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How to feed tomatoes during fruiting: a variety of options. Feeding tomatoes during fruiting Feeding tomatoes during flowering and fruiting

When green tomatoes appear on tomato bushes, care should be taken to ensure that the yield is high and the fruits have good taste and marketability.

It is also important that the grown fruits retain all varietal characteristics.

This result can be achieved by correct application of fertilizers during the fruiting period of the crop.

When the tomato bushes begin to bear fruit, culture consumes a large number of potassium, and also needs boron, manganese, iodine.

Phosphorus stimulates intensive work of the root system. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be used sparingly at the time of fruiting, avoiding an excess of this substance.

It is better to apply them during.

If you are not sure about the dosage of nitrogen in a particular preparation or solution, it is better not to use it.

How to fertilize plants for a good harvest

By the time of fruiting, tomatoes have already managed to suck out a huge amount nutrients from the soil, as a result of which it becomes poorer and depleted. In such an important and responsible period, it is imperative to restore the composition of the soil and deliver all the important components to the bushes.

You will find materials entirely dedicated to these topics.

Folk remedies during the growing season

Often in horticultural practice, improvised means are used to fertilize tomatoes. The components included in such supplements are absolutely harmless. for both plants and humans.

Organic supplements

The following types of organic fertilizers can be applied during the fruiting period of tomatoes.

Ash. This fertilizer contains not only potassium, but also many other elements necessary to nourish tomatoes during fruiting. This fertilizer can be applied at the root or sprayed over the surface of the bush.

Pour 200 grams of wood ash into a bucket of hot water, mix and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

Mullein. The application of this fertilizer will increase the yield of tomatoes. Mullein is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:6, respectively. It is recommended to add mineral and complex fertilizers to the resulting solution to improve efficiency.

Complex and mineral fertilizers

"Solution". Given complex fertilizer contains large proportions of potassium and phosphorus, as well as copper, zinc, boron, manganese - everything that tomatoes need when pouring fruit. 25 grams of the drug are dissolved in a bucket of water to be applied under the root.

You can spray by reducing the amount of “Solution” to 10-15 grams.

Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate). In addition to potassium, the share of which in this fertilizer is more than 50%, it contains trace elements and sulfur.

For root feeding, dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. sulfate, and for spraying - 2 g per 1 liter of water.

This fertilizer should not be used together with urea.

There are several other potassium-containing mineral fertilizers, but due to the presence of chlorine in the composition, they are undesirable for use for tomatoes (potassium magnesium, potassium chloride).

Therefore, in case of obvious lack of potassium in plants, it is better to use this drug, but do not forget to strictly follow the recommended dosage.

Important! All fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is stopped two weeks before harvesting.

Products for quick filling of fruits

Do you want your tomatoes to ripen faster? These chemicals used by gardeners to achieve various goals, including this:

  • To accelerate fruit ripening. In many regions of the country with a cold climate, open ground tomatoes do not have time to ripen on the bushes and ripen in boxes. Thanks to means that accelerate ripening, you can do without storing green tomatoes.

    When growing in greenhouses, summer residents are faced with another problem - at the end of the season, tomatoes begin to get sick, so it is recommended to harvest them as early as possible. In this case, similar drugs will also help.

  • To improve the taste and marketability of fruits.

Ripener. The product accelerates the ripening processes of green fruits, and complete reddening of tomatoes occurs after a one-time treatment within 10 days.

However, this miracle drug has several serious drawbacks.

Firstly, it cannot be used on unripe green fruits(they must have a shiny surface), otherwise there is a risk of premature aging.

Secondly, Only healthy tomatoes can be treated with the ripener that are not under stress and have a good root system.

Etrel. When it gets into the juices of the bush, the drug decomposes and releases phosphoric acid and ethylene. As a result fruits ripen in 1.5 weeks ahead of schedule . The treatment is carried out once, diluting 5 ml of the drug in 2 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough to spray 20 m2 of plantings.

Sweet. The drug is used to improve the quality of tomato harvest: sugar content, keeping quality, color skins. To spray, you need to dilute 25 g of the product in a bucket of water. Treatment is carried out 1-1.5 weeks before harvesting the fruits.

