Encyclopedia of fire safety

Types and characteristics of metal tiles. Main technical characteristics of metal tiles Types of metal tiles depending on the dyes of the front surface

The metal tile is in great demand because it is lightweight, easy to install, very attractive in appearance, durable enough and inexpensive. Moreover, there is a wide variety of colors, profile shapes and coatings of this roofing material. In our article, we will describe all types of metal tiles, their characteristics and features of use, so that it is easier for you to choose the right coating.

A metal tile is a roof covering, which consists of a metal base having a certain profile, and a protective layer of polymeric material. The appearance of metal tiles is very similar to natural ceramic tiles. Thanks to this, the building with such a roof looks presentable and stylish.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure, a roof made of metal tiles can last up to half a century. However, the durability of the coating is affected by the type of polymeric protective layer and the aggressiveness of weather influences.

Important! Roofs made of metal tiles can be made at a slope angle of at least 14 degrees.

As a basis for laying this material on the roof, a sparse crate with a board or beam pitch of 0.3-0.5 m is used. If a sheet of metal tiles 0.045-0.05 cm thick is laid as a coating on such a crate, then the roof will withstand snow cover of 250 kg per square meter, as well as the weight of a person.

Worth knowing: the main advantage of a metal tile over its ceramic counterpart is its lightness. So, ceramic products weigh about 40 kg / m², and metal material - about 5 kg / m².

Composition and dimensions

There are the following types of metal tiles for the roof, depending on the base material:

  1. Galvanized steel sheet is most often used as the basis for the manufacture of this material. The thickness of such a coating can reach up to 0.055-0.06 cm. Thanks to the zinc coating, the base metal is reliably protected from corrosion. In addition, the product has several additional layers that give it increased rigidity. A polymeric material is also used as a protective layer. For manufacturing, steel with protection from aluzinc or zinc can be used. The first type of protective coating is more durable, but the cost of such a sheet is higher.
  2. An aluminum sheet can be used as the basis of a metal tile for a roof. Its advantage is high resistance to corrosion, so there is no need for additional protection. However, to increase the durability of the product and its strength, an additional layer is still applied. The main advantage of aluminum tiles is their lightness. Among the shortcomings can be called a small selection of shades and a significant cost in comparison with counterparts from other materials.
  3. Another type of metal tile is made on the basis of a copper sheet. It begins to look especially elegant and noble over time, when a greenish patina forms on the surface. Such a coating is usually used for architectural monuments and other outstanding objects. Since the patina reliably protects the product from all weather influences, no protective coatings are used. The price of such a metal tile is very high, so it is used quite rarely.

If you list the types of metal tiles, it is worth mentioning that it may differ in size. So different manufacturers produce products of different widths from 110 cm to 120 cm. The length of the sheet may also differ, which ranges from 80 cm to 8 meters. Sheets are usually produced in standard sizes, but at the request of the customer there may be exceptions to the rules.

Attention! When covering the roof with metal tiles, the weight of the material must be taken into account. The mass of the sheet depends on the type of coating used and the base material and can be in the range of 4-7 kg per square meter.

Varieties by profile type

There are different types of metal roof profiles. Also, products may vary in the depth of the flooring. Many of us have an idea of ​​what Monterrey or Cascade tiles look like, but recently a lot of new high-quality products with interesting designs have appeared. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.


Monterrey metal tile profiles have been known to us since the late 90s of the last century. This material began to be made in Russia from galvanized steel and relief, like ceramic tiles. But the ancestor of this material was the Finns. The appearance of Monterrey is quite recognizable by the rounded profiles and the design in the form of asymmetrical and symmetrical steps. If you read the description of this variety, you can understand that when you buy you get high-quality and inexpensive material. Its advantages include the following:

  • Roofing from Monterrey is able to withstand any weather disasters. Rain, hail, snow, heat or extreme cold cannot affect the quality and durability of this material.
  • The installation process is usually fairly quick.
  • The material can last more than half a century without replacement.
  • Since the production does not use toxic and harmful materials, the product is considered environmentally friendly.
  • Affordable price is another plus in his favor.
  • A large selection of colors allows you to choose a coating for any style of construction.

Worth knowing: the profile dimensions of this type of tile with a sheet width of 118 cm are as follows: the wave height is 39 mm, and the pitch is 35 mm.


Due to the special rectangular shape of the wave, Cascade tiles are very recognizable. It looks like a chocolate bar. The choice in favor of this type of coating is made by those who prefer savings, since the width of one sheet is significant. Cascade is a metal tile, the properties of which make it possible to cover roofs of complex configuration.

As a result, you will get a neat, strict and proportional roof in a classic style. The product parameters are as follows: with a sheet width of 100-150 cm, the wave height is 2.5 cm, and the steel thickness is 1 mm. Among the advantages it is worth mentioning:

  • high protection against moisture due to the double capillary groove;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • high accuracy of joining sheets.


