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Prayers Angel Guardian, Most Holy Theotokos, Lord, Matron of the Moscow, Kazan Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Ksenia Blessed, Theodore God's Mother of God: how to read? Prayer of the Kazan Mother of God

The terrible fire in 1579 destroyed part of Kazan. Many residents have lost acquaintances and loved ones. In the grave hour of a little girl, the Matron was the Mother of God and ordered to dig the icon on the ash region. Since then, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God is a strong prayer that helps the suffering entered the religious life of Russian Christians. Any appeal to the saints, nobility, her son or the Lord and respect for ritual actions.

What is asked by the Kazan God's Mother

Icon, miraculously appeared for a decade girl, comes to help in different cases. We list the main requests that are raging.

  1. Marriage. Kazan image of the Virgin helps women find happiness in marriage with a decent spouse after sincere plea.
  2. Health. The icon is asked to improve the overall physical and mental state of a person. Ensures the image of the nobility with a baby from blindness.
  3. The Kazan Holy Picture protects against foreign invaders.
  4. There is God's Mother from Kazan guarding the integrity of Russian statehood.
  5. In a grave period of life, it is worth asking for help from the sacred image of the Virgin.

How to ride the caown icon of God's Mother

  • With a humble heart, go down to your knees in front of the icon. Expand mental secrets. Well in front of the prayer to go to confession and repent.
  • Light the candle in front of the Holy Image, observing the safety technique of open-fire.
  • Women are advised to cover head scarf.
  • The eyes better close to fully focus on the uttering of the saints.
  • Make a crisp. Fold hands in a prayer gesture in the chest.
  • Whisper, speak out loud or about myself the sacred words of Molba. The suffering will definitely be heard if it is prayed with all his might with sincere faith in the Lord.
  • Make a rite several times a week, not forgetting to attend the church.
  • Prayer read at home in a clean corner in front of the Holy Image of Kazan Mother of God. It will be favorable on the fate of the appeal directly to one of the distortions of the icons, which in the Russian temples a great set.

The original image is considered lost since 1904, when it was abducted with subsequent destruction or resale. There is a version that the holy icon has survived, and was stolen, prudently replacing the real shrine overnight. In any case, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God has repeatedly came to help Russian Christians as a strong prayer from foreign attack and support in a difficult hour. It will help the image of the navigation to marry, relieve diseases and restore health after sincere and passionate requests. With hot faith, any miracles of the Kazan icon are possible, unusually found on the ash region of the burnt city.

Most Holy Mother of God, assistant, intercession and patroness of all people. It is honored with more than anyone who went on the ground, and pray for each need, in each misfortune call her name.

In all sorry and misfortunes, the Holy Deva Mary helps us, the Mother of the Lord, including reading the Prayer Mother of the Virgin about the health of the soul and body. Given the many holy icons that are depicted by the Virgin, various properties were inevitably attributed to them, including healing.

Many icons - does not mean many mothers. The Most Holy Mother of God is alone, it needs to be honored as the queen of Heaven and Earth, and many images succeeded because of the special honor of the Holy Virgin Mary.

Painters, testifying to god and his Mother Mother, wrote her image, taking into account and references to the local flavor, cultural, historical and aesthetic features of the terrain and era. A large number of icons were revealed by wonderful ways without the participation of brush and paint.

So, the image of the Mother of God "Allmenitsa" (in Greek called "Pantanass"), helps suffering from cancer.

There are icons that are traditionally prayed with problems with conception and birth, and those that are resorted to in other cases.

What to do to get help?

First, you need to clear your mind and thoughts from any evil. Praying the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary must sincerely, it is not necessary to think about foreign subjects. Here lies a certain danger of ready prayers - there is a chance of "addiction".

When the same text is read throughout a certain period of time - the brain perceives it is not so fresh, and therefore there is a problem with the concentration of attention, and, as a result, with sincerity of petition. This needs to be followed.

What prayers to use?

The prayer of the Virgin about health is not a single text, but an extensive concept, which includes many different prayer phenomenon in front of various images, against various ailments, for various people (for example, there is a mother's prayer about the health of a sick child - if you do not have a son or daughter, That sense in such a prayer disappears).

