Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

My period came earlier and for scanty reasons. Why did my period start a week early? Injuries to the genital tract and uterus

What determines premature menstruation? Diseases of the reproductive system are one of the reasons. The second reason is stress and psycho-emotional stress.

The menstrual cycle is a physiological phenomenon with a frequency of 1 time every 21 to 35 days. How quickly the next bleeding will begin - after 3 weeks or after 5, depends on individual characteristics body.

If your period comes a week earlier than usual, given its regularity, you should think about whether everything is in order with your health.

What causes premature menstruation?

The answer to the question of whether menstruation can start a week earlier is yes. Bleeding or spotting 7 days before the expected date does not always indicate illness.

The causes of premature menstruation lie in stress and psycho-emotional stress. Nervous tension and physical fatigue are familiar to almost all women.

Incorrect operation nervous system causes spasm and dilation of blood vessels. As a result, the activity of the uterus increases, and the endometrium begins to be rejected ahead of schedule.

Why else can menstruation start 1 week earlier:

  • Age. An unstable cycle is typical for the puberty period, but within 1 to 2 years, periods in teenage girls should become regular. Subsequently, cycle disruptions are observed by the age of 50, which indicates the approach of menopause.
  • Taking hormonal medications. Medicines containing hormones disrupt the natural production of female hormones, causing an imbalance.
  • Abortion or miscarriage. These situations provoke a hormonal surge, and menstruation begins much earlier or later than usual.
  • Use of contraceptives. If a woman is protected from pregnancy using oral contraceptives, her period begins a week earlier due to the body’s adaptation to the new hormonal status. Menstruation begins prematurely even if a woman takes emergency contraceptive pills.
  • Change climatic conditions and time zones. The female body reacts to flights on business trips and vacations in exotic countries with cycle disruptions - menstruation begins either earlier or later. It is impossible to predict how many days the deviation will occur. To prevent flights and travel from spoiling your health, you should travel long distances no more than once a month.
  • Pregnancy. After merging with the sperm, the egg enters the uterus after 5–10 days. At the time of implantation, the intrauterine mucous tissue is injured, and scanty bloody issues. Unaware of his interesting position, the woman thinks that her period started a week earlier this time. Although in fact, scanty discharge for 1 - 2 days often indicates conception and the introduction of the embryo into the uterine cavity. In an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube, false menstruation occurs due to pressure on the blood vessels. As the fetus grows, the bleeding intensifies and severe pain occurs on the side of the abdomen where the egg is implanted.

Heavy periods with clots that started a week earlier indicate hormonal imbalance. Imbalance in hormone ratio is a common cause of premature menstruation.

Menstruation a week earlier as a sign of pathology

In many cases, the reasons that menstruation started a week earlier than the usual date are diseases of the reproductive system.

For example, after unprotected sex, a partner may develop mycoplasmosis. In addition to MC disorders, she will be bothered by itching of the genitals and nagging pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

Cyst on the ovary

The disease develops according to various reasons– stress, infections, abortions, overweight in the stage of obesity. Menstruation occurs 7 to 10 days earlier, and the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen and difficulty urinating.


Oncological disease develops against the background of obesity or hormonal disorders, but it is also hereditary in nature. In addition, fibroids are formed due to repeated abortions. Menstruation becomes irregular, frequent urges to go to the toilet arise, and the stomach becomes rounded.

Benign tumor in the uterus

Even a small tumor disrupts the production of hormones and leads to cycle disruptions. Not knowing about her illness, the woman notes nagging pain in the lower abdomen, clots in dark menstrual blood, and the onset of menstruation not according to the calendar, but ahead of schedule.

Injuries to the internal genital organs

Slight spotting that resembles menstruation, but appears 7 days before its onset, may occur after rough sexual intercourse or insufficient vaginal moisture, or due to improper insertion of the intrauterine device.

Mechanical damage to the vaginal tube or cervix with minor bleeding is not dangerous. But if red discharge flows from the genital tract for a long time, this threatens infection of the internal genital organs and the development of serious pathologies.

