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How to get a license for veterinary activity: documents and requirements. How to get a veterinary license

Introduction of market relations , various forms of ownership and principles of management in a certain way changes the motivation of the attitude of veterinary specialists to professional affairs. Previously, they were not fully financially interested in end results labor. With a market economy, it became possible to introduce new forms of veterinary care due to a significant expansion of the range paid services, entrepreneurship development in various forms.
Under such conditions, production relations must be formed accordingly, to comprehend the wisdom of the new economic formation, to reorient the essence of relations with animal owners. Veterinary services are gradually adapting to the specifics and market conditions, thereby definitely improving financial support. Great importance has the development of individual (private) labor activity of veterinary specialists, i.e. entrepreneurship (business) at various levels, including contractual cooperation with farms, firms, etc. Various forms veterinary services can now be provided by self-supporting veterinary structures, cooperatives, individual entrepreneurs-veterinarians, intermediary trading firms, etc. We are talking about marketing in the field of veterinary business, carried out on the basis of licensing.

The Veterinary Charter provides for the possibility of such activities. , it is regulated that veterinary services can be provided by "... veterinary cooperatives and veterinary specialists who have a special permit (license) for entrepreneurial veterinary activities."
For the implementation of entrepreneurial veterinary activities it is not enough just to register with the executive authorities and tax office. A license is also required - a document containing a special sanction from the authorized body to engage in a certain type of veterinary business for a specified period (for example, 5 years) and under strictly stipulated (specified) conditions, what exactly is allowed to do.

Licensing of veterinary activities is regulated by the Decree “On the Approval of Regulations on Licensing Activities by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food”, as well as subsequent regulatory legal acts of government bodies. In addition, licensing issues are covered in the Constitution. The Civil Code also stipulates the procedure for obtaining permits and a list of licensed activities. According to specified documents licensing is subject to economic (production) activities of legal entities and individuals that can harm the interests of the country, natural environment or posing a threat to human life and health. Therefore, veterinary medicine also belongs to this area. Taking into account the changing socio-economic conditions, the adopted documents were amended dozens of times, and the procedure for issuing licenses was updated almost 30 times. In addition, ministries and departments, and sometimes local authorities, which are entrusted with the responsibility of issuing licenses, in practice often approve own rules licensing. Such issues are also raised in the laws on banks and banking, on insurance, on auditing, in decrees on state regulation production, etc.

In the field of veterinary medicine, issuance of licenses for individual and other labor activities deals with the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine with the State Veterinary and State Food Inspectorates, where the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has established a commission for issuing licenses for the activities of various veterinary institutions (including state ones), for individual practice and wholesale retail veterinary means. As a rule, licenses are issued for: medical and preventive, laboratory and diagnostic activities; production and sale of veterinary preparations manufactured by enterprises, laboratories, workshops; trade sale of medicines for veterinary purposes, biological products, zoohygienic products and other attributes of veterinary use.

Treatment and preventive activities include: outpatient reception of sick animals; veterinary care for animals at home; advice on treatment, feeding, keeping animals; inpatient treatment of sick cattle; X-ray diagnostics; animal immunization; disinfection of premises; euthanasia and disposal of animal carcasses.

The decision to issue or refuse a license is made within 30 days based on the conclusion of the state veterinary service. The license is signed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food on the proposal of the Head Veterinary Council.

Grounds for refusal to issue a license - the presence in the submitted documents of distorted information and the conclusion of the expert commission of the state veterinary service on the lack of appropriate conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity.

Produced in a certain order. This procedure is regulated by a number of legislative and regulatory acts. Can I go through this licensing procedure for veterinary activities on my own? It is possible, but it will require a huge investment of time, since you will have to study the legislation on how to obtain this veterinary license. But even in this case, errors in the preparation and submission of documents are possible. Any of them will mean only one thing, a license for veterinary activity WILL NOT be issued. That's why the best option- entrust the obtaining of permission to a company that specializes in such activities.

Our company is able to provide you with all the necessary assistance in obtaining a veterinary license. Contact us and you will see that we offer cooperation on very favorable terms. By entrusting this work to us, you will be convinced that such a procedure as licensing veterinary activities can be very comfortable for you.

What activities require a veterinary license?

Are you planning to provide veterinary services? Very good! But in this case, you should be aware that a veterinary license is required to organize such a business. work without her this direction means breaking the law.

This permission will allow:

  • conduct desired views procedures - from diagnostic to therapeutic;
  • carry out an examination;
  • provide other veterinary services.

A veterinary license in St. Petersburg, however, like any other city, will also be required for the production and sale (both wholesale and retail) of various medicines:

  • veterinary purposes;
  • biological;
  • zoohygienic, etc.

