Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Thuja: review of the most interesting varieties. The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape. Thuja occidentalis undersized

Botanical name: thuja occidentalis

Homeland of the western thuja: North America

Lighting: shade-tolerant

The soil: light loams with optimal moisture content

Max Height: 20 m

Average life expectancy: up to 1000 years

Reproduction: cuttings

Thuja is one of the most common plants in the modern Russian garden. And the most popular species is the western thuja.

This coniferous plant was brought to Europe from North America in the first half of the 16th century. Growing wild along the low-lying banks of swamps and rivers, thuja turned out to be unpretentious in cultivation, which is why it gained its popularity.

Thuja occidentalis: characteristics

The maximum height of an evergreen tree is 20 m with a crown diameter of 5 m. The crown of young trees is pyramidal, becoming ovoid with age. The bark on the trunk is smooth, reddish or gray-brown in color. In mature trees, it begins to separate in narrow longitudinal stripes. The needles are scaly, dark green, brown or brown-green in winter, small (up to 0.4 cm). The needles are pressed tightly against the shoot. It falls off every 2-3 years along with a twig (twig fall). On the upper side the shoots are dark green and shiny, on the lower side they are light and matte.

The cones are small (up to 12 mm) and ovoid in shape. They consist of thin scales and have 2 flattened seeds. Thuja occidentalis has seeds with two narrow wings of straw-yellow color.

The annual growth of the tree is up to 30 cm in height and up to 10 cm in width.

The wood is sound, reddish in color, very durable, but relatively soft, without resin ducts, with a pleasant aroma. Does not rot. The root system of the thuja occidentalis is compact.

Western thuja loves sunny places, but, being shade-tolerant, most varieties do not lose their crown shape even in the shade. Undemanding to fertility. Prefers light loam soils; on sandy loams it grows in conditions regular feeding. It tolerates nearby groundwater quite well, so it can grow in areas with excessive waterlogging. And trees that have already formed a root system are resistant to dry periods. Frost-resistant. Another advantage of the western thuja is its resistance to urban conditions.

Beautiful crown shape western thuja became the reason for the use of wood in landscape design, where it is recommended for group and solitary plantings.

Thuja occidentalis: planting and care

To plant thuja, it is better to choose a place protected from the wind. Soil mixture for the planting hole, it is recommended to prepare it from 2 parts of leaf (turf) soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand. You can add nitroammophoska (no more than 500 g per adult tree). The root collar is not buried. It must be left at ground level.

The planting sheds well. In the future, during the first months it is necessary to water the plant at the rate of 10 liters per 1 tree. Watering is carried out simultaneously with sprinkling. In dry and hot summers, watering is increased to 2 times a week up to 20 liters per tree. It is better to water in the morning or evening so that the needles have time to dry and the roots have time to nourish. Important: in dry summers and lack of watering, thuja can bear fruit, which will make its crown loose and not so decorative.

As for feeding, they feed thuja complex fertilizers in early spring, after the snow has melted. If fertilizers were applied during planting, then the next time they are fed is in the second year.

By winter, multi-stemmed varieties are tied together with twine, which prevents the crown from breaking under the weight of wet snow. It is advisable to wrap young seedlings with covering material or kraft paper, this will prevent sunburn.

Types of thuja occidentalis

There are many varieties of western thuja in cultivation, including decorative ones. Therefore, finding a suitable specimen for your garden is quite easy. The most popular are spherical varieties, varieties with an interesting crown shape and other types that are highly decorative.

Thuja occidentalis columnar is an excellent vertical plant. From such varieties, backdrops are created, which are a good background for other plants. If the idea is to have a high hedge, then it is recommended to plant trees with a pyramidal crown.

With low-growing varieties, you can create medium-height hedges, and sometimes even borders. The main thing is that such “fences” do not require cutting. Depending on the purpose, seedlings are planted in 1-2 rows. In addition, this coniferous tree can be safely used as a tapeworm, when creating an alley, in rocky gardens and for topiary.

Thuja western columnar and other species in the photo

Columnar thuja occidentalis is represented by many varieties. One of them is Degroot Spire.

Degroot Spire - a unique shape, characterized by a narrow, straight, columnar crown. According to most dendrologists, Degroot Spire is the most narrowly columnar variety. It is very popular in the West, but in Europe it is still underestimated. However, Degroot Spire has great promise in landscape design and landscaping of small areas.

With this variety you can create a very dense hedge up to 5 m high without clearance and cutting. The thickness of such a fence is only 30 cm! This can only be appreciated experienced gardener. Such a fence takes up minimal space, but provides maximum effect thin green wall. The average annual growth of a well-groomed plant is 20-30 cm. The height of a ten-year-old tree is 2.5-3 m.

Another popular variety with a dense cone-shaped crown is Smaragd. It is especially highly valued for the fact that throughout the year the needles remain richly green, while most types of western thuja change color in the winter, becoming less decorative. Thuja grows up to 3-5 m. The average annual growth is up to 10 cm.

Columna – columnar form of thuja. It is the most resistant variety to sunburn and low temperatures. The height of an adult plant is up to 8 m, with a crown diameter of 1.5 m. Annual growth is 10-15 cm. The needles are shiny, dark green. Shade-tolerant. Tolerates both dry soil and excessive moisture. Can be used in hedges, alleys, single and group plantings.

Thuja occidentalis pyramidalis

One of the common varieties is Pyramidalis Compacta. The height of the tree is up to 10 m. It is characterized by a dense pyramidal crown. The tree has similarities with Columna, but in Piramidalis Compacta the shoots are pressed closer to each other. In addition, they are thicker and stronger. It is considered one of the best pyramidal-conical varieties of western thuja.

No less popular Thuja occidentalis Douglasii pyramidalis with a pyramidal crown. A tree up to 15 m high. The protruding branches, reminiscent of fern leaves, look very decorative. The needles are marsh-colored, flat in shape.

"Salland" rare because it is a new variety with a pyramidal crown. It is characterized by lemon-yellow needles and medium height.

Variety "Reingold" - a very interesting and decorative variety. The crown is broadly pyramidal with dimorphic needles: partly scale-like, partly needle-like. The color of the needles is also striking: bright, golden-orange. Young shoots are painted in a soft orange hue. The tree grows slowly: at the age of 10 it reaches 1-1.2 m.

