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What do insect bites look like: a photo, how to recognize who bit and how to provide first help. What do bite bits on the human body look like? Scary photos of skin maiden from insect bites

About what a mosquito looks like, everyone knows for sure. The photo is presented below.

You can notice the presence of mosquitoes in the apartment in the evening. Therefore, you can bother in advance about the protection means. It is no secret that the ultrasonic repeller helps from bloodsowing mosquitoes. The effective remedy on our territory appeared about 15 years ago, it still occupies a leading position among all products against mosquitoes in the apartment. A small box is enough to connect to the outlet and you can sleep well. Peak mosquito will be heard, fly around the body of a sleeping person, and they will not be able to bite. Ultrasound acts on the nervous insect system, it loses orientation in space, cannot find the power source. It is forced to leave the apartment through an open window or a gap or just dies, not satisfied.

It is much more difficult to deal with other bloodsowing insects. Requires resourcefulness, exposure, patience, effective means.

Homemade fleas

Small insects dark color prefer the blood of pets - cats, dogs. Often bring Bloch to the house they are. Photo and dogs are presented below.

However, there are situations where fleas are in the apartment, they drink the blood of a person in the absence of pets. Then a person can not guess for a long time about their existence, and in the morning waking up with bite on the body.

It is treated with alcohol tinctures, aloe, ice juice, ice, soda solution, special drugs from the bites of bloodsowing insects.

Footprints are random. Frames are struggling with complete cleaning with the addition of detergent, vinegar, ammonic alcohol, lavender oil into water. As well as sprays, aerosols concentrated solutions. In parallel with the cleaning of the apartment, pets and their sleeping place.

Lower lightening

In the house may appear absolutely unexpected. If earlier it was believed that they live in the conditions of absolute antisanitarian, now the opinion has changed. For lice does not play a special role of disorder in the room, the main thing, the presence of food. The photos of the bed lice are presented below.

Insects bite in those places where blood vessels are located closer to the skin. Detect traces on hand, legs, back, neck, shoulders, occasionally on the stomach. The lingerie do not crawl over his head, look for them there is no point. This is different from the head of the lice. Although otherwise behavior, lifestyle, reproduction is identical.

It is unreasonable to count on the fact that they will disappear independently. It will not work out hunger in its absence. Without blood, lies can live for about a month. It then goes into a new stage - anabyosis, waiting for favorable living conditions. Thus, the fight against the loss should be done immediately after its detection. At a small stage of infection, the apartment can cope with it quickly. Put in order bed. Remove bedding, wash in temperatures over 65 degrees Celsius, and even better boil.

The worst bloodsking insect of all listed. It's rather difficult to get rid of these insects, especially if the time is lost, the bugs managed to multiply. What the bed bug looks like you can look at the photo. Interestingly, hungry and full bug is distinguished by both body sizes, and its shape. The insect has an elastic translucent chitinous cover. When blood in the stomach of the cloud, it increases, the color changes. The full bedpop has a round body shape, convex, scarlet color. The hungry insect is gray or brown, flat, less several times. The photo of the hungry and the fed clop is presented below.

Photo of a child bored with clouds below.

Currently, a lot of money to combat bedclosures. The choice depends on the degree of contamination of the apartment insects, personal preferences, financial opportunities. You can buy inexpensive chalk "Masha" from bedbugs, an expensive modern microcapsulated agent, which are used by professionals in the fight against insects. For example, GETT, Delta Zone. Destroy bugs with aerosol, concentrated solution, general cleaning. It is very important to find the nest of the bedbugs, and find out the reason for their appearance.

How bodle biting: they pierce the skin, introducing an anesthetic secret, then proceed to pumping blood.

Symptoms of bites:

  • tumor around the bite seat;
  • unbearable desire to scratch inflamed skin;
  • inflammation;
  • reddish spots are located close to each other.

Stock Foto Blind bites on skin man

The symptoms of bed bug bites are essentially similar to the bite of other bloodsowing, such as mosquitoes, blind and others. The main difference is that the bitles of the bugs are many, they are all located on a relatively small section of the epithelium, while the attack of adult individuals almost never feels, because they have already produced saliva - a kind of analgesic. However, when attacking young people, the reaction is observed almost immediately.

And what to do if you are not sure one hundred percent, what exactly were bugs? How to determine who left these traces on the skin? To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the typical trail from the bite, for this purpose we collected real photos of bite bubbles on a person.

Traces from the bites of house bed bodops on the back of a person
Footprints from bite beds on hand and shoulder

Are there bits of bugs for a person?

