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Internet portal all about Hyperborea. The ghostly trace of Hyperborea. Before the hole they were seized by fear

The question of the disappeared northern country has always worried scientists.
How did Hyperborea die?
What do the sources of ancient civilizations say?
How did the ancestors of the Slavs survive the global catastrophe?
Where could the survivors go?

The Italian historian Mavro Orbini, in his book “The Slavic Kingdom” (1601), wrote: “The people of the Slavs are much older than the Egyptian pyramids and are so numerous that they inhabit half the world.” Although the written history of the people who lived before our era does not tell anything, traces of the most ancient culture in the Russian North are a scientific fact. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Plato wrote that the centuries-old roots of the Russian people originate in Arctida.

Evidence of the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. Mercator map

Medieval maps in museums around the world show that Hyperborea was located on islands around the modern North Pole. Some scientists are sure that it also occupied Greenland and Scandinavia.

The fact of the existence of the Slavic ancestral home is evidenced by the works of the greatest traveler and cartographer of the 16th century, Gerard Mercator. No one has ever doubted his discoveries, even in our time. How this man could draw up an accurate map of Hyperborea remained a mystery. Indeed, by the time it was compiled (1595), this territory no longer existed.

The cartographer described the legendary northern country as a rounded mainland, divided by huge rivers into four identical parts. Studying the map, modern scientists recognize the territory of the Arctic Ocean in Arctida. An accurate description of the northern part of the coast of America and Eurasia fully confirms the reliability of Mercator's work. Engravings of ancient peoples found by archaeologists also confirm the existence of Hyperborea. The map also has an image of Meru's ancestral mountain. This universal height was at the North Pole. According to declassified information, a mountain was discovered under the water of the Northern Ocean in Russia - a very high one, touching the ice cover. In addition, the ancient map depicts a strait connecting America and Asia. Interestingly, the Russian navigator Semyon Dezhnev discovered it only in 1648. After 80 years, this path was again passed by a Russian expedition led by Vigus Bering. Subsequently, the strait was named after the commander. How did Mercator know about the Bering Strait? How did he get on his card?

Proof of the existence of Hyperborea can also be found in the works of Yakov Gakkel, a well-known Soviet cartographer and oceanographer. His studies of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean confirm the existence of this civilization. According to the scientist, the descendants of the Hyperboreans were the eastern and western Slavs, who settled in the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as in the northern part of continental Europe.

The catastrophe that befell the northern country

In the ancient myths of the peoples of the world, Hyperborea was spoken of as a "paradise land." For example, the Hellenes called it that because it is located behind the north wind Boreas. They believed that it was the wise Hyperboreans who laid the foundation of modern civilization. Homer described Arctida as a highly developed civilization, and its representatives as giants with Slavic features. The ancient Roman erudite writer Pliny the Elder, who was considered one of the most impartial scientists of his time, called the nationality real. “Civilization lives near the Arctic Circle, has its own culture and is outwardly similar to the Hellenes. The Hyperboreans are a happy people, living to a decrepit age, having amazing legends. There the sun does not set below the horizon for six months. The whole country is flooded with sunshine. Favorable climate, no cold wind. Groves and forests serve as dwellings for people. They do not know disease, strife, hatred. A person dies only when he is fed up with life, ”wrote Pliny the Elder. But Hyperborea has disappeared. What happened? Why did she go under water?

Many peoples of Siberia have legends describing the disaster that befell the "paradise land". Khanty, Mansi, Sakhalin Nivkhs, Nanais - all these peoples talk about the flood. But before this event there is fire from the sky. Then - a sharp cooling, and as a result - the death of all living things.

There is a version that before the "big water" there was a collision of the Earth with a meteorite. As a result, Hyperborea disappeared under water. However, at first it was part of the mainland. Then the entire territory went under water, with the exception of a few islands. Where did the Hyperboreans go? Scientists suggest that one part of the inhabitants of Hyperborea migrated to the southern lands. The other - to the territory of modern Germany, Poland and Belarus. Mixing with the indigenous population of nomadic tribes, new languages, customs arose, cultural heritage changed.

The legends of the Russian Templars say that Lelya (once the Earth's satellite), revolving around the planet in 7 days, fell on its surface. But it didn't fall by accident. He was destroyed in a space battle. It was this fall that caused a global catastrophe, as a result of which Hyperborea died. The earth's axis shifted, which led to a change in climatic conditions, and the Hyperboreans migrated to other favorable places.

