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Home exercises for pregnant women at different times. How to give birth without pain? Exercises to prepare for childbirth


The excitement of pregnant women is natural and understandable. In order for the birth of a baby to go as smoothly as possible and without complications, it is very important to prepare in advance, thorough and thought out to the smallest detail for childbirth, which should begin almost from the moment of conception. The sooner the expectant mother thinks about it, the calmer and more comfortable she will feel immediately before the very sacrament of birth. So, what do you need to know for those who are expecting a baby with a sinking heart so that the delivery goes well?

Throughout pregnancy, physical preparation for childbirth is necessary, which helps the body to cope with the stress that has befallen it. He rebuilds himself, as evidenced by the serious expectant mother. But a woman must also take a number of measures to minimize the stressful situation for individual organs and systems.

This can be done using special exercises. The best option is to sign up for courses for pregnant women, where regular classes are held with a professional trainer. He will pick up individual exercises to prepare for childbirth, which together will contribute to a successful and successful delivery. Although every woman is able to independently perform them at home.

General strengthening exercises

  1. Walk in place for one minute.
  2. Starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart, with the feet parallel to each other, arms extended forward.
  3. Semi-squats with a straight back. The arms should rise and fall in time with the squats. Execute slowly. Breathe evenly. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Starting position. Hands to the side. Tilt your torso forward, touch your hands first to the left, then to the right toes. Keep breathing even, pace - medium. Repeat 12 times.
  5. Starting position. Bend the torso slightly, arms at the seams, tilt your head forward, relax the muscles of the arms and upper body. After 5 seconds, straighten up, take your shoulders back, bend over. Keep breathing evenly, pace - slow. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Starting position: place your legs wider than your shoulders, take your arms to the sides. Lean forward, turn the body first to the right, then to the left, while touching right hand left toe, left hand - right toe. After 10 exercises, straighten up, relax the muscles of the shoulders, forearms. Repeat 4 times.
  7. Starting position. Tilt the body to the right, keeping the left hand above the head, and the right behind the back. When tilting the body to the left, the right hand should be above the head, the left behind the back. Repeat 12 times, keeping an average pace.
  8. Starting position. Stand straight, feet together, arms along the body. Tilt the body to the right and left with sliding hands: when tilting to the right - right - down, left - up; when bending to the left with the left hand - down, with the right - up. Perform 12 times, trying not to hold your breath.
  9. Take 10 deep breaths through your nose, exhales through your mouth.

Such preparation of muscles for childbirth will allow maintaining their elasticity and will be equally useful for mom and baby. Exercise stimulates circulation, prevents gaining excess weight(see the norm), facilitate the future delivery process. Regular exercise helps to maintain excellent prenatal shape. However, there are not only general strengthening exercises, but also complexes designed specifically for a specific organ or muscle group that play an important role at the time of the birth of a child.

Exercises for the muscles of the perineum

  1. Stand sideways to the back of the chair. Put your hands on her. Take your leg to the side as high as possible. Repeat for each leg 10 times.
  2. Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Raise a leg bent at the knee to the stomach.
  3. Spread your legs wide. Sit down slowly. Hold in this position for several seconds. Spring in. Climb as slowly as possible. Relax. Repeat 5 times.
  4. To squat. Straighten one leg, set it aside. Transfer weight to the other leg. Maintain balance with arms outstretched forward. Run 5 times.
  5. Get on your knees, put them together. Roll back smoothly, sit on your heels.

In addition to the above exercises, preparing the perineum for childbirth includes certain positions that a pregnant woman must take daily. They train the muscles, do not allow them to relax, so that at the time of the birth of the child there are no breaks. These include:

  • tailor pose: sitting, legs crossed in front of you;
  • butterfly: while sitting, connect the heels, pull them up to the crotch;
  • frog: sitting on your heels, spread your knees, sit between your heels;
  • try to do household chores squatting (washing floors, peeling potatoes, etc.);
  • walk from room to room in single file.

High-quality preparation for childbirth without tearing includes the regular implementation of these exercises and the daily use of special poses.

Kegel Exercise

To avoid tearing, preparing the vagina for childbirth should include the famous Kegel exercise. It increases muscle tone, which is so important for the successful birth of a baby. You need to perform it daily, there are no restrictions on the number of times. The lesson scheme may be as follows:

  1. Lying down, strain and relax the intimate muscle several times.
  2. Increase the number of repetitions daily.
  3. It will be possible to proceed to the next stage of classes when, without attachment special efforts you will be able to do the Kegel exercise 50 times.
  4. Complicate the exercise. Contract the muscle as much as possible and hold it like this a certain amount of time. Then start relaxing, but with stops.
  5. A week after these daily activities, contract and relax the muscle in fast pace.

The regular performance of the above exercises is the quality preparation of the birth canal for childbirth, which is better to start not a month before a significant event, but already from the first days of pregnancy. In addition, special attention should be paid to the breasts throughout the 9 months.

Exercises for the chest

To avoid problems with lactation, stretch marks on the mammary glands, cracked nipples, and breast preparation for childbirth is required, which also includes special exercises.

  1. Take a small ball. Raise your arms to chest level. Throw the ball up from this position with your hands alternately.
  2. Get on all fours, bend your arms, then simultaneously straighten all limbs.
  3. Stand facing the wall, rest against it at shoulder level with your palms, push up 15 times.
  4. Spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Perform swinging movements, crossing your arms in front of you.
  5. Spread your arms to the sides. Perform swinging movements back, while keeping your arms straight.

It is recommended to do each of the exercises 5 times. Such preparation of the mammary glands for the birth of a child will preserve the shape of the breast, prepare its muscles for the upcoming stress, prevent, as far as possible, its sagging in the future and the appearance of stretch marks.

