Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Plan for carrying out tsu with nasf. Organization of special and tactical training at a healthcare facility

Planning and training of staff members, facility personnel and facility formations is organized by the chief of staff of the Civil Defense Emergency Situations in accordance with the order of the head of the civil defense facility and organizational instructions for civil defense at this year, in which the topics, the number of hours on each topic and the form of conducting classes are determined annually.

Taking into account the characteristics of the healthcare facility, it is allowed to use up to 10% of the training time provided for by the program to study those issues that are necessary for the facility’s personnel, as indicated in the order of the head of the civil defense facility. In this case, exclusion from the topic preparation program is not allowed. general order, which, regardless of the profile of the healthcare facility, are studied with all personnel and at all facilities. Special and tactical training is carried out at civil defense healthcare facilities.

The order of the head of the civil defense facility for special training determines the composition of training groups, leaders and their deputies for conducting classes, locations of classes, days of the week (month) and hours. There may be several training groups for conducting special training at a healthcare facility: a group of management personnel, including the full staff of the emergency civil defense headquarters; groups of doctors according to the profile of their specialties (it is allowed to unite doctors of related specialties, for example, surgical, traumatology, burns, etc.); groups of secondary medical workers in related specialties; groups of junior medical personnel; groups of service personnel (without medical education). For each study group, a log of classes and student attendance is prepared.

It is important to correctly plan the days and hours of classes, taking into account the busyness of the students. Classes are held in work time. Leaders (assistant leaders) of training groups must conduct special training classes. Control and assistance in preparing and conducting classes is entrusted to the chief of the emergency civil defense headquarters, deputy heads of the civil defense facility, who are part of the emergency civil defense headquarters, for which a schedule for attending classes is developed. An entry is made in the journal about the results of the control (name of the topic of the lesson, attendance, quality of the lesson, visibility, activity of students, etc.). The results of control checks of classes are summarized by the chief of the emergency civil defense headquarters and reported to the head of the civil defense facility.

On the most general 1-2 topics of the program, it is possible to give a lecture for all staff by the most trained lecturer from among the management staff of healthcare, the teaching staff of higher education departments educational institutions, research institutions, etc.

At the beginning of the school year, an educational and methodological meeting of lesson leaders is held throughout the entire facility. Before the gathering, its participants must have training programs, the composition of study groups, the time of classes, prepare the available literature, materials for conducting classes.

At the methodological meeting, the curriculum for the organization of classes is clarified, the chief of staff of the Civil Defense for Emergency Situations communicates the latest provisions on the organization and conduct of civil defense, and he answers questions from the participants in the meeting.

Special training classes end with a test. Leaders of training groups, if they are among the management staff of a healthcare facility, are exempt from attending classes in the management group. The main task special training personnel is to increase their professional knowledge and skills to carry out activities in war time in accordance with its purpose to the extent of its functional responsibilities V different conditions situation.

At the same time, or better yet upon completion of special training, tactical and special training is carried out, which includes training of the control body (emergency civil defense headquarters), formations of the facility and the healthcare facility as a whole.

Forms tactical and special training are: with the emergency response headquarters - staff training, staff exercise, command post exercise; formations - tactical-special exercise, tactical-special exercise; with a healthcare facility - complex teaching of the object. When organizing tactical and special training at a facility, a certain sequence in its implementation must be observed. First of all, it is necessary to organize the initial training of the emergency civil defense headquarters, conduct staff training with it, a staff exercise, and only then can it be possible to organize a special tactical exercise with the formations. The staff must be prepared to lead these exercises. All the more thorough should be the preparation of headquarters and formations for conducting a comprehensive exercise with the facility.

Staff training carried out as part of the emergency department headquarters of the facility for 2-4 hours quarterly. To carry it out, a plan is developed outlining the issues to be considered.

It can be:

study and coordination of developed functional responsibilities between members of the headquarters, their adjustment and clarification;

clarification individual provisions civil defense plan (actions) of the facility in wartime;

hearing and discussing reports of staff members on certain issues of civil defense at the site, etc.

Staff training is conducted by the head of the civil defense facility or, on his instructions, by the chief of staff of the civil defense facility, followed by a report on the results of the training to the chief of the civil defense facility. Staff training ends with the adoption of a decision and development of an action plan to implement the decision.

Staff exercise is carried out with the emergency civil defense headquarters with the participation of the heads of units (departments) of the facility that have civil defense assignments, as well as commanders (chiefs) of formations (facility and for MS Civil Defense). The duration of a staff exercise is 6-8 hours; it is advisable to conduct 1-2 exercises during the year. If there is a staff exercise in the quarter, no staff drill should take place, and preparation for this exercise is covered at the previous staff training.

To conduct a staff exercise, the following is being developed:

the concept of the teaching textually and graphically;

organizational instructions for the preparation and conduct of the exercise, indicating the topic of the exercise, the composition of the participants responsible for the preparation, and other issues;

plan for conducting a staff exercise, indicating the topic, training objectives, stages and training issues, worked out according to astronomical and operational time, actions of intermediaries and trainees;

plan for building up the situation (content of introductory notes, time of issuing them, who is issuing them and to whom);

logistics plan for the headquarters exercise (venue, communications, documentation, etc.).

The head of the exercise is the head of the civil defense facility. Upon completion of the exercise, it is debriefed, as a result of which a plan is developed to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Staff exercises at a healthcare facility can be conducted by the higher management of the Ministry of Civil Defense according to their plans, and the facility must receive a task to prepare for the exercise 20-30 days in advance.

Command post exercise is carried out annually for 2-3 days (depending on the healthcare facility) at those facilities where complex exercises are not provided. At facilities where complex exercises are planned (hospitals with 600 or more beds), command post exercises are held annually for 2 years, and in the 3rd year - a complex exercise of the facility. At these facilities, command post exercises are carried out for 3-5 days.

Participating in the exercise are: Emergency Civil Defense headquarters; evacuation commission; at least 1/3 of the main departments (laboratories, departments) of the facility, formation (OPM, Emergency Hospital, etc.), service units.

To conduct the exercise, the following documents are processed:

the intent of the teaching;

order (instruction) on the preparation and conduct of the exercise;

training schedule;

exercise management organization diagram;

organizational instructions for preparing and conducting the exercise;

exercise plan;

plan for building up the situation (introductory);

a plan for carrying out practical activities (deployment of a reception and sorting department and other departments, deployment of OPM, etc.);

implementation plan research work during the exercise;

work plan of the training director and private plans of his assistants.

