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The best flowers for the garden. Perennial dacha flowers for garden and garden. Catalog with description. Unpretentious lianas for the garden

Perennial garden flowers that do not require care will become an ideal option for creating a unique design of your site. Their blossom will delight the owners from early spring to the very late autumn, without delivering them to special hassle.

Many gardeners are wondering - as among the huge diversity of plants to make the right choice, and what qualities they must answer?

The peculiarity of perennial garden plants that do not require care is their unpretentiousness, long-term flowering and resistance to various weather conditions.

With the help of decorative bushes, you can decorate the landscape of the garden and the entire country area. Used varieties of shrubs with beautiful and bright colors are searched by solitary fit and group plantings.

Plants are not demanding of care and climatic conditions. Split with stalling and bush division.

Unpretentious in the care of perennials, like Waigel decorative, Hibiscus garden, hydrangea. These plants are well evolving, their bloom pleases others in different conditions. They are frost resistant, differ in rapid growth.

Of particular interest is hydrangea. During flowering, it does not require much care.

The blurred large balls when making mineral fertilizers have a property of changing color. Snow-white become pink and blue.

When landing, it should be borne in mind that their species can bloom at different times. And it is necessary to create everything so that from early spring to freezing, the garden brightened with splendor.

Bulbous plants

Flowering season open bulbous plants. Snowdrops and prolesk flowers are first. They differ in unpretentiousness, they do not need special care, perfectly carry winter cold.

Grow in shady places. Prefer soil containing sheet humus. But they can decorate their early blossoms and open lawns.

Botanical tulips bloom begins early in spring. These are low height plants. Their flowers are different forms. They are distinguished by many shades. About 5 years old, they grow without transplantation.

The more the bulbs grow, the more beautiful the flowers are becoming. If the spring is cold, the flowering period increases.

The most unpretentious bully perennials, blooming in spring, are hyacinths (muscari). They are enchanting the most diverse shades - white, pink, blue.

An incredibly pleasant smell applies to the whole garden. They are often used when building alpine slide.

Perfect winter. Non-discrepancies to lighting: grow in shady places, and the sun.

Left color pains can disperse themselves. Stagnation of water is the only factor affecting their growth.

Narcissus, Crocuses, Pushkina - Delightful flowers used to decorate the garden plot in spring time. Flowering time - April - June. They grow beautifully both in the sun and in shaded places, and no special requirements are presented to the soil.

There is also one bulby perennial, it only blooms late autumn. This is a non-freeman. He is very poisonous.

The flower resembles a crocus. It grows in sunny places, in transplant does not need. Landing produced in summer.

Soil plants

One of the representatives of this species is Barwin. He will be forgotten on the ground with a green carpet. Blossom comes in May. Flowers of purple shade.

Breeding with shoots. They, touched to the ground, are easily rooted. Unpretentious to soil and illumination. Even the most unsightly plot of the garden will be covered by his dark green foliage.

In May, Brunner will delight in his bloom (Caucasian forget-me-not). She loves shaded places, wet nutrient soil. All the nursing the garden will be decorated with her blue flowers.

It has a rapid growing. No need.

At the beginning of summer, Veronica begins to bloom. This unpretentious plant is represented in several types: soil and tall.

The first will turn the earth so much that even weeds do not have a single chance. The second are used to decorate borders and complex flower beds. Flowers with white, pink, blue, purple shades.

Mattering and tall plants

Peonies will not give a lot of hassle during cultivation. Flowers of pink, white, red shade. A drunk sweet fragrance fills the whole territory of the garden.

It grows on well-lit places on wet, but drained soil.

Lupine is considered an integral part of garden flower. It is suitable for decorating mixboraders and multi-tiered flower. Flowers blue, red, white tint.

Cutting on time in time, the plant can bloom again. Just need to know about the poisonousness of the seeds. Does not grow on acidic soil.

Mountain varnish is one of the long flowering perennials. Its height reaches 0.6 m. Bright blue flowers are similar to thistle. Blossom twice: in summer and autumn.

Perennial irises possess growing thick rhizomes. The height of the dwarf plants reaches 0.2 m., And tall - 0.75 m.

Numerous species bloom at different times. On the plot, their landing is selected so that their flowering continues all summer.

The qualities of an unpretentious and drought-resistant plant possesses geranium magnificent. Its large flowers of white, blue, pink, red, purple shade. The leaves are covered with green, gray, red or bronze color.

Blossom continues from May, and lasts until the end of July. Under the end of summer, the leaves color changes to red.

There is a geranium grade, which leaves fall, there are evergreens. One plants are suitable for a place in a half, others love the sun. Having planted geranium, it is always necessary to pay attention to its variety.

A long period of flowering is different sage dubber. His flowers in the form of a helmet are collected in inflorescences of a blue or light lilac shade. He attracts bees from the whole circle with its exquisite aroma.