Thuja occidentalis "Yellow Ribbon" has a narrow pyramidal crown shape. It is distinguished by golden-yellow needles, the color of which does not change in winter. By the age of 10, the tree can grow up to 2 m.

Thuja occidentalis

Thuja occidentalis Danica – decorative variety with spherical crown. It reaches a height of 0.8 m and a diameter of 1 m. The shoots are short and densely spaced. In summer, the color of the needles is bright green, in winter - top part turns brown, becomes greenish-brown. This is the most popular globular variety of Western thuja in the world. Its enormous popularity is due to its regular crown and correct row arrangement of needles. At 10 years of age, this dwarf shrub with a spherical crown reaches 0.4 m in diameter. Compared to other spherical varieties, it wins with its dark green shiny needles. The variety is frost-resistant.

Variety "Golden Globe" is also a popular variety of western thuja with a spherical crown. It is distinguished by variegated, golden-yellow needles (hence the name). Belongs to a slow growing variety. At 10 years old, the tree reaches 0.8-1 m in width and height. Prefers sunny, moderately humid places.

Thuja occidentalis Globosa – spherical variety. It is a shrub with dense, vertically growing shoots. The growth rate is slow. It tends to change color from golden green to brownish brown. Mature plant has a height of up to 1.2 and a width of up to 1 m.

Thuja occidentalis dwarf

"Mr. Bowling Ball" - dwarf, almost spherical variety. It is distinguished by its extraordinary density. By the age of 10 years, the width and height of the plant reaches only 40 cm. The needles are dark green in summer, and bronze-gray in winter, resembling a fringe. Ideal for memorial sites, heather gardens, containers. Prefers sunny places. Winter-hardy variety.

Woodwardii – dwarf form with a characteristic spherical-ovoid crown. Older plants are more broadly rounded. By the age of 10, the tree reaches only 40 cm in width. The shoots are dense with light green needles. Needs fertile, moist soil. Looks very good in rocky gardens and containers. Differs in winter hardiness.

Little Gem- dwarf evergreen variety of thuja occidentalis. This is a dwarf form with a crown diameter of up to 2 m and a significantly lower plant height. In summer the needles are dark green in color, in winter they are brown. It is recommended for use in landscape design and gardening, where it can grow in both group and single plantings. Can be used in a rocky garden or as a hedge. Tolerates low temperatures well, but poorly tolerates drought.

Stolwijk – dwarf slow-growing variety. In youth, the crown is hemispherical, slightly asymmetrical, very dense and dense. Over the years, the plant expands significantly in width. At 10 years of age, the height of the plant is 1 m. The needles are green, young shoots are yellow-white. For good growth you need fertile, moist soil. Recommended for growing in sunny places. High winter hardiness. Looks good in Japanese gardens.

(Thuja occidentalis Aureospicata)

Thuja occidentalis Aureospicata has an attractive variegated needle color. Young shoots are golden in color, while last year's needles are dark green. This form of thuja is unpretentious and does not require special care, except for sanitary pruning. The plant is light-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Thuja is tolerant of urban environments. Despite the fact that this variety is quite frost-resistant, you should still avoid planting on open area. Thuja suffers from severe frosts and winds. It is used in single and group plantings, in decorative groups of plants.

(Thuja occidentalis Brabant)

Thuja occidentalis Brabant is the fastest growing and most popular variety of thuja occidentalis. In the conditions of the Moscow region it grows up to 4 m. It can grow on any soil, but prefers fresh, sufficiently moist fertile loams. Grows in light and shade. Tolerates both dryness and excessive soil moisture (but not waterlogging). Frost resistance is high. It tolerates pruning and shearing very well. Used in hedges, alley plantings, landscape compositions.

(Thuja occidentalis Globosa)

Thuja occidentalis Globoza is a dwarf spherical shrub. It grows best in a well-lit place, but is quite shade-tolerant. May burn in the first spring sun. It grows slowly. It grows well in fertile and moist soils, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Frost-resistant. Needs protection from winds. An excellent plant for small gardens. Used in mixed borders, miniature tree and shrub compositions.

(Thuja occidentalis Globosa Compacta)

Thuja occidentalis Globoza Compacta is a low-growing coniferous shrub with a spherical crown with a diameter of 60 cm. It grows slowly. Winter hardiness is average. Grows well in sunny and semi-shaded places. Prefers moist, fairly fertile soils. Does not tolerate dry air well. During dry periods, additional artificial irrigation is recommended. Recommended for small home gardens, rock gardens, rocky hills and growing in containers.

(Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe)

Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe is a slow-growing dwarf form of thuja with yellow colored needles. The needles are golden-yellow, scaly, and turn orange in autumn. Prefers sunny planting locations and light partial shade. Does not tolerate dry air and waterlogged soil. Winter hardiness is very high. Resistant to diseases and pests. IN garden design used in border plantings and miniature decorative compositions.

(Thuja occidentalis Golden Smaragd)

Thuja occidentalis Golden Smaragd - the best golden form, bred from popular variety Emerald. The needles are golden yellow throughout the year, the crown is almost perfectly conical. Grows best in sunny places and partial shade. In full shade the iridescent hue of the pine needles is lost. Does not tolerate drought, tolerant of pruning. Suitable for single and group plantings, looks great in a hedge.

(Thuja occidentalis Danica)

Thuja western Danica is a miniature spherical coniferous shrub with a dense crown. The growth rate is slow. It is not picky about soil, but still prefers moist fertile loams. Shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Used in single plantings, decorative groups, borders, rock gardens.

(Thuja occidentalis Yellow Ribbon)

Thuja occidentalis Yellow Ribbon is one of the varieties of Thuja occidentalis, which has different colors depending on the time of year. Young needles are orange, then turn green and turn brown in winter. The growth rate is average. It is not demanding on soil fertility. Prefers well-lit and fairly moist planting sites. Frost-resistant. May burn in the spring sun. Resistant to pests and diseases. Used in single and group plantings, in hedges.

(Thuja occidentalis Columna)

Thuja occidentalis Columna is a coniferous tree or shrub with a columnar shape. The growth rate is fast. Prefers fertile loams and can tolerate dry soil and excess moisture. Does not tolerate soil compaction well. Grows in sun and partial shade. Winter-hardy. Perfect for alley plantings and hedges. Serves as an excellent vertical accent in tree and shrub compositions.

