Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to make glue from starch. How to make PVA glue at home - step by step instructions and a detailed review of the best glue recipes

Despite the fact that the choice of adhesive mixtures in stores is impressive, many builders prefer to make their own compositions from improvised materials. For different types surfaces prepare their solutions. Let's consider in detail how you can do it yourself.

Homemade flour glue

This is the most common composition used in wallpapering. In terms of its properties, it is not inferior to many store counterparts, but at the same time it is environmentally friendly and safe to use.

To prepare the glue we need:

  • 6 art. l. flour
  • 1 liter of water.
  • container for mixing components.

1 liter of this mixture is enough for sticking 2-3 rolls of wallpaper.

How to make glue from flour? Heat ¾ volume of water to a boil. In the remaining ¼ cold water, stir the flour so that no lumps remain. Then pour the mixture of flour and water into boiling water in a stream, stirring constantly. After boiling, the glue is set aside to cool.

Starch can be used instead of flour. The resulting solution will have similar properties.

Homemade PVA glue

Today it is one of the most sought after compositions. In everyday life, it is something universal. How to make PVA glue?

For this you will need:

  • 1 liter of water (preferably distilled)
  • 5 g photographic gelatin
  • 150 grams of flour
  • 4 g pharmacy glycerin
  • 20 ml ethyl alcohol

Gelatin should be soaked for a day in 1 glass of water. Then you can start preparing PVA glue. On the water bath put distilled water and add gelatin and flour mixed in cold water to it. Mix everything thoroughly, preventing the formation of lumps. The resulting mixture should reach the consistency of sour cream and gain White color. The next step is the addition of glycerin and alcohol. The residence time of the mixture in the water bath should be approximately 10 minutes. In this case, the composition should be constantly stirred. Next, you should cool the glue and you can start using it.

How to prepare wood glue?

This solution is used for working with wooden surfaces, paper, cardboard, plastic. However, he has weak spots– glue has a sharp bad smell, not intended for long-term storage in liquid form.

You can solve the problem if you make a gelatinous mass, after boiling the wood glue. At the right time, you can cut off a piece and heat it over low heat.

Cooking options:

  • We take wood glue, grind it in water and wait for it to swell completely. We place it in a canning tank (glue) and put it in a water bath. As soon as the composition has become liquid, we dilute it with vodka (based on 720 grams of wood glue - 950 grams of vodka) and add alum (12 g of powdered alum per 100 grams of the mixture). The resulting wood glue will have a high degree of adhesion and moisture resistance.
  • In an oilcloth, mix water and carpentry mixture in a ratio of 1: 1. After boiling and thickening, pour the composition into a ceramic mortar and grind until a homogeneous gelatinous mass is formed. Then put the glue on the board and cut into pieces.
  • In a water bath, we heat the mixture at the rate of 1 liter of water, 1 kg of wood glue, 1 liter-9% percent table vinegar. While stirring the solution, gradually pour in 1 liter of vodka, cool and use.
  • We dilute wood glue with water 1: 1 and heat it in a water bath until it thickens completely, then add glycerin in a volume equal to the volume of glue. Cook the mixture over low heat until the water has completely evaporated. Pour into molds and refrigerate.

Glue based on linoleum and acetone

To prepare the composition in home environment, take old linoleum and cut it into small pieces, then place it in a container and fill it with acetone in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part of linoleum to 2 parts of acetone). Close the container tightly and place in a dark place for 12 hours. After this period, the mixture can be used.

How to make universal moisture resistant glue?

To prepare a universal moisture-resistant composition, it is enough to take the carpentry mixture and soak it in water until it swells completely. Next, the solution should be brought to a gelatinous state, heating over low heat and periodically pouring linseed oil at the rate of 1:4 (1 part oil to 4 parts glue).

PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate) is a product obtained as a result of the polymerization of vinyl acetate with the participation of an initiator, as well as a protective colloid in an aqueous medium. By appearance it is a white viscous liquid without foreign inclusions and lumps. Produced in industrial scale and industrial equipment.

In industry, this adhesive is prepared in a mortar mixer: first, a polyvinyl acetate dispersion and a filler are loaded into a container, then the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed for half an hour.

To check the consistency, use a wooden pestle: properly prepared glue skips the pestle by no more than 25 mm. If the density of the glue is higher than normal, then the resulting solution is diluted with water and thoroughly mixed again.

