Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Paints of childhood painting a children's room. Painting walls in a children's room and kindergarten - with your own hands. How to paint a wall in a room: from classic painting to slate


A child's room is a unique place where an atmosphere of fairy tales and magic reigns. Therefore, many parents strive to add more charm to their child’s home by resorting to wall painting, but they don’t always know where to start. In this article we will tell you which colors are most suitable for children's walls, the pros and cons of painting and how best to combine styles.

Drawings on the walls of a children's room cannot but please the child, however, like any design solution, painting has its pros and cons.

The main advantage of this approach is the manifestation of individuality. Children have their own interests, which you should definitely listen to before you start painting.

Another advantage is that parents can make a fresco with their own hands, even without knowing how to draw. Stores sell a huge number of stencils that help in creating patterns.

The main disadvantage of wall painting is the high price if you turn to a professional artist. The more complex the idea and the more details it contains, the more expensive the work will be. However, you can contact alumni art schools, the cost of which will be significantly lower.

Another disadvantage is that over time the drawing may become boring. Therefore, it is better to use special wallpaper for painting and calm colors so that the design can be changed without any problems.

Choice of color and style

Most parents, when choosing a background color for painting the walls in the nursery, make their choice in favor of bright and rainbow colors. However, we should not forget that some colors carry a psychological load and can improve or, on the contrary, worsen the child’s condition. So what colors will be most suitable for children?

  • Red. Will increase the child's energy and activity, great for inactive children. However, try not to overdo it. Too much a large number of Details of this color will interfere with sleep and can cause aggression. If the baby is hyperactive, then red should be abandoned.
  • Orange. Less aggressive than red. Perfectly stimulates appetite and develops creativity. However, in large quantities it can also have a negative effect on the psyche.
  • Yellow. Increases mental activity and mood, improves attention. Too much for restless children yellow color It will only do harm.
  • Green. Improves sleep and helps you relax. However, an abundance of green shades can make you feel worse. Not suitable for calm and inactive children.
  • Blue. Just like green, it helps to relax, but distracts attention. It is better to use for a recreation area.
  • Violet. Improves imagination, but, like blue, distracts attention. It is better not to choose dark shades, giving preference to light tones.
  • Pink. A great color for a girl's room because it enhances feminine. In addition, it helps to relax and improves your mood. However, a large amount of pink can make a girl capricious.
  • White. Neutral color. Helps in relaxation and concentration. It is better not to use white alone - the child needs bright colors. Best combined with other colors.
  • Brown. It is worth using light brown shades, which will give a feeling of security and calm. Be sure to dilute with other colors.

When choosing a pattern, do not forget that it should be combined with the style of the room. If the child is still small and cannot say about his preferences, the choice falls on the parents.

A classic solution can be geometric patterns that fit organically into any interior. Another popular area is vegetation - stylized and cartoon trees or a magical forest. You can also choose popular themes - book or cartoon characters, toys, cars and castles.

Wall painting in girls' rooms

Most often, little girls love fairy tales, princesses and animals. Therefore, when deciding to paint a young lady’s room, you should expect exactly this wish.

The most common themes are Disney and Pixar cartoon characters. The painting can include both the child’s favorite characters and moments from storyline cartoon

In addition, when decorating a room for a girl, you can turn to other topics:

  • plants and animals;
  • sea ​​style;
  • sky, clouds, stars;
  • fairy-tale style (for example, paint the bedroom like a castle).

Examples of painting a boy's room

Boys usually love cars, robots, airplanes, outer space and superheroes. Therefore, these themes will be the most popular themes for decorating a boy’s room.

Images of planets, comic book characters and other boyish attributes will look great on the walls. In addition, the bedroom can also be decorated in the style of the African jungle, in a sea or air theme.

In the teenager's room

Design of the painting in teenage room strikingly different from the design of a nursery. It is at this age that older children strive for self-expression, so it is very important to listen to their preferences.

Most often in adolescence children choose portraits of their favorite musicians, actors or athletes. Also great for teenage boys design decoration in the form of graffiti, a gym or a huge map. For teenage girls, the interior can become either glamorous and romantic, with pink and white curls and ruffles, or more “unhinged.” Also, girls often choose animalistic themes.