According to the astronomical calculations of the ancient Egyptians, as well as the Mayan calendar, the catastrophe that hit Hyperborea dates back to 11,542 BC. The Flood, a sharp change in climatic conditions forced our ancestors to leave their country and settle almost all over the earth. Many teachings that have come down to us from antiquity mention a people in the North who possessed vast knowledge.

Other scientific confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea. Climate

Paleontologists and oceanographers from Russia, the United States and Canada have determined that the climatic conditions of the Arctic (from 30 to 15 millennium BC) were mild. The waters of the Arctic Ocean were warm, no permanent ice existed on the continent. The modern underwater ridges of Mendeleev and Lomonosov towered above the water surface of the ocean. The North Pole had a temperate climate that was favorable for human life.

Migratory birds and their migration

The fact that the climate of the Arctic in the past was favorable is evidenced by the annual migrations of migratory birds. This can be explained by the genetically programmed memory of the warm ancestral home. The current state of the Arctic Ocean floor shows that it used to be a huge plateau with river valleys. Scientists believe: this is the mainland, which once towered over the ocean. If the map of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is superimposed on the map of Gerard Mercator, the coincidences will be amazing. Therefore, it cannot be called a mere coincidence.

Structures made of stone

The fact that an ancient highly developed civilization existed in the northern latitudes is evidenced by stone structures. So, a labyrinth was discovered on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. This is an exceptional find, because such structures have never been found in these latitudes. Scientists continue to find traces of the life of ancient civilizations all over the Earth, from the Leningrad region, Yakutia and ending with Novaya Zemlya.

Quest for a Legendary Civilization

As history shows, such famous personalities as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler believed in the existence of Hyperborea. The German leader even equipped several expeditions to search for her. The Soviet Union did not lag behind Germany. By order of Dzerzhinsky, three expeditions were organized. Two of them disappeared (most likely died), but one returned to Moscow with evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. But for unknown reasons, the leader of the expedition, Barchenko, was soon shot, and the rest of his group disappeared without a trace. What were all these expeditions looking for? Just archaeological interest? No. Most likely, they needed the lost knowledge of the Hyperboreans. After all, the ancient inhabitants of the northern country could adapt the forces of nature for their own benefit, for their needs.

All modern expeditions aimed at searching for Hyperborea, the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, raise new questions. There is new evidence of the real existence of this country. But there are more and more mysteries. The main thing is that no one doubts that Arctida is related to the history of ancient Russia. No one doubts that the Russian people, their language is connected with this disappeared country. Time will pass, and scientists will find more evidence of the existence of the northern mainland. This will change the perception of the last millennia in the history of all mankind. Perhaps the Hyperboreans will turn out to be not only the ancestors of the Slavs, but also the descendants of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization. Time will tell…

In world history, many legends about ancient states have been preserved, the existence of which has not been confirmed by science. One of these mythical countries, known from ancient manuscripts, is called Hyperborea or Arctida. It is believed that the Russian peoples originated from here.

Hyperborea - the birthplace of the ancient Slavs

Many parascientific authors tried to localize the mysterious continent. There is no confirmation of this, but in theory, the Slavs came from these lands, and Hyperborea is the birthplace of all Russian peoples. The northern polar continent connected the lands of Eurasia and the New World. Various authors and researchers find traces of an ancient civilization in places such as:

  • Greenland;
  • Kola Peninsula;
  • Karelia;
  • Ural mountains;
  • the Taimyr Peninsula.

Hyperborea - myth or reality?

Many people, even those who are not even deep in history, are interested in the question: did Hyperborea really exist? For the first time it was mentioned in ancient sources. According to legend, a people came from there, close to the gods and adored by them - the Hyperboreans ("those who live behind the north wind"). They were described by various historians and writers from Hesiod to Nostradamus:

  1. Pliny the Elder spoke of the Hyperboreans as inhabitants of the Arctic Circle, where "the sun shines for half a year."
  2. The poet Alkey in the hymn to Apollo pointed out the proximity of the "solar god" with these people, which was later confirmed by the historian Diodorus Siculus.
  3. Hecateus of Abdera from Egypt told the legend of a tiny island "on the Ocean against the country of the Celts."
  4. Aristotle united the so-called Hyperborean peoples and the Scythians-Rus.
  5. In addition to the Greeks and Romans, the mystical lands and their inhabitants were mentioned by the Indians (“the people living under the North Star”), Iranians, Chinese, in Germanic epics, etc.

