Encyclopedia of fire safety

Heating in a private two-story house with their own hands. Schemes of heating systems of a two-story house. Heating scheme of a private house with natural circulation

Before every homeowner who has made the decision to do the right heating in his two-story house, initially the question arises of choosing the type of system. There are several options for traditional and new schemes, but in order to choose one of them, you need to understand the essence of the issue a little. The purpose of this article is precisely to consider what the heating scheme is. two storey building, reveal the pros and cons of each type of system.

Single pipe or double pipe?

As the name implies, these systems differ in the number main pipelines supplying coolant to radiators. In a single-pipe scheme, all battery connections are connected to one common pipeline, which is both supply and return. A prime example such a system is considered the famous "Leningrad", shown below in the figure:

With the apparent ease of installation and savings in materials, a single-pipe system has one serious drawback. Since each battery discharges cooled water into a common line, the coolant comes to the next radiator with a lower temperature, and so on, until the end of the branch. Because of this, the very last heater may be barely warm. What does it mean?

The room still needs to be heated, which means that you will have to increase the heat transfer of the battery, that is, increase the number of sections. It turns out that we saved on pipes and fittings, but spent money on additional sections. Add to this the difficulties with regulation in two-story houses and the impossibility of natural circulation.

The disadvantage of a two-pipe system is only that its assembly requires more materials, since in this case the supply and return manifolds are separated. That is, the coolant comes to all batteries through one pipe, and leaves through another. This scheme of the heating system of a private house has many advantages, and therefore is the most popular. This is a reason to opt for a two-pipe system.

Types of two-pipe systems

Currently, the following types of two-pipe schemes are used in private housing construction:

Each of the above systems has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that determine its scope. Consider all the schemes in order and reveal their features.

Natural circulation system

The principle of its operation is based on the convective movement of water. The hot coolant leaving the boiler has a lower density and weight than the cooled water coming through the return line. The latter tends to sink down and displace the lighter heated coolant. Due to this, natural circulation occurs. For normal operation system requires the fulfillment of several conditions:

  • due to the low velocity of the liquid, the diameters of the pipes must be increased to ensure the necessary flow of the coolant;
  • the difference in densities and masses of water with different temperatures is small, therefore, a heating circuit with natural circulation should be mounted with large slopes of horizontal sections;
  • the pipeline network is under natural pressure, it is unacceptable to create excess pressure, otherwise the flow of fluid will stop. This means that the expansion tank can only be of an open type and must be installed above the entire system;
  • to withstand all slopes, the boiler often has to be placed in a small depression.

What does such a heating distribution scheme give us in a two-story house, where compliance with all conditions requires careful calculations and leads to a large consumption of materials and installation complexity? The answer is simple: a gravitational circuit that functions in conjunction with conventional solid fuel or gas boiler, makes the water heating of a two-story house independent of electricity. Sometimes it's very important factor, for example, in areas with unreliable power supply. This is the scope of gravity systems.

Forced circulation system

Here, the movement of the coolant through the pipeline network occurs due to the operation of the circulation pump, which creates excess pressure in it. The introduction of a pumping device into the circuit made it possible to achieve the following advantages:

  • reduction of pipe diameters. The fluid flow rate has increased, and now a smaller flow area of ​​pipes can be used to ensure the required flow;
  • improving work efficiency. If the heating scheme with forced circulation is designed correctly, then water with high temperature successfully reach both the nearest and the farthest radiators;
  • pipes can be laid in the most convenient way, which plays a huge role in interior design issues. The lion's share of highways can be hidden using boxes or floor and wall structures;
  • convenience and comfort in use. The fact is that forced circulation makes it possible to implement any projects to automate maintaining the climate in the house;
  • economy in energy consumption. The conclusion follows from the previous paragraph, since automation allows you to heat the premises according to the daily schedule at a time when there are people there;
  • the system is easily adjustable.

Note. In two-story houses where old scheme with natural circulation, you can always put a pump. This modernization will make it possible to realize, if not all, then the main advantages of the pressure system.

Installation of a circuit with artificial inducement is laborious, but relatively simple, it can be easily done by hand. Take at least an expansion tank of a membrane type, which does not need to be placed in the attic, and even control the water level, as with gravity. Its place is in the furnace room, near the boiler.

by the most significant disadvantage scheme is its volatility. One has only to turn off the two-story house from the electricity, and after a while the heat in the rooms is gone. The ways to eliminate the disadvantage, although simple, are costly: the purchase and use of an electric generator or, at worst, an uninterruptible power supply.

As for the allegedly high cost of materials, we have already discussed this issue, speaking of a one-pipe system. Although it should be noted that the cost depends on the number of control valves and automation tools included in the heating project. In the budget version, the assembly of the circuit will cost a little more than a single-pipe one.

Collector heating system

This is one of the new trends in the field of heating private houses, which appeared relatively recently and originated from two-pipe pressure systems. Only in contrast to them, the collector heating system of a two-story house has many branches converging to one center - the distribution manifold. The circuit resembles a set of rays diverging in all directions, with a distributor inside, as shown in the figure:

As you can see, the radiant heating system provides for a separate connection of each radiator to a manifold directly connected to the boiler. In this case, the "beams" are completely hidden in the floor structure, and the distributor is built into the wall inside a special cabinet. Only the connections to the batteries remain in sight, and even a branch coming from the boiler.

