Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to remove the curse yourself. How to remove the curse of a dead mother. Ritual with church candles

Everyone knows what a curse is. No need to possess magical abilities, to impose a negative impact verbally, backed by anger or resentment. Both one person and the entire family can be cursed. Typically, a family curse is passed down through the male or female line and will continue until this process is stopped. The obvious question is: “How to remove the curse, how to get rid of it?”

You can remove verbal influence different ways: prayers, lectures, unction, wax castings. You can get rid of spells yourself, and it is advisable to do this as early as possible. No matter how powerful the spell is, no matter how long it takes to destroy fate, every person can get rid of it. The mother’s curse is especially powerful, which completely destroys a person’s life or some area of ​​it. Here, simply praying against curses will not help: the mother’s word is very strong.

To remove the maternal spell, you need to undergo the rite of unction in church at the appointed time for three years in a row, constantly read prayers, attend Sunday services, and give alms. If the maternal spell is not removed, it will pass through the female line from mother to daughter. This will be a generational curse for the entire female line.

Removing the curse through the church.

This ritual helps to remove the ancestral and ordinary curse, because of which personal life cannot improve in any way and oppresses loneliness. Go to church and light candles for all the deceased relatives you know. When you put the candles on the eve, remember which relative you put it for. When the candles light up, watch the flame: whose candle crackles, the curse will come from him. If all the candles burn with an even flame, it means that the curse comes from a living person.

Wait until the candles are one third burned out. All this time, read funeral prayers. If you find that the candle of one of your deceased relatives is cracking, buy another candle for him. Go to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, place a candle and light it. Ask the saint in your own words for help in removing the curse, read prayers. Between prayers say:

“Let my sins burn away! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you, Lord!”

Wait until the candle burns down a third and order an annual prayer service for all deceased relatives.

Ritual "Paradise Apple".

This ritual is to remove the curse that has been sent to all family members. You need to take the most recent family photo and put it in your bible for the week.

After this, take out the photo, light a church candle, read the prayers that you know, and then say them three times spell words to remove the curse from your loved ones:

“I pray you, Jesus Christ! Bless God's servants (names of relatives), grant us support and protection! Take away from us the dark slander of our enemies! Amen".

On the same day, go and light candles for the health of all household members and read thanksgiving prayers for lifting the curse. Bake an apple pie at home. While preparing the pie, constantly read prayers and say:

“I lift the curse with the apple of paradise. Amen".

Treat your family to a pie.

Pour the curse onto the wax.

*church candles;


*glass of water.

To get rid of a generic and ordinary curse, buy candles in the church, and leave the change for a donation.

At home, prepare for the ceremony. Take a shower, cleanse the room with a lit candle, read prayers.

Melt the wax from a church candle in tin can reading the Lord's Prayer.

When the wax melts, whisper the words over it:

“I (my name) ask the Lord our God, his son Jesus Christ, mother Mary of God. Remove the curse from my family (name of person). Amen".

“As in the spring water flows into water, as it lifts dirt from the bottom and carries it with it, so my shell would be cleansed of dirt. I am with God, not with Satan! I pour it out and hope. Amen".

When the wax hardens in water, bury it along with the glass in a deserted place. At home, wash your hands well and ventilate the room. Order a magpie from the church for your health.

If a family renounces each other.

This misfortune comes through a strong generational curse on the family. Any of the bloodlines can remove it independently. To perform a ritual to remove a family curse, you need to buy 7 ordinary wax candles.

At home, tie the candles with string and light them all at once. While the candles are burning, read the plot all the time:

“Like a tree without roots. How can roots rot without stems? So from now on my relatives (names of all relatives) cannot be without each other. Mother Ladushka has seven keys, and I have seven candles. It’s not I who light the seven candles—Mother Ladushka, from the enmity of my relatives, locks them with seven keys, With seven locks from now on and forever.”

When the candles go out, collect the wax and roll a small candle, inserting the wick. Move it over the threshold and say:

“A pledge for good in the family, peace and harmony lay on the threshold. The enemy cut it and tore it to pieces. Mortgage, grow together! Peace and harmony to the family - come back!”

