Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Test: Do you like your job? Is your job right for you? Test whether the job is suitable

For each answer a) give yourself 8 points, for answer b) - 6, for answer c) - 4, for answer d) - 1 point and for answer e) - respectively, 0.

1. How do you feel when you go to work in the morning?

a) Easy and joyful.

b) Confident and calm.

v) I'm nervous.

G) Apathetic.

e) As if I'm not there.

2. At the workplace, you feel like ...

a) like a fish in water!

b) cheerful and ready to help everyone.

v) irritated and twitchy.

G) before lunch, nothing else, and after that such fatigue piles on.

e) as in hard labor.

3. Coming home after work feeling ...

a) anticipation of evening worries and joys.

b) accomplished duty and pleasant fatigue.

v) as if a heavy stone had been removed from the neck.

G) indifferent to everything.

e) deep depression, self-pity and melancholy.

4. Are you willing to work overtime?

a) Sometimes the desire arises.

b) Yes, subject to appropriate payment.

v) If forced or forced by irresistible circumstances.

G) No, only under threat of dismissal.

e) Never.

5. How often and why are you late?

a) Almost never, only because of serious health or transportation problems.

b) Sometimes, for family reasons.

v) Quite often, I do not have time to sleep or get ready.

G) Often, I don't even know why.

e) Almost always, for various reasons.

6. Are you afraid of your boss?

a) No, because I always fulfill his requirements and listen to advice.

b) Rather, I respect and am confident that the vertical of power is based on justice.

v) I'm afraid, but in general, I have a normal relationship with him.

G) Rather, yes, because I often have conflicts.

e) Sometimes to panic, although I often turn out to be wrong (a).

7. Do you discuss work situations at home?

a) Almost always and with pleasure.

b) Rarely, but only because there is not enough time.

v) Sometimes I talk in half - about the positive and the negative.

G) Quite often I complain about my superiors and colleagues.

e) Always and very much in need of comfort and support from loved ones.

8. Do you ever feel like chatting with colleagues outside of working hours?

a) Yes, we often call each other and meet.

b) Why not if there is nothing else to do.

v) Occasionally, in order to ask for advice.

G) Quite often, we discuss problems with a friend from work.

e) What's the point?

9. When you think about work on the weekend, then ...

a) the mood rises - because I like my profession!

b) I have no time to remember - I have a rich personal life.

v) the mood remains the same - I am sure that my work is fine.

G) I'm starting to get nervous.

e) the mood spoils - soon to go there again.

Summarize the scores and read the conclusions.

From 72 to 52 points. You really love your job. Most likely, you are quite satisfied with the relationship with your superiors and coworkers. The main thing is not to spoil anything, and everything that you succeed so well today will be even better in the future.

From 51 to 31 points. Relations with colleagues and bosses generally suit you, the load is quite bearable and the material side is not too disappointing either. Although ... Deep down, you probably dream more.

From 30 to 15 points. It's too early to beat the alarm, but the situation at work cannot be called comfortable. Make it a goal to make your time in the workplace interesting, or at least not detrimental to your mental state.

Less than 15 points. Change your job urgently, otherwise a nervous breakdown cannot be avoided.

Do you want to know if you are busy with that business? Our test is designed specifically for this.

Test passed: 114155

Do you often talk with students during a lesson on abstract topics?

Answer the question

Imagine the situation: you woke up, an open lesson is on the nose. What motivates you to get up on this day?

“You are very collected and disciplined, you know whom to ask, what to ask, with whom to have a conversation, who to sympathize with. At the same time, you are strict and fair. You always take notes on everything new. You have earned credibility for a long time and keep it up to date. Children receive only accurate knowledge from you, parents are delighted with your strict and equal relationship with them. You pay as much attention to preparation for meetings as you do to lessons. Your motto is objectivity, accuracy, responsibility. ”

Answer the question

How similar are you to the teacher description below?

“Daily preparation for lessons seems to you a real punishment, and the realization that tomorrow 5 lessons is terrifying. You are afraid to seem boring and uninteresting to children. Difficulties arise with whom to ask, you are lost what to ask. In the morning you are overcome with the feeling that someone may come to the lesson with a check, and your lesson will turn out to be raw and mundane. "

Answer the question

How do you feel at the end of the working week?

“Each class is a separate country for you. For its prosperity, you make all the necessary efforts: compose an author's educational program, tests, terminological dictations, as well as invent educational games and introduce new means of visualization. You often make presentations for lessons, make every effort to properly motivate students for your subject. Even those who do not want to learn appreciate and respect you. ”

Answer the question

If the teachers' council is looking for a teacher who could organize an event, then I ...

Answer the question

Is your style of working with students similar to the one described below?

“Pupils are constantly complaining about the large amount of homework. You constantly prove the hackneyed truth that on "5" God knows, on "4" - you, and the students should rejoice at "3". At the same time, all parents strive to send their children to your class, since the knowledge of the children is good, the discipline is at the level, and the children in general are becoming more purposeful. "

Answer the question

Do you look like the educator described below?

“During the lessons there is a certain fixation on the formulation of one's speech, its intonation, as well as the refinement of gestures and postures. You know how to support the guys, but only with words. Methodological support of the subject does not really bother you, the assignment of marks is sometimes missed, and the explanation of the material is just an excuse to talk and not stand still. "

You are looking for your place in the sun. Pedagogy is one of the steps, go further!

