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Noble deeds of Andrey Dubrovsky. Is Vladimir Dubrovsky a noble robber? Introductory speech of the teacher

Vladimir Dubrovsky, the hero of AS Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky", is a robber: he sets fire to landowners' houses, robbing on the roads. All this does not honor him, but he has actions that I would like to justify.

Arson of the house - the house where you were born and raised! One can only imagine what feelings Dubrovsky experienced at that moment! Here we need to blame not our hero, but the circumstances that forced him to make such a decision. However, I cannot fully justify this act, because people died as a result of the fire.

Dubrovsky and his gang are engaged in robberies on the roads, but the general who visited Anna Savishna Globova says about him: “Dubrovsky attacks not everyone, but famous rich people, but even here he shares with them, and does not rob clean; and no one accused him of the murders. " The story with the postal order, which Anna Savishna told about, confirms the words of the general.

Having met at the post station with a young Frenchman, Dubrovsky takes his documents from him, gives money to the failed teacher and, in fact, relieves him of the humiliation and insults that he would have to endure in Troekurov's house. I think that this act of Dubrovsky simply "made happy" the Frenchman.

Dubrovsky became a robber with only one purpose: to take revenge on Troekurov for all the misfortunes that he brought him. But later Dubrovsky refuses to take revenge: he cannot hurt Masha Trekurova, the daughter of his enemy. “I realized that the house where you live is sacred, that not a single creature tied to you by the bond of blood is subject to my curse,” he says. I respect this decision of Dubrovsky: love turned out to be stronger than hatred.

Dubrovsky takes a "leather bag" with money from the landowner Spitsyn. Why is he doing this? After all, after such an act, he will have to leave Troekurov's house, to part with Masha. But Spitsyn is one of those who perjured at the trial, who destroyed Dubrovsky's life, killed hope for the future - and he must be punished. And I fully justify Dubrovsky's actions in this situation.

Pushkin's hero is noble and honest in his relationship with Masha. Before leaving the house, he reveals his real name. On the day of the wedding, Dubrovsky tries to save her, and when this fails, he lets Masha and her husband go in peace.

Many of Dubrovsky's actions are difficult to assess unequivocally: 4 I justify some, others not. One thing I know for sure: Dubrovsky is a courageous and noble man, but life circumstances forced him to go against the laws of society. By the way, did this very society act with him legally?

