Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Adaptogens: Can They Be Mixed? Stress and adaptogens Ginseng lemongrass Eleutherococcus which is better

Kurus AN, chief physician of the Healthy Children Medical Center: “Very often patients come to me with a question, which tones up more - Dynamisan, or Gerimaks Energy?”. All these preparations are produced on the basis of ginseng (Dynamisan, Gerimaks) and (Elton P). Let's try to figure it out.

These plants are classified as adaptogens. They act on the human body in about the same way, but there are some differences that may turn out to be individual contraindications for you.

In the East, for the general strengthening of the body, ginseng root has been used for thousands of years. It is also helpful in combating fatigue. The popular belief that ginseng is a powerful and versatile stimulant that works for everyone and always is wrong. For many, taking ginseng can be justified if there are no individual contraindications.

The effects of ginseng are described in terms of traditional Chinese medicine. However, without special training, they are not available to Europeans. For them, the indications for the use of ginseng had to be adapted.

According to pharmacologists, taking medications containing ginseng increases the sensitivity of the brain to other stimulants. Such as: caffeine, camphor, picrotoxin, phenamine.

Ginseng is used to treat conditions characterized by exhaustion, weakness, lethargy, lower blood pressure, and a feeling of coldness. It should be remembered that small doses increase blood pressure, while high doses lower it. Ginseng is a potent remedy, so taking it for preventive purposes requires adherence to a number of important recommendations.

Doctors do not recommend taking ginseng to children under 16 and healthy adults under 40. Moreover, it is recommended to take it exclusively in the cold season in combination with physical labor in the fresh air. Ginseng is contraindicated in hypertension, as well as during the acute course of the disease (like other adaptogens). An overdose of medications containing ginseng can cause headaches, heart and sleep disturbances, high blood pressure, and fatigue. If, with all these factors, we take into account the hypertension and lack of physical activity typical for the urban population, then the growing interest in alternative adaptogens with a milder effect becomes understandable.

The search for a substitute for ginseng led to the discovery of Eleutherococcus spiny (in the same Araliaceae family), the roots of which have similar properties to ginseng, but with a number of advantages over it. According to some indicators, the preparations of Eleutherococcus prickly even surpass the preparations of ginseng.

Eleutherococcus "works" slower than ginseng - the body recovers gradually and begins to resist fatigue, but the effect of Eleutherococcus is longer.
Eleutherococcus is non-toxic, has a reliable adaptogenic effect, can be used at any time of the year (unlike ginseng), as well as at any age. In addition, the large natural reserves of Eleutherococcus make it possible to produce preparations with its content in sufficient quantities. The same cannot be said about ginseng - in our country, in total, no more than one ton of this plant is grown.

Eating Eleutherococcus will help reduce blood glucose in half and increase liver glycogen. It also has a more pronounced effect on carbohydrate metabolism when compared with ginseng.

Studies have shown that eleutherococcus preparations reduce the time of dark adaptation (changes in the sensitivity of the human eye when switching from bright light to complete darkness), which is very useful during periods of seasonal depression. Also, these drugs improve visual acuity. If you take Eleutherococcus for a month, your hearing acuity will improve.
Also, a few days after the start of daily receptions of Eleutherococcus in people, both healthy and sick, appetite increases. Eleutherococcus preparations also have an anabolic effect (animals that received Eleutherococcus daily for two or more weeks gained weight).

In addition, the roots of Eleutherococcus have a gonad-stimulating effect and, like the roots of ginseng, can be successfully used in the treatment of impotence.

Eleutherococcus II is widely found in pharmacies, while it is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it is widely used in the prevention of colds, as well as to reduce the harmful effects of extreme stress. For example, if in the morning you feel lethargic and chills, then Eleutherococcus will be quite useful. If taken regularly, it will be even preferable to coffee, because if you forget to take it, it will not affect the energy of the body.

Eleutherococcus II is contraindicated for insomnia and sensations of heat, because it increases the body temperature. Elderly people should start taking Eleutherococcus P with minimal doses, and then, listening to their well-being, increase them. With all the breadth of application, preparations of Eleutherococcus and ginseng should not be given to children under five years of age: certain links of immunity may wake up, which should sleep until a certain time.
The preventive properties of Eleutherococcus II are very extensive. Regular intake of it increases the mental and physical performance of the body, reduces morbidity (which is especially important in seasonal epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections). Eleutherococcus drugs reduce the risk of developing hypertensive and coronary heart disease. Eleutherococcus also increases the body's resistance to toxins, radiation, hypoxia, extreme temperatures. It normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the sex glands.

In case of an overdose, Eleutherococcus preparations are non-toxic, but their effectiveness is significantly reduced.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Today lemongrass chinese widely used in medicine and sports to strengthen immunity, increase and normalize blood pressure, to treat gout and obesity. How to properly take lemongrass preparations for pregnant women, lactating mothers, children and athletes will be discussed in this article. In addition, let's talk about the healing properties of lemongrass honey.

Schisandra in medicine

Drugs lemongrass used as a stimulating agent for disorders of the functioning of the nervous system, increased drowsiness, as well as hypotension.