However, physical, restorative preparation of the body for childbirth is not limited to exercises alone. It involves toning muscles and improving blood circulation through massage, as well as maintaining strength with proper nutrition.


To strengthen the muscles of the perineum and chest, it is necessary to do massage in preparation for childbirth, which stimulates blood circulation, improves tissue metabolism, prepares the muscles for proper relaxation, and reduces the likelihood of tears and cracks. It can be started about a month before the expected date of birth of the baby. The scheme could be as follows:

  • from the 34th week, once every 3 days;
  • from the 36th week, massage every other day;
  • from the 38th week, procedures can be performed daily.

For such a massage, you need to purchase natural oil, excluding synthetic, mineral, alcohol-containing products.

Perineum massage

To avoid ruptures, you need comprehensive preparation for childbirth of the muscles of the perineum: not only exercises, but also massage, which can be easily done at home. The technique is simple:

  1. Take a comfortable position. For example, place your foot on a chair or the edge of a bathtub.
  2. Lubricate the labia and perineum with a massage agent.
  3. Insert fingers (1 or 2) into the vagina, but not deeply (1-2 cm).
  4. Relax.
  5. Move your finger inside the vagina towards the anus downward. The movements should be performed with a different rhythm: acceleration should alternate with deceleration.
  6. Press with swinging movements on the back wall of the perineum. Hold your finger in this position for a minute, release and start over.
  7. Massage the outside of the perineum for a minute.
  8. Do it all over again.

Such a massage is especially relevant for preparing the vagina for childbirth for those whose first child was born with breaks. In order not to repeat the situation, it is imperative to follow all the above recommendations.

Be careful! You cannot massage the perineum before giving birth to those pregnant women who suffer from fungal infections.

Breast massage

To avoid stretch marks after childbirth, a special breast massage before childbirth will help, which is an indispensable item in preparing the body for childbirth. The technique for its implementation is as simple as possible:

  1. Using circular stroking movements, without touching the nipples, simultaneously massage both breasts from top to bottom towards the nipple.
  2. Then from the sides.
  3. After that, stroke the breasts from the bottom up to the nipples.
  4. Raise and support the chest with your right hand, press from above with your left hand.

During this massage, oxytocin is released, which in the last days pregnancy will help start childbirth, improve cervical dilatation.

Please note that ...

Breast massage before childbirth can be easily entrusted to a man: it will bring the couple closer and bring pleasure to both.

Physical preparation of the body for childbirth is very important, because the body without support will not be able to cope with the stress that has piled on it. In addition to special exercises and massage, a woman needs to eat right throughout her pregnancy.

Nutrition before childbirth

Without rational, wholesome nutrition correct preparation to childbirth is impossible. A woman throughout her pregnancy must correctly compose her menu for every day in order to support the body from the inside. If neither he nor the baby lacks nutrients, they will be maximally prepared for such a responsible event. You need to stock up on reserves to deal with stress, blood loss and restore energy. At the same time, 2 months before the cherished date, the diet should be facilitated, and not compacted.

  1. Eliminate fried, fatty foods, sausage, offal.
  2. Adequate daily intake of vegetable oil... It makes the tissues of the birth canal more elastic and contains many vitamins.
  3. Mandatory products a month before giving birth should be fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, hot soups, boiled or stewed sea fish, dried fruits, kefir.
  4. During this period, fractional meals are recommended, but 4 times a day.

Attention! Despite the fact that vegetable oil is so beneficial for pregnant women, about a month before giving birth, it is worth stopping eating sesame oil, which does not have the most beneficial effect on the woman's body during this period.

Regular exercise, physical activity, proper massage and proper nutrition- here is a set of measures that guarantee a successful, safe birth of a healthy baby without any complications. Moreover, this should be both preparation for, and in the event that a woman is being prepared for a cesarean. Doctors may advise you to go to the hospital a few days or weeks in advance to be on the safe side. You also need to prepare for this moment in advance.

Preparing for the hospital

Young parents should keep in mind, which includes preparation for childbirth in the hospital, which should begin 3 weeks before the cherished date. First is the gathering of all required documents, which then in a hurry to collect there will be simply no time. Secondly, a package with things that a woman will need in a hospital.

Preparation of documents

  • passport;
  • card with the results of analyzes and examinations;
  • an agreement with a personal doctor or referral to a maternity hospital;
  • insurance policy.

Collection of things for childbirth

  1. Nightgown.
  2. Warm socks.
  3. Slippers.
  4. Still mineral water.
  5. Recordings made at the school for young mothers.
  6. Wet wipes.
  7. Small terry towel.
  8. Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, paste, comb.
  9. Toilet paper.
  10. Cosmetic bag.
  11. Mobile phone with charger.
  12. Player with your favorite music.
  13. Money.

A set of things needed after childbirth

  1. A dressing gown or shirt that fastens at the front.
  2. Gaskets.
  3. Nipple cream.
  4. Nursing bras with front closure.
  5. Sterile gauze wipes.
  6. Laxative suppositories, enema.
  7. Plastic bag for dirty laundry.

Preparing things for the baby

  • diapers;
  • cream or powder;
  • wet wipes;
  • baby cleansing oil;
  • body;
  • hats;
  • socks;
  • sliders;
  • blouses;
  • diapers.

This list helps you decide what you need to buy before going to the hospital in order to calm your anxiety and not worry about anything. When all the things have already been collected, the young mother feels much more confident and calmer. When the cherished day comes, she will be able to focus only on the process itself, without being distracted by trifles. If something goes wrong, doctors can always take correct solution and ensure timely preparation of the body for the upcoming birth.