Honest, noble, courageous hero of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"
On our first acquaintance with Vladimir Dubrovsky, we see a young, confident in himself and his future nobleman, a guard cornet, who rarely thinks about where the money comes from and how much his father has. Vladimir never faced the problem of lack of money, because, being the only son of his father, even though he was far away and a poor nobleman, he "received more from home than he should have expected." And, of course, if money is easy to get, then it is very easy to part with it. So it was with Vladimir; "He allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future and foreseeing for himself sooner or later a rich bride, a dream of a poor youth." In a word, the heir of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky at our first acquaintance with him seemed to us not at all outstanding, the young man was characterized by all those pranks and actions that, without hesitation, can be attributed to almost all young people of his age and class,
Reading about the idle pastime of young Vladimir in the circle of his friends, you imagine, looking ahead, this young man in the near future as such a self-satisfied, deaf to other people's troubles, and sometimes a cruel gentleman - a likeness of Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. But very soon you begin to understand that these ideas were false, because Vladimir Dubrovsky is the real son of his father: just as honest, fair, decent. The time spent in the cadet corps did not in the least affect the noble qualities inherent and laid down by the father in childhood. Having learned about Andrei Gavrilovich's illness, the son, without a moment's hesitation, goes to his estate. He reproaches himself very much for the fact that for a long time without receiving a letter from his parent, he himself did not bother to inquire about his health.
Homeland for young Dubrovsky is not just a word. Approaching the parental home, recognizing the places that were familiar and familiar from childhood, "he looked around him with an indescribable excitement." Everything in him caused awe and pain: both "the birches that had just been planted near the fence with him," but now they have become "tall branchy trees", and "the yard, once decorated with three regular flower beds." Affection and pity was aroused in Vladimir by his kind nanny Yegorovna, whom the young man embraced with undisguised love at the meeting. Only a few words are written about the meeting between Vladimir and Andrey Gavrilovich: "... Vladimir embraced his father with fervor." But even these few words are enough to draw a conclusion: the filial heart has not cooled down for such a long separation, it is full of pity, love and compassion. Moreover, in these few words, with which the author conveyed the meeting between father and son, in my opinion, all Vladimir - direct, restrained, laconic - is an exact copy of his father.
Learning about the cause of Andrei Gavrilovich's illness, about how Troekurov treated him, young Dubrovsky is going to take revenge. To bear grudges is not in his rules. But the insult did not blind Vladimir: by arranging robberies on the roads, he persecutes only the guilty, in his opinion, people, those who have lost their human qualities because of money.
A sense of camaraderie is also inherent in Dubrovsky. Having caught a clerk on the road with money for a guard officer, he did not take this money, but returned it back. Then, when meeting with the mother of this officer, he will say: "Know that Dubrovsky himself was a guard officer, he will not want to offend a comrade."
The nobility and kindness of Dubrovsky is also evidenced by the fact that all the inhabitants of his father's former estate immediately went over to his side and were ready to lay down their heads for him. But Vladimir did not agree to accept such a sacrifice. Realizing the doom of his own and their position, Dubrovsky at the end of the story tells the peasants to disperse and reconcile. This is the best he could do for them.
Dubrovsky is strong, brave, fearless. There is hardly anyone who will refute the presence of these qualities in a young man. But on the other hand, how timid and restrained he seems to us on the pages dedicated to his meetings with his beloved girl - Masha Troekurova. Love for Dubrovsky is a pure, sublime feeling, deception and love for him are incompatible. Therefore, Vladimir confesses to Masha who he really is, leaving the girl the right to choose.
If you collect all of the above about Dubrovsky together, you get a very attractive image. Just like this: honest, noble, courageous, kind and gentle, A.S. Pushkin wanted to show his hero. As for me personally, having got acquainted with the life and work of the poet, I see Pushkin himself just like that.

Vladimir Dubrovsky, the hero of AS Pushkin's story "Dubrovsky", is a robber: he sets fire to landowners' houses, robbing on the roads. All this does not honor him, but he has actions that I would like to justify.

Arson of the house - the house where you were born and raised! One can only imagine what feelings Dubrovsky experienced at that moment! Here we need to blame not our hero, but the circumstances that forced him to make such a decision. However, I cannot fully justify this act, because people died as a result of the fire.

Dubrovsky and his gang are engaged in robberies on the roads, but the general who visited Anna Savishna Globova says about him: “Dubrovsky attacks not everyone, but famous rich people, but even here he shares with them, and does not rob clean; and no one accused him of the murders. " The story with the postal order, which Anna Savishna told about, confirms the words of the general.

Having met at the post station with a young Frenchman, Dubrovsky takes his documents from him, gives money to the failed teacher and, in fact, relieves him of the humiliation and insults that he would have to endure in Troekurov's house. I think that this act of Dubrovsky simply "made happy" the Frenchman.

Dubrovsky became a robber with only one purpose: to take revenge on Troekurov for all the misfortunes that he brought him. But later Dubrovsky refuses to take revenge: he cannot hurt Masha Trekurova, the daughter of his enemy. “I realized that the house where you live is sacred, that not a single creature tied to you by the bond of blood is subject to my curse,” he says. I respect this decision of Dubrovsky: love turned out to be stronger than hatred.

Dubrovsky takes a "leather bag" with money from the landowner Spitsyn. Why is he doing this? After all, after such an act, he will have to leave Troekurov's house, to part with Masha. But Spitsyn is one of those who perjured at the trial, who destroyed Dubrovsky's life, killed hope for the future - and he must be punished. And I fully justify Dubrovsky's actions in this situation.

Pushkin's hero is noble and honest in his relationship with Masha. Before leaving the house, he reveals his real name. On the day of the wedding, Dubrovsky tries to save her, and when this fails, he lets Masha and her husband go in peace.

