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Aquarius compatibility with other zodiac signs. Aquarius woman relationships with men of different zodiac signs

A strange, out of this world Aquarius, an incredible mixture of a devil and an angel rolled into one. Often it remains misunderstood by other signs. People of this sign do not worry about what impression they make on others, but "teasing geese" gives them pleasure. The feeling of freedom in men and women of this zodiac sign, the feeling and desire to be independent from other people, generally accepted conventions and rules often scare others away from them. Kind and generous, curious, brave. These are great innovators and experimenters, mystics, dreamers, dreamers and true friends. With such an eccentric and unpredictable sign, not everyone can get along. Now we will try to answer the question of who Aquarius is compatible with, with whom he can create friendship, and with whom - love.

What signs are Aquarius compatible with?

Aquarians are looking for relationships that have the ability to be new all the time. For Aquarius, constant freshness of feelings is important. Perhaps it is precisely because of the routine of marriage among Aquarians that the largest percentage of divorces. Not every partner is ready to accept that for an Aquarius, a company can often be more expensive than one person. Aquarius is compatible with the following signs:

  • Twins. Aquarius is energetically stronger than Gemini, so he will be the head of the couple. The twins fall under the charm and influence of Aquarius, and if they also have a common cause, then the marriage will be strong.
  • A lion. A strange relationship, since sexual relationships are more interesting for a lion, and spiritual kinship is at the forefront for Aquarius. Two strong independent signs. Absolutely equal marriage.
  • Scales. Inventive in sexual games, scales attract Aquarians with their inexhaustible imagination. General craving for art, luxury, creativity. A very fruitful marriage.
  • Sagittarius. Two unpredictable signs, cheerful, active, perfectly complementing each other in sexual requests. Such a couple will be the highlight of the program of any society, as it attracts with its positive aura. Since both signs do not suffer from jealousy and give each other freedom, they can live together for a long time.
  • Fishes. This is a sex war with interruptions for melodramatic acts. Depending on the inclinations of the partners, it can either last a very long time or stop, and the fish will leave with a broken heart, and Aquarius with relief. And yet, they are drawn to each other.

But is Aquarius compatible with Aquarius? There are conflicting opinions on this issue. However, most agree that Aquarians understand each other perfectly and are perfectly compatible. They are perfect for each other both spiritually and sexually. They have many common interests, and they are connected by an invisible spiritual thread that helps them feel each other from a distance. Aquarians are friends-comrades-in-arms.

Compatibility with other signs of the Aquarius woman is different. With someone she's stacked up good connections. Basically, she is attracted to people of the air element. It is believed that a person of the same element is the most best gift fate, as they will understand each other well, trust, love. They look in one direction, they are united by goals and views of the world. The air element includes Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. They always have successful relationships, both friendly and love, as well as business. Together in business or some common cause, they can achieve high results. In this article, we will not talk about all the options for relationships. We will analyze only the most successful ones. What signs are suitable for an Aquarius woman?

With Gemini

With Gemini, she has enough topics for conversation, they are even somewhat similar to each other. They are inquisitive, love to travel, have a sharp mind. However, they do not seek to create home because they love freedom. They are independent of others and very hardworking. They can form a strong alliance that will not collapse over many years of living together. But it all depends on their temperament.

They can achieve significant success in life if they are hardworking and restrained. These two people are sensitive to their love feelings and the emotions of their partner. However, the Gemini in this union can be windy, change their beloved, such is their nature. Sex for them is not considered an end in itself, as they are rather cold-blooded and unemotional lovers. But for them great importance has a spiritual component.

You can find out more information about the compatibility of Aquarius with other signs from this video. Recommended for viewing!

With Libra

In this union, neither the freedom-loving young lady nor the cautious young man seeks to create a family, but surprisingly they are able to live a bunch of years together, as they are very kind to their partner and are ready to devote their lives to him. Libra is very frivolous about work and career, but the girl is able to provide them with a comfortable existence, as she is quite hardworking. In no case will she nag her lover because of money and because he is too lazy and does nothing. If she gets tired of such a connection, she will simply break off the relationship and will not seek to reunite it. They understand each other even without words and they can have a favorable relationship.

With Aries

Aries is a rather bright and extravagant personality, he is able to attract a girl with this so that she does not pay attention to him. They can have a family hearth and many children only if they want all this. Also a good combination in business dealings. Aries can be responsible for contacts, and his girlfriend - for connections. They are practically ideal partners for each other, as they value their feelings very much. They have excellent compatibility in bed, as one of them is quite sexy and emotional. They understand each other and are able to do one thing for a long time, work for the benefit of the family.