The main requirements for organizing and conducting exercises are:

The design of the exercise must correspond to the predicted situation that may develop at a healthcare facility in wartime;

The stages of the exercise should reveal the content of the activities carried out by the facility according to the modes of its activity adopted in civil defense;

The training questions of the training stages should consistently reveal the content of the activities being carried out in accordance with the civil defense plan (actions) of the healthcare facility;

■actions of officials of the emergency response headquarters, personnel of formations, units (departments, services) of the facility during the exercise must be carried out in real time, not allowing for simplification and conventionality;

■exercises must be conducted on the actually existing material base of the facility itself, assigned to it according to the wartime plan;

■during the exercise, it is necessary to conduct a study of the reality of the planned civil defense activities at the healthcare facility, to work out the issues of interaction provided for by the civil defense (action) plan of the facility;

Special attention should be focused on the preparation and organization of practical activities during the exercise: deployment and organization of the work of formations (OPM, Emergency Hospital, etc.), departments for receiving the injured (patients), a hospital for non-transportable patients and other practical activities provided for in the wartime plan . The content and duration of practical activities must correspond to the intent of the exercise and the situation that requires these activities.

It must be considered unjustified to deploy formations in advance or to bring them to readiness at a time not established by regulations. These actions are justified only during demonstration exercises, when the process of training in civil defense is underway on the scale of a city (district, subject of the Russian Federation).

At a command post exercise, all practical activities must be carried out within the standard time allotted for them. A hospital for non-transportable patients must be ready for admission 12 hours after receiving the order, gathering personnel of the emergency response headquarters during working hours - 20 minutes, during non-working hours - no more than 2 hours, OPM during working hours - 30 minutes, during non-working hours time - up to 4 hours, readiness of high-alert emergency personnel - 12 hours, the rest - 24 hours, discharge of patients from health care facilities - 4 hours, etc.

By carrying out practical activities in real standard time, it is possible to check the readiness for their implementation and the reality of the established standard time. Management bodies, establishments and formations of MS Civil Defense must be ready to work at any time of the day, and therefore some practical measures (notification and collection, deployment of PKO, etc.) must be provided for at night.

Considering that saving the life and health of the affected population in wartime conditions will largely depend on the timeliness of providing medical care directly to the affected areas, a large role in solving this humane task belongs to the OPM, their level of training and timely arrival at the affected area. In this regard, at every command and staff exercise it is necessary to conduct special tactical exercises with him. A command-staff exercise with a firefighting operation should be preceded by its preparation by conducting practical training and tactical-special training with squads.

The content of practical training, tactical and special training for each OPM department is determined by its purpose and the tasks performed during the operation of the OPM in the affected areas. The main goal of training and exercises conducted with departments is to instill in the personnel solid practical skills in performing their functional duties when various options OPM work. Practical training should take place dynamically, without cost large quantity time. Each department official performs duties within the established time frame. The practical training is conducted by the head of the department.

When drawing up a plan for conducting practical training and tactical-special training on academic year it is necessary to take into account the sequence of studying all topics of the tactical and special training program for the OPM. Each subsequent practical training or lesson should be a continuation of the worked topics and deepen the knowledge of the trainees.

Practical training ensures that personnel are trained to quickly assemble and receive tasks, skillfully use all means and methods of protection against weapons of mass destruction, and contribute to the acquisition of skills to work as part of a squad.

For all PKO departments, the mandatory topic of practical training is the following - “Organizing notification and gathering of personnel, alerting the PKO department.”

The educational objectives of the training are: checking the notification scheme for squad personnel and reducing the time it takes to assemble them; practicing the elements of bringing the detachment to readiness (receiving property, loading it onto vehicles, the order of forming a column of vehicles, preparing personnel for the march).

This practical training should be carried out both during and after work, at night and during the day. All actions of trainees in accordance with their functional responsibilities are timed by the head of the department.

All issues on the solution of which depend on the implementation of measures to alert the department are clarified and agreed upon. In order for the training to be of a practical nature, the chief of the OPM must determine in advance to each department head, in accordance with the general plan for bringing the detachment to readiness, the volume of activities carried out by the department, indicate the order and timing of their implementation. The training ends with an analysis and summing up of the department’s readiness.

When conducting practical training with the reception, triage and hospital departments, the sanitary squads assigned to them are also involved, if not in full force, then at least the squad commanders and sanitary unit commanders. They must know the tasks that are assigned to them when bringing the PKO to readiness.

Then a lesson is held on the topic: “Means and methods of protecting PKO personnel from damaging factors nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons." It is conducted by the heads of departments. At this lesson, each department must trace the site where the plan calls for tearing off a simple shelter (crack). Such a simple shelter should accommodate personnel of 1-2 squads (20-40 people) During the lesson, the responsibilities of the personnel during the construction of this shelter are distributed, the entrenching tools are distributed. medical institution, on the basis of which the OPM was created, indicates to all department heads the locations of sites for simple shelters.

The lesson will be more visual if one such shelter on the territory of a medical institution is actually made, and it can be viewed by all personnel.

Successful practical training is impossible without good material support: the presence of a sufficient number of gas masks, simple respiratory protection equipment and materials for their manufacture, anti-plague suits, individual first-aid kits and anti-chemical bags. During the lesson, practical skills in using the products are acquired. personal protection. Classes conducted with OPM departments can only be effective if the departments are practically deployed, when all personnel specifically perform their functional duties in a specifically created environment. To deploy OPM branches, it is necessary to use property, attract transport, and adapt premises.

Each OPM department has its own tasks, features of deployment and operation when using various damaging factors.

When conducting practical training on the deployment of OPM departments, such as triage and evacuation, surgical dressing, hospital, it is necessary to select appropriate premises taking into account the tasks they solve.

Training with the personnel of the partial sanitary treatment and partial decontamination department, pharmacy, laboratory and business department should be carried out directly on the basis of the medical institution where the OPM was created, or together with other departments of the OPM.

To conduct practical training with OPM departments, a plan is developed that indicates educational goals, time and place of the lesson, its material support, and educational issues. The plan is accompanied by a diagram of the deployment of departments with a detailed indication of the placement of all equipment and the placement of personnel.