How to treat and process bite covers?

Unfortunately, the universal means of combating such a nuisance does not exist, since each person's reaction is unpredictable. The usual bite runs about ten o'clock, while when the healing time is manifest, it goes for days (two or three). At the site of the bite, as a rule, a blister appears, which bursts, and then disappears at all. If it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms, such as itching or burning, you can use ice, ointment against itching, or take a means of allergies containing antihistamines.

Which will help to make irritation at the place of damage, you can buy on any pharmacy, for example - phenyatil gel or rescuer. Classic means from an allergic reaction - Tueva, Supratine, Claritin. Before applying a cream or ointment, it is recommended to disinfive the inflamed section with a cotton disk, moistened with medical alcohol or chlorhexidine, it will also help to remove inflammation, try not to comb bite.

If there is no ointment on hand phenyatil, you can handle damaged places with the following means (not everyone together):

  • tincture of calendula,
  • activated carbon,
  • camphor alcohol,
  • sulfuric ointment,
  • cologne,
  • a solution of mangartee
  • lemon juice.

These technicians will help to remove itching and redness.

If the trace of the bite does not heal and causes pain, as well as the appearance of green, yellow or white discharges, it is necessary to immediately turn to the dermatologist: in such cases, only a professional can choose the right treatment. Infections developed in places of highly combed damage may require the use of strong antibiotics.

How to prevent the appearance of bed mites?

Fully insure itself from the bitles of bugs is almost impossible due to the lack of developed traditional funds. However, everyone can take some measures to prevent the emergence of these insects in a not yet infected room.

First of all, it is necessary to place the bed so that it does not come into contact with the walls and other furniture items. Now you need to shake the underwear and check if there are no insects on it or their larvae. Measure of a special precaution - Steam processing of the mattress Iron or sapar.

Now the turn of the pillow is: it is necessary to remove the pillowcase, and all the seams are carefully viewed. If the pillow has long been used, it is better to purchase a new one or give the old on handling. Then can be displayed again, but so that the linen does not in contact with the floor surface. In addition, if necessary, vessels with water are placed under each leg bed. After the procedure performed, the likelihood that insects will disturb the calm of the inhabitants of the room, becomes extremely small. However, do not forget that bedbugs can move onto the walls, and then return to bed again.

Summing up, we can say that bugs are a nuisance with which you can and should be struggling, but you should not panic if the body is covered with their bite: usually they do not cause serious consequences. In the case of the occurrence of infection or strong allergies, immediately refer to the dermatologist.

A big role in the striking survivability of the bugs and their incessant spread, despite the long-in-in-art and the strongest poisons against them, the fact that their bites most of the victims simply do not notice either cannot be classified.

Therefore, clear ideas, how bite bite on the body in a person look like, will help to reveal the fact of the invasion of bloodsuckers faster and stop their further sprawling on the dwelling.

People often write off the appearance of reddened sprinkling wounds on mosquitoes, fleas, midges, and even allergic rashes, the last thing suspecting true perpetrators - bed bugs. Therefore, they are not in a hurry to examine the dwelling in the search for places where those are hidden, thereby allowing bloodsuckers to reproduce freely and expand the territory of their own possessions by the nearest neighbors.

This factor implicitly implicitly helps the population to persist, survive and find new victims.

How to distinguish bite bugs from other reasons

Such a task is to identify damage to the skin, exactly as bite covers, is sometimes only a specialist. This is explained by many signs characteristic of other reasons. However, if you take into account all their spectrum, then everyone can reveal a cloud factor.

The similarities of the bites of bed bugs, allowing to associate the origin of the rash on the body with other reasons, are.

  • Mosquitoes - Association with them is connected due to bites that have appeared overnight, which allows you to link them with a mosquito attack, further itching increases suspicion for her.
  • Allergy - a binding to the uterus is associated with multiple rash, which covered the body, when there is a massive bugs, the nature and type of rash is rather similar to an allergic manifestation.
  • Gnus (midges) - to suspect the flying bloodsows easily, especially if the dwelling is near the reservoir, in favor of this version, the fact of the large area of \u200b\u200bbites.
  • Fleas - the thought of these culprits arises from those who hold in the house of animals.

But bite bits have their differences, which we will have to.

Therefore, having aroused all signs, you can get a common picture indicating precisely on bed bugs.

By the way! With equal accessibility of the bugs, the baby and the female body will prefer - they have thinner skin, closer to the capillaries and is more expressed attracting bloodsuckers the smell of potential victim.

