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Meditation to attract a loved one. How Meditation Helps in Finding Love

There are a number of meditation practices that will help bring love and happiness into a woman's life. To achieve these goals, you need to do the following types of meditation: Slavic practice, "Secret marriage", with visualization, the practice of "Meeting with Cupid and Vesta", for the next meeting, to attract a soul mate, "Flame of Love".

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A man will be helped to meet his soul mate by reading the mantra "Klim".

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    What does meditation give?

    This technique brings positive changes in the life of a practicing person. Scientists have confirmed that long-term meditation can even heal from cancer.

    Changes that occur in the body for the practitioner:

    • the emotional background is stabilized;
    • blood pressure returns to normal;
    • the heart muscles are strengthened;
    • increases immunity,
    • stabilizes the nervous system;
    • the body can quickly recover under heavy loads.

    Meditations to Attract a Loved One

    There are several popular meditation practices that will help you find your soulmate.

    Slavic meditation

    From time immemorial Slavic women performed various rituals to attract the right man, this goal formed the basis of meditative practices.

    It is important to know what to do this species meditation is necessary only with a teacher. This practice is suitable for those women who are looking for love or want to protect the family hearth.

    In the classroom, the teacher will conduct the first training "Rodosvet". Students will discover important knowledge about life and family traditions Slavs, without whom it is impossible to conduct meditative rites. The first lessons are devoted to rituals in which you need to learn how to properly communicate with the goddess Ladoslava.

    The rite is aimed at opening the chakra of love and freeing its flows. Meditation takes place exclusively in a team, accompanied by meditative music (conducted similarly to the practice of "Secret Marriage").

    Practice for attracting a star half

    The practice is carried out daily for forty days, early in the morning or after sunset. The girl needs to retire for 15 minutes.

    Practice order:

    1. 1. You need to close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself in your favorite and quiet place - it can be a forest, rates, mountains, river, sea, park, etc. Feel surrounding nature, hear the birds singing.
    2. 2. Visualize your Guardian Angel. The practitioner should greet him, express gratitude for the constant support and help in all endeavors. After gratitude, you need to ask for acquaintance with the right man trusting the choice to your Angel. He will appear in the girl's life at the right time.
    3. 3. Being in the sky in the tent of the Angel, you need to sit in the center of the dwelling and open the heart chakra. It should emit a bright light, sanctifying the tent. You need to imagine how the light begins to spread around, filling all the free space.
    4. 4. Imagine that a man is approaching that a woman has long dreamed of. It is also filled with the light of the heart chakra.

    You can not immediately leave the meditation practice. You need to visually imagine yourself in the sky, lying on snow-white clouds. Flower petals are served around, giving a state of happiness. Now the meditation is over.

    Practice "Meeting with Cupid and Vesta"

    Practice should be done early in the morning or before going to bed, being in absolute silence. It won't take long.


    1. 1. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in a temple surrounded by musical fountains. Birds chirping all around. In the Holy Place, angels dressed in golden clothes approach. They lead to the hall, where gentle and calm music is heard. It is decorated with flowers, carpets on the floor self made and various treats on the tables. In the center of the room are two thrones - Cupid and Vesta. With a gesture, the Gods are asked to come.
    2. 2. They must be greeted and asked to remove the blocks. It is they who prevent you from finding your other half. The gods fulfill the request, the person practicing the mantra is filled with golden light.
    3. 3. It is necessary to imagine how the body rises, negativity, fear and worries go away, the spirit is filled with love. After that, you need to get back on the floor. Entrance doors open and a young man enters the room. He will stretch out his hand and stand by, Cupid and Vesta will join their palms, blessing this couple.
    4. 4. You should say words of gratitude to the Gods and open your eyes with a feeling of complete peace and happiness.

    Practice "Flame of Love"

    Meditation will help you find happiness, resolve troubles in your personal life. Being engaged daily, it is possible to achieve harmony with the outside world.

    Practice order:

    1. 1. Relax, take a comfortable position.
    2. 2. Imagine how a small light lights up in the center of the chest. This is the flame of love for the world. A stream of energy should be directed to it so that it becomes even larger.
    3. 3. It is necessary to feel the warmth that the flame gives. This feeling needs to be sated and filled with it all over the body.
    4. 4. At the end of the practice, you should hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.