Talk about a mythical country could not be ignored by modern historians and scientists. They put forward and continue to put forward their own versions about the Hyperboreans and their culture, compare facts and draw conclusions. According to some historians, Arctida is the mother of all world culture, because in the past its lands were a very favorable place for people to live. A subtropical climate reigned there, attracting prominent minds who, at the same time, were in constant contact with the Greeks and Romans.

Where did Hyperborea go?

The hypothetical history of Hyperborea, as a highly developed civilization, has several millennia. If you believe the ancient writings, the way of life of the Hyperboreans was simple and democratic, they lived as a single family, settled along the reservoirs, and their activities (art, crafts, creativity) contributed to the disclosure of human spirituality. Today, only the north of modern Russia is the remnants of that part of the land that was once occupied by the Hyperboreans. If we compare all the known facts together, we can assume that Arctida ceased to exist:

  1. Due to climate change. And the peoples that inhabited the continent migrated south.
  2. According to Plato, the disappeared civilization of Hyperborea ceased to exist as a result of a disastrous war with an equally powerful power - Atlantis.

Myths about Hyperborea

Since the existence of civilization has not been scientifically proven, it is possible to talk about it only theoretically, drawing information from ancient sources. There are many legends about Arctida.

  1. One of the most interesting myths says that he himself made a trip to it every 19 years. The inhabitants sang songs of praise to him, and Apollo made two Hyperboreans his wise men.
  2. The second myth connects the mystical lands with the modern peoples of the north, but even some modern studies prove that Hyperborea once existed in the north of Eurasia, and the Slavs came from there.
  3. Another and most incredible legend is the war between Atlantis and Hyperborea, which was allegedly fought with the use of nuclear weapons.

Hyperborea - historical facts

According to the conclusions of historians, the civilization of Hyperborea existed 15-20 millennia ago - then the ridges (Mendeleev and Lomonosov) towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean. There was no ice, the water in the sea was warm, as paleontologists prove. It is possible to confirm the existence of the disappeared continent only empirically. That is, to find traces of the presence of the Hyperboreans on earth, artifacts, monuments and ancient maps, and such evidence is available.

  1. The English navigator Gerardus Mercator published a map in 1595, probably based on some ancient knowledge. On it, he depicted the coast of the Northern Ocean and the legendary Arctida in the middle. The mainland was an archipelago of several islands separated by wide rivers.
  2. In 1922, the Russian expedition of Alexander Barchenko found on the Kola Peninsula skillfully processed stones oriented to the cardinal points, as well as a blocked manhole. The finds belonged to an even more ancient period than the Egyptian civilization.

Books about Hyperborea

You can delve into the study of ancient culture and its heritage by reading books about Hyperborea by Russian authors and not only:

  1. "Found Paradise at the North Pole", W.F. Warren.
  2. "In search of Hyperborea", V.V. Golubev and V.V. Tokarev.
  3. "Arctic homeland in the Vedas", B.L. Tilak.
  4. "The Babylonian Phenomenon. Russian language from time immemorial”, N.N. Oreshkin.
  5. "Hyperborea. Historical roots of the Russian people”, V.N. Demin.
  6. "Hyperborea. Foremother of Russian culture”, V.N. Demin and other publications.

Perhaps the modern society cannot accept the fact about the mysterious northern country, or maybe all the stories about it are fiction. Scientific minds skimp on the description of Arctida, and the evidence of researchers is few and not taken seriously, so Hyperborea remains not the only, but one of the most recognizable mythical continents, the mystery of which continues to excite humanity.

Hyperborea - a mythical country that reveals the secrets of the universe, is mentioned in one of the most amazing documents of the past. Geographers are trying to unravel an old map compiled by the Flemish Gerhard Mercator back in the 16th century. The brilliant astronomer never approached the north of Eurasia, but even modern cartographers can envy his exact schemes.

It is known that closed libraries were available to the scientist, where he could choose the most reliable samples compiled earlier. A deep study of the works allowed Mercator to outline the land at the North Pole with the name "Hyperborea".

