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Farmer's walk maximum weight. Farmer's walk, benefits and how to program the exercise. How effective is the exercise

CrossFit Exercises Difficulty 5K 0 Today we are going to tell you about the CrossFit exercise Farmer's walk. What can be said about the benefits of the farmer's walk exercise?

The muscles of the legs and the press work in a balanced way, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles of the press, thighs, legs and feet. At…

CrossFit Exercise Difficulty 5K 0

Farmer's walk

Today we will tell you about the crossfit exercise Farmer's walk.

The benefits and harms of exercise

What can be said about the benefits of the farmer's walk exercise? The muscles of the legs and the press work in a balanced way, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles of the press, thighs, legs and feet. At the same time, all of the listed muscle groups work in a single "bundle", mutually complementing and reinforcing each other. After a farmer's walk, an ordinary walk will seem indescribably light to you - the weight of your own body will no longer be felt, at least by half.

But where there are pluses, there are also minuses. The downside is the risk of injury in the lumbar spine. During walking, the articulation between the pelvis and the spine is actively working, rotational movement occurs in the vertebrae of the lumbar spine. This type of mutual movement of the vertebrae is not very useful and is limited by the powerful ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Taking weights in our hands, we repeatedly increase the load on this ligamentous apparatus and increase the risk of injury. The way out is to avoid the farmer's walk during the first years of active CrossFit training until you get a powerful core, or use a weightlifting belt. The first option is preferable, since the belt in any case will remove some of the load from the abdominal muscles, especially from the obliques, and from the extensor of the spine.

Exercise technique

There are several options for the farmer's walk exercise, namely with dumbbells, kettlebells, or other weights.

With dumbbells

We take weights from the floor.

  • The loin is bent, fixed;
  • The shoulder blades are flattened;
  • Hands at the seams.

Without bending the lower back, we bend the knees and hip joints, we take dumbbells in our hands. When using dumbbells of significant weight, knitting can be used - this will allow you to go a long distance, but will relieve the load on the flexor muscles of the fingers. Another option for “facilitating” the hand is a closed “overlap” grip, when the thumb rests on the dumbbell bar, the rest cover it and firmly fix it to the projectile.

And so, the burden is in the hands, the shoulder blades are brought together, the back is straight. Knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. We take the first step - the heel is placed on an imaginary line passing from the toe. Thus, the steps are short. Even a small distance you are unlikely to go too fast, thereby ensuring sufficient time for the muscles to be under load. A short step is also taken in order to reduce the range of motion in the lumbar vertebrae and in the hip joint - the most vulnerable to compression loads. The body is kept even throughout the farmer's walk, the shoulders are brought forward a little, the trapezius muscle, as it were, spreads out along the upper shoulder girdle.

In the technique described above, the main load falls on the muscles of the girdle of the lower limb. The back, trapezium and arms perform only static work, with the main load falling just on the flexors of the fingers. In order to more seriously load the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle with the "farmer's walk", there are the following exercise options.

With kettlebells

Starting position:

  • Feet shoulder width apart;
  • The back is straight;
  • A deflection is fixed in the lower back;
  • The arms are bent at the elbows, the wrists are tucked under the arms of the weights;
  • The weights themselves rest on the elbows;
  • The elbows are pressed to the chest, brought forward.

A more difficult modification of the farmer's walk is this option: the starting position is the same, but the weights are on the shoulders, held by the fingers of the hands, the arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are spread apart.

Farmer's walk up the stairs

To increase the overall intensity of the exercise, as well as increase the load on the muscles of the legs and abdominals, the farmer's walk can be performed on the stairs. The weight is held in straightened arms, arms along the body, elbows are straightened. The back is straight, the shoulders are slightly rolled forward, the upper portion of the trapezoid is tense. We take a step one step up, transfer the weight of the body to the supporting leg, set the working leg to the upper step, with the combined effort of the quadriceps and biceps of the thigh, we unbend the leg at the knee and hip joint. We put both feet on one step, we take the next step with the supporting foot.

You can take each step to the next step, but this will limit the time the muscles are under load and create greater mobility in the lumbosacral joint.


Farmer's walk. We study all the subtleties and secrets

My respects to the whole honest company ABC of Bodybuilding! Wednesday on the calendar 3 February, which means that today we are waiting for a technical note, and we will talk in it about the farmer's walk exercise.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and the feasibility of including it in your training program.

So, sidown pliz, we begin.

Farmer's walk. What, why and why?

Despite the unusual name, I'm sure many of the farmer's walk is familiar firsthand, especially women. Why is it closest to them? Everything is very simple, precisely because ladies are responsible for the food security of their families and go shopping more often. So, here our worker entered the store with empty bags and after a few minutes she came out, loaded with shopping bags, with different products in two hands. Such a picture can be seen very often - a woman walks with two heavy bags, and it is she who is similar to the farmer's walk exercise. In what - we will find out later.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The farmer's walk is a compound exercise, i.e. many muscle groups take part in the work, and the effect on the body is complex.

The muscle ensemble of the exercise includes the following forces and units:

  • dynamic: hip/knee – extension, ankle – plantar flexion;
  • static: spine (thoracic / lumbar) - extension, scapula / collarbone - lifting up, fingers - flexion.

A complete muscle atlas is the following picture:


By performing the Farmer's Walk exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • development of endurance athlete;
  • general development of leg muscles, both strength and mass;
  • development of the strength of the core muscles and the creation of a natural corset supporting the spine;
  • an increase in the deltoid muscles of the upper shoulder girdle;
  • development of grip strength;
  • stimulation of growth hormone;
  • the ability to overcome the training plateau;
  • increased calorie consumption;
  • development of coordination;
  • the ability to perform at home without going to the gym.

Execution technique

The exercise does not belong to the category of difficult to perform, but it has its own characteristics. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

The classic projectile in this exercise is a barbell with handles, but dumbbells / kettlebells can be taken. Place both projectiles on the floor and stand between them. Tighten your abs, keeping your back straight, sit down and grab the barbells with your hands by the handles. Push yourself with the shells up with your heels and lock in, looking forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

With short and quick steps, move with the barbells in your hands in a straight line forward, while remembering to breathe. Move to 25-50 meters, put shells, turn around and do the same in the opposite direction. Complete 5-10 such "walkers" in one direction without rest between them.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.


In addition to the classic version of the farmer's walk, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • with dumbbells;
  • with weights.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • go down behind the projectile in the way you usually squat, and not taking it from the top position with a rounded back;
  • choose the weight for yourself based on the formula = body weight / 4 e.g. for an athlete 60 kg, the weight of each dumbbell should be 15 kg;
  • when walking, do not take wide steps, but mince with medium ones;
  • while walking, do not lower your head down and do not round your shoulders;
  • use a weightlifting belt when reaching serious weights;
  • if the exercise is difficult, start with 2-4 "walker" by 20-30 seconds each and gradually increase the weight of the projectile, time and number of sets.