The characteristics of Andalusia metal tiles are quite high, since they are manufactured using modern European equipment. Products with this name can be fastened in a hidden way, which significantly increases the aesthetics of the coating. Moreover, thanks to a special lock, the sheets are joined as tightly as possible, which provides reliable protection of the roof from leakage. Advantages:

  • The main advantage that this metal tile has is the installation characteristic. Convenience and freedom of action for roofers is ensured by horizontal installation.
  • The coating accurately imitates Romanesque roofs.
  • Product weight - 5.15 kg per sq.m.
  • Figured cornice overhang for two-step models.
  • Invisible connection.
  • Sealed seal.


The classic forms of metal tiles, rounded sole and ridge part - these are the main features of products with the name Joker. Those who appreciate the classic types of tiles will definitely like this product with the correct wave and classic geometry.


If you are interested in the original metal tile, the species that appeared not so long ago surprise with a bizarre profile geometry, unusual design and increased wave height. The special profile configuration and significant wave height provide a three-dimensional effect of the coating pattern.

Products of this brand are distinguished by a reduced sheet width, which in no way affects its aesthetic characteristics. Due to the improved technical characteristics and appearance features, such sheets are best used for facing the high roofs of large houses.


This variety is made in China and has a tall, complex, symmetrical profile. This is a rather original and fresh solution in the field of metal profiles. These types of tiles are better to cover houses in a modern style.

Varieties by type of surface coating

Metal tile coatings are needed not only to give the material a certain color, but also to protect it from moisture and other weather influences. The protective polymer film on the surface of the product significantly extends its service life. For this, different polymers are used that protect against temperature extremes, burnout, moisture and increase the strength of the material.

So, today the following types of coatings of metal tiles are used:

  1. Glossy polyester has high flexibility and frost resistance, therefore it is suitable for use in any climate zone. In addition, he is not afraid of organic solvents and mold. Polyester cover provides a wide range of colors. The disadvantages include its low strength.
  2. Matte polyester allows you to get a coating without shine and glare. Thanks to Teflon in its composition, the strength and durability of the coating increases.
  3. Pural is a polyurethane-based coating with a rough texture. It protects the product from solar radiation, temperature changes, increases the life of the roof and makes it resistant to damage. The price of products with such a coating is slightly higher.
  4. The thickest coating is plastisol, which has an embossed surface. The metal base of the sheet is reliably protected from any damage and negative weather influences. Plastisol is a strong, durable, self-healing coating. However, under the scorching sun, it can burn out, and the porous surface quickly absorbs dust and dirt, so it needs periodic cleaning.

As you can see, from an extensive range of metal tiles, each developer can choose a product that suits its technical and aesthetic characteristics. Equally important is the wide price range.

The appearance of metal tiles on the roofing materials market has made a real revolution in housing construction, its use significantly speeds up roofing work, lowers the estimated cost of buildings, and enables architects to develop unique design solutions. Currently, there are a huge number of domestic and foreign enterprises, it is very difficult for inexperienced developers to choose the best coverage option for themselves.

It is not necessary to be guided only by information from the manufacturer, none of them is interested in giving objective information about their products. The main goal of any commercial company is to maximize profits; any marketing moves are used to achieve this goal. Including frankly advertising booklets.

How to distinguish advertising information from objective information? Very simple. If the product description contains only advantages and does not indicate disadvantages, then such information is considered advertising. It is not aimed at helping the buyer, but at increasing the profits of producers. The article will give the most objective overview of various types of metal tiles based on practical experience in its use and actual technical parameters.

The metal tile is made of galvanized sheet steel, for additional protection against corrosion processes and to improve the design appearance, the sheets are coated with special resistant dyes. The surface has a different geometric profile that mimics traditional roofing. The complex of technological measures is aimed at increasing the operating time of the roofing. It is the warranty period that is considered the main criterion by which high-quality materials differ from low-quality ones. Paint color and profile geometry perform only design functions and do not affect performance.

The warranty, depending on the type of anti-corrosion protection, is divided into two types.

  1. Polymer Dyes Warranty. Indicates the minimum time that paints must withstand. During this time, they should not crack and peel, change their original appearance, etc. These indicators mainly depend on the degree of protection of the paint from hard ultraviolet radiation and the plasticity parameters. The fact is that large temperature differences from plus to minus cause significant fluctuations in the linear dimensions of the metal tile, and in terms of thermal expansion, the metal ranks first among all solids. To compensate for expansions, the paint must have plasticity, the higher this parameter, the more time microcracks do not appear on the surface. Microcracks further increase to critical sizes, water gets on the zinc coating, peeling begins. Not only the appearance deteriorates, but also corrosion processes are accelerated.
  2. Guaranteed anti-corrosion coatings. As already mentioned, dyes serve only as additional protection, zinc coating is used as the main one. The better and thicker it is, the longer the guaranteed service life. The most modern and expensive types of metal tiles have zinc alloys with aluminum, which significantly improves the technical parameters. The anti-corrosion coating should prevent the appearance of through corrosion and, accordingly, leaks that require repair of the roofing.

Prices for various types of metal tiles

metal tile

Classification by zinc coating

The quality of the anti-corrosion coating is a very important indicator; at present, all metal tiles are divided into three classes according to this parameter.

