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Why dream of swimming across a muddy river. A dried up river in a dream. Ancient Persian book of interpretations

water bank the source of the river cross the river

Dream Interpretation River River - Swimming in a dream - profit, benefit, gain, benefit; to see, to be on the shore - a long road; wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay.
Shore (of the river) in a dream Achievement of the intended goal. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation River If a person falls into a river and water enters his mouth, he will become an important person. If he drowns in the river and yet emerges, then he will become rich in reality. If he plunges into the river in clothes - in reality he will firmly stand on his feet. If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will help him and serve him. If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him. Sailing in stormy waters - to a lawsuit. Wash in the river for loss. Crossing the river is in trouble. Coming out of the river in a dream - to good news. Building a dam on the river is a harbinger of difficult times. Catching a turtle in a river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - the fulfillment of heart desires. If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house. Diving into the river means that sorrows will not touch him. If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family. Assyrian dream book

Dream Interpretation River If you dream of a very calm river, the dream suggests that you will find yourself in bed with a person who does not suit your temperament. Intimacy with him will not bring you the desired pleasure. If the river is stormy, mountainous, on the contrary, your partner turns out to be very passionate, several “hot” love dates await you. Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation River RIVER - a clean and calm river in a dream - it is always a harbinger of happiness, love, good luck. But a river with muddy, restless waters - predicts adversity, a threat to your well-being. If in a dream you are drowning in a river, very pleasant events await you in reality. Old French dream book

The meaning of sleep River Sleeping period ( emotional condition and the general course of affairs) is interpreted according to the context (purity and activity of the water, the very type of the river).
Bottom (rivers, seas) in a dream Symbol of the depth of knowledge; secret; danger; extreme degree of moral degradation, poverty. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream River This soi usually symbolizes a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself. Sometimes this is a sign indicating an outstanding scientist or sage who is destined to have a strong influence on your future life. Drinking water directly from the river - to receive awards and favors from the administration of the city or the whole country. However, if at the same time the water seemed unusually warm to you, beware: in reality you may be involved in a serious crime. In the event that you feel that the water is somehow too, unpleasantly salty in taste, then, apparently, you are planning to take part in some kind of reprehensible and, of course, illegal actions. The muddy waters of the river usually promise the dreamer death. Swim across the river in a dream - to triumph over enemies and any opponents. The dream in which you are drowning in the river is to receive damage due to the actions of the authorities aimed at harming you. To swim out and get out of the river ashore - in general, this is an undoubted sign of liberation; can be interpreted in the widest possible way - for example, as a way out of prison to freedom. If in a dream you got out of the river and are trying to clean your clothes from silt and dirt, in reality you are destined to get rid of all sorrows. If you dreamed that you drowned, then in reality it is quite likely that you will awaken your interest in religion. If a dream was sent down to you, in which, having seen the river from afar, you managed, in the end, to get closer to it, then in reality all your plans will come true, and the most cherished goals will come true. When in a dream you are swimming right in the middle of the river, then in reality it makes complete sense for you to be careful in everything that is directly related to your business. A dried up riverbed - this dream bodes trouble! If the water in the river has increased significantly, the dream is favorable. To fish on the river and stay with a good catch - such a dream portends honest enrichment and harmony in the family. Dream Interpretation Taflisi

Dreaming River If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm, intoxicatingly joyful events await you soon, and your well-being will noticeably improve. If the water in the river is muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you. A dry river dreams of sad events. If the river overflowed and blocked your path, trouble at work awaits you. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation River Seeing in a dream a clean and smooth surface of the river predicts that soon a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasures awaits you, and prosperity will be even greater than you expected. If the water in the river is dirty and restless, fierce disputes and quarrels await you ahead. If you are cut off from the land by the flood of the river, you will experience temporary difficulties in commercial affairs. Your reputation may also suffer if your antics become known. If, floating on the clean surface of the river, you see corpses at the bottom, soon the current joys and pleasures will be replaced by troubles and sorrows. Seeing a dry river bed in a dream portends illness and failure. Modern dream book

Why is the river dreaming Crossing the river: this portends safety. Crossing a quiet river: promises safety, and if the river is restless, it portends trouble. Crossing a stormy or very fast river: to fears, or to accusations, or to anxieties, or to troubles. To see how the river flows into the house or has already filled it: to abundance. To get, leaving the house, into the river: this portends a mortal danger. Swim in the river: to unrest or cramped circumstances. Fall into the river - to losses. Medieval dream book

Dream Interpretation River River: this is the course of your life and destiny. If you see a river flowing calmly across the plain, it means that your life will be calm and boring. If the river is mountainous and stormy, it means that you have to go through a lot of interesting events, it will be very troublesome for you, your life will change before your eyes. If you have to cross a river, for example, to cross or swim across, it means that you will soon change drastically by 180 degrees, and your life will change the same way. If you cross a river on a raft or boat: something will force you to change your lifestyle. It may turn out that you will move somewhere, change your place of study or completely change your circle of friends. Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation River Drinking water from a stormy river in a dream is not good. Such a dream portends trials and difficulties, for the Koran says: Allah will test you by the river, and whoever drinks from it will not be among my warriors, and whoever drinks from it will remain with me, and a few sips from the palm will be forgiven (2:249) And a calm river in a dream means an uninterrupted inheritance from Allah, the devotion of loved ones and a calm, measured life. Whoever sees himself entering the river in fear, care and sorrow will befall him. And if he sees himself in a dream bathing in the river and at the same time does not experience fear and anxiety, then he will be freed from his worries, and joy will overtake him, and his health will be strengthened. If he is in debt, he will be freed from them. If a threat looms over him, then she will bypass him. And if he is in prison, he will be released. If he sees that he has crossed the river, he will be freed from worries, fear, sorrow and sadness. If at the bottom of this river there is silt, mud, or the river will be stormy, then this dream means that the family connection will be interrupted and he will lose confidence in a loved one and make friends with another person, or death will befall this loved one and the one who sees the dream will be left alone .
The source of the river in a dream This is the mercy of Allah, goodness, grace and good luck. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation River If someone dreams that he drank from the paradise river al-Kyausar: he will gain supremacy and defeat the enemy, according to his Almighty: “Truly, We have given you abundant! Pray to your Lord and kill!” Islamic Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation River River: denotes the course of life. The nature of its flow (rapidity, slowness), the nature of the flow, fullness, purity, turbidity, dirt, etc., denote the "behavior" of the instincts. The typical nature of the surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, personal and social effects that arise as a result of individual behavior. If the river is transparent and flows towards the sea: such an image may indicate the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontovision (that is, the vision of life as a whole and each of its parts). In this case, the subject perceives himself as water or sees himself as being in the water at the moment the river merges with the sea. River: also symbolizes the female genitals. Since the river is moving, this o6paz also denotes forward movement (progress), as well as other images of a similar type. The identification with the characters and the actions associated with the water are more important than the fact that the river itself appeared. If a person sees himself moving downstream: this may indicate a feeling that strength, health and luck are starting to leave him, the difficulties that he experiences as arising on the way to achieving his goal, the desire to treat what is happening easier and experience less resistance, fear about lack of will. If a person sees himself floating up the river: this is a symbol that everything that is given to this person requires a lot of expenses from him and others. Belief in one's perseverance, in the fact that one will be able to overcome all the obstacles that separate from the desired goal, the feeling that other people persistently impede achievements, the fear that a person is unhappy by nature, faith in the possession of a strong will. If an image of crossing a river is seen: it reflects a desire to achieve a specific goal on the other side, a desire to avoid an unpleasant situation, or an unpleasant or uncomfortable business, or painful personal relationships, a desire to be more competent and wise (especially if crossing a river to see what is on the other side). If a person sees that he is standing on the bank of a river: this image expresses a feeling of inadequacy. If a person is afraid to cross a river: this is a symbol of satisfaction with the status quo, if a person does not have a desire to cross the river Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation River Small river with clean and fast water- a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the banks of the river, fishing or boating, is good news. Sunbathing on a river beach - you will feel unwell, swimming - you will gain unexpected wealth. Drowning in the river - friends will not leave you in trouble. Crossing the river - to the fulfillment of desires, wading - you will say sick, just not to go to a tedious event. Sailing along the river on a boat - early marriage and consent in marriage. A river spilling in the flood portends trouble at work, shallowed in a severe drought - grief in the family. Walking along the embankment of the river - there will be an exhausting wash and spring-cleaning after a long absence from home. Travel along the river on a raft - make a risky deal. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation River Swim across the river: calm for good: dirty water in the river for pleasures: for losses, petty quarrels: for difficulty in seeing how a full-flowing river turns into a stream: loss of position. Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation River RIVER - speeches; to cross it - a treat, an unexpected joy, a road; go into the river, cross - difficulties; fast river - good speeches speak or hear; a big river - to joy, to be a guest, an important conversation // big tears, danger; small river - small well // tears; a clean river - good, to wealth // tears; muddy - a disease, for worse, or even a fight; fall into dirty river- you will get into trouble, debts; the river carried away - a quarrel with the enemy; dried up - ruin; swim - profit. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation River River: symbolizes the sexual and vital energy of man, the direction of life. Stream: a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life. Transparent, calm river: freedom, independence. Muddy, dirty streams: you will have quarrels, problems. Shoal in the river: lack of energy, difficult period in life, sexual problems. Cross the river: to decisive change, sometimes a harbinger of death. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation River River: trying to swim against the current. Let the river carry you. Don't fight the flow. River: usually means an emotional barrier that you find difficult to overcome. While awake, imagine this river and a bridge over it, and then calmly cross over to the other side. Create a new route for yourself. American dream book

Dream Interpretation River River. If you dream of a smooth calm surface of the river, it means that you will soon enjoy the most delightful pleasures, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities. If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you. If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, you will be in trouble at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your daring trick. If you dream that you are swimming in clean clear water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time. If you dream of a dry river, it means that sorrows await you. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation River The smooth, calm surface of the river promises to enjoy the joys of life and increase prosperity. A muddy and restless river dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings. If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, troubles await you at work. A dry river dreams of experiences. Swimming in a dream in a river - at the moment you are experiencing a feeling of love. It captured you so much that you forgot about everything. Still, sometimes you have to remember your responsibilities. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation River to cross Cross the river. Interpretation is a pleasant treat.
river in a dream River. Interpretation is expensive.
Swim across the river in a dream Swim across the river. Interpretation is the execution of the intended. Ancient dream book

Dream Interpretation River To dream of a wide, turbulent river with muddy water is a prediction of trouble and difficulties in love and business. But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface, it means that great happiness in love or a happy marriage is destined for you by fate, which will subsequently give you wonderful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy house. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation River River: time. Smooth, slender: a quiet time, a leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous: stormy times, fateful events. Swim in the river, swim: be in tune with the times. Enter: a new period of life begins. Bathe: someone to be a mentor, leader. Wash, rinse in the river: be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water: time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflow, flood: "troubled" time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society if the water got you too: you will be hurt, and possibly "washed away" by the events of the "troubled" time. The river caresses: time will be kind to you. Dry bed: very bad sign, your time is up. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation River Seeing in a dream a clean river with a calm course - to happiness and success in life. For an already married person If the waters in the river are rough and dirty: you will make a trip that will lead to an increase in fortune, although it will be associated with a certain risk. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation River "River of Life": a long period of life "go with the flow": submit to the situation, laziness, successfully adapt to the situation, consent to "get into the stream": success, recognition "go to the bottom": collapse in personal "aground": lack of money " run aground": predicament "sink into oblivion": forget ("summer" in Greek mythology "sink to the very bottom of life": moral degradation, poverty "river rapids": dangerous obstacles "waterfall": danger. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation River The river is clean, bright: a lot of happiness to swim in it: wealth to fall into it and be carried away by the current: to hear the news to swim across: hopes will be fulfilled to hear the sound of water: to hear the oath flood: Your plans will be late. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation River River of life. Life stream. Don't push the river, it flows by itself! Trying to swim against the current. Let the river carry you. Don't fight the flow. You are trying to cross a river, but you cannot find your way. The river usually signifies an emotional barrier that is difficult for you to overcome. While awake, imagine this river and a bridge over it, and then calmly cross over to the other side. Create a new route for yourself. Dream Interpretation Lynn

Dream Interpretation River The river has: a number of deep symbolic meanings. You can hear expressions such as "river of life", "life flow" and "river of time". It is always a sign of movement and the rhythm of change. In order to move with the flow, you should not "hurry the river." You don't have to swim against the current. Let the river carry you. Don't fight her. River: can also mark an emotional barrier that you find difficult to overcome. Look at the situation from a new angle in order to better understand it, you may have to change the route. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation River River: speeches to cross it: treat, unexpected joy, the road to go into the river, cross: difficulties fast river: good speeches to speak or hear big river: to joy, to be away, important conversation / big tears, danger small river: small good / tears are a clean river: good, to wealth / muddy tears: illness, for worse, or even to a fight, fall into a dirty river: you will get into trouble, the river has carried away debts: a quarrel with the enemy has dried up: ruin to swim: profit to cross the river: the plan will come true. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Bottom (rivers, seas) BOTTOM (RIVER, SEA) - a symbol of the depth of knowledge; secret; danger; extreme degree of moral degradation, poverty.
river in a dream RIVER - the period of the life of a sleeping person (emotional state and general course of affairs) - is interpreted according to the context (purity and activity of water, the very type of river). Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation River The river symbolizes the sexual and vital energy of a person, the direction of life. The stream is a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life. Transparent, calm river - freedom, independence. Muddy, dirty streams - you will have quarrels, problems. Shoal in the river - lack of energy, a difficult period in life, sexual problems. Crossing the river - to decisive change, sometimes a harbinger of death. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation River If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm, then intoxicatingly joyful events await you soon, and your well-being will noticeably improve. If the water in the river is muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you. Dry river: dreams of sad events. If the river overflowed and blocked your path, you are in trouble at work. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation River If anyone sees that he has scooped up or drunk water from a river or sea, he will receive property by the grace of the king or chief. If someone sees himself in a boat, he will get rid of troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed in an important matter. If someone sees that he got out of the boat on the shore, he will defeat the enemy. Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation River River: to an important event in life. The presence of extrasensory abilities. The source of the river: a dream hint: you need to make a serious analysis of your being and change your lifestyle before it's too late. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation River Symbolizes the dreamer's life as a whole. Its flows are the circumstances that carry us through life. How we cope with these currents, go with the flow or fight it, depends on the success of our lives. River - warns of fast-flowing life, symbolizes sexual and vital energy. A transparent, clean river reflects the purity of inner thoughts, an understanding of the laws of life. Muddy, dirty streams indicate the insolubility of some problems. If a person moves with the flow, then in life he leaves the struggle. On the contrary, moving against the current suggests that he has the strength and determination to fight life's circumstances. The fast flow characterizes the energy, mobility, emotional looseness of the dreamer. If you see a still river, then you have to restrain your feelings. And a very alarming sign - a dry river. She symbolizes the lack of sexuality and vitality. Crossing a river is a sign of impending change, sometimes feelings associated with death. The last consideration is more often seen if we see someone swimming across a river. If a person does not cross, but only thinks about crossing the river, this indicates his indecision, dissatisfaction with his position. the landscape surrounding the river emphasizes, clarifies the nature of the experiences and the situation of the dreamer. The river symbolizes the sexual and vital energy of a person, the direction of life. The stream is a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life. Transparent, calm river - freedom, independence. Muddy, dirty streams - you will have quarrels, problems. Shoal in the river - lack of energy, a difficult period in life, sexual problems. Crossing the river - to decisive change, sometimes a harbinger of death.

