Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Colorless wood putty. Types of wood putties as well as methods of self-production. Wood putty for outdoor use

Putty ... People have different feelings about this material. Some people associate it with dirt and dust, while others associate it with some miracle that can turn any, even the most curved surface, into a perfectly flat plane. Be that as it may, but not a single repair can do without putty - it is used in construction, it is indispensable for car repairs and you cannot do without it wherever surface painting is required. Putties are different, but in this article we will deal with the question, what is wood putty? Together with the site, we will study the varieties of this material, deal with its features and self-production.

Wood putty photo

Wood putty: varieties and features

By and large, today's technologies make it possible to produce only two main types of wood putties, which have a huge number of different subspecies due to their purpose. It is a water-based putty and a solvent-based putty.

  1. Solvent based putty. This type of finishing material is used exclusively in the woodworking industry and is not used in everyday life, therefore we will not talk much about it. The main disadvantage of such wood putties is their toxicity - they are harmful to both human skin and respiratory organs. In the process of working with them, you must follow the safety rules. Among the advantages of this material can be noted a rich color gamut and temperature resistance, which allows it to be used for leveling. In addition, they dry quickly and well, and most importantly, they lie flat on the tree.
  2. Acrylic wood putty. It is mainly used for decorative wooden flooring - with their help, joints between floorboards or planks are closed. If you are looking for an elastic wood filler, this is it. Its main advantages include versatility - it is suitable not only for wood. With its help, you can fill with any chipboard panels and even. This putty can resist moisture and fire. It dries very quickly. Among the shortcomings can be noted fragility and inability to correct large and deep damage. A large layer of acrylic filler is cracking.

    Acrylic putty on wood photo

  3. Epoxy putties. If you need a waterproof wood putty, then this is exactly what the doctor ordered. It is perfectly sanded after drying, it can be painted in any color and besides water, it perfectly resists chemicals. It is also odorless and does not settle during the drying process. There is only one drawback of this wood putty for the floor - it is not suitable if the wood is subsequently covered. Places treated with epoxy putty are not burned with stain.
  4. Polymer putties for wood. Their striking representative is a latex-based composition - they are environmentally friendly, odorless, perfectly level the surface and dry quickly. In terms of application, they have no restrictions - at the same time it is a putty for wood for, and for, and for parquet, and even for laminated surfaces, if, of course, you can choose the desired shade. There are no obvious shortcomings in this group of putties, except for the high cost.
  5. Oil putties for wood. In principle, this material is also suitable for any purpose, but it has one pronounced drawback - such putties dry for a very long time. But after drying, they acquire incredible strength and durability, which by itself compensates for this disadvantage.
  6. Plaster putty for wood. Her strong point is low cost. But at the same time, such wood leveling compounds are strong and durable. The only drawback of gypsum putties is poor resistance to moisture - if we are talking about leveling a wooden surface that will be used outdoors, then it is clearly not suitable for these purposes.

    Waterproof putty for wood photo

There are no other varieties of putties for wood, except for the homemade option, which, with the right approach to manufacturing, is quite capable of competing with the most expensive factory compositions of this type.

How to make wood putty with your own hands

There are several ways to make do-it-yourself wood putty yourself. All of them make it possible to produce a high quality composition, which in its characteristics is not much inferior to factory products of this type. The only "but" is the impossibility of preparing a large amount of putty. Consider in more detail the existing recipes for homemade putty.

And in conclusion of the topic, I will say a few words about the self-application of putties on wood, made by hand. In this respect, they can be called somewhat problematic, unless, of course, wood dust was used instead of sawdust. They are applied to the damaged areas as if with a tubercle and, after drying, they are simply cleaned, and then polished with sandpaper.

Basically, that's it. Now you know not only about what kind of wood putty is, but also how you can prepare it yourself. As they say, knowledgeable means armed, and now you can easily pick up exactly the putty that is necessary to achieve your goal.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

No matter how noble the wood looks in the finish, its strength is not as high as we would like it to be. Sooner or later, cracks, holes, and other defects become noticeable on the wood. The HomeMyHome editors will tell you what to do with this, telling about an excellent tool - wood putty. This is what will be discussed in our review today.