Zinc coating classTechnical description
III class of galvanizingThe weight of the zinc coating is in the range of 80–140 g/m2. The weakest anti-corrosion protection. The actual service life is 5–10 years. Such a metal tile is not recommended for residential buildings, it will cost too much to repair leaks and completely replace the roof.
II class galvanizingThe weight of the zinc coating is in the range of 140–180 g/m2. The service life, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, can be 25 years. The most used class of coverage, according to its performance, satisfies the majority of users.
I class galvanizingThe weight of the zinc coating is in the range of 180–275 g/m2. The highest quality metal tile, it is recommended to use on the sea coasts, in cities with a lot of smog. Smog contains aggressive chemical compounds in its composition, and sea air is oversaturated with salt. To improve the technical characteristics of zinc, up to 5% aluminum is added to it. The service life of such roofs is up to 50 years.

Video - Metal tile. Production and material features

Unfortunately, low-quality products are sold on the shelves of many stores, especially for manufacturers from China. The zinc layer on such sheets can be less than 40 g/m2, which is much lower than the established norms. But do not blame the Chinese, domestic trading companies are to blame. They do not want to buy high-quality metal tiles from China, but they have it, in terms of technical development, this country is far ahead of the Russian Federation. One has only to list the well-known brands of electronics, mechanical engineering, industrial automation. Domestic merchants, in order to increase their profits, buy products from underground unlicensed manufacturers - this explains the big quality problems.

Dyes classification

The outer surfaces of metal tiles are covered with simple or complex colored polymer coatings. The paints protect the zinc layer from oxidation and play a decisive role in the design performance. The fact is that zinc is also oxidized, although these processes are slow. The later the metal begins to come into contact with oxygen and active chemical compounds, the longer the warranty period of the coating. This parameter depends on two factors: the type of polymer dye and the technology of its application. They must be resistant to mechanical damage, have plasticity, retain their original color, and not crack. What paints are used to paint the surfaces of metal tiles? There are three types of polymer coatings.


Most often, the outer surfaces are covered with matte or glossy polyester - a type of polyester paint. Cheap types of metal tiles have such a coating. Polyester is produced on the basis of polyester resins, various inorganic fillers and pigments are added to improve abrasion and color change. Paints have good indicators of resistance to UV rays, are not afraid of heating up to +120 ° C, are resistant to atmospheric precipitation, the parameters are satisfactory in terms of adhesion to metal. The disadvantage is that they react negatively to alkalis, have low dielectric characteristics. The appearance of static electrical voltages significantly accelerates the process of oxidation of metals at the junction of steel and zinc. As a result, the tightness of the coating is violated, the zinc film peels off and is damaged, water gains access to the metal.


It has increased resistance to mechanical damage, it is even used for painting car bodies. Two-component with natural solvent. Does not lose color, does not react with chemical compounds, is not afraid of hard ultraviolet radiation. Meets the requirements of the European standard ISO 12944. In terms of price class, it belongs to the middle segment.

The composition is two-component, has a hardener based on aliphatic isocyanate. It is characterized by increased indicators of resistance to adverse weather conditions; due to high plasticity, it does not crack during mechanical damage. Currently, manufacturers are constantly developing new innovative additives - improving performance.

The most expensive finish coating of metal tiles, the layer thickness reaches 200 microns. The paint is made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, it is distinguished by increased parameters of wear resistance and durability of use. Plastisol has the ability to independently tighten microcracks, which significantly increases the life of the metal tile. Large thickness allows you to create a structured surface.

The surface of the roofing material can be glossy, matte or textured. Due to such varieties, buyers have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for their building. The reverse side can be gray or the color of the front cover, the choice of color does not affect performance.

PVDF coating

It contains 70% polyvinylidene fluoride and 30% acrylic. It is characterized by very high parameters of resistance to mechanical damage, is not afraid of multiple freezing / thawing cycles. Does not react to direct contact with acid-containing solutions and alkalis, can be used in urban smog. To protect against UV rays, it has innovative additives, is resistant to the negative effects of sea salt, withstands temperatures up to + 120 ° C. It is applied only on a special primer.

Types of metal tiles depending on the size and thickness of the metal

Galvanized steel is obtained by hot or chemical galvanization. Depending on the features of the technology, the surface may have normal or zero glitter. The highest quality has an ultra-smooth finish. Such galvanizing covers the entire area with a uniform layer of metal.

The highest quality metal tiles are made of special galvanized steel grade KS D 3770, the surface is coated with a zinc-aluminum alloy. Despite the relatively low weight of the protective film (up to 50 g/m2), it has a long guaranteed service life. Corrosion resistance is an order of magnitude higher than that of an ordinary zinc coating of the same thickness.

The width of the sheets is standard 118 cm, the length varies widely from 1.5 m to 6.5 m. The material should be selected in such a way as to minimize the number of joints and unproductive waste during cutting.

Sheet steel thickness 0.4–0.6 mm. The thinnest in most cases is used in the construction of roofs of non-critical structures and buildings, has a short service life. Metal tiles with a thickness of 0.5 mm are used on prestigious buildings.