Inflammatory processes

The premature arrival is not surprising critical days in the presence of an inflammatory process. The body responds with menstrual dysfunction to flu and colds. Weakened by respiratory diseases, he does not perform his job fully.

Menstruation after a cold can be long, heavy, painful and with clots. They either start 5 – 7 days earlier, or arrive with a delay.


This disease can be described as an abnormal proliferation of endometrial cells beyond the uterine cavity. Endometriosis affects the peritoneum and provokes adhesions.

Symptoms of pathology are not only irregular periods. Women complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, pain during intercourse.

Therapeutic fasting and strict diets for weight loss deplete reserves nutrients and impair blood clotting. When the body lacks fats and carbohydrates, it stops producing sex hormones. Over time, there may be no menstruation at all.

Features of menstruation that began ahead of schedule

How your period, which started a week earlier, will proceed depends on the reasons for this situation. If bleeding opens prematurely due to stress, the woman will additionally experience headaches, weakness, and insomnia. At hormonal disorders menstruation occurs profusely with thick inclusions.

Implantation bleeding in early pregnancy is scanty and short-lived. This is not true menstruation, but false menstruation. Diseases of an infectious nature provoke premature bleeding with nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.

The appearance of intermenstrual bleeding indicates instability of estrogen during ovulation. The level of this hormone can rise sharply or fall rapidly. After the end of normal menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding appears on the 10th – 14th day of the cycle. Its duration reaches 3 days. If the discharge lasts longer and is accompanied by general malaise, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

As for implantation bleeding, if you suspect pregnancy, you need to do a test and pay attention to the quality of the discharge. The norm for an expectant mother is:

  1. Scanty pink discharge.
  2. Liquid consistency of the discharge.
  3. Short duration - bleeding is observed for several hours, but not more than 2 days.

Scanty, barely noticeable spotting in the middle of the cycle is a sign of ovulation. They don't cause any trouble, other than dirtying your laundry. Ovulation costs do not require treatment.

What to do if your period starts a week early

Why a particular patient’s stable periods suddenly came a week earlier, the doctor will be able to answer only after receiving the results of a comprehensive examination.

To study the situation in detail, a woman must undergo the following procedures:

  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Vaginal smear.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • pelvic organs.
  • Biopsy with transfer of material for histological examination.

Until the doctor tells you about the diagnostic results, there is no need to worry prematurely. Perhaps some physiological process has negatively affected menstrual function.

But if during instrumental and laboratory research a functional or organic disorder will be identified, the patient will receive comprehensive treatment, the purpose of which is to correct the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is a reflection of a woman's health. Menstruation begins early for various reasons, some are quite harmless, others require medical intervention. It is also important to understand the difference between an early period and sudden bleeding.

Regularity of the menstrual cycle

We can talk about early menstruation when a woman’s cycle is already stable and menstruation took the woman by surprise. Teenagers and women in menopause should not be afraid of early periods, as these are completely natural hormonal changes.

Periods ahead of schedule: main reasons

Why do my periods come early? The main causes of early periods come down to natural and pathological.

  • Strong nervous tension, stress, emotional exhaustion.
  • Reinforced physical exercise.
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Acclimatization of the body to changes in climatic conditions or time zone.

In such cases, early menstruation is caused by non-serious internal violations, but the body’s reaction to external circumstances.