It is unnecessary to convince someone that the collector heating scheme in a two-story dwelling is the most efficient of all. Each radiator is powered separately, they do not affect each other. Adjustment and automation can be implemented in any way. The rosy picture is spoiled by only one circumstance - the high cost. This fact is also well understood at one glance at the diagram. There is also a disadvantage that has been inherited - dependence on electricity.

Heating scheme with a double-circuit boiler

In fact, the heating scheme of a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler is no different from a conventional two-pipe system. The problem is somewhat far-fetched and its solution does not depend on heating networks in any way. The crux of the matter is that the double-circuit boiler is disconnected from the system during water heating and deals exclusively with hot water. If it takes a long time, then the building starts to cool down and it becomes cool inside.

A similar situation is a consequence of an incorrect selection of the boiler power, the installation of heating has nothing to do with it. The power of the heat generator should be determined taking into account the heating of water at the DHW. If this has not been done and the boiler has already been installed, then there is only one way out - to reduce the temperature of water heating and use it sparingly.

What is the best heating system for a two-story house?

The answer to the question depends on individual conditions and wishes. If you want not to depend on electricity, you will have to make a gravity system with all its shortcomings. When there is a desire and opportunity to build an efficient and economical scheme, then a system with a collector connection is at your service.

In practice, heating distribution in two-story houses is most often two-pipe with forced circulation. In terms of cost and effectiveness, this optimal solution, it allows you to realize a lot of opportunities and economically heat your home, incurring medium-sized costs. Yes and for self assembly this scheme is quite convenient.

During the construction process and long before the foundation is laid, many issues related to heating arise. Every owner wants to achieve positive results by following the path of least resistance.

Scheme with natural circulation

Considering a private 2-storey house, you can pay attention to the system, which involves the natural circulation of water. The choice of drawing will depend on the layout and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building. But the most widespread and familiar for country houses and summer cottages is just such a scheme. It is not much different from the one used in the arrangement of heating systems for one-story buildings.

When choosing such heating schemes for a private 2-storey house, you should remember about the wiring features, which provide for the need to choose a place for installing an expansion tank. There is no need to place it in the attic, you can limit yourself to the second floor. The tank can be anywhere. Of course, this should be the highest point in the room. The master must ensure the possibility of discharging water. If you use a similar method of devices, then the liquid will flow from above. Thanks to this, the heating of the radiators will be uniform, as regards heated rooms.

In order to direct the movement of water, the pipes are located at a slight angle of 3-5 degrees. The diameter of the return pipeline should increase as it approaches the boiler equipment. If just such heating schemes for a private 2-storey house are used, then the supply pipeline can be placed under ordinary window sills or ceilings.

Advantages of a natural circulation heating scheme

Important before starting installation work consider the advantages of the scheme described above. There are enough of them. First of all, I want to note the reliability of the design. In addition, among the positive aspects, ease of operation, quiet operation, and independence from the supply of electricity should be highlighted.

Scheme Disadvantages

If you decide to use the above-described heating project for a 2-storey private house, then you should also remember the disadvantages, which in this case are much more than the pros. First of all, it is worth highlighting the complexity of installation work and the need to lay pipes with a slope. Among other things, the heated area will be small. The system will not have enough pressure to heat the house if its area is more than 130 square meters.

You should also be aware of low efficiency and a significant temperature difference between return and supply. The latter circumstance negatively affects the operation of boiler equipment. Internal surfaces systems will be subject to corrosion, since oxygen will be present in the coolant. Home owners need to constantly monitor the condition of the evaporating water, which implies the need to add it. As a result, scale may form on the pipes. The use of antifreeze is unacceptable for the same reason. As another drawback, it is worth highlighting the significant material consumption of the system.

Varieties of schemes with forced circulation

Do-it-yourself heating of a private 2 can also be arranged according to the principle of a system operating due to forced circulation of water. According to professionals, the following schemes will be the easiest to install: single-pipe, two-pipe and manifold. First, let's analyze the first type.

made by hand

When using this scheme, the movement of the coolant will be divided into two branches heating appliances. One of them goes to the first floor, while the other - to the second. On each floor at the inlet of the pipe is installed shut-off valves. It will heat only half of the rooms. After the pipes with the coolant pass through the heating devices, they will be combined into one system that will fit the boiler equipment. The batteries on each floor will be connected according to the same method that is used in the conditions of one-story buildings.

If you have chosen the heating scheme described above for a 2-storey private house, shut-off valves must be installed at the inlet of each heater. This is necessary to adjust the heating level of the radiator and balance the system. Shut-off valves are installed at the outlet of the batteries, which is used to turn off the radiator during repair and replacement. If you use such a connection scheme, then it will be possible to change heating devices without stopping the system and without draining the water. To release air, a valve is installed on each battery in the upper part.

Such a heating scheme for a 2-storey private house involves the installation of batteries with a bypass line. This improves the uniformity of the heating of the building. It is possible to install heaters without a bypass. In this case, radiators of different thermal power should be installed in the house, taking into account the loss of water cooling. This indicates that the farther the battery is from the boiler, the more sections it should have. If you neglect this rule, then it will be hot in some rooms, and cold in others.