Benefit. Accelerates the ripening time of tomatoes, the treated fruits grow the same in size. 25 ml per bucket of water. Spraying is carried out once a week from the moment the ovaries form. The advantage is the absence of synthetic hormones.

The best tomato ripening stimulants

Potassium monophosphate. The main advantage of this fertilizer lies in its composition: the ratio of phosphorus and potassium is optimal for maximum yield. The substance itself is easily soluble in water.

When feeding with potassium monophosphate, you need to take into account that it is not compatible with magnesium and calcium fertilizers.

To prepare the solution, you need to add 15 grams of the substance to a bucket of water. This amount of solution is enough to treat 4 plants.

Monopotassium phosphate is considered affordable and is a very popular fertilizer.

How to feed?

To ensure that fertilizing does not harm fruit-bearing tomatoes, it is important to know the technology and timing of its implementation. You can apply useful substances at the roots of plants, or you can spray the trunk, leaves and fruits with a spray bottle.

Root method

Root feeding of tomatoes during fruiting is carried out in liquid form - the active ingredients are pre-diluted in water in the recommended proportions.

Applying fertilizer at the root is always accompanied by watering the tomatoes - first you need to water them with plain water, and then with a nutrient solution. This is done so that agrochemicals do not damage the root system.

Important! During fruiting, it is not advisable to water tomatoes with urea solution; it is better to use it to spray the green parts of the bush.

Foliar method

The components of tomato spray formulations are absorbed much faster than when watering at the root, so foliar feeding has become widespread.

The main disadvantage of this type of fertilization is the increase in humidity and evaporation. in greenhouse conditions. In addition, tomatoes do not like leaf irrigation.

In general, the instructions for spraying are quite simple: the nutrient solution is prepared following the recommended dosages, filtered if necessary and poured into the sprayer. In most cases, the working solution must be applied liberally over the entire surface of the bush.

When to feed?

To fertilize tomatoes you need to choose certain time days and weather conditions.

  1. For open ground tomatoes, all spraying can be carried out in the morning or evening, and in cloudy weather - at any time. The main thing is not to get it on the treated bushes. Sun rays, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.
  2. Spraying carried out in the evening hours is considered more effective, since all components of the solution are better absorbed into the plant and do not evaporate during the day.
  3. Root feeding of greenhouse tomatoes is carried out in morning hours followed by ventilation.

Important nuances

The components of the fertilizer must be dissolved in water. When fertilizing dryly, the elements will be absorbed very slowly by the plant roots.

The fastest results are shown by foliar feeding - within a few hours you can see the effect.

Fertilizers in liquid form are absorbed by roots longer – within two weeks.

The effect of fertilizers on crop quality

Are you looking for a way to increase the shelf life and sweetness of fruits? Use fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, they have a good effect on the taste and product characteristics of the fruit:

  • gives them sweetness and attractive appearance,
  • increase shelf life.

And here excess nitrogen in the soil will negatively affect the quality of tomatoes– their taste becomes watery and is not clearly expressed.

Getting all the necessary nutrients at such an important stage as fruiting is simply necessary for tomatoes. Thanks to timely application of fertilizers, you can get a high yield of excellent quality.

Useful video

Beginning vegetable growers have many questions about caring for tomatoes, including what to feed the tomatoes during flowering. And those who have been growing these vegetables for many years are interested in learning something new. Helpful information will help you get best harvest in their areas.

Novice vegetable growers have many questions about caring for tomatoes, including what to feed the tomatoes during flowering.

Tomatoes during flowering, as in any other period, need three useful substances. These are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These microelements are necessary for the growth and development of tomatoes.

You can tell that a plant is lacking nitrogen by looking at the condition of the leaves - they turn yellow. Yellowing begins from the lower leaves and gradually rises to the upper ones.

If the leaves start to turn purple, then there may be a lack of phosphorus. But before adding this element to the soil, you need to make sure that the tomatoes are not cold, since the leaves can turn purple from the cold.

A lack of potassium is manifested by the fact that the leaves change their color to a lighter color, and they become lighter from the tip. Gradually the color changes to brown, and then the leaves dry out. If you do not feed the tomatoes on time, during the flowering period, and then at the moment of ripening, then the fruits will grow sour, and their middle will not be ripe.

During the flowering period, the bushes can be sprayed with a solution of water with one of the following substances:

  • urea;
  • boric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • saltpeter;
  • serum.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. any of these fertilizers.

