Fire Safety Encyclopedia

The eye of the witch in the palm of your hand. Devil's seal and witch's sign: how to recognize a real witch. How magic manifests itself in a person's appearance

Every person has. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, be it clairvoyance, a talent for the occult or healing.

The psychic gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will he be able to fully manifest himself. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can incur a lot of trouble, such as total bad luck or chronic illness. At a more mature age, there are no obstacles for independent work on oneself. Certain signs in the palm of your hand will help you better understand which direction to take.

The meaning of the signs on the palms

  1. Cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency to clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious car accident or the death of loved ones. The owners of such a sign can literally see pictures of future events at certain moments. This ability is best used in the field of preaching, as the cross is also an indicator of a good relationship with the church.
  2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of occult studies. This sign speaks of a high sensitivity to subtle energies.
  3. Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, from leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. Such a sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also testifies to high professionalism in any field of activity.
  4. Minimum three lines on the hill of Mercury called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were sure to be apprenticed to a healer. As a rule, the owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It is never too late to engage in energetic techniques such as Reiki, as well as healing touching, living the practice, and so on.
  5. An island in the belt of Venus occurs in people who are prone to clairvoyance and have a strong intuition. However, such abilities in the normal state may not manifest in any way. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future, falling into a trance, for example, with a strong emotional experience.
  6. Ring of the White Magician (Ring of Jupiter)... This is the mark of the master. He speaks of the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. The "ring" is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, and yogis. These are people who have achieved deep self-realization. Often, the bearers of the "ring of the white magician" also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, and so on.
  7. Ring of the black magician... The owners of this sign are popularly called people with an "evil" eye. It is best not to get in their way and not enter into conflicts with them. They have great potential for negative power, but they often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message outside, sooner or later, comes back.
  8. Standing separately cross in the center of the palm is called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that emotions and the human mind (right and left hemispheres of the brain) are in complete harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calmness. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make very correct decisions in any situation.
  9. Jupiter's hillock square, or the square of the teacher - testifies to innate oratorical talents. Such people are good at presenting information. They are distinguished by a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.
  10. Isis line... The owners of an arched line from the hill of Mercury to the hill of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people's thoughts.
  11. Double line of life... In extrasensory perception, it is called the line of the guardian angel. Such people have significant energy, they are much more fortunate in life than others.
  12. Radial loop on any finger... It is often referred to as the "scanner" mark. The carriers of this distinction are able to capture the emotional state of others and adopt it. They are often on the "stranger's wave", and often find themselves in "their own" situations. It's easy to convince them of anything and take advantage of it. Therefore, if you find a radial loop on your hand, while communicating with people, try to keep track of where your thoughts are, and where are imposed, alien ones.
  13. Circle at the bottom of the hill of the moon... The sign reflects the ability to clairvoyance. Its owners can hear other people's voices in their heads and observe "pictures" on the screen of their inner vision. Often such visions turn into real events.

Suggested reading.

Supernatural and magical themes have become extremely popular lately. Especially a lot is written about the signs of a witch in the palm of your hand. So are there such signs in the palm of your hand or is all this fiction? I will try to be extremely objective on this unusual issue.

The most common opinion immediately comes to mind that the witch's sign is a kind of combination of small lines on the hill of the Moon, in the form of a human eye. Such an intricacy of lines, they say, is the "Eye of the Witch". Let's say! But why the eye? Is there any connection between the eye sign on the palm and the witch?

For starters, how did we know that the eye in the hand is a witch? Perhaps this sign was known to ancient warlocks dedicated to Kabbalists or medieval palmists? Maybe the Holy Inquisition knew the secret marks on the palms of sinners? Let's check all the sources. And there is only one source, and even then it is modern: M.G. Kozin "Show me your palm and I will tell you who you are", 2007. It turns out that the centuries-old history of this sign is not in the palm of your hand! So how, in the past, was it determined whether a person had a witch's spell?