Medical preparation of the birth canal

There are special modern methods preparation of the birth canal for childbirth, which doctors use in case of cervical immaturity, prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid or prolonged pregnancy.


Prostaglandins- physiologically active substances that play an important role in the reproductive system of the female body. They are introduced to a woman in labor to prepare the birth canal for the passage of the fetus through them in several ways:

  • in the vagina;
  • into the cervical canal;
  • with the help of an obstetric pessary.

Disadvantages of prostaglandins in preparation for childbirth: a powerful effect on the body, allergic reactions, "Prostaglandin pain" and hyperstimulation in some cases. These drugs do not affect the fetus in any way. Benefits: the risk of prolonged labor is reduced, the likelihood of natural labor increases.

Foley catheter

The Foley catheter is an effective alternative to prostaglandins for preparing the birth canal. it mechanical method effects on the cervix, when a woman is diagnosed with a flat fetal bladder. The instrument is inserted into the cervical canal for a day. There are special contraindications for this method: vaginitis or cervitis.


In preparation for childbirth, kelp are introduced into the cervical canal. Expanding, they open the neck from the inside. Slightly affect the release of prostaglandins. The main effect is mechanical stretching of muscle fibers, which provokes contraction of uterine myocytes. Do not lead to hyperstimulation and pain. One of the drawbacks is the discomfort when the algae sticks are just injected.

During delivery, doctors assess the condition of the cervix (more about its preparation) and decide to use one or another method of preparing the birth canal for the baby to pass through them. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. Cases are different, purely individual, so the methods will also not be the same. And in some situations, preparation for childbirth must be especially careful.

Special births

If this is the first birth or twins are expected in the couple, preparation should be special so that no complications arise.

First birth

As a rule, preparation for the first birth is no different from everyone else. All of the above tips and tricks can be fully used by those women who are expecting their first child. The only caveat is that a more serious moral is required. The expectant mother is overwhelmed by fears and doubts, because she does not yet know what awaits her. Therefore, all relatives and friends need to be sure to surround the woman in labor with care and attention. She needs to rest more and calm down as much as possible, to be sure that everything will end happily.


But the preparation for the birth of twins should be more thorough. This extraordinary case involves much greater stress on the female body and on the children themselves. The risk of toxicosis, which can strike both early and early later dates pregnancy in the form of bleeding, placental abruption, preeclampsia. Here, a young mother needs more personal responsibility and medical supervision. You need to go to the hospital more often with an ultrasound scan and tests. On maternity leave you will need to go earlier.

Preparation for any childbirth - simple and complex, natural and through cesarean, first and second - should be comprehensive and include all aspects: physical, psychological, material. The sooner the couple begins to prepare for such a responsible event, the more successfully and safely it will end, the calmer and more confident the woman will feel at the most crucial moment.

The days of waiting for the birth of a child are filled with extraordinary joy and inexplicable anxiety. After all, the very process of childbirth requires tremendous stress from the female body. Although Mother Nature herself is an excellent helper in this case. It serves as a source of an impressive release of hormones, which gives the woman in labor additional energy and strength. Thanks to nature, but taking care of yourself is also important and necessary. And special exercises will help with this.

How to choose exercises

You can be pregnant and stay constantly on the move. Activity will be useful to the same extent for both mother and baby: the baby, being in the womb, thanks to movement, is gently rocked, and feasible exercise and moderate sports stimulate blood circulation to the woman in labor, prevent the set of extra pounds, help to strengthen the muscles, which leads to relief of the very childbirth process. Special exercises will help you to be in great prenatal shape.

How to choose them correctly? The most acceptable option is special courses for pregnant women, where they will correctly select exercises and load strength, taking into account your individual condition. But if there are no courses or you need to go to the other end of the city with several transfers, then it is better to contact the observing doctor, take into account his recommendations and wishes, and start doing the exercises yourself at home.

So the doctor gave me permission to do certain types of exercises. Now you yourself must balance desires and possibilities. And if in the process of training you feel overwork or discomfort, do not overdo it, stop! Your health and the health of your baby are most important. Therefore, be extremely careful. Perhaps you need more simple exercises, the implementation of which will bring pleasure to you and will be useful for the unborn child.

There are many well-designed exercises to maintain good physical form expectant mothers and facilitate the birth of a new inhabitant of the planet.

The types of physical are directly dependent on the goal, permissible load and the specifics of childbirth: in the hospital, in the water or vertical.

Let's dwell on the exercises that will be easy for most women:

  1. Warming up exercises.
  2. Relaxation exercises.
  3. Breathing exercises.
  4. Exercises that strengthen muscles and joint mobility.
  5. Endurance exercise.
  6. Exercises that train the muscles of the perineum.

When doing physical exercise, pregnant women need to take into account certain rules:

  1. Perform all exercises in a calm rhythm.
  2. During the exercise, do not exceed the load: you can damage the relaxed.
  3. Exercise for at least fifteen minutes and no more than forty.
  4. Remember: the best time for classes is from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 18.00 to 19.00.
  5. Start your workouts with a ten-minute warm-up, the same amount of time, five minutes, devote to heavy and relaxation exercises. After a week, extend each step of the physical activity to fifteen minutes.
  6. Start by warming up, ending with relaxation and breathing.
  7. Complete your meal one hour before so you can digest necessary for the child calories.
  8. During exercise, do not forget to drink water to avoid the loss of excess fluid in the body.
  9. Don't hold your breath.
  10. Count out loud as you exercise: this maneuver will remind you of the importance of breathing correctly.
  11. Practice on a non-slip gymnastics mat.