Lemongrass action:

  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases physical and mental activity many times over;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates oxygen starvation;
  • kills both pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • boosts immunity.
In oriental medicine, this plant is used in the following conditions:
  • prostration;
  • sexual impotence;
  • anemia;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • diseases of an infectious origin;
  • cold;
  • nervous and mental disorders.
Such widespread use of Schisandra in traditional medicine and herbal medicine is due to the fact that the plant, acting on the central nervous system, increases reflex excitability, thereby enhancing positive reflexes, improving neuromuscular conduction, and increasing motor activity. In addition, it was found that lemongrass preparations increase the body's nonspecific resistance to any pathogenic effects, without exception.

Schizandra preparations prevent the development of atherosclerosis, since they prevent an increase in cholesterol concentration.

This plant helps in a short time and without harm to health to adapt to various extreme external influences (for example, to a sharp change in climatic conditions).

It should be said that lemongrass is often included in the complex treatment of cancer patients, since it contains substances with oncoprotective properties (for example, copper, selenium).

But it should be remembered that a single intake of the plant is ineffective. Lemongrass preparations are taken in courses of 20-30 days, exclusively under the supervision of a doctor and after undergoing a medical examination. The effect of the intake will reach its apogee 15 - 20 days after the start of the course.

Schisandra for immunity

The human immune system protects the body from the negative effects of genetically foreign substances that can come from outside, or can be formed in the body itself. It is a weak immunity that is the main cause of many diseases.

It is possible to increase immunity without harm to health by using adaptogens that increase the body's nonspecific resistance to the negative effects of physical, chemical, and biological nature. Schisandra is just such a plant adaptogen.

The tonic effect of Schisandra is based on the activation of metabolism, as well as the regulation of the endocrine and autonomic systems.

As a result of this impact, the following phenomena are observed:

  • increased appetite;
  • increased tone of hollow organs;
  • increased secretion of the gastrointestinal glands;
  • restoration of reduced vascular tone;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • normalization of the heart.
Schizandra preparations have a psychostimulating effect, manifested by an improvement in performance, as well as a decrease in the manifestation of symptoms of asthenia and fatigue. It is important that this effect is not accompanied by any signs of arousal, which cannot be said about chemical drugs. Thus, the manifestation of both general tonic and psychostimulating effects is within the limit of the physiological norm.

Action of adaptogens:

  • optimization of the brain;
  • increasing intellectual productivity;
  • an increase in the speed of reactions;
  • ensuring a more economical expenditure of energy by the muscles;
  • improvement of protein synthesis, which is interconnected with the biochemical mechanism of memory;
  • strengthening the body as a whole.
As an adaptogen, lemongrass preparations are used to prevent influenza and acute respiratory infections. Shown the use of lemongrass and healthy people who lead an active lifestyle, whose labor activity is associated with heavy physical or emotional stress, as well as the impact of various extreme factors.

Schisandra helps to speed up the process of recovery after surgery, a serious illness or intoxication of the body. Thus, lemongrass ensures the maintenance of internal balance in the body, which is extremely important for a healthy and emotionally prosperous life.

Ways to take lemongrass:
1. 20-30 drops of a pharmacy tincture of the plant are diluted in 150 ml of water, and taken twice a day, before meals or four hours after meals.

2. 1 tbsp lemongrass seeds are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, infused for two hours, filtered and taken in 2 tbsp. four times a day, half an hour before eating.
3. 0.5 g of lemongrass seed powder is taken twice a day, before eating.

To strengthen the immune system, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right. So, the daily diet should contain foods that not only promote the production of antibodies, but also contain trace elements, macronutrients and vitamins necessary for life support. Fried fatty foods, sugar-containing foods, alcohol should be excluded from the menu.

  • lean meats (beef tenderloin, pork tenderloin, chicken breast);
  • lean fish (tuna, cod), as well as seafood;
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • fresh and dried berries;
  • bran bread;
  • nuts;
  • cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • fresh and dried mushrooms;
  • seasonings (various herbs, horseradish, mustard).

Schisandra with high and low pressure

Today, a huge number of people all over the world suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure). The main causes of both conditions are constant stress and unhealthy lifestyles.

It is imperative to combat hypertension and hypotension. So, hypertension, in which the pressure exceeds the mark of 140/90 mm Hg, can provoke the development of diseases of the heart, adrenal glands, as well as the pancreas and other important organs.

Hypotension, in which the pressure rarely exceeds 90/60 mm Hg, can provoke general weakness, rapid fatigue, irritability, and low performance.

Schizandra preparations increase blood pressure in particular, and tone the body as a whole thanks to flavonoids, lignans, essential oils, organic acids and resins contained in the plant. In combination with other herbal preparations, lemongrass is able to normalize blood pressure.

Important! Before you start taking this or that plant, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will conduct an appropriate examination and diagnostic examination, on the basis of which he will prescribe a dose and a regimen for taking the drug.

To prepare a decoction that increases the pressure, you need 20 g of dry lemongrass berries, previously ground in a mortar, pour 400 ml of boiling water, after which the mixture is heated over low heat for 15 minutes, without bringing it to a boil. The broth is taken three times a day, in a tablespoon.

You can prepare the following tincture: 10 g of chopped lemongrass berries should be poured with 500 ml of alcohol, the container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 7 days (it is important that the temperature at the place where the product is infused is room temperature). The tincture should be shaken periodically. After a week, the tincture is filtered twice to get rid of the sediment. It is taken three times a day on an empty stomach, 35 drops each. Such treatment is carried out in a course of 25 days. The tincture is taken until 19.00, which will help eliminate insomnia.