    Practice "Secret Marriage"

    Practice will help a person meet his spiritual other half. It helps to attract a loved one to life, to establish relationships with the opposite sex.

    Meditation will help get rid of energy blocks that interfere with building a personal life. Esotericists say that every person has a soul mate that needs to be found.


    1. 1. You need to turn on the music for meditation. She must play quietly and calmly.
    2. 2. Close your eyes and take a comfortable position, it is better to lie on the bed. Relax, free your mind.
    3. 3. Imagine yourself on the seashore. The body is warmed by the rays of the sun, the weather is beautiful, the sky is light blue, without a single cloud. The sound of waves can be heard in the distance. There is no one on the island, now you can relax and let go of all the excitement. Now loneliness does not scare, but, on the contrary, gives a feeling of joy and bliss.
    4. 4. You should look around, along the coast a man is walking. It is also filled with a feeling of love, tenderness and peace. This is the desired second half.
    5. 5. You need to imagine spending time together: swimming in the ocean, playing games, talking. It is important to feel the person who is nearby, his breath, voice.
    6. 6. When the soul is filled with warmth and tender feelings, the other half will leave. Let him go without regrets.

    Visualization Meditation to Attract Men

    The order of the practice is the same as in the Secret Marriage meditation. A woman should be able to escape from everyday thoughts, plunging into her own illusions.

    Meditative technique will allow you to get a deep energy exchange. It is not necessary to represent a specific person, the image should come by itself. stranger may not fit the ideal, but it cannot be rejected. Having accepted it, the girl will open the internal energy flow.

    Practice for the next meeting

    This technique must be used within 30 days. The session will not take more than 15 minutes. Meditation will set up the subconscious mind for a quick meeting with its ideal.

    Order of conduct:

    1. 1. It is necessary to imagine yourself on the seashore in a summer restaurant. Further, the practicing girl admires the local scenery, drinks delicious coffee or tea. Nearby are people who give unusual gifts. They should be thanked for this.
    2. 2. Resting nearby small company young people where a special young person is located. This is the other half.
    3. 3. The state of happiness and peace does not leave the girl. Now you can open your eyes, the long-awaited acquaintance will soon happen.

    Meditation practice for men

    To meet your love will help the practice, which is based on the ancient mantra "Klim". A man needs to do the following:

    1. 1. Choose a comfortable position, clear your mind of thoughts and completely relax.
    2. 2. Say "Klim", listening to the sound of the mantra. Special attention giving the letter "I".
    3. 3. The mantra should be said 12 times, focusing your attention on the dorsal and navel chakras.
    4. 4. Repeat "Klim" 6 times for each solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra.

    The mantra should be written on a piece of paper 108 times and read the same number daily. It is necessary to believe that the long-awaited meeting will happen soon, and the ancient prayer will bring this joyful event closer.

    General rules for attracting a loved one

    There are a number of rules that must be followed when conducting meditation. They will help you achieve maximum result practicing girl.

    Technique should be aimed at a positive result. Don't try to hurt ex boyfriend or husband.

    Rules for meditation to attract a loved one:

    • You should concentrate your thoughts on pleasant moments, filling the soul with light energy and cleansing the subconscious.
    • You don't need to represent a specific person. Thus, there will be an impact on someone else's will. The technique is to bring a kindred spirit into life.
    • Meditate alone. In the room, you can turn on relaxing music and light candles. You should clear your mind and let the energy of love and happiness into your soul.
    • Practice several times a week. It takes 15-20 minutes, but it will give you the opportunity to meet your loved one in the near future.

    Meditation to Attract Happy Events

    The technique must be performed with full faith in a positive result. Simply by reading mantras, it is impossible to achieve success and fulfillment of desires.

    To bring happiness to life, the following recommendations must be observed:

    1. 1. You need to clear your mind and remove blocks. You have to believe that nothing is impossible. And all the boundaries are only in the head. And in the process of meditation, you should imagine your heart. It emits a bright light that is directed to all the surrounding people.
    2. 2. You need to change your lifestyle: learn to be grateful Higher power for what they gave. commit good deeds and not expect anything in return.
    3. 3. For meditation to bring a positive result, you need to learn to love and respect yourself. Practice lies in the process of visualization. It is necessary to present the desired event, gift. Visually, you should draw the smallest details. If this is a car, visualize its model, color, the moment of purchase or donation.
    4. 4. Practice must be done daily or several times a week. Place the text in a prominent place - this will enhance the effect of meditation.