You seem to be tired, or else you dream of "getting off the ship." A lot is hard for you. Try to relax and calmly carry out daily tasks in a way that does not burden you. Preparing for lessons can be fun and not burdensome, you just need to find your way. Also, perhaps you should pay attention to another type of activity, it is not too late to change everything. The main thing is to find something that would be to your liking and would not cause significant emotional stress, and subsequently, health problems on a nervous basis.

And what will be the result of your friends and colleagues?

You are a teacher-creator, Michelangelo of Pedagogy!

Being a teacher is your destiny! You take into account the characteristics of all students, you know how to reorganize the course of the lesson in time if you see that the children do not perceive the educational material. Respect the opinion and desire of the child. In your work, you are like an artist creating great canvases or a talented conductor leading a well-coordinated orchestra. Your only problem is that the student quickly gets used to your tolerant attitude. Nevertheless, the students love you very much. You are dedicated to work, responsible, purposeful. But sometimes you are afraid of difficulties. Do not be afraid to try something new, because the smiles and bright future of your pupils are in your hands. You are heading in the right direction. Just a little more and you will become a real maestro in your business!

1. How many years have you been in the last job?

a) more than a year;

b) more than 3 years;

c) 10 years or more;

d) several months.

2. Do you think you need to study in order to successfully continue your professional career:

a) satisfied with the current situation;

b) you cannot live without a career;

c) of course, because it is prestigious;

d) a person can always learn something new;

e) only if it is beneficial.

3. Do you feel that you are paid well enough compared to the opportunities that your profession provides:

a) yes, but now, no matter how much you pay, there will always be little;

b) no, but it is difficult to compare here;

c) of course, not enough for the tremendous efforts that I am making;

d) the salary is small, but sufficient to keep the profession you love;

e) work only as much as you are paid.

4.What mood do you usually go to work in:

a) with a rapid pulse, with high blood pressure, with tremors;

b) everything is going fine;

c) mentally consider how much is left before retirement;

d) with impatience - "now I will show them what I am capable of";

e) with all that, you are better at work than at home.

5. Do you often discuss business problems with loved ones. "

a) tell jokes about your boss;

b) say only what can be useful;

c) avoid this topic;

e) sometimes make attempts, but such conversations are not of interest to you.

6. Lying on the seashore while on vacation, you catch yourself thinking about work:

a) this cannot be - when you rest, you think only about pleasure;

b) gloat good-naturedly, imagining how your colleagues are “frying” at this moment;

c) want the rest to end faster;

d) remember work with a good feeling and even send a postcard to your colleagues;

e) you are glad that the vacation is long enough.

7. Have you ever imagined that you would do something like this:

a) did not even dream that it would be so good;

b) it was always clear to you how things are in this area, you aspired to this place and now you are happy with everything;

c) feel a slight disappointment;

d) you still need to work somewhere….

8. Would you agree that your children choose your profession:

a) if they are interested in it and if they themselves chose it;

b) yes, but only having received a higher qualification than yours;

c) do everything to dissuade them. One victim in the family is enough;

d) you do not care, but you are convinced that they do not yet know what to grab onto;

e) secretly hope that this will happen, then you could use your experience and connections.

9. When you were a child, you dreamed of becoming:

a) an astronaut to land first on a new planet;

b) a famous artist - due to the applause of the audience;

c) a teacher to give all children excellent grades;

d) a fashion model - simply because it is beautiful;

e) by a doctor because of a stethoscope and a white coat.

10. Imagine the following situation: you are waiting for a decisive meeting with the man of your dreams. Suddenly it turns out that you need to stay at work for a few more hours. Your reaction:

a) inform him that, unfortunately, you are busy today;

b) swear with everyone who catches your eye, and leave reassured to a meeting;

c) after long hesitation, postpone the meeting and feel so depressed that you are not able to do anything;

d) postpone the meeting - work is more important than everything else, and those who want to be with you should get used to this thought;

e) try to leave the service, resorting to the most ridiculous lies (for example, that a cousin is ill). If you do not have time for a meeting, you act according to the scheme "and the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe":

work at an accelerated pace to get things done faster, and when you come to a meeting, you will be disappointed to know that no one is waiting for you there.


We calculate the points:

1.a, d - 1; b, c - 2

2.a-0; b, d-2; in 1; g-4

3. a-2; g-3; b, c, e - 1

4.a-0; b-4; in 1; g-2; d-1

5. a, d-2; b, c, d-1

6. a, d - 3; in, d-; b-2

7. a-5; b-3; in 2; r-1

8. a-5; b-4; c, d-1; g-2

9. a, b, c, d-2; g – 3

10. a-7; b-5; c, d-1; g-2

38 to 27 points. You do an excellent job in any situation: both everyday and professional. You have a rare quality not to notice your own merits and, as a result, you do not stop looking for opportunities for improvement. You feel good enough at any job, therefore - attention! - do not settle for the first one that comes along. And remember: whatever you do, you will enjoy everything.

26 to 22 points. You are doing a good job, and yet something is wrong with you. Maybe your professional capabilities are greater than what you do, and you need a small but noticeable success in order to improve your well-being. Perhaps your dissatisfaction is the result of personal problems or it is simply an inability to communicate with colleagues. Think, maybe it is worth adjusting the small, but important principles for you, in order to experience pleasure from work.

Less than 22 points. You are a martyr at work with no interest and no opportunity to realize yourself. The reasons may be different, but if you have not yet lost faith in yourself, it is better to leave. After a week of rest and reflection, maybe you will understand that a new business in all cases is preferable to the dullness of life in which you drowned.

Well, we wish you to enjoy your work just like this guy with a tambourine-)

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