Schisandra for gout

Gout is triggered by metabolic disorders in general, and purine metabolism in particular. The result of such disorders is the deposition of uric acid in the joints, which causes the development of inflammation and severe pain in the joints.

Schisandra contains mineral salts (iron, magnesium, selenium, manganese, etc.), vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, fiber and pectin, which normalize metabolism and remove cholesterol from the body.

With early toxicosis, as well as hypotension, a collection of herbs can be used in pregnant women, which includes the following components:

  • lemongrass leaves - 10 g;
  • green stalks of sowing oats - 10 g;
  • green stalks of sowing rye - 10 g;
  • fruits of fragrant dill - 20 g;
  • leaves and fruits of common barberry - 20 g.
One tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of water and boiled for no more than one minute, after which the broth is infused for an hour, filtered and drunk one fourth of a glass three times a day, before eating.

In addition to taking herbal preparations, it is important to adhere to the following rules to facilitate the manifestation of toxicosis:

  • normalize the daily routine;
  • have a good rest;
  • walk in the fresh air every day;
  • eat easily digestible foods;
  • do not eat food just before going to bed, which will help improve its digestion;
  • eat small meals, but often;
  • exclude from the diet both too sweet and too sour foods.
Adhering to such recommendations, you can effortlessly transfer early toxicosis, which in most cases passes after 8-10 weeks. If the manifestations of toxicosis have not passed, but only worsened, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, since this may be an indication for placing a pregnant woman in a hospital for preservation.

Schisandra during lactation

As you know, breast milk contains all the nutrients that are present in the mother's blood, and they enter the bloodstream from the intestines. Lemongrass preparations are contraindicated in lactation, since the substances contained in the plant stimulate the nervous system of the mother - and, therefore, the child.

Schisandra for children

Lemongrass preparations are used in medicine not only for the treatment of adults, but also for children. Lemongrass is not recommended for children under 12 years old (according to the doctor's indications, plant preparations can be prescribed to children who are 5 years old).

Lemongrass is prescribed for children to increase appetite and activate the body's defenses. In addition, lemongrass preparations are indicated for the elimination of physical and mental fatigue, the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections. According to the studies, it was found that the use of lemongrass preparations during an influenza epidemic reduces the risk of illness by at least 4 times.

Lemongrass is also used in the treatment of dysentery in children, and taking this plant gives better results than taking a bacteriophage. Also, plant preparations are prescribed for various mental illnesses.

Outwardly, lemongrass is indicated in the treatment of non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Important! The use of lemongrass for the treatment of children is possible only after consulting a doctor who will correctly calculate the dose. Self-medication can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the child's (not yet formed) body.

Rules for the use of herbal preparations by children:
1. Consultation with a doctor, during which a complete medical history is collected.
2. The use of only herbal raw materials for the preparation of medicines, purchased in a pharmacy, but not from private traders, who are often not experienced herbalists.
3. Exclusion of compiling polysyllabic fees: fees intended for children should include no more than four herbs (you should first check if the child is allergic to the components of the collection).
4. Disinfecting herbs by boiling.
5. Exclusion of fees that contain poisonous plants.

If the child develops nausea, vomiting or itching, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the drug that provoked such a reaction.

Lemongrass for weight loss

The main causes of obesity are:
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress;
  • metabolic disease;
  • improper nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
Many of the causes listed above can be eliminated by taking lemongrass preparations that regulate the production process and energy consumption. Lemongrass preparations, firstly, have a tonic and stimulating effect on the body, and secondly, they can increase energy consumption - and therefore, enhance the effect of the diet.

In addition, this plant reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, removes toxins by normalizing metabolism, and also normalizes hormonal levels (these three components accompany the life of overweight people).

Schisandra stabilizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, positively affecting carbohydrate metabolism, thereby contributing to the burning of excess fats.

Calorie content of lemongrass

The calorie content of lemongrass per 100 g of product is 11.1 kcal. 100 g of this medicinal plant contains 1 g of protein and 1.9 g of carbohydrates. There is no fat in lemongrass.

Schisandra, ginseng and eleutherococcus

Such medicinal plants as lemongrass, ginseng and eleutherococcus belong to the class of adaptogens that accelerate adaptation processes, stimulate the body's defenses, increase efficiency, and reduce the degree of damage caused by radiation.

These medicinal plants have a general tonic and psychostimulating effect. It should be remembered that in order to achieve the maximum effect from taking ginseng, lemongrass and eleutherococcus preparations, it is necessary to take them in a course of 10 days, and up to several months (only a doctor can correctly calculate the duration of the course of treatment). To achieve a pronounced tonic effect caused by a single intake of adaptogens, it is necessary to take large doses of the drug.

Ginseng action:

  • toning and stimulating the nervous system;
  • increased appetite;
  • increased efficiency;
  • increasing the body's resistance to physical activity;
  • stimulating the cardiovascular system;
  • increased potency;
  • increased immunity;
  • improving memory;
  • aging prevention.
Action of Eleutherococcus:
  • toning the nervous system;
  • improved blood supply to the brain;
  • increased excitability of the cerebral cortex;
  • increasing mental and physical performance;
  • improvement of color vision;
  • improved liver function;
  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • increased muscle performance.
Lemongrass action:
  • increased efficiency;
  • improved mood;
  • increased visual acuity;
  • increased sensitivity of nerve cells;
  • promoting weight gain.
Important! It is not recommended to take several adaptogen drugs at the same time (only a doctor, taking into account the patient's history, can prescribe a joint intake of adaptogens).