Water is the most important of the four elements, it is in it that life originated. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that various reservoirs are visited by people in their nightly dreams, conveying some kind of prediction of fate. Let's look into the dream book: the river is often a symbol of future success and good luck.

General value

Why, according to most commentators? According to the dream book, the river is a symbol of life. Exactly how she looked night dream, is very important because it helps to deal with the dreamer's past and future. Therefore, it is necessary to remember as many details and nuances of the dream as possible. So, a full-flowing river, the banks of which are practically invisible, and the waves slowly roll over the surface, is a sign that the life of the sleeper is settled, he is calm and satisfied. And a stormy river, perhaps a mountainous one, rushing forward is a symbol of problems and turmoil, the dreamer has to solve many problems that take away his strength and time.

Attention to detail

The color of water is very important for a correct understanding of the meaning: according to dream books, a clean river represents family happiness, successful stable work, and the absence of material difficulties. While the pond, whose waters are muddy and dirty, suggests that there are many quarrels and scandals in the life of the sleeper, the cause of which in most cases is himself. The ice that bound the water surface is interpreted by dream books as a time of stagnation - nothing happens in life.

Dreamer's actions

According to the dream book, the river can have absolutely different meaning depending on what actions the sleeper performed during his stay in the kingdom of Morpheus. Therefore, we must try to remember as many details as possible, and when we wake up, immediately write down everything that we managed to keep in memory - after a while the dream will be forgotten even more.

Several interpretations are possible:

  • Swimming in clear water is a sign that in the life of a sleeping person surrounded by people devoted to him.
  • Swim and frolic in troubled waters - in reality will happen major changes, unfavorable. The sleeper will have to make a lot of efforts to deal with the problems that have fallen on him.
  • Swim across a stormy body of water, fight the current. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer is now at a crossroads, abrupt changes are taking place in his life. Therefore, the time has come to realize long-awaited plans and try your hand at a new business.
  • Crossing the river over the bridge is a sign that difficult times are coming. Now you should not show excessive emotions, it is best to focus on achieving your goals, carefully think through every action, act with your head, not your heart.

It is important to pay attention to the landscape surrounding the reservoir, it often helps to understand the features of the people around the dreamer: the beautiful harmonious nature along the banks suggests that sincere and benevolent persons prevail among those entrusted to him. However, if you have to observe dry trees or desert panoramas, this is a reason to think - among those whom the dreamer loves or respects, there are many liars and hypocrites who speak nasty things behind their backs and divulge other people's secrets.

Interpretation from various sources

Consider what the river is dreaming of according to dream books, the most popular among modern people. There are several of them:

  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. According to the interpreter of the witch, river waters are a symbol of human sexual energy. Moreover, the larger the reservoir, the more attractive the person is for the opposite sex. According to the dream book, water and a river symbolize freedom, the absence of restrictions. However, if in a night dream the streams are dirty, muddy, then it means that a person is experiencing sexual dissatisfaction. Crossing such a river is trying to deal with problems.
  • By women's dream book, to see a river in a night dream is a sign that the dreamer will soon receive good news, financial well-being awaits her. However, if the reservoir is dirty, the dream takes on the opposite meaning - scandals are coming in reality, useless expensive unplanned purchases (repairs, furniture may be required).
  • The Small Velesov dream book suggests: to cross the river means to experience difficulties. To see a large body of water - in reality there will be joy, stormy - one should expect dynamics, fuss. Dirty river waters portend illness and financial difficulties. And if in a dream you had to fall into such muddy water, then in reality you need to be very careful - there is a great risk of falling into debt bondage.
  • Interpreter Tsvetkova. According to this dream book, sailing along the river means making a profit in the near future, and jumping into its waters is a sign that a new romance awaits the dreamer.

The dream in which the river appears most often predicts changes in life to the dreamer, while it depends on the type of reservoir itself whether they will be favorable or not.

Water is a symbol of life, without it the existence of mankind would simply be impossible. Rivers flowing into the oceans and seas are honored all over the world. Often people see just such dreams. Since ancient times, it has been known what the river is dreaming of. But in order to find out the meaning of this dream, it is still better to turn to the dream book.

Water is a symbol of life

Dreams in which a person sees a river are considered to be a projection of his own life. It is impossible to unequivocally interpret such a vision. It is necessary to take into account its size, depth, pay attention also to the banks and the living creatures present in the overall picture:

  • transparent - a period of serenity and tranquility is expected;
  • muddy - unpleasant changes are coming;
  • cold - a surprise is expected soon, which can cause not only positive emotions, but also negative ones;
  • fast - life will acquire new, bright colors;
  • underground - you should think about your actions, how true they are;
  • frozen - it will not be possible to obtain important information in a timely manner;
  • deep - in business the dreamer will be lucky, you must definitely use it;
  • seething - the development of events is not in favor of the sleeping person;
  • small - it is worth avoiding significant expenses, soon incomes will become much less;
  • parched - down the career ladder, ruin;
  • warm - good luck in business;
  • beautiful - life will become measured and harmonious;
  • black - in order to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • green - recovery;
  • dairy - well-being and prosperity;
  • white - a change in life for the better, new romantic relationships are possible;
  • dark - problems in business, a difficult life period is expected;
  • huge quarrel.

River in the dream book (video)

Why dream of a river with a fast current

One of the important symbols in a dream is the nature of the current that distinguishes the river. If a person dreamed of a river with a course, which he closely watched, then in reality he will soon have stormy emotions that, although they will concern not him, but acquaintances, will not bypass the dreamer himself.

  • A fast current portends a hectic life period. Another ominous sign is debris floating on the water. Such a dream can be considered a warning, as soon there may be health problems, quarrels with the closest people and problems at work.
  • If, in dreams, you had to swim across a body of water with a fast current and swim to the opposite shore, then soon you can count on significant successes, but in order to achieve them, you will have to work hard.

A fast current portends a hectic life period

But a mountain river, characterized by a fast current and very clear water, indicates that soon life will begin to rapidly change for the better and the dreamer will have difficulty keeping up with the turn of events.

Seeing a river with clear water in a dream

Pure water dreamed of by a sleeping person does not mean anything bad, on the contrary, a person will improve his material condition, improve his health and improve relations in the family.

Pure water dreamed of by a sleeper does not mean anything bad

But in order to clearly understand what such a vision dreamed of, it is necessary to take into account additional details:

  • large - incomes will increase significantly and a comfortable life will come, an important conversation is also possible, good news is expected;
  • blue - luck;
  • green - promotion up the career ladder;
  • black - serious problems;
  • stormy - stormy, but positive changes are coming;
  • seething - the character of the sleeper will cause stagnation in business, one should be as restrained as possible;
  • stones at the bottom are obstacles that can be easily overcome;
  • stormy mountain - health problems;
  • fast flow - a rapid change in events;
  • with fish - the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Crossing a river in a dream

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer shows a hurry in doing business, which is inappropriate. It is recommended not to force things, but to slow down a bit.

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is in a hurry to do business.

A completely different interpretation has a vision in which you have to swim across a pond. Most wishes will come true.

It is worth noting that any attempt to get to the opposite shore in dreams expresses a desire to change one's own life in reality, to make it much more interesting and richer and to go no matter what to the intended goal. At the same time, it matters final result. If you managed to get to the shore, then the goal will certainly be achieved.

Attention should also be paid to how clean the water is. Clear waters symbolize happy life, but the dirty ones portend quarrels and many problems in both personal and family life.

To dream that the river overflowed its banks

A river overflowing its banks is far from the most favorable sign. If you believe the esoteric dream book, then soon the dreamer can expect problems in the work area. If the spill led to the fact that the entire district was flooded, then it is quite possible that in reality the dreamer will do far from the best deed in his life.

A river that overflowed its banks is far from the most favorable sign.

The modern dream book interprets such a vision differently. River waters go beyond their limits in the dreams of those people who will soon get rich. A comfortable, prosperous life awaits them, in which financial problems will be completely absent.

A dream should alert, in which dirty, rather muddy water came out of the banks. It is possible that the sleeper will have serious health problems. It is worth listening carefully to your own body so as not to start treatment.

Frozen or dried up river in a dream

Naturally, dreams in which a frozen or shallow river is seen have their own meaning. The details in this case are no less important:

  • to see ice on the water - difficulties in completing the work begun, which will come from envious people and ill-wishers;
  • walk on ice - all difficulties will be successfully overcome;
  • the river is wide, and the ice is strong and strong enough - the problems will be solved as quickly as possible and will not cause difficulties;
  • a thin crust of ice, passing through which you can fall - fear of acceptance independent decision. The sleeper needs to be more decisive and take responsibility for the actions and deeds that he performs;
  • drying up of a reservoir - in life there are not enough vivid impressions and violent emotions. It is possible that there is a strong overwork and there is a need to restore vital energy. It is also possible that an event is expected soon enough that will be unpleasant for the sleeper and upset him.

Why is the river dreaming (video)

The river, however, like all reservoirs, are auspicious symbols. Most often, such visions portend serious changes in life. In this case, it is necessary to remember all the details of the scenario that was seen in a dream: the interpretation depends on them. But even if the dream book does not promise good news, you should not despair. It is quite possible that this is not a harbinger of trouble, but simply a tricky joke of the subconscious.

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There are a lot of interpretations of a dreaming river, because it can be a symbol of life, development and time. This sign is extremely important, as it can predict the fate of a person.

The river dreamed in a dream is a symbol of life. If a person tries to swim against the current, but he does not succeed, then it is better to trust life events and not resist. In this case, the flow of life will direct a person in the right direction.

Often dreams of a desire to cross the river, but in rare cases it really works out. Why dream of a river that does not allow a person to wade? This means that there is an emotional barrier that is almost impossible to overcome. If you dream about this all the time, then in order to calm yourself and destroy all obstacles, you need to imagine the river in reality and cross it.

Sometimes you can imagine a river that symbolizes life. If its flow is calm and uniform, while the water is clean and transparent, then the person has good health and things are going well.

If you dreamed of a stormy river, then there will be many emotional events in life, and if sharp stones appear from the water, then there will be many sorrows and obstacles. Dirty and muddy water also predicts problems and troubles.

Two rivers that merge into one symbolize a long and happy life with a loved one. If you dreamed of a spill, then events will soon occur that will fill your life with adventure and emotions.

A dream in which the river has dried up - to losses and strong feelings that can significantly change life.

It is important to know what the river is dreaming of for those who have been married for a long time. As a rule, if the course is calm, then family life will be measured and happy in the future, and will always be accompanied by prosperity or even wealth. A muddy and stormy river in this case predicts a trip that will bring good profits.

Why is the river dreaming?

The river is a symbol of change, as the saying goes, "You can't step into the same river twice." In order to more accurately predict future events, when interpreting dreams, it is worth considering other details of the dream: the quality of the water, the strength of the current, your actions, etc.

Why is the river dreaming?

Seeing a river near your home means that in the future your financial situation will improve significantly, and you can get a tempting position at work. A calm river predicts the acquisition of long-awaited happiness. The dream in which you see how the river overflowed its banks will tell you that the events taking place in the future will get out of control. At this time, it is necessary to think over your steps in advance, otherwise the reputation may deteriorate. If you see a wide river, it means that in the future it is worth preparing for difficulties in love affairs. A dream about a shallow river is a warning of difficulties in the material sphere.

Why dream of stormy water in the river?

Such a dream is a symbol of a conflict situation that will arise in the near future. It can also be regarded as a warning about possible problems and unforeseen expenses. A fast-flowing river promises an interesting pastime with important people.

Why dream of a dirty river?

Such a dream has a negative interpretation, most likely, unpleasant events await you. Most likely, you will cooperate with people who will be negatively opposed to you. Another dream about a river with dirty water can symbolize the presence of emotional problems that will need to be dealt with.