Most of the time baby preschool age spends outside the home. Drawings on the walls in kindergarten will help the baby get used to the environment and make the room as cozy and warm as possible.

Features of wall painting in a children's institution

A kindergarten is a second home for a child, in which he should feel at home. The environment fully contributes to this. So, if the design of the group room is made taking into account all the recommendations of psychologists, and the interior contains elements that kids like, then they will go to kindergarten with joy and interest.

Some parents decide to decorate the walls of the room with their own hands. But not everyone knows what features such work implies. Some rules for the design of children's institutions will help to complete the painting efficiently and competently.

The main points that need to be taken into account when creating drawings on the wall in the nursery:

  1. If the play area and the group’s bedroom are located in the same room, it is necessary to resort to zoning, in which the purpose of each area will be clearly visible. IN play area drawings should be brighter; yellow, blue, orange and green colors can be used. The sleeping area should be performed in gentle pastel colors: blue, green and pink, yellow-green.
  2. The colors of furniture, floors and walls in a kindergarten should complement each other. It is advisable to choose tones so that there is no sharp contrast. Considered ideal green color walls that uplifts and calms.
  3. The interior and drawings on the walls should resemble a fairy tale. Kids love fairy tales very much: it helps them fantasize and promotes the development of their imagination.
  4. If wallpaper is used to decorate the walls, it must be environmentally friendly, easy to wash and clean. In addition, some areas of the room can be decorated with decorative plaster with a faint texture.
  5. Olive, dark green and blue tones of varying intensity are not acceptable for decorating walls in children's rooms. It is also not recommended to use designs in white or black colors. Their appearance can lead to lethargy and depression. Kids do not like monotony, which quickly gets boring and causes boredom.

If the kindergarten does not have the opportunity to complete a full painting, the walls can be decorated simple stars or flowers. Images should be located far enough from each other and be large in size.

How to paint walls

All painting work in a kindergarten can be carried out without calling a specialist. The main thing is to prepare necessary tool and select a picture. To work you will need:

  • brushes or roller, if the area to be treated is large;
  • paint tray;
  • ladder;
  • masking tape, with which you can seal the joints of colors in the drawing;
  • templates

Using templates it is convenient to apply small, frequently repeating patterns. If you look at photos of wall paintings in kindergartens, you can choose any design you like and use the template for its intended purpose.

Using stencils, images of butterflies, bows, hearts, flowers, leaves, etc. are often applied. The work algorithm is simple:

  1. First of all, the walls in the nursery are painted in the background color.
  2. Then the pattern of the future composition is applied with a pencil. It could be a clearing with daisies and ladybugs, a rainbow with butterflies, a tree with flowering branches and much more.
  3. The outline of a leaf, butterfly, etc. is cut out on a piece of thick cardboard or plastic.
  4. The stencil is applied to the desired location of the future painting, and an element is drawn through it with a brush or spray paint.

If parents know how to draw, they can create more complex compositions. For example, silhouettes of animals and birds, illustrations from children's books and cartoons. At all times, these were considered the most beloved and popular among children. fairy-tale heroes, like Cheburashka, Gena the crocodile, Thumbelina, Little Red Riding Hood, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. You can display scenes from cartoons about Luntik or Smeshariki. A stadiometer designed to resemble a tree or a giraffe’s neck will look very original.

Rules for choosing paint

To paint the walls in the nursery, you must use a dye specifically designed for this purpose.

When purchasing paint, you should check whether the product has a quality certificate stating that it is suitable for painting works in kindergarten and other institutions.

The best option for painting walls is considered water-based paint, which has a number of advantages:

  • contains silver ions in its composition, due to which the walls are protected in children's institution from the spread of bacteria and fungus;
  • non-toxic and non-allergenic;
  • has no unpleasant odor;
  • dries quickly;
  • is characterized by high wear resistance due to the content acrylic resin or latex;
  • is vapor permeable, allowing the walls to “breathe”.

When choosing paint to create the background of walls in a children's room, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as elasticity, strength and ease of care. Children run and jump a lot, often touching walls and causing mechanical impact on the paint layer. Also, kids can draw on the walls, and the paint should not wash off when cleaning.