An overdose of adaptogen drugs can provoke overexcitation of both the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Ginseng, Eleutherococcus and Schisandra are contraindicated in:

  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • increased excitability;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy (may be used for medical reasons).

Lemongrass honey

Lemongrass honey, which is a natural antiseptic, has a light yellow color, a specific aroma, and a pleasant sour taste. This honey is one of the rarest and most useful because it has anti-inflammatory, sedative and stimulating properties.

This dietary product has not only high calorie content and nutritional value, but also easy digestibility.
The effect of honey on the body:

  • stimulation of the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract;
  • decrease in blood viscosity;
  • improvement of lipid metabolism indicators;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • increased efficiency;
  • acceleration of the growth of granulations;
  • promoting rapid epithelialization of wounds;
  • improving the general condition of the body;
  • increased muscle strength;
  • an increase in the content of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • lowering cholesterol levels.
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • skin diseases;
  • general weakness and exhaustion accompanying the postoperative state and protracted illness;
  • asthenic, psychoasthenic and depressive conditions;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased sleepiness.
Honey with lemongrass, which has a choleretic effect, quickly restores strength, gives energy, and maintains vigor.


  • individual intolerance to all beekeeping products;
  • insomnia;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic diseases.
Important! Before taking honey, a consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Schisandra in sports

Schizandra preparations are excellent antioxidants that promote health, endurance, muscle activity, and metabolic processes.

Compared to other adaptogens, lemongrass maximizes the excitation processes in the nervous system, thereby increasing efficiency. For this reason, this plant is advisable to use in sports.

Schizandra preparations help to cope with heavy physical exertion, since they help to restore strength as soon as possible after fairly intense training or competition.

To prepare a tonic, you need 15 g of lemongrass fruit, pour 300 ml of boiling water, and then put the remedy on low heat (it is important not to bring the infusion to a boil). After 15 minutes, the infusion is removed from the heat, cooled down and taken in a tablespoon three times a day, but no later than 18-19 pm, which will help eliminate possible sleep disturbances.

Schisandra oil

Schizandra is used by athletes mainly as an oil, which is sold in pharmacies.

The results of using lemongrass oil:
1. An increase in the background indicators of adrenaline and norepinephrine.
2. Improving athletic performance with a dosage of 1 ml of oil per day.
3. Activation of humoral immunity, which, when taking the plant oil, remains at a level that is close to the initial one (even under the condition of intense sports loads, which cause immunodeficiency in many athletes).
4. Decrease in the inhibitory and enhancement of the activating effect of the regulatory systems of the central nervous system directly on the cerebral cortex.
5. Optimization of the adaptive reserves of the human body.
6. Facilitating the adaptation of the body to intense stress.

Schisandra chinensis preparations have a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition of athletes, but also on the psychological one. According to research, athletes who take lemongrass are distinguished by their patience and sociability, their level of emotional stress and anxiety is reduced, and their receptivity to information is improved, which is important for establishing full-fledged communication between athletes and coaches.

Important! According to anti-doping studies, lemongrass preparations have a doping frequency, but nevertheless the mechanism of action of this plant differs from the principle of action of chemical stimulants, after the intake of which the phase of oppression begins. In addition, doping forces the body to function "for wear and tear", while the effect of lemongrass is mild and natural. But nevertheless, regarding the possibility of taking lemongrass preparations (especially before the competition), it is necessary to consult with the trainer and the attending physician.

Plants adaptogens
Date: 03/07/2010
Theme: Components

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In this article, I want to talk about plant adaptogens, which can be used not only internally to strengthen your body, but also externally to enhance hair growth and stop hair loss.

Adaptogens are drugs that facilitate the adaptation of the body to various adverse effects. The use of adaptogens allows the body to adapt to such unfavorable environmental factors as cold, heat, ionizing radiation, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), heavy physical activity.
Adaptogens do not cure diseases, they strengthen the body to such an extent that it itself becomes able to cope with any disease.
Employees of the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) have identified about two dozen plants that increase the body's immune response by 1.5-2.5 times. These include willow-tea, agrimony, marsh cinquefoil, hornbeam leaves, celandine. Chamomile, elecampane, clover, white mistletoe, cinquefoil, stinging nettle, burdock, lemon balm, three-part succession, violet tricolor, drooping birch, plantain, yarrow, skullcap Baikalokan, aloe vera, aloe vera (hare cabbage).
Adaptogenic plants with a strong effect include ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea (golden root), Leuzea (maral root), licorice, Manchurian aralia, zamaniha, sea buckthorn.

I will tell you about the most famous of them, tinctures that have been successfully used for hair problems. These are ginseng, Manchurian aralia, Eleutherococcus prickly, Chinese magnolia vine and Rhodiola rosea. The first four plants are botanically related - they belong to the Araliaceae family and have almost the same properties as the well-known ginseng. Rhodiola belongs to the jerky family and is a relative of the "hare cabbage".

