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A presentation on good deeds for children. Presentation for the lesson (grade 4) on the topic: Presentation on the topic "Good and Evil"

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The concept of good and evil The work was carried out by the teacher of the primary classes MBOU secondary school №1 Yatskova T.K.

The legend says, in that troubled time, Since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, Sitting on horses, slightly adjusting the stirrup, Good and Evil fought on Earth. AND white horse directing forward, Good openly rushed to the enemy. But Evil, it does not follow the rules, Stabbed with a knife on the sly. Good barely managed to dodge, Or maybe he was just lucky, Since then they have been fighting, fighting, And which of them is stronger, Good or Evil?

The game "Tell me a word" And everyone becomes kind, trusting, And good morning will last until the evening. The old stump will turn green, When he hears: "Good afternoon!" When scolded for pranks, We say: "I'm sorry, please!" If you can't eat anymore, Let's say to mom: "Thank you!" good day

Good is like a ray of sunshine! Warms - and everything will bloom. It is like an invisible key From the door where joy lives! And evil is black clouds. There are no friends, no matter how you call them. You'd better not face evil. I wish you goodness and love!

From the dictionary of S. Ozhegov: “Kindness (kindness) is everything positive, good, that which is useful to people and society, contributes to its preservation; what prevents enmity "

Being kind is not easy at all Kindness does not depend on growth, Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

Dictionary work. Good is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of evil, meaning a deliberate, disinterested and sincere striving for the implementation of a good, a useful deed, for example, helping a neighbor, as well as to a stranger or even an animal and flora... In the everyday sense, this term refers to everything that receives a positive assessment from people, or is associated with happiness, joy, love. In the religious sense, Good is a characteristic of phenomena from the point of view of their compliance with God's providence.

Good deeds are performed freely, consciously, unselfishly, and not with the expectation of gain or reward.

Good deeds are aimed at overcoming disunity between people. Good is philanthropy, readiness for mutual understanding and respect.

Good deeds help a person to develop.

From the dictionary of S. Ozhegov: “Evil is something bad, harmful, misfortune, misfortune, nuisance, annoyance, anger. It disfigures personality and relationships between people, encourages bad deeds, and incites enmity. "

Evil - the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of good, means deliberate, deliberate, conscious infliction of harm, damage, suffering on someone. In the everyday sense, evil refers to everything that receives a negative assessment from people, or is condemned by them from any side (that is, it contradicts the rules of morality). In this sense, both lie and ugliness fit the concept of evil. The question of the prevalence of evil or good in the world in a worldly manner is the subject of a dispute between pessimists and optimists. Dictionary work.

Evil destroys relationships between people, hinders the development of human abilities. Evil deeds bring misery and suffering to people.

Deception and deliberate humiliation of other people is a manifestation of evil.

Any violence that suppresses human freedom is evil.


Parable Once Good came to visit Evil. Evil began to treat Good to tea, but instead of sugar, they put salt in the cup. Good tasted the salty tea, but did not say a bad word to Evil, only thanked him for the treat. And when Good was leaving Evil, it said: "Something your sugar is not very sweet, here you have money, buy yourself some sweets for tea." Evil is distorted, but there is nothing to do, I had to take the money. So Good repaid Evil with good for evil.

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines. - Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him. - Breakfast lost ... - Bad, - said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It's still a long way to lunch! - Where did you lose it? - Misha asked. “I don’t know…” Vitya said quietly and turned away. - You probably carried it in your pocket, but you have to put it in your bag, - said Misha. Volodya didn't ask anything. He …

He went up to Vitya, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his friend: - Take it, eat it!


insensitive sympathetic ith rough affectionate soft-hearted cruel Evil Kind

Working with proverbs. A good word heals, and an evil Good word to a person that rain is good, remember that evil is bad for him who does not do good, cripples. drought. forget. to anyone.

Here, it seems, Good has already won, We will sing the victory of the brave, But evil is alive, it only lurked, It does not die to the end. And what to do, they cannot be reconciled, None of them can win. Their confidants changed, Good and Evil - there is no one to replace them

Hurry to do good deeds, While the mountain ash has not been pecked yet, While the birch bark of conscience is white Hurry to do good deeds. Sticks are so familiar in the wheels of friendship, In hospitals, wheelchairs are so slow, And the gap of the gap is sometimes so small, And a holy lie has made so many nests. Hurry up to do good deeds.

Thank you for the attention!

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  • To form students' value orientation, the ability to formulate moral judgments.
  • Develop the ability to distinguish between good and bad.


  • attract as many children as possible to participate in the event;
  • to uncover positive sides kindness;
  • encourage sensitivity to adults and peers;
  • attract to a kind attitude towards animals.

