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Name day in July according to the church calendar. Names for girls born in July. July names for girls by day of the month

Every parent wants to reward their baby with a beautiful and sonorous name that will give him excellent qualities. Many believe that the word that a child will be named will determine his future fate: victories and even failures. If your baby was born in a hot summer, it's just great - because from the very beginning of his existence, he is surrounded by warmth and gentle sun. How to name a boy born in July so that he becomes the happiest man on Earth?

Summer is a great time to be born

It has been noticed that children born in the warm months, as a rule, differ from others in their flexibility in relationships with people, but it is difficult to call them fighters. However, they are endowed with the gift of leading the people, attracting attention with their sharp mind and quick wits. And if you want a real tireless fighter with life circumstances to grow up in your family, choose names with more consonant sounds. Psychologists say that this will give a person a sense of self-confidence. "Summer" children are very energetic, radiate internal warmth and infect with their optimism.

There is a choice!

The baby was born, and you do not know what name will suit him? What is the name of a boy born in July? Most best options, which are suitable for a summer and “sunny” child born at the beginning of the month, these are:

  • Artem, Anton, Anatoly, Andrey, Arseniy, Alexey.
  • Svyatoslav, Rostislav, Vyacheslav, Izyaslav.
  • Leonid, Leonty, Sofron, Semyon.

But such names are suitable for absolutely all boys born in July:

  • Alexander, Mark, Philip, Cyril, Maxim.
  • Stepan, Roman, Ivan, Innokenty, Galaktion, Konstantin.
  • Demid, Sofron, Nicodemus, Thomas, Tikhon, Kuzma.
  • Vladimir, Gury, Vasily, Emelyan, Denis, German, Terenty, Yevsey, Yakov.

The name of a boy born in July reflects him and tells about contradictions in character: he is brave, shy, and kind, but he hardly forgives insults, he is ready for communication, but sometimes he prefers complete loneliness.

The main advantage is deep emotionality

Birthdays of the summer month of July are very emotional people, their inner world is full of feelings and experiences. They are receptive to everything that happens, constantly analyze the world and people. These natures change their mood very quickly: just now they were laughing, as they are already sad and crying. Internal contradictions are what defines their whole life. They are romantic and open to new relationships, adore their friends and are endlessly attached to the family. But when they fall in love, the whole world ceases to exist for them! How to name a boy born in July so that he is less vulnerable and sensual? Such names are suitable: Jean, Gleb, Ruslan, Arthur, David, George, Grigory. The fact is that summer babies are very often endowed with feminine energy and softness, and such names will help the boy become more courageous and decisive.

How to raise a baby

Parents who have a “July” baby should know some secrets that can help find the key to his heart. Such boys absolutely cannot stand pressure, they are very upset if they are not listened to and their opinions are not taken into account. Become a real friend for the child, let him feel that his deep feelings are important to you. However, if you ignore his feelings, the boy may have all sorts of complexes. Teach your child to do some interesting hobby, but in any case do not force! It will be great if the child can share his secrets and experiences with you.

Due to their sharp mind and ingenuity, the "July" boys are prone to the exact sciences, they love to do crafts with their own hands. Therefore, try to captivate them with the most interesting toys or games of intelligence.

We attract good luck

Many parents believe that a name can bring good luck to their child's life. Indeed, even our ancestors thought that it was possible to make a child a “darling” of fate at the very beginning of life, naming him with a special name. Here's how to name a boy born in July and provide him with a decent life:

  • Nikita.
  • Boris.
  • Athanasius.
  • Evgrafiy.
  • Alexander.

Dear parents, when choosing names for boys in July, remember that these are special children who come into this world in order to give us warmth and love, warming our hearts like a hot sun.

What are Christmas holidays? What date are they in 2019? How was Christmas celebrated in Russia? What were the traditions? Read about it in our article!

Christmas time in 2019

Christmas time begins immediately after the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

  • Dates in 2019: from 7 to 17 January.
  • Dates in 2020: from 7 to 17 January.
  • Dates in 2021: from 7 to 17 January.
  • Dates in 2022: from 7 to 17 January.

What are saints?