Good faithful remedy for hiding surface imperfections

The main function of this material is to hide defects. But, since the violations of the base are different, as are the types of wood, and the operating conditions of this or that product are also not similar to each other, there are also different types of putty mixtures. Let's get acquainted with their types in more detail.

Plaster based putties

As you know, gypsum is not friendly with moisture, therefore, in terms of strength and elasticity, the gypsum composition is inferior to other mixtures.

The advantages of gypsum compositions are in their vapor permeability, which will preserve the microclimate in the room, and the cost of the material is low in comparison with others.

If the question is, how to putty a wooden surface in a dry room, then you can safely buy a gypsum composition.

Acrylic wood putty

Acrylic putties are not afraid of moisture and temperature jumps, they are not afraid of mechanical stress either. This is ideal for flooring, but mixes can also be used outside the building.

Acrylic is highly elastic, it is a good wood filler for sealing deep defects, small cracks, wood pores. There is no shrinkage: as the mixture was applied, it remained so after drying.

Epoxy putty for wood

Epoxy is used to repair wooden surfaces: doors, window frames, columns, beams are restored with this mixture. The epoxy putty does not react to moisture and is a high strength inclusion once it has hardened.

In the composition of this material there are two elements that must be mixed before work: they allow the mass to quickly set. The surface with epoxy is easy to grind and paint, it does not scare it with water and chemical solvent.

But you should not apply the stain, the appearance of the treated area will be spoiled.

Oil-based glue putties

It is clear that the composition contains oils and solvents. The products are used to treat the surface of the facades of buildings before they are painted.

It is suitable for outdoor use due to its characteristics: water resistance and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Such a surface will not crack, will not crumble. Thanks to the manufacturers, you can find a mixture of the desired color, even with the ability to imitate a wooden texture.

Other varieties

Wood putty is safe for health if it contains no solvents. We are talking about an aqueous composition that can boast of plasticity and elasticity, as well as the absence of a pungent odor. Excess material is wiped off with a damp cloth.

It is a highly adherent compound and is therefore effective on a variety of substrates.

In addition, you can add that when finishing they use nitro-putty, glue, latex.

Leading manufacturers: tested by time and users

On the modern market, there is a wide range of good domestic and imported mixtures produced by eminent and reliable brands.

Wood putties from Tikkuril are in demand. This is a Finnish company offering its products at high prices, which are fully justified by the quality.

The firm "Lakra" is famous for its high-quality products. Their products are inexpensive, but the quality does not suffer from this.

Wood putty from the domestic manufacturer "Tex" is cheaper than many compositions from competitors, but the quality of the supplied products is quite at the level.

The manufacturers "VGT" and "Eurotex" are considered worthy of a good mention.

How to choose a putty for wood: do not waste money

How to putty wood, that is the question. We select suitable formulations for indoor and outdoor use.

Wood putty for outdoor use and its effect

For outdoor work, they prefer to use a heat and moisture resistant putty for wood. The walls of the building are exposed to alternating temperatures, atmospheric precipitation, and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in this case, compositions are considered not only with easy application, but also with elasticity.

Two-component epoxy putties based on petroleum resin, pigment additives, and plasticizers. These are mixtures that fill defects qualitatively and are resistant to deformation and destruction.

The oil mixture will hold back oils, chalk, water and plasticizers. For outdoor coverage, this is a fairly resistant material, durable and reliable. Those who are wondering how much wood putty dries should read the instructions directly on the container. The oily composition dries out for more than a day.

Wood putty for interior work

Not only walls are putty inside houses and apartments. It is a material for floors, ceilings, doors, allowing for the basic finishing of an element. Any putty must meet a number of requirements: plasticity, suitable consistency, strength, good adhesion to wood, gradual hardening and the elimination of cracks.

Deep defects are closed with epoxy, surfaces are smoothed. No special tools are required for the job, and sanding is easy and effortless. If you are faced with a dilemma of which wood filler to choose for the floor, then you should, first of all, think about epoxy.