Spraying during the flowering period helps better formation ovaries, which subsequently leads to the production of more fruits.

For spraying, it is necessary to choose the evening hours, when the heat has already subsided. You can also spend it on cloudy days. And if you do this during hours when the sun is shining, you can get burns on the leaves from its rays. And the liquid evaporates too quickly in the heat, and the plant does not receive required quantity useful substances.

Tomatoes during flowering, as in any other period, need three useful substances. These are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

Tomato feeding during flowering is also carried out by watering. And this must be done at a time when the sun is no longer shining, that is, in the evenings or in cloudy weather. If you water tomatoes in the heat, the moisture evaporates from the soil too quickly, and the solution that gets on the leaves can burn them.

You can feed the plants with a mixture of 20 g of any phosphorus fertilizer, 15 g of potassium salt, 12 g of nitrate. This amount is enough for 1 m² of planting. The mixture is applied between the bushes of flowering tomatoes.

In garden stores you can also purchase ready-made fertilizer formulations intended for feeding flowering plants.

How to feed plants in a greenhouse

Feeding tomatoes growing in a greenhouse requires caution. This is especially true for fertilizers containing nitrogen.

Their dosage should be approached especially carefully. When applying fertilizers in liquid form, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the solution. The water for it should be warm. Tomato roots suffer from temperature changes. better education Heteroauxin is used in the ovaries. It is diluted in water at the rate of 20 g per 1 liter. All clusters of flowering tomatoes are sprayed with the prepared solution. This helps produce fruits with higher levels of vitamin C and sugar.

Tomato flowering is the period when you can feed the plants with organic fertilizers. Before using chicken manure or cow dung It is necessary to water the plants in advance, that is, if you plan to fertilize in the evening, then in the morning the bushes must be watered well.

Mullein – best fertilizer for tomatoes. The solution for feeding flowering vegetables is prepared as follows:

  • dissolve 1 liter of manure in 10 liters of water;
  • add 0.5 cups of wood ash and 1.5 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • apply prepared fertilizer to each bush at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant.

A solution from chicken manure is prepared as follows:

  • pour dry droppings into the bucket about 1/3 of the volume;
  • pour water to the edge of the bucket;
  • leave for 1 week;
  • for watering, dilute 1 liter of the prepared infusion in 1 bucket of water, adding about 1 liter of solution under each bush.

Growing tomatoes at the beginning of flowering (video)

What else can you feed flowering tomatoes?

Wood ash is an excellent fertilizer for flowering tomatoes. It is introduced into the grooves, which should be made along the bed with planted bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm. The introduced ash is sprinkled with earth and then watered with water.

You can use not just ash, but a mixture of several fertilizers. To prepare it you will need 10 liters of water, 1 liter of wood ash, 10 g boric acid, a small bottle of iodine. All components are mixed and infused for a day. 1 liter of the prepared mixture is poured under one bush of flowering vegetables.

To the question of what to feed tomatoes during the flowering period, the answer may also be this: yeast. The composition is prepared from 100 g of live yeast, 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Everything is mixed and infused for a day or more. Tomato bushes are watered with the prepared mixture diluted with water at the rate of 1 cup of starter per 10 liters of water.

Tomato feeding during flowering is also carried out by watering

Even weeds will help in feeding tomatoes. The nutrient mixture is prepared in a barrel. 5 kg of any grass (it can be either nettle or lawn grass) should be finely chopped and poured into a barrel. Add 10 liters of manure, 1 cup of wood ash. Pour about 5 buckets of water into the barrel and stir everything. Let the mixture brew for 2 weeks, but be sure to stir it at least once a day. After this, add the same amount of water. Water the tomatoes with the prepared mixture - about 2 liters for each bush.

How to feed tomatoes during fruiting period? Sometimes it happens that vegetables need a little help to get a good harvest. For example, when tomatoes begin to bear fruit, they may need fertilizing: if the soil is depleted, tomatoes have been grown on the site for many years, or similar manipulations were not carried out in advance.

In any case, you need to understand that for each growing season there is suitable look fertilizers that will not harm the plant and will replenish exactly those missing elements that it needs this moment. Today we will tell you how to feed tomatoes during the fruiting period.

What you will learn from this material:

Why fertilize tomatoes?