Original solutions for decorating walls in a group

The walls in the nursery can be decorated not only with drawings, but also with original applications. Here painting can be successfully combined with the use of other materials. As an example, here is a composition that will look good in the sleeping area of ​​the room:

  • on the wall you should draw stylized roofs of multi-story buildings, antennas and pipes located on them;
  • the sky above the roofs is decorated with bright stars;
  • On one of the roofs you can place figures of two cats, which are cut out of velvet cardboard or other material pleasant to the touch.

The teacher can tell the kids that cats sit on the wall to sing lullabies to them. Each child will be able to pet the animal and talk to it. Psychologists believe that such applications have a good hypnotic effect, and instead of indulging, the baby will sleep soundly during quiet time.

A similar applique can be made in the form of a large cat snoozing on a fluffy cloud painted on the wall.

Conclusion on the topic

Every kindergarten should create a cozy environment in which the baby will feel comfortable. If the color of the walls, the design of the room and the subjects for painting are chosen correctly, the child’s psyche will not be subject to external pressure. During the game, the environment will promote vigor and activity, and during quiet hours - sound and healthy sleep.

All for children the world, which they continuously learn and study, is filled with magic and fairy tales. And one of the most important roles here is played by visual perception: this is the nature around, and the smiles of loved ones, and, naturally, the interiors of the rooms in which the child stays. Therefore, the question becomes especially important, because children are often afraid to be left without their parents, and bright, fabulous pictures on the walls can win over even the most restless child.

Aron Honoré studio is engaged professional wall painting kindergartens. Each picture is thought out to the smallest detail so that it evokes only good emotions and interest in children. And since a kindergarten is not only interiors, but also playgrounds, a yard, etc., the design external walls It will not only please children, but will also become the “highlight” of your establishment.

Wall painting in a kindergarten, the ideas of which our artists always discuss with the customer so that the future painting fits into the concept of your kindergarten as much as possible, can be very different. For example, if an organization has a specialized area, for example, training from an early age foreign languages, then it would be appropriate to depict various characters from popular fairy tales of the native speaker country on the walls of the building and areas. Besides, in last years Kindergartens only for girls or only for boys are becoming popular again. Naturally, the specifics of wall painting in such kindergartens there will be be different too. The interior of each room in a kindergarten, as a rule, also helps children learn about the world: bright drawings in the playroom will be different from the calm ones in the bedroom, and on the walls in the study room, images of funny animals at their desks would be appropriate.

Our artists always bring their work to perfection so that the drawings delight not only children, but also adults. We're like We offer our sketches, and we are happy to cooperate if you have your own unusual ideas painting walls in kindergarten.

Parents need to literally “fall into childhood” in order to create a good, calm environment in the children's room. Whether the child goes to kindergarten or school, what his favorite fairy tales or comics are - these are the main questions that parents need to answer before starting with a brush and a palette of paints on the nursery. When painting walls, you need to show imagination and kindness, because no one wants a high-security vacation. Therefore, it is never too late to look at the world through the eyes of a child when decorating his room.

Parents who draw on the wall in the children's room or invite an artist to paint the walls are brave people. The child will grow up and make new demands. We must keep this in mind when crossing the threshold of a child’s room. If there are two or more children, and there is only one nursery, you need to take into account the wishes and age of everyone, discuss all the PROS and CONS. Therefore, you need to be a designer at heart and not be afraid of change. In a children's room, paintings will not last forever; the complexity of the plots will grow with the child.

The first key question is: who is the artist?

If the baby is under 6 years old, this question disappears: of course, parents. If a preschooler has sufficiently developed fine motor skills, then you can give him the role of a young artist. There are several options for helping a child become a Tube artist Flower City from "The Adventures of Dunno". Jokes aside, this is how you can raise a real master.

  • Stencils will help your child in his first important task. From the existing selection of stencils for a child’s creativity, a reusable self-adhesive flexible stencil is suitable. It will be more convenient to purchase a ready-made one; you can start with A4 format. Let it be a fragment of a painting, but made by your child’s hands.
  • There is the most easy way introduce your child to art: cover the room with wallpaper on which the contours of the picture have already been applied. The child will be able to choose the colors of his drawing without worrying about the shape. Coloring will develop fine motor skills more than creative imagination, but will practically eliminate the risk of damaging the wall.
  • If you want to give your child complete freedom creativity, modern decorative coverings for walls. Tikkurila, MagPaint, Magnetico and other leading paint manufacturers have recently released new products.

