Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Difference between peat and black soil. What is better to use on your site: peat or humus? What is the difference between peat and black earth

Of the two plots of land, one is located on humus-rich soil, and the other on peat bog. Which one is preferable to choose for a summer residence? Anyone who has at least some experience of work on the ground will not hesitate to answer - naturally, the first one! It is useful for a beginner gardener to find out how peat differs from black soil - at least in order to correctly compose a soil mixture for seedlings.

Note: the presence of a peat layer does not frighten a competent gardener, but, on the contrary, pleases. Stable yields are guaranteed to the owner - of course, with proper agricultural technology and the correct selection of crops.

"Rust of the earth" and "flammable earth"

"Noble rust of the Earth" - the founder of soil science VV Dokuchaev called the soil shortly and aptly. The main component, without which soil formation is impossible, is vegetation, which is born and dying out year after year. Invertebrates and bacteria, feeding on organic residues, decompose them to the state of humic acids. The soil, rich in humus, is colored black, therefore it is called black soil (aka humus).

Peat is a valuable source of energy. Pliny the Elder in the 1st century AD NS. mentioned it under the name "combustible earth". Like soil, peat is also formed from plant debris. But not on a hard surface, but in the depths of bogs, with an excess of moisture and a lack of oxygen.

In cool climates, marsh vegetation, dying off, does not have time to decompose completely. Gradually, under the pressure of more and more layers of sod, the layers are compressed and go deeper. They can remain there for many millennia, almost unchanged.

Thus, the difference between peat and chernozem lies in their very definition: the first is a combustible mineral, the second is soil.


In the form of a mound, both substrates are often similar. It is easier to feel what is in front of you - light and resilient peat is difficult to confuse with weighty, sticky black soil.

Chernozems have a characteristic soil profile: dark on the surface, downward, the soil gradually brightens and smoothly passes into the parent rock. The most abundant chernozems are two meters high, they are rare and are a state value; their average thickness is 30-50 cm.

On the territory of Western Siberia, there are 36 types of peat, which vary greatly in color (from yellow to black), structure and thickness. The most common is high moor peat of bog origin. Its stratum in section consists of a large number of thin-fibrous identical layers, their total thickness can reach tens of meters. Wood peat is homogeneous and plastic, while low-lying, highly decomposed peat is black and lumpy.

Revealed peat deposit on the left (layered structure is visible) and chernozem profile on the right

Physical properties and composition

Peat is flammable, and when dry, it tends to heat up from the inside and self-ignite (which leads to peat fires). It is a valuable energy source - in a number of regions, boilers and power plants operate on it.

When peat is burned, only a little ash (5-10%) remains from it, since it consists mainly of organic matter. If the course of natural metamorphosis continued, then today's peat layers would eventually turn into brown coal, and then into anthracite.

Chernozem, like any soil, consists mainly of minerals. After annealing at a high temperature, all the humus burns out, and about 90% of the original volume remains. The residue has a reddish color and a powdery structure, and when moistened it acquires all the properties of clay. Thus, the basis of chernozem is clay or heavy loam enriched with humus.

Comparison from the point of view of an agronomist

At the summer cottage, both peat and black soil are useful. In the opinion of the gardener, the main thing that is the difference between peat and black soil is the way they are used: black soil is used as it is, and peat needs preliminary preparation. Freshly mined peat is aged from one to three years in the open air in order to reduce its acidity.

Even prepared peat is not used in its pure form. It is a valuable component of potting soil and composts. Peat is added to the soil in order to optimize the mechanical composition and structure of the soil: it makes heavy loams and clays looser, permeable to roots, on sandy soils it improves moisture accumulation and increases overall fertility. With the help of peat, they regulate the acidity of the substrate - it is especially useful on leached, calcareous soils.

In the photo: 1 - peat, 2 - black soil

Peat and black soil are mixed in different proportions - usually when growing indoor flowers, seedlings, or for the needs of a greenhouse economy. Peat fibers are easy to press - they are used to make convenient and environmentally friendly containers (in the form of cups or cubes) for seedlings - when they get into the soil, such a container eventually becomes part of it.


