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Almond tree in the suburbs. Almonds: landing and care, pruning and vaccination. Positive properties of almonds

Plant almond (Prunus Dulcis) - It is a small tree or shrub. Village almonds of the Pink Family Pink. The appearance combines about 40 types of almonds, but in culture more often grown almonds ordinary. Despite the fact that almonds consider nuts, in fact it is a bone fruit. The almond tree comes from the Mediterranean and Central Asia - it appeared in these areas long before our era. Today, almonds, except Central Asia and the Mediterranean, grows in California, China, Western Tian-Shan, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the vineyards of Slovakia, in the Czech Republic and South Moravia.

Prefers almonds gravelly and stony slopes with a rich calcium soil at an altitude of 800 to 1600 m above sea level, although in Israel it grows much lower. Almonds are located in nature in small groups of 3-4 trees or bush at a distance from 5 to 7 meters from each other.

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Landing and care for almonds

  • Landing: In early March or in the last days of September.
  • Bloom: In March or April, earlier than the leaves appear.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Drained and breathable black soils, loams, sandy soils with high lime content and pH 7.7 hydrogen indicator. Groundwater on the site must lay deeply.
  • Watering: Regular: one bucket of water when the soil drying in a rolling circle to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Saplings are watered more often than adult trees. With difficulties with the delivery of water in the season with a conventional amount of rainfall, there are enough two abundant polishes for the season: Spring and autumn moisture profitable.
  • Feeding: At the end of April or in early May, a solution of 20 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water is added to the rolling circle. In the fall, 1 kg of manure and 20 g of dual superphosphate and sulfur potassium are added to the rolling circle.
  • Pruning: In the spring, before the start of the deputation, and in the fall, after the leaffall, the sanitary trimming is carried out. Forming trimming is made after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Okuliza, piggy, grains, sometimes seeds (bones).
  • Pests: Cellite ticks, almond seeds, plum frozing, wave, plum cored-crooks and leafpers.
  • Diseases: Churchosporosis, rust, moniliosis, gray rot (Botritis), a passage, a swasteporiosis (holey spot).

Details about the cultivation of almonds read below

Almond Tree - Description

The almond tree reaches a height of 4-6 m, and the almond shrub is 2-3 m. Almond rhizer has no more than five skeletal roots, which penetrate enough depth so that the plant does not suffer from drought. Soothes from this branching plant of two types: shortened generative and elongated vegetative. Leaves of almonds lanceal, with a pointed top, cuffs.

How does almond flowers bloom? Light pink or white almond flowers with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm consist of five petals. Almond bloom starts in March or April - earlier than its leaves bloom. Almond fruit is a dry, velvety onto the touch oval bustle with a leathery green ocoplate, which is easily separated from the bone from 2.5 to 3.5 cm long, which has the same shape as the fetus, but often digested by grooves.

Almonds begins to make fruits from four to five years, complete fruiting comes to the tenth and twelfth year, and fruits a tree from 30 to 50 years. With good care, the almond tree can grow in your garden from 50 to 80, and some copies can live up to 130 years.

Almond ordinary has two varieties - bitter almonds growing in nature, and sweet almonds grown in culture. Almonds - a plant that requires cross-pollination, and in order for it to start to make the fruits, at the immediate vicinity of it should grow at least three almond varieties of pollinators, the color period of which coincides. In addition to remarkably delicious fruits, the value of almonds represent its decorative qualities. Almond is a wonderful honeycomb, exacerbating a magical fragrance during flowering. Since the almonds are pollinated mainly by bees, it is best to fruit, if 3-4 hiles are located on the site or somewhere near it.

The almond nut is a relative of such fruit trees, like an apple tree, a pear, plum, apricot, Alycha, Peach, Aria, Rowan, Rosehip, Hawthorn, Iiva and others known in the culture of representatives of the Pink family. From our article, you will learn how almonds grows in the conditions of the middle band, how to land and care for almonds, which are the types of almonds, which almonds are more adapted to our climatic conditions, in which the benefits of almonds, and for whom and what can Contribute to almond.

Planting almonds

When put almonds

Almonds can be raised from the bone, and we will tell you about this in the section on the reproduction of the plant, but it is best to grow almonds from an annual seedling. Plant seedlings in the ground in early spring - in early March - or in the fall, in the last days of November. Choose for almond trees a sunny plot, although they grow well in half, but seedlings should be protected from drafts and strong winds.

Best soil for almonds - Water and air-permeable black soils, sandy or lime soils with high lime content - optimal pH 7.7. Sour, chloride or saline soils for growing almonds are unsuitable, as well as areas with high groundwater standing.

Landing almond in autumn

Almond seedlings, planted in autumn, are coming up much better than those planted in spring. On the plot allotted for almonds, two weeks before landing, pits with a diameter of 50-70 cm deep to 60 cm at a distance of 3-4 m from each other in a row and 5.5-6.5 m between the rows. Each pit is laid for drainage layer of rubble or broken brick with sand and make mixed with fertile soil, consisting of sand, humid and leaf land in proportion 1: 2: 3, 5-6 kg of overworked manure and shelter superphosphate. If the soil is acidic, it is necessary to make a dolomite flour or lime in the amount of 200-300 in two weeks, when the soil in the pit is mounted, you can start landing almonds.

How to plant almonds? Landing the almond tree is not much different from planting plums or apricot. Incover in the center of the pit Poly - Six of such a height so that it will rise above the level of the site half the meter. Put a slide from the ground into the center of the pit. Lower the roots of the seedling into the clay boltushka thick shop sour cream and place a tree on a hilly in such a way that the root neck is slightly above the surface level. Put the pit with fertile soil, compact it and paint the tree 10-15 liters of water. When the water is absorbed, tie a seedling to the support and inspire the supreme circle of the peat layer or a dry ground with a thickness of 3-5 cm so that the mulch does not come into contact with the root tree.