Why dream of a clean river?

crystal pure water in the river is an auspicious symbol that portends happiness, joy, and that all the things started will end happily. For a sick person, a dream about a clean but stormy river promises a speedy recovery.

Why dream of swimming across a river?

The symbolic meaning of the river is quite diverse. The expressions "river of life", "river of time" or "life stream" are widely known. That is, the primary importance in the interpretation of a dream about a river is the very life of the one who has a dream, and its condition in the future.

Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to unequivocally answer why one dreams of swimming across a river for a sleeping person. For interpretation, the view of the river itself and the environment are important, what goal is pursued by swimming across the river, as well as the feelings and emotions of the one who has a dream.

The best option would be the view of a calm river on a beautiful sunny day, bordered by banks covered with lush greenery. At the same time, the sleeper calmly swims across a leisurely current in order to get into the same, or even more pleasant environment on the opposite bank.

In this case, a dream predicts a calm period of life in prosperity, health and prosperity, the achievement of goals and satisfaction with the results of work. It is even more pleasant if close people are waiting for him on the opposite bank, or maybe a new beautiful house.

However, it is possible that in a dream the river is restless, and a strong current carries the swimmer. Maybe logs and debris are floating on it, pushing him and making it difficult to swim. This will already testify to numerous troubles and minor difficulties in life.

It is also possible to see a stormy narrow mountain river, which is practically impossible to overcome, although the sleeper is trying to do it. In this case, the dream warns of the inappropriateness of some actions and deeds of the one who has a dream.

If in a dream you have to swim across the river at night, then in the life of the sleeper there comes a period when he will have to hide something.

Of course, a disturbing omen will be a dream in which it is necessary to swim to the other side of the river during hostilities, possibly with weapons, in a combat situation, when explosions rumble around. This portends a turbulent life period, quarrels, scandals, breaks with loved ones and other similar events.

In these options, an important stage of sleep is reaching the opposite shore, which indicates whether the sleeper will be able to overcome the difficulties that arise on his way during this period of time and achieve his goals.

It can be interesting to dream when you have to swim across a river in exotic conditions, for example, in the jungle. This promises some unusual period of life, however, fraught with unknown dangers.

Much also depends on what feelings the sleeping person experiences when swimming across the river, since similar emotions can be expected in the future.

If, for some reason, the interpretation of the dream about the river seemed negative, then its meaning can be neutralized to a certain extent in the following way. To do this, you need to repeat the phrase three times after sleep: “Go away my dream to where the last night went forever.”

Dream Interpretation Dirty River

What is the dream of a dirty River in a dream from a dream book?

A dirty river in a dream symbolizes the presence of problems on this stage life. A dream indicates the need to draw conclusions.

Careful analysis of the past will help to avoid mistakes in the future. Over time, everything will return to normal.

What were you doing in the dirty river?

Swim in a dirty river in a dream

A dream about swimming in a dirty river portends mistakes and suffering. He warns of the need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making any decision.

Swim across a dirty river in a dream

You dream about how you swim across a dirty river - in reality you will encounter significant obstacles on the way to achieving success. They can carry danger.

Swim in a dirty river in a dream

Swimming in a dirty river according to Felomena's dream book means injury, injury or an accident. Try to analyze all possible sources of danger in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Why dream of a river?



If you dream of a smooth and smooth surface rivers, then in reality pleasure awaits you, and success will exceed all your wildest expectations.

Clean, bright river - experience a lot of happiness)))


To conversations!


As a river is dreamed, this is a sign that this person will have some unexpected joy. The river is a road, wander somewhere; sail the river - profit; to cross the river, to walk in the water - some obstacles, difficulty. As you fall into a dirty river, you will get into trouble, into debt. A river is a human life: as clean water flows, then something good will come, but as muddy, then unkind.

Maria Ivanova

To the right life conversations. Your thoughts are pure, you are a fair person.

Nadezhda Zaritskaya

Swim - profit;

To see, to be on the shore is a long road;

Wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay;

Jumping into the river (for a woman) - new feelings, hope for reconciliation in the family;

A strong current and not getting out - delays, dangers and interference in business, a long recovery;

To draw (water) from the river - to money from someone, from a well - unfortunately.

why dream of a river and a black bull?



Bull - to a quarrel, sometimes to a scandal. River - to talk, speeches. If the water in the river is clean - to success, good health, if dirty - to illness or gossip. Good luck!

Tatyana Ivanova

A river is an unexpected joy or a road. See running water in the river - something will come to you, nail. Ox - you will be freed from something that has tormented you for a long time.


The river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; main focus of your life.
Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,
To swim across it is the fulfillment of intentions.
Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.
To draw from the river is a work that exceeds your strength.
A canal that takes water from a river is a good idea.
To overcome it is difficulties.
A river that carries a lot of rubbish, trees - you have to build life anew.
A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constraint by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.
To see a wide, powerful stream in front of you - freedom, independence / consciousness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.
The river bank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.
A river in the middle of a rocky desert - a meager and closed life awaits.
A river among fields and forests - in front of you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.
The river of environments and villages and cities is a disorderly and noisy life in society.
Drink from the river - draw strength from your own determination.
The mouth of the river, it flows into a river approximately equal in width to it - the beginning of a new period in your life.
A river flowing into the sea is a lot about death, thinking about eternity / peaceful death awaits you in old age.
A river rushing into the sea in a stormy stream is a violent death in the distant future.
The river swiftly takes you out to sea - a danger to life, very disturbing premonitions about yourself.

A dream about a bull promises you a strong and deep feeling, passion. If you dream of a butting bull, be prepared for the fact that your name will fall into the language of talkative gossips and envious people.

Why is the river dreaming? I swim along it, either alone or for distillation with someone because of some girl


Lilac fairy

Swimming in a dream is a wonderful dream if the sleeper experiences positive emotions or pleasure from swimming.
___________________________________________ dream book

And as a child, you never swam and did not enjoy it, does your brain remember this action? He remembers, because he is not a fool and keeps everything in his random access memory, you uploaded it there, as in a computer, everything that you saw with your eyes.
You are not surprised that films that were uploaded 5 years ago are stored in the computer's memory, and you can view them.

So what great prophecies do you expect from this dream?

Empty dream, promises nothing, not prophetic.

Chloe Avark

You will share one girl with someone

Vladimir Z

let him swim and win, and you use the girl

Daria Kuranda

Dream interpretation river
The dream interpretation of a river is a section of a dream book devoted to dreams, where a person sees a river or several rivers, participates in some kind of action on the shore, on a sailing ship, in the water itself, or passively watches the flow of water; if we relate directly to the interpretation of dreams, then the following can be cited as an example: if the river is calm in a dream, then soon happiness and prosperity will come to the house; if the course of the river is swift - troublesome and doomed to failure; swimming - to good cash income; to sail on a boat - to reach the intended goal.

dream book miller river

The smooth and calm surface of the river means that alluring opportunities will open up before you. The muddy and restless waters of the river indicate that misunderstandings await you. If in a dream a flooded river blocks your path, get ready for trouble at work, as well as the fact that your reputation may suffer due to your rash act. If you dream that you are swimming in clear water and see the corpses of drowned people at the bottom of the river, then luck is leaving you. A dry riverbed is a symbol of grief.

bathe in it - wealth

If you dream of a dry river, it means that sorrows await you.

flood - your plans will be late.

clean, bright - a lot of happiness

If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.

fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim - hopes will come true

If you dream of a smooth calm surface of the river, it means that you will soon enjoy the most delightful pleasures, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities.

hear the sound of water - hear the oath

If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, you will be in trouble at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your daring trick.

If you dream that you are swimming in clean clear water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time.

bad boy

The river is your life. All your life you will run around women

Vanilla Gentle

relationship rival and serious



Good afternoon! i had a dream that at first I barely managed to catch the train (I ran to it), and then I went to the river, and across it a bridge, one of the planks that lie right on the water, but in the middle the water of the river rose two meters, and stands like a big wave. the water is clean and calm. my mother says that she will go and see if it is possible to pass through it, she reaches the water, but she comes back and says that it is impossible to pass. And suddenly the water parted, turns into fog and opens a road over the river from the same boards. We very carefully cross the river to the other side.


My sister and I were swimming along the river, there was a very strong current and we were completely naked, but then we went ashore, I wanted to swim further, but my sister didn’t let me in, we got dressed and returned home along the way we met my ex-husband and now they were going somewhere but take us with them refused and I woke up


dreamed of a river calm at night. I stand on the shore and look at the fireworks. and in the water there was an aquarium with fish, suddenly the water began to freeze, the slaves became ill, I took out the aquarium and quickly began to think where to release the fish, there was very little room for them in that aquarium, suddenly I look at the river, and instead of it pinoplast pieces and there is no river and I tell everyone that aliens stole her, but they don’t listen to me, I don’t remember anything else about the fish, I woke up.


river of death


I saw how my friends and I rode on a cheesecake along the river, and then suddenly we are standing on the shore and we are all looking at the bottom of the river. The water is very clear and at the bottom I saw a strange yellow flower!!!


Good afternoon
I dreamed that I saw a river in front of me, with beautiful opaque calm water. A long board is thrown across the river, narrow, rotten in places. I look at her, and yet I decide to cross to the other side. I push and force my mother to cross with me. I go after her, it is difficult to go, because the board is very narrow, and you can only hold on to some kind of rope. But I remember that once I decided, then I can
I gather courage, I walk more and more confidently, and then I see that further on my way the board expands and I no longer hold calmly stepping onto the other side, pleased with myself.

Tell me, what could this mean?


The river is dreaming, calm, but the water is cloudy. I swim in it. And all the bandits are after me. One with a knife almost succeeded, but it was someone he knew and he didn’t and even warned that others would appear soon. And I’m kind of cool in a dream, I end up dodging everyone.


I dreamed of a full-flowing river in the city, there was a threat of their banks coming out and being covered by a wave, but then I ended up with a child in a bathhouse or sauna, the fear passed.


I was on my way somewhere, on the way there was a stormy clean river. I swam across without much effort, overcame it and calmly woke up.


Hello, I dreamed that I was standing in the middle of a mountain river with a strong current, the water is clean but very cold splashes fly in all directions, and I hold my little son in my arms. then I dip my son into the water so that he does not freeze, as if rinsing. I look at the shore, a guy is standing and wants to help me, I was so happy that we were saved, I thought that this was all the end of life, but he saved us I remember they went ashore.


My eldest son is swimming along the river, and many snakes are swimming behind him and they are playing among themselves in the water, and I shout to my son to swim away, and such big snakes jump over him and run away to land. It was so scary in a dream


First I saw the middle and forefinger even a bone seemed to be broken, but no one close to me wanted to help, on the contrary, they even laughed (mother and grandmother) ... then I saw myself on the bank of the river with my children, the water I knew for sure was healing ... we first dipped our feet then we were carried by the current and I tried to push everyone to the shore, and while I was pushing away I saw my little sister in the middle in the very stream, but she did not worry that she was being carried to no one knows where, the water was clear ......


Hello. I dreamed of an old garden, which is not there now. It is covered with ice. I reach the middle of the site, break the ice with ease and take out a wedding dress from under it. A river flows along the edge of the site (the river actually was and is now) I go up to the edge of the river and begin to wash the dress, the veil, but it doesn’t work for me. The dress with the veil (the veil in the form of a hat) is not washed off.


I dreamed of a small river and former classmates. and we competed and we had to swim across the river, in my life I’m afraid to swim, but I swam here. It turns out that we sat on one side of someone’s house and decided to compete and crossed the cold river, it was like spring, and then we got to school and there we got to some event where I went through the window, i.e. opened the window and went out. What does this mean?


We were traveling by car with two girlfriends, caught a taxi. The old car is a six or seven, the driver is strange. We began to climb the slope, and there a truck met us and we flew into the river, the car fell into the river. Everyone is alive, the divers saved.


A black and white dream, I don’t know a wide river or lake, I walk on the surface of the water without falling through, and then I swim the rest of the way with ease and cross it, I go ashore.


In front of me is a strongly rising river on which I spent my childhood, muddy spring water. Then some gathering by the fire with the current comrades.


I dreamed that I was in my hometown, and I see a river that had almost dried up, only a small stream remained. In a dream, the consciousness comes that we will all die soon and that this is some kind of punishment. A friend is nearby who comforts and says that maybe not all so bad. Then the dream is abruptly transferred to my grandmother in the house, where I see my little sister, who hugs me and says that she misses her mother, I see tears in her eyes and cry with her. (Our mother died a few years ago)


I dreamed how we were walking with my girlfriend on the river and there was a big cliff, she went up to him, and he began to crumble, and she began to fall, I held her as best I could, with all my strength, but my hand slipped and she fell (


I dreamed that we were rafting with an unfamiliar company along a mountain river. The river was very rough, we did not expect! Each threshold and turn of the river is a struggle for life. But when we were already approaching the shore, one young man said that now would be the most difficult section of the path. The raft capsized, but everyone who sailed in it got ashore alive, but frightened.


I am sailing with my girlfriend along the river that overflowed its banks, the water is clear, the surroundings are warm and sunny. around the bend of the river you can see under water green Tree.. saw a frog, went ashore, caught it in a glass, and then released it ... it galloped along the wet, green grass ... swam further ...


I'm standing on the bridge. a clean, transparent river flows below, and long snakes of different breeds swim along the bottom, one after another. and I stand and count them. I also thought why the water in the river is such a bright spring, on the contrary, the river should overflow.


I was in an unfamiliar country and I had to cross a huge, beautiful bridge, under which clear water boiled like a waterfall, from which there were splashes, and in the middle of the bridge for some reason there was wind and wet splashes from the water. I stood and thought and suddenly a golden lion appeared next to me on which I sat down and we flew over this bridge, while the lion said that I needed to feel the wind and spray in the middle of the bridge, he sharply lowered me in the middle and lifted me up again, so we flew over the bridge. then I asked him how to go back, and he answered me that a person who loves would carry me.