Peat Chernozem
Combustible mineralThe soil
Incomplete decomposition of plant residues in a humid environment with a lack of oxygenComplete (to humic acids) decomposition of organic (both plant and animal origin) substances in the upper soil layer, with the participation of invertebrates and protozoa
An undisturbed reservoir consists of many thin, uniform layers. In loose form, it can resemble black soil, but it has a fine-fibered structure and is lighter in specific gravity. The color is usually yellow-brown, rarely black.

Water-infused peat is like a sponge

The soil profile of unplowed chernozem has a characteristic color - it is very dark in the upper layers, it gradually lightens downward.

When mixed with water, it becomes sticky, as it contains clay particles

Flammable and prone to spontaneous combustion. Burns out almost completely.

Has an acidic (low-lying) or slightly acidic (high-altitude) pH reaction

Non-flammable, on the contrary - they can extinguish the flame, like any soil.

Typical chernozems are pH neutral

In the energy sector - as fuel.

In agriculture and private households - as a component of soil mixtures and composts, organic fertilizer. As a hygroscopic bedding for animals.

In construction - as a heat insulator.

As a natural filter for water purification ... and many more

A versatile, very fertile substrate for growing crops (open, closed ground, container and others). Especially significant for agriculture

Little distinguishable from the point of view of external characteristics, peat and humus are often confused, and some inexperienced amateur summer residents sometimes even mistake them for the same fertilizer. However, the difference between these nutritional supplements for plants is colossal and it is up to each individual to decide unambiguously which one is best used in a particular vegetable garden.

Natural natural product peat is formed under the influence of biochemical processes in the absence of oxygen. Raw materials are obtained by transforming objects such as tree branches, dead marsh plants, leaves and other natural materials. At the end of the transformation process, coal is obtained.

Unique plant raw materials have many advantages and are widely used in agriculture. It is used for the following purposes:

  • Creation of fertile soils and fertilizers;
  • The use of peat oxidate as plant growth stimulants;
  • Production of special pots for growing seedlings and feeding tablets by pressing the material;
  • Use as a heater in the cultivation of frost-resistant plants during the cold period;

By origin, raw materials are divided into three types:

  • Horse: consists of grasses and leaves, forms on the surface of swamps. Has a loose and light structure;
  • Lowland: formed at the bottom of waterlogged bodies of water, it contains mosses, remains of trees and shrubs. This type is characterized by high humidity and density;
  • Transition: mixed type of peat;

Peat is a free-flowing and light product, it also has a high acidity. The raw materials contain elements that inhibit the development of plants, blocking access to nutrients, however, due to its porosity, peat allows the soil to be saturated with oxygen. For these reasons, peat should be used carefully, you should not densely fill the entire territory of the garden or other land plot with it.

To answer the question of which is better - peat or humus, it is necessary to analyze the rules for the use of one or another raw material.

Tips for using peat on the site:

  • There should not be more than 65% of raw materials throughout the site;
  • Before use, it is better to dry peat and mix it with humus or sand;
  • It is best to use peat fertilizers on soils with a high content of clay and sand;

By adding peat during the cultivation process, each gardener will be able to get a large harvest, but using it, you should carefully study the soil and apply only the required amount of fertilizer.


Humus is a natural fertilizer that is formed in the process of overheating of natural materials, which include: grass, leaves, manure, small branches. This fertilizer is popular not only due to the fact that you can create it yourself, even in the smallest garden plot, but also because of its high characteristics. Humus:

  • Nourishes and saturates the soil with moisture and oxygen;
  • Structures loose soil;
  • Regulates the delivery of mineral fertilizers during feeding;
  • Can completely replace other fertilizers and rid the land of impoverishment;
  • Attracts earthworms, while scaring away moles;
  • Avoids mulching for some plant species.

Since humus is formed from several types of materials, it is customary to divide it into two types:

  • Herbal;
  • Dung.

The types of humus differ from each other in the amount of nutrients and their effect on plants, however, in terms of comparing peat and humus, this difference is not significant.

Answering the question of which is better, peat or humus, it is also necessary to consider the disadvantages of rotted raw materials:

  • To use humus, you need to prepare the soil. As a standard for fertilizing the earth with humus, the raw material is buried for the winter, mixing it with the ground 1: 1;
  • The soil fertilized with humus is highly susceptible to weed infestation, which is a significant disadvantage for any gardener.