Heating scheme without shutoff valves

When a do-it-yourself heating system of a private 2-storey house is being installed, stop valves may not be used. Rather, it can be used in smaller quantities. However, under such conditions, maneuverability will be reduced. In this case, there is no need to talk about separate heating of the second and first floors.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a single-pipe heating system

Using such heating schemes for a private 2-storey house, you ensure ease of installation. At the same time, homeowners receive efficient heat transfer, as well as savings on materials. Among the disadvantages of the heating scheme, one can single out the uneven distribution of heat over the radiators and the need to balance the system. However, all these shortcomings are completely devoid of a two-pipe system, which works due to the forced circulation of water.

Forced circulation circuit

Two-pipe system with forced circulation guarantees uniform distribution heat. It is effective and is sometimes compared to the human circulatory system. In it, the coolant is supplied to each radiator through a branch coming from a common supply pipe. The presence of a branch is also provided in the return pipeline of each radiator.

Batteries are installed with an air outlet device and shut-off valves at the supply. This allows you to change the heating level of the heater. In order to increase safety and eliminate excess pressure in the radiator, at the outlet from the battery return pipe check valve is not installed. A supply pipe can be laid under the windowsill or ceiling. It is perfectly acceptable to equip such a heating of a private 2-storey house with your own hands. The schemes presented in the article will allow you to carry out these works without resorting to the help of specialists.

The main disadvantage of the two-pipe system is the high material consumption. For return and supply pipes will be needed in duplicate. Among other things, they are difficult to decorate, and it is not always possible to hide them, which spoils the interior of the premises. All of the above disadvantages are completely devoid of a collector circuit.

Description of the collector circuit

Such a system can be successfully used for a one-story or two-story house. It functions due to the forced movement of water, which is previously supplied to the collector. In this case, each heater must be connected through a shut-off valve to the collector. In the role of advantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of dismantling and installing radiators on a working system, from which it will not be necessary to drain the coolant and stop it.

The system is easy to manage. Each circuit is independent and is connected to a separate automatic control system with its own circulation pump. In tandem with this heating system, you can use a warm floor. Pipes are laid in a raised floor, and are also located in a separate cabinet. Such heating of a private 2-storey house can be easily installed with your own hands. Schemes, photos of such drawings can be found in the article.

Recommendations for installing heating appliances in a two-story house

If you want to ensure uniform distribution of heat throughout the home, then it is important to correctly calculate the length of the main line, take into account the level of insulation of the house, as well as the presence of window and doorways. Heating efficiency will also depend on the correct placement heating equipment, this primarily applies to radiators. The battery should be located under the window, and the warm air rising above it will block the cold masses from the window. In this way, you will be able to eliminate cold air zones. When the heating system of a private 2-storey house is being equipped with your own hands, it is important to think about such premises as the boiler room, entrance hall and corridor. For them, one kilowatt of thermal power per 10 square meters will be enough.

For the bathroom, kitchen and hall, 1.2 kilowatts per 10 square meters will be needed. For the nursery and bedroom, the level of thermal power should be increased to 1.5 kilowatts for the same area. The thermal efficiency will depend on the ceilings, floor and wall material. In order to reduce costs, as well as ensure optimal heating in each room, you should use thermal regulators. The material of the battery will influence the system parameters. Today, aluminum batteries are the best option. Bimetallic radiators are distinguished by high parameters, however, you will have to pay more for them.

If you know that the heating system has enough low quality water, then you should not use aluminum radiators, which are most sensitive to aggressive conditions. Hard or contaminated water will also affect equipment longevity and system performance. But steel and cast iron batteries will last much longer. These factors do not have a negative impact on them.

Piping material

The heating system of a 2-storey private house should be equipped using a high-quality pipeline. Modern technologies are almost never used metal pipes, since corrosion processes are the reasons for the failure of such products. Considering that autonomous systems use less pressure of the working fluid, it is better to use a plastic pipeline.

To ensure warmth and comfort in a two-story house, you need to correctly determine the heating scheme for a two-story house. The heating system is the most important engineering life support system for any home. Its purpose is to compensate for heat losses and create a certain temperature regime, which is needed primarily for people living in the house, but one should not underestimate the factor that efficient system heating is designed to ensure, among other things, the stability and durability of building structures.

It is better to entrust the calculation and design to heating engineers, who will evaluate heat losses, give recommendations on home insulation, and also make a detailed calculation, which will avoid unnecessary expenses for expensive equipment. But the choice of a heating scheme for a two-story house can be made by the customer himself, based on years of experience functioning.

Heating classification

Types of thermal energy sources - heat generators

Before choosing one or another heating scheme, it is useful to know already existing species and which of them is suitable for a particular problem to be solved. It is known that the main source of heat are various types of heat generators, which can be:

  • Stoves and fireplaces. This type of heating was once the main one, but is now used less and less due to the high cost of fuel (wood and coal) and the inability to effectively control the temperature in the house. In some regions where there is no gas supply, this type of heating is a non-alternative choice.

  • Various types of heating boilers, which can be: gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel, electric, depending on the availability of access to various energy sources and their cost.
  • Alternative energy sources. This category includes: geothermal energy, received, as well as solar, which is converted into thermal solar collectors. This type of heating is in the stage of rapid development and is still rarely used in our country due to high prices for equipment.

Future perspective - energy-independent houses
  • Infrared heating. Heat sources are special infrared emitters which are used in most cases electrical energy. Thermal energy with such heating is delivered directly to the "addressee" by radiation. For heating large rooms or premises with a small frequency of appearance of people in them infrared heating would be a great choice.