The goal of every gardener who grows tomatoes is to get a good harvest of tasty sugary fruits. But can this be achieved without the use of fertilizers? Some vegetable growers believe that tomatoes do not need to be fertilized in fertile soil, and their opinion has a right to exist.

However, to obtain a high-quality harvest in full, it is recommended to carry out at least three planned fertilizings during the season:

  • the first 10-15 days after planting the seedlings in the ground - this feeding is carried out in order to support the plants in the adaptation process and help build up the root mass;
  • the second planned fertilizing should be carried out before or during flowering - it promotes the setting of more fruits;
  • The last planned fertilizing is carried out in order to improve the taste characteristics of the fruit and increase the yield.

Since tomatoes take a lot of nutrients from the soil during ripening, you can water the plants with light organic solutions every two weeks until the entire crop is ripe. At each stage of their growth, tomato bushes need certain microelements and macroelements, and if they are not provided with adequate nutrition, the plants will begin to develop more slowly, or, worse than that, get sick.

Greenhouse tomatoes are particularly vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies. Excessive humidity and heat contribute to the growth of green mass on the bushes, but this negatively affects the number of fruits. In order for greenhouse tomatoes to form an ovary, they must be fed not only according to plan, but also additionally before flowering, and then throughout the entire fruiting period.

Types of tomato fertilizing

Tomatoes are very responsive to good care and application of fertilizers. But abundant feeding harmful to plants. Excessive amounts of nutrients can negatively affect fruiting.

Tomatoes are fertilized during the active growing season and during the formation of inflorescences. Then the plants need nutrients added after the first harvest. This will help improve the growth potential of new fruits and speed up their ripening.

The following types of fertilizers are used to apply fertilizers:

  • Foliar. The solution is sprayed onto the foliage and stems of plants. It is more effective. It is used when tomatoes need quick help. To prevent plants from getting burned, the solution should be of low concentration, and the fertilizers should be liquid or completely dissolved. For spraying it is required to stand.

Both types of feeding are almost equivalent. They have a beneficial effect on plants both when grown outdoors and indoors.

Feeding tomatoes during fruiting period

As mentioned earlier, fertilizing tomatoes during the ripening process is necessary to increase the yield, as well as the taste properties of tomatoes.

To improve tomato yield experienced gardeners recommend using the following methods of mineral and organic fertilizer for filling tomato fruits:

  • A product based on nitrophoska (1 tbsp), dry sodium humate (1 tsp) and 10 l of warm water.
  • A solution with nitrophoska (2 tbsp. l) and liquid sodium humate (1 tbsp. l) per 10 l of water. Watering in this case and the previous one is carried out directly under the bush.
  • Organic and mineral solutions. For 10 liters of water, we use 1 liter of manure with the addition of dry mineral fertilizer (complex) and 1 g of manganese. Watering must be done exclusively under the rhizomes, with an estimate of 1–1.5 liters of water per plant bush.
  • We first prepare a solution based on bird droppings or mullein, the output should be 10 liters. Next, add Kemira-universal, Mortar, 1 tbsp each into the prepared solution. l. In addition to these products, you can also use analogues, which can be purchased at specialized gardening stores. We water the prepared product directly under the root of the plant, for low-growing fruits at a rate of 1.5 liters per bush, for tall ones at least 2.0 liters per bush.
  • Fertilizer manufacturers have prepared preparations specifically for tomatoes during the fruit ripening period. One of them is auxin “2,4-D”. The principle of its action is to accelerate ripening and increase yield. As soon as the ovaries begin to appear on the plant, gardeners need to immediately treat it with this drug. begin to grow faster and increase in size.

The best tomato ripening stimulants

Potassium monophosphate. The main advantage of this fertilizer lies in its composition: the ratio of phosphorus and potassium is optimal for maximum yield. The substance itself is easily soluble in water. When feeding with potassium monophosphate, you need to take into account that it is not compatible with magnesium and calcium fertilizers. To prepare the solution, you need to add 15 grams of the substance to a bucket of water. This amount of solution is enough to treat 4 plants. Monopotassium phosphate is considered affordable and is a very popular fertilizer.