The geographer worked with three sources created in different periods of historical time: before the Flood, after it, and with maps of North America. He was the first to make an attempt to apply three different periods in one map, and the mysterious mainland was identified in the area of ​​the Kola Peninsula.

All the governments of the world are ready to pay to find out where Hyperborea itself and its inhabitants have gone. Most researchers talk about the cataclysm that occurred on the planet.

Ancient texts from different places incredibly similarly describe how Hyperborea died. Scientists believe that terrible destruction could have been caused by a collision with celestial bodies or a volcanic eruption, and a powerful push caused a tsunami that destroys everything in its path.

On a planet with a shifted axis, according to theorists, the climate has changed dramatically, and a huge part of the land has sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Many sources claim that the flooding of Hyperborea occurred as a result of a war with Atlantis, another ancient state. Today, no one doubts that our planet has experienced a severe catastrophe that has affected all living things.

Mighty Cosmic Teachers!

Studying ancient manuscripts, the researchers noted one curious detail: the disappearance of Hyperborea is associated with the spiritual change of its inhabitants. As long as a moral nature lived in them, people received favor from the supreme powers.

Mixed with the human essence, the demigods were possessed by pride and greed. The divine people began to degenerate. And then Perun - the god of thunder and lightning - destroyed the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans.

The search for Hyperborea continues

Some writings touch upon references to the fact that the inhabitants of the lost civilization had a premonition of trouble. The fatal blow destroyed her achievements, and the surviving people left their habitable places, rushed to look for another homeland, and applied their knowledge to new lands.

In the Russian outback in the Urals, archaeologists have discovered rare evidence of the existence of an ancient civilization -. The extraordinary structures were found to be about 6,000 years old and built long before the rise of European antiquity.

Based on documents of the past and geographical maps, the researchers suggested that the oldest complex is the legacy of Hyperborea, and the buildings far exceed the age of the Egyptian pyramids.

Sensational discovery

Scientists of the Russian Geographical Society received stunning confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea and where it was located.

Evidence was found in the center of the Kola Peninsula that a highly developed civilization did exist before the Flood:

  • amazing buildings made of stone blocks;
  • many underground labyrinths;
  • pyramids

In addition to them, scientists saw other megaliths that require painstaking research. In the center of the peninsula, they found a man-made object - a two-meter stone idol.

Having studied ancient records, historians have concluded that this is Hyperborea - the birthplace of the Aryans. The chronicle also indicates that the territory was inhabited by the ancestors of one modern people of the white race - blue-eyed, stately and strong people.

The ancient Greek chroniclers mentioned Hyperborea more than once, and for many peoples it was the place of the demigods - the Aryans, who had a sharp mind and artistic talent. They knew the sciences and were talented artisans. Both aircraft and weapons are mentioned in ancient manuscripts.

The author of the largest work "Natural History" Pliny the Elder also mentions Hyperborea as a country with a fertile climate, the sun that never sets for half a year and immortal people. He wrote that few people managed to get to the gods, who are unaware of illness and enmity. Paradise was too far away.

According to the descriptions of ancient historians, the North Country is an island divided by four rivers, and in the middle is a mountain with a golden pyramid. The depiction of the terrain on the Mercator map is a clue to the location, because the sun does not set only at the pole of the Earth. The description of these territories also refers to the aurora, stars and freezing water.

Incredibly, the peak with the pyramid is also described in Hindu legends. Mount Meru, according to their legends, is a symbol of immortality and the main axis of the planet. Until now, in Asian sanctuaries, there are modeled examples of a pyramidal shape with an incomprehensible apparatus at the top.

The sacred place allegedly allowed the Hyperboreans to get in touch with those from whom they received their knowledge. All the pyramids of the ancient civilization were oriented towards the center of the planet - Mount Meru. The researchers made a dizzying conclusion when they vectored north. He pointed to the lands of Hyperborea!

According to information from Indian treatises, the Aryans (the peoples of the Indo-European race - Ancient Iran and India), inhabiting the fertile land in the pre-glacial period, went south to India when the climate of the islands changed.

Modern science has accumulated a lot of evidence that the mysterious and mysterious country is the ancestral home of the Slavs, and people left and settled in the territories of the Southern Urals, where they discovered and continue to study the difficult settlement of Arkaim.

