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Astrological forecast for November Scorpio

In November 2016, a southern moon node connecting with the past can have a strong impact on Scorpio. First of all, it can manifest itself in the events that will come at the beginning of the month - November 1 and 2.

Total horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio

In November 2016, it may be that Scorpio is in situations in which there have ever been. Horoscope for November 2016 for Scorpio draws special attention At the date of November 5 - on this day, the representatives of the sign may hope to get some large amount Money will try to make a loan or take money into loans, although most likely they will understand in advance that they are unlikely to succeed.

Also on this day there are conversations about work or cooperation with someone. At the same time, the Scorpio may understand in advance that no one will provide such work. Thus, the manifestation of the Black Moon will occur when the Scorpio itself will become the initiator and will also understand that the development situation does not have.

No less important on days 1, 5, 10 and 11, Scorpiot be attentive to their behavior and reputation, since it is these days that there is a probability of being very easy to offend someone or behave too frivolous.

The horoscope for November 2016 for Scorpio warns and that on November 9, the planet of the sign will be in Capricorn, in connection with this, scorpion can be as shrouded circumstances, keep all emotions and energy inside itself. But, since on November 9, the planet Mars will go to the sign of Aquarius, the Scorpio will become sociable and friendly.

Starting from November 9, Scorpio can spend a lot of time with family and children. The feelings that arise at this time will be sufficiently light, the signs of the sign can seek new adventures and dating now.

Due to the fact that Planet Mars from November 9 will be in the field of home affairs, starting from this day and until the end of the month, Scorpio can take a lot of homework, and it is also advantageous to solve issues related to real estate and large acquisitions for the house.

Horoscope Career and Money for November 2016 Scorpio

In November 2016, Scorpion has to make decisive actions, take key decisions. This month, the representatives of the sign will most likely be a lot of strength and self-confidence.

Due to the fact that the sun until November 21 will be in the sign of Scorpio, the signs will be able to become easy to become leaders. Scorpio in November 2016 is exactly the person who will keep the entire situation under control, the decisions taken this month will depend on it.

Most likely, until November 22, Scorpio will be able to earn well, and after November 22, the desire to enriched can become even stronger. At the end of the month, scorpion will earn a lot easier and faster.

In the period from 22 to 23 November, scorpion is most likely to deal with the signing of important agreements or search permanent workwhich can give, even if not the highest, but stable income and will allow you to be confident in your abilities and tomorrow.

SPECIAL ATTENTION In November 2016, Scorpion needs to be given to new moon, which will occur at the end of the month - 29 and 30 numbers. Best of all, if the Scorpio of these days find time in order to be alone and think about your plans for life, including the material to ensure yourself and your family.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in November 2016 for Scorpio: 2-4, 29-30 November.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio

Horoscope for November 2016 for Scorpio speaks of good time for personal relationship. So, this month, scorpion will have a permanent holiday. Due to the fact that Planet Venus, which is a symbol of love, until November 12 will be in the sign of Sagittarius, the personal relationship of scorpion can become expressive and full of love games.

Already after November 12, the relationship of scorpion is most likely to become completely different. So, in the personal life of the sign of the sign, stability will appear, confidence in your partner. Scorpio may be looking for a new approach to his beloved, set common goals. Most likely, Scorpio and his partner will be able to find that harmony in a relationship to which he has long sought.

In November 2016, Scorpion should pay attention to the dates of the full moon, so, on November 14, the moon will be in the sign of the Taurus. In this regard, in the relationship of Scorpio there will be many emotions, proximity and sexuality.

By the end of the month - 29 or 30 November, a scorpion partner may occur, which is somehow related to creativity, self-realization, thanks to which the issue associated with the house and life, as well as real estate, can successfully solve.

At the end of the month, Scorpio can discover something completely new, which is most likely to become his passion for a long time.

Favorable days for love relationship In November 2016 for Scorpio: 9, 12, 29, November 30.

Health Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio

A horoscope for November 2016 for Scorpio does not foresee some serious health problems this month. Nevertheless, November is a very suitable time to prevent viral diseases.

Also in November 2016, scorpion is well sufficiently suitable for sports of a health character. So, therapeutic physical culture this month can bring invaluable benefit to the general well-being of Scorpio.

