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How to call the queen of spades at home. Call the Queen of Spades. Actionable Instructions How to Summon the Queen of Spades Without Cards

Before calling the sinister Queen of Spades and communicating with her at home, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons of such a ceremony, to realize how terrible the consequences of communicating with a black entity can be. If the magician is firmly confident in his choice, then you can begin to study spells.

How to call the Queen of Spades correctly and what this creature is

Many children prefer to start their acquaintance with the other world by calling this scary woman. Almost none of them even suspects what such innocent childish fun can turn into. Some magicians want to communicate with the queen of cards in order for her to fulfill their desires, others just want to practice witchcraft or “have fun”.

Usually the black queen is associated with witches or devils. When they make a layout on the cards, then it denotes an enemy or a terrible person. The most terrible misfortunes are tied to this card or black forces cry for help.

It is very interesting, does the Queen of Spades really exist? Due to the fact that children often engage in such rituals, and their faith in everything that happens is very strong and is able to recreate even what is not in real life, it can be said with almost 100% certainty that such an entity exists.

Just imagine how many little sorcerers performed the rituals of summoning the Black Queen. And if each of the callers really believes in what he is doing, then a creature from the other world may well materialize.

Is it possible to call the Queen of Spades and the history of the origin of the spirit

The legend says that there is an other world that is divided into four kingdoms (as well as card suits). For a long time they lived in peace and harmony, traded among themselves.

Although the lords of all four powers were best friends, the subjects of the Red and Spade kingdoms did not like each other very much. After some time, conflict broke out between the two countries. The rest of the inhabitants of the other world tried to remain neutral. The Kingdom of Hearts could be compared to heaven, and the Kingdom of Spades to hell. As a result, all four states were involved in the conflict. When it was impossible to fight further, a fragile peace was established.

According to the laws of the other world, a lady of each suit was to become the wife of a jack of the same suit. But the Queen of Spades loved the Prince of Hearts to unconsciousness. In order to upset the wedding of the prince with the red princess, the beloved forced the Black Lady to destroy her rival by killing her.

To carry out a terrible plan, a black girl climbed into the Palace of Hearts at night. By chance, she was a witness to a conversation from which it became clear that her beloved had betrayed her and continued to plan to marry a princess of her own color.

The deceived girl did not manage to leave the palace unnoticed and was captured by the guards. Upon learning of such a low act of the Queen of Spades, her state was disgraced. The date and place of the death of the black princess is still not known for certain. But her traitors, after some time, were found strangled.

Since then, the call of the Queen of Spades has been used by girls who are unlucky in love, and who have been betrayed by the chosen one of the heart. Every woman who has brought evil to another woman on the love front, the dark princess sees as the same Lady of Hearts.

How to call the Queen of Spades at home and the consequences of such a meeting

Calling the Queen of Spades is a fairly popular way for young people to have fun. It is considered quite simple, because a creature from another world does not require special manipulations to be banished.

Observing all the rules and the sequence of conduct, the ceremony can really be safe. But do not flatter yourself - at the slightest non-compliance with the rules, the consequences can be really terrible.

Such an action cannot be carried out without a mirror and without candles. As you know, all manipulations with mirrors are very dangerous. In addition to the summoned spirit, another, more evil and dangerous entity will be able to penetrate into the mortal world from another world. If this happens, the main thing is not to panic. Complete the ritual quickly and correctly, and, most likely, the uninvited guest will leave with the one who was called.

If mages have no experience with mirrors, then it is recommended to use summoning options where this portal is not required.

Often, the black princess is sent back before she can leave the aisles of the mirror. Otherwise, there is a chance of being strangled or dragged into the world of the Looking Glass.

An easy way to call the Queen of Spades

If you choose this rite, then calling the Queen of Spades on the street will not work, only indoors. Stock up on the following supplies:

  1. Mirror.
  2. Red lipstick.
  3. Cloth or napkin.
  4. Candles made from natural materials.
  5. New deck of cards.

To conduct it, you need to put cards in front of you exactly at 00-00, on top of which you should put the Black Lady face down. Draw a door with a handle on the mirror in advance, and 13 steps from it, create complete darkness in the room and light candles.