    Mantras to bring love and happiness into your life

    The number of recitations of the mantra must be equal to or a multiple of 9. Example: 9.18, 27, 36, etc.

    The strongest mantras to bring love, happiness, harmony into life:

    • "Kang Kalika Hum Shivaya Purusha Prakriti".
    • "Kang Kalika Hum Shivaya".

Interestingly, some of the ancient relaxation practices involve careful work with the person's basic senses as well as his environment.

Meditation to attract a loved one is one of the strongest techniques based on a strong concentration of attention on a specific object. The right approach and competent organization of practice allow you to change your own destiny and speed up the meeting with your soulmate.

General Rules for Meditation Techniques for Attracting Men

Meditations with love energy cannot be dedicated to something bad. Therefore, you should not think about how you will take revenge on your former partner or wipe your nose at your rivals. Such sessions do not allow you to concentrate and do not carry benefits. It is much more reasonable to fill the soul with bright desires that will allow the consciousness to let go of thoughts.

Do not attract specific people through such practices. Main principle meditation - free will, including someone else's. Therefore, the introduction of individuals in the course of the session does not seem to be effective. It is better to imagine your own feelings during meditation: love, harmony, happiness.

Use your favorite comfortable postures during practice. Just do not go to bed, otherwise there is a high probability of falling asleep. Meditations to attract love can be done with romantic melodies, incense and red candles to create the right atmosphere. During the lesson, you do not need to forcibly throw all your thoughts out of your head: just let them float freely.

Do not forget about regularity, because 2-3 sessions a week, even with a duration of 10-20 minutes, significantly increase the chances of meeting love.

Slavic meditation

Surprisingly, even the ancient cultists were puzzled by the issues of marriage and relationships. It was thanks to their rituals that meditation on attracting the star half became possible. It is worth noting that this technique should be studied together with a specialist, since ritual meditations are enhanced through additional classes.

This type of practice is useful for those who want to find family happiness or are afraid of losing the calm of an already created hearth. Using the wisdom of the ancestors helps to achieve excellent results in building harmonious relationships.

Before the implementation of meditation, it is worth mastering the cognitive training Rodosvet, which will tell a lot about the traditions of the Slavs and the position of a wife and husband in the family itself. In addition, at this stage, you can get acquainted with the ancient rites: Attracting a star couple (a technique for strengthening ties on which meditation itself is built) and Ladoslav. The last rite concerns communication with the goddess Lada and allows you to open your heart to release the flows of love.

Ritual meditation itself is collective. For efficiency, it is accompanied by a musical series, as well as video clips.

Meditation “Secret Marriage”

Searching for a soul mate important step on the path of each person to true happiness. Finding true love is possible only in the case of meeting with a kindred spirit. This meditation to attract a loved one helps to turn on the Light of one's own Soul and harmonizes existing contacts with the opposite sex.

Thanks to this practice, there is a release from subconscious blocks, as well as stimulation of the partner to his development. And this technique is based on the judgment that each of us has a certain degree of opening of the Soul, which corresponds to another person in the world.

Pick up meditation music to practice.

  • Lie down on the bed and lower your eyelids. Relax, feeling the freedom of every cell of the body.
  • With a sense of peace and tranquility, imagine yourself on the hot sand of the sea coast. Above you is a clear sky, the body is heated sunbeams, and the sound of the surf is heard in the ears. On this oceanic island you are in absolute solitude: in this space there are no people, no worries with anxieties. Feel to the full the bliss of loneliness, which does not burden, but inspires and bestows integrity with the world.
  • Take a look at the coast. Along the edge of the noisy surf, a person is approaching you - your other half. He hurries to you with love and joy, and you feel a pleasant excitement in anticipation of this meeting.