Exercises to help prepare for childbirth

For classes, you have the right to choose one of the complexes in the composition with all the exercises or some of its types, relying on the general state of health, age, level of fitness.

A set of physical exercises Aerobics

  1. Start by warming up - walking in place for one minute.
  2. Starting position: put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to one another, stretch your arms forward. Start doing half squats, keeping your torso straight. The arms are raised and lowered simultaneously to the beat of the squats. Do the exercise slowly, breathe evenly. Repeat no more than ten times.
  3. The starting position is the same, only arms to the sides. Leaning your torso forward, touch your hands in turn to the left and right toes of both legs. Breathing should be even, the pace of execution is average. Repeat twelve times.
  4. The starting position is the same. Bend your torso slightly, keep your hands free at the seams, tilting your head forward, relax the muscles of the arms and upper body. After five seconds, straighten, pulling your shoulders back, bend again. Breathing is even, the pace is slow. Repeat eight times.
  5. Starting position: legs are slightly wider than shoulders, arms are taken to the sides. Leaning forward, turn the body to the right and left, touching the toe of your left leg with your right hand and the toe of your right leg with your left hand. After completing ten movements, stand up straight and relax your forearm and shoulder muscles. Repeat four times.
  6. The starting position is the same. Tilting the torso to the right, keep your left hand above your head, and your right behind your back; tilting the body to the left, keep your right hand above your head, and your left behind your back. Repeat the exercise twelve times at a medium pace.
  7. Starting position: stand straight, keep your legs together, lower your arms along the body. Tilt your body to the right and left. Accompany the inclinations by sliding your hands: slide down with your right hand, and slide up with your left when bending to the right; slide down with your left hand and up with your right, leaning to the left. Perform the exercise no more than twelve times without holding your breath.

After completing the set of exercises, take about ten deep breaths through your nose and exhales through your mouth.

A set of physical exercises Purpose:

  1. To soften the process of childbirth, it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal cavity, abdomen and pelvic area. V slow pace squat down from the starting position while keeping your feet on the floor. Half squatting, lock in for twenty seconds. After a while, increase the time for fixing this body posture to one minute.
  2. For muscle elasticity. Sitting on the floor, bend your left leg at the knee, stretch your right leg straight out in front of you. Bending your torso forward, fix the pose for a count of twenty. Straighten up. Do this simple exercise six times.
  3. For the stability of the spine. Take a long towel. Place it behind your head, keeping your elbows below your shoulders. Fix this position for a count of thirty. Repeat about ten times.
  4. For endurance. Lie with your back on the floor so that your buttocks rest against the wall. Move your feet up the wall. Then spread them as wide as possible and remain in this position for thirty seconds.
  5. For oxygen enrichment. Perform this exercise while standing, kneeling, or on a stool. Breathing is deep. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Do it ten to twelve times.
  6. For relaxation. You can lie on your side or back. Breathing calmly and thinking only about the pleasant, begin to relax the muscles of the thighs, legs, buttocks, abdomen in this order. Accompany the execution easy exercise music.

Kegel training of the muscles of the perineum has been used by pregnant women for a long time and very successfully. After all, this area undergoes a serious stress during childbirth. These exercises must be performed every day up to twenty-five times, starting from the beginning of pregnancy.

Lie on your back. Tighten your muscles as much as possible. Hold the tension for ten seconds. Then, slowly, relax. After the eighteenth week of pregnancy, do this exercise while sitting on a stool or standing.

Dr. Kegel recommends to also massage the perineum. essential oils in order to increase the elasticity of tissues. This type of massage should be stopped two months before giving birth. But you need to ask the observing doctor about its feasibility.

Listen to your body during exercise. It should give you a signal in the form of pain or discomfort. You must remember that the main goal is not to break sports records, but to give birth to a healthy, strong baby easily and without problems.

Take care of yourself and happy childbirth!

Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Any pregnant woman dreams that her childbirth will be easy and practically pain-free. And it is possible. But to achieve this goal, it is necessary to make certain efforts and master the methods of non-drug pain relief in childbirth. One of them is correct breathing.

Special types of breathing help to relax and reduce pain, improve the supply of oxygen to the baby both in the first stage of labor - during contractions, and in the second - during attempts. Correct breathing promotes a better dilatation of the cervix and improves the productivity of pushing.

The pain of contractions is due to two main points - the opening of the cervix and the spasm of the uterine blood vessels, as a result of which ischemia occurs - a sharp oxygen deficiency - in the muscle tissue of the uterus. Using special breathing techniques during childbirth, a woman promotes a smoother opening of the cervix, and also reduces tissue ischemia due to the active flow of oxygen. As a result, contractions become more productive but less painful. Due to the spasm of the uterine arteries, the flow of oxygen to the child decreases, and he begins to experience oxygen starvation - hypoxia, to which the baby's brain is very sensitive. Thanks to proper breathing, oxygen deficiency is reduced, which significantly increases the chances of having a healthy baby and the absence of neurological problems in the future.

Thus, we can say with confidence that any conscious expectant mother must necessarily master special breathing techniques in order to successfully apply them during childbirth. It is imperative to start doing this as early as possible, possibly as early as possible. Only then the acquired skills will be brought to automatism: you will not forget to apply them at the most crucial moment and will not get lost in an extreme situation, which, of course, is childbirth.

The correct breathing method can be found in the childbirth preparation courses, which are usually found in any antenatal clinic... There you will be shown special films about childbirth and how to behave during them, which will greatly facilitate perception. breathing techniques... If you do not have the time or opportunity to attend these courses, you can familiarize yourself with the breathing technique on the Internet or read about it in special literature.