There are the following types:

  • clerical - non-waterproof, non-frost-resistant;
  • PVA glue for wallpaper (household), withstands up to 6 thawing / freezing cycles at temperatures up to -40 ° C;
  • brand MB (universal), frost resistance is 6 cycles at temperatures up to -20 ° C;
  • grade M (super), frost resistance - 6 cycles at -40 ° C;
  • PVA dispersion.

The advantages of glue include:

  • chemical resistance;
  • fast grasp;
  • weak smell;
  • excellent physical properties in various temperature conditions;
  • mechanical stability;
  • non-toxicity;
  • fire and explosion safety.

For a long time, low water resistance was attributed to the disadvantages of this material, but at the moment, thanks to the use of various additives, increased water resistance of some types has been achieved. this material.

PVA glue - breadth of application

In modern production, as well as in household use, everyone has heard at least once what PVA glue is, its use is very wide. This material is very often needed in the field of construction and repair work. It is used for gluing wallpaper, added to masonry mortar when tiling, priming with PVA glue allows you to prepare surfaces for finishing, it is also indispensable for gluing fiberboard and wood parts.

In the printing industry, it is used for stitching notebook blocks and books. In the production of packaging material, it is necessary for gluing cardboard, combined materials, multilayer paper bags, cardboard drums and more.

In the pulp and paper industry, in order to improve the rigidity, color and resistance of paper to various contaminants, an emulsion of PVA glue is applied to its surface. This glue has become widespread in the woodworking and furniture industries. Due to its properties, it does not affect the color of the wood, which is important for maintaining its characteristics and aesthetic appearance.

In the textile industry, polyvinyl acetate is widely used to cover the underside of carpets to give the product elasticity, rigidity, and density. In addition, it serves to fix the carpet fibers. This material is also used when gluing the fabric itself.

Polyvinyl acetate also finds its application in the shoe, leather, glass industries, in the production of household chemicals, water-based paints, etc.

Features of the preparation and use of PVA glue

Before using this adhesive, dust and dirt must be removed from work surfaces. Porous bases are best primed, the surface with old paint must be thoroughly sanded and degreased. Before use, PVA is well mixed and applied in a thin layer to the parts to be glued, after which they are firmly pressed.

The shelf life of this material is 6 months from the date of manufacture. Open glue should be stored in a sealed container at t +10 °C. At temperatures below zero, polyvinyl acetate is stored for no more than 1 month.

For making at home an analogue of PVA the following ingredients are needed:

  • distilled water - 1 l;
  • photographic gelatin - 5 g;
  • glycerin - 4 g;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • ethyl alcohol - 20 ml.

All of these components can be bought near the house, at the grocery store and pharmacy. Gelatin can become a problem, because photographic is needed. It will take you quite a bit of time and effort to prepare, especially if you prepare gelatin. Gelatin should be soaked in water for a day.

When the time for soaking the gelatin has passed, turn on the water bath or build it from improvised means. We put all the ingredients, except alcohol and glycerin, in a container and cook in a water bath until the desired consistency (thick sour cream) is obtained with constant stirring.

Now that everything has acquired the desired look, it is time for the remaining spirits. After obtaining a stable mass without lumps, alcohol and glycerin are added to it. We mix them well into a thick mass, this may not work right away. So, mix thoroughly, do not spare the time when it will be completely impossible to distinguish heterogeneities, you can finish. The glue is ready, for use it is necessary to let it cool.

When it comes to gluing something, PVA glue immediately comes to mind. Now every student has one. office worker and is truly irreplaceable. With it, you can securely assemble paper crafts, wooden or plastic toys.

Accidentally broke a glass or ceramic object? This is where PVA comes in handy. If there is no time to run and buy a ready-made solution, then making pva glue at home is very simple. A simple composition, the absence of rare components - all this makes home-made PVA especially relevant.

What is PVA

The invention of chemists PVA stands for polyvinyl acetate. In factory conditions, this is the main active ingredient, which occupies 95% of the composition. The remaining 5% is accounted for by various additives that provide the mixture with adhesive resistance and the required viscosity.

Glue is used not only for office work and creativity, but also in construction and repair. It can be used to prime the walls before finishing, paste wallpaper, improve adhesion when laying tiles and fix furniture.

When it makes sense to make your own glue

Despite the huge range of adhesive products in stores, some prefer to use glue own production. Moreover, a liquid of a certain density is prepared for different tasks.