How to plant almond spring

If for any reason you had to postpone the landing of almonds for the spring, the pits of it still need to dig in autumn. Load the drainage layer of sand and rubble in them, pour the layer of fertile soil mixed with fertilizers and leave the pit until spring. At the beginning of March, before the trees begin to wander the juice, put the almond planting in the same order as in the fall.

Care for almonds

Planting almonds and care for it is carried out in accordance with the agricultural engineering of culture. You will have to carry out such procedures as watering, loosening and taking a rolling circle, trimming and feeding plants, as well as prevention against diseases and pests. And if you all perform correctly, then you will collect a good harvest.

How to care for almonds? At the end of March, it is necessary to make the first loosening of the priority circle to a depth of 10-12 cm, and then during the growing season there are another 3-4 loosenings to a depth of 8-10 cm. Support the purity of the rolling circle, remove the weary grass in a timely manner.

Clean the almonds when his outer green shell darkens and starts easily separated from the nucleus. The collected fruits purify from the peel and lay in one layer for drying, after which they are stored in tissue bags.

Watering almonds

Despite the fact that almond culture drought-resistant, it is better to grow and fruits in conditions of timely and sufficient irrigation. Almonds growing in the sandy ground needs more frequent and abundant irrigation than the one that is grown in clay and driving soils. When you find that the soil under almonds dried to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, pour into the rolling circle of water bucket. The overvailing can lead to rewarding the root cervix of the plant.

Saplings need more frequent irrigation than adult trees: supporting watering should be carried out once every 10-14 days.

How to grow almonds in the absence of water? If you do not have the opportunity to irrigate almonds throughout the growing season, spend at least the autumn and spring waterproof watering of the plant.

Undercaming almond

Almonds in the garden experiences a need for nitrogen, so at the end of April or early May, 20 g of ammonium nitrate, divorced in a bucket of water, contribute to the rolling circle of each adult tree. Under the autumn people of the site into the rolling circle of each tree, 1 kg of manure is made, and 20 g of sulfur potassium and dual superphosphate. In the aisles of young plants, the first 5-7 years of life is desirable to grow sedients.

Treatment of almonds

The cultivation of almonds requires the prophylactic treatments for trees from pests and diseases. In order to destroy the harmful insects of the crust of the tree of pathogens and harmful insects in the soil in the soil and harmful insects, early in the spring, before the start of the renal's dissolution, draw the treatment of almond trees with a single-survive bordrian liquid solution. And at the end of the vegetation period, after the end of the leaf fall, perform the autumn spraying the almond by burgown with liquid or its counterparts to destroy the pests and sick microorganisms that have arranged for wintering.

Almonds in Siberia

Despite the fact that almonds without shelter under the conditions of the middle bar not winters, there are frost-resistant species and varieties of plants that are successfully cultivated not only in Vologda and St. Petersburg, but also in the forest-steppe and steppe of Siberia. The frost-resistant species includes almonds steppe, or low, or Russian, or a bobulk, or a tuny. It is a shrub tall up to 1.5 m with brown or reddish-gray bark, lanceal, leathery, shiny, saws on the edges of dark green leaves up to 8 and up to 3 cm wide. Almond steppe unpretentious, gas-smoke and drought-resistant, absolutely It is undemanded to the composition of the soil and easily multiplious.

There are two garden forms of almond steppe: white-colorful and hessler - with flowers of a bright pink shade. In the spring, flowering branches of almond steppe are striking with their beauty. Based on the basement, breeders brought such high-temperature varieties like Annie, pink flamingos, a dream, white sail, pink fog.

The core of the fruits of almond steppe edible and tasty. Another advantage of this species is that it is rapidly restored even in cases when it comes to a harsh honesty winter.

Almonds in Moscow and Moscow region

In the conditions of Moscow and the Moscow region, except for the bobvik, almonds are growing well, which normally winter without covering and is rapidly restored in the event of a minor frozen. The most persistent in the conditions of the Moscow region winters were the form of plants, grafted on the trot of the Tern. Nevertheless, even the trees of cold-resistant varieties are desirable to protect against frosts - to cover their strains Loutrasil. And in order to prevent the shootings of shoots, you need to remove the top kidneys at the end of July or the beginning of August - this procedure stimulates the rapid decoration of shoots, after which the almond will not be terros.

Grinding almonds

When cut almonds

Almonds need forming and sanitary trimming, and adult trees require a rejuvenating procedure. The sanitary trimming is carried out in early spring, before the start of the sludge, and in the fall, when the almond takes place in the period of rest, and the forming trimming is made after the almond flowering.

How to cut almonds

Form the throne of almonds by the type of plum, apricot, peach or nectarine - bring three tiers of skeletal branches. Immediately after planting a seedling, it is cut at an altitude of 120 cm, while the stamp in the treet is formed with a height of 50-70 cm.

With the thinning trimming of the fruiting trees, they remove thickening crown and incorrectly growing branches. When filming flower kidneys, one-year shoots shortening.

Sprinking almond spring

After winter, even before the start of the blown of the kidneys, the almonds are shortened to the simply annual growths, cutting them up to healthy tissue, remove broken, patients or deformed branches and shoots. After the end of flowering, the forming trimming of the tree is proceeded. On falling autumn or spring, a seedling is usually at least three branches located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other - they are shortened to 15-20 cm, and on the central conductor the next 2-3 years laid new skeletal branches that must be One of the other at a distance of 20-30 cm.

Unnecessary to form the crown shoots several times over the summer are pinching, and those that are needed, shortening no later than July, as soon as they reach 50-60 cm of length. On the second and third year of almond growth, unnecessary shoots cut out, the rest are shortened. Upon completion of the crown formation, the central conductor is cut into so that the last skeletal branch of the almond is below the conductor by 55-60 cm.