Polymer compositions are universal, they mask seams, close deep cracks, perform finishing work for subsequent coatings with paints and varnishes. This is the very composition that is good for correcting defects on the frames, ceiling, door frame and the door itself. This composition is not used for working with the floor.

Waterproof mixes are intended for use in the bathroom and kitchen.

How putty materials are used

Let's consider the main areas of application of this material. This is the elimination of defects on the wooden floor, sealing all kinds of cracks, imitation of the texture of wood on the surface.

Wood floor putty

Putty for wooden floors should contain components that will not allow the material to quickly wear out from mechanical stress.

For the floor, water-based, pasty and gel-like compounds are suitable. If the product contains fiber, the durability of the finished coating is guaranteed.

The nitro-based putty will also be resistant. In the composition, you need to look for ether cellulose components, acetone,. Products with wood flour are distinguished by a high level of adhesion to any type of wood. Nitrospatters, for all their positive qualities, have a rather pungent odor.

Putty for wood: what to use to seal cracks

A small gap in a wooden floor is sealed either with a putty of a suitable color, or with a composition of any shade, followed by a primer and painting of the floor.

Acrylic means fill up gaps of 3-4 mm in size, you should not touch larger defects, the finished material will crumble and fall out.

The solvent-based product is well suited for patching cracks up to 1 cm, and it is even possible to repair defects on underfloor heating.

Oil compositions to eliminate narrow gaps should be mixed with chalk, and for wide flaws - with wood dust.

Imitation of wood from putty as a way to decorate the surface

A number of tools are required to make a wood simulation. You need to get a palette knife, a textured roller, a roller with a saw cut, a rubber spatula of several types, a stencil.

Acrylic, gypsum and silicone substrates are suitable for interior decoration.

Recipes for making do-it-yourself wood putty

If you wish, you can make a putty mixture with your own hands, which will not be inferior in quality to the purchased ones. It's all about good, quality ingredients.

The most popular component is crushed chalk, which must be mixed with PVA glue to a state of sour cream. It is permissible to add small sawdust.

The second method is to dilute the chalk with a water-soluble acrylic varnish. The paste should be moderately liquid.

Important! Homemade mixtures are not prepared in large volumes, and bumps and smudges are removed immediately.

What other materials are used for woodwork

In addition to puttying agents, other compounds are used for working with wood. Their list includes primer and plaster. Each tool has its own functions and characteristics.

Wood primer

The primer is a must-have material in many surface treatments. It is designed to hold substances together on different layers of the surface, which creates a waterproof varnish film. This is the protection of the tree from the negative effects of external factors.

Important! The primer significantly saves material consumption, and, therefore, finances.

But all this will only work if the primer is of high quality and suitable for woodworking. Soluble primer protects the material from deterioration, and waterproof from moisture.

Plaster for wood

The plaster protects the wood from decay, but the condition is to first coat the surface with antiseptic compounds, which must be completely dry.

A plastered wall resists the growth of mildew if the initial humidity threshold is less than 12%. The plaster protects the surface from termites and rodents.

With the help of wood putty, you can bring back to life old window frames, worn out parquet, other wooden products, prepare new items for further decorative finishing. Wood putty manufacturers offer us a large selection of these materials. Which one is better to choose - the decision is yours.

After all, the choice depends on many factors: where the material will be applied - outside or inside the room, what effect you expect to get on a wooden surface.

Advice: For external surfaces such a putty is necessary, which is peculiar to withstand the effects of moisture, sun, temperature changes outside. And for processing wood inside the house, there are no such strict requirements, but there are some peculiarities in use.

Choosing a putty for wood

When choosing a material for work, you need to be guided by the following characteristics of the putty:

  1. The degree of adhesion is the adhesion properties of the composition to the surface.
  2. Structure and consistency - the more elastic the material, the easier it is to work with it.
  3. Environmental Safety.
  4. Drying time - the faster the better.
  5. Uniform consistency will result in a better surface.