The unusually rounded shapes of the buildings are fascinating. Brilliant creations of engineering can be traced in everything. The walls, built of logs, fastened with clay and unbaked bricks, have survived to this day.

Thanks to the artifacts found, scientists noted that the ancestors adapted the premises both for general use and for private quarters. Separately, rooms were allocated for workshops, where they were engaged in metal processing.

Branches of storm sewers stretched far beyond the boundaries of the settlement. The culture and technology of building labyrinths were borrowed later on all continents.

Scientists are conducting countless studies in search of another lost civilization, the existence of which no one now doubts - Atlantis.

Island of the sunken pyramids

In the 21st century, there is a hidden war for the northern territories, but the secret struggle began much earlier. Interest in mystical civilizations - Hyperborea and Atlantis - was fanatically shown by Adolf Hitler.

Even before the Führer came to power in 1931, the Germans were taking aerial photographs of the Arctic coast from airships. Attention to the northern territories, fraught with so many mysteries, the head of the Nationalist Party of Germany intensified. Obsessed with world domination, the idea of ​​a superman, Hitler tried to find the origins of divine power from one of the maps of antiquity.

He believed that an exceptional place holds an inexplicable power that can help win the war. It is known that on the land of Franz Josef in the Arctic Ocean, which belongs to Russia, the Germans secretly equipped a secret base. The best German scientists tried to understand how to influence the mass consciousness of people so that they could be easily controlled. The expedition lasted until the year 44 and was destroyed.

Incredibly, the borders of the mythical Hyperborea coincided with the front line, where back in 1941, Russian soldiers prevented the German advance to the north.

Many countries are involved in unraveling the mystery of mankind, and each of them dreams of finding an invisible trace of the gods. Plato, whose writings on the immortality of the soul and the knowledge of the world have come down to us in full, in the famous dialogues several times emphasizes the existence of a legendary state that was too developed for those times.

In his descriptions, he points to the achievements of people:

  • knew how to melt metal;
  • navigation and urban planning were developed;
  • owned crafts and jewelry

The people who inhabited Hyperborea possessed extensive knowledge and advanced technologies.

They were highly spiritual and talented people:

  • built cities;
  • created flying and seaworthy ships;
  • they artificially fertilized and irrigated the fields - they gathered a rich harvest;
  • educated people had their own script;
  • society was divided into social groups

The inhabitants of other territories idolized Hyperborea. They believed that superhumans received knowledge from the gods.

Another mystery - Lemuria

The Russian North is the birthplace of the Hyperboreans, and the Slavs are the children of the gods. On the Kola Peninsula, rock carvings depicting the sun, representing an ordinary circle with a dot in the middle, have been preserved. Astronomers still draw the Sun as many millennia ago.

But scientists disagree, and most of them consider Lemuria to be the beginning of being. It turned out that the inhabitants of this particular strange civilization had super-sensitive abilities. But earthly cataclysms destroyed Lemuria, the waters of the Indian Ocean covered it, and the surviving inhabitants settled in Asia.

The continent plunged into the abyss, according to Western scientists, is the cradle of mankind. Underground inhabitants, who once went into the depths of the bowels, so as not to fight with people, are called ordinary elves and gnomes.

The similarity of most of the mythological plots of Europe, Ancient Rus', the East is striking - the connection of man with the powerful dwarfs of Lemuria. In the legends of the peoples of the North, the gnomes possessed remarkable strength and endurance.

Not only unique folklore and rich mythology testify to strange creatures that once existed in the catacombs, but mysterious voids underground have also been discovered. This is evidenced by the indigenous peoples of the North.

legendary mainland

Until now, mysterious artifacts are of world interest, and Kovdor is considered the capital of Hyperborea.

The area in the Murmansk region is saturated with artificial objects:

  • pyramids;
  • shaman altars;
  • ancient ruins;
  • stone labyrinths

Echoes of the distant past and completely unexplored objects testify to the life of highly developed and spiritual people of the incomprehensible Hyperborea. The unidentified country is a key link in a single chain of the historical development of civilization.

All living things died on the edge of the Earth once, where the mysteries of the world are hidden, but the magical country is considered the ancestral home of the Slavs and all the achievements of modern mankind, who inherited the magical culture of Arctida. Scientists of the planet believe that the secrets of Hyperborea will someday be revealed, and humanity will know the essence of the universe!