Magnetic paint

Contains iron particles and allows you to attach drawings and notes to the wall without making holes in the surface. It can be applied to part of the wall in the nursery and decorated with children's drawings.

Chalkboard paint

Creates a coating on which you can draw with crayons. The nursery will turn into an excellent starting point for school: instead of a boring blackboard, the child will be able to paint the walls, erase and draw again.

The new paints have a latex water-soluble base, which is safe to use. If your child is actively preparing for school, you should give him such a feasible task to paint the wall in his room. If the toddler is still small and only paints diapers, the parents will have to dare.

When the artist is dad and mom

Of course, some families have the opportunity to invite Nikas Safronov or Sergei Andriyaka to paint the walls in the nursery for their dear child. At the same time, you must keep in mind that not a single most venerable artist will draw with such warmth and dedication as you yourself in your baby’s room. In painting walls with your own hands, as elsewhere, there is an easy way and more difficult methods.

The simplest thing is to cover the children's room with ready-made contour wallpaper with your favorite designs, and paint them yourself. The medium-difficult way is to use stencils.

These methods are for those who can say to themselves: “I’m not an artist, I’m just learning.” For people with an artistic education, there is the traditional, most difficult way of creating sketches and applying them to the wall.

Hobbyists first need to study the question: which stencils are more suitable: flexible or rigid, reusable or disposable, self-adhesive or glueless. Are you ready to make your own stencils or buy ready-made ones? Do you want stencils with special effects (volume stencil, or glow effect)?

Having answered these questions, you need to create list of materials that may be needed:

  • A4 paper, copy paper;
  • material for the base (hard cardboard for a disposable stencil or a plastic folder for a reusable and moisture-resistant one);
  • different types of tape: masking and transparent;
  • scissors and a special knife for stencils (sold in craft stores and construction hypermarkets);
  • acrylic paints (spray or liquid);
  • for special effects: decorative plaster(volumetric stencil);
  • to protect the painting: matte transparent varnish. Synthetic brushes and brushes with foam sponges;
  • computer and printer;
  • protective backing for the stencil from scratches on the table.

Having prepared the material base for work, you need to answer the following question: are you ready to repeat Michelangelo’s feat and paint the ceiling in the nursery? The fact is that child psychologists unanimously claim that to strengthen the psyche and improve a child’s vision in a child’s room, it is most useful to paint the ceiling. Meanwhile, when painting a ceiling, an artist’s neck may become stiff and his back and eye muscles may ache. You'll have to draw with your head up and your eyesight strained. However, the effect is worth it: both girls and boys like, when falling asleep, to see the starry twinkling sky or light, welcoming clouds on the ceiling.

Painting on the ceiling can help young patients fall asleep in a healthy way in the hospital, and during quiet time in kindergarten. Sleep is better than any medicine, but the dull white ceilings in government institutions for children once again prove: no one will try harder for your child than you yourself.

So, let’s turn on our cute fantasy and come up with funny scenes for painting walls or ceilings in a nursery:

  • if you don’t want to make differences in painting according to the principle familiar from diapers: blue ribbon for boys, pink for girls, you can paint the room with geometric patterns;
  • the word “impossible” applies not only to naughty children, but also to the rules for painting a child’s room. I found a recommendation on one design website: create an underwater or underground world for your child with your own hands. Images of waterfalls and sea expanses can strain and unnecessarily excite children’s nerves. Predatory, aggressive animals and characters of the underworld, especially negative ones, (God forbid) will also harm the child. You can’t traumatize a child’s psyche!
  • “Heavenly” motifs are suitable for children of both sexes: stars or clouds painted on the ceiling, beautiful snowflakes or 2-3 rain clouds will add a feeling of ozone in the room;
  • characters from your favorite fairy tales, bringing positive. It is less preferable to draw cartoon characters: a child may suddenly stop loving the cartoon;
  • if a girl is a lover of the Barbie house, and a boy is a young engineer, and pores over Lego, then ideas for a children's room can suggest their hobbies. Painted racing cars or fairies, Batman with dinosaurs or ballerinas will immediately indicate who lives here;
  • floral motifs are suitable for girls and are universal;
  • If you want to draw a giraffe in the nursery, you need to remember: Senka and the hat. That is, if the space allows, you can depict the entire fauna in the nursery South Africa. If not, then take a smaller topic: hedgehogs, butterflies and raccoons from domestic cartoons;
  • The nursery can be turned into a classroom. You can use chalkboard paint to paint part of the wall for children’s art, and paint the rest of the walls with letters of the alphabet, arithmetic examples to learn to read and count, starting from the cradle. This technique is learning using the subconscious.