Light this candle. Stick the remaining wax onto a five-ruble coin and throw it away. left shoulder at a pedestrian crossing, saying: "Paid!" Leave without looking back.

From a lonely fate.

*New headscarf;

*Church candle;

*Icon “Seven Arrows”.

This ritual can be performed independently by a woman who is cursed with loneliness. Buy the “Seven Arrow” icon and leave the change from your purchase as a donation to the church. On the same day, buy a new cotton scarf.

At home, light a candle, spread a scarf on the table and place the icon on it.

Read the prayers of the Mother of God and the conspiracy to get rid of the curse of loneliness.

Before the conspiracy, you must read the Prayer three times Mother of God"Semistrelnaya":

O long-suffering Mother of God, who is superior to all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have brought to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as You have boldness in the One born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that, apart from all the saints, we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."


“Mother of God, long-suffering! Accept me with your mercy! Cover me under your roof! The words of the evil curse struck me with loneliness. Protect me with your name! Let me fulfill God's destiny! Amen!".

Read the spell to relieve loneliness 12 times, wrap the icon in a scarf and place it under your pillow. She must lie there for three days. Make sure that no one sees this icon or touches it with their hands. Then place it on the iconostasis and tie the scarf on your head.

Always keep this scarf with you, wear it from time to time for at least a couple of hours a day. Even when you get married and have a child, wear a headscarf! This is your amulet for life so that loneliness does not return.

Ritual of Begging for the Family.

This is very strong ritual, which frees you from ancestral negativity along the female and male lines: the father’s line and the mother’s line. It allows women to improve their destiny and find happiness, harmony in the family and the love of their husband. But he will not lift the mother's spell. If the mother’s words were spoken in anger and distorted the fate of her daughter, then it is necessary to first remove them, and then beg the whole family.

The ritual begins on one of the karmic days lunar calendar: 4, 10, 12, 13, 28. The ritual is not easy, but if everything is completed to the end, the change in fate will be very strong. After all, getting rid of ancestral negativity along the female and male lines brings liberation from working off the sins of our ancestors. Usually this ritual is performed by women-mothers, but it can also be performed by young girls who are thinking about how to remove the generational curse from their destiny.

Early in the morning, light a church candle and place it a meter away from you on the floor. Kneel down facing to the rising sun and start praying. The prayer can be anything, even just words from the heart. Ask higher power about help. Then imagine that you are a family tree with strong roots. These roots form two diverging branches, one of which represents the mother's lineage, and the second the father's lineage. At the base of each of the roots stand the Guardians of the clan - the foremother and forefather. The root branches represent your ancestors up to the seventh generation.

Now you should feel with every cell of your body that you are part of this family tree. The paternal and maternal principles penetrate into you, you penetrate into it. Let the sensations become as vivid and realistic as possible. Now start asking for forgiveness from your mother and father. Tell them how much you love them and forgive them for everything! Next, ask forgiveness from all paternal and maternal ancestors and tell them how much you love and forgive them. In conclusion, you need to ask for forgiveness from the ancestral guardian of the father and the ancestral guardian of the mother. The candle must burn completely; it must not be extinguished or blown out.

The next stage of labor reporting can be carried out the next day. You will need to draw a family tree: maternal and paternal. There is no need to draw branches with leaves - just write down all the ancestors up to the seventh generation. If you don’t know their names, then write it like this: my grandfather’s grandfather, my great-grandmother’s grandmother. It is important to indicate the person’s status in the family tree. When you have done everything, you will need to read a set of prayers for each ancestor:

1. Our Father;

2. Psalm No. 90;

3. Psalm No. 50;

4. Creed.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. You alone have I sinned and done evil before You, so that You may be justified in Your words, and triumph over Your judgment. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have shown me Your unknown and secret wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. My hearing brings joy and joy; humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the evildoers will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would not have given burnt offerings. Sacrifice to God the spirit is broken, the heart is contrite and humble, God will not despise. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar."

In this way, you will cover the entire family tree with prayers.