In fact, until the very end XX centuries, even for intellectual scientists, this word meant only a certain mysterious northern country from Hellenic mythology. No more. True, a century earlier, the success of Heinrich Schliemann, an enthusiast from archeology, forced almost all scientists, even those who were extremely skeptical about “different myths and fairy tales”, to treat everything that was reported by the ancient myths of Hellas with utmost respect. But! With regard to Hyperborea, this convincing archaeological and mythological success of Schliemann, unfortunately, meant little.

You ask - why?

Because the territory, in which, according to all mythological signs, Hyperborea should be sought and found, was reliably hidden from researchers by its remoteness, the severity of the climate, border, military and other forbidden zones, arranged in abundance in these places in the former USSR. If we add to this the complete indifference on the part of the "secular" Russian bosses, the neglect and even frank unwillingness shown by them to establish the historical truth regarding the Hyperborean myth, then is it any wonder that this wonderful country of the Golden Age of the former human civilization, the country of the ancient, so well known to us from children's fairy tales, was listed only in esoteric, but not in academic realities.

Fortunately, this is now in the past.

Thanks to Russian ascetic scientists, in just a couple of decades, Hyperborea - by historical standards, a mere trifle - has risen from historical non-existence. And now, with some incredibly fantastic speed, it is turning not only into a socio-cultural, but also a phenomenon. III millennium.

Today, the "romantic period" in the study of Hyperborea is left behind. In history, the 90s of the 20th century and the “zero” centuries of the 21st century will be considered such a period. Today, scientists involved in Hyperborea no longer need to be convinced of the existence and high development of this ancient civilization of the Russian North, and Hyperborea itself already endows its researchers with not only historical, but also technical discoveries and officially recognized inventions.

Hyperborea - the Golden Age of mankind - the era of universal Happiness, Justice and Prosperity. The era of the life of people who know the Higher - Natural Order, and therefore live long, beautifully and happily, in peace and harmony, knowing neither hunger, nor disease, nor other hardships and hardships.

Isn't this the best formula for the National Idea of ​​any country?

Yes, the philosophy of the sages of Hyperborea, which already once made it possible to build a Golden Age on earth, was already thoroughly forgotten in science. But at the same time, it has been preserved - in the depths of the Soul of each person in the form of a bright hope for the possibility of such a future.

The discovery of the northern civilization of Hyperborea allowed the descendants to return a whole layer and majestic treasury of their ancient Culture. The culture created by their highly developed ancestors. We have regained our glorious Past, which means we can now have a bright Future!

Hyperborea is the hottest topic for modern Russian ethnologists. But it turns out that a similar topic was of great interest to scientists at the end of the 19th century. Finnish ethnologists called the Hyperboreans Metelylainens (or Munkkilainens), considering them fabulous creatures from Karelian legends, distinguished by their enormous growth and moving through the forests with incredible noise(their name comes from the word "meteli" - noise).

On the picture: Metelylainen girl and plowman . Drawing by Lena Lashenchuk, 11 years old. Children's drawings based on the folk legends of the northwestern Ladoga region, collected in the summer of 1879 by Theodor Schwindt.

Hyperboreans - Gods of Kalevala?

Hyperborea is a hot topic for modern Russian scientists. But it turns out that a similar topic was of great interest to scientists at the end of the 19th century. Finnish ethnologists called the Karelian Hyperboreans Metelylainens. (Start: )

On the Ladoga coast of the modern Leningrad region, a legend is alive to this day, telling that when there was a red moon in the sky, shining just like the sun at sunset, giant people lived on earth - metelilayinen. It was before those immemorial times when the ancestors of the Karelians came. Legends also tell that the Karelian first ancestors, who later became the gods of Kalevala, lived next to them for some time, until they left for where the day begins. Metelylainens lived next to people - without interfering in their affairs and not paying any attention to them at all.

On the picture: Drawing by Yulia Mukhina, 11 years old. A metelylainen girl accidentally stumbled upon a stranger in the forest who was plowing the earth on a horse. She ran to her father and told him everything. Father ordered to take him to that place and, seeing the plowman, he understood: We will have to leave here and leave the land to the aliens.... Children's drawings based on folk legends of the northwestern Ladoga region, collected in the summer of 1879

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