Its height is 0.4 m., Flowering period - May - August. After the end of flowering, shoots with buds are cut.

Tall perennial 1.5 m in height. It blooms 10 weeks, and inflorescences that differ in particular effect. May remain on the plant until the end of the flowering season.
In the spring of its leaves become a copper shade. It grows on fertile soil, and in drought requires irrigation.

As a curb decoration, a tall perennial thousand Tollgovoy is used.

Its height is 1.2 m. Flowers of yellow or red shade. It can be used both for cutting and for creating dry bouquets.

Special requirements for care and soil are not presented. Blossom begins in June, and continues until September.

Little plants

An incredibly beautiful and unusual garden flower that does not require care is considered a perennial Flox Shilovoid. His in the form of five-pointed asterisks.

Depending on the variety there are white or purple color. Blossom starts in May.

The low-speed Yaskolka is a bit like a chamomile. Its tightly growing low stalks cover the flower bed of a dark green shade with beautiful yellow-white boutons. The plant must be planted on the open plot, as it loves the sun.

To the garden in autumn, you need and Korean chrysanthemum. They have, including a non-laminate, later flowering.

When other plants have flowers already bleached, these remain the decoration of the garden. Interesting interesting compositions, perennials will look beautifully on the autumn flower beds.

Leng-flowered - elegant multi-year flower. This is an unpretentious breakfast plant.

Thin stems 15 - 30 cm high with narrow leaves. Blossom begins in June and continues on August.

The life of one flower is 1 day. But during the summer, new buds constantly appear. Flax is perfectly combined with other plants. Used as border perennial and for landing in the mountaineering.

Shadowish plants

For landscaping of shaded garden sections, it is necessary to use shadowish plants that do not require care. If the flowerbed is located near the fence or other construction, they will simply by the way.

Perfectly grows under the trees. Beautiful perennial host. It has a beautiful decorative view of his leaves.

When planting plants in the shade, a bright shade changes to green. Whiteline inflorescences of snow-white color. Flowering period - July - September.

The perennial of the dotentre is a magnificent - border plant, the height of which is 60 cm. Grows in the shade of trees and buildings. Her small flowers have the shape of hearts. Coupled flowers smoothly hang over the leaves.

For cultivation, they choose a place protected from the North Wind. May - June is the period of her flowering.

Blocks of the bell bridal use to decorate a home garden flower. He is not afraid of shaded places.

Blossom begins in July, and ends in August. Due to the loss of decorative, flowerca is cut.

If there is not enough space for, perennial compact views of the volzhanka will greatly decorate the territory of the garden. A dwarf grade grows by 0.3 m, tall reaches 2 m.

This is a shadowed plant with spectacular crucible inflorescences that make up small cream flowers. Foliage of a pale green shade. Although it blooms from June to July, decorativeness is not lost all season thanks to beautiful carved leaves.

Shadowish flowers perfectly decorate different corners of the garden. You can combine such plants with stones or other elements to decorate the garden. Especially considering the fact that in shaded places nice to relax in summer days. So the decor of such sites is better to pay more attention.

For landscaping of private territory, blooming perennials often use. The range is wide enough to choose plants in harmony with personal preferences and decorate the household plot stylish and tastefully. Today the site about the farm picked up for you the most beloved perennial flowers for summer cottages - Photo with names, catalog and a small resume to each plant.

Perennials for cottage

Catalog of the best perennials for the cottage - titles, description and photos

With experience, each gardener appears its own list of favorite perennial colors for decorating the site. This catalog usually includes plant names that differ in high decorativeness, but not requiring complex care. Most of them love the sun and well-drained soil. Consider the most frequently falling perennials in the people's "catalog", the beauty of which will help to evaluate carefully selected photos.

Alissa / Lobulia

Choosing the Alissa for landing in the country, it is important to remember that this plant is distinguished by high love of the sun. The flower perfectly tolerates dry summer, is able to survive even frost to -10 ° C without consequences.

In the photo a perennial called Alissa

As can be seen in the photo, the lobularia is a low soil plating with small flower. Color depends on the variety. Landing a perennial alissum in the country makes it possible to enjoy blossom and sweet aroma from the beginning of summer to deep autumn.

Alissaum two colors


The photo demonstrated a flower called anemone. The plant is a mandatory point in the catalogs of dachnikov, appreciating tenderness, brightness and sophistication.

Annemon for dacha

Of two varieties - tuber and rhizable - the simplicity of care is different. Basic requirements for all varieties of anemona: semolot, light, nutritious and well-drained soil.

On the photo of Annemon

Pansies / Viola

The name "Pansies" is known to every gardener. This multi-year flower is included in most catalogs of favorite decorative crops for giving. His feature is that wintering is hard for him.