Registration: multimedia projector, presentation about kindness, songs and music about kindness, VIDEO CLIP "Magic Land ..."


(Music video "Magic Country" sounds)

- Dear guys, dear guests! May this lesson bring us the joy of communication and fill our souls with wonderful feelings. I want to start the class hour with the words of L. Tatyanicheva (a proverb appears on the screen) "To do people well is to be prettier yourself."

- How do you understand the words "prettier yourself"? (You need to do more good deeds; there is a very good proverb "Treat people the way you would like to be treated you"; from good deeds it is easier and more pleasant)

- And the epigraph to our class hour will become the words of A. Chepurov (read by a student):

Let's worship kindness!
All in blue and starry beauty
The land is good. She gives us bread
Living water and a tree in bloom.
Under this ever troubled sky
Let's fight for kindness!

The topic of our conversation: Teach your heart to be good!

Teacher: Listen to the story.

This story took place a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who was jealous of its fame. And so he decided to come up with such a question that the sage could not answer it. And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask the sage, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive, I will close my palms, and the butterfly will die, and if he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter. "


- How do you feel about this person?
- How would you answer if you were a sage?
- And here's how it happened.

The envious person caught the butterfly, put it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked him: “What kind of butterfly do I have in my hands, oh wisest one: alive or dead? And then the sage who really was, very smart person said: "Everything is in your hands."

- How do you understand the words of the sage "Everything is in your hands?" (The life or death of a butterfly at the moment depended only on the Envious).

(A fragment of the music video "Don't pick flowers" is played)

Pay attention to the screen: "Good deeds paint a person"

- Does this proverb fit our story? (Yes, it would be better if the envious dreamed of good deeds, then they knew him in the district)

- How do you understand this proverb? (After good deeds, a person is always praised, complements him and decorates him)

Teacher: Yes, there are values ​​in life, without which there is no life on Earth.

- Guys, name the qualities of a kind, good, positive person. (Kind and compassionate, noble and honest, responsible, intelligent, dear, kind-hearted, friendly, sincere, benevolent, virtuous, good-natured, kind-hearted, respectable, worthy)

The qualities you mentioned are not innate, they need to be educated.
We can name many positive qualities of a person.
But we put kindness first.

- But why do we put kindness in the first place?

When a man appeared, he was rewarded with intelligence, speech, the ability for skill and art. Man began to get food, make beautiful things, build dwellings. But what a person was inside, always depended only on his heart.

- And what does kindness mean, kind person? (When a person treats others very well; a kind person cares about everyone and does not offend anyone; kindmeans polite, caring, not greedy.)

Teacher: I love your answers.

- But how is this concept interpreted in the explanatory dictionary - kindness? (Kindness is responsiveness, affection for people, the desire to do good to others.)

- Guys, today we are talking about kindness. We create a good mood. Turn to each other and smile !!!

- Kindness makes a person what? (Charming, handsome. A person whose soul is kindness looks good, he has an expression of joy and peace on his face and a sweet smile on his lips.)

- Give examples of the kind attitude of people. (People greet each other, help in trouble, express sympathy, congratulate on the holiday, give flowers, help the elderly, help animals.)

- What kind deeds have you done? (He helped carry the weight, went to fetch bread for a neighbor, helped a little friend cross the road, collected things for a shelter, fixed a desk, looked after flowers.)

- Who is the kindest and caring person in your family for you? (Mama)

- How does she care about you?

- Why do they say: "Near the sun - warm, near the mother - good"? (It is never cold near the sun and never expect evil near the mother)

- How do you take care of your mom? How do you help her with household chores? (Before your parents come home from work, you can do a lot of household chores: tidy up your apartment, wash the dishes, buy groceries in the store, wash your shirt or blouse, iron your school uniform, clean your shoes, go to Kindergarten for a younger brother or sister.)

- What can be seen in her eyes, what feelings will be reflected in the eyes of the mother or father, if you children in a timely manner and on their own initiative undertake to carry out part of the common household chores. Listen to the parable “TEARS” and think why the sages believe that “the eyes are the window to the soul!”?

- Why is the woman crying?
- What qualities did God endow her with?
- What allows her to be like this?
- What is her beauty?
- Why do sages believe that “the eyes are the window to the soul!” ?.
- What are the eyes of a mother? Why?
- I think you will agree with me that your parents want you to have a heart, what? (CHORUS) Kind!
- Boys tell the girls a kind heart? (Can I hope?)
- Girls, do boys have a good heart?