Learning to breathe

Breathing exercises should be done every day for about 10-15 minutes. It's good if this happens in conjunction with gymnastics for pregnant women. You should not do breathing exercises for more than 15 minutes: this can lead to dizziness due to a significant decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood. The fact is that due to hyperventilation, i.e., rapid breathing, blood oxygen saturation increases sharply, a compensatory decrease in carbon dioxide occurs, which causes spasm of the cerebral arterioles, manifested by dizziness.

These exercises are divided into two groups:

  • Static are performed at rest, while only the respiratory muscles are active. First of all, a pregnant woman must master them and bring them to automatism, so that they can be performed without problems while driving.
  • Dynamic exercises are performed with any type of movement, including during childbirth.

After the pregnant woman has learned to breathe well at rest, you can start training, similar to the imitation of childbirth: you need to imagine that a contraction begins, and start breathing accordingly. And since during contractions a woman is recommended to behave actively: walking, doing bends, squats, taking a shower, then breathing exercises will need to be performed when different types physical activity and in different poses - on the side, on the back, on all fours, so that later at the most crucial moment you will not get confused.

As you know, childbirth is divided into 3 main periods:

  • the period of disclosure, or contractions: as a result of it, the cervix should open by 10? cm so that the child's head can pass unhindered;
  • period of attempts - directly the birth of a child, pushing it out with the help of the abdominal muscles;
  • period of expulsion of the placenta.

Consider traditional types breaths applied during each of these periods.

Breathing during contractions

Thrifty breathing is used in the initial stages of the first stage of labor, while the contractions are still slightly painful and not very frequent. Any type of breathing should be started with a full deep exhalation. After that, we proceed to the exercise. Frugal breathing is very slow - usually 2 times slower than your normal breathing. You should take a slow breath with your nose with your mouth closed, while the air should get to the very bottom, into the stomach - this is the so-called diaphragmatic breathing. To control the correct intake of air, the exercises can first be performed in a supine position with your hands on your stomach. With a correct inhalation, your arms will rise due to the air entering the lower parts of the lungs and due to the lowering of the diaphragm. Exhalation with economical breathing is performed slowly through the mouth, while trying to exhale is 2 times longer than inhalation. When exhaling, the mouth should be slightly open, and the lips should be folded in a "tube".

When you exhale, the stomach is "deflated" and the hands lying on it fall down. During exhalation, the muscles of the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall should be relaxed as much as possible. This type breathing helps a woman to relax, contributes to the correct opening of the cervix.

When the contractions become more intense and painful, that is, they enter the active stage, the type of breathing should be changed. Breathing like a dog helps well in this situation - it is about twice as often as usual. This type of breathing should be carried out through the nose with the mouth closed - only if nasal breathing is difficult, you can slightly open your mouth. With prolonged rapid breathing, dizziness may occur due to an increase in the oxygen concentration in the blood and a decrease in the carbon dioxide concentration. If you feel dizzy, breathe in quickly and exhale slowly and deeply.

Each contraction should begin and end with a cleansing breath. As soon as the woman in labor feels the approach of a contraction, you must first take a deep breath and exhale as deep as possible, and then proceed to the main type of breathing. This promotes better oxygen delivery to the baby. After the end of the contraction, you also need to take a deep breath in and out. In the intervals between contractions, you should breathe normally.

At the end of the first stage of labor, a woman in labor has a desire to push - this feeling is compared by many to the urge to defecate. But to start pushing on your own, without waiting for the doctor's command, is quite dangerous. If the cervix has not yet reached full disclosure - 10 cm, attempts can lead to ruptures of the cervix or (if the fetal head is high enough) to injury to the child. Therefore, the first attempts should be breathed "like a dog", and then tell the doctor about them. If the doctor sees that the cervix is ​​completely open, then you will be allowed to push: the second stage of labor will begin - the period of expulsion of the fetus. If the neck is not yet open enough, the attempts will need to be restrained until it is fully opened, using this method of breathing.

Breathing while pushing

In the period of pain, a lot depends on the woman herself, on her preparedness for childbirth, the ability to listen and correctly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and midwife. The ability to breathe and push correctly helps to avoid birth injuries and give birth to a healthy baby.

All attempts are carried out on exhalation. Breathe with an open mouth. When there is an overwhelming desire to push, you should take a deep breath and begin to slowly and slowly exhale air. During one contraction, they usually push three times - respectively, inhale and exhale three times. During pregnancy, you should prepare for pushing as follows:

  • take a deep breath with your mouth open;
  • hold your breath (mentally count to 7) - the better and longer you learn to hold your breath, the easier it will be for you in the second stage of labor;
  • make a very smooth and slow exhalation - in no case should you suddenly interrupt breathing, as this will cause sharp vibrations of the baby's head, and it will come back. You should exhale the air with your mouth open, as you would if you were blowing on a candle flame in order to slightly tilt it, but not blow out.

During labor, you will push during exhalation. Exhale as slowly as possible. Even if it seems that there is no more air left, you should strain and try to exhale more. The better you do it, the more productive the attempts will be and the faster the baby will be born.

One should not forget that it is necessary to push “downward”, as if pushing the child out. Many women mistakenly push "in the face" by puffing out their cheeks. This leads to a delay in the second stage of childbirth - attempts become unproductive and after childbirth are reflected in the woman's appearance, as this breaks the small vessels of the sclera of the eyes and face.

At the time of the eruption of the baby's head, that is, at the end of the second period, the midwife will ask you not to push and "breathe". At this moment, you should breathe frequently, "like a dog", with an open mouth. This is done so that the birth of the head occurs slowly and smoothly. If you follow the urge and continue to push, then the head will be born quickly, as a result of which there can be severe tears of the vagina and muscles of the perineum.