On this stage it is very important to develop a sense of allowing: allow any image to appear in the mind, and do not imagine a specific person. A stranger may well not fit your ideal and even cause rejection. But you need to accept it, connect with it, and then you will open your Soul Light, a petal of love, a creative flow of energy.

Sometimes it happens that people do not see the face of the chosen one at all during meditation, but receive images of animals. This is evidence of a subconscious block in contact with the opposite sex.

Your significant other comes close to you and hugs you. Starts here new stage- the magical act of uniting two people. Show your imagination, give yourself complete freedom and give up restrictions. You can do anything. You can indulge in sex, lie down on the sand, play or swim. The main thing is to feel the body of your chosen one, feel his breath, listen to his voice.

In the process of your acceptance of this half, a deep energy exchange takes place. As soon as you are filled with new bright feelings, the chosen one will leave you, dissolving in the subconscious. Spend it without any sadness and regret.

Visualization Meditations to Attract Men

As in the previous practice, in these techniques, an important criterion for success is the ability of a person to be distracted from everyday life and everyday life, plunging into the abyss of imagination.

At the same time, meditation on attracting a man may not always mean presenting him perfect image. However, as a result, you will be able to attract love energy into your life, and therefore a person who will fill your soul and life with happiness and peace.

Practice "Meeting with Cupid and Vesta"

  • Relax and imagine yourself in a wonderful flowering place with the music of the fountains and the singing of birds. Directly in front of you is a delightful golden temple. You approach him and see that you are greeted by angels in rose gold robes. They take you to beautiful hall where a gentle melody is heard. In this vaulted room, the floors are carpeted, flower vases are everywhere, and sofas and tables with goodies are placed near the walls. In the center of this hall are two thrones. The gods Amur and Vesta sit in them. With a welcoming word, they call you closer to them.
  • Come, say hello and ask them. Ask them to dissolve the blocks in the body that prevent you from meeting your loved one. The gods lead you to the center of the hall, and suddenly a golden-pink glow begins to penetrate through you.
  • You rise above the floor and feel the disappearance of fears, the growth of the feeling of your love. Get down on the ground. The doors in the hall open, and you see your soul mate, who comes and holds out her hands to you. Your chosen one joins you and the gods join your palms in blessing.

You thank the gods and angels and then return to your reality.

Practice for the next meeting

This practice will set you up for the next meeting with your soulmate. Use this visualization daily for a month. It is enough to devote only 3 minutes to the lesson.

  • Imagine yourself on the seashore in a pleasant summer restaurant. Look at the seascapes, admire the picture and enjoy the aroma of the ordered drink - coffee or tea. You sip your drink and watch your surroundings different women and men. They tell you pleasant words and give mementos.
  • Thank them.
  • In the next company, you notice one special person. Feel that this is also a gift that deserves the best phrases of gratitude. Feel the state of happiness.

Now your soulmate will be with you.

Meditation to attract a star half

This meditation takes about 15 minutes and can be done both in the morning and before bed at night. This technique should be practiced daily for 40 days.

  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a pleasant place: in the forest, on the river bank, by the sea. Feel the rays of the sun and listen to the birds singing.
  • Your Guardian Angel is coming to you. Greet him and thank him for his constant help and support. Please contact him for perfect man trusting his decision. Agree that this person will appear in life at the right time. Then take the Angel by the hand and follow him through the sky to the tent, where you will be waiting for your loved one.
  • Sit in the center of the room and imagine that a marvelous light bursts out of your heart chakra: it expands and fills the entire space with itself.
  • Suddenly you notice a male figure. The silhouette of a man approaches and fills with your light. Feel it ideal partner and unite with them with strong bonds.
  • Imagine any of your joint activities.

Before exiting the meditation, visualize the two of you lying on a cloud of pink flower petals. They rain down from above, giving you laughter and happiness. Now you can open your eyes.

Meditation “Flame of Love”

If you already have problems in your personal life and do not have enough happy moments, use the daily meditation “Flame of Love”.

  • Take a relaxed posture.
  • Imagine that a spark is burning quietly in the center of your chest. It is a small reddish-gold flame of your love. Gently direct beams of energy into this area so that the fire begins to grow.
  • Feel your chest warm from the flame. Fill yourself with this warmth completely and enjoy the feeling.
  • Try to hold your breath for a couple of seconds and exhale slowly.