A painting on a wall in a nursery can occupy the entire wall, or a character from a fairy tale will occupy only a fragment of it, rules for painting in a nursery remain unchanged:

  • the picture should bring positivity into the child’s life;
  • the picture on the wall should be multi-colored, in warm colors. For a girl, pastel and muted colors are more suitable, for a boy, brighter ones;
  • painting in a nursery is a dynamic process, and we must remember that “childhood will end someday.” A teenager can make drawings in the room with his own hands on the topic of musical hobbies, fashion trends, etc.
  • a child is an open book, and the drawing should sow reasonable, kind, eternal things for the baby. Experiments and fashion trends It is better to leave it for painting in the living room or hall.

Good luck to everyone!

Alice in Wonderland Good folk tales
Wall painting in the children's room of the apartment, 13 m2, artistic airbrushing
price 10,000 r/m2.

Decoration of children's walls game room, 31 m2, artistic painting of the walls of a children's playroom
price 6000 r/m2.
Kindergarten district "Vykhino" Kindergarten on Yamal

Painting of a kindergarten, 68 m2
artistic painting and airbrushing
price: 3000 and 5000 r/m2.

Painting the walls of a kindergarten, 218 m2, artistic painting and airbrushing
price: 3500, 5000 and 8000 r/m2.
Family tale Country of gnomes

Decoration of a children's room in an apartment, 14 m2, airbrushing + detailed drawing of faces and shadows, + additional. layer of luminous paints + invisible paints
price 10,000 r/m2.

Decoration of a children's room in an apartment, 9.5 m2, airbrushing + detailed drawing of faces and shadows,
price 8000 r/m2.
Lion King Painting children's furniture

Decoration of a children's room in an apartment, 23 m2, airbrushing + detailed drawing of faces and shadows,
price 7000 r/m2.

Painting of the simplest set of children's furniture from IKEA, 7 m2, Detailed artistic drawing,
price 7000 r/m2.
The best cartoons - kindergarten Magical Kyrandia

Decoration of a kindergarten in Kakhovka, 70 m2. ,airbrush + small drawing of faces and shadows,
price 3500 r/m2.

Decoration of an elite children's playroom in a country townhouse, 56 m2, airbrushing + detailed artistic drawing,
price 7000 r/m2.
Through the Looking Glass Soyuzmultfilm 2

Decoration of an elite children's room in the Moscow region country cottage, 74 m2, Airbrush + detailed artistic drawing + 2nd layer glowing paint,
price 8000 r/m2.

Decoration of a children's room in a cottage near Moscow, 24 m2, Artistic drawing,
price 6,000 r/m2.
Flying cats Tales together

Decoration of a children's room in an apartment, 34 m2, Animation + 2nd layer of luminous paint,
price 2600 r/m2.
(Low price due to the simplicity of the characters)

Decoration of an elite children's playroom in country house, 71 m2, Airbrush + detailed artistic drawing,
price 5500 r/m2.
Amusement park Angelic ceiling

Decoration of the walls of the Vnukovo Outlet Village play park, 281 m2, airbrush + rollers,
price 2000 r/m2.

Decoration of the ceiling in the room of the expected child, 12 m2, Airbrush + detailed artistic drawing,
price 3500 r/m2.
Angelic design Alice in the Wonderland

Decoration of a children's room in an apartment, 6 m2 and 4 m2, airbrushing with detailed drawing,
price 8000 r/m2.