I fall from a height into the river, I plunge into it, but I don’t panic, I don’t choke on water. water me to the surface of the water and slowly brings me to the shore.


She swam along a large and deep river, which went through rapids and then flowed into the sea. The water was neither dark nor light.


Hello! My dream was very colorful and vivid. My friends and I are sitting on the bank of the river, on the clean, warm, yellow-red sand, laughing. I wanted to swim in the river, I go to the water's edge and see that it is decreasing, and so all the water in the river quickly went around the bend, as if a dam had been lowered! I laugh and call the guys to look at it! At the bottom, which opened after the river left, there was also clean sand, without a single speck of silt (I was even surprised by this). Here we all hear a loud noise, I climb up to my friends on a high bank, and because of the turn where the river has gone, it returns in raging streams! But no one was washed into the water, although the sight was like a tsunami.


I had a dream from 8 a.m. to 9.30 a.m., usually it’s normal for me that I’m in some kind of apartment closed from my window a large transparent river in which people swim. I knew something was going on in the apartment. And then I saw a slightly blurry girl with big nails who wanted to hurt me in every possible way, she drove me along my stomach, it hurt me and even more scary, she told me that you need to hurt, and I cried, lately I only and dream strange dreams very memorable from which I wake up and leave for a very long time


I dreamed of a river with small waves, an elk (hornless) swam along it, I stood on the shore with my father and he lined the elk, but did not kill it, but only wounded it in the head. Then the moose swam up to us and walked straight at me and at the same time wanted to kick me with its hind hoof, but could not. In the end, dad beat him with a stick and butchered him, and I put his pieces into a boat. What is it for?


In a dream, she tried to save the child, but she herself fell into the icy river, during the flood, the water was clean and icy. I didn’t get out on the shore, the current carried me further from the shore, my outer clothes got wet and pulled down, I desperately tried to swim, the dream was interrupted. I didn't drown in my sleep.


I swam along the river, it was of the usual color, not light, not dark, I swam with the flow, only in 2 places there were strong waves.


I dreamed of a river with a gentle current, I stood on a sandy, loose bank, and pulled it out from the bottom with some kind of stick with a hook (I cleaned the bottom of the river) from trees with a narrow trunk that had somehow fallen there)


A dream where I flock on a stone in the river and catch fish, a good bite! Then, pulling out the fishing rod and I see a single fish, the river begins to boil and then part of it grows shallow, I look around and see ice on the river with thawed patches. I woke up. What could this mean?


Good afternoon
I don’t remember the details of the dream well, but there was a very vivid moment. I am in some place, I see a river - not wide, not deep, very very clean, like a mountain river, but flowing against the laws of the physicist from the bottom up. And as if I know that this river is not simple, but kind of magical / esoteric - in general, it doesn’t just flow in the wrong direction. I see a fast surface of water rushing in the wrong direction. Then I swim along this river - I don’t remember how and on what, but exactly on the surface, there is no feeling of wet clothes. I use it as an escalator - I need to go upstream and the river should take me. And suddenly the river stops and changes its direction of movement to the exact opposite. Like an escalator in a subway. And quickly quickly takes me to some new place. I know that it is not familiar to me and very unusual. Something bewitched. The very fact of changing the direction of water movement struck me. I still vividly remember.


i dreamed that I woke up looked out the window and there is a clear river the sun is bright everything is green I run out of the house jump into this river I swim and it is small I got up and went and it became night


I am sailing along a large wide river in a car (truck), it is completely in the water, I hold on to the body, there is no fear, but in front I only see that the high speed near the river banks is not visible


I had a dream that I come to a house that is located on a cliff near the spirit of the rivers, and these rivers flow in different directions and at such a high speed, I stood and was afraid to fall, after that I just looked at them and it was calmer


from the shore she threw a canister into the water to collect water. and the water went into the river, there was no flow, calm temperature, the body, the bottom, was very clean, like in a pool


I saw a colored river and wanted to see what it was like. I started to climb the road to the top. It was very beautiful there and I met very interesting people.


Hello, I dreamed of a very long and large river. In the distance, the river was very stormy and narrow, the closer to me, the calmer and wider it became. This river ran very fast, the water is clear, blue. But the whole spectacle looked frightening, like a natural disaster.


Hello. i had a dream in which I swam naked in a clean river, you go in and immediately deep. My boyfriend was with me, but we swam separately from each other. Other people also swam there. On the shore I left my wallet and something else, I don't remember. As a result, the wallet was stolen, but there was no money.


I got the feeling that the guys and I are on the river .... and in it lies some kind of slab covered with moss or mud ...... och. skolskaya. well, in general, my friend and I stood on this stove and talked ... our legs were ankle deep in the water


some kind of friend and my daughter were crossing the river, not deep into a ford. A friend was leading my daughter by the hand and suddenly my daughter went under water, her friend began to look for her but did not find her, then I went up and pulled her out. The water in the river was muddy




I swam across the river, the water is deep, but clear. Not naked. It seems that there were some things with me, or I took them on the shore, I don’t remember, things seemed to be new. Nothing alarming, I swam calmly, although I don’t know how to swim


I swim in a dream around me a lot of snakes, I see their heads everywhere, a lot, a lot, but what’s strange is that I’m running away from something with them, but they swim in the other direction, but I’m not afraid of them, I didn’t feel fear at all in a dream


I dreamed that my friend and I were walking along the (city) river, she got hot, and she bathed in it .. and left as if nothing had happened ... and I was amazed that she did not even begin to disdain from her


I am sailing along the river in a boat, big waves are overflowing, not far from the shore, I can swim without difficulty, but the bottom is very nasty, rocky and muddy. I go ashore with a disgusting feeling.


I dreamed that my loved one and I went to swim in the river, although I didn’t want to, and my dog ​​followed us, when we arrived the dog came to the river and fell into the water, floundering, she couldn’t climb the shore, I ran, to save her, and my beloved was sitting on the shore and drinking tea, while smiling sweetly when I stood on the edge of the masonry, trying to save my dog, my boyfriend said, go swim and I fell, I began to be carried away by the current, I called him to help, but he didn’t help me, then I caught on a large stone, with the help of it I got out, ran to the place where my boyfriend was sitting, he just continued to sit drinking tea and smiling, and at this place I woke up


i dreamed that my husband and I were walking along the bank of the river and somewhere on the mountain there was a small stream., and at the bottom there was seething water. and then, as the water gushed, it almost carried me away. And my husband took me.


I’m in the water, I don’t know the river, lake or sea, and this reservoir in which I am, for some reason, is tilted, I try to swim up, but something doesn’t work, there are some obstacles on both sides: either the current, or the crocodiles . But I seemed to be under someone's protection, and yet I swam out, as I cannot understand.


My husband had a dream - he is now in jail under investigation. In a dream, we were with him by the river with fishing rods, the water in the river was very clean, transparent. Fish were splashing in the water.


Sat on the shore on a small island with her husband. The island is surrounded by a river. Late in the evening they began to go home. The husband jumped over and fell into the river, and at that moment she (the river) became stormy and carried him away, and I could not do anything.


My brother and his wife and I are driving a car, then he drives right into the river, says I will wash the car and we drove the car did not drown. then my second brother, began to decorate a place in this water, the flowers of the ring, he himself is handsome in a suit (I understand in a dream that he is going to propose to his girlfriend)


Hello. I dreamed that I was crossing a river with someone. The water is cloudy and like jelly, I started to go under the water, but my face remained on the surface. Those. Not touched. Then I went into shallow water. Have passed. On the shore, I saw a thick birch, or rather two, and began to take pictures against their background. Then I looked down and saw a stream from the river and it was transparent. Sotrela high on the stream.


winter ... I'm in the middle of a frozen river, I'm walking along the edge of the ice, I'm afraid to fall. the water is dark .. but I remember that I went ashore. Someone was waiting for me there.


I dreamed of a transparent river and I swam across it, I knew that there could be crocodiles around, but I didn’t get one and I calmly crossed to the other side, the water was clear, and yellow sand at the bottom, very beautiful


I went adrift, along a calm little river, green shores, a sunny day. I got aground, waist-deep near the shore, two girls stood nearby, we joked, laughed. let him go


I floated along the course of a small, calm river. Sunny day, green shores. Then, near the shore, standing waist-deep in water, I talked with two familiar girls, A small viper swam, picked up, did not hiss, did not run away, I was not afraid of her, even rejoiced, He said that it means there is more somewhere. Then he let go.


the river the water is dirty with a large current I swim on the river bank in my soul fear because there were children with me


I saw how the river flowed clean and transparent in the opposite direction. I stood with an elderly man and admired. then I said that it would be good to turn the riverbed a little to the left. After that, he turned his hand where I pointed and the river began to flow in that direction. Then the river flowed between two mountains. grasses grew along the banks. It was very beautiful, I stood on the mountain with a man and admired the beauty.


the river, everything is dark in a dream, the trees hang down, and suddenly the water goes underground and the banks and the bottom are visible, everything is black, like mud ....


I dreamed of a calmly flowing river with a transparent clean and warm water. My father entered the water and swam away from me, I remained on the shore. It happened the night before my birthday. Father has been gone for 12 years and almost (without a few days) 7 months, before that we almost never parted.


i walked saw the river it was chocolate color and then drank and came one village then my hair ate alive in my mouth i cleaned it they appeared then woke up


good morning. I swam across the river at night, with some man. I swam across it. And that man dived and tried to drag me under the water a couple of times by the leg. I pushed off and swam again. I swam across it


I am standing on the bank, and in the river a small child wants to go to the middle of the river. He goes and drowns, well he was saved by my dad!


I saw nothing that my friend and I were swimming along the river, the water was so clean and this river was on the way down and we were rolling down with pleasure, you can say down


I dreamed that we moved to a new house that stood next to the river, it was a tall apartment building. And the river was wide and fast and it was located almost next to the house. Outwardly, I thought that when spring comes, it will overflow and flood us.


Hello! My name is Oksana. I dreamed of a narrow river, with a very fast current. I swam across it and at the end of the river there was a large stone tower, I got up, then went down and swam back, but it was difficult for me to swim against the current back. Then I again, took my daughter and swam with her again, while swimming, I threw her up, she dived, emerged and played ball. When we arrived, we went back to the tower, but did not find a way out. But then I saw an old man who was sweeping the garbage and decided to ask him, but woke up.


I dreamed that I was swimming across the river in clothes, in a dress. It was not hard for me to swim, a lot of people swam nearby, but I tacked and did not collide with anyone during the voyage. On the other side, I was already in dry clothes and watched how others were swimming. The water in the river was of normal temperature, greenish color….


as if we are eating in a taxi with my husband and in order to turn around we need to drive up to the cliff the car starts to slip and falls into the cliff but my husband and I remain standing on the edge then I see that we are standing on the bank of a stormy river where the taxi fell and we see a taxi driver in the river and his car is bathed by children everything is so bright


I am a woman, but I had a dream, as if I were a well-built, pleasant young man. I'm standing in a very dirty stream. The water is about waist deep, or a little less. the current is not fast, but there is. It is very muddy, and the bottom is very slimy vile - I can feel it with my feet. in my arms I hold a girl whom I love very much (this is important). I understand that I want to get out of the water, but something does not allow me to do this, as if an invisible barrier along the shore passes through the water. But the most important thing is that I must save the girl: in the water, some inexplicable entity grabbed her legs and wants to drag her under the water, but I hold her very tightly, it seems to me that if I could free one hand, I would move this creature, but then I won’t hold the girl and they’ll drag her away ... I see soy hands, how they tightly clung to the girl and won’t let go ... The girl screams, wriggles and clings to me, because she is hurt and scared. The entity bites her legs, which are not visible in the water. I am experiencing terrible mental anguish because I cannot save my beloved. At some point, the girl calms down, and they stop dragging her under the water and away from me, and I understand that she died in my arms, and I saw her legs above the surface of the water, or rather what was left of them. There are no feet, bones and meat are visible, as if the legs were gnawed by animals. And immediately the invisible barrier disappeared and I can go to the bank of the stream. there is a strong and excruciating pain in my soul from the fact that I could not save this fragile creature that I loved so much. Pain of loss. I feel with my feet a very vile, slimy bottom along which I carefully make my way to the shore. I understand that now I can easily get out of the water. There are a lot of trees around with hanging moss or something - an unpleasant feeling. Creepy ... All the time while I was in the water I didn’t worry that someone would also grab my leg, just like the girl. Even I was firmly convinced that this would not happen. And at the same time, half asleep, I try to philosophize on the topic: why am I a man and who is this girl who is so dear to me and why the legs were gnawed and the girl did not survive ...


our gold lay in a cave on the other bank, my friend and I had to pick it up, we reached the river for some reason we couldn’t cross it to the other side, the river was fast mountain narrow water, clear, I don’t remember, maybe someone interfered or there was no boat


We sailed with my daughter-in-law along a small canal and there were a lot of small vipers around. The water is very cloudy and contains algae.




I dreamed that I was entering a stormy mountain river with clear (mirror), cool water. I float along the river, not resisting the flow, on the contrary, I have the feeling that this was required of me. The current brings me to a small waterfall, at first I hesitate a little to overcome it, but nothing portends trouble, I feel protected and jump. Then the water becomes smoother. I go through a strange cascade of pools, stairs in the water, and eventually come to the end of the river, which ends at the beach, where people relax on sunbeds and all that. I understand that I'm getting out of the water naked, I feel shame, but I'm more dissatisfied with these people, they say, what are they doing here, I thought they wouldn't be here. And by the way, I already dreamed about how I walk naked among people and feel shame. What does it mean?