Conspiracy to protect against curses:

Take away, Lord, all the bad things from me.
The Word of God is first, and the curse is empty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A love spell is a specific program of forcibly imposed feelings. To remove a love spell, it is necessary to introduce some glitch into this program. Remove concentration on a specific person or image. You can remove the love spell yourself. Or do this ritual regularly for preventive purposes, so as not to be exposed to unnecessary magical influences. After complete withdrawal There are no negative consequences to a love spell.

Signs of a bewitched person

Before you start removing a love spell, you need to make sure that it is actually done. Certain signs may suggest that a magical love effect has been produced.

A fixation on one person appears, an obsession; Feeling worse. Loss of strength, headaches appear, chronic diseases worsen; The mental background of a person changes. Aggressiveness, a tendency to violence, irritability are accompanied by attacks of powerlessness and emptiness; Human...

Buy the “Seven Shots” icon. Light seven candles near her. Lock the door and do not open it to anyone until you have read the prayer and reprimanded the spell on loneliness forty times.

Prayers in honor miraculous icon“Semistrelnaya” a lot. They are read to soften evil hearts and pacify those at war.

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth,
By His purity and by the multitude of sufferings,
transferred to the earth by you,
Accept our painful sighs
And keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.
Other refuge and
Don’t you know warm intercession,
But, as one who has the boldness to be born of You,
Help and save us with Your prayers,
May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling,
Where with all the saints we will sing praises to the one God in the Trinity
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

And now a lecture on the spell on loneliness:

The word is bad, damned, evil...

You can remove a spell that was cast by accident even at home, but let's figure out how you can protect yourself from unwanted manifestations of magical powers.

First of all, you must understand that any word spoken by a person has its own power and contains a certain energy charge that is directly reflected in the aura of the one who speaks these words. If you lament for life for a long time, talk about misfortune, then you can be 100% sure that it will definitely happen. It’s not for nothing that people say, “Don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet.” Rather than being afraid of troubles and constantly thinking about them, it is better to live a calm, measured life and think only about the good.

To remove a spell at home, you need to correctly cast a simple spell. However, in some cases, only a practicing magician can save you from your own conspiracy. An example of such slander can be rash desires in...

Magic has accompanied humanity since the very first day of its existence. It has long been a proven fact that even in ancient times people actively resorted to various rituals and rituals. Even then there were people endowed with a special gift from above. They were subject to the forces of nature, they could heal the sick, they could help in love and attract wealth.

However, man is so constructed that such feelings as envy, anger, and hatred are not alien to him. That's why magical powers steel is used not only for good, but also to cause harm - to take away health or even life, for example, through damage; use a love spell to break the will of another person.

This section contains a huge number of articles that will reveal for you amazing world of magic. Here you can not only learn how to distinguish light forces from dark ones. You will find practical advice to identify and remove damage, the evil eye, and cleanse negative energy. Placed with us...

Remove the spell of eternal loneliness.

During the waning phase of the Moon, you need to buy a bird (feminine) without haggling. It is worth buying a bird that, when released into the wild, can survive without human help. There are many such birds on the bird market, the size and the price paid for it do not matter.

On the waning moon, after midnight, the cage with the bird is covered with a new white scarf. Then they move a lit candle over a cage covered with a scarf, counterclockwise. They circle the covered cage 12 times, while reading a conspiracy to remove the spell of eternal loneliness:

“Just as you fly for yourself, you don’t know troubles, you make a nest, so I, the servant of God (name), keep flying, twittering with my dear one, making a nest, not knowing troubles and needs. I open the window, fly all the way to the sun. I open the seal from the feet, from the hands, from the head and from the warm heart of the servant of God (name). Amen".

After reading the plot, a candle is burned out at any icon. For the rest of the night, the bird cage...

Damage, spell, evil eye and all that... this is a common problem! The difficulty is that if you turn to a magician to solve problems, such as removing damage, the evil eye, a curse... The magician must be as conscientious as possible; if a magician undertakes to remove damage cheaply or for free, then this is suspicious, since the work is labor-intensive and dangerous.

It is better to do these types of work yourself; it will be easier for you, more reliable and hundreds of times cheaper. And the result will be at least as if an ordinary magician had done the same. The structure of the ritual that I published in the book "Magic What to Do with It" will allow you to do good results, I'm 100% sure that it's even better than your local magician.

