate it: according to the rules, the radius of the security zone is one and a half times the height of the spire. In other words, if your thunder has a height of 10 m, then a security zone is distributed 15 m around the spire (in all directions). Moreover, the protection zone has a cone-shaped form, so it is also called the safety cone.

Three Private House Protection Schemes

Most people are accustomed to the fact that the threshing is some high spire. Partly this is right, but the metal spire is only one of the 3 common working circuits used in a private house.

Illustrations Recommendations
Scheme # 1. Spire

The spire is considered a classic. It is best to mount it in the center of the building so that the security cone covers the entire structure.

The height of the spire must be at least 2.5 m, respectively, the larger area there is a house, the higher the spire is made.

Scheme No. 2. Grid

If your house is a metal roof, for example, metal tile or folding roof, then the roof itself can be ground, and it will work as a lightning result, the main thing is that the thickness of the sheet is more than 0.4 mm.

In the theory on the roof, you can equip a metal mesh from the conductor with cells of about 1 m, but this method is more suitable for high-rise houses with flat roofs, in private house-building it is extremely rare.

Scheme # 3. Cable for the skate

The cable from the conductive material, stretched over the skate at a height of 150 mm, is a practical and not very expensive solution to the problem.

The safety cone from the cable going over the skate of the building will be guaranteed to cover the entire house.

Install the receiver on the roof

The threshing, or rather the reception part, can be active and passive. In the active system at the end of a small pole, a special ionizer is installed, which attracts the discharge.

Installation of such an ionizer on a private house does not make much sense. Firstly, this thing is not cheap, and secondly, it was designed for industrial enterprises with fire-hazardous production to ensure that it is not necessary to exclude lightning. Plus the selection and installation of the ionizer requires professional skills.

If you like the spire above your home, then the minimum cross section of the steel rod is 50 mm², which corresponds to a round rod with a diameter of 8 mm. The copper spire can be put in a cross section of 35 mm², and the thick of the aluminum spire is obtained, here the cross section is taken at least 70 mm².

The easiest way to attach the threshold to a brick chimney with anchors or steel clamps. If there is no such pipe on your house, then for such cases there are special metal racks, as in the photo below.

It is better to put stainless steel or copper on the threshold, if it is not, then I recommend taking a rod from conventional steel with a cross section of 16 - 20 mm, a thin metal (up to 10 mm) in such conditions for several years eaten corrosion.

Often people put on a spire iron thick-walled pipe. There is nothing bad here, but in this case the top of the pipe must be fed.

Stay the cope is lighter and much cheaper than securing high, bulky spire. Now for these purposes, special brackets are sold, which are attached directly to the skate with an interval of about 1 m and maintain at the desired distance from the roof conductor.


When arranging a conductor, the main thing is to provide as a short way from the receiver on the roof as possible, before grounding. As for the section, in steel structures, these are all the same 50 mm², 16 mm² is enough for a copper conductor, and for aluminum 25 mm².

The wire itself is preferably isolate both from the roof and the designs of the house. For these purposes, very comfortable brackets are now sold, they hold a current line at a level of 20 mm from the surface of the building, which is quite enough.

From the receiver, before grounding, all connections of the conductor ideally must boil or disappear, but if there is no such possibility, you can use a bolted connection. The main thing is remember - aluminum can not be directly connected with copper, only through a steel washer or gasket.


Grounding is perhaps the most responsible part of the design. In order for the discharge of high power to be guaranteed to go to the ground, the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with metal structures with the soil should be quite large.

  • To arrange the grounding, metal rods up to 3 m long are used. It is not necessary that it is a round bars, and a metal corner of 35 mm sizes are also suitable here;

  • Initially, you need to dig a trench in the form of a triangle to a depth of 30-40 cm. The length of the side of the triangle is from 1.5 m;
  • After that, metallic pins are driven in the corners of the trench. In the sandstone, it is necessary to drive the rods to a depth of up to 3 m, for the chernozem and wet soils are enough 1.5 m;

  • When the rods are drunk, a closed metal circuit is welded around them, to which the conductor from the roof is connected and the whole design is buried the ground;

  • In theory, it is not necessary for the grounding contour to have a triangle shape, metal rods can be knocked on a straight line and just join, but in the event of a termination of the conductor, the part of the contour stops working.