Before the practical deployment of the squad begins, its personnel familiarize themselves with the lesson plan and deployment scheme of the squad, and study the functional responsibilities. During the training, the squad deployment scheme and the placement of personnel are clarified. It is advisable to first conduct an OPM with the departments practical training on organizing their work in the event of a nuclear attack, and subsequently, when the personnel acquires some practical skills, they can also conduct tactical and special training on organizing the reception of casualties from the source of a chemical attack.

When conducting special tactical training, training issues are practiced against the backdrop of a specific tactical situation with the obligatory involvement of extras to simulate the casualties. During the tactical-special training, some of the most difficult questions can be processed again. Tactical and special classes are conducted with surgical, dressing, and hospital departments.

At a special tactical lesson on the deployment of a sorting and evacuation department to receive the wounded nuclear weapons It is planned to organize the work of a distribution post, a site for partial sanitization and partial decontamination, triage rooms for stretchers and walking victims, and evacuation wards. The distribution post is deployed at a distance of up to 50 m from the sorting and evacuation department along the path of the flow of casualties. The work of the distribution post is led by a paramedic or nurse.

The post includes a dosimetrist who determines the amount of radioactive contamination of clothing and unprotected skin of incoming victims. The victims are imitated by extras who are given tickets with characteristics of the defeat. All arriving casualties at the distribution post are divided into stretchers and walkers; From among them, infectious patients and those with mental disorders who are subject to isolation, as well as those contaminated with radioactive substances, are distinguished.

IN winter time For partial sanitary treatment of stretcher patients, a special warm room is allocated. At the distribution post and the partial sanitization site, all personnel, if necessary, work in standard personal protective equipment or in ordinary clothing, using cotton-gauze bandages or respirators.

Sorting rooms for stretchers and walking casualties should be located in such a way that there are no oncoming and intersecting flows of their arrival within the PKO.

The area of ​​the triage room for stretchers affected must be at least 250-300 m 2 so that 80-100 stretchers can be simultaneously accommodated, tables for their registration, tables for medications, a place for washing hands, sterilization of instruments and syringes, and a utility corner .

The triage room for stretcher-affected patients (Fig. 8) should be deployed so that the injured can be transferred from it to the operating room, dressing room, anti-shock and hospital wards, to the infectious disease and neuropsychiatric isolation wards, as well as to the evacuation department.

The area of ​​the triage room for mildly affected patients should be 80-100 m2. It can accommodate up to 100 walking casualties at the same time, equip a dressing room on one table, place a registrar's table and deploy a utility corner. The dressing room must have a table for medications, an instrument table and a place for sterilizing instruments.

In the process of a tactical-special training when deploying a sorting and evacuation department and a partial sanitary processing site, it is necessary to achieve a reduction in the time it takes to be ready to receive casualties, which largely depends on the correct placement of personnel and their coordination in work. The triage and evacuation department must be ready to receive casualties no later than 30-45 minutes after arrival at the deployment site.

The lesson with the personnel of the sorting and evacuation department ends with a debriefing.

Conducting a special tactical training with a triage and evacuation department deployed to receive those affected by toxic substances requires a change in its deployment pattern.

It is planned to allocate a room to accommodate the affected persons awaiting sanitary treatment. In this room, antidote therapy, stimulation of respiration and cardiac activity should be carried out; there should also be means for providing oxygen and the necessary care items for the seriously affected.

To undress the injured person, two rooms are allocated: in the first, outer clothing and shoes are removed, open areas of the body are decontaminated and the injured person is transferred to a clean stretcher; in the second room, underwear and a gas mask are removed. After this, the affected person is transferred to the next room, where complete sanitary treatment is carried out. This room should provide for oxygen therapy, administration of cardiac and respiratory stimulants. After sanitary treatment, the affected person is transferred to the dressing room, where clean linen is put on him. Then he enters the department that he needs according to his indications and the current situation.

Walking infected people from the distribution post arrive at the site (at summer time) or into the room (in winter) for partial sanitary treatment. Here, affected FOVs receive an antidote tableted or injected (if it has not been taken previously). If the condition of the affected person worsens, he is transferred to a stream for the seriously affected. After partial sanitization, the walking infected are sent to triage wards.

The partial sanitization department for walkers, deployed in the winter, has two rooms:

to remove first outerwear and shoes (in the first room), and then for partial sanitization of exposed areas of the body (in the second room) using degassing solutions; Those affected are immediately put on clean clothes. In the sanitary treatment department, where the seriously injured are admitted, there is a doctor, 2 nurses, 1-2 sanitary squad members, and in the partial sanitization department for walkers - a paramedic, 1 nurse, 1-2 sanitary squad members.

All personnel at the distribution post and in the sanitary processing department work in personal protective equipment for skin and respiratory organs (gas masks).

Triage rooms should accommodate 150-200 affected people at a time. The main task of the triage and evacuation department is to sort incoming casualties and send them either for evacuation or to the hospital department. In this department, medical GO cards are filled out for all affected people.

When conducting the lesson, attention is paid to the placement of the personnel of the department and the sanitary squad included in the department’s staff, the study of functional responsibilities, working out the deployment scheme of the department, its equipment, and achieving coherence in the work of the personnel. The need to ensure the safety of personnel when receiving casualties is emphasized.

A tactical and special lesson with the operating and dressing department on the organization of its work during the deployment of the OPM in the source of nuclear destruction is carried out to clarify the deployment scheme of the department with the distribution of medical and sanitary equipment and the placement of the department personnel in accordance with its functional responsibilities in the conditions of the adaptable premises; instilling the skills of a team method of work to provide emergency surgical and therapeutic care to those affected and carry out anti-shock measures.

The operating and dressing department includes an operating room (with a preoperative room) with at least 2 operating tables, a dressing room (with a pre-dressing room) with 4-6 tables, anti-shock chambers and a sterilization room (Fig. 3).

In the department, medical personnel are distributed among workplaces, taking into account their qualifications, surgical and anti-shock teams are created from doctors, paramedical personnel, and junior medical personnel. The teams are distributed as follows: in the operating room - 1 surgical and 1 nursing, in the dressing room - 2-3 surgical and 2-4 nursing, in the anti-shock wards - 1 medical and 2 nursing teams.