The next step for the casters, if there are several of them, is to stand around the main attribute and say three times:

If everything is done correctly, the mirror will become almost black, and black smoke will come from the candle. After that, a female face and figure can be seen in the magical portal. Sometimes you can hear the sound of feet stepping on the stairs and sinister laughter. Quickly ask the girl one question and complete the divination. To exile, you must quickly erase the painted staircase, starting from the bottom step, cut the card or tear it into pieces and burn it on the street.

Summoning the Queen of Spades at Home

The spirit of the Queen of Spades is summoned through a corridor made of mirrors. For the best effect, this action is best performed at midnight. The ceremony can be performed during the day or in the evening, the main thing is that the room should be in complete darkness.

Set the mirrors opposite each other, and put a lit candle between them. Magic attributes should reflect each other and the flames, creating an endless corridor.

You can learn about the arrival of a ghost thanks to the sounds of steps and laughter, followed by a small figure in the mirror. When the casters see the entity, they must quickly move one mirror aside and turn on the lights in the room.

How to summon the black spirit at school

Such a ritual can also be performed independently. The only difficulty will be that you should stay in the building of the educational institution until dark.

The main thing is to take with you all the necessary equipment from home. Find a mirror in the school room, and, according to the actions from the rite described above, call on the entity.

Remember that magic does not like prying eyes. Try to ensure that none of those people who are not involved in the ceremony see the process itself. Otherwise, you can invite the wrath of a creature from another world on yourself.

Calling the spirit in the open space

This type of call has become popular recently. To carry it out, you must use perfume and stand in front of an apartment building. Looking at the windows on the 3rd floor, the call is pronounced three times:

Take action after sunset. Selected windows should not be lit. Perfect for a new building. You should not approach the figure that appears, just look at it from afar.

Now, knowing how to call the Black Lady at home on your own or with friends, you can try to chat with her. Always remember caution and secrecy.

The craving for the unknown and the mysterious is strong in both children and adults. Of particular interest are the rites, around which the halo of the frightening and intimidating hovers. Calling the Queen of Spades is one of the most popular horror stories. But who is this mysterious entity? Why is she shrouded in legends? Before you learn how to call the Queen of Spades, think again if this is exactly what you want. After all, this mysterious journey can turn into serious consequences.

Who is the Queen of Spades

A huge number of legends are associated with this mysterious person. Since ancient times, she has been identified with a witch, sorceress or even a devil. But how did it happen that out of the whole deck of cards, it was the Queen of Spades who got notorious?

There is no single opinion on this matter. Someone believes that the black suit is to blame for everything, which in itself is associated with dark power. Someone pays tribute to Pushkin's "Queen of Spades", which only added to the mystery. But there is a legend much darker.

The Mysterious Lady wasn't always evil.

She comes from another world - the Kingdom of Cards, divided into four parts (according to the number of suits in the deck). The rulers of these kingdoms coexisted in peace and harmony - all except Chervonny and Spade. Ironically, the Queen of Spades fell in love with the Jack of Hearts. But according to tradition, marriages were concluded only among representatives of the same “suit”.

The Lady's Chosen One convinced her that the Queen of Hearts was hindering their love. When the lover made her way into the enemy palace in order to get rid of the ill-fated rival, she was seized by the guards. The lady herself and her entire kingdom were disgraced. The Jack of Hearts turned out to be a traitor, the Queen of Spades turned out to be deceived.

Nothing more is known about the fate of the unfortunate lover. But after some time, the Jack of Hearts and his lady were found strangled.

Since then, the spirit of the Queen of Spades has been considered an assistant against unfaithful men and malicious rivals.

Summoning the Queen of Spades - Consequences

Before moving on to ways to summon the Queen of Spades, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the consequences.