(Thuja occidentalis Little Champion)

Thuja occidentalis Little Champion fully lives up to its name. This wonderful thuja has dark green needles and grows in a ball shape. At a young age it grows quickly, then the growth rate slows down. It is this form of thuja that tolerates large snow loads in winter and has high frost resistance. The needles burn in the spring sun. Used in groups or singly on rocky areas, suitable for creating low hedges, borders, and miniature compositions.

(Thuja occidentalis Pyramidalis Compacta)

Thuja occidentalis Pyramidalis Compacta is a coniferous tree about 6 m high (sometimes reaching 10 m). The needles are large, light green, with a slight shine. Grows well in sun and partial shade. Prefers fertile loams without stagnant water. Winter-hardy. At a young age it can get sunburned in the spring sun. Recommended for single and group plantings.

(Thuja occidentalis Sunkist)

Thuja occidentalis Sunkist - evergreen shrub with a cone-shaped crown. The needles are bright golden yellow, bright yellow when blooming, and bronze in winter. The growth rate is average. It is undemanding to soil, but prefers fertile loams. Shade-tolerant, drought-resistant. Can withstand waterlogged soil. Frost-resistant. Suitable for single plantings, decorative groups, borders, rock gardens. Recommended to use this type thujas in colorful mixed compositions.

(Thuja occidentalis Smaragd)

Thuja western Smaragd is popular due to the fact that it retains its bright emerald green color and its decorative effect throughout the year. The growth rate is moderate. Sensitive to drought, frost-resistant. Shade-tolerant, but shows its best decorative qualities in well-lit places. Looks great in hedges, alley plantings, as well as in decorative tree and shrub compositions as a vertical accent.

(Thuja occidentalis Teddy)

Thuja occidentalis Teddy is a spherical, slow-growing variety of thuja with unusually interesting needle-type needles and seemingly always young. Thuja Teddy resembles a fluffy ball. It grows slowly. Requires moderately fertile and moist soil. Shade-tolerant (a few hours of sun a day is enough). Does not tolerate dry soil and air. The plant is suitable for growing in containers. Recommended for use in rocky gardens.

(Thuja occidentalis Tiny Tim)

Thuja occidentalis Tini Tim is a beautiful dwarf shrub with a spherical crown. Grows in sun and partial shade. Virtually no maintenance required. Resistant to diseases and pests. It is undemanding to soils, tolerates dry soil and excessive moisture, but prefers fresh, sufficiently moist fertile loams. Can tolerate both arid soil and short-term waterlogging. Used as a foreground in miniature compositions. Used in borders, rock gardens, rockeries.

(Thuja occidentalis Hoseri)

Thuja occidentalis Hoseri is an evergreen dwarf shrub with a spherical shape. In autumn it acquires a bronze tint. It grows slowly. It has little demands on soil fertility. Shade-tolerant, but develops best in light partial shade. Moisture-loving, does not tolerate dry air. Winter-hardy. Used in miniature compositions with other low-growing coniferous plants. Looks great in borders.

(Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup)

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup is a slow-growing coniferous shrub. Not demanding on soil composition. Photophilous, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well. Used in hedges and alley plantings. Thanks to its compact crown, it is suitable for use in small gardens.

(Thuja plicata Kornik)

Thuja foldata Kornik is a powerful coniferous tree with a dense pyramidal crown. Shade-tolerant. Demanding on soil and air moisture. Does not tolerate drought well. Frost-resistant. Prefers a sunny planting location or partial shade. It grows slowly. Decorative throughout the year. It goes well with cypress, hemlock, and fir. Good for forming dense groups, alleys, and creating contrasting compositions. Used in park design.

The pyramidal thuja is a representative of the western variety of the plant; when grown in nature, in northeastern America, it reaches 30 meters in height, but cultivated varieties grow only up to 12 meters.

Columnar, as it is also called, thuja, has a crown color with a red tint, sometimes a brown-gray color. Old trees are characterized by flaking crowns, and young representatives have a cone-shaped or pyramidal shape. In trees, the needles grow densely on the shoots and last for about 2–3 years, have a rich green color in summer, and by winter a brownish tint appears.

Thuja pyramidalis retain vitality for 100 years, although there are cases of trees lasting longer. A very viable tree-like plant, it grows slowly, develops better on loamy soils, but does not have any special requirements for the soil.

If growth occurs on depleted soils, the plant is distinguished by a yellowish color of the needles. It tolerates dry years, although it loves moist soil and places with high atmospheric humidity. After 70 years of life, the lower branches begin to die and fall off, which makes the thuja less beautiful. It grows well in all latitudes of Russia.

Despite its high growth, it perfectly resists wind loads, withstands smoke and gas clouds for a long time, to create original form Thuja is trimmed, the tree does not deteriorate as a result, pruning does not affect further growth, nor does replanting.

Breed Features

The problem with thuja is often the abundance of cones that acquire by the beginning of autumn chocolate color, this makes the tree look brown-green. After they fall off a year later, the crown becomes loose. Summer drought can affect the formation of such seeds. Sometimes it is discovered that some thuja legs have acquired Brown color and dried up.

You shouldn’t be afraid of this if the process does not affect more than a quarter of the crown; this phenomenon refers to the natural change of needles. Although thuja is classified as evergreen trees, but the needles change every 3–5 years.

Tree planting conditions

For effective growth and development, you should comply with certain conditions:

  • Thuja propagation occurs by seeds, which require a certificate for effective growth; sometimes cuttings from green shoots are used;
  • It is advisable to plant in moist soil, but if not, the tree will cope with dry “living” conditions;
  • copes with shading, but sunlight is desirable;
  • the critical temperature below which thuja cannot withstand is a thermometer reading below 36ºС;
  • when planting, the roots must be buried at least 80 cm;
  • does not release toxic substances during growth environment for people and animals.

Features of growth

After planting in suitable conditions, observe development rules:

  • soil acidity should be within the range of 5.3–7;
  • Thuja develops most effectively with precipitation in the range of 900–1500 mm per year;
  • When growing, it is recommended not to exceed the density per hectare of more than 3 thousand specimens;
  • Thuja is undemanding to the soil where it grows, but prefers fertile soils or their average values;
  • The tree is not resistant to soil salinity; thuja requires highly nitrogenous, calcareous soils.