What do we associate with Christmas time? With laughing ruddy faces, sleigh rides, gifts and other simple, joyful and fun things. With only one caveat: all these pictures are drawn to us, as a rule, not personal experience, but literary classics of past centuries. The heroes of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy take part in Christmas games, and they come from completely different strata of society. Our ancestors knew how to rejoice. Maybe you should learn from them?

How old are the saints?

The tradition of celebrating Christmas time is rooted in such deep antiquity that even oral traditions have not remained from those times. When Prince Vladimir threw pagan idols into the Dnieper, the custom was already five hundred years old. And even when Rurik founded Novgorod, Christmas time was no longer young.

Employees of the Russian Ethnographic Museum claim that in pre-Christian Russia, Christmas time was associated with the name of the god Svyatovit. What kind of god is this and why he was given a special two-week holiday, scientists are still arguing. It is believed that "Svyatovit" is simply one of the names of the supreme god Perun. Be that as it may, the Slavs did their best to appease this god, primarily so that he would send a bountiful harvest. At Christmas time, Svyatovit was supposed to leave some festive food, which was thrown into the oven especially for him. The Slavs believed that at the beginning of winter, the spirits of the gods and the souls of their ancestors descend to earth, and at that moment they can “beg” for a plentiful harvest, and a handsome husband, and money, and anything in general.

The Christian tradition of celebrating Christmas time has also been known since antiquity. As early as the 4th century, Greek Christians rested, had fun and purely celebrated two weeks after (according to one version, the word “Christmas” comes from the verb “sanctify”, since people “hallow” at Christmas time, that is, they glorify Christ and the Birth of Christ). Special attention it was devoted to ensuring that everyone had a joyful mood: the poor, slaves, prisoners. In Byzantium, it became a custom to bring food and gifts to prisons and hospitals at Christmas time, to help the poor. We meet references to Christmas time as a special post-Christmas celebration in Ambrose of Milan, Gregory of Nyssa and Ephrem the Syrian.

With the advent of Christianity, Christmas time in Russia also began to take on a new meaning. Nevertheless, the attitude of the Russian Church to Christmas festivities has always been ambiguous. Many hierarchs spoke out not only against fortune-telling, but also against caroling and the custom of “dressing up” on the basis of the decision of the VI Ecumenical Council, which reads: “Those who resort to magicians or others like them to learn something secret from them, let them be subject to the rule of six years of penance ( i.e., they are removed from Communion for six years) ... dances and ceremonies performed according to an old and alien rite of Christian life, we reject and determine: none of the husbands should dress in women's clothing, not peculiar to her husband; don't wear masks." Then the supporters of the Christmas time came up with a witty "solution" to the problem: on Epiphany, an ice hole in the shape of a cross was made in the ice of a river or lake, and the entire population of the village dipped into it, washing away the sins committed at Christmas time.

Over time, the religious meaning of pagan traditions was completely forgotten, and Christmas time became a time when people especially glorify Christmas and the mercy of the Lord who sent Jesus Christ to Earth. From the ancient pre-Christian Christmas time, only winter, purely Russian irrepressible fun remains.

Christmas time in Russia. On the tradition of celebrating Christmas

Hooliganism sanctified by tradition

Christmas time has always been a national holiday, at this time class boundaries seemed to disappear, everyone was united by a common joy. In terms of the number of customs and folk signs, only Shrovetide can be compared with this period of the year.

In ancient, pre-Petrine times, there was a custom on Christmas day in each village, light a fire, which, with its sparkle in the darkness of a winter night, symbolized the Star of Bethlehem and burned until the very baptism.