Prayer for the Most Holy Mother of God "On Zeravia"

"O, the Most of Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faith and lovely, inquisitively before a honest icon, Molima: Don't turn your faces from those who are resorting to you, the mind, the mercy of Mati, the son of your and God, the Lord Jesus Christ, will save our country, our church
Holy yes, I will observed from disbelief, heresy and split. Not imama bo is noise, not immay of hope, isn't you, the prechile devo: you are an all-grade Christian assistant and intercession. Get rid of everyone with faith you pray from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorts of temptations, sorrows, troubles and from in vain death. Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the lacerations, and the VSI grateful to the obsesses and the mercy of yours, will advise the heaven of the kingdoms and Tamo with all the saints to glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Among the great multitude of prayers is very easy to get confused - therefore, if you cannot find a prayer that is customary to read in your particular case - ask the Council of the Priest or an experienced Orthodox person. Do not finish at the same time with false experience - many people who call themselves Orthodox Christians cover the unkind intentions and aspirations.

If the health prayers for your disease do not exist - pray the Virgin Marya that prayer, which was originally intended for the image of the healer.

Prayer for the icon "Healer"

"We accept, oh, the Motherod's Majorian and Issue, this prayer, with tears, who is now brought to you, unworthy of your slave, to your workflow, who is hesitating with conjunction, to you by the very beginning and the molest. By Komozho Bo Vesti
The execution of the Creaters, chagrin of facilitates, the weak health of daruenes, rarely and sucks the healing, from the undelated demon, who outdated from the offense, having a lot of cleansing and the little children of Milouseshi; Also, Mrs. Vladychitsa The Virgin Mary, and from the Uz and Dunnitsa freedom and anyone, Multi-Distributing Passion of Doctor: Which is possible by your petition to your son, to our God. Oh, the full-length mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not stop praying for us unworthy of your servants, the famous Tu and honorably, and who worshiped with the consecutive image of yours, and the hope of irrevocating and faithful to you, navigasy, and inexplicity, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

By the way, if you could not find such an icon - do not be discouraged, ask the Most of the Mother of God for help in front of any of her icon.

How to pray?

The main criterion of "correctness" of prayer is its sincerity. If you believe in the Lord, His Most Holy Mother and Saints - ask for sure about any grace, about the health of the child, about luck in an important thing for you, and the Lord will not leave you with His grace.

It is difficult to believe so sincerely, the man is sinner and questioned and temptation. But this is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of prayer.

Vera is the main driving force, Scripture says: Have faith with mustard grain, and told Mount to go from place to place - and she will fulfill your words.

How to do? The gospel tells us on this occasion of the instructive story about a person who has a child with, and he came to ask Jesus about giving a health sore. "Do you believe that I can heal your child?" - asked the Lord.

"I believe, Lord, help my disbelief" - replied a pious husband. So we, after the father of the sick child, must, in any need, resorting to God, ask him, above all, about giving us faith.

In the entire history of the formation of Christianity, people repeatedly allowed themselves to doubt the faith of Orthodox, and it was at such moments that the Lord had the world wonders who dispel all doubts in the strength of the Divine. To such a miracle and refers the phenomenon to the people of the icon of the Virgin in Kazan.

The prayers of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother are considered in Orthodoxy the most powerful. We present to you the strongest prayers that will help appeal to the grace of the Virgin. Let them help you in a life path. Around the holy image is the extraordinary divine energy.

Finding icons

The history of the Kazan Icon began in 1579. In that year, more than half of the Kazan Kremlin and part of the city were the strongest fire. I could not save anything, one ash remained. Large hung many hours. Around the moans, the intensity of women, appealing to the Lord and crying children. Many families were bleeding, but life continued, and new accommodation needed to be erected to the approaching cold. Hurry up with a construction and chapter Daniel Onuchin. He had a daughter Matronushka. She saw once in a dream of God's Mother, she told the girl to get the icon from under the earth. Matrona told about a dream to parents. But they did not give it due value. But also on the second, the Third Night was the Virgin in a dream by a girl and pointed out the place of gaining a holy image. With the mother of Matresh in the morning all the same went to the specified place. They found the icon of the Virgin, she was wrapped in the canvas. The image was so bright, light, as if only written. Thus, the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God was acquired by the faults. Helps prayer to it from many troubles and misfortunes.