With Taurus

Taurus is a very sensual partner. He is beautiful in bed and is able to beautifully look after, even if it is given to him with great difficulty. They have good compatibility in sex. However, in everyday life may arise various difficulties because they have completely different outlooks on life in general. But they can be a beautiful and harmonious couple, it is worth making only a little effort. It is necessary to discover some interests so that the relationship does not go into a dead end over time. They also have different views on raising children, but these are all small things, since loving friend other people can find a solution. Taurus is considered quite practical and hardworking, so he can sometimes not understand why she lies on the couch and does nothing.

Taurus has the following qualities:

  • stability;
  • reliability;
  • practicality.

With Capricorn

Capricorn has a completely different character. They often have scandals, life is restless, because overcoming misunderstanding requires certain time. Capricorn is a thorough and serious materialist, as he is a representative earth element. His girlfriend is freedom-loving and does not accept any boundaries in communication. Because of this, a lot of conflict situations arise. However, despite all this, they may develop strong love who can heal all wounds and relieve resentment. They will begin to trust each other more and value their union.

With Sagittarius

Often they have peace and tranquility, both are happy in love and will never give up their lover. Sometimes they resemble children, their feelings are so sincere. There are, of course, strong quarrels when they do not want to give in to each other and put up. There are enough positive moments in their couple, they easily find a common language, but sometimes they balance on the edge when none of the lovers wants to put up. It can be difficult for them to understand each other, as they have completely different goals. They like traveling, socializing with friends, they like to get impressions. And they can live together for long and happy years. They often want to get married and start a real family where everything will be fine. They are very successful, achieve great results.

Sagittarius usually exhibits the following qualities:

  • emotionality;
  • irascibility;
  • passion.

With Pisces

This couple has a lot in common. They both strive to start a family and raise children in love and happiness. Pisces is a much more sensitive sign than Aquarius. Fish are not as active in business area. It disappoints other people. They are also somewhat dreamy and lack a practical outlook on the world. More prefer to soar in the clouds and dream of the best. In this pair, they will both be dreamers, but they will be able to succeed in the activities that they gravitate towards. They have many hobbies and interests that can unite them.

In conclusion, it should be said that even good combination signs, certain problems may arise, which we have tried to reflect in this article. In love, you can overcome them and finally find a common language in order to keep feelings on long years.

Aquarius is the most complex and controversial sign of the zodiac system. Representatives of this sign often live tomorrow and do not think at all about what they have on this moment. Independence and freedom are the second names of this sign. Perfect Aquarius compatibility is possible only with freedom-loving zodiac signs that have related values ​​and interests. In return, the Aquarius woman will help any man feel calm, free and at ease.

Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility

The best option for an Aquarius woman would be an active, sociable and very freedom-loving man. Such a man will not demand obedience and strict rules; he is not attracted to restraint and humility. It is a man of this type who will be able to give the Aquarius woman the desired realization of all desires, dreams and goals.

Air Element (Compatibility with Libra, Aquarius and Gemini)

The strongest connection and compatibility with the Aquarius woman is with air signs. Inside his element, Aquarius will be able to find his faithful partner and a wonderful life partner. The basis of such unions will be freedom and harmony:

Aquarius-Libra - 80%

Such a creative union will be beneficial for each partner. These signs perfectly harmonize each other, complement and stimulate. Such a union will give sensuality, reliability and great support.

Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man - 90%

Such eccentric couples can not only go together towards the same goal, but also create unrealistically strong alliances. Such a marriage is quite stable, passionate and very successful. To preserve and maintain the freshness of their feelings, partners should surprise and delight each other.

Aquarius-Gemini - 100%

An excellent and harmonious couple that is perfect in everything. This union is successful in both spiritual and physical love. The basis of such a marriage is common interests, pastime and wide circle friends.

Fire Element (Compatibility with Leo, Sagittarius and Aries)

Also, perfect match possible with representatives of the fire element. Such an alliance can easily and drastically change the lives of both partners. In this pair, both partners can realize all their goals and desires without interfering with each other and their relationship:

Aquarius-Leo - 70%

This creative union is successful in interacting and achieving common goals. The qualities of one sign perfectly complement the qualities of the character of another. such a marriage can be both successful and unhappy. The success of marriage depends on the humility of partners, mutual respect and common interests.

Aquarius-Sagittarius - 80%

Such a union has a strong chance of success in marriage. Together, representatives of these signs will be able to embody many original ideas and dream. Partners will find harmony in common interests, attention to each other and the absence of jealousy in a relationship.

Aquarius-Aries - 90%

This couple is united by a love of travel and adventure. The love affair of partners will bring a storm of passion, emotions and positive. The union will please with productivity and general excitement for the new.