Favorite folk entertainment at Christmas time is dressing up and caroling. In Russia, and then in Russian Empire On Christmastide evenings, young people gathered together, dressed up as animals or mythological characters like Ivanushka the Fool, and went caroling around the village or town. By the way, this is one of the few Christmas traditions that survived in the post-Petrine era, despite the fact that most of the population moved to the cities. The main character among carolers has always been a bear. They tried to dress the fattest guy in the village or neighborhood. The mummers entered in turn into each hut, where the light was on. Teenagers and children sang Christmas troparion, spiritual songs, carols ... Carols are something like Winnie the Pooh chants, in which the owner of the house is praised and through which treats are begged from this very owner. Songs were often composed on the go, but there were traditional rules in this art, coming from ancient times. The owner, for example, was called nothing more than "bright moon", the hostess - "red sun", their children - "clear stars". However, who knew how, came up with more expressive magnifications: “The owner of the house is like Adam in paradise; the mistress of the house is like pancakes on honey; little kids - like red-green grapes ... "The carolers promised a rich harvest and happy life those who give refreshments, and all sorts of disasters to the miserly. Sometimes even threats sounded in the songs: “Whoever doesn’t give a pie, we’ll lead the cow by the horns, if he doesn’t give ham, we’ll split the iron…” All this, of course, is a joke. Sometimes they sang absolutely, even deliberately meaningless sentences. The hosts received guests, gave what they could.

Where the word "kolyada" came from is extremely difficult to establish. In different parts of Russia, this word has a different meaning. In the north, it is simply "Christmas Eve", in the villages of the Novgorod region, "carols" are gifts received at Christmas. In Belarus, "caroling" means "praise Christ." But ethnographers believe that the ancient Slavs called this word the holiday of the winter solstice.

Another Christmas custom is to gather with the whole family in the evenings, invite guests (as many as possible), tell tales and make riddles (as complex as possible). This tradition, like caroling, lived not only in the villages, but also among the urban nobility. Literary critic Yu. M. Lotman, in his comments on Eugene Onegin, writes that it was customary to separate “holy evenings” and “terrible evenings” (the first and second weeks after Christmas respectively). On "holy evenings" they arranged cheerful nightly gatherings, on "terrible evenings" - fortunetelling. The youth was going to dance, in the afternoon - to ride a sleigh, play snowballs. By the way, there have always been many weddings after Christmas. “In gatherings, fortune-telling, games, songs, everything is directed towards one goal - to the rapprochement of the betrothed. Only on holy days do boys and girls easily sit hand in hand,” the folklorist I. Snegirev wrote in his book Songs of the Russian People.

The most “anti-social” Christmas tradition is “pampering”. Children and teenagers gathered at night in large gangs and played pranks as best they could. The classic joke was to board up a gate in a house from the outside, or stir up a pile of firewood. Another entertainment is the ritual abduction of something. Anything could be kidnapped, but always with noise and songs, and not secretly. AT Soviet times, despite all the prohibitions, often "kidnapped" collective farm tractors. Immediately after the holidays, of course, they were returned to their place.

The last days of Christmas time were devoted to preparation for Baptism. The best village craftsmen cut a cross-shaped hole in frozen ponds and decorated it with ice patterns.

Very often, parents turn to church names and use names according to the holy calendar. Name the child church calendar you can either yourself or ask for help from the priest, who will tell you which of the names will be most suitable for your baby.

If we turn to history, then there is information that our ancestors named children only after their birth. This method of choosing a name is still used today. There are special calendars and certain dates that help you choose a name. The name can be chosen as the main one, and specifically for baptism. The child later can even determine which name he likes best and in the future use only one of them.

The church calendar, which has a large number of names, allows you to select female and male names by date. These names mostly came to us from Greece, ancient rome, and may also be primordially Russian. And although many of them have not been used for many centuries, they are worth paying attention to. Such a name will always be unique, will attract attention, and this is a special tribute to past centuries and our ancestors.

Now a large number of people prefer such names, because they have a special energy, they have a special power.
The church calendar, although it fits many names that are not relevant now, is best source Looking for a name for your baby.
The church allows you to choose a name not only on the birthday of the child, but also pay attention to the list of names that fall on the eighth day from the birth of the baby. This is exactly what our ancestors did - they chose the name on the eighth day. If parents don't like church names on the 1st and 8th days from the birth of the child, you can choose a name for the 40th day, which is considered by the clergy to be the best day for the baptism of the baby.

The boy's parents have a certain advantage, because there are much more male names in the church calendar. But the parents who gave birth to a girl should not be upset, because, as in ancient times, the male name can be changed into a female way, as it happened with the name, the girl can be called John. And there are many such names. Do not rush to choose, you need to consider all the options and choose the one that will really suit your baby.