Why exactly the bitles look like

Clapium bites have such a type and nature, based on the characteristics of their livelihoods. In order to understand why the bites of bed bugs look like this, it is necessary to touch back the question of their physiology and anatomy.

Blind bites on the body

Painlessness of the moment of bite

Bed bugs - low-live insects. These are us, people, they seem abundable, but in the world of insects, where there are such speeds that the human eye is not able to throw them, they relate to slowly crawling.

  • The hungry adult individual, not burdened by a portion of blood, most prompt, its limit overcoming - up to 1.5 meters distance per minute.
  • Folded, with a stuffed belly, the person loses the ability, as the lion's share of energy goes to digest the injected food, so its speed does not reach the meter per minute.
  • Nymph is capable of moving within 25 cm.

That is, bugs, due to low mobility, are very vulnerable to mechanical destruction by the victim. How do they manage to survive many millennia without losing the pace of reproduction and the number of their population? It is very simple - the evolution provided their saliva with a biological substance with the properties of anesthetic to sleep during the bite the vigilance of the victim. Therefore, most do not feel that the bug fades on their body.

Multiplicity of clouds ukuusov

  • All her time is a klopin family, when it is not occupied by food, spends in secluded dark places located near the bedroom of the victim, where it mates and breeds in anticipation of the next "feast".
  • But as soon as the second half of the night comes, all the hungry members of the family living in the house rush to the body of the pen.
  • If there is a choice, then the bug will prefer the woman either a child, because, firstly, it is further learning their smell, and secondly, it will be easier for it to contact thinner skin and get to the vessel.
  • Bed bugs, depending on stage and gender, need to be replenished with food every 5 - 10 days, females - more often, males and nymphs - less often.

It turns out that no matter how nails in the room, they will massively attack tenants every night. After all, any hungop, being in direct access to the victim, will not miss the opportunity to satisfy yourself. So where the group factor bites come from.

Track of traces from bites

  • The first is caution at the gene level, associated with the relative slowness of the Claop, so as not to linger for a long time in one place and not be destroyed by a wake-up victim.
  • The second is a low-power "pump" that pumps blood portion. Bedding bloodsuckers, the robust apparatus is able to take blood until it is poured out of the puncture itself. As soon as the inflow runs out, the bug climbs and makes a new puncture, and it continues until complete saturation.
  • The third is a relatively larger size of the required portion than is able to give the only bite. For example, a female female is required for the night of a serving of more than 7 mg, and it will get it only from several holes made in human skin. But the smallest larva is a third milligram, and only she can do with a single puncture.

This is the cause of the line from bites, resembling a kind of path, where between the traces left by the "trapeza" of the cloud, the distance from one to several centimeters is maximum.

Swelling with the center in the middle

Why do fresh bits of bedbugs look swelling, and in the center clearly visiting the semblance of a shishchki? The enzymes of saliva are involved here, which bed bloodsucker wets the puncture hole.

Bite bits in humans

By the way! An admixture of klopin saliva in the wound in some can cause a quick immune response in the form of allergies, sometimes quite serious.

No binding of cloud bites for the season

By the way! If the crooks soldered at winter, then the bedbugs are much easier to calculate, only excluding the allergy factor will remain.

What do you need to know how bite bits look like

Knowledge of the features of the hunting of hunting and why the fresh bitles bites look like that, it will help to reveal their presence in the room to take up the fight against them. After all, many families, living long side by side with bed bloodsuckers, do not even suspect about their presence. And damage to the skin, detected in the morning, is associated with anything, only not with clouds.

There is a psychological reason in this - reluctance to admit to themselves in the problem that a certain shame and condemnation by the neighbors, which are also potential victims of cloky sprawling on adjacent apartments.

Therefore, the first task is to return - to suspect the bugs first, check all the favorite places, and if insects themselves are found or their eggs, or skins that left the larvae after molting, put the sleeves and start the campaign to destroy them.

Insects are common in all continents of our planet, except Antarctica.

They are numerous, adapted to external climatic conditions, including rather harsh.

Not all of them are dangerous, but there are such species that have a potent, toxic poison and are capable of harmful to health.

We understand in the types of insects

Insects, like many other animals, for the most part of a person for self-defense. There are such species that feed on blood and bite a person in order to quench their hunger. They are dangerous from the point of view that they contain special substances in saliva. Finding into the blood of a person, they are able to cause an allergic reaction. In addition, they can carry dangerous viruses and bacteria that penetrate the body through the resulting wreck and provoke the development of diseases.