The site is pleased to inform you that when contacting our company, you have the opportunity to obtain several licenses at once. This is usually required by those veterinary clinics that not only treat animals, but also sell the drugs necessary for their treatment.

Licensing procedure

In many ways, the procedure for obtaining a permit for veterinary activities is similar to the licensing of pharmaceutical and medical activities. However, it should be remembered that medical and veterinary licenses are different licenses and are not interchangeable. The sequence of this procedure is as follows:

  1. a package of documents is being prepared;
  2. the package is submitted to the authorized body (Rosselkhoznadzor);
  3. specialists of the licensing authority check the enterprise for compliance with the requirements. Premises where it is planned to carry out activities, as well as equipment and qualifications of personnel are checked;
  4. a decision is made: either to issue a permit document, or to refuse it.

The licensing procedure is quite complicated and lengthy, especially if you do it yourself. But we know how to simplify it. You just need to contact us. Our specialists know everything about licensing and how to obtain a license for veterinary activities in particular. They are able to help you both consulting, providing the information you are interested in, and doing all necessary work on obtaining permits on a turnkey basis.

In our company you can get a full range of services, including:

  1. obtaining initial advice on the implementation of veterinary activities;
  2. assistance in bringing the premises, equipment and staff in line with the requirements to fulfill the license conditions;
  3. collection of a package of documentation and its preparation for submission to the appropriate authority;
  4. submission of documents;
  5. obtaining and transferring the finished license to you.

Using our knowledge, experience and connections, you can avoid unnecessary hassle and ensure a quick and confident start to your business. Our experts will check all aspects of your documentation for compliance with the license requirement. And this means that the permit will be guaranteed to be issued within the time limits established by law. This approach will save you money, time and nerves.

The list of our services includes not only obtaining a veterinary license in the Russian Federation, but also reissuing existing permits. Those customers who contacted us once come back to us again, because we are guaranteed to fulfill all our licensing obligations in full and in deadlines. If you decide to contact us, you will be satisfied with this cooperation.

Where do you get licenses for veterinary pharmaceutical activities?

A veterinary license is issued, reissued, and also regulated by a state body, which is referred to as Rosselkhoznadzor.

Stages of obtaining

You can get a veterinary license, however, you have to go through a series of tests and checks. Do not forget about the collection of documents and proper training typing them, which can take a very long time. And to guarantee the desired result, it is enough to give us the opportunity to help you, and our specialists will go through all the stages of preparation (carefully study the situation, provide advice and recommendations, plunge into the process):

  1. At first it will be held internal check compliance requirements. Our experts will check the readiness for the further passage of the stages.
  2. Then they will help to pass the necessary checks by the regulatory authorities and receive a positive conclusion.
  3. In the future, a package of documents will be collected.
  4. Support of documents to state bodies will begin.
  5. It remains to pick up the document and hand it over to you.

As you can see, there are few stages, but don't underestimate them. Each of them has a lot of nuances, requires certain knowledge and actions. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to get a veterinary license for a pet shop, but are confused in actions and are sure that you will not be able to perfectly fulfill all the requirements, then our company will help you achieve a positive result. It is enough to contact us, draw up an agreement and the further process will be entrusted to our specialists. All you need is support and the provision of documents, we will do the rest for you.

Terms of receipt

The period required for receipt is 30-45 days (working) from the moment when the documents are submitted to specialized government agencies.

The term for thorough preparation of documents for further licensing can vary from 3 to 15 calendar days.

Difficulty getting

As for the difficulties in obtaining a license for a veterinary pharmacy, they are expressed solely by the requirements that must be met without fail:

  1. Have a lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises.
  2. There must be a document giving the right to carry out medical activities.
  3. The presence of specialized experience that is associated with the specified activity. It must be at least 3 years old, as well as a document confirming higher education in this direction.
  4. Availability of specialized documents (they must confirm their professional awareness, knowledge and experience) for employees who directly work with pharmaceuticals.

It is worth noting that all these requirements are given exclusively to the surface and may vary according to the main focus. For example, there are differences in terms of employment, for example, if a person is engaged in wholesale distribution, certain requirements are imposed on him, in the case of production, other requirements already appear, requirements also differ in the direction of trade. It should be understood that veterinary pharmaceutical activity can be versatile and in each case there will definitely be its own characteristics. Therefore, sometimes it is not so easy to obtain a license to trade in veterinary drugs, not to mention other related areas. But if you contact us, then all problems will be solved, and the tests will be passed. We have rich experience in this field and are ready for any difficulties.

Currently in Russia licensing of veterinary activities is not carried out. If you decide to treat animals, then you can safely open a veterinary clinic, but you need to know and take into account:

  • only specialists with specialized education (higher or secondary specialized) can treat animals;
  • must be registered with the regional veterinary authority;
  • there are certain requirements for equipment and facilities.