In addition to steel, aluminum and copper can be used for metal tiles. The latter are very expensive and rarely used.

Sheet profiles

As mentioned above, the profile does not have much effect on the physical characteristics of the coating, it is chosen depending on the style of the building.


The Finnish style of coating, in appearance, resembles natural piece ceramic tiles as much as possible. All bends have smooth transitions, which minimizes the amount of internal stresses in the sheets. Another plus - a slight depth reduces the difference in the thickness of the metal and zinc. The more the metal is drawn, the thinner the zinc coating and the steel sheet in these places, and this has a negative impact on performance.

From a distance, it resembles a cascade of chocolate bars, has strict rectangular shapes. It is used for roofs of complex shape, facilitates the sealing of valleys and ridges.

The ridge part is elevated, has a rounded shape. Due to the symmetry, the illusion of narrow ceramic tiles is created, reminiscent of the classic old roof coverings.

A new type of metal tile, characterized by a particularly smooth shape without noticeable transitions, creates the impression of a smooth coating without joints. Specially selected wave sizes create the effect of a three-dimensional image. Designers recommend using such a metal tile for arranging the roofs of two-story houses - the appearance of the roof improves from a distance.

A fairly new roofing material in our country has not yet gained wide popularity. The main difference is in the small size and hidden method of fixation. There are no self-tapping screws on the surface, the heads are hidden under special latches. Due to this, moisture does not get under the screws - the risks of leaks at the joints are significantly reduced.

The appearance is reminiscent of traditional Chinese coverings, with two small elevations located between the high waves. It gives buildings a strict look, goes well with soft bituminous roofs.

It is not possible and necessary to describe all types of profiles. Manufacturers can make their own molds and sell products under their own brands.

Types of metal tiles depending on the dyes of the front surface

The outer surface of the roof is modified by the use of different paints and coating technologies. The most popular among developers are the following types of external coatings.

Shiny and matte polyester

The most common appearance of the front side of the metal tile has the international designation PE. All known profiles are painted with this dye, at a cost it belongs to the budget option. The quality is below average, not recommended for use on prestigious buildings. The coating thickness does not exceed 25 microns. Matte is designated MPE, the type of paint is changed by adding Teflon to the composition. The thickness of the coating layer increases to 35 microns, the service life is 15 years.


Polyurethane paint with innovative additives to increase UV resistance. Does not degrade its original physical properties in the range from -60°С to +100°С. Excellent weather resistance. Paint thickness not less than 50 microns, service life up to 30 years. At a cost higher than polyester coatings. It can be glossy or matte, Teflon is added to the latter.


The dye was developed by Finnish companies, taking into account the local climate. Excellent for the northern regions of the Russian Federation, the paint is characterized by increased plasticity at low temperatures. Due to such properties, it does not crack during large changes in linear dimensions, and is not afraid of frost. Guaranteed for at least 50 years in the absence of critical mechanical damage.


A particularly durable anti-corrosion coating, the main protection is provided by the innovative Galvalloy alloy (95% zinc and 5% aluminum).

The large thickness of the coating makes it possible to create relief structures on the surface. It can resemble leather, tree bark, etc. One of the most expensive metal tile coatings, the layer thickness reaches 200 microns.

The most expensive type of metal tile coating consists of two layers of composite polymer paints and quartz sand. In all mechanical indicators, it occupies a leading position. The protruding sand particles break up large raindrops - the noise of the roof during a heavy downpour is significantly reduced.

The unique dyeing technology creates relief embossing on the surface, the layer thickness is up to 200 microns. The guarantee is not less than 50 years, it has high wear resistance and ductility.

Prices for various types of shingles

Flexible roof tiles

We will not consider the design characteristics of coatings, there are no universal solutions in this matter, each developer is guided by his own preferences. And the type of coating has a great influence on the mechanical and operational qualities of the material. What to pay attention to?

  1. Sheet steel thickness. At first glance, the question is very simple. The thicker the sheet, the more reliable the metal tile. Indeed, for residential buildings, you need to buy those types that have a metal thickness of 0.5–0.55 mm. For northern regions, even thicker sheets are recommended. But not only this indicator should be paid attention, the manufacturer is very important. Unfortunately, domestic metallurgical enterprises cannot produce high-quality steel, their thickness variation is more than 0.05 microns, and this is unacceptable according to international standards. Such a large variation means that with the declared thickness of 0.4 microns, the dimensions can vary between 0.35–0.45 microns. A thickness of 0.35 microns is considered a defect, and if such a section still falls under a bend, then during drawing the thickness will still decrease by at least 0.05 microns. This metal tile will leak after a few years of operation. When buying a product, you need to require a quality certificate, in it pay attention to the manufacturer of rolled metal. Best of all Finnish, Italian and German sheet steel.

  2. The thickness of the zinc coating. All responsible manufacturers specify limits for the thickness of the zinc coating on bends and flat surfaces. Deviations on a flat surface cannot exceed ±10%. High-quality rolled products can be produced only on the most modern equipment and with unconditional observance of the recommended technologies. And here it is recommended to deal with well-known companies in the world.
  3. Dye. Professionals strongly advise against buying metal tiles with the cheapest coatings. Such virtual savings will cause real losses. It is advisable to purchase tiles with modern coatings, they are constantly being improved, new better ones appear.