Arrangement from icon

In the city in one instant, the benefit of the news of the acquisition of the icon was separated. The priests from the surrounding temples hurried to the place. The image of the Virgin in the temple of St. Nicholas, Archbishop Jeremiah, was solemnly postponed. Placed an icon in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral - the first Orthodox Kazan temple, built that John Grozny. Everyone immediately became clear that the image of the Virgin miracle. During the solemn criticism, when the shrine was transferred, two blinders who really wanted to see the miraculous icon, passionately prayed and suddenly it was clear. From that moment, even doubtted began to prayer the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God and ask her about mercy. Until now, Kazan Icon creates true miracles and a member of the faith. The list of fertile care is endless. Tsar John Groznya was so amazed by the history of the Holy Image of finding that he ordered to build a Kazan Cathedral. There was also a female monastery, later the Matronushka with her mother took it.

Vague times

Everyone knows from the history of the time of the time of the beginning of the XVII century. At that time, all the tragic circumstances coincided. Natural cataclysms were caused by fault, as a result of the hunger. In the same period, the royal dynasty of Rurikovich was interrupted, the crisis of public administration began, the economy collapsed. As a result of this, part of the country with the capital captured the interventions. The Russian people of Patriarch Hermogene called on the defense of the Motherland. The militia was headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. From Kazan to help people sent a list of the miraculous image of the Virgin. The militia and all the people of three days observed a strict post and exalted the prayers of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God, turning to heavenly help. The Mother of God heard Peoples Molub. Under its patronage, Moscow was released from the invaders-Poles.

Ancient lists (copies)

The first list from the image of the Kazan Virgin Mary was made in 1579 and transferred to Moscow to the king John Grozny. In 1636, this image was transferred to the new-differed Kazan Cathedral on Red Square. Already later, in 1737, he was transported to the church of the Virgin of the Virgin (St. Petersburg). In 1811, the icon moved to the Kazan Cathedral.

In troubled times, in 1611, the second list of shrines was made. He was transferred by the army of Dmitry Pozharski for the militia-liberators of Moscow from the Polish troops.

In the XIX century, many lists of the Kazan Icon were made. The original, however, was lost. At the beginning of the 20th century, the shrine was abducted, the precious salary plundered, and the icon itself disappeared without a trace.

Lists made from the image, all over the world spread and became famous in the same way as miraculous. A lot was taken out of Russia abroad icons after the revolution in 1917. Strong prayers of the Kazan icon of God's Mother God make the whole world believe in miracles. The icon of the wonders of healing from eye diseases and blindness is especially famous. Kazan Icon is an indispensable assistant in difficult military times.

Where is Icon

The modern Russian Orthodox church makes everything so that the shrines return to the Russian land. The most widest list is available for people in the Tretyakov Gallery. The dating period of the Holy Image is 1606.

In the residence of the Moscow Patriarch there is another holy list of the Kazan icon, which also has tremendous value. The image was obtained from the Roman Catholic Church as a sign of termination of rivalry.

There is a list and in Prince-Vladimir Cathedral, which in St. Petersburg, he closely close to the oldest prototype icons.

Defender of the land of Russian

The image of the Kazan Mother of God belong to the guide icons. They indicate loyal ways to the blind souls help those who need. It was famous for icon wonders in the years of troubled times. The defenders of the Virgin showed the way to victory, supported the military spirit. Not in one terrible battle helped the icon to win.

Under the protection of the Kazan Icon in troubled times, the whole army went on the battle, and the warriors were liberated from the Polish invaders under the leadership of Prince Pozharski.

Peter I in front of the famous Poltava battle also raised strong prayers before this list. In 1812, with the image of the Kazan Mother of God, the soldiers raid the French were charged, the beginning of victories over the Army of Napoleon were laid. Before you go to the current army, Mikhail Kutuzov stood before the Virgin Mary with strong prayers.

But not only rulers and troops receive a blessing from the icon. A simple people also appeals to her for help and gets wonders that she gives praying.

What pray in front

The prayer of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of Help is asked for any bodily illnesses. Often ask about returning vision. They also appeal for spiritual insight, when looking for a right path, if weakened in the soul of the light of faith.

Helps the Virgin Mary with their consolations and instructions and in any heavy life situations when there is no effort to fight difficulties.

The guide comes to the rescue to those who pray and is looking for the right decision. It will save from the misfortune and make mistakes, indicates the path to good goal. Many people talk about the appearance of a holy face in a dream when the Virgin is advised how to do to avoid trouble.

Pray to the Mother of God for the soldiers, from the elimination of enemy raids.