During the lesson, the coherence in the work of the department is honed during its deployment and the performance of functional duties by each official during the admission of the affected. The operating and dressing department should be ready within 60-80 minutes from the start of its deployment. During this time, the operating room, dressing room and anti-shock wards are equipped, instruments and surgical linen are sterilized, and medical personnel must be fully prepared to work in the operating room and dressing room.

In the operating and dressing department, the final stop of external bleeding is carried out, anti-shock measures are carried out, the prevention and treatment of wound infections is carried out, asphyxia is fought and measures are taken to prevent it, bandages are applied and corrected, transport immobilization is carried out according to indications, novocaine blockades are made, and emergency therapeutic assistance is provided.

In conditions of mass admission of injured people in the operating and dressing department of the OPM, it is not possible to widely carry out primary surgical treatment of wounds and burns. Surgical interventions should be carried out only for urgent indications: life-threatening bleeding; need for tracheotomy; closure of valve pneumothorax; cutting off a non-viable limb hanging on a flap of skin. Imitation of incoming victims is indicated by pre-prepared tickets with the characteristics of the defeat. In accordance with this, medical and nursing teams organize their work, achieving coherence; Each department official determines his role and place, and practically studies his responsibilities. For example, the operating nurse, in accordance with the nature of the lesion, after the doctor has established a diagnosis and made a decision on the volume of medical care, must select the appropriate instruments, and, if necessary, prepare everything necessary for anesthesia or transfusion of blood and blood-substituting fluids.

Training with the personnel of the hospital department is aimed at teaching the personnel to quickly deploy the department, skillfully adapt various non-standard means for equipping the places where the injured are located, study and perform their functional duties in order to ensure the solution of the main tasks assigned to these departments (Fig. 4). Such training allows you to rationally distribute personnel among workplaces, properly plan and monitor the use of existing equipment and medicines.

After practical training and special tactical training, special tactical exercises are conducted with the squads. It can be carried out during complex site exercises medical institutions and civil defense exercises or independently with only one OPM.

The topics of special tactical exercises with OPM can be:

Organization of the deployment and operation of the PKO on the border or in the zone of weak destruction of the source of nuclear destruction, depending on the situation;

Organization of the deployment and operation of the OPM for the reception of affected agents;

Organization of deployment - OPM of a temporary infectious diseases hospital and its work on receiving infectious patients.

Tactical-special exercises with OPM are prepared and conducted by the head of the medical institution on the basis of which the detachment was created. If such an exercise is for show and heads of other medical institutions are invited to it, as well as heads of the department of military operations on a city or district scale, then it is prepared and conducted by the head of the medical service of the civil defense of the city or district.

During the preparation of a tactical-special exercise, the roster of the PKO and the sanitary squads assigned to it is clarified, the provision of medical and other equipment is checked, reconnaissance of the exercise area is carried out, and the layout of the exercise area and the premises in which the PKO is expected to be deployed are studied. Only after this, taking into account local conditions and data obtained during reconnaissance of the exercise area, exercise documents are developed.

To conduct a special tactical exercise with the PKO on any of the above topics, you must have the following documents:

An order from the head of the medical institution on the preparation and conduct of the exercise, which indicates the topic and training objectives, the date and place of the exercise, the composition of participants, the involved material and technical means and transport, and the persons responsible for preparing the exercise;

Exercise preparation calendar plan, which defines the main activities to prepare for the exercise, the order and timing of their implementation, and the persons responsible for execution;

The concept of the teaching, which is practiced textually or graphically. It reflects the main purpose of the exercise, shows the situation against which the PKO will operate;

The exercise plan, which determines the content of the work of the head and all functional departments of the PKO. It indicates the duration of working out educational issues, and provides solutions in accordance with the created situation.

When conducting a tactical-special exercise with OPM, it is inappropriate to develop a separate simulation plan and a logistics plan. These issues should be reflected in the calendar plan for preparing and conducting the exercise.

The heads of the OPM departments develop private plans, draw up applications and conduct training with the OPM personnel in preparation for the exercise.

The tactical-special exercise with OPM ends with a debriefing, in which the positive experience of the work of the personnel of the functional departments is noted, errors are sorted out and ways to eliminate them are indicated.

Thus, the basis of the tactical-special training of the OPM is made up of practical training and tactical-special exercises with its departments, tactical-special exercises on the main topics of the program with the participation of all personnel of the OPM.

The timing of classes and exercises with OPM is determined by the preparation plan of the medical institution on the basis of which it was created.


Topic: "Organization of the deployment and operation of the OPM at the border of the source of nuclear destruction",

Learning objectives:

improve the organization of management of PKO departments during the movement, deployment and work on receiving the wounded;

to teach the personnel of the PKO to deploy its departments in an adapted standard school building and to perform functional duties in conditions of mass reception of the affected.

Time of the exercise: 9.00 - 17.00.

Venue: new building area, school building.

Composition of participants: management group - the chief physician of the hospital - the chief of staff of the Civil Defense for Emergency Situations, the deputy chief physician for medical and preventive work, the head of the surgical department of the hospital; OPM personnel; sanitary squads from the enterprise - 2; simulation group - 3 people from the surgical department of the city hospital; extras - 50 people (school students).

Material support: training kit of OPM property;

vehicles from the motor vehicle fleet (onboard cars - 11, GAZ-69A cars - 2, motorcycle - 1) radio communications and dosimetric equipment according to the equipment sheet from the emergency department of the city district; dressings and improvised material for immobilization for 50 affected people (extras) from the city hospital; tickets with symptoms of damage - 50 pcs.

Study questions and approximate time estimates for working them out.

1. Assessing the situation and setting the task of moving PKO to the source of nuclear destruction - 30 minutes.

* Appendices to the plan: the concept of special tactical exercises With OPM (Fig. 7) and deployment diagram of OPM in a typical school building (Fig. 8).

2. Advancement of the PKO to the source of nuclear destruction, conducting medical reconnaissance, reconnaissance of the deployment area and setting the task of organizing the work of the PKO - 60 minutes.

3. Deployment of functional departments of the OPM and their preparation to receive the affected - 150 min.

Rice. 7. The idea of ​​a special tactical exercise with OPM.