  4. It is impossible to independently check the thickness of the paint, zinc layer and metal, for this you need to have laboratory equipment. At the slightest suspicion, ask the sellers quality certificates from the manufacturer. The document indicates all technical data and batch number. For warranty, it is recommended to contact the company and provide the lot number. In this way, you can find out if the document is fake.

General advice when choosing a particular type of metal tile - smart developers do not buy very cheap materials.

Metal tile, despite the standard technology of its manufacture, is divided into several categories. The main technical characteristics and parameters that distinguish different types of metal tiles are given below. These include:

  • Wave geometry and stride width.
  • The thickness of the metal sheet used as a blank.
  • Protective covering.
Depending on the above parameters, the price of a particular type of this roofing material largely depends.

Such an indicator as wave geometry primarily affects the appearance and styling of the roof of the building. Among the most popular and sought-after types, there are several coatings:

  • Metal tile "Monterrey" - a classic type of roof with a rounded and smooth wave.
  • Metal tile "Cascade" - a type of metal tile, more similar to corrugated board, having straight shapes.
  • Metal tile "Andalusia" - the very name of this type hints at the similarity of coatings with roofs made of natural tiles, which are common on the Mediterranean coast of Spain.
  • "Spanish Dune".
  • "Diamond".
  • "Pamir".

All these types differ in texture and external geometry of the sheets. The most popular and ubiquitous is the Monterrey metal tile. This type of coating was one of the first to appear on the roofing market, which, along with a relatively uncomplicated manufacturing process, was the reason for its popularity.

Thickness of the metal workpiece

One of the important indicators of the quality and reliability of any type of tile is the thickness of the metal sheet, which serves as a base or blank for the finished roofing material. Today, in the production of metal tiles, galvanized steel sheets are used, the thickness of which can vary from 0.35 mm to 0.5 mm. Of course, the thickness of the metal sheet affects the final cost of the finished product. The metal tile, which has a large thickness, is much more reliable and durable than thin roofing material. Moving along it during roofing work, there is a lower risk of metal deformation under the weight of a person. However, this does not mean that you should ignore the basic rules of movement on metal tiles.
When choosing a metal tile, depending on the thickness of the metal used, you should pay attention to its protective treatment. Modern technologies for the production of this roofing material may include the following options for the protective treatment of metal, namely:
  • Surface coating with zinc.
  • Zinc coated.
  • Aluminium-silicon coating.
  • Use of an iron-zinc layer.
Manufacturers divide their products into classes depending on the level of corrosion resistance. The range of indicators of the specific gravity of zinc per 1 sq. m. is from 95 to 270 grams.

Protective covering

Another criterion by which types of metal tiles are distinguished is the type of protective coating. To date, the following are considered popular:
  • glossy polyester;
  • matte polyester;
  • plastisol;
  • polyurethane (pural);
  • matte polyurethane (pural mat);
  • polydifluorite PVDF (PVF2).
All of them have an attractive look, a wide range of colors and even different textures.
The service life, strength, resistance to atmospheric precipitation, the level of sound insulation depend on the quality and type of protective coating.


One of the cheapest and therefore popular types of protective coatings. It is not afraid of serious fluctuations in temperature, exposure to sunlight and precipitation. Polyester is elastic, pliable and perfectly adheres to the surface of various materials, is not affected by fungus, mold solvents based on organic compounds. However, despite all the advantages and advantages listed above, polyester is vulnerable to even the most minor mechanical damage. A hacksaw or other lighter tool that has fallen during installation can damage the protective layer. Over time, a corrosion trace may form at this place and after a certain period of time the metal will be exposed to an already obvious threat of corrosion. The average thickness of polyester used by manufacturers to treat the surface of a metal sheet ranges from 25 microns for a glossy look to 35 microns for a matte look.


Relatively recently, roofs covered with metal tiles with a distinct texture texture that have become popular are nothing more than coatings with a plastisol protective layer. The basis of this substance is polyvinyl chloride, which provides a high level of resistance to mechanical damage. The thickness of such PVC protection can be up to 200 microns. This is a fairly high indicator of the degree of protection of the metal base. However, the main disadvantage of plastisol should also be noted. This is a vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation. Compared to polyester, this material is at serious risk of prolonged direct exposure to sunlight. After a certain time, swelling on the surface of the coatings, discoloration of individual sections of the roof, etc. are possible.

Polydifluorite PVDF (PVF2)

The most expensive coating is considered to be polydifluorite PVDF (PVF2). It has excellent elastic qualities, therefore it perfectly tolerates high temperatures without much harm. The layer thickness is typically 27 µm.
The use of metal tiles coated with polydifluorite is not recommended in regions with poor environmental conditions and coastal areas, since this protective material is less resistant to aggressive environments and maritime climate.