A little bit of historical background, for a general understanding: In the Middle Ages, a special book "The Hammer of Witches" was published to help inquisitors to fight witches. It wrote that the witch was not necessarily a hunchbacked old woman with a crooked nose and gray hair. It seems that the inquisitors themselves did not exactly know the outward signs of witches. In fact, many women fell under their description. For example, too pretty or too ugly, with moles, birthmarks, or red hair. But the Inquisition was always sure that there was some mark. Here, the words of the famous theologian of the 16th century Lambert Dano, who, by the way, was also fond of palmistry, are appropriate: "There is not a single witch on whom the devil would not put some mark or sign of his power." But even he, in his writings, writes that there are two main types of mysterious signs - this is the devil's spot and witch sign... The latter was a kind of bump or outgrowth on the human body, which was used by witches to feed various spirits with their own blood.

It turns out that there was no question of any signs on the palms. Although the church in those years professionally studied works on palmistry, and many inquisitors would certainly have adopted the "witch" sign in the palm of their hand if it existed in nature.

Well, let them know nothing about the sign of the witch in the past. Let. But maybe the sign of the eye on the palm really has a demonic, witchcraft meaning?

Let us turn again to the history of the peoples of the world.

The hand of Fatima is a strong talisman against damage and the evil eye. He is also known as Hamsa, Ruka Miriam and Palm Hamesh. It looks like a palm with three raised fingers and two bent fingers around the edges. This ancient talisman is popular in India, Israel and Muslim states. The hand with the eye represents protection and good luck from bad luck.

In Tibet, a hand with an eye is an "All-Seeing Protector" amulet to drive out fear and oppression.

In Turkish culture, the eye means good luck. As a rule, it is placed in the center of the palm. Surely, on vacation, many of you saw this symbol in various souvenirs of this country.

In Buddhism, the Eye in the Palm is a symbol of compassionate wisdom.

For Native Americans, Indians, the eye in the hand symbolized the ability of foresight. American Indians tattooed themselves with an open palm with an eye. They had this tattoo called "The Sign of Open Eyes". She contributed to the development of intuition. Almost 50 years ago, anthropologist Clarence Moore drew attention to the presence of the "symbol of open eyes in the palm" in both Mexico and the southeastern United States.

Images of the hand and eye in Arab and Berber traditions are associated with the removal of the evil eye and damage. Famous expression: khamsa fi ainek ("five in your eye") translated as "five fingers in your eye!".

Here you can enumerate for a long time the various interpretations of the eye in the palm of your hand, but their essence boils down to two things: averting damage, the evil eye, or developing intuition.

Bottom line: Despite some mystical background, there is no connection between the eye in the palm of your hand and the concept of "witch". And many are looking for and are looking for the "eye of the witch" in the hope of gaining the power of the dark side.

Push: I don't understand at all how, when describing this sign in the palm of your hand, many authors give extremely contradictory properties? This sign is credited with both the devilish power of the other world, and a strong energy aimed at the good of man. Like, this is a sign of a witch and at the same time a sign of healers and healers, a sign of a servant of Satan and, in combination, a good wizard. Some kind of vinaigrette turns out. Although any palmist knows that the sign of a psychic, shaman or magician is not one sign, but a large set of lines and signs in the palm of your hand.

On the Internet, there are other variants of the "witch" signs, such as complex curls on the hill of the Moon or in the zone of the belt of Venus, but with a detailed study of the properties of these unusual capillary formations, you understand that they have nothing to do with magic. This is another pursuit of fashion trends in palmistry and nothing more.

I will not argue, but it seems to me that the heightened interest in the mystical (devilish) meaning of the eyes in the palm of your hand warmed up the famous 2006 film "Pan's Labyrinth" - a fantasy drama by Mexican director Guillermo del Toro based on the works of Arthur Machen.

“Your wife is probably a witch, if you called her a 'witch' in your hearts, and she sighed and said: 'It's finally over!'

The witch hunt, which was part of the Inquisition, at one time claimed the lives of about 50 thousand people.

Halloween is celebrated around the world on the night of November 1. People believe that on this mystical night the doors to the other world open, and the spirits of the dead come to earth to find a suitable body for themselves. Therefore, people put on fancy dress, make "Jack's lanterns" and stock up on sweets to buy off the evil spirits.

One of the most common Halloween costume looks is the witch. Therefore, on one of the most mystical holidays decided to recall the various ways in which a witch was recognized even during the time of the Inquisition.


The most famous way to check if a woman is a witch was this method. The suspect's right hand was tied to the left leg, and the left hand to the right leg. Then the sorceress was thrown into a deep reservoir. If she drowned, then all charges against her were posthumously withdrawn. If she escaped, then she was considered a witch, for which she was burned at the stake.