Many of Dubrovsky's actions are difficult to assess unequivocally: 4 I justify some, others not. One thing I know for sure: Dubrovsky is a courageous and noble man, but life circumstances forced him to go against the laws of society. By the way, did this very society act with him legally?

In literature, the image of a noble robber is quite popular. As a rule, people take this path when, for some reason, they become redundant in society. They were either betrayed by their friends, or close people turned away from them, and they cannot achieve anything legally. In the case of Pushkin's notorious story "Dubrovsky", the main character chose the predatory path, because, thanks to the efforts of his closest neighbor, he was left without a father and without an hereditary estate. V. A. Dubrovsky is more of a victim than a robber, because he was wounded in the heart.

In order to restore justice, he and his gang began to take money only from the rich who deserved it. Thus, he wanted to convey to them that money is not the most important thing in life, there are things that are more important, for example, the loss of a loved one. Dubrovsky's biography remained unfinished, since after parting with Masha Troekurova, he left his associates and disappeared in an unknown direction. All that we know for certain about him, since this is that the hero studied in the cadet corps in St. Petersburg and rose to the rank of officer. Upon learning that his father, Andrei Gavrilovich, fell ill, he left his studies ahead of schedule and went home, where he was informed that the Dubrovskys' closest friend and neighbor had taken the estate from his father through the court.

This news struck the young man like a bolt from the blue. He decided to restore justice by all means. The situation worsened when Dubrovsky Sr., aged from worries, died. This happened after a frank conversation with Troekurov, which further tuned the main character into a militant mood. The illegal actions of the robber group of Dubrovsky began from the day when the clerks settled in Kistenevka with the intention of taking it away and giving it to the Troekurovs. With the help of the blacksmith Arkhip, that night, Vladimir Andreevich set fire to the property. Since then, together with the peasants loyal to him, Dubrovsky engaged in robbery and robbery of the relatively dishonest rich.

At the same time, he did not abandon his thought of revenge. By deceit, he managed to get into the Troekurovs' house under the guise of a French teacher for the illegitimate son of a landowner. Introducing himself as Desforge, the teacher spent a lot of time with Troekurov's eldest daughter Maria and soon the young fell in love. For Masha's sake, Dubrovsky even found the strength to forgive his father's enemy, but Troyekurov ruined his life this time too. He married his daughter to a rich old man - Prince Vereisky and did not want to change his decision, despite all the persuasions and tears of Masha.

The tragedy of the protagonist was that he was honest with himself and those around him in everything. He tried to act always just and noble. He was sincerely attached to his home, to the places where he was born and raised. Troekurov and Dubrovsky Sr. from childhood planned to unite them with Masha by marriage. Their dreams were close to fulfillment, but again, greed and excessive pride of Troekurov stood in the way. This tyrant landowner never gave his daughter to find happiness. Masha was forced to marry Prince Vereisky, disliked by her, and Dubrovsky was forced to continue hiding under the guise of a robber. At the end of the work, in connection with the increasing attacks on his gang, he dismissed the peasants, and he himself disappeared abroad.

The basis for the novel by A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" became real events - mass uprisings of peasants who were dissatisfied with their lives after the war of 1812. The main character of the book is a young nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky, a noble robber. The events unfolding on the pages of the work are directly related to his life and destiny.

Dubrovsky is a noble robber. Summary

For a deeper understanding of the image of Vladimir, it is necessary to refer to the contents of the book.

The fathers of the protagonist and Masha Troekurova were neighbors and comrades in the service. They are both widowers. Once Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, while visiting Troekurov, disapproved of the poor living conditions of his servants in comparison with dogs. In response to this, one of the hounds states that "it would be nice for another master to exchange the estate for a dog kennel."

Dubrovsky the father leaves and in a letter demands an apology from Troekurov. The tone of the letter does not suit Kirill Petrovich. At the same time, Andrei Gavrilovich finds the serfs Troyekurov in his possessions, stealing the forest. He takes the horses away from them and tells them to whip them. Troekurov decides to take revenge on his neighbor by illegally taking possession of his estate, the village of Kistenevka.