Thuja seeds are formed in cones of two pieces, ripening is achieved in the autumn. The seedling is grown over a period of 5 years; the soil of the local climate prepares the plant for the harsh conditions of Russia. It is advisable to choose a sunny place and nutritious soil.

Seeds are sown in the ground in spring no more than 5 cm deep. The planting site is covered with a small layer of sawdust from a coniferous tree. Although young trees love the sun, emerging seedlings are very sensitive to it, so it is not recommended to expose them to open rays; the seedling sites should be shaded.

Regular watering and loosening of the soil is recommended; fertilization should be done with slurry diluted in a ratio of 1:20, at which young seedlings grow very well. For cuttings, shoots are taken from shoots at the age of 2–3 years. Urgent planting allows the use of a shoot of one year, but it must be buried with a piece of the old trunk so that the cutting takes root faster.

Before planting, shoots in mandatory treated with the drug heteroauxin. For better growth, prepare a mixture of turf and peat in a 1:1 ratio. Seedlings - cuttings are buried in the soil to a depth of at least 1.7–2.6 cm. Optimal place For growing seedlings, greenhouses are considered where the necessary conditions have been created.

Caring for thuja pyramidalis

Under normal conditions, watering the thuja is recommended. The description of the breed speaks of its endurance in arid climates, but frequent rains have a beneficial effect on the correct formation of the pyramidal crown. If the thuja is not refined, the decorative qualities of the tree do not appear and the plant loses its beauty.

Regular watering does not allow the tree to receive enhanced fertilizing nutrient solutions, which lead to the abundant appearance of cones with seeds on the crown. Such a tree acquires asymmetrical shapes and beauty, so cones and dead needles must be removed every spring.

If necessary, you can replant the thuja, as the tree easily tolerates this procedure. Changing location does not cause difficulties for the gardener, since the rhizomes of the tree are collected into a compact tuber. Therefore, if you suspect that the landing site is incorrect, you can change it. Some varieties of thuja are tied with ropes for the winter so that the snow does not harm the shape of the tree; other varieties are forced to be in such a bunch constantly.

Regularly, but in moderation, you should fertilize the thuja; you need to start in early spring, when there is snow. During this period, nitrogen fertilizing is applied, next stage Fertilization begins in June; potassium solutions are used. Tree specimens growing on depleted soil are supported by fertilizing with phosphorus solutions.

The description of the properties of the tree states that the crown is susceptible to the influence of a pest called false scale insect. Gardeners successfully combat this problem by using karbofos and actelik in early spring. They spray the crown of the thuja before the leaves bloom, and twice more in the summer and once in the fall. The same drug destroys aphids on tree branches and needles. Varieties of decorative pyramidal thuja

Several types of trees grow in the natural pool:

  • eastern;
  • Japanese;
  • Korean;
  • folded;
  • western.

Oriental thuja characterized by a fan-shaped branch, brought from China, hence its inability to withstand prolonged and severe frosts. IN middle lane The breed is planted only in the shade of nearby tall trees; it grows and develops better in the southern regions of Russia. According to its medicinal properties, it is used to alleviate many diseases.

Japanese pyramidal thuja comes from a Japanese island, where it grows in mountain coniferous-deciduous forests, at an altitude of up to 1700 m above the sea. It has the original color of the needles - spotted below, covered with a green layer on top. It grows up to 18 meters in height and is characterized by a resinous-spruce smell. It is unpretentious, withstands severe and prolonged frosts and takes root in the Arctic regions. It can withstand dry, waterless climates for a long time and is grown in all latitudes. Does not tolerate the polluted atmosphere of cities and requires clean air.

Thuja Korean it is more reminiscent of a shrub in its growth characteristics, native to the forest areas of the Korean peninsula, where it is not very common. It has a spreading large crown, which is distinguished by its original color; one tree can have rich green tones and silver colors in different places. In Russia it is grown in the southern regions, as it does not tolerate cold weather at all.

Thuja folded also does not like manifestations of cold, but its peculiarity is that shoots caught by frost restore their properties after thawing. This tree grows up to the height of a twenty-story building, some specimens reach a thickness of two meters. It has a pyramidal crown shape and emits a pleasant specific smell. Originally from the Canadian West Coast.

Western thuja

The most common species is the western thuja, which is in demand by gardeners due to its ability to withstand severe frosts and undemanding growing conditions. This type of thuja has the most a large number of varieties and forms, the life period is 100 years or more. Among amateur gardeners, they are most used for planting dwarf, weeping, variegated, miniature species of western thuja.

Suitable for landing in different regions In Russia, in addition to our country, countries are engaged in its breeding Western Europe. Most varieties of western thuja do not lose their crown shape even when grown in completely shaded conditions. Prefers light loamy soils; if planted in sandy soils, it requires constant feeding. Withstands urban air pollution. Thuja is in great demand for creating decorative green fences and living fences.

Planting and caring for the western thuja species

It is recommended to plant in a place protected from the wind. To effectively grow seedlings, you should prepare a mixture of turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. It is allowed to add to this composition 500 grams of nitroammophosphate for planting one tree. When planting, it is recommended to leave the root collar uncovered with soil.

After planting, good watering should be provided in the amount of ten liters daily per tree during sprinkling. If the summer is dry and hot, then the amount of moisture is increased to 20 liters and watering is carried out only in the morning and evening, leaving the daytime hours for the tree to rest. If the thuja does not receive enough moisture, then its crown is characterized by the formation of cones with seeds, becomes ugly, loses its elastic shape and the decorative appearance of the tree is lost.

If fertilizers were used when planting a tree, then fertilizing is carried out only for the next year. Plant planted without application minerals, fed in the first year in early spring and twice during the summer. Young seedlings should be protected from direct sun rays to prevent burns.

Pyramidal thuja Dense, as described, has a narrow cone-shaped crown and grows up to 10 meters in height. Dense short shoots branch and fit tightly in the crown to each other. The tree has needles in the form of green scales with a faint shiny effect. The species withstands winter climate well and is recommended as a single tree and for planting in a hedge group.