The trees that entered into the fruction with the formed crown almost do not need trimming, you only need to cut the fat shoots to the ring, and the broken shortening up to 3-4 eyes. Annual shoots that do not prevent the correct development of branches, it is not necessary to cut.

Trimming almond in autumn

In the autumn, after the leaf fall, they carry out sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs: cut off dry, broken, patients and thickening the crown shoots and branches. If you have to cut or cut a thick branch, do not forget to handle a slice garden Warr, and if for some reason you did not have time to cut almonds before the beginning of the winter, move the sanitary trimming on the spring.

Reproduction of almonds

How to multiply almonds

In natural conditions, almonds multiply in a seed method, in culture they prefer to breeding with eyepiece, since too much time goes from the seed from the seed. Nevertheless, you should know how to grow almonds from the bone at least because it can be painted for a varietal cutting. To grow, you will need the seeds of Gorky almonds, but if you do not be able to get them, you can use sweet almond seeds. In addition to these two ways, if the almond is not growing with a tree, but a bush, resort to the reproduction of the plant with pigs and grooves.

Growing almonds from seeds

Sow seeds in spring or under winter. If you decide to sow almonds in the spring, it is necessary to subjected to seed stratification material - for 3-4 months, put them in a vegetable box of the refrigerator. Almond seeds sow in the grooves depth of 8-10 cm at a distance of 10 cm from each other, observing the distance between the furrows of 45-60 cm. Seeds will germinate the next year, in April, and you will need to water them, pour and loose. In July, when seedlings were achieved in a height of 50-60 cm, the side sprigs on the trunks below 10-12 cm from the surface level should be cut into the ring. In these times, the thickness of the seedling stem in the root cervion area is approaching 1 cm, which means that the tree can already be used as a collection, but first it needs to be transplanted for a permanent place and give it to take care.

Grafting Almond

The reproduction of almonds is also carried out by the method of eyepling. Not only almond seedlings are used as a flow, but also plums, Alyci and Tern. It is better to carry out the procedure in the midst of the Software - in the middle of April or at the end of August, at the cool time of the day - at 16 o'clock in the day or early in the morning. Two days before the flow procedure, it is plentifully watered so that when conducting an eyepling, the bark is well separated from the wood. For the lead, developed direct shoots with formed vegetative kidneys are chosen. In order for the lead, all the leaves are removed from it, leaving only cuttings with a length of no more than 1 cm.

The stamps in the place of the vaccinations are rubbed from dust, then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root cervix, the T-shaped incision is made and carefully flex a bark at the place of convergence of perpendicular lines. From the cake, a shield with a kidney of such a length is shoved so that it fit into the incision on the break. When you cut off the shield, capture the eyepulant knife, except for the bark, the thin layer of wood and, trying not to touch it with your hands, insert the shield into the T-shaped incision on the stock, tightly press it with a bark and fix the place of vaccination by turning it with a plaster or scotch, But so as not to close the kidney itself.

If after 2-3 weeks the residue of the petiole fall off, and the eyes will be green, it means that the eyepiece has passed successfully and the plaster can be loosen. If you vocked in the late summer, then the locking bandage should not be removed until the next spring, and the root neck with the vaccination is better to glue the earth. In the spring, when you make sure that the kidney passed on, free the root neck from the ground, and the place of vaccinations from the plaster or tape, then cut the dive to the bottom of the vaccination slightly above, and if you have a windy in the spring, then the cut should be made by 10-12 cm above graft kidney. When shooting kidney runs down to appear from sleeping kidneys below, they should be immediately removed, not allowing them to be delayed.

Reproduction of almond piglets and gag

The almond growing with a bush after trimming, as a rule, forms a pig. For the second year, when the roots of the piglets become strong, the siblings scratch and transplant to a permanent place.

If you decide to try the reproduction by gagging, choose flexible shoots for this, put them on the ground, fix the wire stiletto in several places and put it off the layer of the earth with a thickness of about 20 cm. Roots at the drains are formed long, and all this time you have to water the grooves It is soil and remove weary grass. After about a year or a little more, when a strong root system is formed at the drain, it is separated from the parent plant, fade and disembawned.

Almond diseases affect the plant in cases where the agricultural nature of the culture is disturbed or it is weakened by improper or late care. Most often, almonds suffers from the paste, churchospos, rust, moniliosis, gray rot and slurryososporiosis.

Churchosposition - This fungal disease most often amazes the leaf of almonds, but if the disease progresses, the cutters can also suffer and shoot a plant. The first signs of the disease can be found in June - rounded red-brown spots with a diameter of 2 to 4 mm appear on the leaves with a diameter of 2 to 4 mm, and in conditions of high humidity, a grayish flare is formed. Over time, in the center of the spots, the sheet tissue dries and falls out, the plant has to grow new leaves, which is consumed by a lot of strength, and this negatively affects the development of fruits. As a fight against the disease, as soon as the first symptoms are detected, the almond treatments are treated with fungicides.

Almond varieties

Sweet grades of almonds of ordinary are divided into solid specialized, from which the shell is removed by forceps, and mekgicksmind, the skin from which they are removed by hand. We offer you some well-proven varieties, among which you can choose almonds and for your garden:

  • Anniversary - Late-bearing drought-resistant variety with a shell of medium thickness and a dense, sweet, dry core;
  • Ayudagsky - Late Veterior Scrimil Freaky Vintage Grade, entering fruiting on the third or fourth year after landing. Soft-sorry, core plane, dense and sweet, light brown;
  • Sevastopolsky - heat-resistant and drought-resistant lateral grade of very high productivity with soft shell and dense, sweet white nuclei;
  • Mangup - drought-resistant lateral variety, rarely damaged by pests and diseases, with soft shell and solid, dense, sweet oily nuclei;
  • Fragrant - Late-bearing grade with solid shell and fragrant, dense and oily cores of excellent taste;
  • Dessert - Self-sustainable floral kidney grade Self-visible grade with rough soft shell and oval sweet nuclei with oily taste. A varieties of seaside and spicy are suitable as pollinators;
  • Seaside - a yield self-visible grade with a fan-shaped crown shape, having a sustained rest period, with elongated oily fruits. A varieties of dessert and alena are suitable as pollinators.