Which is better, buy a ready-made adhesive or make it yourself? If glue is required for delicate or responsible work, then it makes sense to turn to factory goods. They do not have a high price - 1 kg can cost around 40-60 rubles. But often manufacturers proceed from savings and produce not the best product.

If you look at the photo of PVA glue, you can see that good glue does not contain lumps and foreign inclusions.

The color of the glue should be uniform - white or beige. Therefore, if there are doubts about the quality of the product, then it is better to prepare PVA on your own.

Homemade glue properties

The popularity of PVA glue can be explained by its unique characteristics, which favorably distinguishes it from other materials with an adhesive effect:

Frost resistance not less than 4 cycles. The composition is not afraid of temperature changes and cold weather. It is worth mentioning that this is a feature of the paste already applied to the substrate. AT liquid state it is sensitive to negative temperatures and quickly loses all its qualities.

High adhesive activity. Standards governing industrial production PVA indicate that the tensile strength of the glued joints is at least 550 N/m. With proper technology for preparing the product at home, this figure should not decrease.

Security at all stages homemade, as well as in use and storage. Due to the absence of harmful elements that irritate the skin, glue is allowed to be used by children from 2 years old. If a small amount gets into the eyes, it is enough to rinse them thoroughly under running water.

In contact with water or solvents such as acetone or benzene, the mass dissolves. This is very convenient if the glue has not been used for a long time and has thickened or the layer has not been applied correctly. But when introducing toxic diluents into the composition, you should be careful - PVA becomes hazardous to health.

Due to its properties, the polyvinyl acetate emulsion, after drying, is insoluble in water and does not shrink. But to make PVA glue waterproof after hardening is possible only when all proportions are observed during preparation.

The hardened joint is plastic and durable. They can fill mounting gaps up to 2 mm wide.

What is PVA

Few people know that there are several varieties of PVA that determine the scope of their application. The letter indicated in the brand designation will tell about the appointment:

  • clerical (PVA-K), used for gluing cardboard, paper;
  • wallpaper or household (PVA-O), intended for construction purposes;
  • universal (PVA-MB) of a wide spectrum of action;
  • superglue (PVA-M) for gluing heavy workpieces (ceramic tiles, osb plates);
  • dispersion, characterized by fast setting.

Ingredients for homemade PVA

The process of hand-made PVA preparation can be conditionally divided into 3 stages - purchase necessary ingredients, preliminary preparation components to work and the very moment of cooking.

The minimum set, from which you can make PVA glue with your own hands, assumes the presence of the following components:

  • purified distilled water - 0.5 l.
  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • glycerin - 2 g;
  • ethyl alcohol - 10 ml (technical alcohol is allowed);
  • photogelatin - 2.5 g.

Glycerin and alcohol can be purchased at a pharmacy, flour at a regular grocery store. Distilled water is offered in auto shops and manufactured goods.

The hardest part is finding photographic gelatin. To do this, you will need to visit photo stores or photo printing.

Preparing to create glue

The preparatory stage includes the dissolution of photogelatin. The process is similar to what cooks use to make jelly or cream.

  • Pour distilled water into a 200 ml glass.
  • Put the gelatin in there.
  • Soak for a day so that it swells well.

If the mixture is too thick, you can thin it hot water. That's all - carry out the rest of the actions the next day.

We cook PVA

Before preparing PVA, it is necessary to sift the flour well to exclude debris and foreign particles from it. Glue is prepared according to the "water bath" method. To do this, take two containers of different diameters: one must fit in the other.

Step by step instructions on how to make PVA glue

AT large saucepan pour ordinary water and heat it on the stove. Inside this vessel, a smaller saucepan with distilled water is placed. The bottom of the small bowl should not touch the water in the first pot.

In small portions, add gelatin prepared the day before into distilled water. In the same parts, place flour dissolved in a small amount of water into the solution. Stir constantly to avoid the formation of lumps.

Bring the contents of a small saucepan to a boil and turn off the stove. The finished contents should resemble sour cream in consistency.

Add glycerin and alcohol to the slightly cooled "broth", stirring constantly until the mass is completely homogeneous.
Pour the finished product into a convenient container for use and storage.

PVA storage

Self-welded glue must be stored in a closed jar at a positive temperature of 10-15 degrees. within 6 months. But it is not always possible to provide such conditions, as a result of which the adhesive loses its functionality. In such cases, the question of how to make PVA glue thicker or thinner becomes very relevant.