Water element (compatibility with Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio)

Water signs will not be able to create perfect or good Aquarius compatibility in love. The sadness and melancholy of water signs draws Aquarius in and can make a woman rather miserable. In such a union, an Aquarius woman will not be able to get the proper realization of all her desires and prospects:

Aquarius-Pisces - 60%

The union of representatives of these signs can be very successful, but it requires maturity and mutual understanding. A happy union and marriage is possible in the absence of jealousy, reproaches and unfounded claims. It is in Pisces that the Aquarius woman will be able to find the very romance and dreaminess that she herself is filled with.

Aquarius-Cancer - 40%

Such a union is impossible for Cancer itself. These representatives are very conservative and will not tolerate the windiness of Aquarius. The tastes of these signs are too opposite and rarely coincide.

Aquarius-Scorpio - 40%

There are too many incompatibilities and contradictions between these signs. They not only have different interests but also tastes. The Aquarius woman will suffer from the unpredictability of her partner and will not tolerate strong jealousy and total control.

Earth element (compatibility with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Earth signs, like a stone, pull Aquarius to the bottom. Such a union does not allow Aquarius to realize himself as a person, and eliminates all possibilities for a flight of fancy:

Aquarius-Taurus - 60%

This union can be successful if Aquarius demonstrates to the partner his devotion and loyalty. For Taurus, a game of love is unacceptable, but with serious intentions, he will put the weight of the world at the feet of the Aquarius woman.

Aquarius-Virgo - 70%

This couple can easily be united by creativity and love of creation. the interests of partners are quite different, since Virgo is an extremely practical and quiet sign. A happy union is possible only with strong feelings and mutual respect.

Aquarius-Capricorn - 70%

The ideas of a woman and the practicality of a man can perfectly unite this union. Partners are smart enough to accept each other and are able to experience a sincere desire for mutual understanding. Such a tandem is possible for marriage, but not for a fleeting relationship.

A Capricorn woman should remember that she will definitely find her happiness if she can accept the interests of her partner and lay common values ​​in her family.

The Aquarius girl is an original with a cheerful disposition. She is attracted to everything unusual, mystical or just fashionable. Possesses easy temper and can get along with anyone. However, the spouse will have to put up with the fact that for the second half, work, hobbies or communication with friends more important than cleanliness in the House. However, she cannot be called a bad hostess, she is simply not a fan of the ideal order.

The easiest way for Aquarius to get along is with representatives of the related element Gemini or Libra. Smart, lively, sociable, both partners are always overwhelmed with thoughts and plans that they willingly share with each other. Mutual understanding in such a family reigns complete, and quarrels, if they happen, then quickly disappear.

Fire feeds the energy of the air sign, giving it the strength to carry out numerous projects. Some difficulties are due to the explosive temperament of a man, but Aquarius bypasses these pitfalls with ease. Optimism helps partners overcome life's difficulties together, supporting each other in everything.
Water and Air are poorly compatible elements, and in such a marriage there are always a lot of psychological problems. But such an alliance provides an excellent opportunity for both partners to reveal their creative potential. It happens that such couples live to see a golden wedding, but it costs a lot of effort for both spouses.

Representatives of the air and earth elements are radically different people. Like any "plus" and "minus", they interact perfectly, although at first they may seem uninteresting to each other. Joint life in such couples proceeds relatively calmly. In any conflict, partners find a solution that suits both parties.

Aquarius Woman + Aquarius Man \u003d Strong friendship is a substitute for love

Love: 70%

Marriage: 80%

People born under this sign do not have a special ardor of feelings. But the commonality of interests pushes Aquarius towards each other before romantic vibes arise between them. They find in a partner a friend, a pleasant companion, a comrade-in-arms. In their life together, many things do not suit them, but they unite even more. Disagreements appear at first, since both spouses do not want to sacrifice their interests. The birth of the first child brings the couple closer, they have joint goals and plans. Aquarians are sociable, so their house is always full of friends. Over time, no one makes a difference between the friends of a husband and wife. Spouses value their friendship, which successfully replaces their passion. The spouses are not threatened with the extinction of feelings; they retain deep affection for many years. In the case of Aquarius, the strongest connection is freedom, even if limited by some limits. Natural flexibility allows partners to find a compromise, and for each pair it is different. Spouses are not interested in the material side of life, because they are not mercantile at all. They treat finances easily, not too worried about their absence. Often both spouses are people of a creative profession.