In addition to those described, in cultural, Yalta's varieties, Nikitsky 62, paper-binding, RMS, Nikitsky Late Blowing, Nessebar, Dabkov, and California varieties of Balfarel, Nos Plus Ultra, Carmel, Padre, Mishn, Monterey and Sonor.

Almond grade for Moscow region

As we have already written, to grow in the Moscow region, any of the grades of almond ordinary are problematic - all of the wine cold winters, after which the plant may not recover. Therefore, it is better to grow in the suburbs almond steppe in the suburbs, or the so-called bobulk, the decorativeness of which is above all silence, and nuts on taste quality almost do not give way to the fruits of almonds sweet.

Almond properties - harm and benefit

Useful properties of almonds

How is almonds useful? Almond kernels contain up to 67% oily oil. Almonds are one of the best protein plant sources in the world: it contains as much protein as and in lean meat - up to 30%, and this is a high-quality, almost completely absorbed protein. In addition, almonds contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, sugar, enzymes, powerful antioxidant vitamin E and vitamins of B.

Almond has an action on blood lipids, purifies internal organs from slags and toxins, stimulates mental activity, improves eyesight, increases the production of sperm in men. It is recommended for patients with asthma and pleurrites, it is shown in ulcers and abstinities in the intestines and bladder. Italian scientists in an experienced way proved that regular consumption of almonds increases the body resistance to viral infections.

The nuclei of the almond nuclei contains antioxidants ten times more than the nucleus themselves. And by the way, it is used to tinted wines and brandy production.

In folk medicine, almonds with sugar are used to treat anemia, Malokrovia, insomnia and cough. Almond kernels possess an anesthetic, anticonvulsant, enveloping and softening action.

Despite its caloric content, almonds, with proper use, contributes to weight loss, since part of the fatty acids, which are contained in it are derived from the body, without having learned. If you have no more than 30 g of raw (not fried and not salty) nuts per day, it will help you reduce the number of lipids, normalize cholesterol levels and lose weight.

Almond oil is the most valuable product. It is used with inflammation of lungs, asthma, otitis, stomatitis, heart disease and kidney disease. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating irritation, moisturizing it and giving her elasticity. Almond oil is one of the best tools for strengthening hair, stimulating their growth and giving them glitter and elasticity. It quickly absorbs and activates the process of regeneration of the cell cells, so it is used as a basis for various ointments and creams.

Pink (rose colored) fruit plant trees on m

After this article usually read

Three-bladed almonds (Prúnus Tríloba) - This is a handicraft plant with pinkish flowers. This plant is also called Louiseania Three-bladed, but in the people it is called Sakura near Moscow. It attracts passersby, and be in the desired list of many daches and gardeners. Almonds Three-blade Rosenmund is one of the most beautiful garden plants, which is grown exclusively because of its decorative species.

Initially, it was opened in China, later they brought to England, and only in the twentieth century it fell into the territory of the USSR. In connection with his eastern beginning, the plant is called Chinese terry plum or sakura, due to pink flowers.

It looks like a small tree that can grow up to 3.5 meters, with branches sticking on the sides. Leaves at almonds grow with beams and have a three-bladed form.

In the first half of May, almond blooms 2 weeks. At this time, the bush acquires a gentle pinkish color. After the flowering period, the leaves bloom, and the shrub stops blooming.

The fruit of this plant is not large, rounded shape and inedible. Most often, almonds three-bladed can be seen in botanical gardens or by dacnis.

Here are another photo of this plant:

Types and varieties

The main differences between the types and grades of almond are their form, height and color.

  1. Almond Georgian. The plant is not above the meter, the leaves are large, brightly pinkish, with a rough, hairy fruit. The flowering period falls on May and is 3 weeks. It is easily worried by frost.
  2. Almond low. This plant loves light resistant to frost and droughts, undemanding to the soil. This almond is common in Siberia. The main difference is the color of the branches, they are dim red with narrow leaves. Flowers light pink. Flowering period - week.
  3. Almond ordinary. You can meet in the Caucasus, Iran and Afghanistan. It looks like a large bush or a small tree with red or pinkish colors and up to 5 meters high.
  4. Three-bladed almonds or, as sometimes they say, three-blade It has decorative varieties, namely:

Interesting! With proper leaving for the plant, it can live up to one hundred years!


Three-blade almond loves sunlight and lack of wind. Regarding soil, you should choose light, loose, fertile lime. It is categorically contraindicated in the shade, without access of light and raw places. It should be planted at the end of autumn, at the end of the leaf fall or with the offensive of warm days of spring.

An excellent soil for it will be such a mixture: leaf land + 1/2 of its number of humus + 1/3 of sand. As a drainage, it should be used about 20 cm. Rubble or broken bricks, and 6 cm. Sand. The root cervix during landing can not be plugged, as it should be higher than the level of the Earth. Plants should be searched at a meter distance from each other.

Care for the three-bed bedding

  • Watering.

As mentioned above, this plant is drought-resistant. However, during the flowering period, it requires an abundant amount of water. In the event that it is planted on loamy soil, the amount of water should be normal. Watering the three-bednofate is only in the case of the drying of the Earth, since stagnation of water can lead to disgusting.

  • Fertilizer.

Louiseania Rosenmund requires constant fertilizer. In the spring season, it is fertile to a solution of 1 kg of a cowboat, 20 g of ammonia nitrates and 10 g of urea. All this needs to be divorced in 10 liters of water. In the fall, mineral fertilizers should be made, such as dual superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 20 g per square meter of soil.

  • A haircut.