Complex fertilizers for tomatoes

What fertilizers do tomatoes need for good fruiting? If the bushes develop normally, they do not show signs of excess nitrogen, then you can use complex preparations. They are easily soluble in water, suitable for foliar processing and for root watering, and contain microelements in the required concentration. Experts recommend:

  • "Kemira Lux". Packaging – 100g. Suitable for use in open ground and greenhouses. Contains nitrogen 16%, potassium 27%, phosphorus 20.6% and microelements. Dilute – 10g per 10 liters.
  • "A clean slate for tomatoes." Packaging – 1.2kg, 350g and 100g. Mineral concentrate with nitrogen 16%, phosphorus 8.7%, potassium 20%. Consumption – 10g per 5 liters.
  • "Fasco Baby for tomatoes." Contains phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and organic matter. Available in 50g and 250ml packaging. Consumption rate – 10g per bucket of liquid.

Tomatoes for the winter are an absolutely irreplaceable type of preparation. The best-tasting tomatoes are when they turn red on the plant. If they are overripe, their taste deteriorates. If you pick green or even brown tomatoes from the bush and let them ripen at home, the taste will also not be the best. That's why important task when growing tomatoes, give them the opportunity to turn red on the bush.

Moreover, scientists who last years very interested beneficial properties tomatoes, they found that tomatoes that turned red on the bush are not only tastier, but also much healthier than tomatoes that turned red at home in felt boots. They contain much more vitamins and biologically active substances, in particular lycopene and carotene, which determine the color of the fruit.

How to feed tomatoes during the fruiting period video

How to feed tomatoes during ripening

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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In addition to watering, tomatoes need regular feeding. During active growth apply liquid fertilizers. Composition and amount of fertilizers regulate depending on plant development.

Basic Rules:

  • They begin to feed tomatoes after planting, a week after the seedlings take root.
  • Root and foliar fertilizers are used to fertilize tomatoes. Their composition depends on the stage of plant development, the size of the fruit and weather conditions.
  • Root fertilizing is combined with watering; foliar fertilizing is done as needed.
  • The favorite component of tomatoes is potassium, and the least favorite is chlorine. Therefore, potassium chloride is not suitable for fertilizing, but potassium sulfate or ash is just right.
  • At a minimum, tomatoes need 3-4 feedings for their active growth and generous harvest.

First feeding of tomatoes: after planting in the ground

When? For the first time tomatoes most effective feed 15 days after planting the seedlings in open ground or greenhouse (budding, beginning of flowering).

What to feed? If the soil was poorly fertilized before planting, add:

An infusion of bird droppings or mullein sprinkled with ash, or
Herbal infusion (fermented herb),

Mineral fertilizers:

“Nitrophoska” - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water. Solution consumption: 1 liter per bush.
Any other complete (complex) min. fertilizer.

If the soil was generously fertilized before planting, add:

Calimagnesia – 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water, or
Potassium sulfate – 1 tbsp. spoon into a 10-liter bucket of water.

What should you not do? When first feeding, use nitrogen fertilizers, which will only cause vigorous growth of greenery.

Second feeding: during fruit set

When? The tomatoes are fed the second time 10 days after the second cluster begins to bloom, when ovaries 1.5 cm in size appear on it (during fruit set).

What to feed? Add 1 tbsp to the prepared solution of mullein or bird droppings (10 liters). spoon of complete mineral fertilizer, 3 g copper sulfate and 3 g of potassium permanganate. Solution consumption: 1 liter for low-growing bushes, 1.5 liters for determinate bushes, 2 liters for tall bushes.

Fertilizers for better fruit set:

  • At the stage of active setting and filling of fruits, tomatoes are fed with an aqueous extract of superphosphate in a dosage of 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water (superphosphate is poured hot water). Watering plants at the roots with this solution speeds up fruit set.
  • Improves fruit set and foliar feeding: 1 g of boric acid and 1 g of magnesium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed on plants at the stage of active flowering.
  • A very affordable product – ash – stimulates the formation of ovaries on tomatoes. It is simply scattered on the surface of the earth under a bush or a solution is prepared: 10 teaspoons of wood ash per 10-liter bucket of water. The solution is infused for 7 days, and then watered over the tomatoes. The solution prepared according to the recipe also accelerates the growth and ripening of fruits.

Third feeding: during fruiting

When? At the beginning of harvesting, that is, during fruiting.