In some situations, it will be reasonable to combine different types of heat generators for heating. For example, if there is country house where the family comes only for the weekend. In this case, it would be wise to have a gas boiler for the main heating and an electric one to prevent the water in the system from freezing in winter and to maintain the minimum allowable temperature in the house.

Types of coolants

Any heating system must transfer the heat concentrated in the heat generator to the heat device that heats a particular room. This is done using a coolant, which can be:

  • Air used for heating stoves, fireplaces, and various electric heaters. Due to the fact that air has a low density, heat capacity and heat transfer coefficient, it is much inferior to liquid heat carriers.
  • Water is an almost ideal heat carrier due to the fact that it has a high heat capacity, density, heat transfer coefficient, and chemical inertness. Water heated by a heating boiler is transported to thermal appliances using a piping system.

In most modern heating systems, water or various antifreezes, which are aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, or their combinations, are used as a coolant. Such a property as resistance to non-freezing at low temperatures can be useful in heating systems of such houses, where people are not planned to live permanently in winter time. In those houses where the heating will work all winter, the use of antifreeze is not economically feasible.

Various antifreezes do not get along well with aluminum radiators, some seals and pipes. In addition, coolants containing ethylene glycol are poisonous. Therefore, it is necessary to use such compositions only in cases where it is simply impossible to do without them.

Types of heating devices

Heating appliances can be divided into two main classes:

  • Radiators - translated from Latin, they are translated as "emitter", that is, a device that transmits heat in the form of infrared thermal radiation. However, modern radiators are not purely radiators, but also transfer part of the heat in the form of convection, but they have retained their name.
  • Convectors - the transfer of thermal energy to the room occurs due to the heating of the air, and it already gives it to all surrounding objects. Such heaters have copper (rarely steel) tubes surrounded by finned heat exchangers. The air entering the heat exchanger is heated by its plates and rises, giving way to a colder one. In order for the air exchange to be efficient, the entire design of the convector is placed in a special casing.

In modern systems, such a heating method as “warm floor” or “ warm walls”, which are essentially a large radiator that transfers the “lion's share” of heat in the form of radiation, which increases comfort and allows you to reduce the air temperature in the room by about 2 degrees, which leads to fuel savings of about 12%.

Types of heating radiators

In the heating system of a two-story house, completely different ones can be used, depending on the tasks being solved, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, design data, and preferences. Radiators can be divided into several types:

  • Cast iron sectional radiators are those that we are used to seeing in apartments and houses of old construction. They have a large mass and high thermal inertia, but they are undemanding to the quality of the coolant, are not subject to corrosion, and have a high heat transfer. Such radiators fit perfectly into any interior, especially classic.

Cast iron sectional radiators - timeless classics
  • Aluminum sectional radiators are an excellent choice for autonomous heating systems, but they are more sensitive to the quality of the coolant and do not tolerate direct contact with copper pipes. Such radiators fit perfectly into any interiors.

  • Bimetal sectional radiators are a combination of steel or copper tubes through which the coolant circulates and an aluminum surface that releases heat into the room. Such radiators are undemanding to the coolant, withstand high operating pressure, outwardly they are practically indistinguishable from aluminum ones.
  • Steel is one piece construction from stamped and welded sheet steel. Such radiators have only two threaded connections to the heating system, which increases their reliability. High heat dissipation, low weight, low inertia, aesthetic appearance - all this made them the most popular in autonomous closed systems home heating.

In addition to the listed models, manufacturers also produce various designer models, which include solid cast iron, steel tubular and even ceramic. The high price of these devices is explained by the fact that design ambitions in them prevail over engineering rationality.

Prices for popular models of heating radiators

Heating radiators

Heating schemes for a two-story house

The number of implementations of the heating system of a two-story house is infinite, as it depends on many factors: the size of the house, the availability of uninterrupted power supply, the permanence of people living in the house, etc. Therefore, it would be reasonable to consider several typical schemes that have proven to be effective.

Scheme of heating a house with natural circulation

The name of such a system speaks for itself - the circulation of the coolant in the heating system occurs due to natural natural processes. The operation of such a system can be seen in the figure.

The water heated in the boiler heat exchanger decreases in density and is displaced by colder and denser return water. It is this weight difference between hot and chilled water that circulates in the heating system. At the highest point of the riser hot water an expansion tank is equipped, which allows the water to expand when heated, allows you to control the water level in the system and, if necessary, make recharge. In addition, all the air that will inevitably be present in the system will go into the expansion tank.

The distributing pipelines and return lines, also called loungers, are always made under slopes to facilitate the circulation of water: the upper lounger to the radiators, and the lower one to the boiler. In such a system, the boiler must be at the lowest point. The coolant is supplied to the radiators through the hot water risers, and the cooled water is drained through the return risers.

One of the options for implementing a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house with natural circulation is shown in the following diagram.

In this scheme, attention should be paid to a large number of pipelines and their high conditional passage - du. This is explained by the fact that in gravity systems, in order to ensure the circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to minimize the resistance, and this is possible only in pipes of large diameters.

Natural circulation systems naturally have the following advantages:

  • Independence from power supply - the heating system will work both in the complete absence of electricity, and in case of interruptions in its supply.
  • The reliability and simplicity proved by many years of operation.
  • The absence of pumps and the low circulation rate of the coolant make such a system silent.