Pural (polyurethane)

Pural is the best option for the protective coating of metal tiles. This is due to the presence of polyurethane in its composition.
And if in terms of strength, pural loses in some respects to plastisol only due to its smaller thickness, then in terms of other indicators it has an indisputable advantage. The thickness of the protective layer of this type of tile is from 40 to 50 microns. Pural has high resistance to corrosion, high temperatures. UV radiation and mechanical damage. The average stated period by manufacturers of such products is about 30 to 50 years.
Different types of metal tiles differ in their characteristics, therefore, when choosing one or another type, one should take into account many external factors that can affect the surface of the roofing material during operation. Watch the video

Different types of metal tiles are due to the great popularity of this roofing material. Metal roofing is one of the most popular roofing materials. The volume of the metal tile market in Russia is more than 50% of the total volume of sheet materials made of metal. The high demand for metal tiles is explained by the unique properties of this coating.

Imitates the laying of natural tiles made of ceramics. Natural tile is a piece roofing material with excellent characteristics, confirmed by centuries of use. But it's expensive. Secondly, it is not suitable for all climatic conditions and types of roofs. Metal tile is the optimal combination of decent appearance, versatility in use and affordable price.

The metal tile is one of the few roofing coverings, which is distinguished by great diversity within the group: in color, shape, material of manufacture. This allows you to choose a coating for every taste and budget without sacrificing quality.

Classification of metal tiles according to the material of manufacture

  1. Galvanized steel with polymer coating. The most common type of metal tile. The base is steel sheet. Additional layers of zinc (or aluzinc - zinc with the addition of aluminum), primers and polymers give the material the declared technical qualities.
  2. Aluminum sheets. Advantages: lightness and flexibility. Absolute resistance to corrosion, which allows not to use additional means of protection. Corrosion resistance compared to steel is 25 times higher. Additional layers for durability and coloring: polyester and polyester. Cons: poor color palette and high cost.
  3. Copper is an expensive raw material. Accordingly, products from it are also distinguished by high cost. The main advantage lies in the natural properties of the material itself. Over time, copper oxidizes and a greenish patina appears on the surface, which not only gives the roof a noble look, but also protects against adverse factors. Copper metal tile does not need additional layers of protection.

Types of metal tiles by profile type


Classics of the genre. The appearance is as close as possible to the pattern that creates the laying of ceramic tiles. For this reason, Monterrey is often used to restore old buildings in order to preserve the spirit of the era. Modern consumers liked Monterrey for a set of functional characteristics:

  • sheet thickness from 0.4-0.6 mm;
  • service life of 30-50 years without reconstruction;
  • types of polymer coating: pural, plastisol, polyester, PVDF;
  • sheet length - from 0.75 to 8 m;
  • wave height - 25 mm;
  • wave pitch 350-400 mm.


The peculiarity of the metal tile of the Cascade brand is visible to the naked eye. Outwardly, it resembles a chocolate bar due to the rectangular shape of the profile. Differs in the strengthened rigidity in the longitudinal and cross direction. This is the main advantage over other species. Functional characteristics:

  • sheet thickness - 0.45-0.5 mm;
  • width - 1.11 m;
  • length - from 0.5 to 8 m;
  • profile height from 15 to 20 mm;
  • wavelength - 35 mm;
  • types of a polymeric covering: polyester, opaque polyester, plstaizol.


One of the varieties of the classic Monterrey metal tile. In comparison with it, it has more pronounced clear forms: a more magnificent wave and a high step. On houses above two floors, the Joker noticeably wins. Functional characteristics:

  • sheet length from 0.55 to 8 m;
  • profile height 49 mm;
  • weight 4.62 kg per 1 sq / m;
  • the minimum angle of inclination of the ramp is 14 degrees;
  • full sheet width - 1.15 m;
  • covering width of the sheet - 1.065 m.


Elite in the world of metal tiles. Has a high and expressive profile. A distinctive feature is the flat sole and the rounded shape of the wave crest. The choice for those who prioritize exclusivity, regardless of cost. Functional characteristics:

  • wave height - 6.6 cm;
  • the minimum angle of inclination of the ramp is 14 degrees;
  • width - 1.09 m;
  • covering surface width - 0.951 m;
  • overlap width remains - 139 mm.

The features of Bang's profile, in addition to aesthetics, also have practical benefits. Due to the wide overlap, the metal lies more tightly, which affects the quality of the roof. The high profile is able to withstand increased snow load. The height and depth of the wave allows the use of Banga metal tiles on roofs with steep slopes.


The Andalusia profile type is considered to be the most similar to ceramic tiles in appearance. There is an opinion that only a specialist can distinguish a roof covered with Andalusia from a roof with natural tiling. Functional characteristics:

  • sheet length - up to 8 m;
  • overall width - 1.116 m;
  • mounting width - 1 m;
  • sheet thickness - 0.5 mm;
  • wave height - 48 mm;
  • wave pitch - from 150 mm.

According to its technical properties, it belongs to the top-class roofing. Cost-wise, it's a budget option. The high profile gives increased strength compared to shallow wave metal tiles.