Western Equal Thuja grows to a height of 15 meters. The shape of the crown is similar to cypress; numerous branches contain tightly pressed needles, which are directed slightly downward. Bred in Germany, different rapid growth and, unlike other species, retains its green color even in winter.

Western thuja Brabant grows up to 15–20 meters, characterized by a spreading coniferous crown with a diameter of up to 4 meters, smoothly turning into a cone. Scaly needles retain rich color in winter. The tree is undemanding to soil conditions and grows well in dry and moist soils. Tolerates transplantation and haircuts, quite unpretentiously.

Western thuja variety Vervena It is distinguished by a sophisticated, beautiful crown, representing a narrow cone. Numerous thin branches form a soft and dense crown of yellow and green colors in light shades. The variety was bred in Belgium and is preferably planted in alleys near houses.

The Malojana variety, grown in Slovakia, has a narrow-leaved form, densely spaced numerous shoots are collected in a sharp apical shape with shiny needles with a ferruginous tint. It tolerates frost very well for a long time.

The variety of western thuja Smaragd has a standard shape in the form of a pyramid, but is more squat, the low tree grows up to 4–5 meters in height. Grown as a single tree or in a group of trees of the same type to create decorative hedge or plantings along the alley. If multi-row plantings are planned, then Smaragd is well suited for creating a background.

The Holmstrup variety is a shrub that grows up to 4 meters with a crown up to 1 m in diameter. The shape of the tree resembles a cone. The branches have reddish bark or a grayish tint and dense scaly green needles. It grows slowly, only about 10 centimeters per year, grows very well in the shade, develops in dry and wet soil. Easily tolerates frost.

Thuja is very popular; growing it in private courtyards and public squares allows you to create a beautiful ensemble to decorate the area.

Thuja pyramidalis, or thuja columnar, or thuja cone-shaped is a variety of thuja occidentalis and can reach 30 m in height, but in cultivation it most often does not exceed 10 - 12 m.

The crown of the trunk is reddish or grayish-brown, peeling off in mature trees. In young trees it is pyramidal, later columnar.

The needles of the thuja fit tightly to the shoot; in summer they are dark green; in winter they most often turn brownish-green. Keeps on the tree for 2-3 years. Under natural conditions, thuja grows in the coniferous forest zone in eastern North America.

The lifespan of a thuja is 100 years or more. In old age, it loses its lower branches and becomes less decorative. It grows slowly. Thuja is shade-tolerant, undemanding to soil, but grows better on fresh, fertile loam. On poor soils, thuja needles acquire a yellowish tint, but do not lose their decorative properties. It tolerates drought, although it prefers places with sufficient soil and air moisture. Thuja is quite winter-hardy up to the latitude of St. Petersburg in the north and Yekaterinburg in the east.

Wind resistant. Among coniferous species considered one of the most resistant to smoke and gas. Thuja columnarum tolerates pruning perfectly and is suitable for creating dense hedges. Tolerates transplantation well.
Thujas are highly polymorphic. Most decorative forms of thuja are more demanding on environmental conditions than the main species.

Typically, columnar or pyramidal shapes are proposed for landscaping:

Columna, Douglasii, Pyramidalis, Fastigiata, Brabant, Malonyana 6-10 m high and

Smaragd, Holmstrup, Rosenthallii, Wagneriana, 3-4 m tall.

They are most often used to create green hedges, and their size and features must be taken into account accordingly.

Forms with several crowns, multi-trunks (Fastigiata, Malonyana, Wagneriana) must be lightly tied with twine before the onset of winter to prevent heavy wet snow from breaking the crown, and large specimens often even need to be fixed with a tie throughout the year.

In Moscow conditions, Smaragd and Brabant are less winter-hardy, although Smaragd is interesting in maintaining an emerald green color in winter, while most green forms become copper-brown to one degree or another (the color is restored in the spring, provided there is no winter burn). Another “brown” problem is that the thuja is often spoiled by the abundance of cones, which at the end of summer become brown, so the plant looks green-brown, and next year, when they fall off, the crown becomes loose. This usually happens after a hot, dry summer; perhaps you should take comfort in the fact that this year your pet “had a good life,” which affected the formation of seeds. Gardeners are frightened when they discover brown, shriveled twigs. If this occurs inside the crown and does not affect more than a quarter of its volume, and young shoots last year they don’t look suffering - it’s okay, this is a natural process of “conifer fall” (which in thuja occurs as “branch fall”), since thujas are evergreen conifers, but the needles live for 3-7 years.

Thuja occidentalis Columna.

An upright-growing conifer with a narrow columnar crown, short branches extending densely and horizontally. It grows slowly. Height up to 10m. The annual growth is about 15 cm. The diameter of the crown is up to 1.5 m, the growth in width is about 5 cm. The bark is red-brown, rough. The needles are scale-like, thick, dark green, shiny, and do not change color in winter. The roots are thin, dense, with mycorrhiza. It is not picky about soils; it grows on both acidic and alkaline moist and fertile substrates. Sensitive to compaction of the soil surface. Location: sunny or partial shade Quite winter-hardy. Application: individual specimens or groups, suitable for hedges.

Thuja occidentalis Douglasii pyramidalis. By appearance reminds me of cypress. The crown shape is narrow, columnar, height - 10 - 15 m. The shoots are thin, very short, straight. The branches are green and protruding. look like fern leaves. The needles are marsh green, flat. On the lower branches it dries out early and partially falls off. It was bred at the beginning of the 20th century in Arnold Arboretum (USA) and taken from there by Shpet to Berlin (Germany). Winter-hardy. Very shade tolerant. Propagated by summer (68%) and winter (100%) cuttings. It is recommended to plant it in groups or individually near houses. It is also suitable for hedges.

Western pyramidal dense thuja (Thuja occidentalis Pyramidalis Compacta). Tree up to 10 m tall. The crown is narrowly conical. The shoots are densely branched, strong, tightly pressed to each other, short. The needles are large, scale-like, light green, with a faint shine. Winter-hardy. It has been known in culture since 1904 and is widespread. Recommended for single and group plantings.