4. The work of the PKO to receive the injured and provide medical care
and evacuation to the hospital base - 180 min.

5. Summing up the results of the exercise - 60 min.
Medical and tactical situation in the source of nuclear damage:

in the event of a threat of enemy attack, in accordance with the order of the head of the civil defense of the city district, the OPM, simultaneously with the evacuation of the city hospital, was withdrawn to a suburban area, fully staffed, provided with transport and property. One medical reconnaissance group (MRG) was allocated and trained from the OPM. The OPM property (by department) was loaded onto transport, the structure of the OPM column and the order of its advance to the source of nuclear destruction were clarified. At 8.30, the city was struck by an enemy nuclear strike, as a result of which objects 3,6,8 were in the zone of moderate destruction, and the new building area and school were in the zone of mild destruction. The level of radioactive contamination 1 hour after the explosion at objects 3 and 6 was 10 R/h. By 10.30 in the new area

There are single fires in the construction site, the school building is slightly damaged, the floors of the building can be used for the deployment of OPM. The task was received to conduct medical reconnaissance along the advance route, in the proposed deployment area and at objects 3, 6, 8; turn around to receive those hit from objects 3, 6, 8.

Rice. 8. Scheme of deployment of OPM in a typical school building (first and second floors).

5.3. Preparation tactical and special exercises

Preparation of the technical control system begins no later than two months before the exercise, and the following documents are developed: an order for the preparation and conduct of the exercise; exercise preparation calendar plan; exercise plan. If necessary, a plan for conducting an exercise with an explanatory note is developed. When conducting special tactical exercises with ACC (ASF) as part of complex exercises and object training A separate order and calendar plan for TSU are not developed. An order for the preparation and conduct of technical training is developed and communicated to the performers no later than one and a half months before it is carried out. It indicates: the goals and time of the exercise, the composition of the trainees and the procedure for their preparation, the timing and scope of work to prepare the venues for practical events, the responsible persons, and the safety requirements for the exercise. The goals of TSU can be: for peacetime - preparing the formation for actions to prevent and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters (accidents, catastrophes); for wartime - training in civil defense methods in the event of a threat of attack and when using modern weapons. The order is developed by the head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations department of the facility and signed by the head of the facility, and for municipal formations (services) - by the corresponding head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations management body and signed by the head of the local government body that created the formation (service). Preparation for the technical training is carried out in accordance with the calendar plan for the preparation of tactical and special exercises, which is developed by the leadership headquarters (control group) or the head of the exercise. It defines the measures to prepare for the exercise the deputies (assistants) of the exercise leader, the heads of services and the leadership staff (control group), as well as the command and control and personnel of the formation, and indicates responsible persons for the development of documents for the exercise, the required amount of work to prepare the area (location) for the exercise and simulation, measures to ensure the exercise are listed, readiness dates and responsible persons are assigned. The calendar plan is approved by the head of the exercise. The plan for carrying out the technical training is developed by the leadership headquarters (control group) of the exercise with the participation of deputy heads of the exercise, heads of services, signed by the head of the exercise and approved by the chief to whom the leader of the exercise is subordinate. The training plan specifies: the topic of the training, educational goals for each category of trainees; time of the exercise; composition of the involved formation (formations); quantity of equipment, consumption rates of motor resources and imitation means; stages of training, their duration and educational issues; the created initial situation that may arise at the site as a result of an emergency or in wartime. The following may be attached to the TSU plan (taking into account the nature of the created situation): a diagram of the march and the situation along the route of the formation’s advance from the location area (assembly place) to work site; curriculum of the facility with the setting on certain time; characteristics of buildings and protective structures of the facility; simulation plan for the exercise, other calculated data. Structure of teaching intent and explanatory note are similar to those stated earlier in the sections of preparation and conduct of command and staff and integrated exercise. The training of deputy (assistant) exercise leaders, leadership staff (control group), and intermediaries is organized by the exercise leader. The main work is carried out on the ground (object), in the area of ​​the upcoming exercise; the situation at each stage of the TSU is studied. They're sorting it out possible options decisions of trained commanders are conditionally played . actions of the simulation group. Training of personnel of formations for technical training is carried out in flow scheduled classes. Immediately before the exercise, safety requirements are reviewed with all personnel. Preparation should ensure: study and correct understanding forms exercise, goals, objectives and plan for conducting the exercise in stages, responsibilities, methods for practicing training issues, requirements guidance documents regulating the training of formations and the study of the training area (location). The exercise leader determines the places where practical work will be performed at various stages of the exercise, the volume and location of the simulation is determined, as well as the gathering place after the exercise. Preparation of the area (location) for carrying out the technical training is carried out in accordance with the design of the exercise in order to study the nature of the terrain and the peculiarities of conducting the ASDNR. At the same time, the necessary resources of forces and means for its equipment are determined. The purpose of preparing the area is to create an environment as close as possible to the real one, allowing you to work out all possible types and methods of conducting ASDNR.