Due to strong feelings, Andrei Gavrilovich is weakening. A letter is sent to his son, Vladimir, and he comes to the village.

Kirill Petrovich realizes that he has treated his old friend badly and goes to him to make peace, but when he sees him, the old man Dubrovsky dies.

The house is handed over to Troekurov. The serfs do not want to go over to another master. Vladimir orders to burn down the house, the officials who were inside die from the fire.

Soon, a gang of robbers began to operate in the vicinity, plundering the estates. There is a rumor that the leader of the robbers is young Dubrovsky.

Vladimir, as a French teacher, ends up in Troekurov's house. Masha and young Dubrovsky fall in love with each other.

Vladimir opens up to the girl and disappears, as it becomes clear that Dubrovsky and the teacher are one person.

Masha is proposed by the 50-year-old prince Vereisky. Troekurov orders his daughter to marry him. Dubrovsky asks Masha for a date, puts a ring on her. Masha hopes that she will be able to convince her father.

However, Troekurov does not concede, and he and Vereisky decide to speed up the wedding.
Masha and the prince are getting married. On the way back, they come across Dubrovsky. The noble robber offers Masha freedom. Vereisky wounds Dubrovsky. Masha is married, so she refuses to run away with Vladimir. Dubrovsky dissolves the gang.

The image of Dubrovsky at the beginning of the novel

On the first pages of the book, Vladimir appears before us as a young nobleman, the only son of his father. He received a good upbringing and education, is in the service. Dubrovsky leads a cheerful life, spends his father's money, does not think about the future.

The reason for changes in the inner world and outlook on life

The news of the illness of his father, whom he loved very much, excited the young man. His death and loss of his estate changed the character of Vladimir. After the funeral, he realizes how lonely he is. Dubrovsky thinks about the future for the first time. Now he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his peasants.

Revenge of Dubrovsky

"Dubrovsky is a noble robber." An essay on this topic is offered to eighth grade students in each school. I would like to understand whether he is noble, given that he is driven by the desire to take revenge? To avenge everyone who has been wronged. He robs the rich and doesn't kill anyone. His image takes on romantic features.

Obsessed with retaliation, he infiltrates the house of his enemy under the guise of the Frenchman Desforges. However, love for Marya Kirillovna interferes with his plans, and he refuses them. The nobility of nature overcomes the desire for revenge.

Why was Dubrovsky called a noble robber?

Vladimir Dubrovsky embarked on the path of robbery, because he did not see another way out of the situation that had developed in his life. He could not allow the family estate to go to Troekurov. Dubrovsky ordered to set fire to the house, but at the same time to unlock the door so that the officials could run out. Arkhip did not listen to the master, and the people burned out. He did not count on the judges' leniency in considering this incident, since they did not spare his father in the right case. Dubrovsky with a gang of serfs embarked on the path of robbery. So a completely different life began for Vladimir.

To answer the question why Dubrovsky is a noble robber, you need to recall the contents of the book. As it is written in the novel, the gang led by Vladimir robbed only rich people. Although the robbers terrified everyone, they did not kill anyone. For this they were called noble.

However, having embarked on this slippery path, Dubrovsky, a noble robber pursued by government troops, is still forced to abandon his principles and commit the murder of an officer.

To answer the question why he was so called, it is also necessary to compare the life circumstances and features of the inner world of this young man. Vladimir is a native of a noble family, a representative of the noble class, the son of a man who was distinguished by his directness, courage, and was respected by his wealthy neighbors and serfs entrusted to him. He adopted many positive qualities from his father, but, like Andrei Gavrilovich, young Dubrovsky was prone to fervor and did not tolerate injustice. After the loss of his father, he becomes the leader of a gang of people loyal to him.

For all these reasons, Dubrovsky is a noble robber.

How does the author relate to the hero?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin certainly sympathizes with the protagonist of this novel. He endows him with such qualities as kindness, honesty, the ability to love and forgive. However, he debunks the myth about the nobility of Vladimir, explaining this by the fact that an honest and decent person cannot leave people loyal to him to their fate and hide abroad. A noble person is responsible for his actions.

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