In joys, they also address the Mother of God, young asking for a blessing for marriage and family creation. The icon is associated a lot. If the wedding falls on the feast of the Holy Image, then the marriage will be happy. Helps icon to avoid discord in the family, make well-being and harmony.

The prayer of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, protects your child from the seals, misfortune. He will help him in the formation of life path.

Everybody helps the Mother of God without exception. Who asks her with a hot faith in his heart, she gives her defense and blessing.

How to pray before the icon

So that your prayers reached the Virgin to the Virgin, it is necessary to pray correctly. You can do it not only in the church, but at home. There was a desire to ask for help from the Virgin, best do it in the morning:

  • After the awakening, well will be clear with clean water. Cross protect hands in advance. Tune in only on positive emotions.
  • Roll out from my head different negative, bad thoughts annoying you.
  • Light candles and go down to your knees in front. Start the rite.
  • It does not matter what prayer to read the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The most important thing is to pronounce the words from the pure heart, sincerely, then you will be heard.
  • After prayer, express your petition to the Virgin. Remember one thing - it will never perceive some kind of negative your wish, which will adversely affect the other.

Family support

Prayer icon of the Kazan Mother of God's marriage helped to find a family. Not by chance of young girls who marry, the mother blesses this icon. Since ancient times, this image is the strongest in the provision of family support. The Mother of God helps everyone who prays with a strong faith and wants to create his hearth.

If the mother blessed the girl to marry this icon, the image of the Kazan Mother of God must be kept in the family. This is a kind of charm your home. Prayers exemporated to it will retain family hearths, as well as children who are in this marriage. Assist to preserve peace and peace in your home.

Kazan icon of the Mother of God, the prayer is the strongest. Wonders of healing

Many miracles came in front of the Kazan icon, tell about the most famous.

  • Easy blind. Often surprises icon of praying when healing from blindness. Everyone remembers the event of an amazing acquisition of the icons in Kazan. Already in the procession, two blinds were transparent, sincerely praying image. The news about it spread far beyond the limits of Kazan. Rested to the shrine needy and disease. Soon brought a blind baby to the icon desperate mother. From the mouth, it was prayer for the icon of the Kazan Mother of God to recovery, supported her and the parishioners of the temple, the priest himself. Already through short time after prayer, the baby became his hands to touch the face of the mother and everyone understood that he was clear. There was a case of insight and blind ink. He was not facilitated during the prayer in the temple, and he left disappointed. Then the Virgin was the monk in a dream and ordered to continue prayers, and then wrapped in a pellena. Everything performed in accuracy, the ink is clear.
  • Healing the weak mind and body. In the city of Kazan, the healing of a young man was recorded from relaxation. For more than two years, the young man did not get on his feet. Parents did not stop praying and believe in the mercy of God. Help Kazan icon of the Mother of God. The prayer is the strongest at the same time uttered mother in the temple in front and son, which, lying in bed, tearfully asked the Virgin about healing. Suddenly he felt relief and could rise to his feet. Based on two proud, he went to the mother in the temple. The hot prayers of two believers hearts allowed to accomplish the miracle. The dementia also heals prayer to the Virgin. The young young man in the Kazan Cathedral sincerely prayed and asked for cure. After the prayer, he was surprisingly all the parishioners, he went home completely healthy.
  • Many fixed deliveries from cancer on prayers to the Kazan icon. The guide is considered a protector in the fight against the enemy, and the battle with a tumor is nothing but a battle for his health with this will whip, which just mows people no less than on the battlefield. Therefore, the treatment of prayer in the cure of this disease has a special meaning.

Holiday icons of the Kazan Mother of God. Prayers

In the summer, the holiday of the Kazan Icon of God's mother is celebrated on July 21, and he is dedicated to the acquisition of shrines when the image appeared in a small Matron. Later, John Grozny, built a monastery, where in the future Matrona became Igumeny Mavra (Martha).

The autumn holiday is celebrated on November 4th. As already mentioned, in troubled times in this date, thanks to the intercession of the Virgin, the Russian militias were able to free Moscow from the invasion of the Poles.

The significant event was the fact that it was November 4 in Moscow opened the restored Kazan Cathedral that before the Red Square. Today, the image of the Kazan Mother of God is one of the greatest in the Orthodox Church. Miracles on prayers continue to be accomplished in our time. In the procession in the Donbass, Orthodox believers carried the Kazan icon as one of the main ones. They prayed to the intercessory about the custody of peace and calm in their native land. Why don't she drink in Donetsk? Maybe they lost the people of faith to heavenly power and lost the patronage of the saints. It is necessary to unleased the people to the whole world and, as in the troubled times of the XVII century, turn to the intercession, overlooking strong prayers from a pure sincere heart.