On the photo of Anyutina Eye

It is necessary to ensure good shelter for the period of frosts. Pansies are beautifully blooming only on an outstanding space, in a non-sleeined drunken ground. The photo demonstrated various varieties of Viol.



Astilba for original cottage

Among approximately 400 varieties can choose options with different color and height. A plant with the name of Astilba is a whole summer, which is incredibly pleased with the summer houses and gardeners. It prefers shady sections, poorly tolerate drought periods.


In the autumn, most cottages in our country adorn magnificent perennials called Astra. Lush flowers do not fade to the most frosts. The photo presents part of the color spectrum covered by this decorative plant.

On the photo Magnificent Asters

Gardeners create from ASTR flower beds in the form of carpets, borders and edging flows. Only the solar cottage dacha (maximum - half-day) with fertile and water-permeable soil is suitable for this plant.

Astra at the Dacha


Because of the leaves of an unusual form (in the photo), Badan received the second name "elephant ears." This plant looks great at the cottage. In addition to decorative, it has a healing value - tea to strengthen the body is brewed from dried leaves.

Multielno - Badan

Badan is included in the lists and catalogs of decorative plants for shady areas of the garden - the bright sun transfers badly. For the plant with a weakly pronounced root system, the ease of soil, regular moisturizing and feeding was extremely important.


In the photo of Barwin

The ability to rapid growth is important to consider when planning flower beds. Most often there is a Barwin with blue buds. Most of all it is suitable for halftime, the soil can be almost anyone.



The lack of carrying is incredibly unpretentious that many owners of cottages and gardens appreciated. However, this plus overlaps a significant drawback - short bloom (about 3 weeks).

In the photo, a wizard is gorgeous


Verbaine reprehensible

There are two options for the color of buds - yellow and red. Verbaine loves the sun, feeding and needs regular irrigation. Otherwise, the plant is not contemptuous. Wintering vessel without shelter.

Source cleaner


One of the very first in the country is blooming a perennial called Hyacinth. This is an insanely beautiful flower, which is often grown on a cut. Amazes the widest range of color gamut, which is presented with a culture.

Charming hyacinth in the country

Very important for hyacinth feeding and timely watering. In the photo you can see the spectacular view of this perennial flower, which has loved the owners of cottages and cottages.

In the photo hyacinth


Gentle gypsophila enters the catalog of popular colors for giving

The plant moves the winter perfectly, but poorly developing in heavy soils and with irregular watering. The gentle flower of perennials are presented in the photo.

Pink gypsophila


Add sophistication to the design of the cottage is called by a long-term flower called Gladiolus. Usually, when it comes to this plant, photos for identification are not required - its kind is well known. Gladiolus loves the sun, but in the southern regions, the straight rays of the midday sun can destroy it. The plant needs to be protected from wind gusts.


The gladiolus will grow perfectly in the ground with an organic fertilizer. The perennial looks great in combined landings and as a monoclumba in the country.

In the photo gladiolus of different varieties

Dolphinium / Bellyness

In one place in the country, the dolphinium can grow up to 6 years. These cute flowers will decorate any plot, add to the design of nonsense and grace. Specialists advise to plant Delphinium thick, so that it turned out a lush flower garden.

Dolphinium in the country

Special attention should be paid to watering perennial - it should be carried out strictly under the root for the prevention of disease. A dolphinium is on sale with various varieties of varieties, from which you can choose options to your liking.
In the photo Dolphinium


Honey bush in the country

All varieties give fruit, but they are not always edible. The honeysuckle fell into catalogs of many gardeners due to unpretentiousness. The plant can not lose decorativeness and bring fruit anywhere in the country, grown on any soil.

Fruits of honeysuckle


Liana with delicate flowers attracts many daches. Her name is Clematis. The perennial needs well-drained earth, better if it is sandstone.

Clematis as a gate decoration in the country

Slept low areas are categorically not suitable. In one place, Clematis grows several years in a row, the flowering of the plant is long. For the winter, the perennial needs to be stolen.

On the photo Charming Clematis


Gentle yellow flowers that you see in the photo is a swimsuit. She perfectly decorates summer cottages of any format. The bathroom needs a shaded place and fertile soil is well moistened.

In the photo, a tender swimsuit for summer cottages


In the photo of the Pourech

For this perennial, you should choose a shaded area, since the bright sunlight is detrimental for it. It is worth noting the magnificent medicinal properties of the combination.

Coupling for gardening

Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley at the dacha

It is important to remember that the Lily of the Lily of the Lily is a rapid repellent perennial.


In the photo - many years of Lupine

He is unpretentious, but it feels better in an acidic soil. The more fertile will be the soil, the magnificent will bloom the lupine.