This is a legendary plant that grows in China, Tibet, Altai, Siberia.
The chemical composition has not been finally established; the main active ingredient is a complex of triterpene glycosides - panaxosides.
A distinctive feature of ginseng is its ability to increase appetite. Ginseng slightly improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on the liver. There is also a slight decrease in blood sugar, color vision improves.
Contrary to popular belief, the tonic effect of ginseng and its ability to prevent the development of various diseases is not only not higher, but even somewhat lower than that of other adaptogens.
The most noticeable effect from taking it in winter and autumn. In the spring and summer, you need to take ginseng in a lower dosage.

Ginseng preparations are taken:
as a tonic, restorative agent, increasing the efficiency and resistance of the body to stressful situations, physical exertion, adverse effects of the external environment;
during the recovery period of the body after serious diseases, operations;
with prolonged physical and mental fatigue;
with neuroses;
with insomnia;
with sexual disorders;
to stimulate the activity of the endocrine glands;
with metabolic disorders;
to lower blood sugar levels;
to enhance reparative processes in the body;
as a hemostatic agent.

Not recommended for: acute infectious and inflammatory processes, with severe forms of hypertension and severe atherosclerosis, bleeding, insomnia, increased excitability.
Do not take ginseng tincture in the afternoon.

Release form: alcoholic tincture of ginseng root in vials of 10-30 ml. Take 1 time a day in the morning before meals in a little water. Braking doses: 10-20 drops. Activating doses: 30-40 drops. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

Aralia of Manchuria.
It grows not only in Manchuria, but also in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions. It also grows in China.
The main active ingredients of aralia are araloside glycosides. To date, the following have been described: aralozide A, aralozide B, aralozide C. It is possible that plants also contain other, not yet described aralosides.
Aralosides have a versatile effect on the human body: they have a tonic and tonic effect, activate protein synthesis, and reduce blood sugar by significantly increasing the permeability of cell membranes for glucose. The intensity of glucose oxidation inside the cell also increases.
Aralia differs from other plants - adaptogens in that it has the strongest hypoglycemic effect. It is even used to treat diabetes. Rhizomes with aralia roots are included in many antidiabetic preparations.
The strong hypoglycemic effect of Manchurian aralia sometimes causes increased appetite. But an increase in appetite does not always lead to an increase in body weight. An increase in general activity and an increase in efficiency reach such a degree that with an increase in the amount of food consumed, the amount of energy consumed also increases. Aralia's ability to increase appetite can be successfully used to treat decreased appetite in children. Doses of aralia are selected individually, adjusted for the child's lower body weight.
The strength of the tonic effect of aralia is higher than that of most adaptogens and is second only to the strength of the action of rhodiola.

Contraindications to the use of Manchurian aralia drugs: hyperexcitability, insomnia, hypertension, epilepsy, hyperkinesis.

Aralia release form: alcoholic tincture of aralia root in bottles of 50 ml. Take aralia 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a little water. Inhibition doses: 2-6 drops. Activating doses: 6-15 drops. The duration of the course of treatment is 15-30 days.

Eleutherococcus prickly.
Eleutherococcus prickly grows in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions.
The chemical composition of the raw materials of Eleutherococcus is quite complex. Seven eleutheroside glycosides of different composition were isolated from the rhizomes. Eleutherosides have the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes for glucose. This is due to some of the hypoglycemic effect of Eleutherococcus. The oxidation of fatty acids is also noticeably enhanced. The aglycones (non-carbohydrate moiety) of these compounds are triterpenes, coumarins, sterols, and lignans. Associated substances - essential oil, resins, gums, starch, lipids. Coumarin derivatives were found in the stems. The leaves contain carotenoids, triterpene compounds, oleic acid, alkaloids and flavonoids. Unlike other Araliaceae, Eleutherococcus does not contain saponins.
Noteworthy is the ability of Eleutherococcus to improve color vision. Visual acuity also increases slightly.
Eleutherococcus is considered a drug that improves thermoregulation due to more intense oxidation of glucose and fatty acids.

Tincture of Eleutherococcus root is prescribed for prophylactic purposes during periods of massive occurrence of acute respiratory diseases. The studies carried out have shown a high prophylactic activity of Eleutherococcus. The number of colds in the experimental group, taking Eleutherococcus, decreased by 2 times compared with the control group. It is also prescribed for neuroses, mental illnesses with obsessive-compulsive disorders, in the complex treatment of oncological diseases, removal of the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, with poorly healing wounds, diabetes mellitus, severe manifestations of menopause, atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart lesions, with chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and mucous membranes colon lining.

Eleutherococcus preparations are not recommended at high temperatures, in the acute period of infectious and somatic diseases, in severe hypertension. High doses of Eleutherococcus extract can cause insomnia, irritability and anxiety in people.