The purpose of wood putty for interior work is as follows:

  • Protects wood products from moisture, which helps to extend their service life.
  • The ability to hide existing defects, chips and irregularities on the surface.
  • After drying, the transparent layer of putty retains the appearance of the wood on the surface.
  • The flooring material removes all unevenness and protects it from dirt.

Varieties of putty

Consider what types of putties are in terms of component composition:

  1. Gypsum is perhaps one of the most popular putties due to its ease of use and its properties. This material is almost universal due to its plastic consistency, which allows excellent adhesion to the treated surface. This mixture is used for both starting treatment and finishing. Among the disadvantages can be called sensitivity to moisture, so it is not recommended to use it in rooms with high humidity and outdoors.
  2. Epoxy. It contains petroleum resins, organic solvents and plasticizers. Its main characteristics are resistance to water and chemicals, it does not have a pronounced odor. After drying, the surface treated with this composition can be sanded. The only drawback is that if the subsequent processing involves the use of a stain, then such a putty cannot be used.
  3. Oil mixture - this composition contains drying oil, chalk and varnish. Differs in good moisture resistance due to drying oil, which allows it to be used for processing facade walls, window frames. Of the minuses, one can name - a long drying time of the product after processing.
  4. Glue - based on PVA glue, drying oil and chalk. Allows you to work both indoors and outdoors. Differs in moisture resistance. Usually, timber structures are processed - doors, windows and other structures. Can be used for treating wooden surfaces, for example, in a bathroom, sauna or kitchen.
  5. Water-based - it is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and safety in use. Convenient when working: very plastic and elastic, without a strong odor, has high adhesion.
  6. Polymer putties are available in two types: acrylic and latex based. They are distinguished by excellent performance characteristics and therefore are popular. Although their price is much higher than the putties we have discussed above.

Do-it-yourself wood putty (video)

Which composition is better?

So, acrylic putties are used mainly for internal work, but it is also possible for external ones, under certain conditions. They are resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress. They are used for processing wooden floors, sealing flaws in linoleum.

The main technical characteristics are as follows:

  • The high elasticity of the mixture allows filling cracks and cracks of small sizes, it is often used to eliminate cracks in parquet boards.
  • After drying, it practically does not shrink, which allows you to maintain the shape of the surface using just one layer of putty.
  • Durability is ensured by observing the rules of surface operation.
  • Large assortment of colors and shades of wood.

Latex putties are a multi-component mixture. In its composition: latex, plasticizers, antiseptic additives, etc. They have practically no drawbacks and have excellent properties, do not have a pungent odor and do not crack after drying.

  1. Due to the plasticity of the mixture, it is easy to work with it.
  2. The ability to apply a thin layer due to its pliable structure.
  3. Does not shrink after drying, which will help to avoid cracking of the putty.
  4. Possesses excellent adhesion.

The disadvantages include sensitivity to low temperatures and a relatively high cost, which is justified by the result of the work. Wood putty is produced both in cans and in buckets and tubes of different sizes.

Using Ron's Alkyd Putty, prepare the wood surface for further painting or varnishing and enamel. The alkyd resins contained in the composition make the mixture elastic and viscous, which allows high-quality and easy surface coverage.

Acrylic-based putty contains pigments that allow you to obtain a shade close to the color of natural oak, birch, pine, beech, walnut. Its special formula of composition will allow treating various surfaces made of wood and chipboard and avoiding shrinkage of the mixture after drying.

Wherever you live, in an apartment or a private house, one day you will face the problem of repairing window frames, doors, floors. Of course, you can replace windows and doors with plastic ones, but natural wood is stylish. Moreover, it is now fashionable to leave window frames from the outside natural, only by covering them with decorative varnish. Of course, you can invite specialists, or you can repair everything yourself. And it's not even a matter of the cost of the work, simply done by yourself, it takes care of it more reverently and delivers a variety of emotions. Today our topic will be the renovation of wooden surfaces. Before renovating your windows and floors with paint or varnish, you need to prepare and putty them.