Despite all the advantages, such systems are gradually becoming a thing of the past, as they no longer meet modern requirements to heating systems.

  • Gravity systems are extremely material-intensive - steel pipes of large diameters are used for their installation.
  • Installation of heating systems with steel pipes technologically complex and time consuming.
  • Systems with natural circulation have limitations on the area of ​​heated rooms. According to experts, the total length of horizontal sections (sunbeds) should not exceed 40 meters, and the total area of ​​150 m2.
  • High inertia - it can take several hours from the moment the system is started to warm up all the radiators to the design temperature.
  • A large difference in flow and return temperatures can adversely affect the boiler heat exchanger.
  • The coolant of gravity systems contains a large amount of dissolved oxygen, which affects the corrosion of pipes and radiators, so only cast-iron or bimetallic radiators can be used in such systems.

Forced circulation heating systems

Almost all modern heating systems use only forced (artificial) circulation of the coolant, which gives significant advantages:

  • Usage circulation pumps helps to heat any area with any number of storeys of the building.
  • The diameter of the pipes can be much smaller, since the pump allows the coolant to be pumped at a higher speed.
  • The use of circulation pumps makes it possible to reduce the temperature in heating systems with the same heat transfer parameters of radiators, and this, in turn, allows the use of cheaper polymer and metal-plastic pipes.
  • Possibility of both general and zone regulation in heating systems.

The disadvantages of forced circulation systems are:

  • Dependence on electricity, which is easily solved by the presence of uninterruptible power supplies or generators.
  • More high noise operation of the heating system, but with the correct calculation, it is not heard by the human ear in heated rooms.

The circulation pump is usually inserted into the heating system on the return line in front of the boiler, since this is the place where the coolant temperature is lowest.

For forced circulation to work correctly, the selected pump model must match the parameters of the system. Exists special technique calculation of key characteristics - productivity and generated pressure. In order not to bore the reader with formulas, we suggest using the built-in calculators.

Pump Performance Calculator

Enter the requested values ​​and click the "CALCULATE" button

Specify the power of the heating boiler

Convert to watts

Specify the type of heat exchange devices

Heat capacity coefficient of water

Density of water

Calculator for calculating the generated coolant pressure

Enter the requested data and click the "CALCULATE" button

Specify the total length of the pipes of the circuits (supply + return)

Specify the type of shut-off and control valves used

Pipe resistance

Prices for circulation pumps

Circulation pump

One-pipe heating system of a two-story house

In single pipe systems autonomous heating both natural circulation of the coolant and forced circulation can be used. The heat carrier from the boiler goes to the supply riser, and then it is divided into two floors into deck chairs, to which heating radiators are connected in series.

Single pipe system heating - reliable, but outdated

Obviously, after each of the radiators, the temperature in the pipeline will decrease, and this must be taken into account in the calculations. The advantages of such a system are:

  • Pipe consumption during the installation of such a system is minimal.
  • The possibility of implementing a system with natural circulation. For example, during a power outage, you can close the pump using the bypass jumper, and the system will continue to function, albeit with less efficiency.
  • Installation time and cost are lower than other systems.

The disadvantages of single-pipe wiring are:

  • The complexity of adjusting and configuring the system.
  • To remove one individual radiator, you need to stop the entire system.

Video: Single-pipe heating system, its advantages and disadvantages

Two-pipe autonomous heating system

Requirements to modern systems heating systems involve fine adjustment of both the entire system as a whole and each part separately, which allows you to control the microclimate in the premises, as well as save energy. And it is precisely the two-pipe heating system that gives such an opportunity.

In such systems, there are two separate pipelines: supply and return, and heating radiators are connected to them in parallel. Let's consider the operation of such a system with an example. The heat carrier heated in the boiler is de-aired by an automatic valve (2) and enters a vertical riser, which is divided into horizontal sections of the first and second floors. The return pipeline is connected to the corresponding boiler inlet and, similarly to the supply pipeline, is divided into two floors.

On the return line in front of the boiler are located:

  • Safety valve (11) to relieve excess pressure in the system. The operating pressure in closed heating systems is 1-3 bar.
  • Circulation pump (9), maintaining the coolant current at a given speed, with its piping fittings (7, 8).
  • Diaphragm expansion tank, which compensates for the expansion of the coolant and maintains a constant pressure in the system.

Radiators (4) are connected in parallel to the supply and return pipelines, and it is best to make the connection exactly as shown in the figure: make the supply at the upper point, and the return at the lower diagonal - with such a scheme, the most uniform heating occurs and, accordingly, better heat transfer.

Opportunity self adjustment each radiator individually is provided with a special thermostatic valve (3), which, depending on the air temperature in the room, can limit or completely block the flow of the coolant through the radiator. However, this will not affect the operation of the system as a whole. In order for the radiators not to interfere with each other's work, to provide approximately equal resistance to the flow of coolant through them, balancing valves (5) are installed at their outlet, with the help of which the entire heating system is adjusted.

Two-pipe autonomous system heating has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The coolant enters each radiator at the same temperature.
  • Less losses in the system allow the use of less powerful circulation pumps.
  • To the supply and return pipelines of a two-pipe system, completely different thermal appliances: radiators, convectors, fan coil units, "warm floor" system with its own collector and pump group.
  • Repair or adjustment of each individual node does not affect the operation as a whole.