In order to give Krone a beautiful shape and for recovery, almond you need trimming branches. At the end of the flowering period, the flowering branches should be shortened by 2/3 of their lengths. Such a procedure stimulates the growth of new, healthy shoots. You also need to cut off all branches that grow inside the crown.

It's important to know! Shrub is inclined to thickening. If the plant is too rummaged, then it is necessary to cut forward. This will preserve its decorative appearance and protect against disease.

  • Preparation for frost.

Quite often, the branches of this plant neatly bind to a beam and wrapped with nonwoven material. You can also sprinkle the soil around the root of the layer of land. But the root neck should be left open.

Nuances growing in the suburbs

Although Louiseania and a thermo-loving plant, she calmly transfers frosty, snowy winter. Some sources argue that with proper preparation for winter, it is frost to -30. However, the problem may be in a sharp or frequent temperature drops, especially if crude thaws come to shifts. In this case, the plant wakes up ahead of time, and may be damaged by frost. He has frozen shoots and kidney ends. In such cases, almonds should be stolen for all the time of frosts. By completing the above recommendations, problems in the cultivation of almonds in the suburbs should not occur.

Growing in the Urals and in Siberia

Everyone considers almond an exotic plant that loves the sun and heat and needs special care. However, this is nothing more than delusion. Of about 40 species of this plant, most do not need a special climate and other conditions.

Although almost all types of almonds are frost-resistant and not particularly demanding to the soil, not all will be suitable for cultivation in Siberia and in the Urals. There is one kind of plant that is suitable for the northern regions, it is almond steppe. Also, it is called a bobulk, wild and low almonds.

Like other types of almonds, his colors of a saturated-posed shade, and it blooms about 2 weeks in early May. After the flowering period, it is covered with sheets, and under the end of the summer, the fruits of brown color appear on it. In the height of the bob carrier grows up to 1.5 meters. It needs a sufficient number of light and in the shelter from the wind.

Care for steppe almonds does not differ from the naught three-bedroom care.

Reproduction of almonds

Species almonds often breed seeds, and for breeding varieties use vegetative methods. The most common method of breeding three-aposets is Grafting on plum, almond or thorn. This requires to take one straight line of almond, on which the eyes have already formed. Leaves should be trimmed by a secateur.

Vaccination should be carried out during the coating, namely, in the spring or in August. In stock it is necessary to wipe from dust and dirt, make a T-shaped incision slightly above the root neck and unscrepted the sliced \u200b\u200bbark. Next, you need to cut off the strip of the cortex from the cutting, so that it is completely wondered under the T-cutout. The place of the joint should be wrapped with cloth or scotch. Kidney needs to be left open.


For reproduction of almond with stalling, required cut from the top of the cutter in length up to 25 cm and put them for 15 hours in the growth stimulator. The rooting of cuttings occurs in a cool greenhouse, after planting a substrate, which consists of sand and peat. A month later, rooting occurs. When roots were formed, cuttings should be transferred to the trial bed.


The regular trimming of almond shoots will help him keep his beauty and pomp. Pruning is performed at the end of flowering, in June. With the help of trimming, it is possible to achieve density crowns of the bush, which positively affects his decorative look. Also, such a procedure relieves almonds from pests and fungi affects the rapid growth of the branches.

Where to buy seedlings?

Although Three-bladed almonds have an exotic look, buy this plant is not a problem. It is worth looking for special markets where plants sell seedlings, as well as in stores specializing in seedlings. In addition, you can search online stores with delivery or closest to you.

What do gardeners say?

As you can guess, such a beautiful and decorative plant will not leave anyone indifferent. Gardening gardens about almonds Three-sandstate were divided into two conditional camps: those who can not get enough blossom, and those who want to buy it.

Here is a review of the summer house from the Moscow region on the forum for gardeners: "It is impossible to describe the beauty of the garden when the almond flowers blooms. All neighbors go with cameras and ask for photographing next to 'Sakura'. And what smell ... mmmm. "

Many people are also interested in the tendency of the bush to diseases, justifying these cases from their own experience. However, as shown reviews, almonds have no tendencies to disease. Some seasonal diseases are inherent in almost every tree.

Application in landscape design

At his homeland, almonds have long gained popularity in the arrangement of territories and different sites. It is used for landscaping, decoration or additions to parks, country houses or cottages, on urban streets and boulevards. In landscape design, this plant can have many ways to use. It looks good as a pair with other plants, for example, and in a pair with similar. In addition, almonds can be planted on, on the slopes, or near the stones.

Three-blade almonds on a strain

Almonds on the stamper looks also spectacular and beautiful, as in the shape of a bush. If you do not have experience in creating a form, you can buy a ready-made plant from specialists, or try to create this form yourself.

The easiest way to create a strab is the method of forming a barrel by cutting the crown. This method is quite light and acting, but it takes a large amount of time. The essence of this method is that it is necessary to pick up a smooth seedling, without bitch and after planting it should be tied to a vertically driven wooden peg.

When the seedlock began to grow, the top must be tied up to the peg, and all shoots on the sides cut off, giving almond the shape of the cap.