  • Traumatic sex. Rough sexual intercourse can injure the walls of the vagina, the cervix and this will cause bleeding, which can be mistaken for early menstruation. Also, intense contractions of the uterus can trigger an early onset of menstruation.
  • Untimely spotting may be bleeding due to the fact that the fertilized egg has not implanted in the uterine cavity; this condition requires consulting a doctor.
  • Contraceptives. Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives, an incorrectly installed IUD, or emergency contraceptive medications can affect the regularity of the cycle and shift it in one direction or another. When taking oral contraceptives prescribed by a doctor, monthly cycle can be reconfigured within the first 3 months. If you stop taking birth control pills for a long time, your cycle may also shift. These points should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This happens with ovarian dysfunction, disruption of the adrenal glands and thyroid glands, which are responsible for hormones.
  • Surgical operations.
  • Abortion. Menstruation after an abortion begins 7-14 days later. The allocations should be scanty.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body. Viral and bacterial infections disrupt the functioning of the entire body, and the cycle can change.
  • Diseases of the genital organs. This reason requires more in-depth consideration. Diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system organs can both cause bleeding and provoke early menstruation.

Ectopic pregnancy may cause bleeding

In addition to bloody, untimely discharge, a woman may be bothered by dizziness, constant or periodic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, fever, irregular cycles, too thick or thin discharge. unpleasant smell menstruation with whitish impurities. These symptoms indicate a serious illness. In such cases, you should undergo an examination.

Common diseases that affect the menstrual cycle are:

  • Hyperestrogenism. A phenomenon associated with excessive secretion of estrogen, along with this, luteal insufficiency is observed. This eventually leads to lack of ovulation and infertility. Symptoms: discomfort during sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, impaired functioning excretory system.
  • . The process of proliferation of endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterus) in atypical places: in the abdominal cavity, bladder, rectum, ovaries and other tissues and organs of the body. Symptoms include pain of varying intensity, localized in the pelvic area, and spotting before and after menstruation. Endometriosis can cause infertility.
  • Hypoplasia. This is underdevelopment of the genital organs; with ovarian hypoplasia, insufficient synthesis of sex hormones occurs.
  • Oncological diseases, which are divided into benign and malignant. Their symptoms include untimely bleeding.

Endometriosis as a cause of menstrual irregularities

3 days earlier

Many women notice that menstruation comes 1-3 days earlier. Experts believe that in the absence of other disturbing symptoms, this situation is not dangerous. The cycle has the peculiarity of being rearranged a couple of days earlier, when a woman experiences nervous tension, gets very tired, engages in excessive physical activity and does not watch her diet.

It is necessary to pay attention to this when, due to constant early menstruation, the cycle is significantly shortened. Menstruation that came 4-5 days earlier can also be considered normal in the absence of disturbing symptoms.

A week earlier

If your period comes 7 or more days earlier, then this should alert you. This could be a hormonal imbalance, inflammation, or the onset of a serious illness. This situation requires a trip to the doctor and examination.

Menstruation began 10 days or even two weeks earlier. This happens after surgery. It is necessary to consult your doctor. If there have been no operations, but such an early onset of menstruation requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist.

Video about dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Nature of the discharge

The nature of the discharge can tell you what the cause of early menstruation is. Scanty discharge occurs after surgical operations (abortion, removal of polyps, etc.). Often after childbirth, the cycle is not established immediately, and menstruation may be scanty and begin earlier than expected.

There may be ovulatory bleeding, they accompany ovulation and last 1-3 days, have a light pinkish color.

Heavy menstruation can easily be confused with bleeding. Uterine bleeding begins abruptly, the discharge is constant and profuse, it can be felt severe weakness. Heavy periods begin gradually, the discharge is portioned, and clots may be present. If bleeding continues continuously for more than an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Early pregnancy occurs due to hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, benign formations, inflammatory processes and pathologies.

How to recognize pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting can be implantation bleeding. This occurs when a fertilized egg implants into the uterine cavity. This process occurs 8-12 days after fertilization.

Implantation bleeding is scanty bloody discharge that can be observed for 3 days, this process is accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

This does not always happen and is not a deviation from the norm. Often, implantation bleeding may not be noticeable, and the discharge is insignificant.

If there is a suspicion that bleeding is a sign of implantation, then you should take a pregnancy test from the first day of the delay or consult a gynecologist.

Implantation bleeding

What to do?