Comes with a book free application“Magic treatment of damage” 309 conspiracies, I listed two to three dozen below:

If you have jinxed yourself, how to save a dying person from damage, remove the spell, cast a spell. If...

So that you don’t feel bad during treatment and removal, first read this amulet, but so that the patient does not hear or see.
"Swamp evil spirits, underground evil spirits,
from the blue fog, from the black dope,
where is the rotten ear, where is the gray hair,
where is the red rag, the spoiled shaker,
I'll take the wrong path, I'll go through the church gates,
I will light not a wedding candle, but a memorial candle,
I'll remember evil spirits for your peace.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

I will give one of the ways to remove damage. To remove damage, you need to read the following text several times: “I am clean. Let all the evil that was directed at me turn into light. Let all the negativity and love spells aimed at mine thin bodies, In the Name of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the Name of the Virgin Mary will turn into light. I am clean". Next, mentally imagine that a disk is falling on you from above and, passing through your body, you are filled with energy. If the disk...

If a person was able to determine the effect of the spell on himself or another person, then advice on how to remove the spell can help him. However, you need to understand that sometimes this is almost impossible to do if the ritual involved black love spells or spells. Therefore, before you begin to remove the spell, it is advisable to find out:

Who performed the ritual In what way did he do it The meaning of the conspiracy (on grief, on blindness, and the like).

The most effective way to remove the spell

This is an appeal to a professional leader. A real magician, even without the presence of the person charmed, will be able to determine how the ritual was performed, and whether it took place at all. After all, sometimes ordinary depression can be confused with the effect of a conspiracy, and a too suspicious person will perceive its manifestations as magic. Loud and whispering,

A simple example of the impact of such energy could be the evil eye or damage - this is an example of the impact of negative (black energy) that brings harm to people. An example of the action of positive (light energy) can be getting rid of and protecting a person from negative energy, strengthening his spiritual powers, physical health and much more.

Now let's look at damage. This dark energy, introduced from the outside by someone’s evil intent, can greatly harm a person and even...

❖ In order to free your family from such a spell, you need to go to a cemetery at night, when you see the waning moon in the sky, where they no longer bury you. There, stand facing the gate and say:

« The dead sleep and spend the night here. People don’t judge them, they don’t read sentences to them. They do not put shackles on their hands and feet. So in our blood family, shackles and chains would not be put on, sentences would not be announced. Whoever interrupts my plot will go to hard labor in shackles. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen».

Over the next 24 hours, visit the temple and light a candle for the health of the person you suspect of casting a spell on you, with the words:

« I forgive you. From now on, God will be your judge. Amen" When leaving the temple, make a donation that you can. For three days, do not give anything to anyone and do not take anything from anyone.

❖ On the day you were born, go to the cemetery exactly at 12 noon, find a fresh grave (up to 40 days) with the name you bear. Stand at the feet (where the cross is) and be sure to put something on the grave: cookies, sweets, flowers (never go to the cemetery with empty handed). Standing at the feet of the tombstone, lower your head, clasp your hands in front of you and quietly read the spell seven times:

« Dead land, help me, remove the curse from me, but don’t take my life. Evil people cursed me, chained me to the dead earth, wished for my death. Give me back my life and punish my enemies. Amen!»

After reading, touch the grave with your hands. When you get home, wash yourself from head to toe. running water. In church, light a candle for your health. The ritual must be performed three times.

❖ On the waning moon at midnight, take two mirrors, place one in front of you, and the second behind you. Light a candle and, looking in the mirror, read the plot:

« Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, widow's sign. I'm asking for the first time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, widow's sign. I ask for a second time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, widow's sign. I ask for the third time. Amen!»

After this, wash with holy water and dry with your shirt. Let the candle burn out. Next Sunday, go to church, light 3 candles for the Savior, 3 for the Mother of God, 3 for St. Nicholas and 3 for Panteleimon the Healer. There should be 12 candles in total. Thank the Lord for lifting the curse.