Male names in July

Boys have a lot of name days in July. The variety of names allows a long time to choose suitable name for your baby. Only parents can choose a name, and it doesn't have to be the name chosen on the church calendar. It is also not obligatory for the name and the name at the time of baptism to be the same.
Name days in July, according to the church calendar 2018:

  • July 1 - Leonty, Nikanor;
  • July 2 - Barlaam, John, Paisius;
  • July 3 - Athanasius, Guriy, John, Lazarus, Methodius, Naum, Thomas;
  • July 4 - Alexy, Anthony, John, Julius,;
  • 5'th of July - , ;
  • July 6 - Alexy, Anthony, Mitrofan, Theodore;
  • July 7 - Anthony, James, John,;
  • July 8 - Dionysius, Nikon, Peter, Procopius, Simeon, Theodore;
  • July 9 - Pavel, Ferapont;
  • July 10 - Ambrose, George, Samson, Serapion;
  • July 11 - John, Xenophon, Paul, Sergius;
  • July 12 - Pavel, Peter;
  • July 13 -, Bartholomew, Basil, James, John, Matthew,;
  • July 14 - Alexy, Vasily, Damian, John, Constantine, Leo, Nicodemus, Peter;
  • July 15 - Photius;
  • July 16 - Alexander, Constantine, Nicodemus,;
  • July 17 - Alexy, Andrei, Nikolai, Theodore, Fedot;
  • July 18 - Athanasius, Sergius;
  • July 19 - Avvakum, Anthony, Valentine, Vasily, Innocent, Isidore, Lucian;
  • July 20 - Herman, Lucian, Thomas;
  • July 21 - Procopius;
  • July 22 -, Pankraty, Theodore;
  • July 23 - Alexander, Anthony, George, Leonty, Peter,;
  • July 24 - Leo, Nicodemus;
  • July 25 - Anthony, Gabriel, John, Michael, Serapion, Simon, Theodore;
  • July 26 - Anthony, Gabriel, Julian, Serapion, Stefan;
  • July 27 - John, Nicodemus, Onesimus, Stephen;
  • July 28 - Peter;
  • July 29 - James, John, Paul, Peter, Theodore;
  • July 30 - Lazarus,;
  • July 31 - Athanasius, John, Leonty, Stephen.

Women's Angel Day in July

According to the church calendar, in July there are not a lot of name days for girls. But, even a small number of names gives a certain choice. Perhaps even from such a small number of names, at least one will appeal to you. After all, calling the baby by the name of the saint, most parents want to convey positive traits and give the child a good life.

Women's names in July:

  • 3 July - , ;
  • 5'th of July - ;
  • July 7 - Agripina;
  • July 8 - Euphrosyne;
  • the 14 th of July - ;
  • July 17th - ;
  • July 18 -;
  • July 19 - Ulyana;
  • July 20 - Euphrosyne,;
  • July 24 -,;
  • July 29 - , ;
  • July 30 -,.

The name for a girl is usually chosen more carefully than for a boy. It is important for parents that the name is beautifully combined with the surname, has many diminutives - caressing forms that might be suitable for a baby. At the same time, the name should carry positive energy. It is very important that the name be melodic, light and at the same time have a certain power.

Many parents are looking for names for a girl that will be rare and choose one so that the baby does not have many namesakes. This helps the child feel unique. It is for such cases that it is good to use the church calendar, it has big choice unique names. Recent times more and more girls with rare names celebrate their birthdays. Each of them is unique and, having made the right choice, parents lay the best qualities in the name. Many say that before choosing a name from the church calendar, namely using the name of a saint, you need to learn more about this person, learn about fate.

If you want to name a girl by the name of a saint, then the clergy recommend attending church and praying to this particular saint, this will create a certain protective halo for the baby, the saint will protect her.

Name days in July

Girls and boys who celebrate their name days in July are usually distinguished by huge and strong energy. And although these children are usually very timid, but at the same time, they are attractive, and if their names are in honor of saints, they attract others to their personality.
For such people, fuss is not characteristic, and although they are very organized and can manage a large number of people, they are calm. Even children, they are extremely smart beyond their years and very perceptive.
Even churchmen note the fact that children who were named after saints usually live much longer and happier lives. And this means that you need to pay attention to the church calendar.