After assembling the system, it is necessary to check its resistance, according to the rules, it must be within 10 ohms.


For a small home, you can make a threshing with your own hands during the day, but here it is important to observe all the gaps, parameters and cross sections of the wire stated above. If you have any questions, write in the comment, I will try to help.

October 16, 2017

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The threshing is needed primarily because the charge accumulated in the thunderstorm clouds is able to cause a lot of damage in case of its ingress in residential buildings.

Why dangerous zippers? Usually their power is 100,000 A, but sometimes this indicator reaches 200,000.

Finding into anything, such a powerful energy flow causes heating, which in turn becomes the cause of fires.

That is why it is necessary in homes that there is no danger of the occurrence of fire, and the charge was discharged into the ground.

The design of the threshing

The threshing should consist of these elements:

  • lightning message (takes on charge, intercepting it);
  • the current (its function is the direction of the accepted current into the cavity of the Earth);
  • ground (allows you to connect home, device and land).

The bulky system must be performed in accordance with the design features of the elements.

It is important that the metal is used in the production of the entire system the same.

LightningRearter for grossing with their own hands

The receiver serves a rod made of steel. It should be above the upper point of the house. Key Features:

  • cross section 50 mm square;
  • wire rolling must be with a diameter of eight mm;
  • the rod can be replaced to install copper, but then the cross section should be 35 mm.

Lightning message can even be a drainage tube, since it consists of metal.

You can also stop on, roof, if so, are similarly made from metal.

Installation scheme will look like this:

The threshing in the house is set in case the roof is made of aluminum, iron, copper.

It is important that the material is holistic, otherwise the current will not fall into the discharge elements.

Also, it is also impossible to be allowed when arranging the grinding the presence of heat-insulating roof material.

In general, there should be no coatings. The exception is a thin layer of paint, which is designed to attach an anti-corrosion effect.

To connect all elements of the threshold, it is necessary to use solid fittings.

If the thickness of the roof material exceeds the set values:

  • for aluminum it is 7 mm;
  • for copper 5 mm;
  • for iron 4 mm.

Also, if covered with heat-insulating material, you need to use a pipe as a lightning game.

If the roof is divided into several separate items, it can be connected by reinforcement.

TokoODDVA for grossing with their own hands

The same material will serve as the same material, from which the lightning message is consisting. Assist to make the calculation of the section following the following indicators:

  • aluminum - 25 mm square;
  • copper - 16 mm square;
  • steel - 50 mm square.

Directly the installation of lightning protection does not imply a cocoquer, which leads to a long path.

The length should be as short as possible. You can also not allow turns and, moreover, sharp corners.

In this case, the likelihood increases that the spark will appear on the turn, which will lead to fire.

The current consists of a metal strip and wire rod. It can be conducted inside the wall, if it does not consist of easily flammable material.

The mount is carried out by metal brackets anyway. If the walls are easily flammable, the current sequel should be installed no closer than 10 centimeters from them.

If you spend at the construction stage, make sure that there is more than 10 cm between the wires and the current.

ATTENTION: to isolate and paint the elements of the bullet can not!

How to make a neuroter

Grounders produce from such materials:

  • copper - a cross section of 50 mm square;
  • steel - section 80 mm square.

How to install a earthing?

Very easy: it will be necessary to create a hole in a depth of about 1-2 meters, insert rods from steel or copper, weld them with each other, consolidate and connect the reinforcement.

All items are easier to install from steel, since it is considered to be the most reliable.

To avoid, it is better to establish a lightning game as above as possible.

Excellent, if there is a high tree, to which the system element will be installed.

The earthing is installed no closer than 1 meter from the wall of the house. This is due to the fact that it is necessary enough space for the distribution of reserved energy.

Otherwise, a short circuit may occur in the house, there will be voltage drops.

It should also be remembered that from roads and fences, especially if they consist of metal, should be at least 5 meters to the earthing.

Why is it important to install a lightning room as high as possible? In this case, he can capture the lightning energy at a large angle. The lower the receiver is the worse the capture is carried out.