This ritual is often referred to as comic horror stories - supposedly children and teenagers turn to it for fun. However, knowledgeable people argue that this rite is serious and, if the rules are not followed, can lead to no less serious consequences.

  • A guest from the looking glass
Firstly, most options for calling the Queen of Spades require a mirror. This attribute has long been a mediator between the two worlds.

The mirror is the door to the world of shadows. Along with the Queen of Spades, other spirits may appear, whose behavior is beyond comprehension.

If you do not recall them back to the other world, they can settle in your apartment and deliver a huge amount of trouble to the tenants - from minor troubles to serious problems. Although they usually leave with the main figurant of the rite, unless you forgot to ask her about it.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is worth choosing a summoning rite without using a mirror.

  • Nightmares and insomnia
Horrors and nightmares at night are frequent consequences of summoning the Queen of Spades. Many even consider it "normal".
  • The key is distance.
Do not let the Queen of Spades close to you, otherwise she may begin to choke the participants in the ceremony. Usually the woman's spirit is sent back as soon as she appears.

Do not stretch the pleasure - send the guest to another world before she starts to approach you.

How to call the Queen of Spades at home using a mirror

Method 1. Classic call

To summon the Queen of Spades, you must wait until midnight. A prerequisite is the absence of light in the room: turn off all electrical appliances and close the curtains.
  1. Prepare a mirror, red lipstick, a wax candle, a napkin or small piece of cloth, and a deck of new cards.
  2. Minutes before midnight, paint a thirteen-step staircase on the mirror with lipstick. At the top of the stairs is a door with a handle.
  3. Now turn off the lights and light a candle.
  4. Put a deck in front of you, on top of which is the Queen of Spades, face down.
  5. Stand in front of a mirror and repeat three times: Lady of spades, come!»

When the surface of the mirror begins to darken, and the candle begins to crackle, get ready. The Queen of Spades is coming towards you.

You can see an image or a silhouette in the mirror. Some say they see the Queen of Spades descend the painted steps. Someone even hears rustles, steps or laughter.

You can ask the guest a question that interests you - but only one. It is better not to hesitate and drive the spirit away as soon as possible - to do this, start washing the steps with a napkin, starting from the bottom. You can cover the mirror with a cloth. Tear the Queen of Spades card, and then burn it on the street.

Method 2. Mirror corridor

A more reliable, but also more dangerous way to summon the Queen of Spades. It is best to do the ceremony at midnight in a dark room.
  1. Place two mirrors opposite each other so that a mirror corridor is formed.
  2. Light and place a candle between the mirrors.
  3. Take another candle in your hands and say six times: “ Queen of Spades, the one that lives in the mirror world, come to the dim light of my candle».
  4. Then everything happens, as in the first version - silhouettes, rustles and so on. When you want to finish the ceremony - just move one of the mirrors and break the mirror corridor.

Calling the Queen of Spades with soap

This ritual does not have to be done at home. You will need a large mirror - this could be your bathroom, school washrooms, or any other dark place.
  1. Lubricate the surface of the mirror with soap and place a lit candle in front of it.
  2. Take the Queen of Spades card and place it face up to the mirror.
  3. At midnight say three times: Queen of spades, show yourself!»
  4. Seeing the long-awaited figure, say: “ Queen of Spades, get lost».

Queen of Spades - how to summon a spirit without a mirror

As mentioned earlier, rituals without mirrors are safer, but less interesting and informative.

You will need black wool thread and a chair with legs.

  1. Closer to midnight, tie the legs of the chair with thread.
  2. From the new playing deck, take the appropriate card and place it face down on the chair.
  3. At midnight, after turning off the light, say three times: Queen of spades, come!»
  4. Exit the room, closing the door tightly behind you.

Call or not?