Bringing glue back to life

Only warm water is suitable for dilution, solvents adversely affect the properties of PVA. The amount is determined by eye, visually the composition is brought to the desired viscosity. Water is poured in a thin stream with vigorous stirring. If the glue is strongly thickened, a crust and large suspensions are removed from its surface. And only then proceed to dilution.

The opposite problem - thickening the glue is even easier to solve. It is enough to leave very liquid glue with the lid ajar. The water in the composition will evaporate and the product will become dense.

Photo of PVA glue at home

Purchased glue again did not live up to your expectations? If you know how to make glue at home, then you will never again depend on the degree of integrity of manufacturers. At any time, you can cook with your own hands right amount mass, capable of gluing any surface.


Flour paste is suitable for gluing all types of paper and has proven itself well for gluing wallpapers of all kinds. To make it, for every liter of water, take 6 tablespoons of wheat flour. Stir the flour so that no lumps remain in the mixture (it should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency). Pour the resulting solution slowly into boiling water, stirring constantly with a spoon or wooden stick. Let the mixture boil a little and remove from the stove. Once the paste has cooled down, you can work with it.


To create PVA glue for each liter of distilled water, you will need 100 g of flour, 20 ml of alcohol, 5 g of photographic gelatin, 4 g of glycerin. You can find photographic gelatin in photo stores, everything else in a pharmacy. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for a day. Then you can start cooking.

Stir the flour with a little cold water (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). In a water bath, heat the water to a boil, add gelatin to it and carefully pour the mixture of flour and water in a thin stream (do not forget to stir so that lumps do not form). Continue heating the resulting mixture, stirring constantly. Heat it to a boil, but do not boil. When the mass thickens and turns white, pour in alcohol and glycerin. As soon as the resulting mass becomes homogeneous, turn off the stove.

You can work with homemade PVA glue immediately after cooling. In order for your PVA to come out of high quality, it is very important to constantly stir the mass standing on the fire. You will have to do this almost continuously for 10 minutes. Such glue is quietly stored for up to six months in a tightly closed container.

casein glue

Such glue is used when gluing wood and leather. Prepare it in 2 stages:

  • Isolate casein from cottage cheese. To do this, soak the curd mass for 15-20 minutes in a soda solution (2 tablespoons of soda per liter of water), rinse and squeeze. Dry the resulting fat-free cottage cheese until firm and grind with a coffee grinder. The result is dry casein.
  • Pour a little water into a container with dry casein and be sure to stir. 1 part casein requires 2 parts water. After adding the liquid, mix the resulting mass thoroughly. It will take about half an hour to interfere, but you can speed up this process if you take a mixer.

It is necessary to make casein glue immediately before starting to work with it. When the glue is ready, you can work with it only for the first 2-3 hours. Then it hardens to such an extent that it becomes unsuitable for further use.

Glue universal

This glue is able to tightly connect metal, porcelain, leather, wood. To prepare it, you need acetone and old linoleum (2 parts of acetone are needed for 1 part of linoleum). Cut the linoleum into small pieces, put them in a tightly closed container and fill with acetone. Close the container with a lid and set aside for 12 hours in a dark place. As soon as the pieces of linoleum are completely dissolved in acetone, the adhesive mass will be ready for use.

Sometimes in household situations such situations occur when you urgently need to glue or glue something. And at this moment, the glue that is so necessary is not at hand. Then you need to remember that everyone can make glue at home on their own.

Wood glue

This type of glue is simply indispensable for gluing paper, cardboard, wood. When using wood glue, it is advisable to use glue that has been previously welded and then melted on fire as needed.

Joiner's glue should be boiled in a special dish, which can be easily made from two cans according to the principle of a water bath. Approximately 10-12 hours before the start of cooking, the glue tile should be broken into small pieces, then pour them into the oilcloth, and then pour cold water in such a way as to cover all the glue with it. When the glue absorbs all the water, it will turn into a gelatinous mass. Then it will be necessary to pour hot water into the outer bowl of the oilcloth, and then put it on a small fire. During the cooking process, it will be possible to add a different amount to the glue hot water, it all depends on how thick you want to get. When heated, the glue must be constantly stirred with a wooden stick. Otherwise, it may burn, become dark and lose some of its gluing power. Pay special attention to the fact that wood glue should not boil! It will be ready when there are no lumps left in its mass. The welded glue should be poured onto a plate and allowed to cool. This will make a gelatinous mass. In the future, it will be necessary to cut off pieces from it, and dissolve them by heating.