Will help you find answers to questions you are interested in.

Recently, we are increasingly facing situations when lightning falls in the house and because of the lack of appropriate protection, ignition occurs. To prevent this and secure yourself, you can make a threshold with your own hands.

In this case, such a device will be quite functional and productive, unless, of course, to mount it correctly. It is worth saying that although there is a fairly simple design and in the presence of free time and necessary materials each can make it, nevertheless need to take into account the set of factors to determine the correct installation parameters, as it is important not just to have protection for your home and electrical appliances, But to be confident in the right functioning.

How the racial house is working

The threshing is a special installation that attracts the electric charge of the zipper and redirects it from the house through the conductor to the ground. Thus, lightning will not cause any destruction and will not harm. The threshing consists of two blocks:

  • outdoor;
  • internal.

The outer block is a current collector (lightningness), connected to a conductor (current), which together perform the role of reception and distribution of the charge charge, as well as the ground that dispels this charge in the ground.

The internal block will protect your home from voltage jumps, and, therefore, will prevent the failure of the electronics. Probably everyone heard that if the electric charge of the zipper has a greater force, then all electrical appliances are burned in the house.

So another reason appears to make a grossival.

Rules of the grinding device

In order to properly select the scheme of the Dacha Ground System, it is necessary to study the building structure and in accordance with the "instructions for the lightning protection device of buildings and structures" (instruction of the RD 34.21.122-87) determine the required level of protection. Low and small ones private houses usually belong to the III lightning protection categories.

Effective lightning protection is the one that reliably protects the building and everything that is inside it from directly entering it lightning and from the secondary digits in electrical networks. Country rumor is usually a lightningressor, which is connected to the ground using the current system.

Lightning message

A device that directly takes the lightning strike on itself is called lightningness. This is the most noticeable and significant element of the scheme of industrial or country rags. There are rod, cable, mesh receivers.

The most popular and famous thanks to Benjamin Franklin is a rod lightningness, which is a metal pin of stainless steel, aluminum or copper. It is usually installed by 2 m above the highest point of the protected building. This kind of lightning parameters are the easiest performed and fairly cheap.

The cable lightning message is two masts installed on the perimeter of the protected object, and stretched steel cables between them. The lightning network is a mesh, from metal rods laid on the roof of a building with a certain step.

For small private houses, a metal roof can become an excellent lightning receiver. If the roofing of the house is made of another material, then it is better to choose a lightning grid for the protection device, and for wooden cottage houses, the active protection is more often used.


To the grounding device, the current comes through the current. In accordance with the above instruction of the RD 34.21.122-87, there can be different construction of the building of steel, aluminum or copper (frames, fire stairs, reinforced concrete plates). Special recesses are usually fitted outside the frontimeter of the building in 25 m. The effectiveness of the current depends on the continuity of the electrical network. Usually with lightningness and grounding devices, they are connected by welding.


The charge of lightning in the soil is raging using grounding devices. They, in accordance with the instruction of the RD 34.21.122-87, are most often reinforced concrete foundations or vertical electrodes, deeply flowing into the ground. The last kind of grounding is necessarily protected from corrosion (therefore, it is usually made from deposited or galvanized steel), and the electrodes are reliably connected to the horizontal tire and each other through special connectors.

Production of a threshold in the country with their own hands

So, if you came to the conclusion that you want to make a threshing for the country house with your own hands, then you need to know how this device is manufactured. To begin with, it is necessary to make a rod current collector, which will then be fastened with a conductor that can be made from a conventional iron wire. Just choose the wire as much sections as possible, for example 6-8 mm. Also, the conductor connects the current receiver with the ground circuit.

The ground loop can be made from an iron strip of approximately 4x50 mm. The electrode should be made from the steel rod by choosing a diameter of at least 18 mm for this. Consider that all compounds should be carried out only with the help of a welding machine. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can use steel clamps on bolts, but such compounds will be less effective.

2) Fastener fastener material when closing a lightning current with a large share of probability may not sustain tremendous temperatures and simply melted. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the parameters of the materials used and perform the necessary calculations. But it is easier to buy ready-made components from the manufacturers of lightning protection, especially since the prices for fastening elements, especially the domestic, acceptable. Plus you will receive the necessary consultation of experts on competent installation.