Aquarius Woman + Pisces Man = Sweet Captivity of Illusions

Love: 70%

Marriage: 50%

Emotional, sincere, childishly naive and trusting, they both look at the world wide-eyed in surprise. A pair of "Pisces - Aquarius" are idealists who are not at all interested in worldly concerns. Ordinary life disgusts them, household chores inspire melancholy, and taking care of their daily bread plunges them into depression. They are both not of this world, but it is this similarity that makes their union the most vulnerable. To become a harmonious couple, these two will have to make every effort. It is difficult for the mobile, active young lady Aquarius to understand the silent couch potato, which is the Pisces man. She wants to attend parties, exhibitions and theater premieres. He loves the "couch" life. Pisces man is a big fan of building castles in the air, dreaming and philosophizing, but he lacks personal initiative. Active Aquarius is simply annoying. To keep peace in the family, a man will have to learn to act decisively. However, the wife of Aquarius is always a companion of her husband, who is ready to support him in all endeavors. Therefore, it is difficult to find the best life partner for Pisces. For the sake of his wife, Aquarius uses all his many connections to help a man realize his projects. Aquarius is a caring wife and a good housewife. She is a hard worker, and if there is a prospect for the future, she is ready to work tirelessly. In union with Aquarius, the creative potential of Pisces is revealed. Couples in which he is a poet or artist, and she is his muse, are not uncommon for representatives of these signs. Since both partners are not practical, often a young family experiences financial difficulties.

Aquarius Woman + Aries Man = Fireworks of Passion

Love: 80%

Marriage: 70%

Aquarius and Aries are always a bright couple. These two are attracted to each other like a magnet. Their relationship is full of romanticism and passion. At first, any quarrels between partners end in a stormy reconciliation in bed. The "sudden and unpredictable" lady Aquarius knows how to hold the attention of Aries for a long time. With her, he constantly feels in good shape, because he is simply afraid of losing her. There will be many moves in this family. Aries follows its karmic destiny, exploring new territories, and Aquarius is simply attracted by novelty. The couple loves to have fun funny companies, travel and outdoor activities. Often they are connected by a love for extreme sports. Aquarius contributes to the career of Aries, helping him in everything. He climbs quickly career ladder, thanks to the subtle mind of his wife. The couple is in no hurry to have children, enjoying each other. Therefore, often the first-born in the family appears quite late, and parents approach his upbringing very seriously, trying to reveal all the talents of the offspring. The reason for the destruction of such an idyll can be the temper and egocentrism of the spouse. So that the union is not overshadowed by scandals and quarrels, a lady should not test it for strength, provoking a feeling of jealousy in a partner. The man, in turn, will have to moderate his egoism, giving the second half freedom.

Aquarius Woman + Taurus Man = Tit in hands

Love: 60%

Marriage: 60%

The stubborn Taurus stands firmly on its feet from a young age. He is practical, balanced, not prone to dreams. He is ready to provide a carefree existence, material wealth, care and attention to his chosen one. The open and non-hypocritical young lady Aquarius is very impressed by Taurus with her soft disposition, pleasant manners and female attractiveness. Next to her, he feels like a real man, a strong protector. However, Taurus is a big owner and he is a little annoyed by the excessive sociability of the chosen one. Taurus himself is in harmony with himself only at home. Traveling, hiking, partying - all this is not interesting to him. Exquisitely look after this man also does not know how, and does not want to. He is not stingy at all, he is ready to give expensive gifts, but he considers confessions and compliments superfluous. In the understanding of Taurus, actions mean more than a thousand words. It is not difficult for this couple to live under the same roof; at the household level, their interests are very similar. The Aquarius woman is a good hostess, she loves culinary experiments. Taurus is not averse to a tasty meal, besides, he simply loves his house. Sexual compatibility partners acquire over time. At first, a conservative Taurus may even be shocked by the ingenuity of the second half, but having tasted carnal pleasures to the fullest, he becomes a sophisticated lover.

Aquarius Woman + Gemini Man = Gift of Fortune

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

Gemini like to show off their intellect, and Aquarius knows how to listen and keep up the conversation. For mutual interest, this is quite enough. These two can meet anywhere: at an Impressionist exhibition, on a hiking trip, or at a secular party. The attraction between them is called love at first sight. However, more than one year often passes from the day they met before going to the registry office. Both are in no hurry to get a mark in the passport, preferring an open relationship. If choosing a partner is a lottery, the Aquarius woman may feel like she's hit the jackpot by meeting a Gemini. This couple was created in order to enjoy life together, travel, build common Home and raise children. Together they are not bored, although often a man goes to have fun without his half. Aquarius takes this calmly, she is jealous, but quite reasonable. She tries not to notice even the numerous intrigues of her partner and his shortcomings. However, the patience of Aquarius is not infinite. If she convicts her husband of something serious, she will break off relations once and for all. Often a pair of Aquarius and Gemini survives to a golden wedding without any problems. With such a coincidence of interests, friction between the spouses does not arise. Most likely, the family will not have special material well-being, because both partners are not inclined to thrift. But this is unlikely to upset both spouses. They will enjoy complete harmony and each other's company.