❖ Light a candle and read twelve times:

« Heavenly King, heavenly powers, earthly powers, break my evil words. Protect the servant of God (name) from dashing words and bad wishes. Guide the feet of the slave (name) along a good road, save him from all trouble. Enlighten his path and preserve, protect and protect him now and ever and forever and ever. Lord, Son of God, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Amen!»

Hide the candle stump.

In our world, two forces are constantly at odds - good and evil. They are inseparable and cannot be represented in a pure form like Yin and Yang. One of the manifestations of evil is curses.

How to determine if there is a problem

Naturally, if there is something bad, you will feel it. Here are the main signs of a curse:

  • Failures follow you. Everything falls out of hand, love slips away, money goes nowhere. This may be a dark streak, but if it lasts for a long time, then there is no doubt that you have energy problems.
  • Your health is leaving you. When “sores” of unknown origin appear, this is a reason to think. They may come periodically, or they may not leave at all.
  • Constant feeling anxiety, lack of motivation. This only indicates a problem if you have not experienced anxiety before. If this doesn't sound like you, then it's time to think again.

Sometimes it happens that all this happens in certain place or in certain time- this further indicates that you are dealing with something dark. If, for example, you feel depressed every day at work, although you should like it or liked it before, then look for the reason in the person. Most likely, either an energy vampire or someone who has a strong dislike for you is to blame for this.

A special ritual may help. This could be the famous ritual with a ring, a thread and a glass of water. You tie a thread to a ring and hold it over a glass clean water. If the ring starts to spin, then there is an evil eye or a curse. If the ring is calm, then there is nothing. There are linings and curses that only an expert in the field of dark magic can determine.

How to remove damage or curse

The evil eye can pass without your participation, but only rituals or prayers can help remove damage or a curse. There are three ways: either through the church, or through working on your body and energy, or through counter rituals and magic.

If you are a believer, then turn to the priest for help, consecrate the apartment, take communion, confess, read prayers that deliver from curses, order a prayer service for health. Possible ways in this case a lot. The main thing is to believe in God and never lose this faith.

If you are an atheist and don’t want to get involved in esotericism, then affirmations, meditation, sports, and hobbies will benefit you. Distract yourself from problems, change your life. In principle, if you don’t believe in this, then you don’t need to define the problem, because it doesn’t exist a priori. On the one hand, this is convenient, because by searching for reasons within yourself, you narrow the circle of those to blame. You just work on yourself and become stronger.

If all else fails, then get ready to perform cleansing rituals. It is important to know exactly what type of curse or damage you have. If you find a lining in the form of soil, a ball of thread, a needle stuck in a door frame, or sand, then you need to immediately remove this thing from the house. Draw a circle of salt near you, light a fire, throw this thing there and read the spell: “The place for evil is only where there is cold, where there is despondency and sorrow. Let everything that my enemy has sent leave me. Don't come back, go away. Fly through time, don't hit anyone. Let it be so".

If there are no linings, then walk around the apartment or house with a candle, saying: “Get out of my life, don’t touch me, evil. I am on the right path to spite my enemies.” Then you need to wash your face cold water and say: “Bile flows down, darkness flows down. To a place from which he will not return. That place is his prison. Let no one get in trouble along the way.”

If the damage was not the strongest, then after repeating the ritual a couple of times it will subside. Residual effects may linger, but not for long. If nothing passes, then this curse is strong. It can only be removed by a professional.

To avoid situations where evil interferes in your life, you need to remember one thing - everyone has the right to a word, an opinion. Don’t quarrel with people, don’t do nasty things to them, then no one will touch you. Of course, there are difficult situations where there is no choice, but they are extremely rare. Remember positive thoughts and their enormous creative power. Do good and bring light to this world. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Curse... Ancestral curse... These words, if they do not cause fear, are certainly not very pleasant for any of us. Especially if we are talking about yourself or someone close. That is why it is important to know how to get rid of the curse. In this article we will talk about what a curse is and how to deal with it.

It is possible to get rid of a curse or remove any black magical effect! And there are various methods that allow you to do this. However, please note that the ritual of deliverance must be carried out as early as possible, since the power of the curse can increase every day.

Before you start studying rituals to get rid of negative impact, you need to understand what a curse is and what its effect is. A curse is usually understood as a negative message towards a person, a negative verbal wish. The strength of such a message will depend on whether any other magical actions were carried out to consolidate the effect or whether the message was single.