Murok love many dacms and gardeners. For him, you need to choose a sunny plot with light soil. The photo shows that the Mokhokha in the country will not create bright accents and saturation, but it perfectly copes with the role of background plants.

In the photo Original Much


Magnificent tender flowers called Muskari are extremely popular among dachensors. Culture is used for rocky flower beds, borders for the edges of flower beds.

Muscari in the country area

The perennial is unpretentious, so I got into the catalogs of popular decorative plants for busy dachensors. With regular watering, the spring flower will delight decorativeness and a pleasant musky aroma.



About this many years of plant, probably there is no reason to speak a lot, because every summer house knows. The flower is perfectly combined with other spring flowers in the flower beds of various formats.

In the photo Perennial - Narcissus

The photo provides different varieties of culture, which there are many.



Blue tender non-discharge flowers will decorate any cottage. The list of the catalog of your favorite decorative plants of the gardener, the perennial falls for the most part due to special unpretentiousness. Attention in the cultivation of forget-me-notes in the country should be given except that watering: in the dry soil, forget-me-not fades.

Gentle forget-me-notes


As can be seen in the photo, culture called Nyurist is a major meadow chamomile. Many gardeners love this flower, so it is hunting him on its plot. Nyurist is resistant to different Nature Nature, it is best grows in an open area.


Watering should be accurately, as stagnation of water can destroy the plant. Up to 7 years old can be grown Nyurist in one place.


Peonies have many positive characteristics, except for incredibly beautiful and fragrant colors. This perennial can live without transplanting to a new place of decades. PION needs to be protected from wind, overcoat and lack of nutrients. He is inclined to grow.

In the photo pink peony


On the photo Rudbeckia

On the photo with the naked eye, its resemblance to daisies is seen. Depending on the variety, the color can be completely different. Rudbeck is growing up to 5 years in one place in any soil.

On the photo Rudbeckia


Perennial - Flox

They feel great in heavy soil. Even with minimal care, Flox is pleasing to their beauty. They need sunlight and fencing from the gusts of the wind.



It is impossible not to mention among perennial colors for the cottage of chrysanthemums. They become a great dacha decoration and are often grown under the cut.

In the photo of chrysanthemum

So that chrysanthemums had such an attractive look, as in the photo, it is necessary to put them in fertile soil in the shade and provide regular moistening roots. In order to increase the puffs, pruning.

A variety of chrysanthemums are often planted on dachas

Reviewed Perennial Flowers for Dacha - photos with names (directory) - will help you create a unique atmosphere on your site.

  • What kind of private house or cottage will cost without gardening? Flowers are joy for the hostess. They make the house more beautiful, more beautiful and it is nice to go to it. Neighbors and other passersby will definitely appreciate the flower bed, which plays the most different colors. But one thing to love flowers, but completely different - grow and care for them. It does not always have enough time. That is why many prefer to use unpretentious perennial flowers on their plot.

    But, a logical question arises - what are these flowers? How to make your garden plot beautiful and at the same time not to spend a lot of time to care for plants? This we will try to find out. If you want to grow flowers, then this article is for you. We will consider perennial flowers of teothelubile photos and their names, as well as shadowish perennial unpretentious flowers.

    What is the difference between the discrepancies and shadower colors

    It is believed that all the colors love sunlight, so they try to plant them in such sites. However, this is not entirely so, because there are unpretentious flowers that feel beautifully away from the rays of the sun. There are neither better grow and bloom. And there are also such that they can exist in such conditions. Here is a kind of such colors:

    It's important to know! On the territory of a private house, the shadow can be permanent or depend on the location of the sun in the sky. In addition, the shadow can be solid or scattered. When choosing tepeless crops, this should be considered.

    Now we suggest to consider the types of telyotelubiv and shadowish perennials.

    Spring Perennial Flowers

    Why are these plants called perennial? They grow over the years, and some can bloom all year round. Just just once put them and enjoy beauty. Unpretentious they, because they do not require much care. It is beautiful for busy dachens.

    Spring is characteristic of the fact that the sun at this time is not so active. In the shade of trees, snowdrops and proleski can feel perfectly. These are the first spring flowers growing in the forest. But, you can also put them on the site too. Muskari, daffodils, candy frost, erythrinium and dicentars can be transferred a small shaded. One more beautiful perennials are the valley, which are suitable even for disembarking in a dense shadow.

    As for the sites, where the sun rays are manifested only in the morning, you can think about Brunner. These flowers are small and nice blue. From their inflorescences, the similarity of small clouds is formed. In the commoner, it is known as forget-me-not. She starts blooming in May and finishes bloom by the end of July. But, even after flowering, large painted leaves remain on it, which decorate the site. If you need to fill the shady and weedled places, then Brunner is the perfect option.