For the rest, humus is an ideal fertilizer, the constant use of which will allow you to collect impressive yields from the site.

Peat or humus - which is better to choose?

In choosing between peat and humus, it is necessary to consider their main differences and indicators. The most obvious and significant difference between peat and humus is increased acidity. This property makes peat the most popular fertilizer for structured soil or as a major component in impoverished land plots. Peat is excellent for clay, sandy, loamy and sandy loam soils, which are often found throughout Russia, including the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk and other cities in Siberia.

Humus is a universal fertilizer. however, due to the long preparation of the soil and the large number of weeds, many try to use it as little as possible.

Thus, we can say that humus is the best fertilizer, however, you shouldn't forget about peat either. The right mixture of natural fertilizers with the soil will allow you to balance it with nutrients and grow the best harvest.

Company " Samovozov»Is engaged in the delivery of humus in Krasnoyarsk and the nearest settlements, including Emelyanovo, Drokino, Muzhichkino, Berezovka, Elite and others. In most cases, the soils in our region require humus.... The land near Krasnoyarsk, as a rule, is depleted in fertile humus, therefore, for better plant growth, it is required to fertilize it in this way.

You can order the delivery of humus in Krasnoyarsk by calling the phone number indicated on the website page " Contacts».

Konstantin Denisyuk

When a house, a fence is built, a well is drilled, a sewage system is working, all underground communications and infrastructure are laid, and construction waste is collected and taken to a landfill, it is time to form a fertile soil layer on the site. Two logical questions arise: what is the best way to form a fertile layer and what should be its thickness? As you know, the devil is in the details, and you should pay attention to them.

1. Dendroplane with a list of plants

The soil is poured in order for plants to grow on it and should be selected based on their preferences. Of all the many soil preferences, the most important is acidity. For plants that prefer acidic soil, sour peat should be imported. A properly prepared neutral soil, with possible deviations towards alkaline or slightly acidic, is also suitable for the rest of the plants. Using the links indicated here, you can familiarize yourself in detail with the list of plants that prefer acidic, alkaline, heavy clay and loamy, as well as sandy soils.

2. The thickness of the fertile soil layer

For a lawn, the thickness of the fertile layer of twenty to thirty centimeters is sufficient, since the roots of the lawn grass simply do not grow deeper. For not very demanding shrubs, of which there are most, this layer thickness is also suitable. And for large plants and demanding shrubs, you will have to locally select the land and fill the fertile soil into the planting pits.

3. Black earth or peat? What's better?

The main difference between peat and chernozem is the humus content. Humus is an organic part of the soil, obtained as a result of the decay of plant and animal remains and their waste products. Chernozems are famous for their fertility due to their high humus content. Humus is a universal fertilizer that cannot be overdose, suitable for all plants, containing everything necessary for their normal life. If humus was cheaper, then the plants should be planted directly into it. Now humus is obtained on specialized farms that breed red Californian worms. Worms devour organic matter and secrete humus, which is sold both in pure form and in the form of various extracts or added to soil mixtures.

inus of black soil in the number of diseases and pests that always live in the upper soil layer. Of all possible soil types, chernozem is the most contaminated. No one has been carrying out preventive procedures for a long time, they do not bring ammonia water to the fields. In addition, soil collected from greenhouse farms is often given out for black soil. Looseness and black color do not guarantee the quality of black soil, the presence of humus in it and the absence of pests and diseases, nitrates with nitrites and pesticides. Therefore, if you decide to import black soil, we recommend that you take it to a laboratory for analysis.

Orff is a universal component that is part of almost all existing soil mixtures and soil substrates. So, if you take peat, mix it with sand to improve the structure, add perlite or vermiculite, and of course humus, you get an excellent fertile substrate, which will be better than black soil. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it does not contain pests and diseases, since the prey comes from the depths. Pure peat is flammable, and in the heat, in direct sunlight, it can self-ignite. Therefore, it is better to mix it immediately with sand. Many peats have a very acidic pH of 3.5-4.5. Such peat is suitable only for acid-soil plants - heathers, rhododendrons, blueberries, cranberries, azaleas, etc. For most plants, this acidity is not suitable and the peat will have to be deacidified, that is, add the required amount of chalk or lime to it. Therefore, when buying peat from a peat bog, do not forget to ask for a certificate (then you do not have to do the analysis yourself). There is no need to mix sour peat with sand and other additives.