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Is the farmer's walk an effective exercise?

According to numerous data on EMG muscle activity, the farmer's walk is one of the best complex exercises, evenly loading a large number of muscle groups. Such a total load allows you to achieve not only an increase in the strength and endurance of the athlete, but also to burn more calories than in conventional (even multi-component) exercises.

The farmer's walk is a competitive exercise in the strongman discipline, but can also be used in bodybuilding to increase the athlete's strength and endurance performance.

Is the farmer's walk a safe exercise?

Fifty-fifty ... I.e. if the athlete initially has scoliosis and a weak back, then he should not perform the exercise until a sufficient muscle frame of this group is formed. In other words, you must first build a solid frame and only then move on to the farmer's walk.

Experienced athletes with a laid base should remember that with the wrong weight (too much), it will roll you forward, causing your shoulders / back to round. Performing a walk in this technique threatens you with injury and shoulder joints.

Conclusion: work with the exercise is shown only after laying the foundation for the main muscle groups and with the correct choice of projectile weight.

Actually, we’ve finished with the main part, it’s time to move on to ...


Today we got acquainted with the farmer's walk exercise. Have you used it before this article? Probably not. Will you use after reading? Most likely not 🙂 I think it’s worth a try, because, in this way, you will have 1 tool to change yourself loved more. Therefore, we blow into the hall and run the theory in practice, good luck!

That's all, see you soon!

PS. and you use unusual exercises in your workouts, inject.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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Source: ferrum-body.ru

1 year ago

Diversify workouts and make them universal for the gym and outside of it allows an exercise with a sonorous name - a farmer's walk. With its help, you can achieve a significant improvement in strength indicators while developing endurance. This exercise involves different muscle groups, so it can be used to strengthen the muscle corset and maintain body tone.

With all the advantages of the exercise, before including it in training, you need to analyze its features and think about whether it is right for you or not. Therefore, in the article we will carefully consider which muscles work in the farmer's walk, and we will master the correct technique for performing the exercise. And also find out how useful such training is and whether it has contraindications.

How useful is exercise?

The farmer's walk is a core strength exercise. By including it in your workouts and doing it regularly, you can talk about creating a natural muscle corset that supports the spine. As a result, there is both a beautiful posture and the opportunity to bring the training process to a more professional level.

In continuation of the conversation about the exercise, the farmer's walk, the benefits of which are undeniable, it should be noted that with the right technique, it involves various muscle groups:

  • muscles of the legs (thighs, lower legs and feet) and arms;
  • abdominal muscles (we recommend basic exercises for the press in the gym);
  • shoulder girdle.

It is also important to note that the distribution of the load on these muscle groups occurs evenly. All muscles work, strengthening, complementing each other. After completing the exercise, ordinary walking, even for long distances at a sports pace, will seem like easy entertainment to you.

In addition, walking with weights allows you to:

  1. Develop endurance, grip strength and muscle corset.
  2. Enlarge deltoid muscles.
  3. Effectively develop coordination of movements.
  4. Increase calorie expenditure and budge if you hit a training plateau.
  5. Perform the exercise in any conditions, if there are improvised means that can replace dumbbells and kettlebells.

Who should not do the farmer's walk?

Contraindications to performing a farmer's walk are:

  • Lack of common sense and overestimation of one's own capabilities. You don’t need to immediately grab heavy kettlebells and try to go a long distance. In this exercise, it is important to gradually increase the weight of the weight and adhere to the technique (more on that later).
  • Exercise is contraindicated for those who have a weak back, scoliosis and other posture disorders. In this case, it is recommended to practice walking only after a strong muscular frame has been formed.
  • Performing the exercise is contraindicated in the stage of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Like any workout, the exercise should not be practiced during acute respiratory infections and when the body is weakened. Mastering the farmer's walk is best postponed until complete recovery.

The farmer's walk with dumbbells is one of the basic exercises that includes different muscle groups. When performed correctly, it evenly develops the muscular corset and gives a noticeable load throughout the body.

Muscle hypertrophy when working with large weights allows you to achieve an athletic physique, balance the proportions of the upper and lower parts of the body. What muscles work in the farmer's walk exercise can be found in the table.

Execution technique

Proper technique for doing the Kettlebell Farmer's Walk is the key to a safe and productive workout.

How is the exercise performed?

Preparatory stage

  1. Determine how the exercise will be performed. With a small weight for a long distance or with a large burden, but for a short distance.
  2. It is necessary to prepare the burden with which the exercise will be performed. The farmer's walk is equally effective with barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells. The recommended load weight depends on the physical performance of the athlete, the goals pursued during the training and the length of the distance.
  3. Clear/prepare the passageway from obstacles and obstructions.

The workout itself

Step 1. We stand between the weights, which we first lay out in line with the feet. The farmer's walk can be done with two dumbbells or any other weight with the same weight in each hand.

Step 2 We take the projectile in our hands, while watching the posture. Keep your back straight while lifting weights. Performing a squat, we bend a little and bring the shoulder blades together, raise our head and lift the weight while inhaling.

Step 3 We move along the distance in small steps, gradually increasing the pace. We make sure that during the farmer's walk with dumbbells or other weights, the shoulder blades are fixed and in their original position. Slightly raised shoulders allow to reduce the load on the shoulder joints.

When doing the farmer's walk, pay attention to the following key points:

  • Flattened shoulder blades during the entire load;
  • The head looks straight, the chin is raised;
  • All movements (from lifting weights to walking) are smooth and springy.

The main mistake during a farmer's walk is rounded shoulders and back. The reason for this may be a weak muscular corset and an incorrectly selected working weight. Performing an exercise with a violation of technique can cause injuries to the spine and shoulder joints.

When including weighted walking in your training program, always be careful about the choice of sports equipment and their weight, follow the correct technique for performing the exercise and take your time. Do not forget that any strength training directly affects the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus, and this is fraught with injury. You can remove part of the load from the muscles of the press and the extensor of the spine with the help of a weightlifting belt. At the same time, careful observance of the technique of performing the exercise is not canceled.

Source: sportfito.ru

This training is more familiar to the representatives of the weaker sex, this is due to the fact that it is women who most often go for food and return home with bags in both hands. That is, the principle of the exercise is something like this.

This type of training is very popular among experienced athletes, as it helps to work out the main muscle groups, helps to increase strength indicators, endurance, and has a great effect on improving the quality of ligaments and joints.

Training can be called optimally universal, it can be used without restrictions in their training by representatives of both sexes. It is also convenient in that it is very comfortable to perform it anywhere and for this you do not need to have special conditions and devices.

Execution technique

The exercise is quite simple, but despite this, when performing it, there are some features that must be fully performed in order to achieve positive results.