    Another unpretentious flowers that can survive almost in any conditions are Ayuga. It is also called the luggage, and not in vain. This is a shadowless flower that creates very quickly, creating a wonderful carpet. Leaves have burgundy, green and chocolate tint. Start of flowering - May. Sine-purple flowers themselves, growing at a level of 10-15 cm in the form of a false spikelet. The flowering process is long, so the lush blue carpet remains for quite a long time. Ayuga can be decorated with slopes and slopes. An example of ayuga in the photo.

    Below is one of the schemes of flower beds, which can be implemented on its site. We will consider in more detail each of the types of these plants, having learned their features.

    Magonia adhesive - a perennial plant. This is an evergreen shrub that has yellow boutons blooming in spring. They smell pleasantly and grow from 30 cm to 1 m. They can be cut, and the leaflets of culture are decorative. In the spring they have a reddish tint, closer to the summer dark green, and in the fall - bronze. This is a shadowless view of plants.

    Look very nice Rhododendron Atlantic. This is a leafy shrub, which can grow a height of 60 cm. It can grow in the shade and is shadowed. Leaf, like flowers, appear in early May. Flowers themselves have white color with a pinkish tint. They look like asterisks and in the autumn period turn into bright yellow buds.

    No less beautiful can be called azalia garden. It resembles the previous flower with its shape. This is also a shrub that needs a half. Nor under the right sun, in no shadow they will not grow. Let it be a little demanding of care, but during flowering in May, the shrub is simply overwhelmed with flowers so that greens are even unclear.

    Female jar. This is the form of a fern, which has gently beautiful dissected foliage, the height of which is about 1 m. It pleases the fact that the plant is unpretentious, grows in the shade and frost-resistant. Perfectly complement the composition of the flower beds to dilute it.

    Tolstive Badan It is evergreen perennial. Culture has thick dark green leaflets that they are not afraid of winter. With the beginning of spring, straight from the snow looks out of the ears-leaf, racing green. In autumn, they are transformed into red. Flowers themselves have pink color and begin to bloom in May. Badan unpretentious.

    Host planting It has heart-shaped leaves, rather large bright green. His form and streaks, culture resembles a plante leaflet. The flower has a high flowering on which white buds are blooming in the form of stars. They have a gentle smell like lilies. Begins to bloom in early August. However, they appreciate the cultures for its beautiful leaflets. She shadowed, unpretentious and is well survived in different conditions.

    Host White Caymalit has beautiful oval-pointed leaves with white and green. Flowers blooming purple and in shape resemble bells. Start blooming in July. The host whiteocair is shadowed.

    To decorate the lower tier, you can use fragrant violet. This gentle forest flower is shadowless and unpretentious. Each girl knows how small purple flowers smells in the form of butterflies. There can be blooming twice: in early May and at the end of summer. There are different varieties of perennial unpretentious violets that have a white, purple and red-purple color.

    So, if you summarize, one flower bed from spring perennial unpretentious flowers will look like this:

    • magonia adhesive;
    • rhododendron Atlantic;
    • azalea Sadovaya;
    • female jar;
    • badan castoliste;
    • host plantain;
    • white Camered Host;
    • fasciny violet.

    We dealt with spring flowers, now we can start the summer.

    Summer Perennial Unpretentious Flowers

    Summer is the time of the bright and warm sun. But even for this season there are speakers and shadowable plants that can be planted in its garden. The following is a visual scheme for the design of popular summers of shadow colors.

    In this list there is a host and Badan Tolstolent. We already know them, and since they are attractive throughout the warm season, in landscape design these flowers are used quite often.

    Let's start with a napstock, which is placed in the center of the whole composition. This is an unpretentious plant that grows over two years. Its feature is that it develops perfectly in the shade and in the sun. The color is high, reaches about 1.5 m and has large colors-bells. Color of buds can be the most different. There are white flowers, yellow, purple, red and with stains and dark dots. Can bloom round summer. Beautiful flower, but poisonous!

    The background uses lush bushes. These are two types of hydrangeas:

    The feature of the bushes is that they love a loose shadow. Start blooming in summer. Buds grow dormitory, something resembles lilac. Color gamut diverse. They can be pink, blue, white and lilac. They grow dormitory and because of the colors, not even visible leaves. Look insanely beautiful.

    Top tier is still filled Flox Mettelchatoy. Another long-term bush, which is divided into different varieties. Something resemble Hydrangea. Color is the most different, even there is two-color flowers. Plant height can reach 60-130 cm. Inflorescences are dense and have different shape. Can bloom throughout the summer, and even in autumn. These are perennial flowers and unpretentious, however, do not like drought.

    As for the middle tier, along with hosts and bad people, plant many years and challenge Astilba and Akvilia. Astilba is a universal plant that can grow almost everywhere and in any conditions. Yet ideally, it is planted in a half-directed site. Designers appreciate her for the beautiful binding species, consisting of small flowers. Their color is the most different: pink, red, white, lilac, light yellow. Begins to bloom in the summer.