Wood putty can be done by yourself

Why is it necessary to putty wood products?

    Wood putty bridges large and small cracks, removes other defects on the surface.

    Forms a bonding layer between wood and coating (paint or varnish).

    Increases resistance to moisture, extending the life of the repaired wood surface.

    It is used for filler on natural wood and for processing various types of laminate, fiberboard and MDF coatings.

Wood putty may be required in case of cracks

Manufacturers of putty mixtures

Our stores offer the widest selection of all kinds of wood putty. These are mixtures of domestic and foreign manufacturers. They make a mixture of gray-white or wood-colored shades. Packaged in containers of various sizes. "Orion", "Perfect", "Extra", "Raduga" represent high-quality putty from our manufacturers. It is well applied, residues are easily removed with acetone or turpentine. They meet modern requirements and have an affordable price. There is a universal one for concrete and wood, for example “Tex”. But if the volume of work is small, then you can purchase a more expensive mixture of imported production. For example "Berger" is fire resistant. "Triora", "Tikkurila" - made in Finland, very pleasant to work with, but an order of magnitude higher in cost.

There are a large number of wood putties on the market, it will not be difficult to choose the right one

Variety of types of wood putty

Acrylic wood putty is used for leveling floor surfaces made of natural wood, laminate, chipboard, parquet, where there are small cracks and flaws. Elastic, gives a flat, smooth surface, resistant to water, chemicals, fire. The layer should not exceed 2 mm. It does not seal large cracks and needs to be refurbished frequently.

Polymer (latex) putty mixture. It is used for interior work, because it contains non-toxic components. Used for working on natural wood and laminate. Dries very quickly and is environmentally friendly.

Acrylic wood putty is used to level floor surfaces

Epoxy putty for wood. Its advantage is that it is resistant to moisture ingress. It is used for external filler (windows, doors). Feature of the mixture: the composition includes two components, mixed immediately before application. We read the instructions on the packaging. Another plus of this putty is that it is resistant to chemicals. Only after applying a layer of the mixture, it is impossible to treat the surface with a stain, which, when exposed, does not burn this putty, and bald spots (whitish spots) appear during further processing.

Moisture resistant epoxy putty

Oil mixture - its composition practically does not differ from home putty (chalk, drying oil, varnish). Resistant to water, increases the strength of surfaces, extending their service life, can be used for indoor and outdoor use. It dries for a long time.

Plaster putty. The long-known and most used mixture. Easy to prepare and cheap, afraid of moisture. Although it passes steam well, therefore, the frequency is used in kitchens.

Nitro putty for wood - it contains organic solvents, petroleum resin, etc. Waterproof, not afraid of chemicals, odorless. Does not shrink and cleans well when completely dry.

Wood oil putty can be used for interior and exterior use

Making wood putty for indoor and outdoor work with your own hands

When you need a very strong mixture or a large amount, then do-it-yourself wood putty is the most profitable option. There are several ways to prepare it. Consider the simplest and most popular, they include the available components.

  1. Add PVA glue to ordinary ground chalk. We mix this composition well, independently achieving the desired consistency. If you have very large gaps on your windowsill, then small sawdust is added. The mixture needs to stand for several hours for the sawdust to swell. Such a putty dries for a long time, but it is very durable and economical.
  2. We produce about the same by mixing ground chalk and water-soluble varnish. It can be diluted with water. And for outdoor work and in non-residential premises, you can use a composition of chalk and nitro lacquer (it has a specific smell and it is better not to use it in an enclosed space).
  3. The classic recipe for homemade wood putty: you need to take 280 g of regular linseed oil, turpentine oil 60 g, pumice powder 30 g, mix thoroughly, then add to this composition: gelatin 20 g, borax 2 g, ammonia 18 g, water 300 g. In a water bath, stirring all the time, bring it almost to a boil. When the mixture has cooled down, it is ready to use.

Now you know how to make wood plaster at home with your own hands. But a self-prepared mixture cannot be stored for a long time. After work, the leftovers must be disposed of.