The energy of warmth will now remain inside you and help you build relationships with the outside world.

Opening the sexual chakra

This practice will help you open the center of natural love. Meditation to Attract a Loved One Also Promotes Healing physical body especially the reproductive system. Even single males can do this practice, but they need different words to tune in to the new energy of love.

  • Close your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose. Take a deep breath. Repeat the procedure with the feeling that you are breathing the sexual chakra in the pubic area. Feel that the energy of nature is gradually awakening in you. you open your soul opposite sex and see in each person his divine essence.
  • If a girl conducts meditation, she must say from the bottom of her heart that she lets men into her life and allows herself to love them, and they love herself. A meditating man at this stage also speaks of readiness for female love, about the desire to obtain harmony in relationships.
  • Now take a moment back to your childhood. This is necessary to open your chakra. Imagine your parents, hug them, kiss them. Thank your mother and father separately.
  • Next, you should forgive everyone who has ever offended you. Men forgive women and vice versa. You should say “Thank you” to these people for new experience and gifted love. Thank Heavenly Father i.e. Creator, as well as the Divine Mother. Feel the love for all children and all people on Earth. Give them the warmth of your soul.

Women at this stage feel their sexuality and attractiveness, so tuning is required to enhance energy. Thank you Mother Earth for the world, the universe for presence in life. It is also necessary to express words of forgiveness to all men, to refuse their condemnation and criticism. Ask nature for energy for healthy children. Feel that in the space of your soul appears close person and you create a harmonious relationship with him. You should also apologize to anyone you have hurt in your life.

Renounce fears of men, negative programs in the body, regrets. Realize that everything is fine with you, and the reproductive system is completely healthy.

note that this meditation for attracting men, it is more effective during the full moon period or within 2 days before / after this moment. This time is chosen in connection with the activity of the female lunar energy.

Meditation practice for men

Among the stronger sex, there are also tired bachelors, so meditation to attract a loved one has existed since ancient times and in the male version. This technique is based on the effective Hindu mantra “Klim”, which attracts love and happiness into a person’s life.

  • Take a comfortable position, calm down and free yourself from unnecessary thoughts.
  • Focus on the sounds of the mantra. Pronounce it correctly, stretching out the sound “I”. Repeat the desired word and listen to it.
  • First you need to repeat the mantra 6 times as you exhale, focusing on the back chakra. Then you need to repeat the mantra 6 times with concentration on the navel chakra.
  • Repeat the previous step focusing in succession on the following chakras: solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown chakra.

The mantra is repeated once with an emphasis on the chakras of the right eye, left eye, right, and then the left cerebral hemisphere. One repetition is enough for each ear, each nostril. Then concentrate once on the mouth chakra and the tongue chakra. As a result, the mantra will resonate throughout your body.

In the evening, write the word “Klim” at least 108 times. The more mantras come out of the pen, the more effective meditation will be. Remember to say the mantra out loud or to yourself as you write it.

Meditation on attracting a loved one is a serious step to radically change your own destiny. The success of any of the presented practices is largely determined by the readiness for change and the ability to accept a soul mate, regardless of its characteristics. It is necessary to constantly believe in a meeting with a loved one, and then meditation can bring this joyful moment closer.

Meditation to attract love is the strongest technique, which is based on focusing attention on a specific object. With its help, you can meet your soul mate much faster than it should have happened, and even change your destiny.

General Meditation Rules for Attracting Men

Meditation cannot be used for the purpose of revenge. If you do not concentrate your attention exclusively on the object of your passion, but become distracted by various everyday trifles, you will not achieve the desired result. During the session, you need to let go of all thoughts and fill your soul with light energy.

You cannot choose a specific person as the object of love. Just relax, turn on your senses, think about pleasant things, feel harmony and happiness. Remember, this is not magic, using a session to attract specific people is not effective.

You can meditate in any comfortable position, it is advisable not to lie down, so as not to accidentally fall asleep. Create a romantic atmosphere in the room. Turn on light, relaxing music, light candles. During the session, do not force yourself to throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. Everything should be at ease.

Try to tune in to a positive wave, distract from daily problems and fuss, think about the pleasant.