    As for Aquillehood, she also loves her half. Its beautiful appearance is due to an unusual shape of flower shores. They look just gorgeous. Shades are varied: yellow, blue, pink, white, lilac, single-color or two-color. Flowers feature in the fact that they can collect water droplets. That is why Aquille has the name of the catchment. Even if we translate from English, then Aqua is water.

    We will proceed to design the lower tier, which will consist of Cuffs soft, geih and primrose garden. Let's start with the cuff. This is an eliminated perennial plant, which has unpretentious greenish yellow flowers. The peculiarity and advantage of the plant is that it delays dew droplets at the expense of fan-shaped rounded leaves. Leafs slightly concave and lowered.

    As can be seen in the photo, with Rosinki, the plant looks cute and unusual. This is an unpretentious plant that can grow in any area in the territory.

    A very popular plant for private houses is Geichera. It has decorative leaves and a small height of up to 50 cm. Listed leaves, round-blade. They are collected in a socket. As for the color, the plant can be green, red, yellow or silver-gray. Flowers resemble bells and have white and reddish pink shade. The plant loves shades.

    Primrose or primula. It is a very beautiful flower, and thanks to different types you can create a beautiful blooming floweruba, which will bloom from spring to late autumn. We are considering a primer blooming in the summer. Usually they bloom low, have rounded sheets and create a socket. Flowers are collected in a bouquet and have different colors (yellow, red, blue, white and pink). Flowers can be monochrome or double. They do not like direct sunlight, so it is recommended to plant these perennial flowers in a half.

    There are also other summer teen-born flowers for the garden:

    1. Barwinka.
    2. Gelenium.
    3. Bells.
    4. Forget-me-not
    5. Couping.
    6. Roger.

    Autumn perennial flowers

    Autumn is the period when the sun is no longer active. All plants cease to bloom, however, even for this period you can make an excellent floweruba, which will bloom in the shade. The following is a scheme.

    It can be noted that the composition of colors in the fall is not so blooming and mainly consists of the host and other green plants. Their feature in beautiful leaves. Dilute green plants can hybrid Astilby. They bloom in the autumn period. It looks very beautiful. Colors are different.

    Another flowering plant - Klopogon Raskidnoye. It can grow up to 2 m, has small white flowers, which are collected in inflorescence similar to the pyramid. Klopogon has a special specific smell resembling medication. Skelts and leaflets of plants have a green-purple color. Decorative culture. May grow in the shade, as it is a forest flower.

    Another type of fern - Otrika ordinary. He is thermal-loving and has two varieties of leaves. The first view looks like a beautiful funnel, a long and periody. The second is a distant, which resembles the feathers of ostrich, therefore received such a name. They are located in the middle of the bush.

    Tiallla cutting the overall composition will be supplemented. This is a winter-resistant plant, which, although it blooms in the spring, but in the fall of its green leaflets with bronze streaks begin to acquire a brown shade. This is a thermal-loving flower, which in the fall decorates a plot of leaf carpet. They calmly winter under the cover of snow.

    Note! OssennetsNext Shadowish Plants are the Gyndernik ordinary, Kirengeshoma is a dress-shaped, bell collector or twisted.


    This is not all perennial flowers that can be grown at home. This is a hoofer - a crawling plant that has rounded glossy leaves. It grows in the most shaded places. Shadowish is also the usual ivy. Do not forget about Hibiscus, Barbaris, Irge, Jasmine, Kalina, etc. All these plants will fill the site with beauty and beautiful flavors. Even just passing by such houses with a beautifully decorated area is nice. And living in it is even better. This information from the article will help create a wonderful landscape design, and the garden will bloom the year-round many years.

    It does not mean at all that perennial cultures are less attractive or not so often bloom. Among unpretentious colors, you can highlight those that will be wonderful to decorate the country and not to demand much attention.

    Plot reform

    Perennial plants that practically do not require care, quite a lot. In order for the kind of cottage to inspire and impressively surrounding it is necessary to think about how to effectively improve the territory. It is possible to achieve this with the following ways:

    1. Hedge. Perennial flowers can be divided by a country area into separate zones. To do this, it is best to choose plants that for a long period will not need a haircut. At the same time, it is desirable that the climatic zone, which is needed by many years of colors, corresponded to the conditions in the country's dacha.
    2. Moorish lawn. The usual lawn cover requires constant care, especially the first time, but the Moorish lawn does not need to constantly pour, strut, water, etc. It is enough to plant enough, and after a while it will surprise with beauty and naturalness.
    3. Vertical gardening. Most dachensons by negligence planted hops. This plant can very quickly proper any territory, but it is almost impossible to control its growth. For landscaping the country area, it is better to use Clematis.
    4. Flowers. Any kind of flower bed is able to decorate the country's territory. So that the flower garden pleased the eye as long as possible, it is better to plant perennial plants.