There are rules that should be followed when choosing a name for a child, according to the church calendar. This may include:

  • It is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of a name. First of all, based on the fact that you are choosing a name for your child and he should be comfortable when it comes to future life and education;
  • It is necessary to choose a name so that it does not cause rejection and disputes among others;
  • The name should inspire respect, not ridicule. Very often children who affectionate names do not take seriously, which brings them a lot of inconvenience in life;
  • It is very important that the name goes well with the surname and patronymic. You can even ask the opinions of other people so that you hear from the outside how the name of the child will sound from an outsider;
  • An important point is the choice of a name according to modern standards. Modern names and fashion in general are very changeable, but the name is still for life;
  • Remember that the name has a certain character and has a direct impact on the person. Before naming a child, it is necessary to study the history of the name, qualities and certain characteristics. Some names have hidden positives or negatives;
  • Church ministers recommend deciding on the name that is indicated in the church calendar. It's easier to avoid disputes, and such names are always relevant and unusual.

When choosing a name for a baby, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors, namely: the character, the positive qualities of the name, which of the saints had the same, and will protect the child throughout his life. And although it is much easier for a boy to choose a name using the church calendar than for a girl, you should not be upset, but simply translate the male name into a female manner, thereby making the child's name unique and memorable. The calendar for July has a large number of male and female names. The main thing is not to rush to choose a name, but to carefully weigh everything, consult with relatives and make the right decision.

Read more here:

July- the seventh month of the year and the second summer month. It is known that he got his name on behalf of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar.

July used to be called the quintile. This hot zenith of summer is characterized by its names and traditions, passed down from generation to generation.

For each day of the month, the church calendar has recommended names that are best for naming a child. Saints, this is the name calendar for Christians, contains many options for the choice of parents.

Knowing for a long time that a child should appear on this very day, they went to the priest and asked him to help with choosing a name for their future baby.

The Orthodox calendar usually coped with this task with ease. If on this day there was no suitable name in the Saints, then it was recommended to name the child by the name of the saint, who was remembered on the nearby two to three days.

It is known that the name received at birth carries a certain program and leaves an imprint on the future of a person. Each name has its own characteristics and characters. No wonder they thought that if you want to get a leader, name the child strong name beginning with a vowel. Also, attention was paid to harmonious combination with surname and patronymic.

The frequent sound of vowels in three common words negatively affects the person and his environment. Most often, this phenomenon is purely psychological aspect. The more difficult it is to contact the interlocutor, the more mistakes can be made. As a result, the addressing person is more nervous because of the fear of making a mistake, and the addressee is annoyed by the wrong pronunciation. After all, it is known that the sound of one's own name for any person is the most pleasant and melodic sound in the world.

Name selection by calendar date

According to the Saints and the folk calendar, name days in July are celebrated by many.

The beginning of the month

  • Alexander.
  • Basil.
  • Victor.
  • Leonty.
  • Nicanor.
  • Julius.

As can be seen from the sound and pronunciation, these birthday people are strong personalities and have leadership inclinations in their character. There is only one female name - Angelina.

Among the people, July 2 has always been considered the hottest day of summer - the day of Zosima. It was on this day that the bread in the fields began to ripen, and the bees began to collect honey. Since July 2, caring owners have been cutting hay for pets.

On this day, according to the Christian calendar, boys are usually called Ivan, Fadey and Varlaam. The girls are given the name Mary.

  • Andrew.
  • Athanasius.
  • Gleb.
  • Dmitry.
  • Ivan.
  • Naum.
  • Nikolay.

The fair sex is called Innami.

Among the people, the day of Methodius the Sparrowhawk or Web Day fell on this number. According to the activity of insects, the ancient Slavs determined the weather for the next 40 days. If the spiders slowly wove a web, then no precipitation was expected in the next month, and when the insects hid, rain was expected.

On the fourth day of July, according to the church calendar, such boys celebrated their name day as:

  • Alexei.
  • George.
  • Ivan.
  • Maksim.
  • Nikita.
  • Nikolay.
  • Paul.
  • Terenty.
  • Fedor.

According to the Saints, daughters were allowed to be called Anastasia and Vasilisa.