5.4. Methodology for conducting special tactical exercises

Tactical and special exercises should begin with bringing the formation into readiness. The formation commander, upon a warning signal (command from the head of the facility), carries out notification and collection of personnel, while the standard indicators specified in the civil defense plans are worked out. After this, the personnel act in accordance with the plan to bring them to readiness. When working out the tasks provided for in the action plans for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, the formation from the assembly area moves to the places where the ASDNR is carried out; in wartime situations, the formation from the assembly area can move to the deployment area in the suburban area. After bringing the formation into readiness, the exercise leader hands the formation commander a tactical task, which indicates the situation and tasks of the formation, after which the formation commander is given time to understand the received task, assess the situation, make decisions and set tasks for subordinates, as well as to organize actions. During the exercise, the head of the TSU teaches the formation commander to manage subordinate units, conduct reconnaissance, collect and summarize situational data, make decisions, organize interaction with other formations, organize and conduct ASDNR. Deputies (assistants) of the exercise leader are located with the commanders of the formation to which they are assigned or to educational places ah for detention practical actions . During the exercise, in accordance with private plans, they contribute to the training of commanders and personnel of the organization’s formations and the skillful implementation of work as intended. Using simulation tools, by providing input, they create and build up the situation at the sites (areas) of the formations’ operations. When working on each training issue, they analyze the actions of the formations, their training, shortcomings and instructive techniques and methods of performing tasks and promptly report their data to the training leader for analysis. When the task is clarified, the formation commander outlines the measures that need to be taken to prepare for the assigned task and gives preliminary orders or instructions. Assessing the situation, the formation commander orients his subordinates about the task received, determines the nature and volume of destruction, fires, contamination with radioactive substances or hazardous chemicals, types of upcoming work, their volumes and the formation’s capabilities for their implementation, the state of advance routes to the sites work, the influence of terrain, weather, time of year and day on the task. If possible, informs subordinates about the current situation. In the decision, the formation commander determines: the plan of action, providing for the sequence of work, the distribution of forces and means among work areas (locations), the direction of concentration of the main efforts, the timing of work, the procedure for advancing to work areas (locations), the procedure for formation management and interaction with other forces. Upon arrival at the area (place) of work, the formation commander orients his subordinates about the task received, informs the personnel of the situation, makes a decision, sets a task in which he indicates: what types of rescue work to carry out; procedure for using technology; places of collection and loading of the affected and injured onto transport and the order of their evacuation; start and end times of work; your place and the place of your deputy, security measures. Depending on the nature of the work performed, other issues may be specified when setting tasks. So, for example, when working in an area contaminated with radioactive substances, the permissible dose of radioactive exposure is indicated; when localizing and eliminating the consequences of an accident at a chemically hazardous facility, the maximum permissible time spent in the contaminated area, etc. When planning rescue operations, a situation should be created as close as possible to possible emergencies at the site. In accordance with the design of the exercise and the purpose of the formation, the following issues can be practiced during the exercise: for the ASF - dismantling rubble, searching and unblocking the injured, providing them with first aid, carrying them to loading points, rescuing people from destroyed, flooded and burning buildings, evacuation from zones of infection, flooding to safe places and other issues; for ACC - conducting reconnaissance in emergency zones, reconnaissance and monitoring of fire, radiation, chemical and bacteriological conditions, providing communications, providing medical assistance to victims in affected areas, conducting engineering reconnaissance, conducting ASDNR, conducting emergency technical work at IES, disinfection of the territory and other tasks determined by the specifics of the objects increased danger for people's lives and the purpose of forming the service. During the exercise, special attention is paid to organizing the interaction of formations. The interaction of formations is organized: according to tasks, objects of work and time, sequence and technology for performing ASDNR with each type of formation. To build up the situation, the leader, personally or through his assistants, by delivering introductory notes and using simulation tools, informs the trainees of changes in the situation, new data about the consequences of the emergency, the increase in the scale of the accident, the failure of equipment, victims, changes in radiation and fire conditions, the occurrence of lesions as a result of a terrorist act and other data. At the same time, the leader of the exercise seeks from the commanders of the formations to carry out the maneuver with forces and means, taking into account the current situation, to make appropriate decisions on the organization and conduct of the ASDNR, to show initiative and ingenuity. Upon completion of the training issues provided for by the concept and plan of the exercise, the exercise leader gives instructions on the time and place of concentration of the formation, checking the availability of personnel and equipment, putting the exercise site in order, the place and time of the debriefing. If necessary, carried out sanitization personnel and special processing of equipment. Analysis is the final part of the teaching. The purpose of the debriefing is to, based on a comprehensive analysis, summarize the results of the teaching and determine to what extent the learning goals have been achieved and the learning objectives have been completed. The debriefing is carried out by the exercise leader separately - first with the command and control personnel, and then with the personnel of the formations. During the analysis, the topic and training goals are indicated, the situation in which the trainees acted, and then the specific actions of the commanders and personnel of the formations are analyzed according to the stages of the training and training issues. The analysis indicates the topic and training goals, the environment in which the trainees acted, examines the specific actions of the commanders and personnel of the formations according to the stages of the exercise and training issues, sums up the results of the exercise, in which the leader of the exercise determines the extent to which the training goals have been achieved; evaluates the actions of students with obligatory brief description examples right decisions, and also notes the shortcomings that occurred; indicates what needs to be paid attention to in the course of further training of command and control and rank-and-file personnel of the formations. When assessing the actions of trained formations, the following are taken into account: skillful reconnaissance; the correctness and expediency of those adopted by the formation commanders decisions; clarity of organization and performance of ASDNR; maintaining interaction between formations; timely advance to the site of the ASDNR; results of practical actions of formations; timeliness of taking measures to protect formations from modern enemy weapons and harmful factors Emergency; compliance with safety measures. The overall assessment of the actions of the formations, as well as individual assessments of the commanding officers and rank-and-file personnel, are recorded in the appropriate logs of the formations’ training.



Staff training are one of the effective forms of improving the training of management personnel, CoES, and government emergency response bodies to perform functional duties in the event of the threat, occurrence and elimination of emergencies, as well as the coordination of management bodies in general. The main goal of staff training is to develop among managers, management bodies and specialists practical skills in managing forces and means when carrying out activities in connection with a threat and during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, as well as in wartime, achieving coherence in the work of individual units and governing bodies in general. Depending on the topic and goals, staff training can be joint or separate. Joint staff training are carried out with the involvement of the management bodies of the facility and all (main) structural divisions of the organization (facility) in order to work out the interaction between them and achieve coherence of actions. Separate staff training are carried out with each of specified bodies management of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations or their individual divisions. During joint staff training, a leadership headquarters is usually created; during separate training, there is no need to create one. The topic of training is determined by the head of the facility when planning the main events for the current year, taking into account the characteristics of the facility, its role and place in the civil and emergency response system, the degree of preparedness of the civil and emergency response authorities, and is clarified as necessary. The head of the joint staff training is usually appointed by the site manager or one of his deputies. The head of a separate staff training may be appointed by the head of the unit with whose civil and emergency control body the training is being conducted. The composition of the participants is determined by the training leader depending on its topic, goals and issues being worked on. In order to develop the coherence of the actions of structural units, it is necessary to involve the management staff of these units and leading specialists in full to participate in the training. The procedure for preparing joint staff exercises is similar to the procedure for preparing command and staff exercises. To prepare and conduct training, the following are developed: an order (instruction) on the preparation and conduct of staff training; calendar plan for training preparation; training task; training plan; list of introductory notes. Organizational and methodological documents for joint staff training approved by the head of the facility for separate staff training - by the head of the unit with which the training is being conducted. Training preparation calendar plan provides a list of activities for training preparation, the timing of their implementation, responsible persons for the development of organizational and methodological documents, their approval; for studying leadership and regulatory documents, development of private plans for training with certain categories of trainees; conducting instructive classes and group exercises; studying safety measures; preparation of training venues and material base. The training task indicates: the topic, goals and timing of the training, the composition of the participants, what needs to be studied, prepared and performed during the training. An initial environment for training can be created. Depending on the level of preparedness of the participants, the training may include working out the entire range of issues related to managing emergency prevention and response measures or several of the most complex, insufficiently mastered issues. The training methodology is determined by the training leader, depending on the composition and level of training of the participants and the urgency of the issues being worked on. The most appropriate is a consistent form of practical training of the questions posed, with a detailed analysis of the actions of the students, orders given and documents drawn up upon completion of the processing of each educational question. If significant gaps are identified in the preparation of participants on certain issues, the issue may be re-worked. In order to prepare for the training, it is planned to conduct classes with the training participants to study the governing documents, the civil defense plan and the action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, new methods and technologies for conducting ASDNR, protective equipment and other issues, taking into account the level of training of the trainees and their functionality responsibilities. At the end of the training, a final analysis of the trainees’ actions is carried out and tasks are set to eliminate the identified deficiencies.