    When choosing perennials, you need to focus on the height of an adult plant. They are usually grouped in size and blossoms. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the requirements of plants to moisture, the sun and the soil. Of course, most perennial colors are well tolerated freezing and summer heat, but there are exceptions to the rules.

    Plants can be planted in several tiers, creating a flower composition. Usually in the center of the beds are the highest colors, and more shorter diverges from them around the circumference or in another arbitrary form. Usually, the following unpretentious perennial flowers are planted in the country:

    1. Peonies. This plant blooms in the late spring, pleased with his kind of surrounding. After the peony is wondering, all summer will stand a big green bush, capable of not worse than flowers to decorate the dacha territory. This plant can live to 25 years in one place, without needing to transplant.
    2. Host. A perennial plant with more than 40 species. Hosts of white, lilac and purple hosts resemble bells. Leaves of plants are expressive and sizes. When choosing this flower, you need to be attentive, as some species reach the height of human growth.
    3. Garden chamomile. Different with a long period of flowering and does not require special attention. At the beginning of autumn, the garden chamomile breeds independently.
    4. Primrose. The plant flourishes early in spring, and the inflorescences of primers are remembered for a long time. The flower can grow long in one place and easily transfers the transplantation and distribution.
    5. Echinacea. Flowers of this plant are very similar to chamomile and also possess therapeutic properties. Among the perennials, Echinacea is considered the highest plant. This fact must be taken into account when drawing up a flower composition.
    6. Day-lily. The plant is distinguished by colorful petals and love for shaded places. Volumetric bushes with yellow, orange or red colors will attract the views of the neighbors, distracting from everything else.

    Blooming shrubs will decorate the country's territory. For example, jasmine, lilac, Japanese quince, hydrangea. Taking into account the difference in flowering periods of all perennial plants, it is better to choose the valley, primura, lupine or Badan. Lukovichny plants are equally in demand. Among them are often found in country tulips, daffodils, lilies, gladiolus. All of them can be part of the original design of the country area.

    Annual plants

    Annual flowers please their type throughout the warm season and are an excellent addition to many years of plants. With the help of annuals, you can make an excellent flower beds, which will surprise all the neighbors in the country. Perennial plants are growing over time, and the growth of annual colors is easily adjusted. This annuals can be changed every year by updating the composition. The most common one-year flowers, which are planting at dachas: Petunia, Nasturtia, Astra, Nogot, Salvia.

    Perennial plants will decorate any plot and turn it into a lush flowering garden. Such colors require less attention and care than annual, they easier tolerate winter, less demanding of landing. Among the varieties of perennial plants, you can pick up suitable for any site, arrange it with a lush greenery or bright colors, decorate the walls of the house or arbor curly lyans. Creating a flower garden takes a lot of time and effort, but the right approach to the choice of plants is half the case.

    Distinctive features of perennials

    Many gardeners prefer to decorate the garden to plant annual plants, motivating it more lush and bright flowering, but they are quite demanding. But there are not only perennial curly plants, shrubs and grassy, \u200b\u200bwhich confirm numerous photos, and if you consider all the features when choosing colors, then throughout the season, from early spring to late autumn, the garden will look blooming. The main features of perennials that distinguish them from annual plants:

    • transplant is needed every 2-3 years;
    • frost resistance;
    • long flowering period;
    • minimum care;
    • they can serve as the basis of a mixed flower garden, because they grow in one place and can be constantly complemented by other plants.

    Perennial plants will become an excellent basis for future flower compositions, because when transplanting them can be divided and disassemble, without resorting to additional spending. For this reason, perennials are beneficial much more than annual plants.

    A perennial grassy plant with decorative leaves will help along with blooming to make multi-level garden compositions, arrange a slide, lawn and flower beds. In addition, there are perennial curly plants and shrubs capable of performing the role of alive hedges.

    Features of planting perennials

    Unlike annual, perennial plants need to land in autumn, so that at the beginning of the next season they pleased the eyes. Plan of flower beds should be designed in advance. When creating a flower garden, not only the compatibility of the shades of various plants should be taken, familiar with the photo, but also their time flowering and height. Low species should be placed in the foreground.

    Tip! When landing perennial plants, it is best to navigate to a longline landing, since the colors grouped in height look much more effectively.


    Farm plants are ideal for garden growing, so they have so widespread. Lutikovy is mostly perennial, although among them there are single and two-year-old species, even half-workers. These flowers are well adapted to a cold climate, are not demanding of the soil. In appearance, the iltikovy are greatly different. This family is quite extensive, so you should familiarize yourself with the photo.