4. Budget

the main component in the price of soil is the cost of delivery. If in the surrounding area someone is digging a lake or removing the upper layers of the soil, you must definitely pay attention to this. The lakes are dug in the lowlands, where there are almost always deposits of excellent peat.

5. Substrate (bottom, rough soil layer, under the fertile layer)

orff or chernozem must be mixed with sand to improve their structure. It is better to choose sand of coarse fractions, it can be ravine, with a high content of clay particles that retain water and contain a huge amount of useful microelements. With sand, the soil becomes lighter, it becomes airy and moisture-permeable. If you have a soil with a high content of sand as a substrate, then you can do without the delivery of sand. Use an existing substrate as a sandy component, which is mixed with the imported peat or black soil using a walk-behind tractor.

Taking into account all of the above, we summarize:

We use peat, black earth and gully sand in our works, mixing them in proportions 2:1:1 ... If peat extraction is nearby and the budget is limited, then we mix peat with ravine sand in the proportion 3:1 ... If we have loose and sandy soil as a substrate, then you can do without ravine sand by mixing peat with a substrate in the same proportion 3:1 ... Immediately before mixing, mineral fertilizers are also applied, for example, nitroammofoska at the rate of 30-40g per square meter. In the case when fertility is a key factor, humus (or vermicompost) from 1l / m2 should be added before mixing.

Over time, any soil is depleted and requires systematic fertilization, otherwise the cultivation of cultivated plants on it becomes difficult. In this case, gardeners resort to feeding the substrate with organic substances.

One of these is peat - a natural fertilizer formed from particles of dead bog plants. Peat, as a mineral, is mined in swamps, riverbeds or watersheds.

This type of raw material has been used for a long time in the basis of fertilizers for the land and in other fields of activity. The substance consists of decomposed plants and synthesis products - humic, mineral particles and water. The composition also contains a small amount of mineral and chemical elements.

Peat deposits are used in many areas. Mainly as a fuel in power plants, in animal husbandry, for cleaning drainage facilities, in the development of medicines for medicine. In the construction industry, peat insulating materials are used.

A large proportion of peat bogs are used by gardeners and gardeners to increase soil fertility... Fertilizers are made from peat deposits that stimulate preparations for plant growth, pots for seedlings and a covering biomaterial for the winter.

The peat material accumulates many products of photosynthesis and carbon, which, when introduced into the soil improves its permeability to moisture and air, makes it friable, and also changes the microbiological composition.

Substance improves the structure of the earth, reduces the content of nitrates, reduces the effect of pesticides, inhibits harmful bacteria and fungi, increases acidity. The humic and amino acids included in the composition improve the development of plant crops. That is why peat, as a fertilizer, is so often used for vegetable gardens.

There are the following types of peat:

  1. Lowland. This species is formed from particles of woody species, mosses, sedges and reeds in wetlands. Plants decompose without access to oxygen with the help of microorganisms in the low-lying layer. This variety is characterized by high humidity and density. The peat layer consists of low-lying undecomposed plants: alder, fern, birch, spruce, willow, etc. It occurs in river floodplains and deep ravines.
  2. Horse. From its name indicates that it is formed in the upper layer of wetlands from grass and plants. Oxygen is involved in the formation. It has a light and loose structure, consists of the remains of plants of the upper type: larch, pine, marsh sedge, etc.
  3. Transient. It is a constituent part of high-moor and lowland peat.

Low-lying peat: application and properties of raw materials

This type of raw material is characterized by a high concentration of minerals and rapid decomposition. Mostly black.

Neutral or slightly acidic composition (pH 4–6) is saturated with humic acid, absorbs water strongly, therefore the humidity reaches 70%. Due to moisture, it is prone to lump formation, caking and silting.

Lowland peat before use air for several days outdoors, piling up in small piles. Used in combination with compost and the addition of mineral fertilizers to enrich the soil or retain moisture in clay or sandy soils.

Low-lying peat evenly spread on the surface of the earth and dig up the soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm. The optimal rate is considered to be an application of 20 to 30 liters / m². If the land on the site is new and has not been fertilized before, then 50 to 60 liters / m² are applied.