Also this month, the sign representatives need to be especially careful in the full moon, which will occur on November 14th. On this day, it is better to refrain from high physical and emotional loads, because they combined with the effects of powerful energy of the moon can knock out scorpion from the forces. Therefore, in the middle of the month, scorpion signs need to pay due attention to the observance of the mode of work and recreation.

Scorpions never have differed patient, so they often had problems due to hasty decisions. Is it time to start controlling your future? Right now. They have enough to read accurate horoscope For scorpions for November 2016 and build excellent plans.

Horoscope for Scorpion-Men for November 2016

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac already in early November will be able to start living quite differently than they are accustomed. Scorpions fall a chance to change fate. Each man will demand him in his own way.

Horoscope recommends that representatives of this sign of the zodiac pay more attention to their second halves and all those people who love them. During the month, scorpions will be easy to fulfill such a simple duty.

Among the negative moments of the last month of Autumn, it is worth noting the discord in a friendly environment. To prevent any quoroids, the scorpions simply do not need to start a general business in November with buddies.

For men-scorpions, several dates will be definitely successful in November: this is 9, 11 and 19. The horoscope recommends that they make new acquaintances these days, starting to deal with something or fulfill serious instructions. Negative painted events can happen with scorpions in November 5 and 20. They should be extremely careful on these days.

Horoscope for scorpion-women for November 2016

In November, scorpion women suddenly wanted family warmth and homemade utya. Unmarried girls During this period, the horoscope recommends visiting parents or grandparents. Those who have his own family, you can arrange a small holiday in a circle of the closest.

November is a wonderful time to implement long-time ideas. Women can outline the execution of their plans on favorable days Months: 15, 16 and 28 numbers. In these dates, the scorpions will be almost all. Unfavorable will be March 8 and 30. Try to specified dates.

Career Horoscope for Scorpio for November 2016

Horoscope gives scorpions the opportunity to show themselves with best side In the face of high leaders. In November, you can safely apply for a resume in the most prestigious companies for high-paying positions. The guarantees that your candidacy will quickly consider, of course, no, but the star will help to prepare for a safe outcome.

In the horoscope for this month in scorpions everything will be successful. If they want to stand out, then you need to weigh your decision. There is a guarantee of success in the eyes of the leadership, and colleagues can refer to such a act not very positive.

There are several days in November, in which the horoscope warns the scorpions not to take anything regarding the career. This is 1 and 18 numbers. Especially successful in business sphere will be November 23 and 27.

Finance horoscope for scorpion for November 2016

In November, scorpions will immediately have several options to improve its financial position. Choose among them will not be so easy. The horoscope warns the Pluto wards about the need to be guided by the arguments of the mind when making a final decision.

To become even more important people to scorpions in November will not be able to. However, they may well feel themselves rich in connection with the appearance of the opportunity to buy an expensive birthday present.

The winnings in the lottery in November are unlikely. Scorpions have many favorable days this month, but relying best only on own forces. Good dates to increase well-cost will be on November 4 and 21. But 13 and 22 numbers need to be very careful with money.

Health Horoscope for Scorpio for November 2016

In November, those scorpions that have long and unsuccessfully treated, the long-awaited remission will come. At this time, patients need to save optimistic attitude. Try to be as calmer and be prepared for the continuation of treatment, because chronic ailments just do not pass.

To take care of yourself to scorpions that work in the power structures. At the end of November, the risk of an accident is increasing. Try not to walk alone in the dark, and do not swear with aggressively tuned young people.

The horoscope determines the dates in which you need to take care of yourself: 6 and 12 November are the days of maximum risk for scorpions. When can you not be afraid of anything? There are such dates in November - 3 and 20 numbers. On the specified days, scorpions practically do not risk ill or borrow.

Scorpio The penultimate month 2016 may seem to be quite heavenly time, in many respects ambiguous, complete events that will not always be characterized specifically and clearly. At the same time, November promises to be as dynamic as possible, yes such that there is a dynamic anywhere! In principle, the scorpion nature is confident progress and a tireless movement forward comes, but, let's say, the representatives of this zodiac sign more familiar to the pace of lower, remember, why they have this stage Some "misunderstandings" may occur. In general, Saturn, the planet-exaltant sign Scorpio, will be strong enough to help you avoid any negative. In addition, the Vladyka of the River of the Time will work in a close bundle with Venus, which in the usual position is responsible for "Exile" of Scorpio. In combination with an extremely favorable position of Mars, the ruler of your sign, it will turn out a powerful energy triangle that will not be able to overcome any object Solar system, Suddenly decided to push you frankly. On the other hand, now any astral impact will be reduced many times, thanks to which you have much more personal freedom. Plus it or minus? In fact, it all depends on the situation.