The poison is endowed with those individuals that use this mechanism to protect themselves or their colony. Able to allocate toxins into the body of the victim of the wasp, bee, hornet. Known by their poisonousness of water bugs and some types of ants (mainly from the hot regions of the planet).

The effect of poison is accompanied by:

  • edema;
  • severe pain;
  • redness;
  • sometimes allergic;
  • long not passing itch.

With high individual intolerance of the toxins that came to the body may be enough to start anaphylactic shock.

Blood citations

Blood, flies, mosquitoes bite their victims in order to be saturated with blood. These class representatives dubbed blood bridges.

With weak body care, you can get used by pediculosis - the spread of lice by body. They dwell predominantly on the hair of the body. There are even on the eyebrows.

Caution - danger

Two biggest dangers that make in themselves - the possible hit of infection in the wound and allergies to toxic substances.

Each organism reacts to the impact in different ways. In turn, than the poisonge of the individual, the more serious there will be a response. A person can sense local pain or symptoms of general weakness and deterioration.

Many representatives may cause serious degradation of well-being. Their poison is valid for a long time and requires immediate measures to facilitate an allergic reaction.


They are transmitted from person to man they are quite easy. It is worth one member of the team not to comply with the elementary rules of hygiene, as it becomes an ideal target for lice. Go to others they can through clothes, bed linen, with tactile contact.

If you have lice, you can notice stains on your head. Their origin is due to the fact that the saliva of bloodsuckers provokes the hemoglobine decay. Children and some adults can severely combing the skin so that ulcers are formed in the bite places.

If you pull with treatment, the infection is penetrated into the combined blood, which makes harm to all organism.

It is important to know who bit. Photos of lice bites:

Mosquitoes and Mukhov

In the middle lane of Russia, damage from or flies rarely pose a serious danger. Rather, just discomfort.

However, these bloodsowing can carry bacteria and viruses with them, which, falling into the blood, lead to the development of serious diseases. Especially severe situation with the spread of infections is observed in Africa and hot climates. Few people did not hear the expression "Malari Komar".

Mosquitoes can carry:

  • tularevia;
  • fever dengue;
  • yellow fever;
  • lymphatic filariat.

In our country, mosquitoes in some cause allergies.

Mosquitoes and flies bite in different ways. Photo of domestic insect bites:

Comerin mark

Mosquito Attack

Miaz because of flies

Bite flies in children:

Bees, OSS

When attacks, the bees, OS, Sherny, the heedodes there is a strong burning in the affected place, itching, redness and swelling. As a rule, a stronger reaction is manifested only in those who have the individual intolerance to the poison of these insects.

The bee attack is dangerous in that there are peptides, amino acids, norepinephrine and peptides in their poison. The poisons of these two varieties are distinguished by some components. If a person develops allergies, the likelihood of severe symptoms that can threaten their lives is high.

Bee bites and wasps:


What does the bite of the asshole in the child look like:

We consider damage damage

In healthy people, damage after flies do not manifest themselves. The mosquitoes leave after themselves small blisters that are very squeezed. More notable blisters leave behind the heap. The wasps, bees, hornets bite also noticeably. On the body there is a long swelling, redness, the wound burns. Let's see the pictures of the bites of the oat on the skin of a person:

Wrench rarely leave behind traces, skin lesions. But if a red stain appeared and not one thing, it may indicate in the lice.

Let's look at the photo tracks from the bites of insects and what the wound looks like a man's skin:



Bite with three dots from bedbugs:

Ranks can be confused with damage from other creatures, for example, red spots are similar to the traces after spiders. Often it is after them such stains remain. Red Spider Bite:

To distinguish damage from the human body, you need to know how it looks. A few examples:

Some creatures bite like burn. If you want to know who bits so, you can remember the feelings from the attack of bees and other poisonous creatures.

Defeats with blisters and a watery center:

A large red spot with a white center or point is also followed by a wound on the body:

If you want to know who causes strong swelling, it is important to remember that the attack of many creatures can lead to such a development. The pronounced swelling is often a sign of allergies.

We define allergies

Allergy to bite of any insect in the form of edema, itching, redness is manifested in many. Someone she passes quickly and almost unnoticed, the other tolerate the poison is more hard to enter the body.

It is believed that men react easier to poison than women and children. For most people, close contact with the stingy insect ends with light local symptoms that pass from one day to a week.

Tumors and redness:

Approximately 1-2% of people have a high predisposition to the development of a serious allergic reaction. Moreover, the number of toxic substances in the blood does not play a big role.