The introduction of peat raw materials makes the structure of the soil grainy, due to the fact that the soil particles are held together in small lumps. The soil allows air to pass freely, is well nourished and retains moisture, which has a beneficial effect on the root system of plants.

Low-lying peat often used for mulching surface of lawns in the spring. Before that, the lawn is combed out, fertilizers from nitrogen are added and a thin layer of peat no more than 3-5 mm is spread on the surface.

Mulching with lowland peat is used in the case of sandy and clay soils, so that moisture is retained longer during irrigation. To do this, remove weeds, water and fertilize the soil, then distribute the peat cover thin layer on the surface(2–5 cm), being careful not to touch the areas around the stems.

Horse peat: characteristics and uses in horticulture

High moor peat is characterized by its porosity and high ability to retain moisture. Non-biodegradable for a long time.

Due to the long fibers of the structure, it retains minerals in the composition for a long time. The soil, saturated with long-fiber high-moor peat, is light, has thermal insulation qualities and does not shrink when growing plants.

Unfortunately, high-moor peat low in nutrients... High-type peat deposits are acidic, pH 2.5–3.1. and are often used to acidify the soil.

Some plants require just such an environment for development. For example, for potatoes, strawberries, hydrangeas, sorrel, violets, heather. In this case, ventilated peat is added in proportions of 1: 1 for loamy and sandy soils.

In order not to oppress plant crops with high acidity, high-moor peat is preliminarily composted in pits or heaps until complete decomposition of organic residues.

On the basis of raw materials, substrates are prepared for growing seedlings of vegetables and flowers, and are also used in the greenhouse as the main material. Before this substance stir and ventilate, add mineral fertilizer and dolomite flour.

It is imperative to measure the acidity, since a pH level of 5.5–6.5 is considered optimal for plants. The prepared base is kept for 1.5–2 weeks, stirring occasionally, after which the plants are planted.

To use useful raw materials in gardening, you need to know some rules. Before use, peat fertilizer is "dissolved" and ventilated for about two weeks.

It is best to sift the material additionally through a special mesh. Airing is performed in order to reduce toxicity... Then the raw materials are piled up and kept for up to two or three months, periodically shoveling.

Peat fertilizer has shown itself well in flower cultivation. Airy and porous soil promotes fast restoration of flowers after transplants. Peonies are especially favorable to the peat substrate. Flowers develop quickly and delight with bright colors, while exuding more intense smells.

Gardeners often use instead of manure peat compost. The only drawback of this method is the longer decomposition of peat in the soil than with manure. In addition, high-moor peat has a high acidity, which requires maturing before use. But with proper preparation, peat compost is in no way inferior to manure.

Composting is performed from early spring to late autumn... In compost heaps, various materials are added to the peat, which serve as an excellent supplement for beneficial microorganisms.

Most often, these are fallen leaves, plant waste, tops, weeds, food debris and sawdust. The compost is prepared for about one - one and a half years. During this time, it is considered ready if the mixture has turned into a homogeneous mass.

The use of peat in a summer cottage leads to positive results. The natural substance is used for the following purposes:

How should peat be applied? The method is ineffective if you just scatter the raw materials on the soil surface. To achieve maximum effect, peat material is mixed with turf, humus and other components, then bring 2-3 buckets to an area of ​​1 m²... Such top dressing can be performed every year, which will increase the level of soil fertility by 1%.

You should take into account the simple rules when making peat top dressing at their summer cottage:

  • The amount of peat matter in the soil composition should not exceed 70%.
  • Before use, be sure to mix with humus and sand.
  • Additionally, apply mineral fertilizers.
  • Use low-lying peat deposits.
  • Apply on loam and sandy soils.

The result of feeding is influenced by the degree of decomposition of peat raw materials, which should not be less than 30–40%. If a low-lying type of material is used, then before using it, it is imperative ventilate and grind... At the same time, it is impossible to overdry the material, the optimum humidity should be 50–70%.

Peat for the garden: the benefits and harms of raw materials

Gardeners use peat raw materials to give looseness to the earthen coma and create the correct structure of sod-podzolic soils, where sand and clay prevail. As you know, sand weakly retains water, and clay is airtight.