About the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In 1552, the king of John IV (Ivan Grozny) to Russia was joined by Kazan Khanate, as a result of which about 10,000 Russians were freed from the Tatar captivity. In honor of this event, many Orthodox churches are erected in Russia.

In 1579, in Kazan, the Matronian Matronus was a decade, the Matrona and the ruler of the city, to build the Archbishop and the ruler of the city for a ten-year-old girl and the city ruler so that they would find in the ground, on the place of a recent fire, her icon. The words of the girl were not believed, but on July 8 (according to the old style, July 21 - on a new one), accompanied by the people, the mother and the girl came to the specified place. Found a long dead earth, but to no avail. When I started digging myself, then soon after that, the icon wounded in the cloth was found. The news of the wonderful gain in Kazan, the image of the Queen of Heaven was quickly distributed throughout Russia. At the site of the Icon on the orders of the king, the temple was built in her honor and the women's monastery was founded. July 21 and November 4 are the days of celebrating in honor of the Kazan image of the Mother of God.

In some literary publications, you can get acquainted with the opinion that the first wonders from the Kazan icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary were healing with her eyes. Therefore, it is precisely to delivered from such ailments that all the suffering should pray before the queen of heaven. However, in our understanding, the mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary is limitless! Therefore, before it must be prayed not only about the insight of blind eyes! On the story of the story of a resident of Sala Diveev about a wonderful healing ...

Prayer for health in front of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, the Most of Mrs. Ladychitsa The Mother of God! With fear, faithful and lovely, inquisitively, Icon, Molima: Do not turn your face from those who resort to you, the mind, the mercy of Mati, your son and our God, gentlemen Jesus Christ, will save my country, the Church of His holy Above from disbelief, heresy and split. Not imama bo is noise, not immay of hope, isn't you, the prechile devo: you are an all-grade Christian assistant and intercession. Get rid of everyone with faith you pray from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorts of temptations, sorrows, troubles and from in vain death. Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the lacerations, and the VSI grateful to the obsesses and the mercy of yours, will advise the heaven of the kingdoms and Tamo with all the saints to glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kazan's image of the queen of heaven The following site pages are devoted:

The acquisition of the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kazan occurred on July 21, 1579. From this time, it was revealed by a lot of miracles, a list from the icon helped the Russian warriors win a few battles. We will tell, what helps the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, how to pray to her and give the text of the prayer icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

How and what should I pray before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God? It is treated to allow troublesturs in the family, problems with children, find harmony in marriage.

According to tradition, the list from it has long been used to bless the bride and groom before the wedding. It is believed that it contributes to the construction of a strong and happy family.

The Mother of God is especially favorably about children, and if parents want their child to be under heavenly patronage, they pray before that way.

What does the icon of the Kazan Mother of God helps?

This amazing icon has healing properties. There are many cases of healing those who applied to her believers from blindness and other eye diseases.

Prayer icon of the Kazan Mother of God sounds like this:

"About the Most Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faith and lovely, inquisitively before honestly, your molima: Don't turn your face from those who resort to you, the mind, Mercy, your son and our God, gentlemen Jesus Christ, let me save my country, will approve the Church of His holy Yes, I will not observed from unbelief, heresy and split. Not imama bo is noise, not immay of hope, isn't you, the prechile devo: you are an all-grade Christian assistant and intercession. Relieve everyone with faith you are praying from falling sinful, from the impact of evil people, from all sorts of temptations, sorrows, troubles and from in vain death; Give us the spirit of crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the limits of the lacerations, and the VSI is grateful to the obsessed greatness of yours, will advise the heaven of the kingdom and Tamo with all the saints to glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

What do people pray before the Kazan Icon of God's Mother? This icon helps people overcome complex life tests. With this image, you can contact the highest forces when you need to change something and move on.

You can pray not only in the temple, but also at home. Near the icons better free candles. It is necessary to pronounce prayer. Initially, three times squeerty yourself with the cross sign and make several losses or earthly bows. And remember: the words of prayers must come not only from your mouth, but from your heart.

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