- We can say that you all have good hearts!
- You must remember that everything good that people do for you must be answered with kindness, show attention, sensitivity to adults and peers, the younger ones, as well as be kind to animals.

Now we'll play. (Slide 9) The game is called “Collect proverbs and sayings” (proverbs are revealed gradually, the children themselves must remember the whole proverb).

Explain the meaning

  • Life is given for (what?) Good deeds.
  • The evil one does not believe that there is (who?) Good.
  • Kind word (what is the answer?) Kind answer
  • Good everywhere (what?) Is good.

- How do you understand this proverb?

Application form

To my questions you answer “yes” or “no” - in chorus.

1. Can a person be forced to be kind? (No)
2. Is it possible to be kind for a time? (No)
3. Do you need to be kind to any person? (Yes)
4. Is it easy to be kind? (Yes)
5. Do you have a desire to do good deeds? (Yes)

- You got more answers “yes” and I see that you strive for good, but you don't need to be ashamed of kindness. Kindness always brings what? joy to the people around. She, like a magic medicine, cures many ailments.

Let's choose the feelings that will characterize kind person, and you give the answer "yes" or "no" (showing on the screen):
Love, confidence, friendship, security, trust, care, sympathy, pleasure, joy, happiness, attention, understanding, indifference, annoyance, indifference, distrust, misunderstanding, antipathy, anxiety, enmity, grief, hatred, suffering, anger, etc. etc.
- Well done! Tell me, can you teach your heart to be good? (Yes; no - but should you try to do this?)
- Do you think that good on earth should live forever? (Yes)
- So, we can say good - is it an eternal value? (Yes)

(Slides 10-11)

- Let's go back to our epigraph:

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with thought about kindness:
Let's fight for kindness!
Let's take care of the good!

We must not allow evil to prevail over good.
And it only depends on us!
Remember! Kindness is the savior of all life on Earth.
Let's end our class hour with wonderful poems by Tatyana Kuzovleva:

Do good -
There is no greater joy.
And sacrifice your life, And hurry
Not for fame or sweets
And at the behest of the soul.
When you boil, humiliated by fate,
You are from powerlessness and shame
Do not let the offended soul
Momentary judgment.
Chill out.
Believe - really
Everything will fall into place.
You are strong.
The strong are not vindictive.
The weapon of the strong is kindness.

The song "Do good on all earth" is played

Homework: Think up and draw a medal for the kindest person.

  • Epigraph:
  • Don't make others angry and don't get angry yourself,
  • We are guests in this mortal world.
  • And if something goes wrong - hold back!
  • Be smarter and smile
  • After all, everything is natural in the world:
  • The evil you radiated
  • Will come back to you without fail! Omar Khayyam



  • “You will stay for an hour in goodness ––
  • you will forget all the sorrow ",
  • "Who lives in goodness -
  • he walks in silver ",
  • "I remember it dashingly, but good -
  • century will not be forgotten ",

  • "To offend the poor -
  • do not wish yourself well ",
  • “It’s bad that
  • who does no good to anyone ",

  • "Good deeds
  • paint a person. "
  • "Without good deeds
  • no good name. "
  • "A good word will build a house,
  • an evil word will destroy the house. "
  • "Kind word
  • better than wealth. "

Test "Am I kind"

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles in a conversation with you. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you let the interlocutor understand it?

3. Your partner is not good at chess or any other game. Will you give in to him so that he doesn't lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like saying nice things to people to lift their spirits?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you typical of vindictiveness, rancor?

7. Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic does not interest you at all?

8. Do you willingly use your abilities for the benefit of other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the arguments of the other person?

11. Will you do the work at the request of your parents if it is not your responsibility (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?


One point for each answer "YES" to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 One point for answering "NO" to questions 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.

  • More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone abuse your kindness.
  • 4 to 8 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. For some, you go for everything, but try to be equal with everyone so that there is no offense at you.
  • Less than 4 points. You have to hard work above oneself.

  • The Parable of Good and Evil
  • Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson the truth of life:
  • In each man goes a fight very similar to a fight between two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, selfishness, ambition, lies ...
  • Another wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...
  • The little Indian, moved to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, thought for a few moments, and then asked:
  • Which wolf wins in the end?
  • The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:
  • The wolf you feed always wins

Slide 1

Slide 2

The concept of goodness Goodness - general concept moral consciousness, a category of ethics that characterizes the positive moral values... Initially, it was opposite to the concept of huda (that is, it meant the result of the action of good, as opposed to the result of the action of evil), and at a later time it began to be used as the antonym of the concept of evil, meaning a deliberate, disinterested and sincere desire to realize a good, a useful act, for example, help a neighbor, as well as a stranger or even the animal and plant world. In the everyday sense, this term refers to everything that gets a positive assessment from people, or is associated with the happiness, joy, love of certain people, that is, it becomes close to the relevant concept of "good". In the religious sense, Good is absolutized - for example, in Christian morality, Good is a characteristic of phenomena from the point of view of their compliance with God's providence, common to all.