For medical use, an alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus prickly is produced in 50 ml vials. Inhibitory doses of Eleutherococcus: 6-12 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in a little water. Activating doses: 15 drops to 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 25 - 30 days

Lemongrass Chinese.
The name of this plant already speaks about where it grows. It grows, however, not only in China, but also in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions.
The main active ingredients of Schisandra are now isolated in their pure form. These are schizandrin, deoxychisandrin, gamma - schizandrin, schizandrol. The main, most potent substance is schizandrin. It is especially abundant in the seeds of lemongrass fruits. All medicines are prepared from seeds.
A distinctive feature of Schisandra is that it enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system to the greatest extent among other adaptogens. Moreover, the stimulating effect of Schisandra is so strong that it is not inferior in strength to some doping drugs.
In medicine, lemongrass is used to treat nervous depression and general apathy.
Another feature of Schisandra is its ability to improve visual acuity in case of myopia, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Improvement of visual acuity occurs due to increased sensitivity of the retina to light stimuli.
Schisandra significantly increases the acidity of gastric juice, improves the absorption of food. Therefore, it can be used to improve digestion during periods of intense muscle gain. Both mental and physical performance under the influence of lemongrass increases markedly. The strong stimulating effect of lemongrass is advisable to use during the competitive period, when the mobilization of all the body's resources is required.

Schisandra is contraindicated in case of nervous excitement and overexcitation, insomnia, high blood pressure and severe cardiac disorders.

The official pharmacopoeia includes an alcoholic tincture of lemongrass in 25 ml vials. The tincture is taken 1 time a day in the morning in a little water.
In order to enhance the inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, the selection of the optimal dosage begins with 5-10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, the selection begins with 10 - 15 drops. Doses are strictly indicative. The exact dosage is selected individually, empirically. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

Rhodiola rosea (Golden root)
Rhodiola rosea is called the golden root not only because its roots have a golden yellow color in the cut. She also received this name for the fact that its positive effect on the body is extremely strong. In ancient times, Chinese emperors sent special expeditions to Altai for the Golden Root. But China cannot complain about the quantity and quality of medicinal plants, if only because more than half of all adaptogens come from China. There were whole detachments of smugglers who were exclusively engaged in transporting the Golden Root across the border. The root of Rhodiola rosea was considered the greatest value, and its price was many times higher than the price of gold.
Rhodiola rosea grows in Altai, Sayan Mountains, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.
The pharmacological effects of rhodiola are due to the presence of two main active ingredients - rhodosin and rhodiolizide.
In some countries, these substances are excreted in pure form and are available in tablets.
The distinguishing feature of Rhodiola from other adaptogens is that it has a strong effect on striated muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase. The contractile ability of the heart muscle also increases. Rhodiola rosea causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics. The size of mitochondria increases, their ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lactic acid increases. The content of glycogen in muscles and liver increases. Simultaneously with the strengthening of the process of muscle contraction, muscle relaxation also becomes stronger. As a result, muscle performance recovers faster.
By the strength of its restorative and tonic effect, Rhodiola is perhaps the most powerful adaptogen.

Alcoholic extract of Rhodiopa rosea is used as a means of stimulating the central nervous system, in asthenic and neurasthenic conditions, increased fatigue, decreased performance, vegetative-vascular dystonia, in psychiatry, in functional diseases of the nervous system, in the rehabilitation period after somatic and infectious diseases. preparations of Rhodiola rosea noticeably increase attention, efficiency, memory improves, the latent period of speech reactions is reduced by 1-3 seconds, stereotypic response disappears, the development of conditioned reflexes is accelerated. In folk medicine, a decoction, tincture is used for metro- and menorrhagia, diarrhea, fevers, headache, scurvy, to relieve fatigue and increase efficiency, for respiratory infections, for gout (as a diuretic), diabetes mellitus, scrofula, stomach diseases, anemia , pulmonary tuberculosis, liver disease, toothache, impotence. Outwardly (poultices, lotions) - with conjunctivitis, abscesses, skin rashes; to lubricate the gums - with pyorrhea. Juice - early cleansing; with jaundice.

The golden root is contraindicated in case of pronounced symptoms of nervous diseases, depletion of cortical cells, hypertensive crises, and febrile conditions.

Release form: alcoholic root extract in 30 ml vials. Take rhodiola extract 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a little water. Inhibition doses: 2-5 drops. Activating doses: from 5 to 10 drops. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

All indicated doses are strictly indicative. It is advisable to start taking herbal adaptogens with small doses. When selecting inhibitory and activating dosages, it is necessary to take into account the specific effect of one or another adaptogen on the body.
In no case should you take adaptogens 2 or 3 times a day. Only a single morning dose harmoniously fits into the human biorhythm.

Adaptogens are perfectly combined with any other plants, vitamins, vitamin-like substances and medicines. The only group of drugs whose action adaptogens can weaken are sedatives and hypnotics. Adaptogens, taken in activating doses, weaken the effect of such drugs. The action of stimulants of the nervous system, such as caffeine and ephedrine, adaptogens, on the contrary, enhance.

All these plants have excellent effects when applied externally. These are wonderful remedies for the treatment of oily skin seborrhea and baldness. Tinctures have a normalizing effect on lipid metabolism, which is very important in these diseases. Good results have been obtained when taken internally and externally.
Each tincture is taken regularly for 10 days with simultaneous rubbing into the hair roots (preferably at night). Then it changes to another. The treatment is carried out within one and a half months. 7-10 days after the end of the course, the treatment can be repeated again.

In the work on this material, the article was used by Bulanov Yu.B. "Ginseng and other adaptogens"

Plants that increase immunity and restore vitality include: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis, Eleutherococcus prickly, Manchurian aralia and Echinacea purpurea.


Root preparations three-leaf ginseng(Panax trifolius) promote rapid recovery of strength in case of overwork and reliably protect the body from adverse environmental factors.