Trimming on video

Trimming is the moment of leaving the plants that are best perceived in visual form. On the video below it is shown in detail how to clean the almond thunderbath.

how to grow in the middle strip almonds? And got the best answer

Answer from Ksenia Kruglikova [Guru]
For growing in the middle strip, only two types of almonds low (steppe) and almonds three-bladed (Louzeyania) are suitable. The most unpretentious almond low-frost (up to -35 at a lower temperature is there is a slight friction of the topless shoots that it is seriously not reflected in the further development of the plant and only with high humidity of the air sometimes it is possible to frost to the snow level after which plants are usually rapidly restored) heat-drought-resistant (up to +40) For a long time, it can do without water while holding back moisture with the help of leathery covers of the crust and leaves. To the soils unpretentious. It grows almost on any land with the exception of Salon and Pure Seroz. Under the conditions of the middle lane, it does not be fruit. It is grown as a decorative flowering plant. The flowering period of April-beginning of May lasts from two to 4 weeks depending on the air temperature. In the dressings, it is practically no need-beaten plants often give a rich green mass and bloom badly. Easily tolerates haircut suitable for live elevations and group landings. After flowering, the sworded shoots shorten on a third to provoke the growth of side shoots for more abundant flowering. The trimming is carried out in June (in the spring and autumn trimming it is not recommended because the last year's shoots bloom and the late haircut may reflect on the flowering of plants next year) almonds three-bladed heat-loving and demanding soils often frost up to the level of snow and also amazed by mushroom diseases In the early level of the air, at an elevated air humidity. It is necessary to plant it in places protected from cold northern winds (the southern side of the house or arbors is also suitable for the southern slope of the alpine slide) if there is no such possibility for the winter. The plant is blown up with wooden shields from the northern side. This is also important because early spring during the bootonization period is possible frosts that Damage the flowers that later causes a mushroom disease that destroys the branches. Despite this, it is not recommended to firmly to cover the plant for the winter (it can be contacted under the shelter during the snow melting) the plant should be well ventilated and only a slight shelter with a spruce vegetable is allowed. Period of flowering May. Flowering can last up to a month depending on the air temperature. After flowering, all the sworded branches are removed as they can be amazed by mushroom diseases. There are only young gains and new kidneys. Almond prefers dry elevated places. All types of drought-resistant and do not endure the convergence (only steppe almonds are able to carry out short-term stagnation of water) breeding seeds and cuttings But the germination of seeds is usually insignificant and varietal properties are lost at the same time. Therefore, it is reliable to multiply with cuttings. Under the conditions of the middle strip, the half-breeding cuttings (young green shoots are only beginning to be covered by the bark) are cut in the month and plant them under the film or transparent caps in a privacy where the minimum number of direct sunlight. The cuttings are cut into 4-5 kidneys. The top is removed and the lower slice is desired to handle roots for faster roots. The rooting can continue from one and a half to 3 months. Almonds Stepna will also multiply through the division of the bush and swords from maternal plants as well as decodes. The reproduction of tanks takes a lot of time-exploration can last up to two years. The listed types of almonds are decorative plants therefore do not fron. Attempts to grow fruiting views in the middle lane have not yet been given. Good luck!

Ancient Phoenicians loved almonds very much and admired his extraordinary blossoms. They saw in the unusually beautiful colors of the tree, the image of the beautiful and young goddess Amigdala, the patroner of the shy and young girls. Since then, the Latin names of this plant entrenched - Amigdalus. Spring flowering of this culture will be forever will be remembered by those who at least once in life saw this unique riot of paints. Almonds are not only extremely decorative, but is also a valuable walnut rock.

In fact, the fruit of almond applies not to nuts, but to bone fruits, and it is a drain. It consists in close relationship with many traditional garden trees. Interestingly, his relatives are such wood species like a turn, cherry, pear, apple tree, quince, rowan, hawthorn, and sakura.

Few people know, February 16 is world almond day, and this is due to the fact that the almond trees bloom around this day everywhere. Celebrate mainly in the United States, because it is in this country more than 50% of almond nuts are grown in a manufacturing scale.

Plant Description

Almonds refers to perennial, deciduous rocks. It is found in the form of shrubs or small trees, a height of two to ten meters. Representatives of this species can live up to one hundred years and more. The plant is due to the type of soil, it can grow well even on a low-grade, stony ground. But prefers light, fertile, limestone soils. Poor tolerates acidic, salty and wetlands.

The breed is very light-cup and frost. It grows well in the mountains at an altitude of 800 to 1600 meters above sea level. Almonds are thermally loving, but can carry strong frosts. The problem of his acclimatization in the northern regions is that it is very early coming out of the state of winter peace. The growing period of this plant begins in February. Therefore, many types of almonds prefer the subtropical climate.

Places of Growing

His homeland is considered to be the territory from anterior Asia to Mediterranean countries, such as Italy, Spain and Portugal. Currently, this tree can also be found in China, America, Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Altai.

Classification and species

Almond ordinary

The type of ordinary is the most common plant, which is used everywhere in fruit growing. It is the taste of almonds sweet to us well acquainted since childhood and is widespread in the food industry. The remaining types of this family refer to conventionally edible, and some are capable of causing even food poisoning.

Varieties of almonds ordinary:

  • sweet;
  • bitter;
  • thin-walled.

Almond Steppe, or Wild (Bobulk)

Low shrub, up to two meters high. Crown is thick, spherical. Flowers bright pink or white flowers. Flowers bloom a little earlier or almost simultaneously with the leaves. Flowering lasts two weeks. Grows on steppe and stony soils. Distribution area is very large. It grows both in Central Asia and in Russia. It can be introduced even to the northern regions of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the subspecies of the Bobulk divided into two large groups:

  • Gesslera (bright pink flowers);
  • White-color (white flowers).

The type of steppe is very decorative and is widely used in decorative gardening. Many gardeners in the northern regions grown this wonderful shrub on their household sections. The fruits of the bobvik are considered conditionally edible. But mostly, this subspecies of almonds are grown for decorative purposes.

Decorative varieties of bobvik:

  • White sail;
  • Annie;
  • Dream;
  • Pink flamingo;
  • Pink fog;
  • Mediator.

Georgian almonds

A distinctive feature of this species is a very limited area of \u200b\u200bgrowth.

Ries only in the Caucasus. Grows in the shape of a bush with numerous root processes. Externally resembles almond steppe. The height of the bush reaches 1 meter. Flowers bright pink flowers.


The birthplace of this plant - altai foothills. Has a shrub shape. Reaches a height from one to two meters. The diameter of the crown to one meter. Leaves are quite large, dark green. Flowers with pink flowers up to four centimeters in diameter. Fruption reaches aged 11 years. Blooms early, flowering duration 2-3 weeks.