If menstruation started earlier and proceeds without alarming or worrying symptoms, then it is enough for a woman to reconsider the rhythm of life, optimize physical activity, eliminate stressful circumstances, adjust nutrition, and the cycle will be restored over time.

You should consult a doctor if, in addition to bloody discharge, you experience:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • painful sensations;
  • heavy periods are accompanied by;
  • body temperature rises;
  • menstruation starts earlier by 7 or more days for several months in a row;
  • There is a suspicion of a sexually transmitted infection.

Consequences of cycle disruption

An irregular menstrual cycle can have various consequences. These are increased fatigue, infertility, development pathological processes and neoplasms, dysfunction in the endocrine system. Neglect of some diseases and their untimely diagnosis can have fatal consequences.

Having your period ahead of schedule is a signal that something is wrong in the body. It is necessary to analyze your lifestyle, evaluate possible risks and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

Why menstruation came ahead of schedule is a question that worries many women today. The menstrual cycle is the systematic release of an unfertilized egg from the uterine cavity.

Each woman of childbearing age has her own menstrual cycle, the normal course is from 26 to 32 days. Each body has its own characteristics, so the cycle of many women is purely individual.

But what to do if your period starts early? Such situations happen, and this should prompt an immediate visit to the doctor. It is considered not terrible if the critical days came the day before the expected date, but if for 5 or more days, then this indicates the presence of deviations from the norm and possible illnesses.

Reasons why your period came early

There is no need to panic prematurely, since only after a thorough examination by a gynecologist can he make a final diagnosis.

The main reasons for the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule include:

  1. Uterine bleeding
    This factor is extremely dangerous and requires immediate contact with a specialist. The fact is that it is almost impossible to detect uterine bleeding on your own. Some women feel a difference, for example, the amount of discharge is different than during menstruation, the stomach hurts more.
    Uterine bleeding can be caused by strokes, mechanical trauma, or serious genital tract infections.
  2. Taking emergency contraception
    It's important to know that emergency contraception, for example "Postinor", can provoke premature discharge. Such types of fight against unwanted pregnancy should be used extremely rarely, since they negatively affect the reproductive system and hormonal levels of a woman.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy
    An ectopic pregnancy can be the cause of early menstruation, although if you look at it, this bleeding has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle. More often the discharge is accompanied severe pain, which cannot be tolerated. You need to urgently go to the doctor - this condition is dangerous for the woman’s health.
  4. Tumors
    Neoplasms in the uterus and tubes cause bleeding, so it is important to undergo examinations by a gynecologist every six months to exclude the possibility of tumors. Every woman needs to carefully treat her body, and especially those who have not given birth and plan to become a happy mother in the future. Untimely treatment of tumors provokes cancer and often ends surgical intervention and infertility.
  5. Stress
    Stressful situations have a bad effect on the entire vital system, including the reproductive system. It is important for a woman to avoid unnecessary nervous shock, because it is known that nerves not only affect the menstrual cycle, but are also considered catalysts for many other diseases, including oncology.

There are also small deviations that, in principle, do not threaten health, but which should be avoided.

Reasons for getting your period 5 days ahead of schedule:

  • Physical overexertion
    Carrying heavy weights and unusual loads can trigger your period 5 days earlier. It is worth taking a measured approach physical exercise and do not forget that a woman is a future mother;
  • Cold
    Infections with elevated temperature often cause early critical days. A woman will not be able to influence this in any way, so there is no need to panic, but it is better to see a doctor just in case;
  • Diet
    Desire to lose a few extra pounds over time short term always ends with problems: the arrival of menstrual periods ahead of schedule, inflammation of the stomach, problems with bowel movements.

These are the main reasons, but they can manifest themselves in different dates the arrival of early critical days.

Why did my period come a week early?

Why your period came ahead of schedule can only be determined by a gynecologist. But often, the answer to the question why menstruation came a week earlier is associated with specific malfunctions in the reproductive system.