Those who have ever rested in a summer camp can surely tell some scary, mystical stories they heard from their girlfriends. And certainly nightly camp gatherings could not do without any fortune-telling and evocations of gnomes, fairies and other "evil spirits". However, the incredible stories about the Queen of Spades, whose spirit is so vicious and dangerous that it can even kill, are most often mentioned. It is hard to say whether this is true or the imagination of ten-year-old girls has been played out, but many

claim that this dashing character actually exists and can come if he is properly summoned.

Ritual one

There are several ways to summon the Queen of Spades. For example, here is a ritual that is desirable to carry out at least together: locking yourself in a dark room, you need to take two chairs and put them one opposite the other. The chairs are tied in a circle with a thin thread, and a lit candle is placed on the floor and the Queen of Spades card is placed. When everything is ready, you need to firmly hold hands and say the spell three times: “Queen of Spades, come to us!”. In no case should you unhook your hands until the very end of the ritual, until the Lady leaves. And you can drive her away only by tearing the card and saying: “Queen of Spades, go away!”.

Ritual two

Why, in fact, they call her, no one can really say, but some

claim that she knows how to fulfill any desire. True, they need to be guessed before she tries to get out of the circle or mirror. By the way, how to call the Queen of Spades using a mirror, read on. So, you need to take any mirror on which to draw steps and a door with a peephole with red lipstick. You will also need a candle and a Queen of Spades card. The light must, of course, be turned off. Call with the same spell as in the previous version. Those who have tried this ritual, how to call the Queen of Spades at home, for the most part claim that after some time some movement begins to occur in the mirror. Many see some kind of dark spot, as if descending the stairs. It is at the moment when the Lady descends that supposedly you need to make a wish, otherwise she can come out of the mirror and strangle the callers. To prevent this from happening, the ladder must be quickly erased.

Waiting for the consequences

Other people who know how to summon the Queen of Spades say that this spirit makes its presence known in a different way. For example, a painted staircase or door may suddenly disappear from the mirror. If only the door has disappeared, this means that the Lady did not come for long; by the disappearance of the stairs, the spirit wants to warn that he has come for three days. If the picture disappeared completely (both the door and the ladder), then the Lady came forever, and now those who disturbed her will have a hard time. But what happens if you call the Queen of Spades? According to "experts", this spirit most often strangles someone, and in different ways. Someone suffocates in a dream, someone is found hanged. It happens that when she appears in the room, windows and doors begin to open by themselves, ceiling lamps and mirrors break, and various marks appear on the body of people who disturbed her peace, from burns to traces of strangulation. Fables are all or not, you decide. But still, before calling the Queen of Spades, maybe it's better to think carefully? Fear has big eyes, of course, but are you ready for something that your psyche may not be able to cope with if the Lady really exists?

Many from an early age have heard legends and stories about the mysterious Queen of Spades, but in reality no one knew about the authenticity of her existence. To test the authenticity of the legends, the bravest among us, taking risks and daring, were not afraid to meet her. The legend of the Queen of Spades is in many ways similar to the legend of Bloody Mary, and is also the original incarnation of it.

There are different versions of the origin of the Queen of Spades, but the essence of many of them is that the legend of the Queen of Spades is associated with a deck of cards that contains her image. Either her sinister image, or the black peaks with their sharp tops served as symbols of something sinister, but since ancient times, the Queen of Spades has been compared to a witch who carries dark forces. Thanks to many stories about the lady living in the looking glass, the Queen of Spades began to be considered an object of mysticism, secrets and unfavorable energy. As a result of many legends, people appeared who began to believe in the materiality of a mystical creature. Thus, the mysterious woman on the map became a symbol of an evil spirit.

There are opinions that the Queen of Spades can be summoned with the help of a certain ritual. But what is the essence of this process? To be convinced of the authenticity of the existence of the Queen of Spades, to refute all the legends, or maybe a thirst for the fulfillment of a wish? Everyone chooses for himself.