Aquarius Woman + Cancer Man = Difficulties in Understanding

Love: 70%

Marriage: 50%

Cancer man is distinguished by loyalty to traditions, family values ​​and family ties. Only at home he feels at ease, so he prefers to have fun on his territory. Aquarius needs to go out "to people", without this it is unbearably boring for her to live. But Cancer will not put up with such "windiness" and tortures the other half with lectures. There is no mutual understanding in a couple about spending finances. Cancer is not stingy, but thrifty, putting off for a rainy day. Aquarius easily, without hesitation, part with any amount. With all the desire, it is difficult for these two to understand each other. And if at the beginning of a relationship, Aquarius perceives such inconsistencies as something new and interesting, over time, everything in her spouse begins to irritate her. It is difficult for an active and active lady to understand Cancer's tendency to introspection. She does not like the partner's inertia, his mood swings from cheerfulness to blues. Cancer man, in response to this, withdraws into himself, moves away from the chosen one, and often even seeks solace on the side. The joint life of this couple is a complete compromise, and even a strong mutual feeling and excellent sexual compatibility rarely keep them under the same roof. A good way out for a couple can be a guest marriage and a separate budget.

Aquarius Woman + Leo Man = Sunny Side of the Street

Love: 80%

Marriage: 70%

There is a lot in common between the representatives of these two signs. It is easy for them to make friends and communicate, have fun and travel together. Lady Aquarius appreciates Leo for his generosity, cheerful disposition and pleasant manners. He is attracted to her by a lively, ironic mind, curiosity, and an open, light character. Sexual Compatibility the Leo-Aquarius pair is quite high, since both appreciate carnal pleasures. However, one bed alone is not enough for a strong marriage. When the first charm passes, the negative aspects of such a union are exposed. Both partners are too easy on money, which inevitably leads to financial difficulties in the family. The Leo man has an explosive temperament, but is ready to change for the sake of his beloved woman. However, his desire to take responsibility for the relationship discourages Aquarius, his worst qualities are manifested in him: laziness and stubbornness. Leo very soon begins to annoy the inconstancy of the second half, her unwillingness to devote time to family responsibilities. Another reason for the conflict is the desire of both partners to dominate the family.

Aquarius Woman + Virgo Man = Not a Couple at All

Love: 40%

Marriage: 30%

The marital union of Aquarius and Virgo is hard to imagine, because these two are so different that it is difficult for them to agree on any issue. However, with certain aspects in the horoscope, even complete opposites have a chance to be at the altar. True, it is not necessary to expect that the joint existence of this couple will be happy and comfortable. Both partners will have to make a lot of efforts to get along under the same roof. Thrifty to the point of stinginess, Virgo does not like Aquarius's manner of easily parting with money. The "senseless" spending of the spouse will be the reason for endless lectures. The dislike of the Aquarius woman for cleaning will cause rejection in the Virgo man who is obsessed with cleanliness. The constant skirmishes that arise against the background of such everyday trifles shake this, without that not the strongest union, from the inside. However, it is impossible to say that any marriage between Virgo and Aquarius ends in divorce. Just to achieve harmony, the couple will have to make every effort, especially since they have a lot to learn from each other. Virgo does not hurt to borrow a little optimism from her partner. It will be useful for Aquarius to learn from a representative of the earthly element a rational attitude towards finances. The sexual component in the life of this couple is not the main thing, they value the possibility of intellectual communication with each other. If Virgo and Aquarius show common interests, they may well come to an understanding, live a long happy life, raise children. Passion for yoga, proper nutrition and everything related to health care can become such points of contact.

Aquarius Woman + Libra Man = Safe Family Haven

Love: 80%

Marriage: 80%

The romance that began between Libra and Aquarius almost always ends in marriage. And for a couple that celebrates the fifth anniversary of their life together, you can safely predict a golden wedding. Spouses simply will not find a reason for divorce, they are both complaisant, do not like to conflict, sort things out. Oddly enough, the lively, mobile lady Aquarius has a calming effect on her partner. With her, the Libra man finds harmony and peace of mind, which he strives for. Of course, it is difficult to call these relations absolutely ideal. However, the negative aspects in this union are much less than positive aspects. Libra is a family sign, it is important for such a man to receive from loved one maximum warmth, support, communication. But Lady Aquarius is not at all sentimental, sometimes she can look indifferent. She is not inclined to limit her social circle only to her family. At first, this serves as a reason for discontent, and sometimes even jealousy on the part of the spouse. Over time, these differences are erased, the spouses are looking for a compromise model of interaction in a couple. The passion between partners does not fade for a long time, because the Libra man has a very high sexual potential. Over time, carnal love is replaced by tenderness. Relationships are built on friendship, mutual trust, common interests.