If a person has an allergic response, then the attack of one individual will lead to the appearance of symptoms.

It is important to know the symptoms and treatment of allergies, in the photo you can see some signs. Extensive spots appear on the body, but the worst of all the development of edema. They can manifest themselves on the face, neck, ear sinks, affected skin areas. It is harder to cope with the swelling of the larynx or language (urgent help of doctors is required).

Allergy from bites of different insects:

From mosquitoes, midges

From mosquito

From bee

The hardest allergic reaction causes anaphylactic shock. This is a rarity, but really deadly. Shock is accompanied by rapid breathing, high heartbeat. If you do not help a person qualified help, he can lose consciousness (up to several hours). With anaphylactic shock, the work of the most important systems of the body is disturbed: cardiovascular, nervous. Possible stopping breathing, paralysis.

If a person has an allergy to bite at least once in his life (for example, widespread OS, bees), then the attending physician should give him an allergy passport. In the warm season, this document must be with you. The passport indicates personal and contact information of the owner, as well as ways of providing first aid. It can really save life.

What to do after the attack

Everyone should know what to do after the bite of different insects. If attacked stinging, then you need to follow the following rules:

  1. If the wound remains a sting, try to get itSince even for about 5 minutes, toxins are distinguished from it. Then it is advised to suck out the poison ranks. And you should not be afraid of it. Even if there are micro-damage in the mouth, almost all poisons are neutralized by saliva. The method is widely known method, when sugar is applied to the wound: it pulls out of the affected segment of the poison.
  2. Prevent the spread of poison in the body tissue. To do this, it is advised to apply something cold to the place of damage: the best ice, but you can metal, stone, is all that the temperature is less than the human body.
  3. Allergies should make medicine as quickly as possible.
  4. With anaphylactic shock to carry the victim to the hospital. When stopping the breath or heart to make an artificial heart massage.

When attacking any insect, the damaged place must be treated with an antiseptic, which can perform hydrogen peroxide, calendula tincture. This measure will help prevent infection and relieve inflammation.

Cold compresses are used for the removal of itching and pain, diluted food soda, ointment with hydrocortisone and other methods of treatment.

Proper treatment - a guarantee of health and tranquility

The most important thing is to calm down and not panic. Let's see what means can be used. It is important to remember that many of them have contraindications and should be applied after agreeing with the doctor. Let's see what to do with a tumor and redness, as well as other symptoms. It is important to know what to treat the problems in a child and adult.

Every person must understand which doctor treats the bites of different insects. You can refer to the therapist or allergist. If necessary, they will guide the infectious background. The bite medication is selected individually depending on the symptoms and state of the person.

Treatment of edema and redness:

Exterior means

Place of damage must be calmed with something cold. Ice, cold bottle with water, knife, other metal objects. This method helps to reassure the tissue, reduce the bloodstream and the spread of toxins in the body.

If under hand there are modern pharmaceuticals from insect bites - perfectly. Garden, Moskitol and others help reduce itching, redness, pain. Help to remove an allergic reaction deep rubbing gel phenyatil. The wound itself and 4-5 cm are lubricated with gel and energetic movements rubbing on the skin.


With obvious signs of allergies, it is necessary to take an antihistamine. Suprastin or Loratadine is one of the most common and affordable tablets.

It is very important to remember one rule: should not be resorted to pills just like that for prevention. If there was no predisposition to allergies or there are no symptoms of severe bite, you do not need to drink medication.

Parents want to know what to treat allergies in a child, swelling. It is necessary to act in the same way as with an adult, but it is important to carefully follow the dosages. You need to constantly watch the child. Normal reaction - when he is capricious. If activity clearly drops, drowsiness is noticeable, then you need to seek medical care. In some cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics or injections.

Folk Methods

In mosquito bite, the people advise simply rinse the skin of the skin with cool water with soap. If itching does not pass, then it is advised to wipe the branched place with a mock moistened in alcohol.

Here are some simple recipes:

  1. Well pulls the poison from the wound a piece of sugar: it is relevant in the bite of bees, Os, Sherne.
  2. Edema can be removed using a plantain or a dandelion sheet.
  3. It will help the slicer of an apple or tomato attached to the wound.
  4. A good effect has garlic and its juice.

Effective protection measures

Many insects attract the smell of human sweat and blood. Mosquitoes are able to feel sweat over a few kilometers. Therefore, many repellents act in such a way that they mask a person from bloodsowing insects using the smell of herbs and oils.