The scope of work and entrepreneurship in November 2016 for the zodiac sign Scorpio may be therefore the direction where people born under this sign will be able to finally realize their maximum opportunities. And here it is important to take into account a few moments. First, in no case do not lower your hands if something does not work with you. Do not hurry, regroup your strength and move forward again, to victory, because, in the end, you will definitely work out. In fact, so that this month does not achieve the goals, it is enough to be selfish, closed, evil, slow and ignorant. With any other scenario, success is guaranteed, and the success is an enchanting, corresponding to the most bold expectations. If you work for yourself, try, what is called, not to overtake the stick with the subordinates, give them a little more freedom, let the existing initiative receive their natural development. Free creativity, sometimes gives great results than the "planned economy", although, of course, we are talking in this case rather about exceptions than the rules, you also need to do a real discount. Finally, do not forget that interpersonal relationships in the team also affect the work of this collective itself, and in a much greater degree than, for example, the notorious working conditions.

Concerning " love Front"Here it should be noted here that November 2016, with all its positive, it can easily turn into one of the most negative life Stages. For this, as already mentioned, it is enough to indulge the lowest desires, the most negative traits His character. Do not strive to fully focus on one particular problem, it will not allow you to develop in a relationship (in any way in general!), Your views will be seriously "trimmed", you will see not 360 degrees, but twice, perhaps, three times less. Of course, not all such metaphors can be understood, but you will definitely understand what we are talking about when the corresponding moment comes. Therefore, now what is called, "do not score a head", just live and do what you think. Just sometimes make a discount on the feelings of others, because you really do not always know "as better", you only assume. Unless of course there are no powerful congenital telepathic abilities that in itself the root changes.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2016, for the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is drawn up on the basis of the data on the position of the sun, the moon and the planets regarding our sign of the zodiac, where the star Sun is the main rod, around which the energy pattern of our destiny is awesome. However, such astrological forecast It is generalized and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Zodiac sign Scorpio. A more accurate horoscope can be found by making one of personal horoscopes, To get that by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for sign Scorpio: Personal horoscopes for sign Scorpio:

Scorpio horoscope for November 2016.

In November 2016, scorpions will need to ground somewhere! As you will be too electrified. Therefore, if you do not find an anti-static or threshing at hand - think about rest. Let it even be a vacation after a working day or on a weekend, but in November 2016 you will need to quickly splash out our energy and emotions. Otherwise, after zipper, you can trust those surrounding and thunder! The fact is that next month you can explode from the slightest spark. Even if a person just did not hear and asked: "What?". Therefore, scorpions, if you are talking to a person for a long time and he stopped listening to you? Tell me: "Here I pulled out a gun and did two shots!" You will immediately immediately hear, and you will not need to be offended by anyone!

So scorpions, as you understood November 2016, will be an ambiguous month for you. On the one hand, you will overfill energy, and desires, and on the other hand, you will be very difficult to control them. This is with electricity. And it is useful, and necessary, but it can so "Shandaren"! Therefore, you have only two options - either try to direct your energy into a constructive channel, or to rest as much as possible and spill your energy through the universe - it is useless, for that safe, for you and for others.

Well, since you will not walk on November with a sign "Careful high voltage", then just try to comply with communication technology. When you joke at the end, add a "kidding", and when we also add "kidding" too, and even when you say seriously, just in case you say "joking", and do not forget to close the "quotes". And they say, one girl as a child forgot to close quotes and so and all his life spoke with sarcasm.

November scorpions horoscope advises to celebrate his birthday so that you yourself rested on it. Therefore, do not associate with the issues of cleaning or cooking or preparation. Rest, traveling, holidays outside the city, or even the autumn trip to the country will allow you to celebrate your birthday really fun.

Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio Favorable days - 2.4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 19, 20 and 30.

Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpioan unfavorable days - the world would not be created if his Creator thought, no matter how to cause anyone anxiety, or that adverse days would be in this world.

Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio Career, work and business.In the professional sphere, scorpions will also need a chamber "Careful high voltage". Therefore, do not wait, sometime someone will give you a task or specifies the goals - try yourself to find the tasks you can spend the energy overwhelming you. And try to choose the tasks that you will need accuracy in execution. This will allow you to throw out negative energy and recharge your positive. Be as the Htum Shahrukh, who collecting tea leaves on the Lipton plantation, does not even suspect that he does it carefully and with love.

If you do everything right, then your hardworking and diligence will not pass by the leadership, and in colleagues. What will allow you to restore or establish normal relationships in the team.

Businessmen scorpions and scorpions leaders. Already in November 2016, it is necessary to think with an eye at the end of the year, and with what plans you will build next year.

Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio Finance. Scorpions often sometimes happens - you are trying to call people positive emotionsAnd as a result, call the panic and the outfit of the police. Approximately the same situation will be in the financial sector, in November 2016. You seem to try to do everything right, but as a result - panic. So try to control yourself, going to the store, or just do not carry a lot of money with you.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio. Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio Love. In the Amur Sphere November 2016 will also be very emotionally. And first of all it concerns scorpions of women. So from family scorpions-women in November 2016, it will be quite possible to hear: "Cute, are you, when will you come home? - Native, I'm already soon, and what, something happened? - Well, first, I worry. Secondly, I am jealous. Thirdly, I want to sleep, but, in fourth, I can't fall asleep because, first, I worry, and secondly, jealous! ". Therefore, try to control yourself, and not your second half. Family male scorpions in this regard will be much easier, you will need to control only your desires to go into amourous and sexual adventures. Therefore, try to implement your sexual fantasies in the relationship, and not on the side, in the extreme case, in the bathroom.

Adult scorpions in November 2016 will also need to control their relationship with children. And even with adults. And it again concerns women scorpions again. Otherwise, you can get into the situation when my daughter asks mom: -Mam, can I go with friends to the cottage? - To give a cottage? In November? With boys to the cottage? No, I'd rather go! Therefore, try to reduce your persistent custody, on simple parental attention.

Well, and lonely and active scorpions should pay special attention On the second and third decades of November. At this time, do not sit, at home or on the Internet, but try as often as possible and more diverse to spend your time. On the other hand, try to concentrate on the search for new relationships, and not search for new sex. Because, most likely random sex in November you will have a cat washing. This is when you go wash the cat. After 10 minutes, come out of the bathroom: you are wet to the thread, and the cat is dry only the paws wet. Padl fluffy ... Here are the same "feces" with the appearance of fluffy, you will come across in search of casual sex.

At the end of the horoscope for November 2016 for scorpions, once again suggests that you next month do not try, catch or convey everything you want. Concentrate on the main thing. Imagine that November is borsch. And you go, in right hand Plate with a borscht, in the other bread and on top of a piece of garlic. Garlic rolls, and you are trying to catch it. As a result, borsch, with bread on the floor! But you caught garlic. Concentrate on the main thing, and then November 2016 you really feel delicious !!!

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The working direction will repass the scorpions with pleasant surprises. And in general, in November 2016, you will go just wonderful. Such a good period falls not so often, so you must take advantage of powerful astral support. The favor of stars will allow you to conquer such vertices that you could not dream about! But to achieve the highest results, you need to take note of several recommendations. The first, and the most important, lies in the ability to experience difficulties.

Even if something has not happened now from the first time - this is not a reason to surrender. On the contrary, it is necessary to strengthen the head, and climb, until you achieve the desired. Such stability will play you a good service. And little trick: before the next "attack" a little suspend, relax, re-mobilize your inner energy, and proceed with new forces to the next attempt to conquer your goal. Then the success is guaranteed to you, since the only way to fail is to show egocentrism, malice, gloominess, slowness, inattention, and total indifference to your work. Agree to collect such a "bouquet" also you need to try! If you work for yourself, it is worth trying to give subordinates more freedom, allowing them to work more independently. This does not mean that they do not need to control their work at all, but it is also not worth too much, because now you can easily cross stick.

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