3) There is such a rule: you either make insulated lightning protection and withstand the required breakdown distance, or connect all metal elements together and output to ground. Here the author uses insulators and, accordingly, the first method, and therefore the air gap between the receiver / current should be at least the minimum distance R, which specifically in this embodiment should be 300-400 mm, which is not noticeable. Without grounding, there is also a roof here that the dangerous potential difference will be guaranteed.

4) The vehicle variant in the form of a single pin stick to the ground cannot be considered reliable with any kind of soil, especially since the current discharge comes to the discharge from lightning message, too. Even during the time another USSR, with the complete absence of knowledge and the calculated parameters of the soil resistance, there was always a focal ground in the form of a triangle or a P-shaped circuit.

Main typical schemes of country rags

Once again, it is already more detailed, we will tell about the three known types of protection devices installed on the roof of buildings of structures.

The view of the zipper selected for the country's luminarity determines the type and scheme of its protection. Type diagrams include the organization:

  • lightning protection grid;
  • rod rods;
  • cable lightning games.

For flat and duct roofs of cottages, regardless of the roof material, experts recommend using a lightning grid. For its organization, steel, copper or aluminum bars with a diameter of up to 8 mm are used. The grid is installed directly on the roof or under the insulation, if the roof base is not fuel (instruction of the RD 34.21.122-87).

Depending on the level of protection, the recesses are mounted directly to the grid throughout the perimeter in increasing from 10 to 25 cm.

The stem scheme of lightning protection is a metal pin attached to chimney or other roof designs at least 2 m above its highest point.

The installation of the rod is made correctly if a protected object is fully charged to the base of the cone with a vertex at an extreme point of lightningness. An increase in the height of the rod expands the protected zone. This type of bulky is suitable for private and industrial facilities with complex roofs.

For dual-tight roofs, low buildings can also be applied and the cable scheme of the country's threshing. For this, the steel cable is stretched between the supports mounted on the skates. Its ends are usually adjacent on one current, transmitting current to grounding in the ground, externally similar to "chicken leg". If the scheme of the country's threshold is performed correctly, lightning discharges go into the soil outside the protected home. When arranging lightning protection of this type, it is important to take into account the cable sagging.

A variety of factors, parameters and conditions are influenced by the choice of the organization's organization of the country ravum. Therefore, this is a rather complicated and responsible event that requires certain professional knowledge and experience. Our company will help to design, as well as the installation of the most efficient lightning protection for your home. In addition, we provide a turnkey grinding services. In the section "Our Objects" are photos of thunders and a description of our implemented projects.

How and where to buy a ram

The thunderbank, protecting against direct lightning, will work as a clock if competently and correctly choose the necessary materials to create effective and reliable lightning protection of the building. The following parameters affect the price of cottage bulky:

  • protection level;
  • scheme of a lightning conductor;
  • technical difficulties of project implementation;
  • type of materials used and scope of work.

Today, numerous Internet shops offer a large selection of rods and cables made of steel, copper and stainless steel, as well as holders and clamps and give a wonderful description of their products. However, it is independently difficult to produce a thunder-free flawless quality. In addition, no one will guarantee the system of the system collected from materials with different operational characteristics.

Our company offers from a warehouse in Moscow to buy components for thorns of well-known and well-proven manufacturers from Germany, Russia, France, Turkey and other countries: Obo Bettermann, J. Pripster, BS-Technic, Dehn + Sohne, Voltstream, Elmaashprom, Duval Messien, Citel, Forend and others.

Our services

The specialists of our company will help choose the most reliable and efficient country-rack at an affordable price taking into account all the features of your home. Our consultants will respond in detail to any questions you are interested in and make up the estimate.

We can order the fulfillment of the necessary measurements of transition resistances, resistance to grounding devices, checking the presence of the grounding chain and ground items. Experienced company professionals can also perform the design and installation of turnkey grinding. We provide services for the service of various lightning protection systems before starting the thunderstorm season and by agreement with the client we produce their repair.

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