As for bees, it is better not to attract their attention with the help of clothing of dark, inconspicuous tones. It is not necessary to provoke bees and OS. If you hide, they may regard it as a danger and attack, so they will try to stool.

It is impossible to prevent allergies to completely prevent. If a person has an allergic response to those or other stimuli, then you need to have this in mind and always take medication with you.

If you use antihistamine on time, then you can do without any complications. And, of course, you must always take care of the fortress of your immune system.

Have you ever seen a bite on the body and wondered, who walked you?

Or maybe you are sure that this is a mosquito bite, but in a couple of hours there are strange symptoms, which are difficult to write off on such a bite.

The better you understand in the insects who chose you as a "snacks", the better you can navigate in terms of treatment.

Another reason why it is important to know which insect you bitten, is that some of them can transmit dangerous infection.

  1. Pincers

The most unpleasant part in the bite of the tick is that you are most likely not even feel the bite.

These cunning pests have a way to find "food" imperceptibly and sucking blood with a clock.

Their bites cause redness, which spreads to several centimeters around a black or red point.

If you were bitten, make sure that you immediately removed the entire tick before it infects you a dangerous disease, for example, encephalitis or Lyme disease.

  1. Mosquitoes

The mosquito bite looks like red swelling on the skin. Most likely, the swelling will be a form of a circle or drop.

The most important thing in that case does not scratch it. Since the affected skin will become even more annoyed, and redness will increase.

The bite of the wasp is painful, but often they are stupid so quickly and fly away that you can not understand what happened.

OS bites are usually strong, cause redness and swelling.

The bite area will be a little wider than the mosquito, and you can clearly see the place of penetration of the sting under the skin.

  1. Bee.

Honey bees break up with life if a man is stuffed.

After the stinging penetrates the skin, it remains inside. The problem is that together with the pile of the bee leave a part of the abdomen and the digestive tract, so they quickly die.

Because of this, their bites are easy to recognize.

As part of first aid, immediately delete the sting so that the poison does not get into the bloodstream.

  1. Shershny

Perhaps you will not be able to distinguish the wasp and hornet outwardly, but you will understand it immediately after the bite. Sherny poisonous insects.

The horshum bite leads to the fact that the area becomes red and swells. Sometimes the bite causes blisters.

If you are experiencing other symptoms, such as skin frustration or numbness, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Flea

You can detect their bits on the legs, unlike other areas of your body.

The reason why fleas bites are easy to detect, is that these pests bite several times.

Their bites are more annoying than the bite of the usual mosquito, and they will look like small red balls on the skin.

  1. Red ant

Most ants are not poisonous, and the worst thing they can do is cause irritation. But if you see a red ant, immediately remove it from your body!

In the saliva ants there is a toxin, which may be the cause of an allergic reaction in humans.

The bite area acquires a pinkish color, outwardly something like a bite of fleas. But the difference in the sensitivity of the bite, the ant unnoticed will not remain.

The lice is usually on the head, but they can also appear on other parts of the body with hairpots.

In addition to the unbearable itch, which they cause, their bites leave small red dots.

  1. Slept

There is no blind bite, so you will definitely notice it.

The bite leaves a large mark, around which swelling is formed, which is sometimes covered by blisters. This painful bite can cause dizziness, and in rare cases - infection.

If you bitten blindly, clean the area and attach a package with ice to calm it.

  1. Bed bugs

Bed bugs - headache. If you were bitten at home, then you will have a difficult task of getting rid of them.

The bites bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites, but they usually arrange in the form of a zigzag.

Other symptoms include redness and edema.

  1. Deer Bloodoskaya

Most flies are damaged only by their annoying buzz around, but some can transmit disease. Blood-powered deer is counted.

Their bite is very painful, so you feel it. A red bump remains at the site of the bite.

Deer Bloodiers can transmit a disease known as Tularemia. If ulcers appeared on the skin, the temperature rose to high values \u200b\u200bor headache appeared, immediately consult a doctor.

  1. Brown spiderman

Spiders are not technically insects, but it is important to know some of them whose bites are most common.

Brown spiderwell occurs in warm regions. They usually hide in the dark and do not want contact with people. But if you came across a spider, he can bite, defending.

A few hours after the bite, you will feel itching, but if you kide, the situation will be worse.

The bite will turn into a red or purple ring, similar to bull eyes.

You must probably need professional bite treatment if you have blisters or high temperature. Headache or chills are also perceived as bad symptoms.

And with the bites of what insects most often come across you?

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