My period came a week early due to:

  • Increased estrogen
    Hyperestrogenism is observed in women due to disruptions of the hormonal system. This disease must be diagnosed in time and treatment started, since with this condition ovulation is very often absent. It is dangerous to bring this condition to a chronic course of the disease; a woman risks being left without offspring.
  • Uterine bleeding
    The causes of uterine bleeding can be tumors, such as fibroids, cysts. Rough sex with the use of toys also leads to them - this threatens with injuries to the uterus, after which bleeding immediately begins. It is impossible to stop such discharge at home, and taking medications on your own can be fatal. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of uterine bleeding, you should immediately call ambulance or go to the doctor for an appointment without waiting in line.
  • Inflammation
    Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system in advanced stages can cause heavy discharge a week ahead of schedule. Often the discharge is scanty, but with clots. Underdevelopment of the reproductive system also leads to premature menstruation.

Period 10 days ahead of schedule

Although the menstrual cycle should follow a precise calendar, deviations are quite common. For example, your period is 10 days early. This situation does not always indicate serious malfunctions. reproductive organs, but it should be an impetus for visiting your gynecologist.

Period 10 days early reason:

  1. Genetic predisposition
    Along with the set of chromosomes, we are also given genetic memory from our parents. Therefore, if the girl’s mother suffered from an irregular cycle and the onset of premature menstruation, while examinations showed that the woman was absolutely healthy, then the likelihood of such deviations in her daughter is high.
    But you shouldn’t immediately blame everything on genetics; even with a genetic predisposition, it’s worth undergoing a full examination by a gynecologist and ruling out the presence of other factors that may affect early menstruation.
  2. Miscarriages, abortions
    If a woman had an abortion the day before or had a miscarriage, then the menstrual cycle will be disrupted for several months in a row. This is due to normalization hormonal levels. To avoid these factors, a woman is prescribed after a miscarriage or abortion. drug treatment which will help restart the cycle.
  3. Excess weight
    To maintain normal functioning of a woman with excess body weight, she needs to eat a lot healthy products and vitamins. But this is done extremely rarely, it is difficult to establish a constant flow useful substances when the mass is critically deviated from the norm. Therefore, against the background of a lack of vitamins and minerals, it may occur early menstruation.
    A woman needs to see a nutritionist because excess weight has a bad effect not only on the female reproductive system, but also on the heart, stomach, joints, liver and kidneys, not to mention aesthetic aspects.

These are the most basic reasons for the arrival of menstruation 10 days earlier, but there are cases when factors combine or lead to the development of further ailments, so a visit to the gynecologist should under no circumstances be postponed.

Pregnancy or menstruation early

My period started early, could this be pregnancy? Let's take a closer look at this.
The main reasons why menstruation comes early have already been clarified. Menstruation and pregnancy are completely different things, but sometimes discharge during pregnancy can be confused with the onset of a period.

During the period of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, and this occurs in several stages, but the first manifestations occur a week after ovulation, small discharge may occur.

Women often confuse them with menstrual periods, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. The strokes are very scanty, often not red, but pink or even Brown and they end much faster than ordinary menstruation.

The result of such discharge will make itself felt already in the first week after menstruation, when the woman feels malaise, dizziness and nausea.
And so, the main reasons for early menstruation have been sorted out. But you should not rely only on your knowledge, because often deviations in the female body have individual characteristics that only an experienced doctor can recognize after tests, visual examination and ultrasound examination.

Women's health is very important, so you shouldn't let illnesses and diseases get worse, because it's easier to cure a disease at an early stage.

Video why your period came early.

If your period comes early, can you be pregnant? This is a question that interests quite a lot of women today who are planning to become mothers. Most often, when a woman reaches the age when her reproductive function is functioning well enough, she already has established menstruation.

However, if menstrual bleeding begins prematurely, this may indicate pregnancy of the fair sex, or be a symptom of some developing pathology.