We turn to the work itself on the putty of wooden surfaces. It consists of several stages.

Wood putty can be prepared by yourself

Operating procedure

The first stage is preparing the wooden surface for work. Before you prepare the room, free the surface to be treated and everything around. The window frame on the street does not require special preparations, but do not forget about safety when working at height. Need a second person for insurance. Put on a mask and gloves. What you are going to putty depends on how you will clean your wooden surface.

Before puttying, the wood needs to be prepared

Tools for preparatory work:

    metal spatula (helps to remove old paint from the surface);

    sandpaper (clean the surface);

    solvent (there are mixtures that corrode paint);

    building hair dryer (it is possible by heating the surface to facilitate the removal of the old coating);

    pliers - remove nails or staples, if any (otherwise, rust may appear after staining);

    brush (to apply the solvent);

    brush and kitchen sponge (for residual cleaning of the smallest particles and dust).

Before starting work, prepare all the tools you need

The second stage is the primer. In order to protect the wood from rotting and fungus, to improve the adhesion of the surface and the future coating (paint, varnish), it is necessary to prime it. There are special primers based on acrylic, alkyd or mineral base. We choose a mixture, based on that corresponds to the putty. For the process, we need the following tools:

    capacity (for primer);

    brush or roller (for application).

We carefully prime the entire surface to be painted with a brush or roller. We give time for everything to dry.

The tree needs to be primed to protect it from fungus

The main stage. Using a rubber spatula, apply the putty to the wooden surface with a primary layer of 2-3 mm. Let it dry. We clean the surface. We putty again, with a more liquid mixture. Layer thickness 1.5 mm. Putty on wood requires patience and dedication. But the efforts made will reward you with a perfectly glossy finish, ready for painting.


    rubber spatulas of various sizes (sold as a set)

    spray gun (applies liquid mixture on the parquet floor)

    sandpaper (sanding the surface)

Apply the putty with a rubber spatula

Little tricks

If the gap or crack is very large, it must be repaired with a mixture of sawdust. We use homemade wood putty. We prepare a mixture of chalk, PVA glue and small sawdust. Apply, dry and apply serpyanka (self-adhesive nylon mesh, sold in small bays 6-8 cm wide), apply the mixture with a layer of 2 mm. After drying - once again in a thin layer.

If the gap is too large, it should be repaired with sawdust.

In order for the colored puttying on wood to differ as little as possible from the color of the surface, we add a color scheme (a liquid coloring element, the amount of which will determine the color saturation of your mixture).

If the mixture is not suitable in color, you can add color to it

In old doors and window frames made of wood, cuttings of knots often rot. It is better to drill them out, fill them with wood glue or PVA. Insert the cut out wooden chopik and putty with a thin layer. Grind.

Wooden surfaces on the street are first treated with an antiseptic, impregnated with linseed oil. Apply the putty to the prepared surface. After drying, we grind. For coating we take varnish or paint.

Video: Wood putty

Wooden products, wooden houses and floors made from this natural material have always been popular. In fact, it is one of the first building materials in human history. Unfortunately, for all its advantages, wood is not characterized by high strength, and sometimes unsightly cracks and holes spoil all the beauty. Wood putty allows you to quickly mask any surface defects, returning it to its previous appearance.

Wood putty is used to hide all kinds of minor defects in wood, for example, cracks, cracks, voids, holes left over from nails, etc. There are several types of such decorative putty, depending on the composition. Also, manufacturers produce different shades of putties in order to match as closely as possible different types of wood (oak, cherry, walnut, pine, etc.)

Solvent-based putty

Solvent-based putty has been used for a long time in the woodworking industry by both amateurs and professional carpenters. This was the first type of putty, in the course of operation and experiments on which all other varieties were invented.

Solvent-based formulations are highly durable, but can be chemically unsafe and have an unpleasant odor. Another thing is water-based putties.