The disadvantages of the two-pipe system are the high material consumption, which affects the cost and complexity, and this can affect reliability with illiterate calculation and installation.

Two-pipe options

Two-pipe heating systems have many implementation options. The axonometric diagram shows the three most used cases of wiring two-pipe heating systems.

  • Two-pipe dead-end piping, presented on the conditional first floor of the scheme. In such a system, the direct and return pipelines are mounted side by side, parallel to each other, up to the last radiator of the branch. The diameters of the supply and return pipes decrease as they approach the dead-end radiator. With this connection method, system configuration is required using balancing valves so that the radiators located closer to the boiler do not close the coolant flow through themselves.
  • Two-pipe counter piping is presented on the conditional second floor of the diagram. In this connection method, the direct pipeline approaches the radiator from one side, and the return from the other. This allows you to stabilize the coolant flow and avoid balancing the radiators. This method is also called the "Tichelman loop". The supply and return pipelines must have the same cross section.
  • Collector wiring is presented on the third floor of the diagram. The main direct and return pipeline is connected to the collector, from which there is already a distribution of pipes of the same diameter to all radiators. Such a system requires more pipes, but balancing it is very simple. In order for the system to work better, the collector should be located close to the geometric center of the floor, while the lengths of the pipelines will be approximately equal.


  • It is better to entrust the development of a heating system scheme for a two-story house to heating engineers.
  • The most promising and modern are two-pipe heating systems.
  • Proper combination with a warm water floor gives the best results.

Video: Options for radiator heating systems

TOP 10 best circulation pumps for a heating system

Photo Name Rating Price
The best circulation pumps for high resistance heating systems

Wilo TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6/10 ⭐ 99 / 100

BELAMOS BRS 25 / 8G (180 mm) ⭐ 98 / 100
The best circulation pumps for heating systems with medium resistance
#1 Grundfos UPS 25-40 180 ⭐ 99 / 100

⭐ 98 / 100 1 - voice

Wilo Yonos PICO 25/1-6 ⭐ 97 / 100

Wilo Star-RS 25/4 ⭐ 96 / 100

DAB VS 65/150M ⭐ 95 / 100

Wilo Star-RS 30/6-180 ⭐ 94 / 100
The best circulation pumps for hot water supply

Grundfos COMFORT 15-14 BA PM ⭐ 99 / 100

Wilo Star-Z 20/1 CircoStar ⭐ 98 / 100

What would you choose from circulation pumps for the heating system or would you recommend purchasing?

Wilo TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6/10

The circulation pump Wilo-TOP-S 30/10 can be used in various heating systems. The base is made of cataphoretic coated cast iron. Two types of connection: threaded and flanged, 3 speeds. For 1 hour of operation, the pump pumps up to 12 m3 of coolant, lifting up to a maximum of 10 m. 410 W motor. The maximum temperature of the coolant is up to 140 C, but during operation no more than 2 hours.

  • high-quality and reliable production;
  • high performance.
  • great weight.

BELAMOS BRS 25/8G (180 mm)

The purpose is to pump the coolant into pipeline system. Used in heating, air conditioning and floor heating systems. Maximum capacity is 5.28 m3/h, maximum head is 8 m. The operation of the pump is almost silent (40dB(A)), energy consumption is low, light weight.

  • the presence of protection against overheating;
  • the working fluid lubricates the bearings and cools the rotor.
  • the control unit is not sealed;
  • nuts from the kit are not of the best quality.

Grundfos UPS 25-40 180

Equipment from Grundfos has high performance, long service life and quality. This model is suitable for a heat supply system in the "average" country house. Performance in 1 hour is not more than 3 cubic meters, the largest pressure is 4 m. Both ordinary water and propylene glycol antifreeze are suitable as a coolant. The pump has an economical motor (no more than 45W) and 3 regulator positions. The rotor is separated from the stator by a sleeve made of of stainless steel, which is very important in order to avoid leaks and the use of water as a heat carrier. Manufacturers have taken care of the little things, to get access to the terminals you do not need a screwdriver, there is a flag on the cover that is enough to turn.

  • there is an automatic control of the water level;
  • front control panel;
  • low noise level;
  • low power consumption
  • low height of liquid rise;
  • little performance.

The circulation pump with a bronze body is equipped with a single-phase motor with a wet rotor and a well-protected stator. Bandwidth liquid 11 cubic meters per hour, creates a resistance of up to 7.5 m, engine power - 135 W, so this model is suitable for the longest heating system in a country house. The pump can be installed both vertically and horizontally. The main advantage of the equipment is the adjustment of the speed of rotation of its working shaft. The pump has a fairly simple control to change its speed, just press one button.

Grundfos UPS 32-80

Heating system one-story building does not raise any special questions even among inexperienced, little versed in this industry people. Most imagine how it can be equipped, and therefore only clarify some details that are incomprehensible to themselves. But the heating scheme of a 2-storey private house is more difficult not only to implement, but also simply to understand.

If you have a two-story own house or a country cottage, you want to equip the heating system with your own hands, but do not know where to start, our article will help you solve all the problems that arise.

Variety of options

The main feature is that it is necessary to ensure the rise of the coolant to the second floor, that is, to the height specified by the building project. How to solve this issue - we'll talk in this section.