Aquarius Woman + Scorpio Man = Unpredictable Relationship

Love: 60%

Marriage: 40%

The attraction between these two signs is sometimes difficult to explain. The Aquarius woman, entering into a relationship with a jealous and domineering Scorpio man, very quickly begins to think that he is not her hero at all. A sincere, open girl is not ready to understand the complex nature of Scorpio. His secrecy is perceived as coldness. It is also annoying that the partner perceives with hostility her desire to communicate with numerous friends. Scorpio is not accustomed to reckon with the feelings of others, his injections always hurt. Despite the fact that Aquarians are not at all touchy, Scorpio skillfully finds the most vulnerable places. Union does not save even good sexual compatibility. However, if a man finds the strength to cope with his shortcomings, learns to restrain himself, and, most importantly, provides his partner with the necessary freedom, they may well be relatively harmonious couple. For all its shortcomings, Scorpio knows how to care deeply about loved ones. He is able to take on the burden of home improvement, the financial support of his wife, and the upbringing of offspring. In addition, by nature, the Scorpio man is a reformer - a revolutionary, he is attracted by everything new and unusual, in this they are similar to Aquarius. A strong spiritual union often arises between these two signs. They can open a joint business, get creative or go on a trip around the world. In any case, their relationship will definitely not be banal.

Aquarius Woman + Sagittarius Man = Under a Lucky Star

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

At the first meeting, the Sagittarius man understands that he has come across a woman with whom you can live your whole life. As air keeps the fire burning, so in this pair two give each other vital energy. The anxiety inherent in the representative of the fiery element, in the presence of the lady of Aquarius, disappears. With this woman, he can remain himself, surrendering to a pleasant light flirtation. The straightforwardness with which Sagittarius sometimes expresses his opinion does not bother Aquarius at all. With a soft pliable character, such a woman does not claim leadership, does not seek to control or give intrusive advice. Aquarius, like no one else, understands Sagittarius' desire for independence and respects his desire to have inviolable personal space. Lovers surrender to their feelings with their characteristic sincerity and spontaneity, opening up to each other the world of exquisite sexual joys. The Sagittarius man, who can spend his whole life in search of his ideal, finds it in a woman born under the sign of Aquarius. From the side, the couple looks very friendly, which often causes the envy of others. Spouses do everything together: relax, meet friends, do household chores. There is complete harmony in the family. Even financial difficulties spouses perceive with optimism, without reproaching the partner for the inability to manage money.

Aquarius Woman + Capricorn Man = Like behind a stone wall

Love: 60%

Marriage: 80%

Restrained, modest Capricorn, most often, does not impress the Aquarius woman. But if this man likes a lady, he will show amazing perseverance to win her heart. Sooner or later, Aquarius will notice a laconic admirer and appreciate his feelings. It is not at all necessary that their love will become mutual. The Aquarius woman may well agree to marry Capricorn, realizing that she is safe and calm with him. As a rule, by the time of marriage, the Capricorn man already has a certain position in society and well-established requirements for his chosen one. Aquarius will not be able to skimp on household duties in this union. Capricorn wants to see his wife as a good housewife and is not ready to share worries equally. At heart, he is a supporter of house building, the traditional distribution of responsibilities between men and women. A dreamy idealist in such a marriage will always lack emotions. Capricorn is not capable of a violent manifestation of passion, and by nature he is deprived of fantasy. But he is able to provide the family with a really reliable rear, often this turns out to be a weighty argument in favor of saving the marriage. However, if Aquarius meets love, the bonds of Hymen will not stop her. She jumps into new novel with head.

The compatibility of the Aquarius woman with other signs is dictated by the peculiarities of her unusual nature. This is a bright personality who has out of the box thinking and likes to stand out from the crowd. She has many friends, but few real affections. Aquarius is in no hurry to create a family, because he values ​​freedom more than anything else. How the lady will find a common language with her partner also depends on the position of the Moon and the eastern horoscope, although the sun sign plays a paramount role here.

Aquarius personality

It is not difficult to recognize the Aquarius girl on the street, she is always dressed in an original way and stands out from the crowd. total weight people. In the wardrobe of a woman there are things of various styles, and she knows how to combine them perfectly. The unusualness of the airy lady is manifested not only in clothes. Her thinking, ideas and statements are no less strange than her clothes. This person knows how to shock others without making any effort. It's just that she always says what she thinks, but she thinks not at all like the others.

Aquarians love to dream and fantasize. They live in the future, never think about the day ahead, easily change their place of residence, love to travel and hate staying at home. The hostesses of these women turn out to be useless, since Aquarians believe that there are much more interesting things in the world than cooking and cleaning. But they are excellent companions, next to an airy girl will never be bored. She knows everything and about everything, she talks about it with pleasure.

Relations with the opposite sex in Aquarius do not always work out well, but she rarely gets upset because of this. Such a woman has a much wider view of the world and a variety of interests to obsess over men. She is also in no hurry to enter into marriage, she considers the family as a restriction of personal freedom. A young girl dreams of a partner who would understand all her ideas, take her to the ends of the world, give her a castle in the air. A mature Aquarius woman is more pragmatic in her choice. For her, the main thing is that she should not be kept at home and given the opportunity to realize herself in creativity, profession, social work, and not interfere with communicating with friends.