  • Most often, when performing this training, it is recommended to use a special barbell that has a handle. But this is not so important, so dumbbells and kettlebells are suitable in this case. The shells are placed at a small distance from each other and are located between them. The back should be straight.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and take a sitting position in order to take the shells in your hands.
  • Then rise to a standing position, as if you are pushing yourself. Fix this position. You have to look straight ahead. This will be the starting position.
  • It is necessary to move forward very quickly and with short steps, while the shells should be on straight arms. The trajectory of movement should be in a clear straight line. Breathing during movement should be correct and even. After passing about fifty meters, the shells are located on the floor or the ground, turn around and come back. You need to go back and forth about ten times without being distracted by respite.

As mentioned earlier, you can use various kinds of weighting agents when performing this exercise.

These include:

  1. Giri;
  2. Dumbbells;
  3. Barrels;
  4. Bags with products;
  5. Fittings;
  6. Logs and all other weights that are at hand in the amount of two pieces.

Easy to use barbells with handles

The safety of this training can be regarded as fifty-fifty. That is, if the athlete suffers from back diseases or has an injury, then the exercise should be abandoned until the health problem is resolved. It is also worth training according to this principle for those who already have a good and stable muscle frame. It follows that this exercise is still relevant for an athlete who has been practicing for more than a day.

It is very important to remember that the weight must be chosen adequate and not try to lift more than you are supposed to. If the athlete goes too far with weights, then when performing the exercise, a roll will be obtained. Which will lead to incorrect posture in which the shoulders and back will be rounded. This can lead to nasty injuries, which will knock you out of training in general for a certain time.

Therefore, only experienced athletes with good physical fitness should include this exercise in the training complex, and there should not be experiments with large weights.

How effective is the exercise

According to many studies of the competent authorities in bodybuilding, this training can be called one of the best in complex exercises. It is very effective in helping to work out many muscle groups.

Walking also provides an opportunity to improve the strength and endurance of the athlete and is very effective for burning calories. This training is considered competitive, but it is also optimal for simple bodybuilding classes.

When performing this exercise, a large complex of muscles works. Many parts of the body are involved in the work and the following parts:

  • Hip and knee, which work on extension;
  • Ankle, which helps the foot to bend;
  • Scapula and clavicle, spine, fingers.

If we consider the picture that is provided on the work of the muscles, then on it you can see that almost all parts of the body are involved in the work when performing the farmer's walk exercise. And this suggests that training can bring optimal benefits to the athlete.


It has its own characteristics and brings very obvious advantages compared to other sets of exercises:

  • The athlete becomes more resilient;
  • Leg muscles develop very well and acquire strength and mass;
  • The muscular corset becomes more developed;
  • The deltoid muscles of the shoulder region from the top are perfectly increased;
  • Grip strength becomes more developed;
  • Growth hormone gets stimulated;
  • Such an exercise makes it possible to overcome the plateau in training;
  • Calorie consumption becomes very high;
  • Coordination develops to the maximum;
  • Training is relevant to perform at home.

Training can be included in the complex for working on strength and mass

  • Weight must be chosen individually. This is done as follows: divide your weight by four, and the resulting amount will be your working weight.
  • When performing the exercise, the steps should be medium, no need to take large steps.
  • The head should not be lowered down, and the back and shoulders are strongly discouraged from rounding.
  • If the beginning is difficult, then it is worth starting with a small number of passes for a minimum amount of time.

Farmer's walk: video

Summing up, we can highlight the following points:

  1. The exercise is not intended for beginners, you must first prepare your body for such work by strengthening the muscle corset;
  2. Steps should not be large and mincing;
  3. Weight should not be taken more than an adequate norm;
  4. Training can be included in the complex for working on strength and mass.

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The Farmer's Walk is really just an amazing exercise for developing major muscle groups, improving strength, endurance and strengthening the entire muscle core. The main feature of this exercise is that you can perform it anywhere, with any weights: with dumbbells, heavy bags, barrels or barbell pancakes. All you need to complete the farmer's walks are heavy objects that you can pick up and drag to a certain point. It can be 50 meters (then the weight of the shells should be large enough), 100 meters or even 1 km (with small weights).

The farmer's walk can be done over short distances with heavy weight and high speed, or over longer distances with moderate weight and medium speed. Are you unable to go to the gym in the summer? Are you leaving for a village or country house? Then the farmer's walk exercise is perfect for maintaining muscle tone in the body. And in nature, this exercise is doubly pleasant. Take, for example, a couple of cans of water in your hands and do a couple of sets of this exercise.

Technique for performing the exercise "farmer's walk"

Get in between the projectiles. Take them in your hands (just like you carry heavy bags in two hands). Before lifting the shells, slightly bend your back, sit down a little (as when doing a deadlift), pull your shoulder blades back, head slightly raised, tighten your lower back, straighten your legs and start walking. Steps should be made small, adding a little pace as the distance progresses. The main technical feature is that you need to constantly monitor your shoulder blades - they should always be brought back slightly, the shoulders slightly raised, the movements are smooth and springy, try not to lower your head.

Working muscles

The farmer's walk is an exercise that develops a large number of muscle groups. This is a truly basic exercise that involves the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, back of the thigh, calf muscles, trapezius, shoulder girdle, and the entire muscular corset that holds the spinal column. And, of course, the muscles of the hands also receive a significant load. When using sufficiently large weights in this exercise, the hypertrophy of the working muscles anatomically correctly develops the form of an athletic physique.

Exercise "Farmer's Walk" is also a basic discipline for strongmen. Their main criteria for the successful execution of this movement is speed, strict technical execution of the steps and the entire exercise as a whole and, of course, a strong grip that allows them to hold very heavy weights in their hands.

Therefore, doing farmer's walks is a good basic movement that athletes can use to strengthen their core muscles in a wide variety of sports. And it is definitely worth a try in your workouts.

    Today we will tell you about the crossfit exercise Farmer's walk.

    The benefits and harms of exercise

    What can be said about the benefits of the farmer's walk exercise? The muscles of the legs and the press work in a balanced way, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles of the press, thighs, legs and feet. At the same time, all of the listed muscle groups work in a single "bundle", mutually complementing and reinforcing each other. After a farmer's walk, an ordinary walk will seem indescribably light to you - the weight of your own body will no longer be felt, at least by half.

    But where there are pluses, there are also minuses. The downside is the risk of injury in the lumbar spine. During walking, the articulation between the pelvis and the spine is actively working, rotational movement occurs in the vertebrae of the lumbar spine. This type of mutual movement of the vertebrae is not very useful and is limited by the powerful ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Taking weights in our hands, we repeatedly increase the load on this ligamentous apparatus and increase the risk of injury. The solution is to avoid the farmer's walk during the first years of active CrossFit training until you get a powerful core, or use a weightlifting belt. The first option is preferable, since the belt in any case will remove some of the load from the abdominal muscles, especially from the obliques, and from the extensor of the spine.