On the body of a witch or a sorcerer, they looked for the "seal of the devil". The judge and the executioners tried to find on the suspect some whitish spots, sores, small swellings. If they found them, they pierced them with a needle. If the person did not feel pain, he was found guilty.

It was also believed that a witch has a witch's mark on her body in the form of a hump or growth. Demonologists believed that witches used these growths to feed various spirits with their own blood.


There were many ways of identifying witches that were incomprehensible to modern man. So, supposedly, it was possible to identify a witch by throwing a knife with a cross at her.

In addition, it was possible to take an Easter egg in the church and so find the witch. However, if she managed to pull out and crush the egg, the person's heart should have burst.

The children's shoes, brought to the church, smeared with lard, were supposed to immobilize the witch.

Interesting was the widespread belief that a witch differs from other people in less weight. Supposedly this is why she can fly. Therefore, suspects were often checked by weighing.


Professional hunters were also looking for witches. Each of them usually came up with their own ways of identifying witches. Thus, the Englishman Matthew Hopkins, one of the most famous witch hunters, declared in 1645 that he had discovered in himself the gift of recognizing witches. However, his methods were known only to him. For example, he could sentence a woman to death if an insect flew into the room where the suspect was.

Who are witches

Most of us associate the word "witch" with an ugly old woman wearing a black cloak and pointed hat. In addition, she has black long hair and an evil look - this is a distinctive witch mark. Where did this image come from and who is the witch? If you look far into history, you can see that this word was used to refer to those women who could do things that are beyond the control of an ordinary person. In those days, everything that was not comprehended by the ordinary mind in the surrounding world was considered the influence of supernatural forces. In addition, it was believed that such people had a special mark - a witch sign on their hand.
But we will return to it a little later. The so-called witches treated cattle, people, predicted the future. They were respected and appreciated. However, the attitude towards them has always been ambivalent, since their power has always been associated with the name of the devil. It was believed that it was he who endowed them with powerful strength. That is why medieval theologians and priests spread rumors that witches are carriers of all kinds of evil. Many books have been written about this, most of which mention the witch mark on the hand. So gradually, from a wise and knowledgeable woman, the witch turned into an evil and insidious criminal, who must be destroyed without fail.

Chasing witches

In Russia, the persecution of witches began around the beginning of the 16th century. But here it never reached such proportions as, for example, in Germany or France, where women, who fell even the slightest suspicion of being witches, were burned at the stake. During this period, many innocent souls suffered. Because of these prejudices, many families have lost their daughters and mothers. The court records of inquisitors engaged in witch-hunting have survived to this day. They are filled with bloodlust and cruelty. Many books have been written about these events, resembling instructions of a kind. In them were written all the hallmarks of a God-fearing woman from a witch. According to the information in the books, the witch mark on the hand is not the only distinguishing feature of the owners of supernatural powers. A woman with any distinctive mark on her body was considered a witch. Professional hunters were sure that this was the way the devil branded his chosen ones. The most common was the sign of the witch in the form of a large wart. In addition, the book describes the trials and torture to which women suspected of witchcraft were subjected. But if no mark was found on the body, the torture still did not stop until they found some point with less sensitivity. Even a perfect body could no longer save that unfortunate woman who fell into the hands of the inquisitors. Historian George Barr wrote that no one should have envied the women of that time. "

How to recognize a witch

As mentioned above, in most cases, a woman with supernatural powers had a witch mark on her hand. What is this symbol? It is such a combination of small lines, as a result of which a pattern is formed that resembles the shape of a human eye. It is located in the palm of your hand. People with such a sign are endowed with unique knowledge and abilities. There are quite a few healers, healers, fortune-tellers and others among them. Such people are endowed with powerful energy, have a highly developed intuition, and are endowed with the power of herbal medicine. In most cases, such talents are inherited, after a generation, perhaps two. Palmists drew attention to the fact that people with such a sign rarely appear, mostly they open and close the millennium.

A large number of stereotypes and misconceptions are associated with the appearance of witches and sorcerers. Contrary to these beliefs, magicians do not show themselves in anything, they look like ordinary people. But they also have features of appearance by which they can be identified. Most often, this feature is the mark of a witch or the mark of a sorcerer. Let's figure out how you can recognize a magical entity by its appearance.