The Aquarius woman often does not even notice her compatibility with other zodiac signs. It is easy for her to communicate with everyone, but she is really friends with few people. To many, it seems superficial and frivolous. In fact, the thoughts of an airy girl hover where not everyone can climb.

Compatibility with the fire element

Fire governs the following zodiac constellations:

  • Sagittarius

Relations with representatives of the fire element of the air sign are developing well. A wise woman is able to direct the energy of her hot partner in the right direction. She will become his faithful assistant, a kind of intellectual center of the family. At the same time, she will not claim leadership and will give, at least formally, the reins of government into the hands of her husband.

Aquarius Woman Compatibility with Aries

Aries man and Aquarius woman have very good compatibility. Their relationship can be built on friendship and mutual passion. Often the romance is so emotional that everyone around envy the happy couple. The initiator of marriage is always a man. It cannot be said that Aries is an ideal family man, but he takes his duties a little more seriously than his half. But the wife will never challenge his authority, suggest new ideas for his projects, help find solutions to complex issues. Spouses often travel, often run a joint business. Aries jealousy can be a problem. Aquarius is not at all prone to betrayal, but loves to communicate with friends. The desire of Aries to always keep his wife with him is completely incomprehensible to Aquarius.

Aquarius partnership with Leo

Relations between such people are bright, unpredictable and explosive. Everything will be in this union - violent passion, Leo's jealousy, departures and returns of Aquarius, travel to the ends of the world, endless disputes and reconciliation in bed. A man and a woman are very different from each other, but the differences in the characters of both attract. An original, non-standard girl who stands out in any society immediately arouses Leo's interest. She, in turn, feels near strong man who is able to realize her dreams and fantasies. In order for the union to last for a long time, partners need to learn how to compromise and understand each other better. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, divorces in such couples are frequent.

Aquarius Compatibility with Sagittarius

Together, these two signs are ready to turn the world upside down. In this union, two kindred spirits really meet. A woman is able to inflate and maintain the fire of her man. Her partner will warm her with his warmth, will not let her cool down and lose interest in another idea. In such a family, the wife knows what to do and the husband knows how to do it. Unfortunately, it rarely comes to marriage with partners. These are two independent and freedom-loving natures. Despite the fact that the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman have excellent compatibility, they are in no hurry to commit themselves. Often such couples remain lovers for many years, travel with pleasure, even do business together, but do not even come to the same apartment.

Earth Element Compatibility

The element of the Earth governs such representatives of the Zodiac:

  • Taurus
  • Capricorn

The Aquarius woman has too little in common with the earthly man. They have completely different interests, he wants to build a house, and she wants to go to Australia. Why to Australia? This girl will not be able to explain to anyone. The straightforward "earthlings" hardly understand the way of thinking of an airy girlfriend, therefore they try not to mess with her. For a woman, such relationships are also not very comfortable; she will never agree to put only home and family at the forefront of her interests.

Aquarius Woman Compatibility with Taurus

The patroness Venus generously endowed Taurus with eroticism and sensuality. Therefore, his sexual compatibility with many signs, including Aquarius, is simply excellent. But you can't build a relationship on sex alone. A freedom-loving and independent woman is completely unprepared to devote herself to home and family. In such a pair, conflicts constantly arise due to the distribution of household responsibilities. Taurus is the owner, he wants his wife to completely belong to him, and not to numerous friends and acquaintances. It is good if the couple sees all the contradictions before marriage. When they start a family, it will not do without scandals, very often living together ends in divorce.

Aquarius partnership with Virgo

Virgo man and Aquarius woman will look for their compatibility for a long time. At first, it seems to partners that they will find help and support in each other. After all, Virgo lacks ideas so much, and an airy woman lacks organization. But very soon it will become obvious that life together turns into hell. So different people difficult to adapt and find compromises. The union of an innovator and a conservative has few prospects. Often a man and a woman after parting remain friends, but they communicate on a completely different level.

Aquarius Compatibility with Capricorn Man

Secretive, with many complexes, the Capricorn man is always a little jealous of the free Aquarius. A woman looks at an aspiring and ambitious man as an unattainable ideal. Romances are often tied between these people. They can even get married and live happily ever after, in love and full harmony. How much effort family harmony cost, only these two will know. Successful alliances are obtained in youth, when partners are still able to change. With age, it is more difficult for them to find a common language; it is best for mature representatives of these signs not to marry.