    Exercise technique

    There are several options for the farmer's walk exercise, namely with dumbbells, kettlebells, or other weights.

    With dumbbells

    We take weights from the floor.

    • The loin is bent, fixed.
    • The shoulder blades are brought together.
    • Hands at the seams.

    Without bending the lower back, we bend the knees and hip joints, we take dumbbells in our hands. When using dumbbells of considerable weight, knitting can be used - this will allow you to go a greater distance, but will relieve the load on the flexor muscles of the fingers. Another option for “facilitating” the hand is a closed “overlap” grip, when the thumb rests on the dumbbell bar, the rest cover it and firmly fix it to the projectile.

    And so, the burden is in the hands, the shoulder blades are brought together, the back is straight. Knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. We take the first step - the heel is placed on an imaginary line passing from the toe. Thus, the steps are short. Even a small distance you are unlikely to go too fast, thereby ensuring sufficient time for the muscles to be under load. A short step is also taken in order to reduce the range of motion in the lumbar vertebrae and in the hip joint - the most vulnerable to compression loads. The body is kept even throughout the farmer's walk, the shoulders are brought forward a little, the trapezius muscle, as it were, spreads out along the upper shoulder girdle.

    In the technique described above, the main load falls on the muscles of the girdle of the lower limb. The back, trapezium and arms perform only static work, with the main load falling just on the flexors of the fingers. In order to more seriously load the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle with the "farmer's walk", there are the following exercise options.

    With kettlebells

    Starting position:

    • Legs shoulder width apart. The back is straight, a deflection is fixed in the lower back.
    • If you have a strong grip and forearm muscles or want to strengthen them, hold the kettlebells by the handles.
    • If you do not have enough strength to hold them in this way, use the following option: the arms are bent at the elbows, the wrists are tucked under the handles of the weights, the weights themselves rest on the elbows. The elbows are pressed to the chest, brought forward.

    © kltobias - stock.adobe.com

    A more difficult modification of the farmer's walk is this option: the starting position is the same, but the weights are on the shoulders, held by the fingers of the hands, the arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are spread apart.

    Farmer's walk up the stairs

    To increase the overall intensity of the exercise, as well as increase the load on the muscles of the legs and abdominals, the farmer's walk can be performed on the stairs. The weight is held in straightened arms, arms along the body, elbows are straightened. The back is straight, the shoulders are slightly rolled forward, the upper portion of the trapezoid is tense. We take a step one step up, transfer the weight of the body to the supporting leg, set the working leg to the upper step, with the combined effort of the quadriceps and biceps of the thigh, we unbend the leg at the knee and hip joint. We put both feet on one step, we take the next step with the supporting foot.

It has its own characteristics and brings very obvious advantages compared to other sets of exercises:

  • The athlete becomes more resilient;
  • Leg muscles develop very well and acquire strength and mass;
  • The muscular corset becomes more developed;
  • The deltoid muscles of the shoulder region from the top are perfectly increased;
  • Grip strength becomes more developed;
  • Growth hormone gets stimulated;
  • Such an exercise makes it possible to overcome the plateau in training;
  • Calorie consumption becomes very high;
  • Coordination develops to the maximum;
  • Training is relevant to perform at home.


And finally, the grip training program for advanced athletes differs from the initial program in that experienced dinosaurs do two, three, or even four different grip exercises in each workout. For beginners who are just starting to train the grip, this volume will be excessive. But an experienced grip master cannot do without such a volume. Why? Because it is necessary to use all the muscles of the fingers, palms, wrists and forearms. Experienced athletes need to combine specialized grip exercises (such as one or two finger deadlifts) with basic exercises (such as thick bar deadlifts or thick bar power holds) that develop the forearms as a whole.

In practice, you will do one type of deadlift, one specialized exercise for the fingers or wrists, one type of elbow curl (regular, reverse or hammer curls), and another exercise of your choice. You can do different exercises for each workout. The idea is to develop maximum strength in each finger, including the thumbs, in the wrists and along the entire length of the forearms, so that you are strong in all movements where the hand is used - in elbow curls, in power holds, in leverage exercises and every other exercise you will ever need to do for the forearms, wrists and grip.

Imagine how many different movements you can make with your fingers - up, down, left, right, clockwise, counterclockwise. Now try to move your wrists in the same way - left, right, up, down, clockwise, counterclockwise. What about thumbs? See how they move - up, down, left, right, clockwise, counterclockwise. And the forearms? See what different positions you can hold them in when doing biceps curls - in supinated, pronated positions, you can bend them like "crow's feet", or you can hold them with your thumbs up. For grip training, you can use handles with a variety of diameters. You can use a pinch grip to lift weights attached to a coin or pen that are 7.5 cm in diameter or smaller. In any grip exercise, you can do singles, reps or timed holds. Exercises for the forearms, wrists, hands and fingers are truly innumerable. Even if you include three or four exercises in each workout, you will NOT overtrain.

Arthur Jones once remarked (I'm paraphrasing him a little here, but the meaning is this) that "we cannot imagine how strong our hands and fingers can be if we develop the muscles of the hands, fingers and forearms to the limit." These words should be remembered by every dinosaur. Your goal as a dinosaur is very simple: for several years, diligently train your arms, forearms, wrists, increase the strength of all muscle groups to the limit - and you will become the owner of such a grip that will lead to awe of any of your acquaintances. Turn your hands into steel tongs. Let your grip be like a vise. Let the strength of your hands, forearms, wrists and fingers refute all ideas about human capabilities.

I am not inventing anything new. I discover the forgotten.
~August Rodin

When there is nothing to do, why live?
~Sir Winston Churchill

ATHLETE.RU 1999-2019

How to do the Crazy Walk exercise

In principle, the exercise "Crazy Gait" can be performed even while sitting. Don't stress too much, do what you can!

Some people

  • hands are always cold
  • others have constipation
  • or regular dizziness
  • weakness in the legs
  • some do not sleep soundly
  • or experience a feeling of tightness in the chest, lack of air ...

There are a lot of symptoms that can be described ... Now we will master a simple way to get rid of these troubles at once. The method is rather unusual, but interesting.

Here's what we're going to do: first, let's pretend to be completely powerless, exhausted, as if we got up in the middle of the night. We have not yet fully woken up, we are half asleep, we have not eaten anything for two days, and even our legs are tied, in a bag.

If you managed to imagine and portray it, consider that you have already mastered the exercise by 80%.

Now we start running in the bag. (Just don't actually tie your legs, just imagine that there is a bag on your legs.) The legs are very difficult to move, they are heavy and do not obey us. We raise the leg a little, and again heavily lower it to the ground.

You want to stop and take a breath, but others push you from behind, force you to drag yourself forward through force. The whole body shakes with each heavy step, trembles involuntarily. Hands dangle limply along the body, or you can connect them behind your back, but the palms are absolutely powerless.