She ran along the shore and suddenly expected a bend in the river. The sandy shore under my feet began to crumble into the water and quickly fall into the stream. I would not say that the river is muddy, it is most likely very deep, with a fast current. I am a good swimmer, but the current carries me farther and farther from the shore. People on the shore feel they will help me. I wonder how much longer I can hold out. There is no fear. And suddenly I wake up.


I dreamed that my friend and I were swimming in the river, swimming with pleasure on the waves. The waters were stormy, not muddy, warm, the depth either decreased, then the clay bottom was visible, then increased. This brought great joy. We laughed.


I swim in a turbulent river and then I swim ashore. I walk along the shore, I meet a girl, then I swim in a calm river and also get out onto the shore.


one girl is on one side, the other is on the other side, I try to stay on a level with them and I can’t be carried away by the current, I stop fighting, I lie down on the bottom of the boat and go with the flow


I was in the forest where I was very often with my family as a child. The place almost exactly coincided with the place in childhood, except for one thing, in childhood there was no cliff, there was a river but not with a cliff. I walked along the path familiar to me and reached the precipice. I stood and looked at the water strong wind and a very strong current, and as if the sand began to leave from under my feet and I flew down, the last thing I remember is that a man ran out onto that very cliff, I didn’t recognize him) thanks)


I’m sailing on a boat, either along the river or along the waterfall, I don’t understand, since the turns there were steep and with me in the boat my beloved person, what could this mean, please tell me


i dreamed that I threw stones at my loved one and swear at him for drinking, then I find myself near the river, look back and see my beloved walking towards me, I got scared and threw water, swam across the river (the water was muddy) I look back again and see love .people floating behind me


I am standing on the shore, 2 men are fishing nearby. One of them caught a seal and released it. I see how a little boy comes out of the river and splashes near the shore, I try to talk to him, he repeats some words after me, as if he still doesn’t know how to talk. I like the boy, I want to take him to me, I call him by the name of my son, I talk to him, I rejoice (the son is also standing next to me at this time)


The river, which was narrow and shallow, became full-flowing, and a bridge was overturned over it, and I carried the child along this bridge, the bridge swayed, but I did not drop the child.


I dreamed that I was alone on all fours, on the banks of the river, very far from home, everywhere there were only bushes and you couldn’t go ashore


I am sailing on a river with a large current with my husband. in my dream i am pregnant. current is strong. husband keeps helping me. I say that I can handle it myself, but he still helps me


It was a wide and fast flowing river. I, and one of my acquaintances, were knee-deep in water, and walked along with the current. We talked, and the water did not interfere with the fast flow, we just walked in the water, with the flow. People watched from the banks, and then our friend walked with us.


I swam, although real life I don't know how to swim, in a stormy river. She took me away, but I found strength and returned to the place I needed. And yesterday I dreamed of a neighbor in a white dress with a veil


i dreamed that they gave me a handbag, I liked it, then I was going to leave the company, and everyone went to some mountain, my husband was there, I began to suspect him of treason and returned, then we were on top and on us something was coming and we got scared and we had to jump from a height into the water, it was very scary and it seemed to me that I would not survive, but there was no way out and everyone had to jump and I woke up


I walked along the river that overflowed its banks, the water was up to my thigh, that is, the whole road was a solid river, then I got on the tram, a girl was sitting next to me, then I saw myself at the end of the tram. I looked at my left hand and saw how the ring fell apart on the middle finger, the ring was not an engagement ring, his husband and mother-in-law gave me for the birth of my daughter. Then some man who was sitting in front began to tell me that these are the rings I need to buy so that they do not crumble, and shows me a signet, I say, well, you are a man, so wear such rings. And then he began to pester me, without turning his face to touch my ass, I pulled out, then the girl who was sitting next to me began to pester the girl who was sitting in front and I woke up. I don't know any of these people.


i dreamed that I was trying to get on the raft (which had an underground club), but when I tried to step on the raft, he moved away from me and I didn’t go in, because I was afraid to enter the water


Two rivers merge - clean and dirty, and in a place just below the converging streams I swim to the other side in muddy yellow water


I was invited to swim in the river. the water was muddy, warm, although it was noticeably autumn around. There were two slopes to the river. on the right is lighter, but the water feels greasy. and on the left with stones and cleaner. I swam in this river close to the shore, and a friend (I don’t remember which one) was sitting on the shore and I discussed my problems with her from the water


i dreamed of a river that overflowed its banks, but in the place where it overflowed its banks, I didn’t see the river itself, I also dreamed of beautiful yellow flowers that grew in this river


I crossed the river, and I see two large fish on the corner, I take them out with a large knife, I process them, then I look around the water rose and the bridge in which I crossed flooded, and the water is muddy with vegetation


I got a job and for some reason we (applicants) had to swim along the river for distillation. the closer to the finish line, the stronger the flow. I sailed first. there was water at the end.


I dreamed that it was winter and I seemed to be driving through this snow and then I ended up in the river and got scared and started to swim quickly to the shore


Hello! I dream very rarely, so this dream is somehow alarming. I dreamed of the sea. I don’t remember why I decided that this was the Baltic Sea, but I’m sure that this is it (maybe the reason for this is the place where I live, namely Kaliningrad), but it differed from reality, it was somehow narrow, as if it were some kind of channel -then. My brother was present, not a native, but a cousin, we don’t communicate much with him, well, our relations are not bad. And the most interesting thing that happened in this dream was that I saw in the distance some kind of bridge, or a pier, and this bridge / pier was my goal. I didn't have to swim to get to this alleged bridge. and along the logs, which lay one after another, but not vertically, but horizontally, and it was necessary to climb over them not with your feet, but sit down, lowering your legs into the water. There was a feeling of anxiety in this dream, I was scared, but I don’t know what I was afraid of, either that I would not be able to overcome this distance, or any living creature in the sea, although I am more than sure that sharks are not found there. Overcoming the distance, I was still afraid to wet the things that I had, I don’t know what exactly, but they were, so I put them in several bags (I don’t know where I got them from), creating something similar to a ball and holding them over my head . And the most disturbing thing is that I don’t remember whether I got there or not, but I clearly remember that I had overcome more than half of the way and was ready to move on. then came the awakening. There are other details, but these are the most important ones in my opinion.


I'm with strangers I stand on some small platform in the middle of the river, and so along the whole river there are many such platforms on which people also stand. The river was brown. And suddenly I see that one person jumps into the water from the stove, but the stove was not high, cm 20. So, he jumped from it and suddenly died. as if he had jumped to his death, then everyone was stunned. in my opinion, someone else jumped, then I seemed to be thrown out of my own stove, but I was very afraid that I would die the same way as that person, and quickly swam to the shore, this happened 3-4 times and suddenly I ended up on the shore with some sometimes people, but it seemed to me that I knew them, and suddenly one of my acquaintances, I don’t remember exactly whether he was an acquaintance or not. went to swim on this river, and I told the Woman who was sitting there that this man (in my opinion a boy) went to swim. And she was a little scared and even got a little angry with him, said that he was supposedly crazy. And my dream is over.


I am standing by the river, the current is calm, I am calm, and two dead old men with white beards and white robes are floating down the river


Crossing the river on a ferry. The water is dark. Next to me is a son, only a small one. He is 5 years old. Now he is 23. And suddenly the ferry starts to go under water and the son disappears. I start looking for it and can't find it.


I dreamed that I was standing by the road and a car had an accident, falling into my hand with muddy water. I'm on a ship with some other people, we start searching, we throw nets. We understand that nothing is working out. The thought appears that they were carried away by the current very far.
There is a change in the picture and I appear in some kind of darkened room, a fair-haired boy runs out to meet me and says, I will be your son, Together with him we begin to walk and open doors to look for some woman to tell her that I am taking this boy


Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed today that I was driving a big car, driving myself, alone in a car, my acquaintance and my daughter were following me in another car, and we were going on a trip to Gorny Altai. Then I see how my friend and I are sailing along a wide river, and there are huge waves on it, we are sailing calmly without fear, like to the shore, and there are bushes, and there are a lot of men around us and they show us signs of attention. Here is such a dream.


i’m standing on the bank of a stormy mountain river, then I’m already swimming along it just like that and didn’t understand what, then suddenly I began to rapidly approach the waterfall, I even heard the sound of water, by the way, I swam in the middle of the river, I tried to get to the shore, but then I awoke.


I’m floating along the river (in a dream it is interpreted as a channel) and my mission is to swim somewhere. I swam very quickly. severed. and the rest of the whole blood is not. what is it for?


i dreamed that a strong river was like a flood with clean water, there is a rope bridge across it and I need to cross to the other side, I didn’t want to go, but at the last moment my aunt allegedly calls me and says that she has almost six months left (although she has been dead for 8 years) and after her words about six months I woke up


my dad and I walked along the river, we were looking for something, the water was green, on the other side I saw a hole with snakes, they were some kind of multi-colored ones, and next to me there were big fools, then on the side along which I walked on the bank there was another snake very big, we decided to climb over it and leave, they began to climb dad looked very weak and could not climb so as not to wake her, we began to run away from her, he ran slowly, I took his hand began to pull faster, there was no sense, I stood behind him, pushed, and thought it would be better to let them eat me than him


I swam across the sea away from the shore, swam far away, the water was quiet and calm. It began to get dark and I realized that I had to swim back to the shore. A man was swimming next to me, like a friend, when we swam to the shore it got completely dark, I felt a little uneasy, and then I touched the bottom with my feet, wade to the shore and quickly went ashore. Can you tell me what this dream means?


Autumn, the husband bathes in the river with a woman, his underpants fall off all the time, I watch from the shore, I want to swim, but the water is cold and clear


I swim on my back against the current in the river. The water is clean. Someone is following me underwater. I am afraid of what will overtake me. And I woke up.


I fell into a river with a strong current and was completely calm, then I just grabbed a branch and got out calmly and I remember for sure that the water was clear


I dreamed of a river with pieces of a bridge and I crossed this river and helped people, the water was either clean or dirty or muddy, I don’t remember.


I carry my adopted son in my arms across a turbulent muddy river. The son is small and naked, he is cold. I carried him across the river and wrapped him up in some kind of handkerchief, and he was shaking from the cold.


I stand at the very edge of the water. The rivers are full-flowing, as usual in the spring when the ice has passed. Chilly. Wind in the face. Something like the following is in my head - “I need to dip my feet, I can do it. And everything will be fine, in a new way, success, renewal. I go ankle-deep into the water, and walked back.


I was driving with a girl, her daughter and a friend, from the south of our country, the weather was sunny, the sky was clear, the mood was excellent, we couldn’t get enough of what was going on, and at some point I understand that I’m walking alone along the path. along the river. and I need to go to I’m sliding down the other bank. Down the cliff to the shore where there is a narrow path to the other side across the river and there is a gap in the middle of the path. The path is clay and I’m afraid that I won’t cross. And the river is clean, transparent, calm and deep. the path and the earth crumbles and you can’t get out. When I ask for help, some man jumps towards me and can’t get up either


Hello, I dreamed of clean, clear water. So white and carried with the flow at that moment there was a feeling of joy


I’m dreaming of a hundred, I get into a boat with several women and we swim along the river, and out of nowhere a lot of snakes began to fall into our boat. I brushed it off as best I could, and then suddenly found myself in some kind of room

[email protected]:

I dreamed that we arrived at the river, I went to the edge, the river was all muddy, I tried the water was warm, but I didn’t swim.


I dreamed of a muddy river with a fast current. At first she went with the flow. Then she turned around and swam against the current. At first it was difficult, but then it became very easy.


Crossing the hill, I watched the river, to which the path was laid. Then, after a period of time, I again come to this place and already I see a flooded river, the path to it is flooded with water. And the water is getting to your feet.


My family, my wife and daughter, I came to the river of my childhood. it turned out that it became wider and went out of the shores. The water was shallow, clean, the current was calm. There were many vacationers and fishermen on the river. It was sunny.


Good evening, tonight I dreamed of a river, or rather two rivers, one of which flowed into the other (both rivers were very large). The water was clear and bright blue. The weather was overcast and a light wind was blowing. I stood next to her. Behind me was an unfamiliar guy, he hugged me (in my life, not so long ago I broke up with a young man). It felt like something connected us very closely, he was like part of the family. I felt good in my dream. waking up, the feeling of sleep for some reason remained not pleasant.


I dreamed of a wide river falling from a mountain. The water is very cloudy, black and warm. Not too deep. I am sailing upstream. It feels like I have to get out of it. And the brother and sister succumbed to the current and are sitting below in a dirty puddle.


I had a red-green apple in my hands, I tried to crush it in some river or swamp, but I dropped it, then I grabbed it and picked it up and some grandmother’s hand came out of the bottom of the river and took the apple and I said on my own that I would come and pick it up later


i dreamed that the youngest grandson jumped into a calm, clear river, and I pulled him out and did artificial respiration


He came with some kid, he was considered a friend to me (I don’t remember his face, physique.) I went into the water and was carried away by the current, but divers picked me up and carried me ashore ...


I had a dream that I was sliding along the surface of the river and looking for the shore, I see fishermen sitting on bridges with fishing rods, I asked if I could get on the bridge, they answered that I could and I went ashore.


I am traveling with the President of Ukraine, looking for something on the banks of a narrow river, around which the banks are green and hilly. There are a lot of beautiful trees around.


I had a dream, after a quarrel, I went out after I had to swim across a dirty small river to return back. My husband came for me and took me and we swam across the river together and came back to the same place


A mountain-like river with a strong current. Cold. I stand on the shore and fish with a fishing rod. There are many fishermen around me with good gear, but they do not succeed. I have a simple fishing rod in my hands, every time I throw it, I pull out a big big fish. And I pull it against the current. I am surprised at how you manage to pull a hefty fish against the strongest current.