Western thuja (Thuja occidentalis Fastigiata). Very variable form. Tree with a columnar crown, 15m. height. It looks like a cypress tree. The shoots are tightly pressed to the trunk, directed partially downwards. The branches are numerous. The needles are light to dark green. Unlike other forms, it retains its green color to a greater extent in winter. Obtained from Späth's nursery in Germany in 1904. Grows quickly. It tolerates air pollution better than others. A widely known and beloved form. Winter-hardy. Propagated by summer (95%) and winter (60%) cuttings. Recommended for single and group plantings near houses.

Thuja occidentalis Brabant. Tree 15 - 21) m high. Crown diameter 3-4 m. Conical crown. The bark is reddish or grayish-brown, flaking. The needles are scaly, green, and retain their color in winter. Blooms in April - May. Cones are brown, oblong-ovate, 0.8 - 1.2 cm long. Annual growth is 30 cm in height, 10 cm in width. Shade-tolerant. It is undemanding to the soil, tolerates both dryness and excessive soil moisture, but prefers fresh, sufficiently moist fertile loams. Frost-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well. Application: single plantings, groups, hedges.

Thuja occidentalis Vervaeneana. Very beautiful shape. Tree up to 15 m tall, with a slender, narrow-conical crown. The shoots are thin. The branches are numerous, tender and soft, dense. The needles are light yellow or light green, bronze-brown in winter. Winter-hardy. Propagated by summer (82%) and winter (100%) cuttings. Originated in 18b2 in the Vervena nursery in Ledeberg (Belgium). Recommended for planting in tapeworms, groups, alleys near houses.

Western thuja (Thuja occidentalis Malonyana). Pointed and narrow columnar form 10 - 15 m high. The shoots are short, brown, densely branched, flat, and densely spaced. The needles are shiny, green, and distinctly glandular. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds. When grown from seeds, 85% of seedlings retain their basic shape. Rooting rate of summer cuttings is 100%. Appeared in Slovakia in 1913. Currently widely found in culture. It is recommended to plant individually or in groups near houses. Can be used to create hedges.

Thuja Western Smaragd(Thuja occidentalis smaragd) - pyramidal in shape, but rather squat, its height reaches an average of 4-5 meters. It is characterized by a moderate growth rate: in 10 years it grows only two meters. Thuja smaragd is grown both alone and as part of group plantings, as a low decorative tree in areas or paths of park alleys. It is quite suitable for forming “hedges”. In so-called rock gardens, thuja smaragd is used to create a background.

The needles of this tree have a light green color, which does not change throughout the whole genus, neither in winter nor in summer. Thuja emerald plants are convenient because they are not at all picky about the composition of the soil on which they grow. But he by no means refuses good soil: thuja smaragd trees take root best in soil richly enriched with humus. It is better if the place where they grow is well lit and thoroughly drained.
Thuja smaragd is also positively characterized by winter hardiness - that is, resistance to low temperatures. In case of heavy snow, it should be tied, because heavy wet snow adhering to them can “destroy” a slender tree. After all, gardeners extremely value thuja emerald precisely for its dense, regular crown.

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup. Shrub 4 meters high and crown diameter up to 1 m. The crown is conical. The bark is reddish or grayish-brown, flaking. The needles are scaly, thick, green. In a year it grows twelve centimeters in height and four centimeters in width. It grows slowly. Shade-tolerant. It is undemanding to the soil, tolerates dry soil and excessive moisture, but prefers fresh, sufficiently moist fertile loams. Tolerates haircuts well. Frost-resistant. Application: single plantings, groups, hedges, alleys.

Thuja occidentalis Rosenthalii. The shape is uniformly columnar, up to 5 m tall. The shoots are short, dense, straight, perpendicular. The branches are numerous, slightly rounded. The needles are dark green and shiny. It grows extremely slowly. Introduced into cultivation in 1884, it is often found only in Europe. Winter-hardy. Rooting rate of summer cuttings is 92%, winter cuttings - 100%. Recommended for single and group plantings and hedges.

Thuja occidentalis Riversi. Tree up to 5 m tall. The crown is compact, wide-conical. The shoots are short, everted. The needles are yellow in summer, yellowish-green in winter. Winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings (65 - 75%). Recommended for hedges and group plantings on rocky areas, or alone on a lawn.

Western Thuja Elegant (Thuja occidentalis Elegantissima). Tree up to 5 m tall. The crown is dense, wide-conical, graceful. The needles are brightly colored and shiny. The ends of the shoots have a whitish tint. Winter-hardy. Fruits abundantly. It is difficult to propagate by cuttings (up to 14%) and seeds. When sown, only part of the seedlings inherits the characteristics of the form. Known in culture since 1930. Recommended for single and group plantings on the lawn.

Thuja occidentalis Ellwangeriana. Transitional form, 2.5 m tall. The crown is wide-conical, in young trees it is pyramidal. The shoots are straight, finely pinnate. The ends of the branches are highly branched. The needles on young shoots are soft, needle-like, on older shoots they are scaly, flat, pressed, and grayish in winter. Winter-hardy. Propagated by summer (54%) and winter (97 - 100%) cuttings, as well as seeds. Originated in 1869, apparently in North America. Recommended for group plantings near houses and as a tapeworm. A very elegant plant for single plantings in the foreground.

There are pyramidal varieties of thuja with a special form of branching - “fluffy-knotty”, suitable for creating loose hedges or small groups, as well as exotic forms in a thematic (oriental) garden - Spiralis1 (6-10 m tall), Bodmery (up to 2 .5 m).

Thuja occidentalis Spiralis. Tree with a narrow conical crown, up to 15 m tall. The shoots are twisted and turned so that they resemble a spiral when viewed from above. The branches are short, reminiscent of the leaves of some ferns. The needles are bluish-green. In terms of growth rate, it surpasses all other forms of western thuja. Known in culture since 1920. Place of origin unknown. Propagated by seeds. At seed propagation 30% of seedlings inherit shape characteristics. Rooting rate of summer cuttings is 95%. Winter-hardy. Recommended for single and group plantings. Effective in alleys.

Hello, the topic of today’s article is “Thuja species and varieties with photos.” Thuja is a cypress plant, easy to shape, has many types and can be used to create living partitions and hedges. In Russia, the shrub is loved because it is evergreen and does not require care in winter.

Thuja types and varieties with photos

In the middle zone of the country and in the north it is advisable to use winter-hardy varieties thuja bushes. They do not require attention and survive well in winter. Let's look at what types of Thuja and varieties exist, and of course we'll attach photos of trees for better clarity.