Focus all attention on the front of the feet. You need to imagine how hard it is for you to move your legs, like you have to pull them out of concrete.

Remember the main thing, the key point of the exercise: you don’t need to strain your muscles in fact, you only need to strain your imagination.

Imagine that iron weights are dragging along the ground, behind your feet, weights, not your feet, like a hammer pierce the ground. The most appropriate comparison for the legs is that they are in a state of free-falling body.

This exercise will help to relax the whole body, blood and energy will flow freely to the feet. Reached the Kidney channel on the feet, which will help to quickly replenish the energy level in the kidneys.

The channels of the Liver, Spleen pass along the front of the feet, in addition, there are reflex zones of almost all internal organs. So the exercise stimulates all the internal organs.

Positive effect of exercise

The exercise works in much the same way as the “Golden Rooster stands on one leg” exercise, but it also helps to get rid of swelling. This exercise combines movement and relaxation, it is beneficial for both the body and the spirit. “In motion, there is peace, as if the wind shakes the willows; in peace, there is movement, as if the moon illuminates the floating clouds.”

The coherence of the imagination and all the movements of the body is an effective way to nourish the heart and treat the root of the disease. Walk 500 meters in the morning with such a gait that it will take no more than 10 minutes, but your mood and well-being will change for the better, and your feet will stop freezing, isn’t this an incentive to try?

I offer only a sketch, when you begin to perform the exercise, you yourself will feel what the essence of the method is, feel its effect on yourself. The more we believe in ourselves, the more creative impulses and insights we have. I am sure that in every person there is the ability for intuitive insights, only we often think that this is from the realm of fantasy.

But when others give us an example, they seem to light the way for us, we begin to appreciate these insights and try to follow them. In fact, this exercise can be performed even while sitting. Or lying down ... You should not strain too much at all, the main thing is to imagine everything in your head.

Zheng Fuzhui "The best doctor is yourself"

Benefits of Exercise Farmer's Walk

In its structure, this fitness element is basic, multi-joint, since in the process of execution it involves several joints and muscle groups at once. The load falls on the muscles and joints of the legs, lower back, back and chest of the athlete, and the shoulder blades and collarbones are also included in the work. Due to the large coverage of muscle groups, the exercise helps:

  • develop endurance;
  • strengthen and increase in volume muscles;
  • increase the strength of the athlete;
  • form a strong muscular corset;
  • stimulate the production of somatotropic hormone (growth hormone);
  • consume more energy (speeds up metabolism);
  • improve coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus.

The main advantage of the exercise is its accessibility: it can be performed in any conditions. In the gym, special dumbbells and barbells are used; at home, you can adapt improvised items as weights.

Grab and drag What is a farmer's walk and why everyone needs it

Farmer's walk, she's a "hellish walk", she's "took and drag." This exercise is able to develop the muscles of the whole body and make a person devilishly strong.

"KV" has compiled a guide to the "farm walk" - a forgotten movement, which today triumphantly returned to fitness.

What is a farmer's walk

A farmer's walk is an exercise in which an athlete walks with weights in their hands for time or distance. Strongmen and CrossFitters perform the farmer's walk with barbells that have special handles. Often athletes do it with a trap reef, a car tire, or with a special platform that you can stand inside. But the value of the "farmer's walk" is that any weights can be used as a load. Kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells are suitable, and if they are not available, then buckets, canisters or large containers with sand or water can be a good option. Everything that is heavy and that can be carried in the hands is suitable for a "farmer's walk".

What effect will the "farmer's walk" give?

Brooks Kubik, US champion bench presser and strength trainer, called the farmer's walk one of the most effective exercises ever invented. “Its regular performance makes a person massive and devilishly strong,” Kubik wrote.

Carrying weights in the arms develops the muscles of the upper and lower body at the same time. A large load falls on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the muscles of the cortex (trunk), lower legs, buttocks and thighs.

Farmer's Walk stimulates increased production of testosterone in the body - this provides an incentive for muscle growth. It increases grip strength, which is why it is often included in the training program by armlifters and functional training specialists. It gives you strong lower back muscles that can be used to increase weight in squats and deadlifts. “In other words, if you want to look like a real animal, then the farmer's walk is the exercise for you,” summarizes Brooks Kubik.

If the farmer's walk is so effective, why was it forgotten for so long?

The end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries in strength training is called the "era of isolation". At this time, training programs came into fashion that focused on working out the muscles with isolated exercises with medium weights and a large number of repetitions. These techniques became popular thanks to professional bodybuilders who "pierced" the muscles with supersets and targeted loading, almost without using basic exercises.

However, there is an opinion that this style of training is ineffective for natural athletes. For muscle growth, they need a progression of weights and multi-joint exercises that involve several muscle groups at once. The farmer's walk is one of them. At first, strongmen began to use it in their training. And later, crossfitters took over: they included the "farmer's walk" in the circuit training. So this exercise became popular again.

How to do the farmer's walk

The key point of the exercise is taking the projectile from the floor. According to the technique, it resembles a deadlift: you need to strain your back, make a slight deflection in the lower back. When taking the projectile, take the pelvis back. Rise with the projectile like this: until the projectile is at the level of the knees, the legs are unbent, further (but not earlier !!!) the torso is straightened. Do not round your back, do not slouch your shoulders, do not lower your head. When walking, try to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible.

The second important point is to maintain balance. When walking with weights, avoid swinging and distorting the body. This is fraught with injury. Keep your torso muscles tense. Step is medium.

The farmer's walk can be done by walking in a straight line. Or you can bypass obstacles with weights, make turns and zigzags. When turning, avoid tilting the body to the sides.

How to Incorporate the Farmer's Walk into Training

A variation on using a farmer's walk in a circuit workout might look like this: do 5 rounds of 10 dumbbell presses, 12 box jumps (or in place with knee raises), 12 leg raises, and farmer walks with dumbbells 15 meters there-15 meters back. You can also combine the farmer's walk with any other exercise.

If you're a bodybuilder doing standard sets, do a farmer's walk at the end of a leg, back, or shoulder workout—after squats, deadlifts, or shrugs. At each workout, increase the weight of the dumbbells or the distance you need to walk with them - this is how the "farmer's walk", an exercise of the strongmen of the past, will be most effective.

Attention! Before starting training, consult your doctor!

Source: www.sovsport.ru

Farmer's walk – FixBody sport, bodybuilding, fitness, workout, crossfit, motivation

From the point of view of biomechanics, we have a cyclic movement. Strongmen call it locomotor. It is worth noting that the local load evenly develops all the muscles involved in walking, namely: the gluteus, quadriceps, biceps femoris, core muscles, abs, back extensors, latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, adductors scapulae, serratus posterior, and of course - forearms. So it turns out that the “farmer” is one of the best basic exercises, which can be compared in effectiveness with squats or deadlifts.