During the process, focus on feelings such as:

  • Love;
  • harmony;
  • happiness;
  • joy.

Conduct sessions to attract a loved one 2-3 times a week. Meditate for 10-20 minutes. Learn the technique with a specialist. So you can significantly increase the chances of meeting your soul mate.

Slavic meditation

Our ancestors at all times were kind to family values. Home life goal Slavic girls had to get married and have children.

The rites of the ancient clergy made it possible to conduct meditations to attract the love of a loved one. Such sessions help to gain sincere feelings, create strong family. The wisdom of our ancestors enables many people to build harmonious relationships. Cognitive training Rodosvet, which will introduce you to the ancient rites and tell you about the traditions of our ancestors, is worth studying before starting the practice. You will learn about Slavic rituals for attracting a star couple and communicating with the goddess Lada (Ladoslava). In ancient times, it was believed that it was she who helped open the heart to the streams of tender feelings.

Special meditative music and video clips will help you fill up with love energy.

"Secret marriage"

People are arranged in such a way that a feeling of complete happiness comes only when a loved one and children are nearby. At all times, men and women have been looking for a soul mate to go through life together, overcome difficulties and enjoy pleasant moments. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find such a person. This technique is based on the openness of the Soul, the inclusion of the Light of one's own Soul. This practice frees from subconscious blocks, stimulates the partner to develop. Don't represent a specific person. Your destiny will find you.

Meditations for women to attract love in a few steps:

  1. Put on meditation music.
  2. Lie down and close your eyelids.
  3. Relax completely and imagine yourself on the shores of a sunny bay.
  4. Imagine a person in the distance approaching you.
  5. Feel the long-awaited anticipation of this meeting.

For the next meeting

Relax, imagine yourself on the seashore, where you are surrounded by many people. In the crowd, you will notice one person who can make you happy. This is your other half. Meditate for about three minutes every day for one month.

This technique sets you up for the next meeting with your loved one.

This practice will help when there is not enough happiness in life. Daily meditation on attracting love and happy moments will help attract joy, give harmony and well-being.

It is performed simply:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Focus on yourself.
  3. Imagine that a gentle flame burns in you.
  4. Send rays of energy towards him.
  5. See how this light grows, increases.
  6. Feel its warmth.
  7. Hold the air for a few seconds and exhale slowly.

Feel the warmth that remains in your chest. This is the energy that will attract happiness into your life.

Practice for men

Not only women dream of starting a family. It is also not uncommon for men to remain single because they have not been able to find a soul mate. Meditation to attract love into your life for the stronger sex is based on the Hindu mantra "Klim".

Practice helps to attract personal happiness.

Even in ancient times, people used meditative techniques to attract the desired. Today, meditation is still popular, and with its help you can find love and fill your life with pleasant moments.

For many years people have been using meditation to attract what they desire. If your life has become gray and boring, you can diversify it with happy events. It would seem that it is impossible to attract pleasant moments into your life. However, long-term practice shows that by the power of thought a person can attract everything he wants into his life. This also applies to love. Effective meditation techniques will help you get rid of loneliness and find a soul mate.

How to properly prepare for meditation

First of all, during meditation you should be in a calm environment. It is desirable that at this moment you remain in solitude. Excessive noise and household conversations can distract you. Therefore, if there are too many people in the house, go to nature.

To tune in a positive way, you need to go through spiritual and bodily cleansing. Before you start your meditations, go to the shower, where you can relax and get rid of negative thoughts. Having completed water procedures, relax and do things that do not require mental stress.

If you are under stress, take time exercise. It is believed that stress accumulates in all organs and muscles of a person. During charging, the body is filled with oxygen, muscles are stretched and blood flow to all organs is stimulated. However, do not give preference enhanced training, because after them you will need time to calm down.

The last step is to start meditating. If you followed all the above rules, then do not hesitate: the result will match your expectations.

Effective Meditation on Love and Happiness

It would seem that finding a loved one and getting rid of loneliness forever is not difficult at all. However, many people throughout for long years cannot find love and feel truly happy. Majority pleasant events sometimes it is connected with our soulmate. That is why this meditation will help you fill your life not only with love, but also with happy moments.