People call it "the root of life". Due to the content of saponins, essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins C, B1, B2 and trace elements, ginseng has a beneficial effect on the work of the pancreas, the central nervous system, improves vision and carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus. Please note that ginseng should only be taken as directed by a doctor.

Golden root

Rhodiola rosea(Rhodíola rósea) has a lemon-yellow color at the fracture of the rhizome, which is why it is called the "golden root".

Rhodiola preparations containing anthraglycosides and flavonoids are used for increased fatigue and are recommended for children who have suffered infectious and somatic diseases, patients with functional diseases of the nervous system, as well as healthy people with reduced performance and asthenia.

Even a single dose of Rhodiola rosea preparations increases the body's resistance.

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Schisandra chinensis(Schisándra chinénsis) has been known for a long time as a medicinal plant. All parts of the plant have a strong lemon odor, contain citric, malic, oleic and other acids, dyes, and the seeds contain vitamins C and E. For medicinal purposes, seeds are often used, less often fruits.

Alcohol tincture from lemongrass seeds has a stimulating and tonic effect and is used for asthenic, psychological and depressive conditions, improves general health, appetite, sleep, increases mental and physical performance, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

It treats cholecystitis and other diseases of the gallbladder, hypotension, cardioneurosis, wounds and trophic ulcers. Lemongrass is contraindicated in case of nervous excitement, insomnia, cardiac disorders. As with all tonic drugs, it should not be taken at night. In case of an overdose, overexcitation and allergic manifestations may occur.


Eleutherococcus spiny(Eleutherocóccus senticósus) is a valuable medicinal plant. The plant is also popularly called wild pepper. Roots and rhizomes containing glycosides, alkaloids, fatty oils and flavonoids, as well as starch are used as raw materials.

Eleutherococcus preparations have a stimulating and strengthening effect, help to increase the vital volume of the lungs, body weight, vitality, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In the postoperative period, taking Eleutherococcus helps to quickly restore the protein composition of blood plasma and accelerates tissue healing, and also helps to lower blood sugar concentration and faster recovery.


Aralia Manchu ( Aralia mandshurica) is popularly called "thorn-tree", "devil's tree" for its unusual appearance and decorativeness.

A valuable medicinal raw material is a root containing triterpene saponins (arolazides A, B, C), aralin alkaloid, essential oil and resins. It is used as a tonic, identical to ginseng.


In ancient times, the American Indians used echinacea purpurea(Echinácea purpúrea) as anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic and tonic. Both roots and flowers, leaves and fruits of the plant, containing the essential oil and the alkaloid echinacin, were used.

Echinacea in most cases does not cause side effects and complications, but its preparations should be used with caution in hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.

Some athletes mix several adaptogenic drugs in the hopes of achieving a combined effect. Does this make sense?

This question was answered long ago and in great detail by the classic of "adaptogenology" professor Roshen Jafarovich Seyfulla. It was under his leadership, back in Soviet times, that combined biologically active preparations were developed for elite athletes, which include beekeeping products, vitamins and adaptogens of plant origin. These combinations had no analogues in the world. A great many experiments have been carried out.

For example, athletes (from category I to international masters of sports) received elton, leveton, adapton and fiton 2 tablets 3 times a day for 20 days. Liquid extracts of Eleutherococcus (60 drops 3 times a day), leuzea (60 drops 3 times a day), Rhodiola rosea (20 drops 3 times a day) and tincture of Chinese magnolia vine (60 drops 3 times a day) were used taking into account the metabolic rate in athletes and their relative resistance to the action of drugs during physical exertion.
Next, I will cite excerpts from the reports on the research of a group of scientists led by Roshen Jafarovich.

The performance of athletes (track and field athletes, middle and long distance runners, skaters, cyclists, swimmers and others) was tested on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill with a gradually increasing load every minute until they refused to do the work. In each group there were at least 6 athletes, the same was the control group, which received a placebo. The effect of combined adaptogenic drugs on the processes of lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids during exercise in athletes of various qualifications was studied by the chemiluminescence method according to the intensity of ultra-weak urine fluorescence on chemiluminometers of various systems. The state of humoral immunity was investigated by laser nephelometry using a helium-neon laser. The functional state of the hemocoagulation system was investigated by the kinetic method of thromboelastography.

Taking into account the literature data that adaptogens affecting human performance in most cases increase the sexual activity of men and women, as well as the fact that general, special and sexual performance is directly proportional to the physical status of the body, a survey was conducted. Athletes were given questionnaires developed at the Research Institute of Psychiatry, in which questions were formulated that characterize the sexual status of subjects under the influence of pharmacological drugs.

The experiments were carried out simultaneously on mice and athletes. As a result, the following results were obtained.

In the control group, in the test "treadmill running" on the 20th day of training, the duration of the work of the mice increased to 156%. Oral administration of elton, leveton, phytotone and adapton, as well as extracts of leuzea, rhodiola rosea and tincture of Chinese magnolia vine, to animals, statistically significantly increases the performance of animals by the 10th day of administration of these drugs. Adapton was more active, then phytotone and leveton. By the 20th day of taking the drugs, the running time of white mice increased 2-3 times as compared with the control group. Extracts of Chinese Schisandra, Rhodiola and tincture of Chinese Schisandra also significantly increased (up to 130-160%) the performance of mice. 5 days after the cessation of the course of administration of drugs, the duration of running on the treadmill still remained statistically significant with the introduction of all combined adaptogens and tincture of Chinese magnolia vine. In the test of swimming to failure, an increase in the efficiency of white rats (up to 213-168%) was found to a greater extent from adapton, phytoton, leveton and elton (in decreasing sequence). Lemongrass tincture, Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea extracts also lengthened swimming time up to 159-135% compared to control animals.