The tree grows up to 5 meters high, the crown volume reaches 1.5 meters. The color of the needles is mostly green; if it is cold in winter, the color of the needles may turn brown. This is not significant, because by spring the tree becomes green again.

Every year the tree grows 35 centimeters in height and 50% of this height in width. The plant can be trimmed, it tolerates the procedure well. In winter, the tree does not freeze; the thuja does not need to be covered.

The shrub is not picky about the type of soil and can do without additional fertilizing. The shrub grows normally, both in the sun and in light shade. It is advisable to plant plants in places where there is no strong wind.

The tree can bloom, this happens in the spring. After flowering, you can find small brown cones on it. The seeds fully ripen in the fall. For this type of Thuja, sudden changes in temperature and regions where there is a long thaw are not desirable.

The tree's life system mistakes the thaw for the onset of spring and the process of sap movement may begin, as a result, the young shoots will freeze when frost sets in.

If you want the tree to grow lush and green, it should be planted in fertile soil and constantly maintain optimal humidity. Otherwise, a lot of fruits appear on the thuja, the shoots become sparse and not as fluffy as they could be.

Suitable type of soil for a tree: peat, sand and 2 parts of turf and leaf soil. For an adult plant, 500 grams of nitroammophoska are added to each hole.

In regions where it happens high humidity soil and frequent rainfall, before planting thuja of this species, it is better to do drainage. Usually it is 20 centimeters per hole.

If you buy a plant in tubs, then before planting in open land Water it well so that the roots move away from the earthen ball. When planting a plant, the root collar must remain above the ground, otherwise there is a risk that the tree will die.

After planting a tree, you need to monitor its watering. Initially, it is watered only once a week, using a bucket of water per tree. After a month has passed after rooting, the amount of water is doubled.

Periodically, the ground under the tree needs to be mulched or loosened. Work carefully so as not to damage the root system. Sometimes wood chips and peat are used for mulching; they are laid 7 centimeters deep, no more.

If there are dry shoots, it is advisable to remove them in the spring before the sap begins to flow. Growing young trees requires shelter for the winter. This will help protect the delicate needles from winter frost, and in the spring from sunburn. Typically, spruce branches are used for this purpose.

The tree is actively used to create hedges. If you want to get a dense wall, then plant thuja every 50 centimeters. The shoots are pruned in March and autumn, this allows the crown to better form and become strong.

If you trim the tops of trees in a timely manner, they will grow evenly and will stop stretching upward. Diligent care and timely circumcision will lead to the fact that you will get a full-fledged living fence.

The tree can grow up to 7 meters in height; in winter the needles remain green. The plant is not afraid of frost and does not require any special composition of mail. The crown grows dense, of normal type. A tree can gain up to 20 centimeters in height per year.

Thuja can be pruned and thereby form the desired height of the tree. This type of wood is used to create partitions and hedges. If Columna grows alone on a plot, it will resemble a Crimean cypress. If you think about the idea of ​​landscape design, the tree will fit perfectly into the site.

The tree can grow in any type of soil and does not require additional fertilizing. At the same time, the thuja will develop better if it is grown in fertile soil conditions and the soil is kept moist.

The tree does not tolerate drought very well, so you need to carefully monitor the quality and quantity of watering. The tree will develop best if it is planted in a place where there is not much sun. You can trim a tree by giving it the desired shape; the thuja calmly tolerates this fact and will grow in the direction you want.

If you plant young trees, then they need to be covered for the winter. This is done in order to avoid burns and damage to young shoots by cold. The tree can be used for growing in groups or single compositions.

Thuja grows 5 meters high and demands special attention. This tree should only be grown in fertile soil and watered well. Thuja of this variety grows poorly, adding very few centimeters per year.

In winter, the color of the needles does not change, which nicely decorates the area when all the plants are sleeping. A hedge made from such trees is weak. During growth, the thuja does not close with the tops of other trees, which spoils the appearance of the hedge.

This plant can be used for growing in tubs or single compositions. It is better to choose a sunny place for such a thuja, but the tree can easily grow in areas where there is shade.

Smaragd tolerates cold well. Plant trees in areas where there is no wind, as frostbite can occur on particularly cold days. For the winter, young animals are covered with burlap or other material. If this is not done, there is a possibility that young shoots will die under the rays spring sun or freeze in winter.

The tree grows up to 3.5 meters in height and is shaped like a column. The width of the branches is about one meter, the shoots grow densely, the crown is dense. The tree does not change color under temperature changes. In winter, the thuja looks green and juicy and does not freeze in severe frosts. The plant can be shaped; it tolerates cutting of shoots normally.

Thuja does not require special attention and can grow on any type of soil. Before your standard length grows in 20 years. On average, a tree gains 12 centimeters per year. If you are creating a hedge from trees of this type, then you need to prune the shoots approximately every 2 years.

Holstrup is well suited for those who are creating a multi-generational garden but don't want it to be time consuming. The tree will grow well in loose soil with good performance fertility.

Moderate watering is required; thuja does not like drought. For the first 3 years of the plant’s life, it is covered with insulating material for the winter; the ground at the roots should be covered with spruce branches so that field mice do not climb. The plant is perfectly used for single compositions, rockeries or creating a hedge.

Thuja of this species can be of two types: a small tree or a shrub. It usually grows to a height of 3 meters. The needles have a light brown tint and grow in different sides. Young growth has a golden hue, and with age the tree becomes almost bronze.

The variety is characterized by very slow growth. In 10 years the tree will only reach a height of 2 meters. The tree should be planted where there is a lot of light. The land for planting can be any, but it is better to take land with good fertility and monitor the watering regime.

You can trim thuja without fear that it will die; the tree adapts well to trimming. It usually doesn't freeze in winter. If the irrigation system is disrupted for a long time, the thuja will be covered with numerous seeds and will lose its decorative appearance.

If you plant a plant in partial shade, the natural color of the needles will disappear and they will turn green. To plant these plants, choose a closed place where the wind does not blow strongly. It is worth trimming this type of thuja at will, as well as shaping the crown.

This tree is similar in shape to the Crimean cypress. It reaches a height of up to 6 meters. The shoots stretch quite quickly; in a year they can grow up to 30 centimeters of new volume.