First you need to let go of your fears, especially if you are afraid of change or are afraid to let another person into your life. It is very important that at this moment you be positive and believe that soon a loved one will really appear in your life, and happy events will happen more often.

Then try to visualize events that can make you happy, or an image of a loved one. Mentally imagine that all your desires have already been fulfilled. For example, if traveling to another country can make you truly happy, then imagine yourself buying a plane ticket, packing your bags, and already on your way to the airport. Do not forget that in your dreams there should be a place for your soulmate. If you already know what character and appearance your partner should have, portray him in your desires exactly like that. This will greatly speed up the result of meditation. Try to feel all the emotions that you would experience if all this happened in reality. If you can mentally get closer to your dream, then soon it will come true.

If possible, imagine how you touch your future partner. Trust that the person you love is right next to you. this moment. In your representations, his image should not be blurry. Try to imagine even the smallest details appearance your partner. At this point, you will need maximum concentration and desire find love. Only in this case you will be able to get closer to what you want.

For these meditation techniques to be effective, they should be carried out regularly. After a while, you will notice that your life is changing for the better.

Sometimes, even in such a vast world, a person can feel completely alone. At such moments, it seems to us that it is impossible to find a loved one and get rid of loneliness forever. However, it is not. Expert advice site site will help you find love. May your life be filled with love and happy events, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.04.2018 06:12

Love is the most important and valuable feeling in the life of every person. Meet your soul mate...

If you want to attract love, you must radiate love.

Give love to people you meet while walking. Enjoy it. Spread the vibration of love in the surrounding space.

You should not go on the street and hug all the other passers-by and ask them to hug you too. But you can walk the streets and send love in your mind. You can give kindness to the world - donate coins to the needy, pay attention to a stray cat, or just give a smile or a kind word.

An interesting video with a meditative technique about attracting love:

Positivity is contagious

Everything positive has multiple forms and requires no effort on your part, but goodness has a powerful boomerang effect that brings love back to you with a vengeance.

The Universe returns love, it rewards volunteers and those who do good. Your empathy for people, animals and nature may be invisible to others, and your own activities seem modest, but your kindness is in tune with the universe, and the love that you gave to the world will come back to you.

Everything is interconnected and everything that you give into the universe will be returned to you at the most unexpected moment and in the most unexpected form.

When you give someone your energy of participation, it strengthens their self-esteem. In return, they send back love energy to you, which goes straight to your heart chakra, which helps you generate and radiate more love.

Many people crave love but have blocks in their hearts and find it hard to accept love from others and love themselves.

Many people close for love relationship because they are afraid to make mistakes and feel pain. They didn't get love when they needed it the most. So they set a block on their feelings.

If you want to attract new relationships, you need to learn unconditional love, which means simply accepting everyone in your unique nature. You have no idea what a magical effect this has on removing blocks, on beautiful relationships between people.

If luck seems to have smiled at you in the end, it means that you have found someone you love and who loves you. It can be anyone - a person, a dog or a tree.

Love in any form you can receive, it will come to you in unexpected ways.

Visualization for meeting your loved one

This visualization should be given for 3 minutes every day for 1 month.

Imagine that you are sitting in a comfortable summer cafe on the coast. You look at the sea, enjoy the surrounding beauty and the delicious aroma of tea or coffee.

You drink this blissful drink and see how different men and women come up to you and give you gifts and compliments. You are pleased. You express your gratitude to them.

Here again a company of people comes up to you, and a man or a woman comes up with them, and you feel that this is another gift for which you are sincerely grateful. Are you happy. Now you have a loved one...

Meditation on love

After reaching the alpha state (relaxation), imagine that you are standing surrounded by your loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. You are among the people. They are close and they feel good and calm, and you too.

Feel that these people want the same as you - peace, harmony, happiness. Give it to them!

See (or feel) that they are happy!!! At the same time, feel the love in your heart for these people. Imagine how the energy of love comes out of your heart in the form of a beam of light that you direct to a group of people that surrounds you. Send this light first to your loved ones, and then to strangers. And even those with whom you once were not very a good relationship. They also deserve positive vibrations. And you will give them with all your heart.

Stay in this exercise for as long as you want, and then open your eyes ...

And finally, a video meditation for meeting with love.

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