After the head is born, the baby's torso is usually born with one push. If, after the birth of the head, difficulties arise, then the commands of the doctor and midwife should be clearly followed. Most likely, you will need to apply forced breathing again and push several times.

When the baby is born, you can breathe deeply as you want: main job you already did. Now you are a mom! Usually, within 30 minutes after the birth of the child, the placenta and membranes are born - the afterbirth. Most often this happens easily and does not require any effort from the woman. At the time of the birth of the placenta, the midwife may ask you to push once.

Thus, learning to breathe properly during childbirth is not just a newfangled trend, but an important method that will help your childbirth pass as easily as possible, and your long-awaited baby will be born healthy.

So, during pregnancy, you should master the following types of breathing:

  • Thrifty breathing- applied at the beginning of the first stage of labor, when the contractions are not yet strong enough. It consists in a slow inhalation through the nose with a closed mouth and a slow exhalation through the mouth. The inhalation: exhalation phase ratio is 1: 2.
  • Rapid breathing"Like a dog" - used during intense and frequent contractions, as well as in the period of pushing, as long as you can not push. Inhalation and exhalation are short, frequent, carried out either through the nose or through the mouth.
  • Cleansing breath- they start and end each fight. It is a deep breath and the deepest possible exhalation.
  • Breathing while pushing- inhale as deeply as possible with an open mouth, exhale slowly and smoothly.

One of the most responsible tasks facing the expectant mother throughout the entire period of pregnancy is the physical and psychological preparation for the birth of the baby, that is, for the process of childbirth. Since the birth of a child puts a rather large burden on the mother's body, it is very important to properly prepare for the upcoming birth.

Activity throughout the period of pregnancy will serve the woman a good service, since performing all kinds of complexes for pregnant women at home or in the conditions of various physical education centers allows you to enrich the blood with oxygen, maintain muscles in tone, reduce the likelihood of developing varicose veins and back problems, and also learn how to correct breathing that will help in childbirth.

It is important to remember that physical exercises allow you to keep yourself in shape even during pregnancy, not to gain excess weight, to prevent the formation of such an unpleasant phenomenon as stretch marks.

Physical education during pregnancy has positive influence on the psychological state. A woman doing physical exercises every day feels a surge of strength, vivacity and energy. Exercise for pregnant women ensures a good mood for the whole day. But not all women in the position are allowed to load. You will have to give up exercise if any of the following contraindications:

  1. The presence of toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting;
  2. Miscarriage in previous pregnancies;
  3. The uterus is in good shape;
  4. The appearance of signs of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy;
  5. Too low location of the placenta;
  6. The presence of any diseases (ARVI, gastritis, diabetes);
  7. Appearance after loads of abdominal pain.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Physical preparation for childbirth is a complex of supportive measures:

  • Physical exercise is a complex, to be performed in order to achieve maximum result should proceed to the most early term x pregnancy. It is important to remember that the sessions should be continuous, not episodic. Only in this case will they benefit the pregnant woman's body and strengthen it. Physical activity has a number of advantages, among which the most important are:
    1. Normalization of the work of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system;
    2. Increasing immunity and body defenses;
    3. Adaptation of the female body to physical stress that awaits a woman in labor during childbirth;
    4. Reducing the number of complications during labor;
    5. Fast recovery after childbirth;
    6. Strengthening the muscles involved in labor;
    7. The set of exercises is selected on an individual basis and depends on many factors, which include the woman's age, features of her physique, gestational age and medical indications.
  • Massage for pregnant women. An excellent complementary remedy for physical exercise massage will be in preparation for childbirth. It can also serve as an alternative for those who are lazy to do gymnastics;
  • Hardening of pregnant women. Everyone knows that pregnant women are recommended to visit as much as possible. fresh air... An excellent option would be to combine being in nature with hardening procedures that can significantly improve the health of a pregnant woman, which will have a beneficial effect on the stage of childbirth. A woman can take sunbathing, swim, walk, walk barefoot on the ground, douche with water. An important point is the implementation of all these procedures in good mood and with positive emotions;
  • Proper nutrition. The concept of rational nutrition during pregnancy implies a set in the daily diet of such foodstuffs that are able to fully meet the needs of the mother's body for vitamins and microelements. Food must be selected taking into account the timing of pregnancy, the presence or absence of allergies in the mother. A balanced diet implies the prevention of anemia, various anomalies and complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as during the postpartum period, when the female body is working with increased stress;
  • Breathing exercises for pregnant women. Their advantages lie in the fact that they teach a woman to control the work of all kinds of muscles involved in the breathing process, which will certainly come in handy during labor. You can learn such exercises on your own, or you can attend special courses;
  • Relaxation techniques training. One of the important skills that help a woman properly prepare for childbirth is mastering relaxation techniques - they help pregnant women cope with fatigue, bad mood and bouts of depression.

Physical exercises

Successful preparation for childbirth involves the use of various sets of exercises. With their systematic implementation, you will be physically fully prepared for labor. The most interesting and frequently encountered are the following:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, squat down, keeping your feet on the floor. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Sometimes it is difficult for pregnant women to perform this exercise; it can be facilitated by leaning on a chair with your hands;
  2. Sit on the floor with one leg under you and the other stretched forward. Stretch your body towards the extended leg, trying to grab the foot with your hands. Hold this position for a few seconds, repeat these actions with the other leg;
  3. Lie against the wall, with your back firmly pressed to the floor, and your feet on the wall. Alternately move your legs forward, straightening the body, while supporting the buttocks with your hands;
  4. "Cradle" Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Smoothly make several movements with your hips to the right - to the left. At the same time, the shoulders must remain motionless. Repeat the exercise back and forth. Such physical activities will allow the expectant mother to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and lower back;
  5. "Butterfly" Sit on the floor, bring your legs together, pull up under you so that the feet are together and the knees are apart. Do springy swinging legs up and down. This exercise allows you to stretch and make the muscles of the perineum more elastic;
  6. "Cat" Get on all fours, bend and arch your back well. You will feel the lumbar muscles stretch. Repeat the steps 10 times.