Water based putty

Water-based putty is completely safe for humans, animals and the environment. They are very easy to use, flexible and practically odorless. To remove excess water putty, you do not need to scrub them with turpentine or acetone, as is the case with its "progenitor" - just wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Unlike compositions based on solvents, water putty dries up in a can much more slowly, therefore, it has a longer shelf life after breaking the tightness of the package. High adhesive properties allow applying the putty even on a polished surface.

Characteristics of water-based putty:

  • effectively hides defects;
  • can be used for grouting floorboards;
  • does not emit harmful chemicals, even when heated;
  • impervious to moisture;
  • durable;
  • resistant to temperature extremes, moreover, the putty can protect wood from fire;
  • high elasticity allows you to simulate any surface texture.

All of the above characteristics appear only after the composition has completely solidified and in the case of correct application.

Oil based putty

If you need an external wood putty, purchase only oil. It is perfect for treating facades before painting. It has a powerful water-repellent effect and easily tolerates adverse climatic conditions. Any other composition will quickly crack and crumble.

The abundance of different shades allows you to choose the plaster by color and leave the natural texture of the wood without overlapping it with paint.

Oil plaster for outdoor use is produced in containers weighing from 0.5 kg to 15 kg, which is very convenient if you need to process a large facade.

Polymer putty

Polymer or acrylic putty is very popular today and is used for almost any construction or renovation work. This is due to its impeccable performance characteristics - durability, elasticity, lack of shrinkage, etc.

Due to the presence of polymers and plasticizers in the composition, the putty can be used both for finishing dry rooms and damp ones (kitchen, bathroom, sauna). It is able not only to repel moisture and tolerate temperature changes, but also to withstand heavy loads. For this reason, the polymer putty is ideal for working with wooden floors (parquet, solid board).

Characteristics of acrylic wood putty:

  1. High elasticity - the mixture fills even the smallest cracks and voids, it can be used to plug the joints of the boards in the parquet.
  2. No shrinkage - unlike other types, it is enough to apply the putty once, and it will retain its shape after drying.
  3. Durability - depending on the operating conditions, the coating can last from 3 to 10 years or longer.
  4. The price of polymer-based putty on wood is noticeably higher than oil or water, but the amount will pay off in the first years of use - when other putties crack and crumble, the polymer will serve for many years.
  5. Wide color palette.
  6. Environmentally friendly (can be used in sanitary areas).
  7. Reduces dust build-up.
  8. Freezes quickly.

How to choose a putty

Agree, it is completely unacceptable to think that the entire range of wood putties will be equivalent to each other, be it solvents, polymers, or a water base. A good putty should fill all cracks, harden quickly and not shrink. Also, it should be easy to grind and not squeeze over time. How to buy wood putty of decent quality and most suitable for a certain type of work?

If you have to work with porous or fibrous types of wood, for example, beech, oak or walnut, then it is better to give preference to self-leveling putties. They are evenly distributed over the surface, filling the pores and practically not hiding the natural beauty of the wood texture. Such compounds are usually used before varnishing parquet or countertops.

With the help of putty, you can get interesting decorative effects, regardless of the type of wood you are working with. So, to highlight the beautiful porosity of the wood, use a putty in a contrasting color or shade of the topcoat. If you want to focus on the beautiful fibers of the material, choose the color of the putty that best matches the finish coat. Today in the Russian market the most popular is Tikkurila wood putty.

Helpful hint: Before applying, be sure to check how the putty will look. Spread a little on an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating and wait until it dries. For example, fibers from certain wood species can rise when in contact with wet compounds. In this case, it is recommended to replace the water-based putty with a solvent-based putty.

How to get the most successful result:

  1. Test on a separate piece of wood before tackling an expensive countertop or restoring an antique cabinet. Pay attention to all the details: pore filling, drying rate, shrinkage and ease of sanding.
  2. Buy several shades of putty - rarely anyone is able to "by eye" determine the exact shade, especially since after drying, the putty may turn out to be slightly lighter or darker. It is often necessary to mix several colors of the putty by hand to achieve the optimal effect.
  3. Choose a putty of suitable thickness - water formulations are thicker and contact well with any surface, unlike solvent-based putties. If you do not need to fill voids in wood very tightly, as is the case with solvent-based putties, choose polymer or water-based compounds.
    Keep in mind that water putties dry for a long time - first, a film appears on the surface, which inhibits moisture evaporation. For this reason, to fill deep cracks, it is better to use a solvent-based filler, and apply it in several layers, each of which is sanded before applying the next.
  4. Be sure to take into account the location of the surface to be treated. If this is outdoor work, then only oil putty can be used - water putty will not withstand the effects of the environment.