I dreamed that I was sitting on wide window sill on the 4th floor. I look out the window and see a wide huge very beautiful river. But right under the window, the river is muddy, but people swim in it. In a dream, this river delighted me, but it was not calm.


steep bank of the river. I am looking for a place to wash something. I only see dark river and algae, I go down like steps, rinse something and go up again. A neighbor helps me get up. I don’t remember what I dreamed about.


I swam down the river, sometimes with the flow, sometimes against it, the water is warm, you can say I enjoyed the water, the wide river turned into a narrow stormy one, I didn’t swim there, I said that I didn’t need to go there


Good afternoon.
In front of me is an overflowing river, it overflows its banks, the water flows over the bridge, the place is familiar, it was there in reality, people cross the bridge, I stay on the shore.


Good afternoon. My brother and I swam in the river. And swam from one side of the river to the other. And there some strangers stood there, their eyes were like those of bandits. And so we swim across to the other side of the river and there is a tram line and suddenly some a loud sound (incomprehensible from the tram) I turn back and there, for some reason, one of these strangers was approaching our things. I approached him with such a face (bad news) and he looked at me and seemed to correct me. I remember. This man was an adult about 30-35 years old.


I dreamed of a suspension bridge across a stormy mountain river, but the suspension bridge broke and I did not cross to the other side


I see a small river. There is a forest on both sides, Then the water disappears and instead
the river is an ordinary country road, what does this mean?


I leave the house and go to the bus stop, I see 2 disabled people there - I help them get on the bus. I get on the bus myself and drive 1 stop to the bridge. I walk along the bridge (for cars), under the bridge there is a large downpipe and the river. On the bridge I meet 2 girls of 17 years old and a boy of the same age. We cross the bridge, a strong wind immediately blows - we are almost blown away. ahead of the forest and the intersection of 2 roads. They offer me something to eat, but I refuse. This is where the dream ends


dreamed of the wide river Kuban with green shoots in it, although the river is very fast-flowing and with a waterfall
what does it mean*?


I stand in the river and see how dead fish swim past me. a lot of fish, then I go out of the river to the cliff and look back at the river and see that it has dried up and only small puddles remain after it


the river is stormy, muddy, the season is early winter, people got into a not very convenient position due to a change in the channel, but they built a very strong good bridge.


It was a sunny day, the river was calm, and the water was blue, at first I even thought it was the sea. i was with some girl (I don’t know her, but in a dream we were clearly friends) we swam together, but suddenly I understand that I don’t have enough strength to swim to the end of the other shore, I was a little scared, and this girl knocked me down, saying that there may be ships and it is dangerous. I immediately decided to go back, the way back was much easier, as if the river itself carried me, probably with the same forces I could still swim to the end.


At first, the nature of the rivulet dabbled up the rivulet, And we are Snemaia Motor and take it some way to go to the car after which I am driving in a car in the car and we are taking the fight and stormy but we have it, but we have it but kagda, there was a child, there was a child and the car carried the car, but the Vadik washed away, listening to me to leave on another shore


i dreamed of a deep river in the summer, and the man was next to me, and I lowered him down into the river on a rope, and raised him, the season is summer.


I was walking along the shore. as if in the jungle .. I don’t remember who I was with ... at first that person said no while driving, I looked back and saw how quickly the wave was approaching .. but it didn’t bite me .... then I was bitten by a red animal but I didn’t what didn't happen didn't even bleed then I woke up


Hello! Dream: I am standing on the shore and I see that my late husband is floating along the river. He notices me, swims to the shore. At this time, my own sister appears with him, whom he helps to get out of the river onto the bridge. Then the deceased husband sits next to me and we talk about our life without each other. and about the past family. We didn't talk about children.


we walked across a narrow wooden bridge and I fell into the river my sister is crying and I get out of the water, then my sister cleans my shoes from the sand. THEN WE GO TO A STOP AND I WAITING FOR ROUTE 102


everyone was preparing for some kind of global cataclysm .. something related to space and psychology, some kind of signal should have driven everyone crazy ... my whole family and parents were standing on the bridge of a rocky mountain river mouth of the river deep water few and many terraces along the river in general everything is very rocky huge blocks of stones woke up in sweat


our village is not a big river. I am in a beautiful new shirt and I walk lightly with my shoulders straight and I think that it is so pleasant for me.


I dreamed about two boys, only one dead and the other alive, they looked in the reflection of the river. The river was muddy.


I see in a dream a river overflowing its banks, or rather, it periodically overflows its banks, it happens to be a mountain river. But for some reason I need to go into this river to look for earrings in my old office in my wallet, I need to be in time until the river overflows the bank again. and in the meantime, I throw my bracelet into the river, but I manage to grab it before the river carries it away. Then I call my mother for help, with her arrival the river subsides.


I travel with my family (except my eldest son) and friends. We come to a very high cliff below the river flows. My family and I sit on the raft, I hold my little son and my husband sits behind. And we are pushed off the cliff into this big river with a very strong current. We are flying and I understand that we are flying for a very long time (but I don’t have an old fall, as sometimes happens in a dream, I just hold the baby tightly) and do not land on the water. I look out of the boat and see that we are flying over the river. I am waiting for a landing on the water and finally we land, but somehow smoothly without splashing, not like I felt it, and we flow along the river. We sail to a very beautiful place and try to accommodate a lot of people there. Something like that.


Hello Tatyana! I constantly have murderous dreams, either death follows me and I always survive, or other people die, there are 7 dreams a night!


I walked with people along a dirty river against the current up. Then she began to overtake them. For some reason they were tied with one rope. I was naked. We all climbed to the side of the road and continued our way behind some red jeep. The people were tied with rope and tied to a car. I walked with them with one hand holding the shoulder of the person in front. with the other hand she covered her naked body with a large blue-blue cloth


i had a dream that they lifted a ship from the bottom of a clean river, but it is dry, clean and not wet, it is warm in some way, and that when I sweat, I’m not just floating on this river, but I’m flying, I see clear water under me and I see the bottom of the river, I don’t know where the shallows are, but I see them and dodge them ... .. I say that this ship can be repaired and tours along this river can be arranged on it


Hello, I saw that I was walking along these waters with my classmate and could not find my way home, and also that we caught a big fish


By car, I jumped over the bridge to the other side with seething, dirty water, along which trees with roots floated. But I was not hurt. And no water got into the car.


There was a flood of the river and at the turn of the river a man jumped. The river washed away the bank (cliff) like a pothole and filled it with water. The man swam through the water and returned completely exhausted. I asked why are you doing this? He answered not clearly, there is an entrance or a passage. He jumped and I did not see him on the water. They told me from the outside to save him. I refused.


I need to cross a turbulent river. The water is muddy, dirty, like during a flood. Logs, branches, tree trunks float along the river. I narrowly manage to avoid colliding with one of the floating logs.


suddenly appeared on a high mountain with people I did not know, but we talked to each other, laughed. then a big avalanche came down from the mountains, it swept away all those people, and I just stood there and couldn't move. I don’t remember what happened next, but I was already at the bottom. I got out of the snow, crawled along the green grass, and those people lay icy. next to that clearing was a very wide river, densely overgrown with reeds along the banks, so that the water was visible in a narrow strip. I crawled away to the river and, having flopped into it, I was carried by the current, but I don’t know how to swim. floundering in the water, I swam with the flow. the river was very deep and fast. I don’t remember what happened to me next. I woke up on a long stone bridge that led to some kind of fortress from a very dense and green forest. The fortress was surrounded by water (sea). angels with dark wings in armor and with swords flew across the sky. a few stood near me and discussed something vigorously. then I saw that I also have wings and I decided to test them. I took off into the sky. I flew very fast, almost bumping into other angels. Then I ended up inside that very fortress. it was in the manner of medieval castles, made of large stones and torches were burning. But now no one noticed me, as if I were not there! and those very angels who stood near me lying on the bridge looked at the wounded angel-girl in rags standing in a cage trying to escape. the end.


hello, I have already dreamed several times that I am swimming in the river, the water is dirty and there are only shells and silt at the bottom, I feel unpleasant in a dream, I want to get out of the water as soon as possible, but this is problematic. in the end - I still get out on the shore. and other people bathe and nothing.


Very good weather, sunny. After the work done, I go home on foot alone in a good mood. I walk along a very wide street, in front of me is a bridge. And suddenly a very turbulent stream of muddy water appears across the bridge from above on my way. The water seems to be held by a huge channel but does not overflow. I approach the stream, it seems to be above me, but I don’t dare to cross, there are several old people nearby, I don’t know them, but it feels like they are already among the dead. I'm leaving. I'm going back. ,Then I find myself in a car with a friend, he offers me a lift, we drive away from the stream, but we get into an accident due to the fault of this friend. I am getting up


Hello. After running my eyes a little in search of definitions from my dream, I realized that it was better to start from yesterday.
I "almost" broke up with my girlfriend (for the second time). She suggested that we "take a break" so that we both could rest for a while and think about our relationship, the meaning of their continued existence. Together we already without 2 months 6 years. The prospect of separation made me very upset. I love her and want to be with her.
So, now let's go to sleep.
I was at home (10th floor, a house next to the river, the windows of the balcony overlook its course), along with my girlfriend. Accidentally looking out the window, I saw that the river was completely dry - there was not even wet sand, clay at its bottom. Only 2 deepening-forvators, on the hills of which green grass was already growing. In fact, this river has only 1 depression in the center (and the river has not dried up in my 21 years).
Surprised by such an event, I called the girl to show her this. But, as soon as she approached, the river instantly became filled with water (I did not see a strong flow, nor can I say about turbidity). Later in the dream, I saw only a fragment of the usual daily activities.
I hope for your interpretation. Thanks a lot in advance.


I’m pregnant in reality) I had a dream as if I was in a boat carrying me over but I don’t have oars to guide the boat .... my own sister is trying to catch up with me along the shore with oars


I dreamed of a deceased friend who helped me pull a car pump out of the water. And he took it out and gave it to me. In addition, I fell through the ice, but I got out and did not feel the cold.


I see a dream where I am with my daughter (but I don’t have her), we swim across the river. the water is very clean and clear. such warm water. But suddenly we were standing on the sand with her daughter, she decided to swim and swam. and there the current seemed to carry her away, and then some animals on the water. black, similar to cats, but larger than them. I called her back, luckily nothing happened to her.


as if I and someone else were nearby, we fastened strong belts to our belts and jumped into a river with a strong current and there were large stones under the water, it looked like thresholds, the water was clear, but I didn’t have time to reach the water, my wife woke me up,


unfamiliar area. with friends went somewhere and had to cross the river. this is my fear. and a person close to me helped me to cross it. we walked along the pipe then wooden planks, I was afraid but trusted him and we crossed it.


i dreamed that I caught a large perch with caviar, but some guy unknown to me took it off the fishing rod, it seems to me that I ate in a dream to escape from him.


i dreamed that I was standing on the balcony and looking at the river, and it became a little shallow, but there are a lot of (the river is teeming with) black fish in it. The fish are splashing. Then I turned away, turned around, and the river had already arrived and there was a very strong current, and thick trees were floating along the river, also a lot. with the flow. Then again there is a short break and again I see a full-flowing river, but again there are already very, very many fish in it, the same one - black, but it is already very big this fish. earlier in the river there was a small fish of a small size, and in a full-flowing river there were already a fish of a large size. Again black and very much. But I didn’t try to catch or do anything, I just watched and that’s it. then the river came right under the balcony on which I stood and I went into the room. the river was not muddy, but not transparent.


I and two friends (I don’t seem to remember them, a guy and a girl, they were not a couple in a dream) walked through the morning dense green forest to a friend, the trees were very tall, lush trees, the rays of the morning sun illuminated the forest, it was very light, the time of the year is summer. we could hear birds singing, chirping, murmuring streams, we reached a small hut (it was not a house, but just a homemade canopy from tree branches, I talked with the owner about the boat, it was just about her, and I remembered, that she already swam on it earlier, although this time she didn’t see her.Here is such a dream .. I would be grateful for the interpretation.


Hello! I dreamed of a shallow, wide, but not dirty river, along which 2 cars drove.


wide river with a fast current. I swim up to the shore, flocks of small green frogs float on me with the current, I discard them (and one didn’t hit me). I see the sandy shore, light and soft, but I don’t like it and I get out of the river to the shore like a sheer cliff with protruding stones. I climb them up.


A trip with a team on vacation, where a woman falls into rough water and begins to drown, in the end she drowned


We walked with a man who bent down into the river and dragged me by the hand with him, and then we took turns getting out of the driver, with all this my clothes were wet, but I was warm in the cold season.


I was disgusted as if my husband and I were driving a car at high speed and it turns into the river and we go straight along the bottom of the river further, I didn’t see whether they left or not, then I ended up on the train with someone and my husband met me with whom


A wide muddy river, I swam it with my daughter to the other side of the door twice, but the third time they didn’t swim, turned back, we were covered by a big wave, we surfaced and I woke up


a big black kite swims in a clean river and I show it to my family the kite shows its head and swims away


I sat with friends on the steps that led to the river. it was very early, around 4 am, I wanted to sleep, or swim. one of my friends is my former classmate, with him in a dream we were a couple.


hello. I saw in a dream that I was walking along the river against its current, the river was stormy, but clean. there was a small waterfall at the end of the river, but I didn’t go to it, but came back, and I was also a little scared on the way, because I saw some people, and they aroused some fear in me. but when I came out of the river I was all wet, although I did not swim on it.