    For decoration of gardens, iloki divide into several groups:

    1. Soil consuming, with their help drawn lawns and lawns. These include the catchment, dolphinium, ame forest.
    2. Swamp and coastal, used when disembarking in garden ponds. Among them can be noted Kaluga, a swimsuit (European and Asian), a fighter.
    3. Curly or lianas needed for registration of arbors, walls, hedges, etc., for example, Clematis and Prince.

      Perennial plants of the Lutikov family are divided into light and varying, depending on the species. The sun is needed by sprouting, Clematis, Vasilisnik. In the half worth it is worth putting akonite buggy, swimsuit, adonis, freezing, sleep-grass.

      Among the buttermits there are short and high plants. From the end of July, the Vasilisnik, belonging to Lutikov, reaches 1.8 m in height. Dolphiniums with bright-shaped inflorescences grow up to 2 m.

      Average height is considered a catchment (40-70 cm). It is best to plant it on stony areas, along the garden paths or next to the trees. A windproof and liver can be attributed to the low-spirited butchers, they usually plan lawns. These plants are well transferred shadow and can be cleared near water bodies.

      To extend the lives of many years of plants from the Lutikov family, they need to be covered with dry leaves or fir branches before wintering. Once every 3-4 years (except for two-year-old varieties) a transplant is necessary.

      High perennials

      Such plants can be planted with separate groups or as a spectacular rear plan of multi-tier compositions, as in the photo. Among the high perennials are found both blooming and plants with beautiful magnificent leaves.

      Tip! Many varieties of perennial tall plants differ in the duration of vegetative processes, so they begin to bloom quite late - in the middle of summer.

      In the semolot sections of the garden, you can plant tricirtis, whose flowers resemble orchids or lilies. It is beginning to bloom this perennial in early July, but pleases with his appearance - to the most frosts.

      Lupins are loved by many gardeners, these unpretentious flowers look very bright and distinguished by a huge selection of shades. These plants look good when planting them by individual groups, and in the flower ensemble perfectly complement less than high flowers. Among the highest garden plants, sunflower is allocated. Its large saucer flowers of a golden-brown shade are visible even outside the site, since the height of the stems reaches 2.5 m.

      Provide a floral flower bed by filling out the back plan, will help Echinacea with rudbecia (Golden Balls). Their inflorescences are perfectly harmonized with the rest of the plants. They begin to green in early spring, easily carrying wintering. For Rudbecia, you need to follow, so that it does not go on the whole garden, because this flower has a weed habits.

      Mattering perennials

      The ideal solution for any garden is the perennial plants with a height of 30-80 cm, and looking at the photo, you can estimate which species will fit to a specific area.

      Irises will decorate any garden. This elegant flower is suitable not only for the design of flower, with its help you can effectively emphasize the reservoir on the plot, plant irises around the arbor or another recreation area. For the design of the Alpine slides are good dwarf species. Depending on the variety, the irises can be light-friendly or preferred half.

      One of the leaders of decorative gardening is a loyal, easy to care and has many varieties. It grows well in the shade, and beautiful leaves will complement any composition.

      The real decoration of the garden will be peonies that attach the site of elegance. Spectacular terry inflorescences are painted in tone from white to dark burgundy. In addition to tree peonies, there are still herbaceous, under such name plants for beginner gardeners are hidden. Herbatous peonies begin to bloom the next year after planting, but it lasts it much less than the tree. Peonies are quite demanding, only minerals are suitable from fertilizers, in addition, it is necessary to provide abundant irrigation.

      One of the most popular and unpretentious colors can be considered a chamomile garden, which looks good on any flowerbed. It is distinguished by a long period of flowering, requiring moderate watering and the most simple fertilizers. Among the types of garden chamomile can be found such names: Nyurist, Pyrethrum. They are distinguished primarily by color and inflorescence.

      Little hassle to gardeners will be delivered by perennial astra (not to be confused with annuals relating to the same family). They bloom until the first frosts depending on the type. Flowers can be different shades: pink, lilac, yellow and blue tones. Astra is demanding of soil and fertilizers, prefer organic.

      No beautiful garden will do without phlox. These magnificent multicolored plants are easy to care, the behavior they resemble weeds, so it is important to monitor their growing. There are no special requirements for the lighting of Floxes, replant them is recommended every 6 years. In the same family, you can select dwarf phlox that are suitable for the design of a slide or lushes, forming a dense floral cover.

      An example of perennial medium height plants, characterized by beautiful bloom, can serve: Rhodiola pink, astilba, Monard twofold. These flowers please their appearance all summer, and the photo will help with the choice of shades.

      The monard came to us from North America. The plant is very fragrant, it produces a very large amount of essential oil. By the way, from natural vegetable, it is the only means that gives the effect in the fight against mold

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