Slide 3

Goodwill Good as an intention can only be carried out by free will. Luck, a lucky coincidence, is not good. Unlike evil, good is not expressed by a simple will to good, since such a will can be selfish, and therefore neutral in relation to morality. Real goodness should be selfless.

Slide 4

The concept of good in culture One of the common (ironic) phrases about good: "Good must be with fists." The phrase is attributed to M. Svetlov, who communicated it to several poets with a request to write a poem starting with this line. The most famous poem was written by Stanislav Kunyaev: Good must be with fists Good must be harsh, For wool to fly in tufts From everyone who climbs for good ...

Slide 5

Another example is the phrase "the victory of the forces of good over the forces of reason", reflecting skepticism in relation to the Christian assessment of good. Good is a criterion for evaluation, an abstraction. By good we mean the aspirations of a person, his culture. Culture and the concepts of good and evil are closely related. If culture is "cultivation" - and now we mean by this the richness of the results of human labor and development, then one of the directions of this development is good, the other is evil. The main cultural conflict in the understanding of good is that some believe or believe that God himself will completely and forever free a person from suffering and evil if he patiently and humbly serves him with faith and truth, and therefore aggression is alien to good, while others believe or it is believed that either God does not exist at all and therefore it is necessary to fight evil himself and therefore good is not only the will to create good, but also an aggressive will to destroy harm and evil, or that God himself calls man to fight evil.

Slide 6

Good in Christianity Good is actions that bring happiness and do not cause harm, harm, pain, suffering to anyone. In Christianity, God is considered the most important representative and source of good. The objective criterion of good (as well as good) is its compliance with the will of God. The state or feeling from which good is created is love. Perfect love is characteristic only of God. And, therefore, perfect good, without the slightest admixture of evil, can only be created by him or by beings who carry out his will. Christianity views evil not as an independent entity, but as a belittling of good. In the treatise Justification of Good, Russian Christian philosopher of the late 19th century Vladimir Soloviev defined good as "a real moral order, expressing the absolutely due and unconditionally desirable attitude of everyone to everything and everything to everyone" and identified it with the Kingdom of God.

A good word Not clothes that paint a person, Hurry up for a good deed, Do not boast in silver, Who does good, In whom there is no good, Do not look for beauty - but boast of good. seek kindness. but the bad will ripen by itself. there is little truth in that. God will thank him. and the cat is pleased. and his good deeds.

- The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices the goodness in people. (Blaise Pascal). “True kindness lies in a benevolent attitude towards people” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau). “To appreciate the kindness in a person, one must have a certain amount of this quality in oneself” (William Shakespeare).

Welcome! (A polite greeting and a hospitable invitation to come, come, enter the house, etc.) - Good hour! (Wish you good luck and prosperity when starting a business.) - Good luck! ( Good wishes to the one who leaves somewhere.) - Give the go-ahead. (Give consent, permission, approval.) - Get the go-ahead. (Get permission, consent to anything, approval.)

Question Answer No Points 1 1 question Answer Points Yes - 1,3,4,7, point No - 2,5,6,8,9,10, point

Test "Am I kind" 1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family? 2. A friend shares his problems or troubles in a conversation with you. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you let the interlocutor understand it? 3. Your partner is not good at chess or any other game. Will you give in to him so that he doesn't lose interest in the game? 4. Do you like saying nice things to people to lift their spirits? 5. Do you often use evil jokes? 6. Are you typical of vindictiveness, rancor? 7. Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic does not interest you at all? 8. Do you willingly use your abilities for the benefit of other people? 9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost? 10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the arguments of the other person? 11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not your responsibility? 12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Results: More than 8 points: You are kind, people like you, you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone abuse your kindness. 4 to 8: Your kindness is a matter of chance - you are not kind to everyone. For someone, you go for anything. But try to be equal with everyone and with everyone, so that there are no offenses against you. Less than 4 points: You have a hard work on yourself.

It is not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on growth, Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy. Only one must, one must be kind And in trouble do not forget each other. And the Earth will turn faster, If we are kind to you. It is not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on growth, Kindness brings joy to people And does not require a reward in return. Kindness does not get old over the years, Kindness will warm you from the cold. If kindness, like the sun, shines - Adults and children rejoice. But in order to give joy to people, you need to be kind and polite

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