To begin with, let's decide what kind of equipment and components are required:

  • boiler;
  • pipes and batteries;
  • stop valves;
  • temperature controllers, other accessories measuring instruments, control sensors.

The operation of the entire system directly depends on the quality of the components used - so do not skimp on them! Modern, reliable equipment will not only provide you with the microclimate you need, but will also help you avoid emergency situations.

Now let's move on to a variety of schemes used in the arrangement of a heat supply system in two-story buildings.

Proven types of heating schemes

There are several time-tested and many people designs:

  • With lower wiring;
  • with top wiring;
  • 1-pipe system;
  • 2-pipe system;
  • depending on the type of circulation used - forced or natural;
  • depending on the position of the risers - traditional, vertical or horizontal (very rare)

Most often there is a scheme that provides for the forced movement of the coolant. It is more efficient, allows you to ensure uniform heating of the entire house. But in addition, you will need to install a special pressure pump and an expansion tank. The boiler can be virtually anything - both gas and solid fuel, and so on.

Which scheme is better?

Most often, it is customary to use a two-pipe scheme, which is characterized by:

  • universality;
  • reliability;
  • economy.

For example, when using a single-pipe option, it will not be possible to ensure the adjustment of the heating level of individual batteries, because in this case all radiators used are connected in series and when the coolant supply to one of them is cut off, all subsequent ones will also receive less heat.

IN two-pipe scheme each battery involves the connection of two separate pipes:

  • for supplying the coolant;
  • to take him away.

This also allows for the installation of a control valve on each battery, which will make it possible to control the temperature in any room of your house, and not be tied to the entire building.

The collector type definitely deserves attention - it is more expensive in its arrangement, and therefore not so popular, but it has its own positive traits. Among them is the hidden location of all pipes, which has a positive effect on the interior. Design features the following:

  • the boiler is placed on the first floor;
  • expansion tank - on the top;
  • pipes run under the floor, under the ceiling or under the window sills.

Also, a valve can be installed on each battery to control the temperature level in individual rooms.

From the above description, an intermediate conclusion can be drawn - the best option will be the installation of either a two-pipe or collector circuit. The first is cheaper, the second is more expensive, but wins from an aesthetic point of view!

On the video - do-it-yourself installation of a two-pipe heating system

Choosing pipelines

The choice of equipment is an important point. Which boiler to use is an individual matter, it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. If you are not afraid of heating bills, you can leave gas, and if you want to save money, choose solid fuel or the so-called hybrid, which can run on different types fuels (gas-electricity, solid fuel-electricity, electricity-liquid fuel, etc.). You will learn more about hybrid boilers in the article.

A hybrid boiler is an order of magnitude more expensive than a mono-fuel boiler, but in the end it is a real opportunity to always be in a warm house and save on one of the fuels.

If the question of choosing a boiler is individual and we cannot give specific advice, then everything is wrong with pipes for wiring. We are ready to help you with this. So, when choosing pipes, it is important to remember that not only the reliability and durability of the system, but also the rate of heating the room depends on their material.

If you want to reach high level heat dissipation recommended copper pipes, which, by the way, perfectly resist the appearance of corrosion, are able to withstand even high pressure;

A budget option that is common today is metal-plastic models, which, however, are also characterized by high quality and heat dissipation.

Do not forget about the presence of an expansion tank - this is required element schemes that contribute to the safety of the heating system!

You also need to remember that various deposits are not collected inside the metal-plastic models, “congestion” is not formed. Even after a long period of time, your system will work as efficiently as possible!

All other types of pipes are recognized as inefficient, quickly losing their reliability and are not able to provide high-quality space heating for many years.

What else needs to be remembered?

Be sure to take into account all the little things and details. After all, it is necessary to create not only an efficient, but also a durable heating system that will work for at least 25-50 years without requiring overhaul and replacements. It is better to “invest” once, spend a large amount, but enjoy the warmth in the house for the rest of your life!

Moreover, a properly selected scheme, a responsibly made heating system will allow:

  • create an ideal microclimate in the house even in severe frosts;
  • qualitatively warm up each separate room;
  • control the temperature in each room;
  • reduce the cost of purchasing fuel, energy carriers, because their consumption will be less.

And in general, the absence of any problems in the functioning of the heating system will allow you to avoid unnecessary, unplanned costs.

Radiator heating scheme on video

We have given you the main, most popular options for creating heating in a two-story private house. These methods will also apply to country cottages. The drawings presented in the article will allow you to better understand the principles of arranging the system - we are sure that our information will be useful to you and will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Optimal scheme heating of a 2-storey private house is selected taking into account many factors: efficiency, cost and complexity of installation, availability of reliable power supply and frequency of use. In addition, projects of water heating systems must take into account a number of personal requirements of the customer for the interior design of rooms, which not every type of piping and heating devices can satisfy.

Possible options

To choose the right wiring method, it makes sense to take existing schemes heating suitable for houses with two floors, and disassemble the pros and cons of each of them. The most commonly considered and implemented options are:

  • single-pipe horizontal scheme ("Leningradka");
  • single-pipe heating system of a two-story house with vertical risers and natural movement of the coolant;
  • two-pipe dead-end circuit with branches of equal length or an annular associated system with a circulation pump;
  • collector scheme for heating a two-story house with forced water circulation;
  • water heated floors;
  • plinth heating, also two-pipe.