A woman notices her critical days, which came earlier than expected, then this phenomenon is influenced by various factors external environment or other physiological factors. The main symptom of the correct detachment of the upper layer of the uterine mucosa, specially designed for pregnancy, is the onset of menstruation.

In order for physiological bleeding to begin, a woman must accumulate special hormones in her blood, which also accumulate at a certain period of the cycle and can cause a phenomenon such as menstruation.

If bleeding began a week earlier, then this may most directly indicate that the body is turning on its protective reserves in order to protect itself from any negative factor that it encounters during this particular period of time. Consequently, if a threat to existence is felt, then there can be no question of the intended offspring, which is expressed in its complete elimination with the help of such a phenomenon as early menstruation.

Possibility of physiological bleeding at the very beginning of pregnancy

If we consider the question from the inside, then it is worth initially deciding what the endometrium is. The endometrium is the mucous membrane on the walls of the uterus, which is necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg. The thickness of the endometrial layer is regulated exclusively by the woman’s sex hormones. When endometrial detachment occurs, bleeding begins, since at this time the blood vessels are significantly destroyed.

However, in the case when fertilization does occur, the body actively begins to produce progesterone, which is necessary for a more dense growth of the mucous layer of the uterus, as a result of which detachment does not occur until the birth of the child. As a consequence of this, menstruation is also completely absent during this period.

But, there are situations when the discharge continues, but the test showed two cherished stripes, in which case it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist. This is due to the fact that there may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hormonal imbalance, which is expressed in very low hormonal levels, the restoration of which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy;
  • infectious inflammatory pathologies of the female reproductive organs;
  • the possibility that the pregnancy may spontaneously terminate;
  • tumors;
  • the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

If there is a certain threat that fertilization may spontaneously terminate, you should immediately consult a doctor. The main symptoms of this condition may include very heavy scarlet bleeding, nagging pain reminiscent of contractions and loss of consciousness.

There are situations when a woman conceives not one, but several embryos. In this case, early menstruation may indicate that one of these embryos has died, while the rest continue their normal development.

A woman must understand that making a diagnosis on her own is not the best solution. Therefore, it is worth seeking advice from a gynecologist, and the sooner the better.

Possibility of pregnancy if your period begins early

The female reproductive system is designed in such a way that once a month a woman experiences physiological bleeding, which is necessary to completely cleanse the uterine cavity of accumulated unnecessary endometrium and the remains of a dead egg. As for the frequency of this phenomenon, for the most part it ranges from twenty-eight to thirty-five days.

The monthly manifestation of this cyclicity indicates that all reproductive processes in a woman’s body. But, if blood appears a week earlier or, on the contrary, a persistent delay in menstruation is recorded, then this may most directly indicate the onset of pregnancy in a representative of the fair sex. However, sometimes such a course of the cycle may indicate the presence of one or another pathology, which urgently requires medical consultation.

Is my period premature? Can I be pregnant?

Monthly bleeding is a process that can tell a lot about the occurrence of a particular phenomenon in the female body. However, if menstruation occurs earlier due date, one can rather suspect that there are some abnormalities or inflammatory processes in the body. But, in some cases, this may be the very first sign of pregnancy.

As for the validity of this assumption, it is primarily based on the fact that bleeding, which is considered menstrual, may be the simplest implantation bleeding, which is observed during the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus.

If we talk about the intensity of this phenomenon, then such bleeding can manifest itself in a few drops of blood on the surface of underwear or a pad, or it can be similar to normal menstruation. The duration period for the most part ranges from several hours to one or two days.

Although this period of blood discharge is definitely physiological, the fair sex should remember about personal hygiene, since right now quite a lot of high risk infection with a variety of sexually transmitted infections.

Thus, menstruation, which is recorded approximately a week earlier than the due menstruation, indicates that the woman may still be pregnant.

Speaking about the phenomenon of ectopic pregnancy, bleeding is very often recorded here. Do not forget that this type can be very dangerous not only for women’s reproductive health, but also for a woman’s life in general. Therefore, it is worth seeking help from a gynecologist as soon as possible, who right time will eliminate the phenomenon, preserving if possible reproductive function female body.