We, bodybuilders, are not particularly interested in the standards of "strongs", we just want to get real benefits from such a seemingly simple exercise. In bodybuilding, instead of standard shells, ordinary dumbbells are used. As a result, we get the simplest movement - a farmer's walk with two dumbbells.

Execution technique

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Give your back a natural curve. Hold the dumbbells with your hands down. Try to grab the handles as hard as possible so that the forearms get the load from the first seconds of the movement. Straighten your shoulders and lift your chest up. Look straight ahead. Slightly bring the shoulder blades together and with powerful dynamic efforts begin to perform small uniform steps. Try to add pace as you cover the distance.

Preselect the longest trajectory your gym can afford. One of the key roles is played by breathing. If the weight of the dumbbells is large, which it should be, then breathing will be quite difficult. Here it is necessary to borrow the technique from the Strongmen. They are taught to “walk” with weights, small inhalations and exhalations, which are performed every two steps.

Many athletes do not take this exercise into account. It seems to them that the farmer's walk does not give the same result. It is safe to say that such thinking is wrong. Proper execution of the movement with a really heavy working weight for you will force the body to include all the muscles of the body. It is worth noting that in nature there are no similar movements that can equally load the shoulder girdle, back muscles and legs. Such a wide range of work groups forces the body to use and produce a record amount of testosterone, which means that a farmer's walk can give you muscle mass all over your body.

Separately, I would like to note the stepping technique. Never use a wide step, as this will noticeably overload the tendons and joints of the legs. After all, in fact, during a wide step, you transfer all the weight to one limb, and this is quite traumatic. That is why it is recommended to perform many small, but quick steps.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to specify the position of the head. During the exercise, you will probably want to lower your chin to your chest. The fact is that this is how the body tries to relieve the trapezius muscles from the load. In addition, as soon as you touch your chest with your chin, your back will immediately round out, and all the incoming load will become unnatural. Such an exercise will eventually cause either osteochondrosis or spondyloarthrosis. We recommend that you master the movement with a light weight. Watch your reflection in the mirror. Make sure that your back does not round or lean forward when walking, only then move on to large working weights.

A little trick is the dumbbell grip. In heavy sets, grab them from the back edge so that the shells lean forward. This will facilitate the execution technique with the help of inertia.

Farmers walk

Today we will tell you about the crossfit exercise Farmer's walk.

The benefits and harms of exercise

What can be said about the benefits of the farmer's walk exercise? The muscles of the legs and the press work in a balanced way, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles of the press, thighs, legs and feet. At the same time, all of the listed muscle groups work in a single "bundle", mutually complementing and reinforcing each other. After a farmer's walk, an ordinary walk will seem indescribably light to you - the weight of your own body will no longer be felt, at least by half.

But where there are pluses, there are also minuses. The downside is the risk of injury in the lumbar spine. During walking, the articulation between the pelvis and the spine is actively working, rotational movement occurs in the vertebrae of the lumbar spine. This type of mutual movement of the vertebrae is not very useful and is limited by the powerful ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Taking weights in our hands, we repeatedly increase the load on this ligamentous apparatus and increase the risk of injury. The way out is to avoid the farmer's walk during the first years of active CrossFit training until you get a powerful core, or use a weightlifting belt. The first option is preferable, since the belt in any case will remove some of the load from the abdominal muscles, especially from the obliques, and from the extensor of the spine.

Exercise technique

There are several options for the farmer's walk exercise, namely with dumbbells, kettlebells, or other weights.

With dumbbells

We take weights from the floor.

  • The loin is bent, fixed;
  • The shoulder blades are flattened;
  • Hands at the seams.

Without bending the lower back, we bend the knees and hip joints, we take dumbbells in our hands. When using dumbbells of significant weight, knitting can be used - this will allow you to go a long distance, but will relieve the load on the flexor muscles of the fingers. Another option for “facilitating” the hand is a closed “overlap” grip, when the thumb rests on the dumbbell bar, the rest cover it and firmly fix it to the projectile.

And so, the burden is in the hands, the shoulder blades are brought together, the back is straight. Knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. We take the first step - the heel is placed on an imaginary line passing from the toe. Thus, the steps are short. Even a small distance you are unlikely to go too fast, thereby ensuring sufficient time for the muscles to be under load. A short step is also taken in order to reduce the range of motion in the lumbar vertebrae and in the hip joint - the most vulnerable to compression loads. The body is kept even throughout the farmer's walk, the shoulders are brought forward a little, the trapezius muscle, as it were, spreads out along the upper shoulder girdle.

With kettlebells

Starting position:

  • Feet shoulder width apart;
  • The back is straight;
  • A deflection is fixed in the lower back;
  • The arms are bent at the elbows, the wrists are tucked under the arms of the weights;
  • The weights themselves rest on the elbows;
  • The elbows are pressed to the chest, brought forward.

A more difficult modification of the farmer's walk is this option: the starting position is the same, but the weights are on the shoulders, held by the fingers of the hands, the arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are spread apart.

Farmer's walk up the stairs

To increase the overall intensity of the exercise, as well as increase the load on the muscles of the legs and abdominals, the farmer's walk can be performed on the stairs. The weight is held in straightened arms, arms along the body, elbows are straightened. The back is straight, the shoulders are slightly rolled forward, the upper portion of the trapezoid is tense. We take a step one step up, transfer the weight of the body to the supporting leg, set the working leg to the upper step, with the combined effort of the quadriceps and biceps of the thigh, we unbend the leg at the knee and hip joint. We put both feet on one step, we take the next step with the supporting foot.

You can take each step to the next step, but this will limit the time the muscles are under load and create greater mobility in the lumbosacral joint.


This is interesting: Dumbbell swings to the sides: an exercise for the development of the shoulder girdle, techniques and recommendations for performing swings with dumbbells to the sides

Execution technique

The exercise is quite simple, but despite this, when performing it, there are some features that must be fully performed in order to achieve positive results.

Most often, when performing this training, it is recommended to use a special barbell that has a handle.

But this is not so important, so dumbbells and kettlebells are suitable in this case. The shells are placed at a small distance from each other and are located between them.

The back should be straight.
Tighten your abdominal muscles and take a sitting position in order to take the shells in your hands.
Then rise to a standing position, as if you are pushing yourself. Fix this position. You have to look straight ahead. This will be the starting position.
It is necessary to move forward very quickly and with short steps, while the shells should be on straight arms. The trajectory of movement should be in a clear straight line. Breathing during movement should be correct and even. After passing about fifty meters, the shells are located on the floor or the ground, turn around and come back. You need to go back and forth about ten times without being distracted by respite.

As mentioned earlier, you can use various kinds of weighting agents when performing this exercise.