Decoration of a children's corner in a restaurant, 22 m2,
airbrush + artistic drawing of faces and shadows,
price 10,000 r/m2.
Artistic trompe l'oeil - "Gateway to a Fairy Tale" Forest

Faux painting in an elite apartment, 11 m2, Detailed artistic drawing,
price 8000 r/m2.

Decorating a children's room in an apartment, 23 m2. , airbrushing + detailed drawing of faces and shadows,
price 5500 r/m2.
Nemo Children's Dentistry "Fairy Tale"

Decorating a children's room in an apartment, 21 m2. , airbrushing + detailed drawing of faces and shadows,
price 7000 r/m2.

Design of pediatric dentistry, 44 m2. , airbrushing + detailed drawing of characters with brushes,
price 7000 r/m2.
The Bremen Town Musicians Girl's Fantasies

painting assembly hall kindergarten, 15 m2. , artistic drawing
price 7000 r/m2.

Painting in a girl's room, 19 m2. ,
artistic drawing,
price 8000 r/m2.
Treasure Island fairy tree

Painting a children's room, 22 m2. ,
airbrush + brush
price 10,000 r/m2.

Decoration of a children's corner of a medical center, 6 m2. ,
artistic drawing,
price 7000 r/m2.
Snow White in the forest Elves

Painting in a girl's room, 11.5 m2. ,
price 12,000 r/m2.

Decorating a girl's room, 5 m2. ,
artistic drawing,
price 10,000 r/m2.
price 7000 r/m2.

Bright everyday life is what every parent wishes for their baby. The first months and years are already the most interesting and fun - this is the time of the first discoveries, the first words, smiles and feelings. But I want to make this time even better, even brighter and more eventful. To do this, of course, you need to turn it into a special one, Magic world the child's room where he spends most of his time. Here he plays, communicates with his parents, here he sleeps, and here he feels good and cozy. Painting a children's room will only make this place even more comfortable. However, this procedure is recommended only for professionals.

Painting a children's room is our specialty

Only those who have done a lot of work and for whom it is a specialized occupation will be able to give your child something more than just a drawing on the wall. Such rooms will be a real work of art, a source of pride for parents and a favorite place in the house for the child.

Art studio “Colors of Childhood” has been implementing painting children's rooms for many families and really understands this. A gallery of completed works will help every parent see what exactly the studio’s specialists create, what kind of drawings they create. This gallery presents works that are already delighting their little owners and their parents - works made with love for children and with the desire only for the best for them.

Would your child like to live in a magical forest, full of wise owls or hobbits, inhabited by kind animals and beautiful forest creatures? Such a forest can bloom on the walls of a child’s bedroom - in any variations that will be pleasant to your child and you. Do you love cartoons from the best studio in the world, Disney? Look at Winnie the Pooh, which we created on the walls of one of the children's rooms. This wonderful picture will remind your child of his favorite hero, make his games more fun and rich, and lift his spirits.

Or perhaps your child loves Soviet cartoons and would like to see on the walls of his room his beloved brownie Kuzya or, even better, the village of Prostokvashino, in which any child would dream of settling? We can make such a dream come true!

Painting in a nursery is beneficial for the child’s psyche

The beautiful colors that the art studio “Colors of Childhood” selects when painting in the nursery will be useful for the child’s psyche. When your child plays, it is important that nothing provokes him to aggression, but everything helps to maintain calm and a wonderful mood of children's games. Creative moods in children are a very important part of their development, and our art studio is trying to make every effort to inspire children with their works to draw or engage in art in some other way.

Having the opportunity to view the gallery is important for selecting artists who will paint your baby’s nursery. By looking through the works, you will understand whether you want to collaborate with such artists, whether their style suits you and whether you like the way they design children's rooms. Art studio “Colors of Childhood” always gives its clients the opportunity to choose, and they invariably prefer us. And looking through the gallery of works, you will understand why they do this!

    Among the advantages provided by the art studio are the following qualities:
  • understanding of child psychology and the child’s desires;
  • working to achieve the parents' goals - calming the child, developing his creativity, creating a calm or fun environment;
  • huge stock Have a good mood, a staff of talented artists and a lot of beautifully executed works in the store!

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