A comparative study of the effect of physical activity on showed that adapton, phytoton, leveton, elton, pollen, tincture of Chinese magnolia vine, extracts of rhodiola rosea and leuzea statistically significantly increase the physical performance of highly qualified athletes. The combined adaptogens were more active, of which the adapton proved to be the most effective.

In the study of the effect of combined adaptogens on the process of peroxidation of urine lipids in vitro, a clear antioxidant effect of adapton, phytotone, leveton and elton was established. The introduction of the same drugs for 20 days caused a statistically significant increase in their performance (in the bicycle ergometry test) and inhibition of ultra-weak urine fluorescence. The more active of them was the adapton, the less effective elton. The increase in efficiency was 27 and 9%, respectively, and the inhibition of superweak luminescence was 52 and 72%. A significant increase in efficiency after 20-day administration was also caused by lemongrass tincture and leuzea extract. They, as well as vitamin E and Rhodiola rosea extract, inhibited the process of chemiluminescence. The effect of pollen, vitamin C, and eleutherococcus extract was unidirectional, but statistically insignificant in relation to both working capacity and the processes of lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.

Compared with the initial level, the concentration of malondialdehyde increases on the 20th day of training and testing, and with the introduction of adapton, phytoton and leveton, it statistically significantly decreases, which confirms the data on the antioxidant effect of drugs.

With 20-day physical activity, a significant decrease in the concentration of IgA, IgG and C3 complement component in the blood of athletes is observed, while IgM and C4 complement component practically do not change during the study. After 5 days of recovery, the concentrations of IgA and C3 are still reduced, while IgA is normalized.

All combined adaptogenic drugs reduce the immunosuppressive effect of 20 days of physical activity. Less active immunomodulators than adapton, phytoton, leveton and elton were extracts of rhodiola rosea, leuzea, lemongrass tincture, pollen, vitamins E and C.

With a 20-day intensive training and performance testing, already by the 10th day and further, there is a statistically significant acceleration of the kinetics of hemocoagulation, an increase in the activity of blood coagulation factors II, VII, XIII, the concentration of factor I, a decrease in the total activity of antithrombin and a sharp increase in fibrinolysis in the blood of athletes ... Physical activity accelerates the formation of active thromboplastin, thrombin from prothrombin and fibrin from fibrinogen (the reaction fibrin - S-fibrin i proceeds better). Fibrinolytic enzymes are activated. The magnitudes of these shifts are proportional to the duration of the workouts and their intensity.

With a 20-day administration of combined adaptogens (leveton, adapton, phytoton and elton), a decrease in the values ​​of indicators characterizing increased blood clotting (g, K and E-thromboelastograms), the activity of the prothrombin complex according to Quick, blood tolerance to heparin and sharply activated fibrinolysis (according to the percentage of fibrin clot lysis according to Bidwell, Mitchell, determination of resistance to the fibrinolysis activator streptokinase). Vitamins C and E, extracts of Leuzea, Rhodiola rosea, tinctures of Schisandra and Eleutherococcus acted less pronouncedly.

The mechanisms of the effect of combined adaptogens are in a decrease in the degree of activation of hemocoagulation factors II, VII and XIII, a decrease in the concentration of factor I. Factors V and X were not exposed to the action of physical activity and combined adaptogens. The more active drug is leveton, followed by adapton, phytoton and elton.

Judging by the questionnaire data, in comparison with the initial state on the 20th day of physical activity and testing, there was a decrease in the tone of desire to train, the subjective increased, while with the introduction of adapton, phytoton, leveton and elton (in decreasing order of effects), the number of athletes increased with increased tone, willing to exercise, and decreased number of tired.

Evaluation of the subjects showed (according to personal data) that, compared with persons who received combined adaptogens during physical exertion, those who did not receive them had a decrease in some sexual functions: the need for coitus, self-confidence, sexual enterprise, frequency of coitus, full erection of the penis and sexual success.

1. Combined adaptogens: Elton, Leveton, Fitoton, Adapton, Chinese Schisandra tincture, liquid extracts of Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, pollen, vitamins E and C - are not means of artificially increasing the performance of highly qualified athletes, practically do not cause side effects.
2. They are means of restoring weakened (immunosuppression) and inadequately increased (initiation of free radical processes, hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis) body functions, which creates conditions for the implementation of optimal performance of athletes.
3. When training endurance (running, swimming) the most effective (in decreasing order of effect): adapton, then phytoton and leveton.
4. The effect of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant effect is most pronounced in adapton, as well as in tincture of lemongrass and leuzea extract.
5. The immunosuppressive effect of physical activity is most effectively stopped by the adapon, followed by phytoton, leveton and elton.
6. The desire to exercise and sexual desire is enhanced by: adapton, phytoton, leveton and elton (in descending order of effects)
In general, the combined drugs were found to be more effective than individual adaptogens. The most active drug in all respects is leveton, followed by adapton, phytoton and elton.

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