At the moment, there are several options for how you can summon the Lady from the Looking Glass, but it is worth remembering that summoning a creature from another world is not safe and carries a drop of risk. It is also worth noting that the called creature may turn out to be a spirit that came into our world to punish the one who disturbed his peace.

So what methods can be used to summon the Queen of Spades?

Method number 1

The essence of the first method is to draw a staircase with red lipstick on the mirror at midnight, put out the light and light a candle. Next, say the words three times:

Queen of spades, come

If any sounds are heard after the named words, for example, the sound of heels, laughter, steps, or a moving silhouette is seen in the mirror, the stairs drawn with lipstick should be immediately erased. True, there are also stories that the Queen of Spades moves at such a speed that you may not notice how she will be next to you.

Method number 2

For the second method, we only need perfume. Having perfumed, you need to go outside and stand in front of a multi-storey building. Looking into the unlit windows of the third floor, say the words three times:

Queen of spades come / show yourself / appear ...

Method number 3

The third way. At midnight, sitting or standing in front of a mirror, break the card of the Lady of Spades. Next, the Queen of Spades will appear in the mirror, which comes towards you from afar. Looking in the mirror, you will see how she starts to choke you. At this time, you must turn on the light or break the mirror, otherwise she will suffocate you.

Method number 4

The fourth method requires a dark room. The bathroom is the best. Having smeared the mirror with soap, light a candle and set it in such a way that the candle is reflected in the mirror. Next, take the Queen of Spades card and place it face up to the mirror. It is worth remembering that using this method, the hair must be collected under the scarf, otherwise the Queen of Spades will grab you by the hair, start dragging you and hitting you against the walls. When all the preparations are made, it is necessary, sitting down, to peer into the mirror. At midnight in the mirror you will notice figures. These can be either white triangles or shapes of a different color. White triangles symbolize the good Queen of Spades and your wish may come true. Figures of a different color are a symbol of the bad Queen of Spades, which can bring misfortune and misfortune.

Method number 5

Fifth way. Fill the glass first with cold water and then with warm water and close it with a mirror. When condensation appears on the mirror, i.e. droplets, at midnight say: “Queen of Spades, come out!” At the moment when the Queen of Spades appears, it is necessary to say: “Queen of Spades, perish!”. There is also a possibility that when you meet the Queen of Spades, you will be frightened and will not be able to do anything. In this case, you should just run away.

Method number 6

To implement the sixth method, it is necessary at 11 o'clock at night to tie a black thread on your hand. After that, say 10 times:

Queen of spades, come!

When the Queen of Spades appears, cut the thread and say:

Unclean, get away!

Method number 7

For the seventh method, during the call, there should not be any red objects in the room. You need to take a glass and put 15 kopecks into it tails. At the same time, repeat “Queen of Spades, come!”. At this point, the coins in the glass will begin to rise from the bottom. When the Queen of Spades appears, she will point her hand at one of those present. The person she chooses will be happy.

Method number 8

Eighth way. Stretching a white thread from the table to the bed, hang a candy on it. At midnight, write a wish on a piece of paper. If you are tempted to see the Queen of Spades, then this should be done carefully so that she does not notice it. For example, through open eyes. If the Queen of Spades notices that you are peeping, there will be grief.

Method number 9

For the ninth method, you need to stick a needle into the wall. At midnight, the Queen of Spades will appear to you, who will either fulfill your desire or strangle you. In this case, the light cannot be turned on, otherwise it will disappear. If suddenly the Queen of Spades wants to strangle you, then you need to scream:

Tari, tari, tari, her,

Fulfill my wish!

Method number 10

For the tenth method, red woolen threads are taken, which are tied to the legs of a chair or some other furniture. Then, taking the card with the queen of clubs, they put it face down and leave the room, close the door behind them. After some time, entering the room, on the floor in different places you can see crosses that look like birds. It is also possible that the chairs in the room will be turned over and the bed thrown off. If you hurry up and enter the room before the Queen of Spades has time to hide in her map, she can strangle you. To avoid this, you should wait 10 minutes before entering the room.