If the veterinary clinic plans sale, storage, transportation, manufacture, dispensing of drugs for veterinary use(actually opening veterinary pharmacy ), you will need an appropriate license. It is about obtaining such a license that will be discussed in the article.

So, if you decide to trade in flea collars, shampoos for four-legged friends, tablets for worms - get a government permit. Bodies that do this:

  • Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor)
  • Regional branches of Rosselkhoznadzor

Reference! Start obtaining a license to open a veterinary pharmacy with a visit to the Resselkhoznadzor. In the Licensing Department you will find all comprehensive information.

Licensing is carried out on the basis of:

  • Federal Law of 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”;
  • Decree of the Government of December 22, 2011 No. 1081 "On licensing pharmaceutical activities" .

Even the most scrupulous Internet site will not be able to give a complete answer about all the documents for the licensing authority. Legislation is constantly being tightened and supplemented. But here's what is typical, the terms of service provision remain unchanged. Still after 30 - 45 days you will have a permit that is valid indefinitely.

  • veterinary pharmacy must have premises equipped in accordance with the requirements ( shopping room, stock);
  • walls, partitions, ceilings must be smooth and accessible to wet cleaning;
  • premises should be controlled by temperature and humidity characteristics in accordance with the conditions for storing medicines;
  • there must be good lighting - natural or artificial origin;
  • the presence of a natural or forced ventilation, heating and power supply systems.
  • for the export of solid household waste;
  • for the disposal of biological and medical waste;
  • for preventive disinfection, disinsection, deratization of premises.

It is also necessary to have logs:

  • inspections by regulatory organizations;
  • measurements of temperature and humidity in the premises (separately - for the temperature in the refrigerator);
  • cleaning and disinfection of premises.

Attention! Purity important factor during inspections by regulatory authorities. Otherwise, penalties are possible.


The applicant submits to the relevant licensing authority:

  • personal statement;
  • charter;
  • legal and postal address;
  • type of veterinary activity;
  • copies of identity documents;
  • TIN, certificate from the tax authority, registration number - OGRN;
  • a copy of the contract confirming the ownership or lease of the premises;
  • contracts for the maintenance of equipment and premises by specialized firms;
  • the conclusion of the SES on the premises;
  • copies of diplomas of veterinary or pharmaceutical education of the head and all employees;
  • confirmation of work experience in this field, certificates, certificates;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (7500 rubles);
  • description of submitted documents.

You can find out about the documents required when applying in the article at the link.

How to get a permit to sell vet. drugs: algorithm

When obtaining a license on your own, you must study the Administrative Regulations approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 01.03. 2016 No. 80, in which the entire procedure is described in detail.

Assembling the complete package required documents, the moment comes when they are transferred to the licensing authority using:

  • courier;
  • Russian Post;
  • an email with an enhanced qualified electronic signature;
  • personal presence in the licensing department.

Reference! Currently, there are a number of law firms on the services market that will gladly save you from the tedious collection of the necessary documents and endless trips to authorities for payment.

Any option is acceptable. The specialist receiving the package will point out the shortcomings, if any. Within 30 to 45 days you will receive a perpetual license.

Receipt may be refused if obvious inaccuracies or falsifications of information about the licensee are revealed within the time limits allotted by law for verification.


The license is subject to renewal in the following cases:

  • change in the owner's passport data;
  • natural abrasion of the letterhead;
  • changes in the details of the company in connection with the reorganization;
  • change of location;
  • change in the list of works, services;
  • detection of inaccuracies in records, etc.

Depending on the specific case, the list of required documents, as well as the state duty for reissuance, will vary.

For example, when reissuing a document related to changes in addresses, types of work of a licensed type of activity, the state duty will be 3500 rub., and the due date is 30 days.

You can find out about the re-registration in the article at the link.

Suspension and termination

The document may be revoked if it turns out that it:

  • an outsider works;
  • gross violations of the law have been identified;
  • personal statement of the owner, in connection with the termination of activities;
  • failure to comply with the instructions and orders of state supervisory services;
  • the license was issued in another subject of the federation and has not been registered in this territory.

If you have accidentally lost permits, contact Rosselkhoznadzor immediately. You are required to issue a duplicate, as well as record the loss of the original. True, you will have to pay a state duty for issuing a duplicate - 750 rub.

Work without permission

This work is valued supervisory authorities, How gross violation legislation of the Russian Federation. There may be the following consequences:

  • liquidation of legal faces;
  • administrative punishment of the owner of the company or individual entrepreneur;
  • criminal liability.

If the service rendered without proper registration has brought tangible losses to the owners of the animals, the decision is made at the court session. This can be a hefty fine, damages, or a jail sentence.

In general, obtaining a license for veterinary activities has its own characteristics. Having studied the recommended normative documentation, you can independently and without extra costs issue a permit.