7.1. General provisions

On-site training (hereinafter referred to as training) is the most effective form of training for management personnel, RSChS and civil defense forces, workers and employees, students and students, as well as the population not engaged in the areas of production and service, to solve the problems of civil defense, prevention and liquidation Natural and technogenic nature. They are carried out, as a rule, at those facilities where complex exercises are not conducted. During training, the entire range of activities provided for in civil defense plans and emergency prevention and response plans is usually practiced. The main focus of the training is on practicing techniques and methods for protecting facility personnel in peacetime and wartime emergencies, and practicing civil defense measures that increase the sustainability of the operation of these facilities in peacetime and wartime. Training is carried out both independently under the guidance of the facility manager, and as part of groups of facilities. In this case, training is organized according to the territorial production principle according to a single plan. The duration of the training depends on the time required to carry out practical activities, the specifics of the object, the number of trainees, educational goals and tasks assigned to the training team and can usually be up to 8 hours. When determining the topic and duration of the training, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of performing a deep and comprehensive study of educational issues and the possibility of logistical support for the training. The list and scope of activities carried out should make it possible to verify in practice the reality of the implementation of the civil defense plan and the action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies at the site. The entire management team, RSChS and civil defense forces, workers and employees of facilities, students and students of educational institutions, the population of the residential sector falling within the zone of influence of the same damaging factors as the object and not employed in the areas of production and service are involved in the training. . The training leader bears full responsibility for the preparation, organization and quality of its implementation.

7.2. Preparation of object training

When preparing for training, the main focus should be on effectively addressing issues of public protection and material resources in peacetime and wartime emergencies, conducting ASDNR in affected areas, skillful actions of exercise participants in response to warning signals. Each training session is preceded by a study of relevant topics in the unit training program and the facility personnel training program. Preparation of the training is carried out personally by the head of the facility, taking into account the nature of the production (training) activity, the characteristics of the territorial location, meteorological and seismological conditions, the level of training of the training participants, the state of civil defense and the RSChS unit at the facility. Preparation for training is carried out on the basis of an order from the head of the facility, which is communicated to the performers no later than a month and a half before the start of the training. During the preparation period, based on the instructions of the training director, the head of the civil defense department of the facility develops a “Training Plan”, which is approved by the training director and communicated to the performers no later than a month before its start. Based on the “Training Plan,” deputies, assistant training managers, heads of main production (training) departments, and intermediaries develop private plans. Plans are developed in any form and must reflect the order in which training participants work out training issues, measures for comprehensive provision, and compliance with safety measures. Particular plans can be executed textually or graphically and are approved by the training leader. During the preparatory period, instructive classes are held with the leadership and formation commanders, during which the following are clarified: the procedure for conducting training, the volume and sequence of training activities, safety measures, the volume and areas of simulation, issues of logistics and organization of interaction between structural divisions, formations, as well as with neighboring objects. In order to develop and clarify individual issues and details of the exercise plan, a reconnaissance of training sites is carried out with the management and command staff. The quality of preparation of all training participants, the availability and completeness of completed documents, is checked by the training director.

Tactical-special exercises (TSE) are the main form of practical training for internal affairs bodies. TSU are intended to improve the coherence and training of internal affairs bodies in performing the tasks assigned to them in the areas of activity; increasing the practical skills of management bodies in organizing the actions of subordinates and guiding them in solving problems in special conditions; development of high moral and psychological qualities and physical endurance among personnel.

The essence of TSU is that during their course, students practically perform tasks in a continuously evolving environment, according to a single plan, in day or night conditions, at any time of the year.

The main teaching method is practical work for all trainees to fulfill their official (functional) responsibilities in conditions as close as possible to operational reality.

Tactical and special exercises according to their intended purpose are divided into planned, inspection, demonstration and research. Planned exercises are organized and conducted by senior commanders. Inspector technical control systems are carried out, as a rule, during inspections and control checks in order to determine the degree of readiness, the level of training of combat units, as well as to test the ability of managers to organize and conduct exercises.

These exercises, as well as planned ones, are conducted by higher-ranking heads of the units being inspected, but the topic and plan for the exercise are agreed upon with the head carrying out the inspection. Demonstration exercises are conducted to demonstrate to trainees possible ways solving certain problems in specific conditions. Research exercises have the goal of studying and analyzing the most appropriate methods of organizing the actions of combat units, the feasibility of methods of their use when performing everyday and unexpected tasks.

The duration and sequence of special tactical exercises should ensure high-quality training of all training issues on the topic. The preparation and implementation of the TSU is personally supervised by the head of the internal affairs agency. He attracts his deputies to help him. In addition, assistants can be assigned to the imitation and the designated enemy (criminals).

The head of the internal affairs body and his deputies, when preparing and conducting technical training, check the readiness of the trainees for training, the knowledge and implementation of security measures by the personnel; ensure strict official discipline and compliance with the law; take measures to prevent damage to state and other property and to comply with environmental safety requirements.

The head of the TSU bears full responsibility for its preparation and conduct. During the preparation of the technical training system, he is obliged to determine or clarify the initial data for its organization and lead the development of the exercise plan; organize training for your deputies and assistants and, if necessary, for the TSU district.