Air Compatibility

Air governs the following zodiac signs:

  • Twins
  • Aquarius

With whom is an Aquarius woman more compatible than with representatives of her native element? This statement is close to the truth, but problems in such couples are also not uncommon. It is not so easy for two independent people to establish relations. Air needs the fuel of fire, the solidity of the earth, or at least the life-giving moisture of water in order to open its heart to love. Relations between representatives of the air are often based on friendship, but they lack real passion.

Aquarius partnership with Gemini

It is very easy for such people to find a common language with each other. They experience psychological comfort with each other, which is rarely the case with other signs. Sexual compatibility is also not bad, there is little passion in the bedroom, but there is room for bold experiments. The basis of relationships is always intellectual communication, joint travel and even study. A woman is able to forgive even such a Gemini weakness as betrayal. The problem of the union is that none of the partners is in a hurry to formalize the relationship. They can be great friends-lovers, but rarely become real husband and wife.

Aquarius Compatibility with Libra

Relations between such people are tied up quite by accident. A guy and a girl are just interested in chatting, they may not even notice how they begin to live together. There is also enough love and romance in the union. Both Aquarius and Libra love beautiful surroundings, silk sheets, a fireplace and candles on the table. The Libra man knows how to awaken hidden sexuality in his partner, so everything is in order in bed. Household and material problems spouses are of little concern, everyone is doing their favorite thing and does not nag their partner due to lack of money. When a family is completely broke, there will always be Good friends to help in difficult situations.

Partnership of two Aquarians

Very often, a man and a woman born under the same constellation become competitors. In any society, they compete to see who is more eccentric, more shocking to the public with original antics. On this basis, passion suddenly flares up between them. It does not last long, because Aquarians are rather cold in bed, they need a partner of another element to reveal their sexuality. But common interests, intellectual pursuits, and even participation in a volunteer organization can keep partners together for a longer time. Family life will be difficult, the competition in it will continue. The Aquarius man and woman will be able to strengthen their compatibility if they begin to live each other's lives.

Compatibility with the water element

Water governs the following zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion

The air is able to raise waves on the sea and fly away, taking with it a couple of droplets of moisture. The Aquarius woman is much more worried about the water man than he is about her. She can often break the heart of her not-too-lucky lover for a long time. If the girl succumbs to love, she can be sucked in by the mysterious and unknown underwater world. Whether she will be fine there is a big question. Therefore, it is very difficult to say whether Aquarius is compatible with the water element at all.

Aquarius partnership with Cancer

Cancer man and Aquarius woman have very low compatibility. It is difficult for such people to find a common language with each other. Each of them has a special inner world and way of thinking, and these worlds are located at different ends of the universe. Cancer is a conservative, attached to home, family and relatives. Aquarius does not accept any laws of society, does not honor traditions, even forgets about parents. However, an airy woman can awaken in the soul of Cancer a secret passion for distant wanderings, especially if they meet on a full moon. A short romance between a guy and a girl will become so unusual that both will remember it all their lives. But short is better. love adventure and stop family life The couple is unlikely to get along.

Aquarius and Scorpio Man Compatibility

The meeting of two bright, interesting personalities is promising. Mysterious, mysterious and emotional man easily lures into his network a woman who is ready to survive any adventure. The couple's romance is stormy, full of passion, but at the same time both walk as if on a knife edge. About each such union, you can shoot a fascinating mystical thriller. When passions subside, and true love comes instead, a man can call a girl down the aisle. She will succumb to his magnetism and suddenly find herself the mistress of the house, without wanting it herself. If the spouses manage to agree on the distribution of responsibilities in time and do not demand too much from each other, their marriage can develop quite successfully.

Aquarius Woman Compatibility with Pisces

Pisces man and Aquarius woman have good compatibility, as for the union of Water and Air. Both have a rich imagination, they know how to dream like a child, talk about high matters, have little interest in the material world. But a woman is much more active than a man, she prefers to make her dreams come true. She loves adventure, travel, constantly communicates with friends. A man is a mystic, he is closed by nature, he is much more interested in himself than with other people. Over time, both will begin to weigh this different attitude to life and the couple will part. Often this happens within a month after meeting. Often the man runs away first, his intuition tells him to stay away from the windy woman.


The year of birth and the eastern horoscope also contribute to the relationship. The Cat-Rabbit, Sheep-Goat and Pig-Boar are perfectly compatible with Aquarius. These years are born creative people, close in outlook to the air sign. A good relationship develops if the partner is a Rat, Dragon or Monkey. But the Snake, Ox and Rooster do not make contact so quickly, relations with them are worse. A man whose year of birth is Tiger, Horse or Dog is able to lead an airy woman, to curb her independent temper a little, as he has a very strong will.

Whatever the characteristics of the signs, the relationship between partners largely depends on themselves. Not even the most best estimate compatibility can be corrected if a man and a woman make an effort. And no influence of stars, spheres or "rep" will prevent them from being happy.

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