Wood glue can also be used to glue leather. In this case, when preparing it, it will be necessary to add glycerin to its composition at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 0.5 l of glue.

starch paste

It is mainly used for gluing paper. To prepare it, you need to take half a glass of cold water and 4 teaspoons of potato flour. You can also substitute potato flour for wheat flour. Then the resulting composition should be thoroughly mixed so that no lumps remain. After that, you need to pour in boiling water, while continuously stirring the glue with a wooden stick. The resulting paste should resemble thick jelly and be transparent. You should not prepare a paste in reserve, as it quickly deteriorates, losing its adhesive properties.

It should be noted that when gluing paper on cardboard, it is always necessary to lubricate the paper with paste, not cardboard. After that, the paper should be allowed to lie down for 1-2 minutes, and then apply it and wipe it.

Dextrin glue

When thinking about how to make homemade glue for gluing leather, fabric, paper and cardboard, you should give preference to preparing dextrin glue. He is excellent at these tasks. Preparing it is quite simple. You need to take 3 tablespoons of dextrin, mix them with 4-5 tablespoons of cold water, then warm it up a little while continuing to stir, and at the end add 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Store such glue in a well-sealed container, and use it cold.

You can also make dextrin from starch. To do this, the starch should be placed in an enameled or porcelain container, and then placed in the oven. The temperature in the oven will need to be gradually raised to 160°C. When this temperature mark is reached, the adhesive should be kept at it for 1.5 hours. So in the process of thermal splitting, the starch will acquire a yellowish color. In this state, it will turn into dextrin.

casein glue

This type of glue perfectly glues wood, cardboard, paper, leather. And at the same time, he is practically not afraid of moisture. Casein glue is also easy to make. You need to take any flat dish, pour casein powder into it, after which, stirring constantly, you need to start adding a little cold water. You need to do this until you get a mass of thick sour cream. Now you should carefully stir the glue. This will take approximately 30 minutes. Do not rush, because the quality of the bonding will depend on how well you stir the glue.

There is another way to make casein glue from fat-free cottage cheese. And so, how to make glue based on cottage cheese. First you need to thoroughly squeeze the cottage cheese in gauze, then rinse it in water with the addition of a small amount of soda, and then in clean water. After that, you need to firmly squeeze and dry the cottage cheese until completely dry. Then it should be ground into powder and sieved.

celluloid glue

This type of adhesive is well suited for bonding celluloid, plastics and paper. Prepare it from old photographic film. First, it must be soaked in warm water and wash off the emulsion. After that, it is cut into small pieces, put in a vial with a ground stopper and poured with acetone. It should be noted that the amount of acetone should exceed the volume of the film twice. After that, the vial should be tightly closed, and let it stand until the film dissolves. All this time, the vial should be shaken periodically. Now the glue is ready. In its density, it should be similar to liquid sour cream.

waterproof glue

Many are interested in how to make glue with your own hands, which will not be afraid of moisture. And you can cook it from freshly curdled milk or cottage cheese. It must be mixed with slaked lime so that a homogeneous dense mass is obtained. The resulting consistency must be applied to the glued wooden surfaces even, thin layer. Then they should be strongly compressed and dried.

Glue for rubber

To prepare it, you need to chop a small piece of soft rubber into small pieces. Then they should be insisted on clean, light gasoline for several days. The result will be a rubber solution, which will need to be very carefully drained, filtered and left open in some warm place to make a thick mass.

Before gluing with such glue, it is necessary to degrease the surfaces to be joined.

Adhesive for faience and porcelain

How to make glue that can firmly glue broken earthenware or porcelain dishes? And it's very easy to cook! You just need to dilute the cottage cheese ammonia so that the consistency of gruel is reached. After that, the thing intended for gluing must be cleaned along the edges of the fault and smeared with gruel. Then it should be tightly tied and left in this state until completely dry.

For gluing porcelain, you can also use glue made from powdered casein. It is enough to mix 20 g of such a powder with 6 g of sifted slaked lime and 10 g of washing soda. Then they should be kneaded with 8 g of water and the same amount of office glue. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream.

When making glue at home, remember to follow safety precautions. Be careful not to get caustic substances in your eyes. If you have never dealt with such cases before, then consult with a specialist, and only then get down to business.

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