I dreamed of a muddy, dirty river, I wanted to jump into it, but I didn’t jump because I can’t swim, the water was sandy in color.


i dreamed of a river that, after a flood, entered its waters and a very steep bank, like in a quarry of sea sand, I saw it from the side, as if everything was gray from a window or from a bridge


I had a dream that I came to see a picnic place for the whole family, there was a long and deep river, there was dirt around it, but the trees were green and grass. Then I stood at the very beginning of the river, and I wanted to check whether it was very deep, and I entered it, but I didn’t feel the bottom, it was dirty and I tried to reach the bottom with my foot, but I didn’t get it and got tangled under water in seaweed! Then my family and I came with bedding and sat on a picnic, but I said that no one should go there. All!


A picturesque landscape, a green field with neat well-groomed grass, green trees and wide, long, clear water ahead, every flash in it is visible. She is calm :-) as if whispering. What a beauty!


i dreamed that I was swimming in the river, and suddenly a lot of snakes appeared, they swam across the river, but they did not touch me.


I dreamed of a dirty, rotten river in which the Chinese with black eyes ran. One of them came up, looked at me, took a black bag with a bottle of water from me and left.


River, board, mine adult daughter a man led by the hand along this board, and if he said: I will then pass it on to others. And they fell from this board into the river. They didn't swim, they were flooded with water. Then I went to look for them, but I didn’t find them because I met my sister on the shore


Summer has two banks. With green grass, a river flows between the banks, the water is clear, people swam, and in the distance the river was very seething, such a powerful stream, I was going to swim, but I didn’t decide


Dream: a white river, to which steps lead, but these steps come from a Buddhist temple, I accidentally entered this temple, there are people of Slavic appearance and there is a service. A monk is reading something, in one hand I have an egg, people, standing side by side they say: put an egg, it interferes with you. I put the egg on the table. The service ends. The monk disappears. I leave the temple and look at this river.


Dreamed of a river. The river flows into the sea. I am walking with someone upstream along the river. at the beginning the river is beautiful. wide, beautiful cities meet, then some kind of stream in a concrete channel and We lost the river. but after some time We found her again. but here the window originates and this is some kind of reservoir. We decided to go back to the Hostel but the current was strong. came back quickly


I was with friends, I saw a change in the weather before the rain (such weather is conducive to good fishing), offered to go fishing, it seems like we went to get together - some new meetings, crowds of people, acquaintances - without aggression, relatively fun ... Looking out the window I saw a river - fast, unclear in which two fishing rods were thrown))


in a dream, he swam across the river, at first it was calm, then a medium-sized wave appeared on it! but I felt neither fear nor anxiety! successfully swam to the other shore.


I had a dream that I was falling into the river and I couldn’t swim. When I fell into the river, I covered my face with my hands, but it was clear that my face was covered with my hands


I dreamed that the river was muddy, dark, large, we could not cross, but then we found a narrow path and crossed.


i dreamed that we were approaching the bank of the river, and there was almost no water left, dead animals, fish swim in it, the carp is so beautiful clean. we go along the channel and I tell what it was like. then suddenly the channel begins to slowly fill with clear water as if coming from the ground


i dreamed of a full-flowing river and in some places I crossed it along the crossbar and sometimes when the crossbar fell into the water I had to swim a little in the river, and some guy was sitting on the other side and for some reason I went to him, he seemed to be catching fish, but somehow it’s not clear, because the river was not very deep and it was already in a ravine, there were people and children in the river. And we also went down there, but I didn’t seem to go into the river, it was transparent. the guy seemed to start pestering me a little, he wanted to kiss me, but I didn’t let me do it. what was all this confusion about?


Hello! My name is Vitaliy! I only remember that I am standing at three mountain rivers turning into a waterfall. It seems that my father was next to me.


Hello. I dreamed that I was on the river with my family. On the other side, I saw my ex-boyfriend (to whom not everything has gone yet). I was told not to look in his direction. I went on, the river was getting wider. The water in it is not dirty but not clear at all. I don't know how to swim, but there I went swimming and learned. I swam with the flow. Everything around was very green. When I returned, the guy was gone.


i dreamed that I was swimming quickly along a clean river and successfully hiding from an evil bull, but I didn’t run away from a goat and he butted me, having swum to the end of the river, I saw my brother and nephew


I, with my little two-year-old brother in my arms, walk along the river bank .. I don’t go further because I don’t know how to swim, but I walk slowly back and forth along, afraid to stumble upon a cliff. Then 2 more people sent a guy and a girl. And I just walked with him in my arms .. Why I did it I don’t remember and I don’t remember how it ended either


I swam in a dream in the river as if on a circle or a mattress. The river was clean and calm and I swam enjoying the bath. With me, someone was holding on to my mattress.


i dream that we are running away with someone (someone decided to help me) they will catch up with us, and they run some kind of sleeping bag then jump into the river and swim on, but I can’t swim, I scream, I can’t ... they come back ... for a stick I I’m clutching, even my child was a dream ... and he also can’t swim, and I have to swim away at speed and take the child with me .. in short, in such a nightmare I woke up, afraid not to save, not to have time to grab the child and run away ..


Hello, Tatyana! Today I dreamed of a river. Its surface was calm, the water was not dirty. However, massive logs and other objects were rapidly floating in it. The current was strong, but the surface was calm. I don’t remember how my mother and I ended up in the river, went with the flow, we were rapidly pulled under the other bank. I was afraid for my mother that she would not swim out, but I was confident in my abilities. We were going to get out, and on this I woke up. I remember a beautiful bank with trees, and the river was deep.


I saw a very large river, I went into it. The river was huge, on the surface there were light, even, small waves. You can say that it was beautiful.


I dreamed of the source of the river, a shallow, quiet river with clear blue water, my parents were standing on the shore, I went into the water, walked clearly in the middle, it was not easy to go, suddenly at the crossroads of the river I saw my boyfriend, he was sitting on a stone, then I find a wedding ring in the water, I go up to the guy and give it to him, exactly the same is on my ring finger, he puts it on and I wake up


I’m walking with my ex-husband holding hands. On the one hand, the sea is calm. On the other, there is a clean river with small dead fish in it. I wanted to step into it, but quickly pulled my leg out. And we moved on. And I buy myself a blue headband.


Good afternoon! i dreamed that I was driving a car along the river, there the river is so wide waves and such strong medium, but very wide. Then in the middle of the river there is a tall iron thing like a sail, and distributes a siren. I stood there and looked for a long time, and it turned out that I was standing along the road and not in the car, and the taxi driver hooted saying that the alarm was raised by the river raging and that’s it, my breath was caught in fear and I woke up. Thank you I will be grateful


I dreamed that my daughter and husband and I were going down a narrow gorge somewhere down, and I had a feeling as if I would get stuck there, going down we find ourselves in the river and float up. What does this mean?


Hello, I was walking along the path through the field with my sister and her son, the downpour started abruptly, and when I stopped, he didn’t wet me, but started right in front of my feet, I just continued to walk right away under the stream of the downpour. somehow a house turned out to be in front of us, we went into it, and then abruptly, as if drunk, I find myself on a river, an expensive phone falls out of my hands, I fall into the river, and not into a clean one, but into a muddy and dirty one, when I got up there was a catfish ( fish) small..


I’m standing on a high mountain. Below I see my daughter and a 5-year-old grandson. A smooth, calm river flows next to them, and suddenly the grandson escaped from his mother to the river and was carried away by the current. I stand and think why no one even tries to save him


Hello. In a dream I saw a clean, calm river, not deep. We floated in the water on some kind of board chicken eggs i I caught them, but some broke. And in the river I try to save our photos: mine, my son and my common-law husband ....


A lot of fresh flowers (dahlias, gladioli, chrysanthemums, asters) floating on the river. I collected them in a big armful and carried them home, where there were already many more (the whole apartment in the same colors) flowers.


I dreamed that I was going with the flow with my husband and mother, then we stopped at the shallows, tried to return, but the turtles, not friendly, got in the way, I still escaped back, my mother and husband later, but also returned, help figure it out. The river is often dreamed of.


A beautiful forest, green, I am standing on one side of the river, and my beloved is on the other side, as if he is doing sports, he runs around, then he saw me and sent me a kiss


i dreamed of a river dividing into two parts, on one of the branches there were many fishermen, including I came there, as soon as I began to unwind the bait, a large carp caught on itself - I barely pulled it out, then freed it from the hooks for a long time. The water in the river is clean, it was deep there, although it is clear that the water level has fallen by about 2 meters.



I'm on a train and suddenly a wide river. We're going under water. The water is hazy green. We floated out.


I hold on to my ex-husband and slide off him, then I grab onto him again and slide off again. And he laughs at me and doesn't help me. Then he takes the hose and starts pouring ice water over me, I run after him and he runs away from me, then pours again and laughs. Then he draws water with ice water and runs after me, I run away from him in fear and jump into the river, and the water in the river is dirty, like during spring floods. And the current swiftly carries me away from it, and I myself begin to swim faster from it. In the wake, he throws a bowl of ice water at me, but misses and swims away, he stands and looks from the shore, and then a wave covered me and woke up.


my daughter had a dream: how she swam across a dirty river downstream and came out on the wrong bank that she wanted




Hello, Tatyana! I had a dream about a flood. In a dream, I am in my hometown, in the apartment where I grew up. The apartment is located on the 3rd floor. From the windows you can see the Lena River. Every spring, ice drift is clearly visible.
And in a dream, I am standing in the middle of the living room, the balcony door is open. Season - spring, flood. But the flood of the river is so big, powerful and fast that the water, like a tsunami, covered 3 km in the blink of an eye to our house and hit the 1st floor of the building with a roar, and then went up due to the fact that the water had nowhere to go. Along with it there was a lot of ice, noise and debris, as happens when a river floods in the spring. And all this, having broken the stained-glass windows of the balcony, half-filled the window opening of the living room. further on, the water level began to rise to my floor, but I woke up before the apartment was flooded.


I am on the bank of a transparent river with a sandy shore and the dog is pissing into the water and wanted to poop, but I drove it away. so that it doesn't pollute the river.


she stood naked on a raft, keeping her balance, the raft floated along the river, the river was relatively calm, the water was clear


Hello! My dream consists of two parts, each of which was so real that it seemed to me that it was all happening in reality. In the first part, we stand with friends on a bridge where cars drive, look into the distance at the river (I don’t remember exactly which river it was) and decide which beach to go to, which is more overgrown or one that is adjusted for people, but you need to get to it to get across the river, since it is on its opposite side, I insist on this beach, because I know that there is a person that I like. In the second part, I think we are already going to the beach and I remember exactly that we are walking through the park, but everyone is walking along the usual road, and I am walking along a long arch, it is green and consists of beams that are wrapped around some kind of plant, I I walk along it, it doesn’t end in any way, but I remember that I really liked it, I’m walking, my friends who are walking along this arch are already calling me, but for some reason I don’t want to leave. And then I begin to see boards and a narrowing passage ahead, because the arch is under repair, and I clearly begin to realize that it will be more difficult to go further, but I am going because I want to go to the beach where the person I like. It was all very real, indistinguishable from reality. Please help me interpret this dream


i dreamed of a river and wolves and I swim in the river and on the shore there are wolves and someone is pulling me and then I dreamed of a loved one and I gave him a reckoning


I was on a train and got off at the bridge.
later ended up in a river full of snakes. One snake bit and left a tooth (sting) in the finger ... that's all I remember


I dreamed of a clean transparent river that I look at, and many of my close relatives.


I don't remember exactly, I think I went down with small stairs, turned a corner and walked along a shallow stream, where the water was not quite clear, a cold gray hue it seems. He looked into the distance, they were swimming there, turned around and went back.


I walked with a man, there was a river on both sides and I was afraid to fall there, then the dream ends


my dog ​​jumped from a suspension bridge after another and was carried away by the current, then the current changed several times in different directions, as if someone was letting water out, I wanted to save her, but woke up


Hello. I dreamed that three rivers merge into one big one. What is it for?


I saw in a dream I was visiting my beloved woman, her deceased mother treats us, I am dressed in white shirt, and suddenly I got dirty with feathers, and my woman washes my shirt with water from the river, scooping water with a spoon!


I’m standing on a high bank and below there is muddy water in the river and dirty large and small ice floes are floating on it, and women are jumping into this river from the shore lying on boats made of mink according to the size of their bodies, and I got a boat from nutria, but I didn’t jump, but went to the cardiologist's office


my.daughter.small.and.blue.balsha.bilina.bridge.bridge.bill.my.my.daughter.fell.on.the.river.I.held.shouting.my.blue.removed. I screamed. where the soldered. rope and stone. appeared. I put the rope. on. the stone. and screamed.


I'm walking along river bank, and along the way with me, islands the size of a river are floating along the river, they are completely covered with green grass and trees. The river either speeds up or slows down. opposite side the speed of the water was very slow and I looked at all this from a very high bank. At that moment I met three male hunters and was very scared. I decided to go back and thought how I could hide or hide from these men, as it seemed to me they represented for me danger. I walked back sometimes looked at the river and I really wanted to get to the opposite bank and I hoped that the river would be shallow somewhere. For some reason, I don’t clearly remember the color of the water, but it’s definitely not muddy. impressed, I was mostly surprised in a dream, there was a slight sense of danger.


I dreamed of a river of soft blue clear water. Calm and a dolphin in the river with a killer whale. Dolphin touched stroked




i dreamed that my husband and his brother and I were driving in our car along the edge of the river, we reached the shore there were a lot of boats, we approached the boats and started to choose which one we would go to.


I was on skis and there was snow, we ended up on a mountain and looked down from the mountain and saw an icy river but didn’t go down was a man


I dreamed about this and that I was on the river and there was a little bridge, but I wet my feet and I stepped into the river


my sister and I were walking home and my sister fell into the river with dirty water and I jumped after her and dragged her out of there


I climbed up a very steep river, like a mountain, but rather a stream flowed from it. and I got up and woke up


Good evening. I had a dream: the river I'm looking at suddenly turned back. It was such a bewitching vision that it still haunts me.