July 5 was not dedicated to any Slavic deities, however, in the holy calendar for those born on this day, there are the following male names.

  • Basil.
  • Gabriel.
  • Gennady.
  • Gregory.
  • Fedor.

According to the Saints, on July 6, according to the Christian calendar, the righteous youth Artemy and St. Herman are honored. And also boys are recommended to give the following names:

  • Alexander.
  • Alexei.
  • Anton.
  • Joseph.
  • Cornelius.
  • Mitrofan.
  • Peter.
  • Svyatoslav.
  • Fedor.

Ancestors on this day of the calendar began to swim in natural reservoirs, rivers, lakes, rates. A good tradition and a sign of future health in whole year it was considered a visit to the bath on the day of Agrafena-bathing. Herbalists and knowledgeable people collected healing herbs and roots on July 6 on the eve of the mystical holiday of Ivan Kupala.

July 7 Traditions

On the seventh day of the month, the beloved folk holiday of Ivan Kupala came. It was on this day that brave young people went to the forest to look for a fern flower with four petals.

It was customary to walk and swim all night, to light high bonfires and show your courage by jumping over the fire.

According to the Orthodox calendar, boys on this day were called Ivans, and girls Ivankas. Also among Orthodox names it was possible to choose such as:

  • Anton.
  • Nikita.
  • Jacob.

On this day, St. Remesian, Bishop Nikita, is especially revered. For girls, there are no official names in the Orthodox calendar.

middle of the month

  • Basil.
  • David.
  • Denis.
  • Konstantin.
  • Peter.
  • Fedor.

Among the people, this day was the beginning of the countdown of summer days, after which autumn gradually came into its own. The next 40 days after July 3 were considered a real hot summer and the peak of fertility and productivity.

On July 9, the Slavs celebrated the day of David Strawberry. It was from this moment that the first strawberry began to sing in the forests, and the girls went in pairs to search for and collect it.

In the Orthodox calendar, this day corresponds to the feast of the icon of Tikhvin Mother of God. The boys who were born on this summer day were called:

  • George.
  • Denis.
  • Ivan.
  • Paul.

On the ninth day of July, Saints Tikhon of Lukhovskoy and David of Thessalonica were venerated.

On July 10, our ancestors always planned to observe the color of hay. The green color on Samson-senognoy foreshadowed a rich harvest of buckwheat, and the black color promised full bins of millet. It was believed that if it rained on the tenth day of July, then the bad weather would last until Indian summer, and the hay would rot during storage.

Among the birthday people on this day are:

  • Alexander.
  • Vladimir.
  • George.
  • Peter.

Men bearing the name of Martin of Turov or St. Samson can safely go to the temple and ask their patron saints for the fulfillment of any request. Do not forget to give thanks to your guardian angels.

The representatives of the stronger sex, who were born on July 11, are usually called the names of the patron saints of this day, namely German, Paul and Sergey. The church calendar allows the use of names:

  • Basil.
  • Gregory.
  • Ivan.
  • Joseph.

The day of Peter and Paul, which falls every year on July 12, is widely known among the people and throughout the Orthodox world. In addition to the listed male names, the church recommends calling the sons Gregory.

Festive fairs began at Petrovka among the Slavs. It was on this day that the final departure of spring and the arrival of summer were celebrated. Peter has long been considered the patron saint of meadows and fields. Slavic beauties considered morning washing from three springs in a good way prolong youth.

On July 13, the Christian apostles Andrew, Matthew and Thaddeus are remembered. Babies can also be called:

  • Gregory.
  • Ivan.
  • Michael.
  • Stepan.
  • Timothy.
  • Jacob.

Representatives of the weaker sex on this day are not provided for by the native Orthodox calendar.

The Day of Kuzma and Demyan was celebrated by our ancestors on July 14th. Inveterate and neat gardeners were advised to carefully weed the garden so that weeds would grow less. It was on the fourteenth day of July that haymaking began. The birthdays of this day are:

  • Alexei.
  • Arkady.
  • Basil.
  • Ivan.
  • Konstantin.
  • Kuzma.
  • Paul.
  • Peter.
  • Tikhon.