Interested in selling flea collars at your pet store? Or sell deworming pills? Or do you even have the intention of selling anti-flea shampoos for dogs? Please get a license for the right to conduct veterinary pharmaceutical activities. In this article you will find something that you cannot find in the official lines of the law.

The material was written in hot pursuit of obtaining a license for veterinary activity in one of our veterinary clinics and is relevant at the beginning of spring 2015.

The licensing authority in our case is the TU of the Rosselkhoznadzor for Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions.

So let's get started.

Let's start with the law:
1. Decree on the organization of licensing of certain types of activities
2. Regulations on the licensing of pharmaceutical activities

And we do not find in it a lot of what we really need.

Further steps will be described based on the results of consultations with Rosselkhoznadzor specialists, in-depth study legislative framework as well as our personal experience.

In fact, the list of documents that need to be sent to the TU of the Rosselkhoznadzor in your region will look like this:

For legal entities:

  • Charter
  • Certificate of registration of the legal entity with the tax authority (TIN)
  • Certificate of state registration legal entity(OGRN)
  • the cost has changed
  • Diploma of education of the employee appointed responsible for the implementation and storage veterinary drugs. If there are several employees, all the documents listed below are submitted for all.
  • Job description of the employee. The duties must clearly indicate that he is engaged in the storage and sale of veterinary drugs.
  • Instructions for the disposal (return) of identified medicines that are expired, falsified or illegal copies. (Sample)
  • Copy work book to confirm work experience
  • Order of the director on the appointment of a person / persons responsible for the storage and sale of veterinary drugs.

For individual entrepreneurs, the requirements are somewhat different:

  • An individual entrepreneur must have a higher or secondary veterinary education. An entrepreneur cannot delegate the sale and storage of veterinary drugs to his employee who has an education. If the owner of the pet store is not a veterinary specialist, then you will have to open an LLC.
  • An individual entrepreneur does not have to confirm work experience

The list of documents submitted to the licensing authority by an individual entrepreneur:

  • Certificate of state registration individual as individual entrepreneur
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises. If the premises are rented, then, in addition to the contract, you need to ask the landlord for a copy of the certificate of ownership.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with license requirements
  • Receipt of payment of state duty. As of January 1, 2015 the price has changed.
  • Diploma of higher or secondary veterinary education of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Veterinary Pharmaceutical Specialist Certificate
  • Diploma (certificate) on completion of advanced training courses

Send copies of documents. Legal entities certify copies with their seal and signature of the director. Documents can be taken in person and dropped into a box in the lobby (no one will accept the documents and put a mark on receipt), or send them by mail. A letter with acknowledgment of receipt seems to us more preferred option(You will have proof that the application and copies of documents have been received).

The maximum term for consideration of an application and issue of a license is 45 days. During this period, representatives of the licensing authority will definitely come to you to inspect the object. It is necessary to prepare the premises for their visit.

It is necessary to dwell on this in more detail, because. From the first time, novice entrepreneurs rarely pass the test.

Only those premises where veterinary drugs will be located, as well as premises associated with them, can be inspected. As a rule, this is a warehouse, trading floor and utility rooms.

Since the rules for the storage of veterinary drugs have not yet been developed, the RSHN, without further ado, requires compliance with the rules for the storage of medicines for medical use (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 706-n)*. Do you want to dispute? You can try. We have studied judicial practice, and found decisions of arbitration courts in different regions RF on this matter. The Court recognizes such requirements as legitimate until the rules for the storage of veterinary drugs are approved. Rosselkhoznadzor specialists generally told us that 100% of veterinary clinics store for own application medicines and therefore their requirements are quite legitimate. Actually, we needed a license, not a long lawsuit with an unknown end, so we did not bicker and argue.

*From July 1, 2015, the "Rules for the storage of medicinal products for veterinary use" come into force (ed. note)

Documentation that must be available at the time of verification:
1. Register of inspections of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, carried out by state control (supervision) bodies, municipal control bodies. The magazine form can be created in a text editor, printed 10-15 sheets, laced and numbered.
2. Journal of wet cleaning and disinfection. Compiled in any form, numbered and laced. Filled up twice a day.
3. Temperature log in the refrigerator. In any form, it is possible on a computer.
4. Log book temperature regime and relative humidity in the room. If there are several rooms, you will have to keep several magazines.

Based on the results of the on-site inspection, Rosselkhoznadzor employees draw up an act, a copy of which is handed over to the representative veterinary clinic or a pet store.

The results of the survey are submitted to the commission in the licensing authority (without the presence of the licensee), and if the commission does not find reasons for refusal, a license for storage and retail trade is issued medicines and preparations for veterinary use.

Ivanov Roman, director of a network of veterinary clinics

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