Differs in reliable fastening without use of external means. Each Andalusian leaf is equipped with a Z-lock. The sheets are stacked in such a way that the screws are hidden. This retains the similarity with a natural tiled roof and allows you to save on fasteners (there is no need to select hardware of a certain color, universal ones will do).


One of the types of metal tiles, which appeared relatively recently. You can call it a metal tile with a 3D effect. It features a bizarre profile geometry and a high wave. Suitable for tall buildings with steep roofs, on which small-wave types of metal tiles will be lost. Functional characteristics:

  • sheet length - from 0.85 to 8 m;
  • profile height - 66 mm;
  • weight - 4.98 kg per 1 sq / m;
  • the minimum slope of the roof slope is 14 degrees;
  • full width - 1.09 mm;
  • covering width - 0.951 mm.

Classification of metal tiles by types of polymer coating

The polymer layer gives the metal tiles not only a certain color and texture, but also serves as an additional protection of the steel sheet from corrosion and other damaging effects. Any characteristics - resistance to sub-zero temperatures, burnout, ductility and strength can be improved through the use of one or another polymer.

  1. Shiny polyester (PE). Layer thickness 25 microns. Gives a glossy surface finish. Today the most commonly used: out of 10 coatings, 7 are polyester. Advantages. Resistant to high temperatures (up to +90 degrees C). Low cost. Disadvantages: unstable to mechanical damage and frost. Guaranteed service life - 5-10 years.
  2. Matt polyester (MPE). Coating thickness 35 microns. It is the same polymer, but with the addition of Teflon, which gives a dull finish and increases resistance to large temperature minus, but without loss of resistance to high temperatures. Guaranteed service life - at least 15 years.
  3. Pural. Coating thickness 50 microns. Polyurethane, which is the basis of the coating, is highly resistant to ultraviolet rays. It survives well temperatures from -60 to +100 degrees C. You have a decent level of resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, as well as loads in the form of heavy rainfall. Guaranteed juice service 30 years. There is a matte variety of Purala.
  4. Purex. Gives plasticity to sheets. Great resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion. Guaranteed service life up to 50 years.
  5. Prism. The product of the English factory Corus, whose specialists added the Galvalloy alloy, consisting of 95% aluminum and 5% zinc, to the usual polyurethane. This symbiosis provides high resistance to corrosion and damage of a mechanical nature. Guaranteed service life - at least 15 years.
  6. Plastisol. Coating thickness - from 100 to 200 microns. The basis is polyvinyl chloride with the addition of a plasticizer. A distinctive feature is a structural surface that imitates natural materials: leather, tree bark, etc. Cons - limited temperature limit: from +10 to + 60 degrees C.
  7. PVDF is a type of coating that combines exquisite appearance and high technical performance. Coating thickness 27 microns. Resistant to corrosion and natural factors (heat, cold, wind, hail).
  8. Kami Terra PLEGEL. A distinctive feature of the coating is composite materials at its base. Consists of two layers. The first is polymer and quartz sand. The second, outer - polyester. Terraplegel is the most resistant to mechanical damage among polymer coatings used for metal tiles. Terraplegel coated tiles have a rough surface and a matte finish. Quartz sand in the composition of the coating partially smoothes out the main drawback of all metal roofing - noise.
  9. Solano. Layer thickness 200 microns. Differs in the original texture put by a method of a dot embossing. High resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion. Guaranteed service life - up to 50 years.

Tiled metal modules have earned a good reputation among roofers and homeowners: in the photo and in reality, roofs covered with this material look presentable, and such beauty is relatively inexpensive. Sheets of steel that have undergone galvanizing and polymer treatment are durable and perfectly protect the structure from heat, cold, and moisture. But how long will a metal tile last? The length of the service life depends on many factors, but first of all - coatings.

  • workpiece thickness;
  • zinc content;
  • protective coating;
  • wave geometry and pitch specifics.

Also, the material can be grouped by size - length and width. This approach is not considered appropriate, since modules are sold per 1 m2, and sometimes they are made to order.

1. The thickness of the blank sheet.

One of the determining indicators of the reliability of tiles is the thickness of the steel. To date, its minimum value is 0.35 mm, and the maximum is 0.9 mm. Due to the high cost and low demand, products that are too thick are practically not produced. Variants of 0.5-0.55 mm can cope with potential mechanical loads.

2. Metal content of the zinc layer.

The level of corrosion resistance depends on the amount of zinc content. In modern coatings, the specific gravity of this element can vary in the range of 90-275 g/m2. In modules with a steel thickness below 0.5 mm, the metal content of the zinc layer often does not even reach 150 g/m2.

3. Protective layer.

The metal that has undergone galvanizing is coated with polymers on top. Tiles are based on:

  • polyester (polyester);
  • pural (polyurethane);
  • plastisol;
  • polydifluorite (PVDF or PVF2).

All of them have a rich color range, various texture variations, and an aesthetic appearance. Resistance to external influences, strength - the characteristics that determine how long the coating will last - they are completely different.