By mid-July, rye was ripening. It was on the 15th that the active grain harvest began. In the Orthodox calendar, this day corresponds to the only male name Arseniy.

On July 16, in the Christian world, such saints as Alexander, Anatoly, Gerasim, Mark and Michael are revered. Also, the boys who were born on this day were called Anton, George and Ivan.

It was on this day, according to the observations of the ancestors, that tansy began to bloom.

But on July 17, ordinary people watched the behavior of wasps. It was believed that if Andrei had them, then the winter would come harsh and cold. The ancestors believed that if yellow foliage appeared on Andrey Nalivnik, then it was worth preparing for early autumn.

Orthodox venerate on this day Saints Andrew, Michael, Mark, Fedot and the Monk Martha. Among the male names are also recommended:

  • Alexei.
  • Bogdan.
  • George.
  • Dmitry.
  • Yefim.
  • Nikolay.
  • Fedor.

On this day, the name day in July for a girl according to the church calendar, except for Martha, is celebrated:

  • Alexandra.
  • Anastasia.
  • Maria.
  • Olga.
  • Tatiana.

Late July names

On the day of Athanasius of Athos, which is celebrated on July 18, simple people watched the moon in the sky. It was believed that if the night luminary illuminates the sky, then it is worth waiting good harvest, and yellow clouds will bring bad weather and rain.

Boys born on this day, according to the church calendar, should be called:

  • Basil.
  • Gennady.
  • Sergey.
  • Stepan.

Caring fathers on July 18 call their daughters Anna, Barbara or Elizabeth. It is believed that the Great Martyr Anna will always hear women's tears and come to the rescue.

The entire Orthodox world honors the martyr Martha of Rome on July 19, and it is her name that is customarily named for daughters born on this day. Among the male names it should be noted:

  • Alexander.
  • Anatoly.
  • Andrew.
  • Anton.
  • Arkhip.
  • Valentine.
  • Basil.
  • Victor.
  • Gleb.
  • Yefim.
  • Innocent.
  • Fedor.

On the twentieth day of July, the Slavs prayed to the gods that there would be no precipitation. It was believed among the ancestors that if it rains in Avdotya-hay-hay, then the hay in sheaves will quickly deteriorate, and its reserves will run out ahead of time. Women's names in July according to the church calendar on this day, respectively, Avdotya and Evdokia.

On the day of honoring the image of the Kazan Mother of God, which falls on July 21 every year, it is customary to actively mow the crop. The people also called this date the day of Procopius the reaper. Male babies are called:

  • Alexander.
  • Dmitry;
  • Nicholas;
  • Fedor.

On the 22nd, the ancestors tasted the first cucumbers. It was believed that today they were gaining juice and excellent fresh taste. Name day on this day is celebrated:

  • Alexander.
  • Andrew.
  • Ivan.
  • Kirill.
  • Konstantin.
  • Michael.
  • Fedor.

According to popular observation July 23 the first flowers appeared on the potato bushes. Men born on the day the root crop blooms, according to Orthodox traditions bear the names of the great martyrs Alexander, Daniel and Leontius. And also sons can be called Anton and Peter.

The melodic name Arkady is assigned to babies born July 24. Daughters are recommended to be called Elena and Olga.

The ancient Slavs revered on this day Efimya the Stozharnitsa. The people believed that if there was a thunderstorm on that day, then the fishermen would expect a good catch of fish.

July 25 ancestors revered Proclus the Weeper. Healers specially waited for this day in order to collect healing dew, which helps with eye diseases. But in the Orthodox world, Saints Arseny, Michael, Veronica and Mary are remembered. Boys are recommended to be called Gabriel, Ivan and Fedor.

St. Gabriel is venerated 26 July both Orthodox and Old Believers. Ancestors believed that on this day the rye is fully ripe and tends to the ground. Male heirs are called:

  • Anton.
  • Stepan.
  • Julian.

Five days before the beginning of August, believers venerate Saints Heraclius, Constantine and Stephen (Stepan). in the church calendar July 27 correspond to such male names as:

  • Ivan.
  • Nikolay.
  • Peter.
  • Fedor.