It is believed that any curse makes a hole in a person's aura. And this applies even to frivolous everyday curses, such as “Burn it all...”. The word is material, so you should watch what you say, what your loved ones and people around you say.

It is much more difficult when the negative impact is directed by a magician. Such rituals are carried out by enemies or on their orders. The generational curse is considered the most severe.

What kind of curses are there?

In general, all curses are of the following types:

Household curse
A slight wish or a bad phrase addressed to a person. Such words are often said by both acquaintances and strangers, offended or angry at anyone.

Such influences include those when a person, on a subconscious level, inspires himself with something bad. Let's say helplessness, loneliness, bad luck. In this case, he is too fixated on the problem.

Ancestral curse
This option is the strongest and at the same time the rarest. After all, he can be guided by a person who is a little familiar with magic, or a real magician. This exposure can affect people of several generations throughout their lives.

As you can see, there is nothing fatal in this magical effect. It is important to identify it in time and get rid of the curse as quickly as possible. Below we will look at several methods that will help remove this black action.


Effective and effective method, if you need to get rid of a curse, a ritual with a tablet is considered. It requires one nail and a small wooden plank, the size of two palms. It is best to perform the ritual during the waning month, since at this time the most powerful rituals are obtained.

So, on the board you first need to write down all your problems that you think are caused by the curse. You need to write in a circle, starting from outside boards, going clockwise inward. If one side is not enough, you can continue with the other side.

When all the troubles are written down, a nail is driven into the board. After this, the board is buried in the ground for exactly a week. And when the week has passed, the board is dug up. You need to remove the nail from it and throw it away at the intersection. The board should be broken into small pieces, and then they will need to be burned.

If at the moment of burning the tablet, you think about someone, then, most likely, it was this person who directed the negativity at you.

Protection from household curses

There is one strong phrase that can be used in situations when someone wishes you harm.

So, let's say, when on public transport, you step on someone's foot, and offended person He looked at you askance and muttered something to himself; you can repeat the words three times in your thoughts:

“Whatever you wish for me, take it for yourself, and yearn for life with you!”

This phrase will protect you from negative influences and any evil directed at you. The main thing is not to forget to pronounce the magic words.

Our Father

For Orthodox people in the fight against any negative impact, the prayer “Our Father” will be effective. It must be read every morning, starting with the waning month.

The duration of the ritual is one month. It is very important not to miss a single morning, since the effectiveness of the ritual may depend on this.

Ritual with water

If the negative impact on you has been confirmed, then you can get rid of the curse using a ritual with water. It will require a bowl of water.

During the waning month, you need to wash your feet well in a basin of water, saying:

“I don’t wash my feet, but I wash away the evil spirits!”
I wash it with water and rid myself of the black stuff!”

The words are repeated throughout the time you wash your feet. By the way, you need to wash them well, with soap and a washcloth.

After washing, you must pour out the water at the intersection, saying three times:

“Where the water goes, everything unclean goes there.
The dark curse will let me go, it will leave me!”

You need to leave the intersection without turning around and silently walk home. If after a month you do not feel better, then the ritual can be repeated, again for the waning month.

Thread and fire

If the impact on you is not too strong, anything other than generic, then this ritual will do. In order to get rid of the curse, you will need a linen thread, a candle, a saucer, and an aspen twig. The thread needs to be pulled along your body according to your height, and where it touches the top of your head, bite it off. After that, it is wound around an aspen branch.

All this is done with a lit church candle. Now you need to set fire to a twig with a thread from a candle and let it burn out. While it burns, the plot is read countless times. Countless - arbitrary, from memory, as many as possible.

“The fire is holy, it burns, it burns, it removes the witchcraft from me.
It’s not a thread that burns, it’s the curse that burns out and goes away from me!”

The ashes must be collected on a saucer, after which they must be buried in a deserted place. At this point the ritual is considered completed.

If the presence of a negative impact is confirmed, it must be removed immediately. By choosing one of the methods, you will remove black magic at the most short time and improve your life.

How to get rid of a curse - video

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