A small shrub, a height of about a meter. It grows mainly on the territory of Central Asia in the mountains of Western Tien Shan. Blooms pretty early about three-year-old. Almond Flowers Petunnikova Pink, bloom begins in May and lasts two weeks. Fruption occurs around five years. Fruits small.

Almond Three-Blade

Decorative small tree or shrub. This plant is called still Louiseania. This type of almond can reach height from two to five meters.

His homeland is North China. Blooms in early May, it blooms for a long time, about two weeks.

This is one of the highest types of almonds. During the flowering of Louiseania, it does not have equal in his phenotype. Due to its unusually beautiful blossom, this type of right is considered the most decorative. Flowers can be simple and terry. The color of the almond color is rich and the colors of the Three-bladed color, it varies from light pink to raspberry with a purple tint. Fruits inedible. Like all types of almonds are very unpretentious to the conditions of growth.

This species has a lot of high-defective varieties. The most popular varieties common in the middle lane - captivity and Kiev.

Louiseania captivity - an abdomen of a bush with pink, terry flowers with a diameter of more than four centimeters, flower consists of forty petals.

Louiseania Kievskaya - bush over three meters high. Flowers can be both pink and dark pink, the flower diameter is about three and a half centimeters with twelve petals.

Facilities landing in the suburbs

In Moscow and the Moscow region, only two types are suitable for growing in the open ground. it almond Steppe, or Bobulk, and Three-Blade Almond. It must be remembered that in this region of Russia can grow only decorative forms of this plant. Almond ordinary, the fruits of which are eaten, in this climatic zone is not grown.

But the bobvnik is widely represented in this region, due to its stability to adverse conditions. It is well winter and tolerates quite strong frosts. In order to increase the frost resistance of the plant in the conditions of the suburbs, it is vaccinated on the turn of the turn. Although it increases the cold resistance of the plant, it is advisable to still cover the strains for the winter.

The landing of these decorative shrubs is best to produce annual seedlings, at the end of March or in early November. In the soil you need to add humus, sand and lime. And also landing can be made by seeds, root gifts and vaccinations.

Middle Tree Care

To protect the shoots from freezing in the cold Moscow winter, need in early August Remove the top kidneys from shoots. This stimulates rapid branches, which significantly increases the frost resistance of the plant. Caring for almonds in this region, consists of soil loosening during the growing season, introduction of mineral fertilizers with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, in the second half of November. And also the introduction of organic feeding, which can be used by manure. In the spring period, nitrogen fertilizers can be used.

During the flowering period, a rich watering is required. Even in the conditions of the Moscow region, it is possible to get a small yield of the fruit of the beams, which are most often used to obtain almond oil or as a spicy spice to many dishes.

Louiseania is very beautiful and bloomingTherefore, in its decorative qualities, the bobulk is significantly superior. By right, it can be considered the most beautiful-flowing plant of Moscow and the Moscow region. With proper care in the Moscow region, Louiseania reaches a height of up to two meters. Gardeners prefer to grow shapes with terry flowers. Blossom starts in the first half of May. At this time, the blooming bush is very similar to Sakura flowering.

About how the almond tree blooms is written a lot of paintings and poems.

Undoubtedly, almonds are a plant that deserves much more attention from the climbers in the Moscow region, as this plant is extremely decorative. And who seen how miraculously bloom almonds, he will definitely plant this culture at home.

Almonds: landing and care in the suburbs - plants magic

For almond landing in the suburbs, the best is the best or drowned soil. On the chernozem and excessively clay soil, this culture grows quite poorly and gives a small harvest. Almonds are planted on a sunny area or in a small half. The landing site is obliged to defend themselves from strong wind gusts.


Watering will depend on the soil composition, where this culture is located. By and large, almonds is a drought-resistant plant, and it is possible to plant it in areas in which groundwater is far from the surface.

However, it should be noted that the almonds are well referred to. Therefore, when disembarking on a sandy soil, the tree will require a thorough watering. And on a subline and clay soil, watering should be moderate. If the plant gets insufficiently moisture, then the flowering time decreases, and the root system begins to start with abundant irrigation.


On the growth and formation of fruit, the tree spends a lot of strength. Therefore, the spring almonds are fed by superphosphate, nitrate, humid and other additives. Immediately after disembarking near the tree, mulch the peat, but it is necessary to perform it very carefully, without falling asleep the root system. The soil must be loosened all the time, it is necessary to monitor and delete weeds in a timely manner.

One of the required procedures is a trimming. In the spring, sandy, painful and dry branches cut off. At the beginning of autumn, the top kidneys are cut. So shoots do not freeze in winter. In winter, the bush is covered with lucracil.


In the process of cultivation, almonds can be multiplied by seeds or a vegetative method. The bulk of almond varieties multiply with the help of seeds. They are seeded in the spring, but before sowing, they must undergo stratification. It continues for 3-4 months with a temperature of + 1-4 ° C. When seedlings grow up to 35 cm, they are transferred to a pre-prepared place. After 2 years, the tree gives the first inflorescences.

In the process of reproduction, the vegetative method uses siblings and glasses, green and root cuttings. From the upper branches cut off green cuttings and soak the growth activator. It lasts 15 hours. After the cuttings rooted, for which they equip the cold greenhouse. For the landing of the cuttings prepare ground from sand and peat (the same shares). After 4 weeks, the cuttings will be ready for a transplant to the required place.

Diseases and pests: ways of struggle

Because almonds are a flower culture, then it often eats the fault. From the invasion of the pest, the growth of the bush is braked, leaves and kidneys are damaged. A highlighted adhesive contributes to the formation of mold. In the fight against this attack, the method of spraying plants with pesticides is used.

During the flowering of the tree, there is a huge risk of caterpillage. In a short time, the caterpillar is able to destroy almost all the foliage. It uses insecticidal soap to combat her.