Other causes of bleeding before the due date

Often women think that menstruation, which began earlier than expected, most directly indicates the presence of pregnancy. This state of affairs very often misleads a woman, which can be the reason for the loss of such precious time.

Thus, the reasons for such premature bleeding may be the following:

  • age of the fair sex. Very often, instability of the menstrual cycle is observed during the formation of the reproductive system in adolescence. Such formation can be observed over the course of two years, from the beginning of the phenomenon, therefore, the cyclicity can be significantly disrupted. The second option for age-related changes is the onset of menopause. Reproductive function begins to gradually fade, which also leads to certain disruptions during menstruation;
  • infectious diseases. Microbes that enter the body. They are capable of disrupting the functioning of all processes and systems, including the release of hormones that control the clarity of the onset of the next menstruation;
  • change climate zone. The phenomenon is mainly observed during travel to hot countries in winter period time. But, as soon as the woman returns to her usual zone, menstruation is restored and continues with the same cyclicity;
  • stress and moral instability. Such factors greatly harm all systems and processes in the body and have a very negative effect on both pregnant and non-pregnant female bodies;
  • Hormone-based contraceptives. This is especially true in cases where a woman assigns data to herself hormonal drugs. Such unconditional use can lead to failure not only of menstrual flow, but also to the fact that irreversible processes can begin in the body that will cause significant harm to the overall health of the woman.

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that menstruation that began ahead of schedule does not always indicate the presence or absence of pregnancy. But, in any case, every deviation from the norm should be strictly monitored by a gynecologist, since in some cases the pathologies can be quite serious that it will be quite difficult to eliminate.

Only a woman’s attentive attitude to her health and a timely visit to the gynecologist can be the key to the fact that the pathology can be identified in a timely manner and also eliminated in a timely manner without consequences for the woman’s reproductive health.

If your period arrives for 2 weeks earlier reasons, this can say a lot, since it is in the two-week period before the start of the critical days that the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. However, this is not always the case, because early menstruation can also indicate the presence of certain pathologies, the earlier the detection of which, the better for the woman’s reproductive system.

If a woman is completely healthy, then the cyclicity of her menstrual flow should be clearly regular, only minor deviations from the norm are allowed within one or two days before or after the onset of menstruation. Consequently, if a certain regularity is observed, then this allows us to speak not only about the reproductive health of the fair sex, but also about the fact that she has no pathologies in other vital organs.

If we talk about an indicator like the interval between discharges, then this has practically no meaning, the main thing is that each month is the same, and the discharges are also of the same duration. In most cases, it is considered normal to have a delay of no more than two to three days; all other periods indicate that the fair sex needs to urgently seek advice from a gynecologist in order to determine the physiological or pathological causes of this condition.

Having your period ahead of schedule - what does this mean?

My period came 2 weeks earlier for various reasons. The condition is observed due to the intake of various medicines, especially antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, it is further worth considering the most common situations when menstruation may begin 2 weeks earlier:

  • if a woman has been using hormonal contraceptives for a certain period of time and suddenly stops taking them or uses any emergency contraception;
  • when bleeding began after sexual intercourse, we can talk about trauma during sex. Therefore, in this case Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the abundance of discharge, since various injuries can be fraught with quite heavy bleeding, which can pose a certain danger to the woman.;
  • implantation bleeding, which is also observed 2 weeks earlier. This phenomenon is due to the fact that after fertilization, the egg must penetrate the wall of the uterus, while destroying its mucous membrane. Consequently, blood vessels are involved in this process, which causes scanty or abundant bleeding. Consequently, if menstruation began earlier due to implantation bleeding, then this indicates pregnancy in a representative of the fair sex;
  • benign and cancerous tumor processes. The phenomenon that menstruation started earlier can pose a certain threat to both the health and life of a woman, therefore, in case of such a phenomenon, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist who will conduct all the necessary examinations and determine the true cause of the phenomenon;
  • intrauterine device type. This method contraception can also cause the menstrual cycle to begin 14 days earlier than expected. If such instability of the menstrual cycle is observed with a certain frequency, it is worth discussing with your doctor a possible change in the method of contraception;
  • instability of a woman's hormonal background. In order to diagnose the problem, in most cases it is enough to take a blood test to determine the level of hormones in a woman’s body. After this, if a certain instability is determined, a course of hormone therapy is prescribed to completely correct the condition;
  • physiology of a woman. Menstruation that begins two weeks ahead of schedule may indicate a normal physiological course of the cycle. This is especially true if in the family of a representative of the fair sex, on the female side, phenomena such as spotting have been observed, which tend to come in advance.