Physical activity during pregnancy should be correctly distributed at its different periods, because each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. During the first trimester, it is necessary to exclude exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure. This category includes all abdominal exercises. You can practice abdominal or full breathing, as well as master the relaxation technique;
  2. During the 2nd trimester, it is recommended to train the pelvic floor muscles, long back muscles, as well as the abdominal muscles. It is necessary to exclude all exercises that are performed while lying on your stomach;
  3. At the beginning of the 3rd trimester (before the 32nd week), it is necessary to reduce the total physical activity, because at this time the mother's heart works in a tense rhythm. During this period, breathing exercises and stretching exercises continue. It is necessary to avoid the position "lying on the back", which will exclude the occurrence of inferior vena cava syndrome;
  4. In the period after 33 weeks and until the very birth, stretching exercises and breathing exercises are performed. At this time, the belly grows very quickly and the pregnant woman gains weight.

Preparation of the cervix and perineum

Preparing the cervix and perineum for childbirth is very important for any woman, but these procedures are especially relevant for those who are going to become a mother for the first time. These exercises are necessary in order to increase the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum and cervix and prevent all kinds of damage and tears. Special exercises, aimed at preparing the muscles of the genital area for childbirth, should start from the 2nd trimester. The following exercises are considered the most effective:

  1. Kegel exercises: thanks to them, the muscles of the perineum are developed, which allows you to avoid such a serious problem as urinary incontinence in the future. To perform them, alternate compression and unclenching of the vaginal muscles is required.
  2. Swing legs to the sides: in a standing position, holding on to the support, the woman makes alternate swings of her legs to the right and then to the left.
  3. Sumo Squat: A woman squats with legs wide apart.
  4. Raising the legs, bent at the knees, to the stomach while lying down.

Preparation of the perineum is necessary to prevent possible tears and episiotomy - surgical dissection of the perineal tissue during childbirth. For this purpose, regular perineal massage is performed from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. For this, any vegetable oil is used, which is carefully rubbed into the skin.


Massage has a number of advantages, among which the most important are:

  1. Improvement of lymph circulation and blood circulation, which favorably affects the intrauterine development of the child;
  2. Relief of muscle tension, as well as pain in the back;
  3. Prevention of stretch marks, swelling of the extremities and varicose veins;
  4. Normalization of the emotional state.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications that you need to pay attention to:

  1. Severe toxicosis;
  2. The presence of acute respiratory and infectious diseases;
  3. The presence of skin diseases;
  4. The presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Risk of miscarriage;
  6. Diagnosed varicose veins, accompanied by thrombosis;
  7. Heat;
  8. High blood pressure;
  9. Acute back pain.

When carrying out massage for pregnant women, it is necessary to exclude shock and vibration movements, and also electromechanical massagers in the form of belts that are worn on the arms, hips or waist should not be used. Also, do not use rugs on which you must lie down with your back.

It is important to alternate the massage of different parts of the body daily. During the procedure, the woman is advised to relax as much as possible. It is important not to forget about the use of special oils that help your hands glide easily over the skin without irritating it.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

For the most successful delivery, physical training alone is not enough. A woman should be psychologically ready for the event awaiting her. During the entire period of bearing a child, she is accompanied not only by an exciting feeling of waiting for the birth of a baby, but also by fear of the birth itself. Psychological prenatal preparation will help to get rid of these negative feelings and emotions.

Its main points are as follows:

  1. Informing the future parent about the stages of the birth process. Each stage of childbirth requires certain behavior from the woman in labor. A woman should clearly understand and imagine what physical sensations she will experience at each stage of childbirth and how to behave correctly in each of these periods. In this case, the consciousness of the woman in labor is focused on cooperation with medical personnel for the benefit of the newborn baby, which significantly dulls the perception of pain;
  2. Professional psychological support. If a woman attends special courses, it is likely that over her psycho-emotional state specialists - psychologists work. They will tell you how to direct your thoughts in the right direction and not panic during childbirth;
  3. The mood for painless childbirth. Everyone knows that one's own well-being largely determines the attitude to any thing, object or phenomenon. If a woman convinces herself that she can easily cope with childbirth, then, most likely, this will happen;
  4. Repetition of breathing techniques used during labor. The breathing technique worked out in advance becomes a habit, and the woman in labor will be able to easily reproduce required type breathing in childbirth at the command of the doctor. Breathing exercises during pregnancy are of great importance for successful labor;
  5. Measures to create a comfortable environment in the delivery room. This includes being present at childbirth. loved one and establishing a trusting relationship with the doctor.

Thus, the process of preparing for childbirth should begin with the onset of pregnancy and cover all areas of the life of the expectant mother. You can read about how to properly set yourself up for childbirth in the article:

” №10/2014 01.08.16

Kegel gymnastics solves the most intimate health problems in women - relieves urinary incontinence and adds sharpness to sexual sensations. Kegel exercises are also useful for pregnant women: after training the muscles of the perineum, childbirth is easier, the risk of ruptures is reduced.

Kegel exercises are contraindicated if there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Doctors forbid doing exercises lying down after 16 weeks; during this period, pressure on the inferior vena cava should not be allowed.