When carrying out technical control, his manager is obliged to train his subordinates to act skillfully in solving the tasks assigned to them; know the decisions of the students and the orders they give; lead the build-up of the situation; conduct a general analysis of the exercises, evaluate the actions of the trainees; if necessary, conduct a review of its participants.

Deputy heads of TSU are obliged to: take part in the development of documents for the preparation and conduct of TSU. develop private work plans to accomplish the tasks assigned to them; know the general situation, position and tasks of the trained units, as well as the decisions and orders of their leaders; build up the situation; monitor compliance by trainees with safety measures; prepare materials for general analysis TSU and conduct private discussions with trainees by category.

The exercise headquarters is the main body ensuring the preparation and conduct of the exercise. The exercise headquarters is responsible for: developing documents for the preparation and conduct of the exercise; collection, analysis and summarization of situation data during the exercise, preparation of proposals to the exercise leader for escalating the situation; monitoring students' performance of tasks; preparation of material for the analysis of the exercise and organization of its implementation.

Preparation of the technical control system includes: determination (clarification) of the initial data for the exercise; development of documents necessary for conducting the exercise; preparation of the TSU area (if necessary); preparation for training of deputy managers, as well as trainees. All these activities are prepared according to a calendar plan, which indicates: the timing and responsible persons for the development of training documents, carrying out the necessary activities for the training of deputies, as well as trainees.

The initial data for organizing TSU are: topic, educational goals, stages of training, educational issues; composition of the forces and means involved: duration, time and area; norms for the consumption of motor resources, imitation means (ammunition - during the live firing stage).

To conduct TSU, the following documents are developed: implementation plan; organizational guidelines; tactical mission; orders (instructions); communication plans, simulations, radio interference (if necessary) and other necessary documents.

The TSU plan is the main document that is developed on a map (diagram) and includes:

Input data: topic, learning objectives and timing of the exercise; composition of trainees; norms for the consumption of motor resources, imitation means (ammunition - during the live firing stage); stages of training, their duration and training issues;

Tactical plan: position, grouping of forces of internal affairs bodies and interacting structures, their tasks and decisions on them by the beginning of the TSU;

Tasks of trained units of internal affairs bodies without indicating the expected decisions of their leaders;

Possible action areas:

The main indicators of the exercise: the time allotted to the trainees to organize actions, the density of forces and means;

Activities carried out by the exercise leader.

At the TSU, all actions of the trainees are carried out in astronomical time, in a real environment.

Reconnaissance of the exercise area is carried out in order to clarify the plan for its conduct and resolve other issues related to the preparation and conduct of the exercise. For more purposeful work, a reconnaissance plan is developed, which indicates: the purpose, the composition of the reconnaissance group; points from which reconnaissance is carried out, operating hours at them and issues to be clarified at each point. After reconnaissance, the exercise plan is finalized, which fixed time submitted to the senior manager for approval.

Based on the exercise plan and instructions from its leader, private plans for deputy (assistant) exercise leaders are developed. They indicate: the topic of study, educational goals; stages of training, their duration and training issues; composition of trainees involved in the training; general situation, grouping of forces and means; tasks of trainees, organization of communication with them; necessary calculation data and control signals.

The tactical task is the source document for introducing trainees into the situation and organizing upcoming actions. It is developed based on the exercise plan and includes: general situation, private situation and background data. At the end of the task, it is indicated what the participants in the exercise need to do or be prepared for. These instructions can be separated into a separate section. If necessary, attachments may be attached to the assignment.

For the organizational implementation of the simulation, the appropriate assistant to the exercise leader develops a simulation plan, which, depending on the content of the exercise, reflects:

Simulation areas, emergency areas;

Forces and means for imitation and the sequence of its implementation, security measures;

Scheme of organizing communication for controlling the simulation with the application of calculation of forces and means of communication.

Depending on the topic and training goals, TSUs can begin from places of permanent deployment or after the preliminary withdrawal of units of internal affairs bodies to their original areas. The place and time of delivery of tactical tasks or orders (instructions) to trainees is determined by the leader of the exercise, depending on its topic and goals. They can be awarded in places of permanent deployment, when units of internal affairs bodies are deployed to the initial area, as well as after arrival in it. If tasks are not specified in tactical tasks, then they are communicated to the trainees separately. After the delivery of tactical tasks, orders (instructions), students are given time to organize actions.

The training leader personally and with the help of his deputies controls and directs the work of the trainees. Particular attention is paid to the organization of actions on the ground, the specificity, timeliness and compliance of the orders given by the trainees with the conditions of the situation and the task at hand, the completeness, quality, deadlines for the execution of various calculations and developed documents. If trainees make decisions that clearly do not correspond to the situation or do not allow achieving the objectives of the exercise, and may also lead to damage to state and other types of property, or violation of security measures, then the necessary adjustments are made to these decisions. When the actions of the trained units do not meet the intended goals and there is a need to repeat their actions for better development of individual training issues, when gross violation established security measures and the threat of damage to state and other types of property, a private shutdown is announced. When a private shutdown is announced, units immediately cease operations and remain in their positions until instructions are received. During this period, it is prohibited to escalate the situation. The exercise leader clarifies the situation, gives his deputies and trainees the necessary instructions on what needs to be done to eliminate shortcomings, and indicates how the situation will further develop. The exercise can be continued only after reports on the implementation of the instructions of its leader.

In order to check interchangeability, the exercise leader is allowed, during the technical control, to incapacitate not only individual department heads, but also certain management units, both completely and partially.

In cases of sudden changes in meteorological conditions during the exercise (the appearance of hurricanes, a significant decrease or increase in air temperature, etc.), the exercise leader takes appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the trainees.

After completing all training issues in accordance with the training plan, its leader gives instructions to confiscate ammunition, explosives and various means simulation, about the time and place of concentration of units, debriefing, and, if necessary, review of units. The exercise leader also indicates the procedure for returning units to their places of permanent deployment.

When conducting a debriefing, the exercise leader recalls the topic and training objectives of the TSU, sets out the plan, and then analyzes the actions of the trainees according to the stages of the exercise. At the same time, the original, bold and unconventional decisions of the trainees are noted, their manifestation of high moral and psychological qualities, accumulated management experience, methods of action, clearly showing their importance for the successful implementation of operational and official tasks.

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