Polyester is not afraid of serious temperature fluctuations, the influence of UV rays. It is pliable, elastic and perfectly adheres to the surface of any materials. The big disadvantage is that it is inherently unstable even to the smallest mechanical damage, as a result of which a corrosion spot often forms at the point of contact with any object, which grows over time. The service life of such a roof will be short (with a protective layer thickness of 25 microns - approximately 15-20 years). But if you use improved polyester (Viking, Agnet, Velor), then the performance properties of the roof will increase, and it will last ten years more.

Pural is a type of polymer material that has excellent protection and durability factors. Being applied at 40-50 microns, this fiber is able to withstand temperatures from -50° to +120°. The durability of shingles with pural is above average and reaches half a century.

About the plastisol-based option, we can say that this is the thickest coating (200 microns), the degree of protection here is the highest. There is a significant drawback - vulnerability to ultraviolet rays. Direct sunlight, falling on the roof of such a plan, after a while forms swollen and discolored areas on it. In this case, the metal tile will not last long - a maximum of 20-30 years. By avoiding intense radiation, it is possible that the roof will retain its original appearance up to 60-70 years.

If PVDF, a mixture of polyvinyl fluoride and acrylic, acts as a finish, then the sheets are endowed with an interesting feature: they repel any type of moisture and liquid dirt. The anti-corrosion effect of these modules is quite strong, as well as their UV resistance and color stability. With a thickness of only 27 microns, this type of metal tile is sensitive to mechanical deformations. With the right attitude and care, the average (declared by manufacturers) service life is 30-40 years.

4. Wave geometry and step width.

The construction market offers various variations of the tile profile. The most basic are:

  • Monterrey;
  • Cascade;
  • Banga;
  • Andalusia.

Monterrey is the most demanded type of metal tile. Resembling a beveled wave in shape, which is the reason for the similarity with traditional ceramic roofing, it is popular not only for covering private sectors, but also for the construction of office, retail space, and the reconstruction of historical buildings. In addition to the standard profile, it has modification versions:

  • Maxi - characterized by an increased wave width, which creates a "spacious effect" and visually makes the roof larger.
  • Super - characterized by the optimal location of the "groove" (at the top of the shaft and at a decent distance from the edge), so that moisture does not penetrate into the roof; Supermonterrey modules seamlessly fit together, and the picture as a whole turns out to be monolithic.

The cascade is considered an economical material: it is characterized by a large width, and its shapes are rectilinear, like a chocolate bar, which facilitates installation and pre-installation work. Any building acquires strict proportions and sophistication. It is famous for various variations, but the Maxi profile is more in demand. It is outwardly similar to the classic version: the only difference is a wider wave pitch (by as much as 50 mm).

A variety of Banga metal tiles is a relatively young coating. It has a bizarre shape and a large wave height. But it is precisely due to the significant bulge and three-dimensional visualization that the roof acquires a special aesthetics.

Tiling Andalusia in the last five years enjoys increasing popularity. Its design features are a deep profile and the presence of Z-shaped grooves on 2 sides, which cause reliable adhesion to neighboring modules, as well as tightness. There is no need to match the color of fasteners to the general background of the sheets, because they will be hidden by the flooring.

  • for the roof of a residential building, use steel products 0.5-055 mm; if it is planned to finish canopies, canopies, auxiliary blocks, then the modules can be taken with a smaller thickness indicator (for example, 0.4-0.45 mm), in regions with increased snow load it is better to use thicker canvases (0.7-0. 9 mm);
  • the zinc content should be limiting - this will help the metal tile resist corrosion;
  • when choosing a topcoat, it is wiser to give preference to pural or plastisol, but in the case of the latter, direct sunlight should be avoided (that is, it is suitable for garden buildings or country houses, cottages located in the shade of trees, taller structures); and living on the coast, it is ideal to use PVDF, because polydifluorite perfectly repels water;
  • if the roof is not characterized by a sharp slope, it is better to choose Supermonterrey type profiles, where there are convenient “grooves” for collecting moisture; in other situations, any form will do;
  • for high-rise buildings, the beauty of the top will help to fully reveal Banga;
  • with the difficulties associated with choosing a color, the physical foundations will make the task easier: if the region is famous for its hot climate, it is more expedient to prefer light shades, since they heat up less.


How much a metal roof will cost depends on many circumstances: the area and complexity of the work, the cost of installation services, the need for additional attributes. But the main factor in determining the price are:

  • thickness of steel and zinc layer (the thicker, the more expensive);
  • the quality of the protective coating (polyester is the cheapest option, polydifluorite is more expensive);
  • profiling technology.

The cost by suppliers is indicated not per unit of length, but per m2.

NameSpecificationsPrice, rubles per 1 m2
Wave height, mmStep height, mmWave step, mmMetal thickness, mm
Monterrey25 14 350 0,4-0,5 230-280
maskimonterray25 21 400 0,4-0,5 230-280
supermonterrey25 21 350 0,4-0,5 230-280
Cascade22,5 22,5 350 0,5 280
maxcascade22,5 22,5 400 0,5 280
Banga66 18 400 0,5 280
Andalusia70 25 400 0,5 280

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