Doing fitness in the gym and dreaming of external perfection, women often forget that the muscles of the perineum (otherwise they are called the muscles of the pelvic floor) also need training. The American obstetrician-gynecologist Arnold Kegel thought about this and developed several sets of exercises.

It turned out that this Kegel gymnastics is necessary for a woman during pregnancy. Indeed, after 9 months, the pelvic floor muscles become weak, which will definitely affect at the time of childbirth and after them. And if the muscles were not very strong even before pregnancy, then over the years, prolapse of the uterus and even its prolapse may occur.

Kegel gymnastics can be done even on the subway

Kegel gymnastics will be useful for both a woman who has given birth and who has not given birth. It is useful for the prevention of urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids and other ailments, including inflammation of the genital area. Kegel exercises improve the quality and prolong its period, activate the production of sex hormones. Women admit: after such training, not only their well-being improved, but also their mood. Of course, the great advantage of gymnastics is the simplicity of its implementation. Exercise can be done anywhere - for example, standing at a bus stop or in line at the checkout, sitting in a chair in front of the TV. And none of those around you will guess that at this moment you are doing intimate gymnastics.

As for expectant mothers, regular Kegel exercises will provide them with easy childbirth. Thanks to effective work With trained pelvic floor muscles, childbirth will be safe for both mom and baby.

It is better to start exercising at the earliest stage of pregnancy, doing 20-30 exercises daily. Training can be made more effective if you buy special vaginal cones from the pharmacy, they help to develop the sensation of the pelvic floor muscles and contribute to their build-up. If you started with sufficiently weakened pelvic muscles, then the load, effort and intensity of training should be increased gradually.

Kegel gymnastics: tension and relaxation

The principle of Kegel gymnastics is very simple. The effect is based on alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles, due to which they are "pumped". Start by contracting the intimate muscles "back and forth" several times in a row. It is important that only the internal muscles in the perineal area should work - between the vagina and the anus. The muscles of the thighs, abdomen and buttocks are not involved in training!

You can check how relaxed your muscles are. Stop the flow of urine while urinating. If you fail, there is something to work on. By the way, this test is also an exercise, do it in combination with others.


If you do not forget about Kegel gymnastics, you will soon notice that your muscles reflexively, without your conscious control, will do these exercises on their own.

Exercise 1. Lie on your back and assume the pose of childbirth: lower your arms along the torso, and bend your legs at the knees and spread them to the sides. Place a flat pillow under your head and back and relax. Tighten the muscles of the perineum, as if trying to stop urination, and hold them in this state for 5-10 seconds. Relax, take a break, repeat again. Start with 8 sets, gradually increasing the number of exercises to 20-30.

Kegel Exercise 2."Elevator". Imagine that your vagina is an elevator. "Go up" on the elevator, lingering for a few seconds on each floor-ring. Tighten the lowest - first floor. Without letting go, increase the pressure and "go up" to the second, then even more - to the third, until you "reach" the last one. Here you need to stop a little longer. It is necessary to "descend", lingering at each level, right up to complete relaxation.

Kegel Exercise 3."Waves". At a fast pace, strain and relax the intimate muscles, first the vaginal and then the anus, that is, producing a kind of "wave". It is necessary to relax in the opposite direction.

Kegel Exercise 4."Bulging of the pelvic floor." Take any of the seated birth positions and relax your pelvic muscles as much as possible. Now hold your breath and push gently, as during a bowel movement, while trying to push the vaginal muscles outward. Then inhale, contract the muscles and after a break, repeat again. This exercise is extremely important during the expulsion of the fetus, it teaches you to push correctly, helping the baby to move forward. Exercise with an empty bladder and intestines.

Kegel Exercise 5. Squats. Stand up straight, legs slightly apart, two feet apart. Squat down, observing certain conditions: do not lift the heels off the floor, the back is straight, we transfer all the weight during landing to the heels. It's good if you have a husband or girlfriend to insure you. The assistant sits on a chair, and you, turning your back to him and standing between his legs, hold on to his bent knees, like handrails, and lean your back on him. You can also stand against a wall, sliding down exactly along it.

If your feet turn inward, or you can't sit down at all, so as not to lift your heels off the floor, you need to exercise. This exercise is for aligning the birth canal and training joints while using the birth squatting position.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Panova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Regular Kegel exercises reduce the stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis, thus improving blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. Moderate training allows the expectant mother to learn how to control the muscles during the baby's passage through the birth canal. In addition, Kegel gymnastics will quickly restore muscle tone after childbirth. But excessive enthusiasm for the complex can lead to an increase in the rigidity of the pelvic floor, cause ruptures in childbirth and the need for dissection of the perineum. So everything is good in moderation.

Before starting to practice, in mandatory get permission from the gynecologist with whom you are registered. Unfortunately, in some conditions (the threat of miscarriage or premature birth), the technique is completely prohibited or only certain of its elements are allowed. It is forbidden to perform exercises lying down after 16 weeks to prevent pressure on the inferior vena cava.

The conclusion from all this is this: in the absence of contraindications, Kegel exercises should be adopted by every woman in position. Regularly doing Kegel gymnastics, you can not only facilitate childbirth, but also accelerate postpartum recovery, as well as fully return the previous one. sex life and even improve its quality.

Kegel gymnastics: 6 effects for pregnant women

  1. Improves overall well-being during pregnancy.
  2. Strengthens muscles, increases the tone of the pelvic muscles. Allows the most efficient use of its resources during childbirth. Teaches you how to properly control the muscles.
  3. Prevents severe pain during childbirth.
  4. Helps avoid tissue tearing during childbirth.
  5. Promotes quick recovery in the postpartum period.
  6. It is an excellent prevention of a frequent postpartum complication - stress urinary incontinence.

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