I crossed the river, hand in hand with the person I like, the river was blue, crystal clear, and shallow.


In a dream I saw a late father and a late grandmother. My father built a wooden raft in the form of a motorcycle. Silently sat on it, and put me in the back. We sailed along the river, and my grandmother looked after us. We sailed along the purest river .. like a transparent and calm spring. The current is weak. I don't know what it's for


the full-flowing river carried many cars, even a house. I stood with people on the bridge and watched what was happening from above. I was not scared, there was no panic, everyone just looked down


I had a dream last night that my husband and I jumped over the river and fell there, and it was very deep. then we somehow floated out of there. what is it for


I was on the bank of the river, it flowed in the opposite direction, the water is clear, calm. Downstream a dead roe deer was swimming past me, a small monkey was sitting on it.)))


I’m walking along the river along against the current, lead knee-deep behind me, my daughter is following me, and my son is walking next to her, trying to hold on to her, she pushed him away and he fell, got dirty in the swamp and his face in clay


My daughter and I swam across the river, sat on a ledge. An umbrella lay nearby, at first it seemed large because of the handle, opening it, I saw almost a child's one), leaving it, they swam back. The river was quiet, warm and clean


I am sitting on the steep bank of the river, the waters of the river are clean, I can see the bottom of the river with shallow and deep places, I catch a large notebook from algae with a name and surname written on the cover with a stick, a piece of fishing rod is lying on the shore near the water.


There are two rivers, one big, the other small. A woman jumps into a small one and emerges dirty on the shore where the rivers merge. A man standing on the shore asks why she is dirty, and she replies that she will dive again. Jumps into the water and swims away.


fell into a stormy wide river with muddy water, first swam with the flow, and then against the current and got safely ashore


I dreamed that my girlfriends and I did not have time to catch the tram, and we decided to swim to the right place ourselves, we sailed calmly, we didn’t even get tired at all, we were even chatting, then another girlfriend joined us, then I climbed onto a concrete step to rest, they decided to swim further, the seizure was there was a shadow under the bridge, I was afraid to be alone and jumped off and quickly swam after them, caught up and accidentally drove one of my girlfriends into the eye of a finger, that's all


There is a flood in the city, even houses are collapsing along the river, everything that comes in the way of a car at home is floating, and for some reason I am on top of the river on some object And everything is floating around but people are not visible and I also see myself, as if from the outside


I dreamed of a stormy river after a flood, straight from the edge of the banks the color of the water is a sand point plus some suitcases flowed along the river, the most important things in good condition I saw fishermen in a dream, I tell them not to catch fish, but suitcases


I see my wife and her sister crossing a small muddy river. cold water and they didn’t come ashore to me, they went under water ...


I swim along the river from the shore to the middle, the water is clear, calm, then I understand that the current is very strong, but the water does not boil, it just carries me along, I turn around, someone is standing on the shore, like a husband, and I want to swim to him, against the current, but it is strong ..


at first I see a transparent river with a variety of fish and I felt sorry for them because someone killed them after the river suddenly dried up and these dead fish lay in piles at the bottom of the dried river and the colors and colors were bright


Hello, my name is Adriana, I'm 17 years old, last night at about 18 o'clock I fell asleep and I dreamed that a friend of mine took me and we swam across a pond or river (I don't remember what it was), I was dressed and he was naked, the water was not very clean, and it was somehow dark outside, he left me on the other side and swam back, then I somehow ended up in some house where everyone was familiar to me .... and I woke up. Tell me please, what does it all mean?


crossed the river, first by car on a suspension bridge, then the bridge ended, climbed over the ropes


I ran from somewhere, ran to a ledge about 3-4 floors high, and I had to jump from it into a river with a strong current and catch on to another corner ledge at the level of the river. The ledge at the level of the river was much to the left from where I jumped and therefore I thought that I could catch on to it, but I could not. I had to resist the current to grab onto the ledge and then my mother grabbed my hand and helped me to grab the corner and I was able to climb out. (Initially, my mother told me that I needed to run and we ran together.)


I hear on the big river against the current large pieces of ice meet me and there are many corpses between them


I dreamed that I was pregnant and swam in the river with friends


The river is rather big, blue in color, not fast. My daughter and I are standing near the shore. And suddenly a very large fish emerges, swallows something, a duck or something else and swims in our direction. There was a grate on the shore in which we stood and it will rush at us and hits the bars. And we run away.


i dreamed that I was a galley slave, and I dive into the river and swim against the current, for a long time, and then some fisherman helps me get into his boat and transports me to the other side


I am sailing on a boat in a familiar place. talking with a friend, then I abruptly jump into the water, and I don’t try to do anything, but I don’t drown, and I am carried by the current


i dreamed that I was swimming with a friend along the river, acquaintances were passing by, I was talking nicely with them. then when my friend and I came out of the river, everyone I know came running sharply and started celebrating something.


I swam across a large muddy river, with a middle course, deep from shore to the other shore. Monday to Tuesday


a turbulent muddy river, I run across a wide wooden bridge, wide and strong without handrails, I hurry, and with me a woman and a child. The child falls and is carried away, we stand and watch, scared and don't know what to do. We returned back along the bridge, we run along the river and see the shallows, the boy got up on the shallows and left the river and the dog appeared from somewhere and we are all happy


Hello, Tatyana. Well, I saw a quiet, calm, clean river and my little sister into the river. Floats or there in the river just stands I don’t remember. And I took her out of the river and scolded her for getting wet. Then there were large stones near the river, many stones, I cleaned them, as if from the outside, removed them from the river in order to create a road. That's all. Thanks for the answer.


Good afternoon! there was a lot of water, the river, the sea, the end was not visible. I was driving with relatives to the village over the bridge, but suddenly the bridge ends and the car has to move over the logs, I get out of the car and want to cross the logs on foot, but I fall, but from water comes out dry


Hello, Tatyana. I had a dream, as if I were standing on a high bank, and under the mountain there was a river with a strong current. A new vegetable garden was developed by the river itself by my brother, who had already died. I am very surprised, because the old garden on the edge of the river was abandoned, but it is in order and a new one has appeared.


I had a dream about how my mother and sister were swimming in the water
there was a road, and there was a river ... they swam across .. and I stood up and went out


Hello! I dreamed that the level of the river was starting to rise and come out of the shore, the water was still arriving in the city so slowly. People didn’t know what to do and one girl walked through the water and the river began to fill the city


I saw the river flowing fast in the spring. I wanted to walk along the edges of the coast, I was afraid. went back. but after a while the water returned and the water was gone. I saw a mink coat. Another drunken ex-husband


Hello, I had a dream that I went into the river with several people, but as soon as we got halfway through, we didn’t drive, we were dressed and weren’t wet. I also dreamed of a cemetery in the same dream.

But having deciphered them, we "open" our eyes to many important things. In the article, we understand, using examples of dreams, why I dreamed of a river, a spring, a crossing.

Dreams continue our daily reality, reflecting the experiences and events associated with it.

Our subconscious communicates with us through dreams ( Higher power or the Spirit of Dreams, whatever you like), sending us information that helps to assess our mental state and find the cause of the prevailing life situations.

Movement through life

Water has the main property - fluidity, which is best embodied in the symbol of the river. Our existence, like a river, flows without stopping, from birth to death, renewing itself along the way, changing its character and speed.

How often to the question: “How is life?” we hear in response: “It is flowing little by little”, “Bubbling”, “Somehow it is flowing”, “Beats like a fountain”, “Something has stagnated”, etc.

As water moves in a dream (in a thin stream, a wide stream, a mountain stream), so we move in our spiritual development, in our reality.

Clean and calm river means clarity of thought, a calm and measured existence.

Fast and stormy river- swift events and strong emotions that overwhelm and can. It is necessary to stop and take a breath, so as not to “skid” into the wrong “steppe”.

Still and muddy water in the backwater- stagnant feelings, "freezing" in some situation, thoughts, no clarity, no joy of being. New energy is needed, a change of impressions, rest.

Obstacles in the river(logs, snags, mud, stones, rapids, dams) - our negative emotions, mental states and thoughts that prevent us from living calmly and relaxed. Most often, it is fear of what is happening and uncertainty.

Dream. I swim in the river between the logs

I see a fairly wide and beautiful river with matte blue water. I want to swim and I easily dive into the water from a run. I emerge and see two men in a boat, I talk to them. Suddenly huge logs begin to surround me, they are everywhere, I have to maneuver, stopping or accelerating in order to avoid a collision and get safely to the shore.

I cope with the obstacles and go ashore, the men in the boat also moor to it.

The dream had a dream during the period of "graters" with the publishing house "Reader's Digest". The dreamer says:

“We were imposed a “preferential” subscription to the magazine. From the mailings, it was concluded that we would not get anything useful from cooperation, but in material terms we would lose. As the saying goes, "Cheese is only free in a mousetrap."

When this understanding came, we began to refuse mailing lists and subscriptions, but the organization insisted in a rather impudent and commanding manner on continuing and paying for the subscription.

Although we understood that we were right, the commanding tone in the letters and outright blackmail instilled fear. Having comprehended the dream, I realized that I should adhere to the chosen position and everything will return to normal. ”

A beautiful river and blue water in a dream are beautiful promises and lures from the Reader's Digest organization.

Muddy (opaque) water in a dream is an ambiguity of the situation and disturbing thoughts.

Logs - fear and obstacles in terminating a subscription.

Movement in time

If you are carried along with the current(sail on your own, on a boat, ship, raft) - a dream can symbolize future events or plans and dreams that have not yet been realized.

If you are carried against the current, effortlessly, easily- perhaps in the past there was a situation with unfinished experiences and thoughts, which should be dealt with in order to return the energy to your life, "stuck" in the past.

Water terminology

Often used by us in relation to:

to certain events or psychological states.

We use such expressions: “”, “like a fish in water”, “thoughts are like a river”, “swim shallowly”, “water off a goose”, “look into the water”, etc.

To our colloquial speech:

The words "river" and "speech" are directly related. Speaking about speech, we use the same words as for water: “speech is smooth”, “words are pouring”, “pouring from empty to empty”, “where it takes you”, “clouds the water” and others.

Our speech is like a river or stream:

it can be just as calm and quiet, passionate and stormy, or soft and exciting, intermittent, stammering. And the voice is sometimes like a flowing stream or a menacing stream rolling boulders.

Through speech, we express our thoughts, expectations, experiences, hopes.

All this should be kept in mind when interpreting dreams about the river:

If you dream away from the river- you may be giving up something.

Struggling with the flow or obstacles- you argue, you prove to someone that you are right, a point of view.

You are carried along the river There are two possible interpretations here:

you completely trust life and fate relinquished volitional control.

Uncontrollability- you are carried through life, you do not control it, you are controlled and other people or circumstances decide for you. When you had such a dream, think about what carries you through life, what emotions, ideas and thoughts guide you, whether you need it.

Spring in a dream

Most often it serves as a symbol of the beginning of new states: an influx of vitality after a period of spiritual decline, illness, readiness to open up to joy and love.

Love is the engine of our life in every way. When we love, we are happy and relaxed, we can easily find answers to exciting questions and the right solutions.

Clear spring with cool water- displays harmony internal and with the outside world, portends good start in business.

Dirty abandoned or littered spring- these are actions, thoughts, emotions that prevent you from loving and enjoying life. Communication with the genus (parents, relatives) is possible.

Recognize what is preventing you from finding peace. Let go of unnecessary and obsolete worries about the past by forgiving yourself and others.

Dream. Spring.

I am looking for water with a man in a transparent forest with rare trees. I see the bed of a spring, it has dried up. Nearby a wide strip slowly flows water. Me and the man (he seems to be my husband) try the water, it is warm and tasteless, I want it cool.

I start picking at the ground and as if picking off something white, similar to putty. It’s as if I’m removing the blockage and closeness from the “puttyed” hole with my gesture. The water gushed out quickly and abundantly. She is cold! I call my husband, and together we drink from the spring.

According to the dreamer:

“We were not going through the best period in marriage. Coldness, closeness, accumulated resentment - everything laid a heavy layer on our relationship and did not allow true feelings to be revealed, because we still love each other.

The day before, I was a little sick, I had a temperature. But more frustrating was the cooled connection with her husband. Before falling asleep, I thought about this for a long time and turned to the Spirit of Dreams with a request to improve relations with my spouse. At night I saw this dream, which I remembered surprisingly well.

The dream can be interpreted as follows:

Search for water in a dream- look for love, energy, that is, life itself.

Dry spring bed- lack of energy, love, life.

Remove "putty" from the spring- get rid of mutual grievances and claims, emotional blocking.

Cold fast water- renewal of love, vital energy, mutual understanding and joy of relationships.

The dreamer "worked" well in a dream, and relations with her husband soon improved.


Sometimes we have to swim in a dream not with the flow, but across it, to reach the opposite bank.

Crossing in a dream is a multifaceted symbol:

  • Transition to another level in your development;
  • Changes in the psycho-emotional state;
  • Overcoming emotional barriers;
  • resistance to life itself.

Your daytime psychological state will change as successfully as the crossing was more successful in a dream.

Be sure to pay attention to what you are striving for, what awaits you on the other side.

If you are attracted to your father's house, then the dream is about returning to yourself, to your true "I", to your natural essence. And this implies liberation from the influence of others, stereotypes imposed by society or other people.


If you dreamed of a river, treat such a dream carefully. It will tell you what worries you on a subconscious level, what experiences and thoughts hinder you in your development and movement through life.

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