Therefore, there is no better option for such a soil. How is peat chosen for the garden? You can choose depending on the degree of decomposition of the substance. There are three categories:

  • Lowland type. More than 40% of the degree of decomposition. Due to its neutral composition, it is best suited for the vegetable garden.
  • Transitional type. Decomposition rate from 25 to 40%. Used as composting material.
  • Horse type. The minimum degree of decomposition is 20%. It is not recommended to apply in pure form to the soil due to high acidity, requires preliminary treatment.

The main benefits and harms of peat on a garden plot. Let us determine what the beneficial effects of the peat composition are:

  1. It allows you to increase yields by improving the soil, is minimal in costs.
  2. Increases the humus layer of the earth, thereby improving fertility.
  3. Increases porosity, air and water permeability of the substrate, improving the functioning of the root system of plants.
  4. Fights pathogenic microflora, fungi, bacteria, is a good antiseptic.
  5. With a low acidity of the substrate, this indicator can be normalized if the type of peat is selected correctly.
  6. It quickly warms up the earth, is able to retain nutrients and stop their leaching.
  7. It is hygroscopic. Increases the moisture content of the soil.

What disadvantages and harm can bring:

  1. Peat is only harmful if used incorrectly or combined with low-quality fertilizers. Then the plants slow down development, and in some cases even death is possible.
  2. The substance is capable of increasing the acidity of the soil, which adversely affects the growth of the crop. To avoid soil acidification, the peat material is limestone - add 4–6 kg of lime per 100 kg.
  3. Peat will not do any good if the land is fertile and loose. The content of trace elements in the substance is minimal and will only be absorbed by 5%. This should be taken into account.

Peat as a fertilizer for vegetable crops

Almost all crops yield good yields when peat is used. Tomatoes, sorrel, potatoes, strawberries, strawberries and blueberries react especially favorably to a useful substance.

Top dressing is carried out in the spring, simultaneously with planting potatoes. Peat mixed with manure thrown directly into the hole which allows nutrients to better penetrate the seeds.

Peat also works well on the growth of strawberries. The fruits ripen faster, and the harvest becomes richer. Planting material has an equally good effect on tomatoes. Top dressing is carried out once every 14 days. root or foliar method.

What is the difference between chernozem and peat? and got the best answer

Answer from Soloviev (Fedotenko) Albina [guru]
Pure peat is of little value as a fertilizer, since the nitrogen contained in it is not readily available to plants. To improve the quality of peat, it must be composted. When properly prepared, peat composts are not only as good as manure, but also significantly surpass it. Before composting, peat must be dried and ventilated by shoveling 2-3 times during the summer. Aerated peat can also be used for mulching crops, especially on heavy, cold soils. Chernozem is a humus-rich, dark-colored type of soil formed on loam. Chernozem contains many microorganisms. As a result, it has a granular-lumpy structure. This determines the main property of black soil - its high fertility.
Chernozem is very often used to improve sandy soils. Mixing with sand, chernozem forms a layer that is optimal in terms of its fertile structure. Such a layer is rich in humus and nutrients, in particular, black soil contains substances such as nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, calcium. Chernozem possesses the required water permeability, density and particle size distribution. With the introduction of chernozem, the effect of general improvement of the soil is noted. The main plus of black soil is that it is perfect for any type of planting.

Answer from Victoria Kotik[guru]
Peat burns, black soil - no

Answer from Ildar ----[guru]
Chernozem is the fertile land of the Russian south, peat remains of rotting plants, usually underground, often ignites spontaneously

Answer from Dashutka[newbie]
Chernozem is land suitable for planting
and peat ... this is a more useful fertilizer, also suitable for planting, but even from the remnants of rotten leaves and grass !!

Answer from Yovetlana Ryabinkina[guru]
Ildar answered correctly. By the way, black soil is unlikely to harm your garden, but not all plants accept the abundance of peat with a bang ...

Answer from Anastasia Zhelyabova[guru]
peat is a substance and black soil is soil

Answer from Hedgehog[guru]
Peat acidifies the soil; not all plants can grow in such soil. Chernozem is an excellent rich soil.