What to feed? You can use a second feeding solution, increasing the dose for tall varieties to 2.5 - 3 liters per bush.
If tomatoes are fattening, that is, greens are formed in excess, but there are no flowers, it is worth eliminating nitrogen-containing fertilizers and fertilizing with an infusion of wood ash (100 g per 10 liters of water) or superphosphate (its aqueous extract).

Foliar feeding of tomatoes

Foliar feeding is carried out as needed.

  1. Feeding for growth

It happens that even before flowering begins, tomatoes grow poorly, the stems of the plants are thin and weak, and the leaves are light. Foliar feeding with a urea solution in a dosage of 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water will help out. Foliar feeding of tomatoes is often combined with treatment against pests and diseases.

2. If the flowers fall...

This means that due to overheating of the air in the greenhouse, the pollination process was disrupted. Foliar fertilizing with boric acid in a dosage of 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water will help out.

3. If the lighting is insufficient...

Spray the leaves with a solution of calcium nitrate in a dosage of 10-15 g per 10-liter bucket of water. Fertilizing will also help if the top leaves curl, and will also be useful for better filling of tomatoes.

4. If the plants are weakened and thin...

After root feeding with nitrogen fertilizers, the leaves are sprayed with a solution: 10 g of urea and 15 g of calcium nitrate per 10-liter bucket of water.

Over the entire period, tomato bushes are fed three times: first, they are fertilized during the period of active growth, then nutrients are added again ten days after the second cluster blooms, and finally, the third feeding of tomatoes is carried out precisely during fruiting, as soon as the first harvest has been harvested. This article will discuss methods for accelerating fruiting.

Feeding tomatoes during fruiting

You can increase the yield of tomatoes using both natural methods and the use of special preparations. Let's look at the most popular methods among gardeners.

  1. First, let's look at how to speed up the fruiting of tomatoes using iodine and ash. First of all, prepare the base solution. To do this, diluted ash (about 2 liters) must be diluted in five liters of boiling water, then mixed thoroughly and left the solution to cool. After a while, add water to it again, the final volume should be about 10 liters. Add one bottle of iodine and 10 g of boric acid to this mixture. We leave everything to infuse for a day. This feeding of tomatoes during fruiting is used as follows: one liter of the mixture is diluted in a bucket of water and a liter is applied to each plant. In addition to a bountiful harvest, this method will save you from fruit damage.
  2. If we slightly change the composition of the solution, we get another method for increasing the fruiting of tomatoes. To do this, instead of iodine, we will add manganese to the ash solution. This element directly affects fruit formation and nitrogen digestibility.
  3. Now let’s look at a way to speed up the fruiting of tomatoes using ready-made preparations. First, prepare a solution of bird droppings or. You will need 10 liters of solution. Add one tablespoon of Kemira-universal and Mortar there. You can use other complete mineral fertilizers. You also need to add one gram of copper sulfate and potassium permanganate. Tomatoes are fed with this solution during the fruiting period in the following way: for determinate varieties, give one and a half liters, for tall and giant varieties, at least 2.5 liters.
  4. Eat special means, which were developed specifically for feeding tomatoes during the fruiting period. The auxin analog "2,4-D" has found its application as a means to accelerate and enhance the fruiting of tomatoes. As new inflorescences appear, they are immediately treated with a solution of this drug. This enhances the transport of nutrients to the fruit. As a result, the fruits differ noticeably in size, taste and harvest abundance.

Even when gardeners carefully monitor the growth of their wards, problems occur and a number of difficulties arise. For example, during the period when fruiting begins, gardeners are sometimes faced with the problem of a lack of inflorescences. If the bushes have become fat and leaves are starting to grow, this is the first signal that all nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be urgently removed.

Instead, they use the already familiar method with ash or superphosphate extract. As is known, phosphates are poorly soluble in water, so it’s better to use a hood. To do this, one day before feeding, you need to dilute in hot water required amount of superphosphate and leave. Be sure to stir several times. Before use, the top layer is drained and it is used for feeding.

If you grow tomatoes at home, then in addition to the methods discussed above, there is another simple and effective way accelerate fruit growth. To do this, you need to take the plant by the lower part and pull it a little so that the small roots break off. Next, it is watered and hilled. As a result, the formation and growth of fruits will noticeably accelerate.

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