These include:

  1. Giri;
  2. Dumbbells;
  3. Barrels;
  4. Bags with products;
  5. Fittings;
  6. Logs and all other weights that are at hand in the amount of two pieces.

Benefits and contraindications

The farmer's walk exercise is the movement of heavy projectiles from one place to another.

Therefore, the farmer's walk is used by strongmen - athletes participating in power extreme sports. The exercise also has other advantages that bodybuilders and crossfitters will appreciate:

  • Strengthening the grip. The farmer's walk has a positive effect on the development of the muscles of the forearms and the power of the hands, which is useful in other strength elements, such as deadlifts.
  • Working out the central part of the body. The muscles of the cortex are involved in all movements of the athlete, helping him to overcome heavy weights. If you want to progress in basic exercises - do the farmer's walk.
  • Muscle growth. Long-term force impact during "farm" walking promotes hypertrophy of muscle fibers. An increased hormonal background helps to restore muscles, add mass and volume to them.
  • Improved body balance. When performing the exercise, small muscles responsible for stabilization and coordination work. This develops the athlete's mobility and sense of balance.
  • Increase endurance. Exercise helps to strengthen not only the muscles, but also the ligamentous apparatus of the legs, arms, and back. The athlete becomes less susceptible to power loads.

You should also be wary of "farm walking" when:

  • shoulder sprain;
  • disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Let's go over the previous points again. And we'll start with my urgent request to continue to include basic grip exercises in your training - even if you are already an experienced athlete. You will ask why? Because with the help of basic exercises you build real strength and power, and various specialized exercises (for example, lifting weights with your fingers, working with a lever, etc.) help to finally shape your forearms and hands. If you completely stop doing basic exercises, you will have problems with further increase in the strength and size of the forearms, fingers and wrists. So, keep doing the "base" in your workouts, but once you feel proficient enough, start adding more specialized exercises to your program.


Lifting weights with one or two fingers is an indispensable tool in developing maximum strength in the hands. There are two best ways to do this exercise. The first is a deadlift using a different grip - one hand with the palm to the body, the other - with the palm away from the body. Use only your index fingers, or only your middle fingers, or both. You can use a standard neck, 5cm or 6.3cm. If you have very large hands and powerful fingers, you might want to try the 7.5cm bar - although only people with truly gigantic hands can use such a heavy bar.

Lifting weights with one or two fingers is a very hard and brutal exercise. Making it HURTS!!! The entire load is concentrated on two fingers and pain can be very strong. That's why you need to go through the entire basic exercise program before you take on finger raises. This exercise is so difficult that it should be done no more than once every ten days or every two weeks. If you put too much stress on your fingers, then you can be sure that you will earn yourself a sprain, and this injury will set you back at least two months.

By regularly including one or two finger lifts in your workouts, you will one day realize that you can already hold quite a significant amount of weight in this way. I like to do 6.3cm barbell curls using my index and middle fingers, and I reached 136kg on this exercise. My training partner, Bruce Bullock, who naturally has huge hands and long, powerful fingers, lifts the same amount.

One or two finger raises are a very important exercise also because they involve some tendons and muscle fibers that are practically not affected by most other exercises. You will notice that one or two finger raises will give you a very deep feeling of working the muscles of the forearms.

This happens because muscle fibers are involved that cannot be used by any other exercises.

Earlier I said that there are two ways to lift the barbell with one or two fingers. The most common method I have already described above, but there is another method that I highly recommend to all dinosaurs. Firm "" sells the most useful little thing called "" (Eagle Loops). They are heavy duty straps made from nylon webbing. At one end they are attached to the neck, at the other end there are four loops - one for each finger, not counting the thumb. You can train four fingers at the same time, three, two or only one - at your discretion. I like to do two-finger deadlifts with "EAGLE LOOPS" using the index and middle fingers on each hand. This is an incredibly painful exercise, but it will turn your fingers into steel pincers in no time. You can use a LOT of weight on this exercise - Bruce Bullock and I do a two-finger deadlift with 205kg using "EAGLE LOOPS". Another useful application of "EAGLE LOOPS" is various exercises on the bar. Try finger pull-ups - this is a great exercise that will turn your hands into steel hooks. Again, you can train all fingers at once, or train them in any combination. The EAGLE LOOPS is a GREAT device for developing barbaric finger strength. It must be present in any basement hall where dinosaurs train.

Instructions for use

In total, there are four variations of farm walks, and there are about seven basic movements.

1. Weight between legs

Holding weights between the legs creates a special emphasis on the gluteal muscles.

duck walk

Take weights in your hands, bend over a little and, placing them between your legs in lowered hands, stomp forward. Keep your legs slightly bent, do not round your lower back. If there are no weights, hold a large dumbbell with both hands by the disc, placing it vertically. The weight should be at the level of the knees, not higher.

Important: do not look down! If you lower your eyes during the exercises that develop your balance, you will ruin everything. Looking down gives you a false sense of stability and puts more stress on your lower back and knees, shifting your center of gravity forward.

So look strictly in front of you at some distant stationary object.

2. Weight on the sides

So you can carry the heaviest shells. Because these exercises give unrealistic strength gains.

farm walk

Pick up dumbbells, kettlebells or even two barbells and go ahead. Keep your abdominal muscles in tension and slightly bend your knees. If the dumbbells in your gym are light, use a trap bar with barbell discs.

Walking with a suitcase

Take a heavy dumbbell in one hand and, trying to keep the body upright, go forward. Walk an equal distance for the right and left hands.

3. Weight in front of you

The advantage of this variation is the additional load on the biceps and the entire back chain of muscles.

Zercher Walk

Place the barbell on the elbows and, holding the projectile as close to you as possible, gently move forward. If holding the bar is uncomfortable for you, wrap the bar with a towel.

Bear hug

Hug and hold the sandbag upright. Instead, you can take a heavy disk from the bar or just a stone. As a last resort, hold the dumbbell vertically at your chest under the upper disk - as during squats with a dumbbell.

4. Weight above yourself

Holding the weight overhead works the entire core and improves the stability of the shoulder joints.

army walk

Grab a sandbag or a barbell and lift it over the top of your head like you would when doing a bench press. Keep your arms straight, legs slightly bent, lower back straight. You can also hold two dumbbells above you.

Inverted kettlebell

Take a weight, turn it upside down. Keep the forearm vertical, and keep the angle between the shoulder and forearm straight.

How to choose a load?

How many pounds and how far you carry can determine what exactly you develop with such a workout. Theoretically, "walking" can develop both strength and hypertrophy with endurance. Use these simple formulas to vary your own workouts:

Projectile weight*Distance, m

*% of your own weight

You will be interested

Farmer's walk.

“Farmer walks are the hardest exercise for experienced athletes, and if your grip is strong enough to hold heavy weight, farmer walks will create a powerful load on the whole body. They really make the whole body work from the top of the head to the toes - provided heavy weights are used. ”
Brooks Kubik.