Answer from Thin Thing[active]
From myself, as a soil scientist, I will add that black soil gives a high content of humus (a special organic substance that determines soil fertility). Peat, which is black, is grassroots, has a high POTENTIAL fertility, there is much more organic matter in it than in chernozem, but it is sterile (there are no microorganisms), therefore it is inaccessible to plants. The use of peat as an organic fertilizer manifests itself after a certain time, depending on a number of conditions of its use (composting, the use of bacterial preparations, etc. to accelerate the decomposition of the organic matter of peat).

Little distinguishable from the point of view of external characteristics, peat and humus are often confused, and some inexperienced amateur summer residents sometimes even mistake them for the same fertilizer. However, the difference between these nutritional supplements for plants is colossal and it is up to each individual to decide unambiguously which one is best used in a particular vegetable garden.


Natural natural product peat is formed under the influence of biochemical processes in the absence of oxygen. Raw materials are obtained by transforming objects such as tree branches, dead marsh plants, leaves and other natural materials. At the end of the transformation process, coal is obtained.

Unique plant raw materials have many advantages and are widely used in agriculture. It is used for the following purposes:

  • Creation of fertile soils and fertilizers;
  • The use of peat oxidate as plant growth stimulants;
  • Production of special pots for growing seedlings and feeding tablets by pressing the material;
  • Use as a heater in the cultivation of frost-resistant plants during the cold period;

By origin, raw materials are divided into three types:

  • Horse: consists of grasses and leaves, forms on the surface of swamps. Has a loose and light structure;
  • Lowland: formed at the bottom of waterlogged bodies of water, it contains mosses, remains of trees and shrubs. This type is characterized by high humidity and density;
  • Transition: mixed type of peat;

Peat is a free-flowing and light product, it also has a high acidity. The raw materials contain elements that inhibit the development of plants, blocking access to nutrients, however, due to its porosity, peat allows the soil to be saturated with oxygen. For these reasons, peat should be used carefully, you should not densely fill the entire territory of the garden or other land plot with it.

To answer the question of which is better - peat or humus, it is necessary to analyze the rules for the use of one or another raw material.

Tips for using peat on the site:

  • There should not be more than 65% of raw materials throughout the site;
  • Before use, peat is best dried and mixed with or
  • It is best to use peat fertilizers on soils with a high content of and;

By adding peat during the cultivation process, each gardener will be able to get a large harvest, but using it, you should carefully study the soil and apply only the required amount of fertilizer.


Humus is a natural fertilizer that is formed in the process of overheating of natural materials, which include: grass, leaves, manure, small branches. This fertilizer is popular not only due to the fact that you can create it yourself, even in the smallest garden plot, but also because of its high characteristics. Humus:

  • Nourishes and saturates the soil with moisture and oxygen;
  • Structures loose soil;
  • Regulates the delivery of mineral fertilizers during feeding;
  • Can completely replace other fertilizers and rid the land of impoverishment;
  • Attracts earthworms, while scaring away moles;
  • Avoids mulching for some plant species.

Since humus is formed from several types of materials, it is customary to divide it into two types:

  • Herbal;
  • Dung.

The types of humus differ from each other in the amount of nutrients and their effect on plants, however, in terms of comparing peat and humus, this difference is not significant.

Answering the question of which is better, peat or humus, it is also necessary to consider the disadvantages of rotted raw materials:

  • To use humus, you need to prepare the soil. As a standard for fertilizing the earth with humus, the raw material is buried for the winter, mixing it with the ground 1: 1;
  • The soil fertilized with humus is highly susceptible to weed infestation, which is a significant disadvantage for any gardener.

For the rest, humus is an ideal fertilizer, the constant use of which will allow you to collect impressive yields from the site.

Peat or humus - which is better to choose?

In choosing between peat and humus, it is necessary to consider their main differences and indicators. The most obvious and significant difference between peat and humus is increased acidity. This property makes peat the most popular fertilizer for structured soil or as a major component in impoverished land plots. Peat is excellent for clay, sandy, loamy and sandy loam soils, which are often found throughout Russia, including the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk and other cities in Siberia.

Humus is a universal fertilizer. however, due to the long preparation of the soil and the large number of weeds, many try to use it as little as possible.

Thus, we can say that humus is the best fertilizer, however, you shouldn't forget about peat either. The right mixture of natural fertilizers with the soil will allow you to balance it with nutrients and grow the best harvest.

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