Whatever the reasons, menstruation, which may begin earlier, should definitely seek help from a gynecologist to determine the true cause of this condition, since very often it is caused by pathologies, which, with the loss of precious time, will be very difficult to treat in the future.

So is it physiology or pathology?

As noted earlier, regular menstrual flow is an indicator of women’s health that is quite difficult to overestimate. The exception to deviations is only two or two days in one direction or the other; all periods that are longer can be safely attributed to pathological phenomena.

If we consider adolescence or pre-menopausal age, then it is very difficult to predict the day when discharge should begin. This is due to the fact that menstruation can come either earlier or later due to certain hormonal fluctuations. However, if in adolescence such fluctuations disappear after two years, when the cycle that has begun is completely established, then the second case involves a gradual decline in the woman’s reproductive function and the complete cessation of menstruation.

Cases where violations are recorded once

In the case when a woman experiences a one-time menstrual irregularity, her period may begin in advance due to the following factors:

  • adolescence in girls, when menstrual function is just beginning to become established;
  • you may get your period earlier due to brain injuries;
  • stressful situations or instability of a woman’s nervous system;
  • obesity or anorexia due to dieting;
  • time zone change;
  • use of medications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • bad habits of women;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • sudden refusal to take oral contraceptives.

Why do my periods regularly come early?

A woman notices menstruation, which regularly begins earlier, then in this case it is worth being wary and discussing with a gynecologist possible reasons such a state. In most cases, this phenomenon is associated with various pathologies, such as ovarian dysfunction. Therefore, if the reason for the early onset of menstruation lies precisely in this, then there is a need to consider two main dysfunctions:

  • instability, which is accompanied by a complete absence of ovulation. This condition, due to the fact that the egg does not mature inside the follicle, completely eliminates the possibility of pregnancy for a representative of the fair sex;
  • disruption of hormonal levels. This pathology is associated with instability of hormone levels, which can also cause infertility. The instability of the menstrual cycle is also determined here, therefore, you should definitely go to the doctor for a full examination and establish the true cause of this pathological condition.

As for the factors that most directly affect the instability of the female reproductive system, they are for the most part the following:

  • pathologies of endocrine organs that secrete essential vital hormones;
  • inflammation of the uterine space or adnexal system of a woman;
  • lack of rest and very stressful situations;
  • neoplasms in the uterine space of a benign or cancerous nature;
  • recent abortion or spontaneous rejection of the fertilized egg;
  • a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device;
  • obesity or anorexia;
  • poor nutrition, which does not include all the necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • intoxication of the body as a result of poisoning with harmful substances.

What should a woman do with such a condition?

In order for your health to always be in good condition, you should definitely monitor it carefully. If any ambiguous situations arise, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to diagnose the situation as much as possible and find the right ways to eliminate this phenomenon.

It is worth eliminating all factors that can provoke such an earlier appearance of menstruation and resting as much as possible.

In the case when a woman tries to turn a blind eye and expects the situation to resolve itself, then in this case you can simply waste precious time and the process will then be irreversible. In order to preserve reproductive function for as long as possible, a representative of the fair sex must understand this and monitor her women's health.

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