Wood floor putty

It is possible to start puttying the floor covering both during the installation of a new floor, and in the case of repairing the old one. If you notice that there are gaps in the parquet, quickly fill them with a filler that matches the color.

If we are talking about installing a new floor covering, take the same parquet, then before finishing with varnish it must be putty all over the area. So the base will acquire integrity, become smooth, waterproof and as even as possible, and the varnish will better “grab” the coating. In this case, the putty is applied with a spatula in small doses, carefully treating each crack.

Putty application rules

In order for the treated coating to be as natural as possible, certain conditions must be observed when working with plaster:

  1. It is possible to cover up cracks in a tree on the street at a temperature not lower than + 5C, otherwise the composition will be too viscous and will not be able to fill all the cracks with high quality. At the same time, the air humidity should be no more than 75%.
  2. The surface to be treated should be prepared - clean the voids that will be filled with putty, brush off the dust with a damp cloth, remove the old paintwork if necessary and sand it with sandpaper.
  3. Apply the filler with a plastic trowel or stainless steel trowel.
  4. If it is necessary to fill a deep crack larger than 1 cm, it is recommended to do it in several layers, allowing each previous one to dry thoroughly. In this case, the thickness of each layer should not be higher than 2-3 mm. Drying time depends on the composition of the putty (see instructions on the package).

Putty for painting

Contrary to popular belief, paint does not mask, but, on the contrary, even more focuses on wood defects (remember at least the awkwardly painted benches under each entrance). That is why a putty for painting wood is used.

To obtain an even, beautiful coating, it is extremely important to follow the technology of wood preparation and putty application:

  1. Remove old paintwork, if any.
  2. Sand the surface thoroughly first with # 3 sandpaper, then # 1 or # 0.
  3. Bare, untreated wood should be coated with linseed oil.
  4. Wipe the sanded surface with a damp cloth to allow the fibers to rise, then sand again.
  5. Brush off dust and putty on joints, crevices and holes.
  6. Wait until the putty dries, prime the surface and sand again lightly so that there is better adhesion to the paint.
  7. Wipe with a dry cloth and start painting.

How to remove old paint from wood

If you want to renovate an old door or modernize a wardrobe, you need to remove the old paintwork. In most cases, especially when it comes to painting from the times of the USSR, the paint holds very firmly. If the pigment layer is thin, try sanding it off, if not, use one of the methods below.

How to remove paint:

DIY wood putty

You can buy wood putty at any hardware store, but you can do it yourself, especially when it comes to large volumes. Making it is quite simple, and you will need completely ordinary materials that every owner can find.

In addition, once you have mastered the recipe, you can vary the dosage of the ingredients, reducing the setting time or increasing the strength of the composition.

What ingredients are required to make homemade wood putty:

  • drying oil - 500 ml;
  • animal glue 10% - 100 ml;
  • turpentine - 125 ml;
  • liquid desiccant - 25 ml;
  • liquid soap;
  • dry chalk powder.

If you need a large amount of putty, increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

How to prepare a putty:

  1. Pour animal glue into an aluminum pan and heat over low heat, stirring continuously.
  2. Add soap, desiccant, turpentine and drying oil, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Sift chalk into a saucepan.
  4. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream.
  5. The only drawback is that it is necessary to apply such a putty hot, therefore difficulties may arise with large volumes.

Alternative recipe for wood putty:

If you need to putty a very deep hole, for example, behind a skirting board, it is better to use polyurethane foam to fill in most of the space, and cover it with a putty of a suitable color on top.

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