Other pests are coroede, fruit, leaflert. Almonds are subject to such diseases like rust, monilla burns and black mold.

Positive properties of almonds

Almonds have long been used as a medicinal tree. It includes many substances contributing to bone strengthening. Seeds are oil, sugar, various minerals and proteins. This nut is used with poor digestion, liver diseases.

Thanks to the almond, the brain is strengthened, the cuts are heal, vision is sharpened. Walnings are pronounced strengthening and anti-inflammatory qualities. It cleans the intestines and stomach.

Out of nuts produce oil by the method of pressing the sweet and sour of the almond. This product greatly strengthens the nails and hair cover on the body. Almond oil has excellent nutritious and softening properties. Also, the positive qualities of this nut are used when tensile knitting, herpes, burns and leather injuries.

Louiseania almonds terry in the suburbs Three-blade care, breeding, shelter, photo

Louiseania almonds terry in the suburbs Three-bladed - care, reproduction, shelter, photo

Long period of Louiseania Three-bladed Melted Three-blade almonds. The second name was a terry plum. And only then the scientists allocated this plant to the separate genus of Louiseania. Until today, it continues to bring this plant from nurses located in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. So, Louiseania almond terry in the suburbs Three-blade - care, reproduction, shelter, photo - we consider today.

It should not be paid to the fact that the plant has southern origins. Almonds can be perfectly overwhelming, without needing additional insulation. The flowering of it begins in the first half of May, before the dissolution of the leaves. To admire the beautiful flowers of pink, dark pink or raspberry shade, you can not more than two weeks - exactly so much plants the plant with rosos of miniature forms. It happens that refundable frosts damage them, but it is not scary. The blooming almond looks good in the cut, it stands for a long time in the bouquet.

Landing Rules: Mahver Three-Blade Almond

The plant does not impose special requirements for the soil composition. But it is not worth risking, trying to grow almonds on heavy clay areas or places where the groundwater is very close to the surface. Before planting in the soil, it is recommended to make organic components under the step.

The plant loves well-lit places, a light half is allowed. Lached almonds must be protected from winds. Twenty centimeter drainage from crushed stone or broken bricks is mandatory on the garden, it is full of sand layer of centimeters in five.

Landing is carried out with an interval from half a meter to one and a half. The root neck at the same time should be located slightly above the soil level. A mixture for planting is made up of three parts of the leaf land, two - humidia and one - sand. A gram of three sheets is added to each landing fossa. Landing is completed with the mulching of the earth or peat.

Louiseania need care, photo

    The plant loves the regularity of feeding. In the spring season, Kilo Korovaka, ten grams of urea, twenty - Selitras add to the water bucket of water. In the fall on each square of the plot, twenty grams of the double superphosphate are made. Watering is recommended in moderate volumes. On the sandy sections it can be carried out more often. An important condition is not to grind the root neck. It is recommended for one plant to pour from seven to ten liters of water. It is useful to perform loosening, smelting weed vegetation. Excellent almond transfers trimming, quickly restarting at the expense of a young row.

Reproduction of the plant

This happens in a seed or vaccination. Ambulance is allowed almonds on the plum, Tern, Alych and even a cherry. Subsequently, it is necessary to cut all the dyed sprouts that are generated below the vaccination location.

Louiseania is damaged by lopponing tracks. They are advised to spray chlorophos. The fruit of the plum is etched by carbofos, spending it processing several times. Ringlies of tri prevent the solution of the household soap, tobacco infusion, potato tops. To protect from the Coroeda, they advise to whitewash the lime and clay solution, adding a few carbon black glue to it.

In case of sulfur, the damaged sprigs cut off with sulfur. The procedure is performed twice - after flowering or in winter. Appeated rust is treated with preparations based on colloidal or sulfur ground.

Almonds and tasty, and useful. It helps with asthma, ulcers and pleut, improves eyesight. With it, the stomach is treated. Great for growing alive hedges. Squake almonds on the plot, and do not regret at all.

Almonds three-blade landing and care in the suburbs, in the Urals and other regions of Russia

Three-blade almonds: landing and care in the suburbs, in the Urals and other regions of Russia

Three-bladed almonds (Prúnus Tríloba) - This is a handicraft plant with pinkish flowers. This plant is also called Louiseania Three-bladed, but in the people it is called Sakura near Moscow. It attracts passersby, and be in the desired list of many daches and gardeners. Almonds Three-blade Rosenmund is one of the most beautiful garden plants, which is grown exclusively because of its decorative species.

Initially, it was opened in China, later they brought to England, and only in the twentieth century it fell into the territory of the USSR. In connection with his eastern beginning, the plant is called Chinese terry plum or sakura, due to pink flowers.

It looks like a small tree that can grow up to 3.5 meters, with branches sticking on the sides. Leaves at almonds grow with beams and have a three-bladed form.

In the first half of May, almond blooms 2 weeks. At this time, the bush acquires a gentle pinkish color. After the flowering period, the leaves bloom, and the shrub stops blooming.

The fruit of this plant is not large, rounded shape and inedible. Most often, almonds three-bladed can be seen in botanical gardens or by dacnis.

Here are another photo of this plant:

Types and varieties

The main differences between the types and grades of almond are their form, height and color.

Almond Georgian. The plant is not above the meter, the leaves are large, brightly pinkish, with a rough, hairy fruit. The flowering period falls on May and is 3 weeks. It is easily worried by frost.
Almond low. This plant loves light resistant to frost and droughts, undemanding to the soil. This almond is common in Siberia. The main difference is the color of the branches, they are dim red with narrow leaves. Flowers light pink. Flowering period - week.
Almond ordinary. You can meet in the Caucasus, Iran and Afghanistan. It looks like a large bush or a small tree with red or pinkish colors and up to 5 meters high.
Three-bladed almonds or, as sometimes they say, three-blade It has decorative varieties, namely:

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