Wiring options that provide for the installation of radiators can be either open type (communicating with the atmosphere) or closed type(working with excessive pressure). Homeowners who wish to provide for water heating for household needs should be aware that the heating scheme for a two-story house with a two-circuit heat generator does not differ from the wiring connected to a conventional boiler with 1 circuit. The difference lies in the operation: any heating system of a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler heats water for radiators and hot water in turn. When the hot water tap is opened, the heating of the coolant stops, the unit switches completely to DHW.

One highway: pros and cons

The single-pipe heating system of a two-story house - the Leningradka scheme - consists of one line laid horizontally along the perimeter of the building, above the floor of each floor. Heating appliances are connected to the line with 2 ends, alternately. This type of heating network is well suited for houses where two floors occupy a small area (up to 80 m² each). There are reasons for this:

  1. The coolant entering each subsequent radiator has more and more low temperature due to the mixing of chilled water from previous batteries. Therefore, the length of the ring is limited to 4-5 heaters.
  2. In order to heat the second floor and the rooms where the last batteries stand, their heat transfer should be increased by adding sections.
  3. The horizontal network of a two-story house with natural circulation should be carried out with a large slope (up to 1 cm per 1 m running pipe). The boiler is placed in a recess, and in the attic there is an expansion tank that communicates with the atmosphere.

The Leningrad heating distribution of a two-story house with forced supply of a coolant works much more stable and more efficiently than by gravity. For natural circulation in a private house, it is better to make vertical risers that penetrate the floors and distribute heat to radiators near the windows. The water supply to the risers is carried out from a horizontal collector laid in the attic, the return to the boiler is via the same line running above the floor of the 1st floor.

As in the first case, an open expansion tank is placed in the attic of a 2-storey cottage, and the lines are laid with a slope. If the heating system is closed, then minimum slopes are required (3 mm per running meter pipes), and the membrane tank is placed in the boiler room.

Single-pipe wiring for heating a two-story house, although inexpensive to install, is difficult to calculate and execute.

And not every owner will like it when pipelines pass through part of the premises large diameter, they have to be hidden under the box.

The optimal solution is 2 highways

The two-pipe heating system of a two-story house is good because the coolant is sent to the heaters through one pipe, and returns through the other. In private housing construction, 3 types of such systems are used:

  • dead-end, in it the coolant reaches the last battery and flows back, the flows move towards each other;
  • passing, where the server and reverse flow flows in 1 direction, and the circuit is a closed ring;
  • collector, different individual submission heated water to each radiator from the distribution manifold.

All two-pipe water heating schemes for a 2-storey private house are easy to do with your own hands, this is their advantage. If the architecture of the building is not too complex, and the area does not exceed 300 m², then the pipeline network can be assembled without preliminary calculations. The supply from the boiler is done with a 25-32 mm pipe, branches - 20-25 mm, and eyeliners - 16 mm. It is understood that the coolant is induced to move by the pump. Gravity heating of a two-story house, when two large pipes pass through all the rooms, will not please anyone.

The dead-end and associated schemes are similar in installation, and when installing a collector system, pipelines will have to be laid directly to the batteries in the floor. This is an option for developers with high requirements to the interiors of the premises, since pipes will not be visible on the walls of the rooms. It can also be implemented in a private house with your own hands, although equipment and materials will cost more than with a dead-end scheme.

When constructing a dead-end system, it is important that all radiators installed in a two-story house be equally divided into groups in order to stretch branches of the same length to them. It is customary to do this: 2 branches on the 1st floor, two more - on the second, the coolant supply upwards - directly from the boiler along the riser. The associated scheme is implemented differently: the supply pipeline is laid horizontally from the first to the last device, and the return pipeline starts from the first and goes to the boiler, collecting cooled water from all batteries. So, a ring is formed around the perimeter of the house, serving all the radiators.

Two-pipe systems are united by common advantages:

  • supplying coolant with the same temperature to all heating devices;
  • reliability in work;
  • ease of balancing, especially the associated scheme;
  • the ability to effectively manage the operation of heating using various automation;
  • ease of installation, done by hand.

Heating floor and plinth

Hot water pipes laid in the floor with a calculated step allow you to evenly heat the premises with the entire surface floor covering. From each heating circuit, whose length does not exceed 100 m, the connections converge to a manifold with a mixing unit that provides the required heat carrier flow and its temperature within + 35 ° ... + 45 ° С (maximum + 55 ° С). The collector is powered directly from the boiler by one branch and controls the heating on 2 floors at the same time. The positive side of the warm floor:

  • uniform heating of the space of rooms;
  • heating is comfortable for people, since heating comes from below;
  • low water temperature saves up to 15% on energy;
  • any level of system automation is possible - operation from temperature controllers, weather sensors or according to a program embedded in the controller;
  • the system with the controller can be controlled from a distance - via GSM-connection or the Internet.

Similar automatic control systems are being introduced into the collector circuit of a two-story cottage. The disadvantage of underfloor heating is the high cost of materials and installation work, which are difficult to perform on your own.

Heating skirting boards suitable option for any private house, not just a two-story one. These heaters in the form of large plinths are copper or aluminum convectors connected in a two-pipe scheme. They encircle the premises around the perimeter, heating the air from all sides. Skirting board heating is easy to install and meets all interior design requirements.

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