For a farmer's walk, you can use almost any weights, the main thing is that they be of the same weight and brutal.

It is desirable that the weights are flat like suitcases, so that they cling to the legs less and do not interfere with running / walking. It is also desirable that the handle that you hold on to be higher than the center of mass, this will improve handling in a turn. The thicker the handle of the weight, the more the grip is loaded, but you should not look for a handle that is too thin, because. those will cut your hands. For my taste, it is most convenient to use a handle with a thickness of 25-28mm, ideally with a notch, but I don’t have anything at all.

If you use a dumbbell, you need the handle to be long enough, otherwise, when walking, protruding pancakes will limit the width of the step, and limit it quite painfully (if anyone didn’t understand, it hurts with accelerating your knee into a pancake). I have a distance between the pancakes of the dumbbell a little more than half a meter, while I have enough space for the widest possible step.

When using "suitcases" or oxygen cylinders, you need to watch how you throw them to the ground at the end of the set, so as not to beat off your leg with an iron ingot, feeling your own non-fucking from the distance traveled.


To start, it is desirable to choose a flat place, but as practice shows, it can be not very good. I use magnesia, and I recommend it to everyone, it's not a super grip replacement, but in the heat when the hands sweat, in the rain in the snow it makes the grip easier.

It is necessary to stand so that the shins are in the middle of the handles or so, grab the handle with the palm of your hand so that it (the handle) is not above the calluses, but immediately a little behind them further from the fingers, and clench your fist in a normal grip. Grabbing the handles a little forward from the center can give extra acceleration and handling, but only works with relatively light weights. A similar situation is if you grab a little back, then you will go more evenly, but again only with a relatively light weight. When carrying in this way, the load does not fall evenly on the grip, but on some fingers more on others less, the weight will quickly break out of the hands under the influence of gravity.

If you run at speed, then before the go-ahead, you need to slightly stretch all the muscles, this will give a more powerful impetus, lean forward a little (become more in a position for traction than for a squat, but it all depends on the shape and height of the weights used), and on the go-ahead to disrupt weight and start catching up with his feet, this will give additional acceleration. But when you work with serious weight, there is a chance that you will not be able to close the back, and then there will be no stability.

If you are running a farmer for a distance, it is better to grab a comfortable grip and fully prepare for a run. In this case, it is enough just to do a normal lift from a squat, this will fix the back muscles in the right position and start with an already cast block of tense muscles.


The walk is very simple, when you lifted heavy dumbbells, you need to forget about everything, strain your entire back, locking your shoulder blades and sticking out your chest, squeeze your fingers around the dumbbell handles until whitening and go go go go go while your legs move, keep your arms and back, or until walk the required distance.

During a walk, it is very important to maintain the pace, this not only gives the speed of passing, but also allows you to reduce the time under load, respectively, to cover a greater distance, until the moment when the fingers are either unclenched, unable to hold the weight rushing down, or you can no longer rearrange the clogged blood, legs heavy and not agile like decks, or just the weight will begin to fold you in half and you will drop it so as not to be damaged. In addition, when I keep a good pace, the nervous system is more cocked, it is easier for me to keep my back and walk with my feet, and the movements are more coordinated.

When you walk with a lot of weight, it is advisable not to take wide steps, but many small ones and as quickly as possible, then the joints of the legs are not so heavily loaded, because when you transfer weight from one leg to another, almost all the weight that you carry falls on one leg, and you directly feel pressure in every joint. This remark has almost no effect on small weights, for example, with a small weight I even managed to run, in the truest sense of the word.

After you have reached the place, the main thing for joy is not to crush your legs with dumbbells, and not to take off the air from the feeling of lightness that forms immediately after you put two almost 100 kilogram dumbbells.

This is how the cube described it:

“In total, each of us carried these pieces of iron five times. I managed to reach the boundary of the site four more times. Bruce walked a little less. Ted covered about 15 meters in each of the four remaining attempts.
When it was all over, we were DEAD. We were "none".
What muscles are worked out by this exercise? Thad asked.
- All! I replied.
"It turns on the GROW OR DIE mechanism," Bruce explained. You will either get bigger and stronger or you will die - there is no third way. And these suitcases don't care what you choose."
Brooks Kubik.

addition dated 07/16/2009

Once again about weights..

Below is a photo of my farm dumbbells.
The main disadvantage of these dumbbells is that the handles for which I hold them are not high from the floor, but somewhere at the level of the middle of the lower leg,
those. will have to do some pulling with them first, as seen in my respective video on the homepage.
It is advisable to make the dumbbell handles much higher than mine - at knee level, so that it is necessary to do a lockout in traction,
not full thrust.

My dumbbells are easy to make with no special tools.
This is a triceps bomber bar that you can buy at any sports store.
2 metal bushings are put on it and they are fixed on top with locks that are tightened with a pin on the thread.
The sleeves are made to give the foot enough reach even with a wide stride.

supplement dated 11/01/2010

Best Weights:

I've been thinking about upgrading my farmer's dumbbells for a long time.
The old triceps-bomber bar did not allow to reveal its potential (and besides everything, it also wrinkled), due to the fact that first it was necessary to stretch it in full amplitude. And I’ll tell you fun, first do a dumbbell deadlift (it’s harder than barbells with the same weight, if you don’t train this movement on purpose!), And then also walk 15-20 meters with this weight, when in your hands for 200kg it’s really hard task.

So we did what you can see in the last picture.
The advantage of this dumbbell is that its handles are at a height of 43 cm from the ground, it is somewhere under the knee, it turns out a lockout and this helps to pull out a lot of weight.
The dumbbell is made from
- thick reinforcement, diameter along the edge 29mm (under a pancake with a bore diameter of 30mm), 1 meter long,
- iron strips 4 cm wide and 3 mm thick (their length varies depending on the radius of the pancake, to find the right height, I have them 25 cm long, and
- a smooth pipe, for which this whole structure rises, a pipe 30 cm long and 34 mm in diameter (here I made a mistake, it was necessary to be thinner, but thick-walled).

Now briefly about how and what.
As you can see in the photo, the plates are located on both sides of the pipe and fittings and are welded to the edges of the pipe and at the same width to the fittings. With such a thickness and length of iron strips as I have, the dumbbell remains rigid, does not twist and does not play when I turn around with it. If you make a farmer with longer plates, you will probably need to make braces as well so that the dumbbell does not twist in the turn and is more rigid. At a distance of 30 cm from the center of the armature, metal blocks are welded, these are limiters for pancakes, the total length of the armature in which you can walk is the same 60 cm, but in this case the pancakes are lower, so it probably makes sense to give more space under the step. Although when you go with a really heavy weight, the steps are not big.

Pancakes are fixed with an ordinary spring lock, as on our other necks.

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