The color of the needles is green, it has an aroma characteristic of thuja and is soft to the touch. The tree calmly endures winter in the middle zone of the country. When the seeds appear in the form of cones, they are practically invisible on the tree.

Thuja should be trimmed and the desired crown formed. If this is not done, it may end up with the tree growing in different directions and turning into a huge and unkempt bush.

Thuja grows well in loamy, fertile soil. You also need to monitor the humidity level. Too much water will not benefit the plant. If your region experiences frequent rainfall or high soil moisture, you should take care of a good drainage system.

For the winter, young animals are covered from the cold with burlap and are not removed until the temperature stabilizes. Periodically you need to mulch the soil with dried grass. This will help improve the quality of the soil and the growth performance of the tree. Thuja of this species is used mainly to create a hedge. This fence looks beautiful, does not take up much space and fits into the landscape design.

Thuja of this species can hardly be called a tree; its size rarely reaches 2 meters. The thuja of this plant can be in the form of needles or scales. Under the influence of reduced temperature it becomes almost copper-colored.

Thuja produces little growth per year and requires attention. It is good to plant it in fertile soil with good drainage. An important factor is the presence of alkali and optimal humidity. Thuja does not like excess water.

It is better to plant the plant in a bright place. If the tree grows in partial shade, the color of the crown will soon deteriorate greatly. The plant requires regular pruning; usually a third of the shoot is cut off.

An adult plant is not afraid of the cold, but young plants need to be covered for the winter in the first year of life. Thuja is used to create small compositions, decorative living fences and for single planting.

IN good conditions the bush can grow up to 3 meters or more. Initially, thuja needles are green, but by winter they acquire a copper tint. The tree should be planted open place where there is a lot of sun. At the same time, avoid places where strong winds blow.

Thuja will grow well in fertile soil with optimal humidity.

Pruning of the plant is done only if necessary; the thuja maintains its shape well. In winter, the crown may break under the snow cover.

To prevent this from happening, you need to tie the shoots together, but make sure that the rope is not tightened too tightly. Otherwise, the shoots may be damaged. Thuja is not afraid of frost, which occurs quite often in the middle zone of the country.

The plant can be grown in tubs, used to form alleys or create individual landscape decorations.

This thuja variety is considered low-growing. In its shape, the bush resembles a ball with a radius of 60 centimeters. In spring the needles have succulent green tint, and in winter it becomes copper-colored. The older the bush, the denser the needles are.

The bush grows quite slowly, adding only a few centimeters in volume per year. It is better to plant plants in fertile soil and follow the watering regime. It is desirable that the humidity is at an average level.

This type of thuja is not afraid of the cold. The young can easily overwinter under the snow. In the summer heat, you should pay attention to watering the plant. With a good level of humidity, the shrub will grow and acquire a lush green hue.

In order for the plant to develop better, mulch the soil. This is done with peat or mowed grass. In autumn, the ground around the root system of the shrub should be covered with spruce branches so that the thuja will no longer be attractive to mice.

The plant does not need to be trimmed or shaped. Thuja of this variety is used to divide the garden into functional zones and create flower beds. The shrub looks good in tubs and when planted in small groups.

The bush resembles a ball with a diameter of up to one meter. Thuja grows quite slowly, for whole year crown growth is 5 centimeters. There is no need to trim or shape the crown of the shrub.

The young growth will become an adult full-fledged bush only after 15 years. Reproduction of shrubs occurs mainly by cuttings, but you can also buy ready-made plants grown in a nursery.

This variety of thuja can be grown in the sun and shade. In winter, the plant does not react strongly to frost and does not freeze. Danica is actively used to create rock gardens, fencing for flower beds, hedges and zoning space.

Completely in the shade, the thuja will turn into a shaggy bush that will be impossible to shape. If you pay minimal attention to the plant, it will fit perfectly into the landscape design of your site.

Another variety of low-growing thuja, resembling a ball in appearance. The height and diameter of the plant are approximately the same and amount to 1 meter. The shrub grows beautifully, is not afraid of frost and can winter without shelter.

The needles have a greenish-yellow tint, which becomes more pronounced with the onset of winter. The growth of thuja is quite slow; in a year it can grow by a maximum of 10 centimeters. It takes 20 years for the plant to acquire a lush shape and a diameter of 2 meters.

To grow this type of thuja you will need loamy soil. The plant needs regular watering and fertilizers with mineral and organic substances. In addition, it is necessary to mulch the soil to enrich it with oxygen and improve the growth rate of the plant.

Mulching the ground is done with grass or peat; in the fall, the ground around the roots should be covered with spruce branches. The main pests of thuja are field mice. They make nests near the root system and chew it off. When the soil is covered with spruce branches, it is not so easy to harm the plant.

Thuja Golden Globe does not like dry, hot air. IN summer heat It is necessary to water the bush more often and spray it with water from a garden hose. Monitor the plant carefully throughout the year. If suddenly the thuja becomes faded and the needles spread to the sides, then it’s time to trim the plant.

After you cut off some of the shoots, the shrub will develop better, and the needles will acquire a rich color. The plant can be used in rock gardens, rockeries, to create single plantings using pebbles and sand.

This type of thuja resembles a shrub and grows up to 1.5 meters. It will take 10 years for the bush to fully develop. The needles of the bush have green color. The plant tolerates frost normally and does not change color from the cold.

It is better to plant the plant on fertile soil and monitor the humidity regime. Propagation occurs by cuttings or you can buy ready-made plants in tubs. Growing thuja from cuttings will take much longer than if you buy ready-made seedlings.

Thuja of this variety is planted on sunny area. In the shade, the bush becomes loose with needles of an incomprehensible shade. The plant does not tolerate dry air; it must be regularly sprayed with water throughout the summer.

For better plant growth, the soil should be mulched with peat or grass. In autumn, the soil near the root system is covered with spruce branches to protect against small rodents. Young animals are not afraid of frost, so they do not need to be protected from the cold.

It is necessary to shape the crown of the thuja if you want to give it some interesting shape. Trimmed shoots grow back quite quickly. Shrubs of this type are used to create a living fence, zoning space and creating simple landscape decorations.

We hope you liked the article “Thuja species and varieties with photos”!

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