How to summon the Queen of Spades video

When I was 14 years old, I was in the children's city hospital. In the summer, all our friends walked in the fresh air, and we, the patients, were bored and had nothing to do. Like all children, we began to tell each other different horror stories and just stories from our lives. With me in the ward was a girl named Serafima. She told us about the Queen of Spades. Her neighbor and her friend called the Lady because they wanted to bewitch the boy.

This is done simply: a salt shaker, a pepper shaker with red pepper, alcohol (the girls used an alcohol-based acne lotion), a glass of water, and bread, a mirror and cards are placed on the table. Ideally, the table should be without nails, and the mirror should never be hung on the wall! You need to shuffle the deck and say the words: “Three bananas, three bananas, come out, Queen of Spades!” Then pull out any card from the deck and put it on the table in front of the mirror. If you pull out the Queen of Spades on the first try, you need to look in the mirror and wait. Seraphim's friend and friend did everything right, they called the Queen of Spades. In the morning, one girl was found strangled, and the other went crazy ...

It immediately became interesting for me and other girls from the ward to perform this ritual. What if she comes to us? Seraphim warned that as soon as we see the Queen of Spades in the mirror, we must immediately throw a piece of bread into a glass of water and turn the mirror over so that the Queen of Spades does not come out of it. However, she herself was too afraid to do this and asked the doctor to transfer her to another room. The following night, after lights out, we began the ritual. They collected everything on the table as it should be and began to pronounce the words: "... Come out, Queen of Spades." And suddenly the door opens. We got frost on our skin, it became so scary! And a woman enters the ward - all in white, her hair is disheveled, like a witch's, her eyes are in black streaks, her mouth is all red ...

How we screamed! Everything was explained simply. It was a nurse who had fallen asleep and had not washed off her makeup. She heard us talking, woke up and decided to check on us. We decided to try again the next night. Now I was ready for anything, and the girls from our ward were even more afraid. It seemed to everyone that next time it would not be a nurse who would definitely come, but the Queen of Spades. At night we did everything right. Everyone sat in a semicircle near the table and began to call the Queen of Spades. Suddenly, something fell from the bedside table of one girl. We remembered: Seraphim strictly and strictly punished in no case be distracted from the ritual. Otherwise, the Lady can deceive us: distract us with something, quietly exit the mirror, and strangle us all at night. But the girl still went to the bedside table and picked up the fallen thing. The rest continued the ritual.

A few minutes later, fog appeared on the mirror. At first we thought it was foggy. I wanted to wipe the glass, but the fog was getting stronger. My image is gone. We looked more and more into the mirror. The fog soon began to dissipate, and when it completely disappeared, instead of my reflection, I saw sitting opposite ... the Queen of Spades! She was exactly the same as described in the story "The Lady in the Mirror": half-turned, as photographers like to plant clients in the studio. The eyes are black and deep, bewitching, there is an abyss in them! She had a flower in her hands ... And suddenly I realized with a sixth sense that she had seen me. In her eyes flashed a spark of insane, endless hatred for us children! Here the girls could not stand it and squealed. They jumped out of the room, not thinking where to run, just to get away from what they saw!

By the way, Seraphim warned us that in no case should you open the door, otherwise the Queen of Spades could leave the ward and cause trouble in our world. But the girls forgot everything they were told. I was left alone in the room. Remembering Seraphim's order, she threw the bread into the water and turned the mirror over. Then she quickly cleared everything off the table. But this was not the end of the matter. The next day, objects began to fly in the ward, chairs began to move. The deck we used for the ritual lay on the table. No one touched it, but suddenly, in front of our eyes, a card began to crawl out of the deck, it turned over and lay face down. It was the lady of spades. On the same day I burned the cards. And when I was discharged, I buried the mirror in the city dump, as Serafima advised. Since then I have not played cards. Never.

edited news Qusto - 10-10-2018, 14:49

Reason: Section changed.


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