According to ancient belief, July 28th was considered the middle of the summer period. On this day, the ancestors dropped out Kirik-mokdirnik and Ulita-protector. This day was usually rainy and wet.

In the Saints, this date corresponds to such names as Vasily, Vladimir and Peter.

Latest folk omens concerned July 29th and called it the day of Athenogens. Since ancient times, people have noticed that after this date the days become not so hot, and at night it gets noticeably colder.

According to the church calendar, the boys on this day were assigned one of five names, namely:

  • Ivan.
  • Paul.
  • Peter.
  • Fedor.
  • Jacob.

Women's names such as:

  • Alevtina.
  • Valentine.
  • Julia.

On the penultimate day of July orthodox calendar recommends naming his son Leonid. But for women on July 30, the choice of names is more than the usual list of this month:

  • Veronica.
  • Margarita.
  • Marina.

  • Athanasius.
  • Emelyan.
  • Ivan.
  • Kuzma.
  • Leonty.
  • Miron.
  • Stepan.

Do not forget that the sign of the zodiac and the year of birth also affect the formation and development of personality. By comparing all the data, you can choose the right name for your baby.

Attention, only TODAY!

July girls love constancy and stability, they are family and home keepers of the hearth. They are flexible and soft girls who find it difficult to get used to new things. Girls born in July should be protected as long as possible, because their timidity and kindness sometimes complicate their lives, although this is exceptional good qualities. When choosing a name, pay attention to names with strong energy, tough and confident, to give the July girl self-confidence. Astrologers recommend a whole list of such names, check them out in this article, as well as some church names.

How to name a girl born in July - astrology

For shy and shy Cancers, choose these names:

  • Inna,
  • Ulyana,
  • Catherine,
  • Agrippina,
  • Jeanne,
  • Olesya,
  • Angelina,
  • martha,
  • Anna,
  • Julia,
  • Evdokia,
  • Irina,
  • Olga,
  • Agatha,
  • Sarah,
  • Valentine.

The names that bring good luck are Antonina, Sophia, Anna, Lyudmila, Daria, Valeria, Marina, Inna, Marina, Elena, Inna, Margarita. So you will not only shade the uncertainty of the July girl, but also give her fortune.

How to name a girl born in July - church names

Pay attention to the interpretation of each name, as well as the date to which it is inherent.

  • July 1 - Angelina, which is from Greek “news, message”, and from Latin “angel”.
  • July 9 - Paul, Paula, Paulina or Peacock, from Latin these names are translated "modesty."
    Polina, translated from ancient Greek "strong in spirit."
  • July 17 - Martha, which is translated from the Syrian language as "ruling."
    Anastasia, literally translated “resurrected souls”.
    Maria, a name derived from the name of the ancient Slavic totem goddess of winter Mary.
  • July 24 - Elena, which is from the Greek "sun", "fiery".
    Alyona, Slavic name, derived from the name of the tribes of the Slavs Alyonov.
    Ilona - "sun", "fire".
    Christina or Christina.
    Louise, in the Celtic dialect meant "light."
    Teresa, which is translated from Greek as “protection”, “provider”.

The church name will give the girl guardianship and patronage.

How to name a girl born in July after a famous person

By naming a child after a great and famous person, you are giving good example girl from birth. In this case, the object does not have to be a woman, for example, if you wanted to name a girl in honor of Tsar Alexander, then the girl will be called “Alexander” or “Alexandrina”. Take a look at some of July's standouts:

  • On the first day of the month, the famous Soviet sculptor and architect Vera Mukhina was born.
  • July 5 the whole world knows as a date of birth great woman- Clara Zetkin, this is the loudest name in the history of the struggle for women's rights, thanks to her we celebrate the 8th of March. For a girl, such a person will become a landmark.
  • On July 15, you can name a girl in honor of the actress Maria Yermolova, also Nadezhda.
  • July 24 is the day of the death of Princess Olga, who tried to baptize Russia. Also on this day, the birthday of the singer Iya and Agatha is celebrated.
  • On the last day of the month, July 31, the name of the Soviet theatergoer, Vera, is perfect.

Choose a girl a name that will be the best match with her patronymic, because a harmonious combination will not only be pleasant for you to hear, but will also have a good effect on the fate of the child.

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