How magic manifests itself in a person's appearance

The presence of magical knowledge and powers that allow you to manipulate reality in a supernatural way through objects, rituals and spells, inevitably affects a person's appearance. But such manifestations are not always pronounced.

You can identify a witch and a sorcerer by a combination of several signs.

External manifestations of a witch:

  1. Beauty. The witch is distinguished by an extraordinary beauty that sets her apart from other attractive women. They are characterized by the severity of facial features with some attractive "flavor". It can be the shape of the eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows, chin, forehead.
  2. Hair color - red or black.
  3. Eyes - witches have green eyes.
  4. Moles are large, strongly protruding, overgrown with hairs. Location in secluded places - between the fingers, armpits, groin. An accumulation of moles in the form of constellations, bizarre patterns.
  5. Birthmarks with a shape reminiscent of any mystical symbols. The unusual color of birthmarks is burgundy, bluish.

The classic appearance of a witch is a slender beauty with red hair and green eyes, with marks on her body - moles or a birthmark.

Sorcerers have a slightly different look. They have a different combination of characteristics.

External signs of a sorcerer:

  1. Look and eyes. Magicians have supernatural powers. Their energy is manifested in the look - unnatural brilliance, mesmerizing depth. The eyes of sorcerers are often black.
  2. Like witches, sorcerers are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty. They are tall, slender people with beautiful hair, pronounced facial lines and correct proportions.
  3. A mandatory attribute of a sorcerer is the presence of amulets and amulets.
  4. Sorcerers also have marks on their bodies, but they are not as vivid as those of witches.

How to find witch signs in the palm of your hand

In addition to appearance, hair and eye color, markings on the body, a witch is characterized by the presence of special marks on the palms. The witch marks on the hand are closely related to palmistry. In this context, palmistry should be understood as the reflection of the individual characteristics of a person on the skin relief of the palms.

The magical powers contained in the witch are often released into the outside world through the hands. Supernatural energy leaves marks on the physical body. These are marks in the form of moles and birthmarks or marks, manifested in a special arrangement of lines on the hands.

In palmistry, the location of the lines on a particular hand is of great importance. The witch's marks appear on both hands, but also have different meanings. Right hand - inherited abilities. Left hand - acquired during life.

Pronounced lines and signs indicate the development of abilities. Blurry, poorly expressed symbols are skills that are present, but poorly understood and not used.

Symbols, marks and lines on the hands are not the same for sorcerers and witches. Some signs are characteristic of women, others are characteristic of men. Of greater importance in the manifestation of abilities marks on the palms are for witches. For sorcerers, signs on their hands cannot always be expressed clearly.

Hill of the moon

The key place in determining magical abilities along the lines on the hand is occupied by the hill of the moon. This is the part of the palm next to its edge, expressed in the form of a tubercle. The pronounced, developed hill of the Moon is the main manifestation of the witch on the hand. For right-handers, it should be assessed on the right hand.

Marks in the form of a combination of lines are often located on the hill of the Moon. The closer the sign is to the tubercle, the more pronounced the magical abilities are.

Witch eye

The witch sign looks like a cluster of wrinkles that form a recognizable symbol - an eye. The symbol is present in girls who received their gift by inheritance. You need to look for it only on the right hand, next to the hill of the moon.

The Eye of the Witch is the most important sign that reflects the girl's ability to magic. Such girls have supernatural innate knowledge, they see things and signs that other people cannot see.

The mark of the Witch's Eye is rarely seen. A pronounced sign is a single phenomenon. A girl with such a sign, who does not know about her abilities, will unconsciously manifest her magical powers - to influence reality with her thoughts, predict the future, attract luck and success to herself.

Mystical Cross

The witch's characteristic mark on the palm is a secret cross formed by two short lines. The main Mystical Cross is located between the lines of the Head and Heart.

Mystical Cross in the palm of your hand

The closer the cross is to the Hill of the Moon, the more powerful the forces are inherent in a person. The Mystical Cross often manifests itself in early childhood. This is a sign of involvement in magical powers that were inherited from one of the ancestors. A characteristic manifestation of this mark is the development of intuition, closeness to natural forces.

Mystical crosses also appear at the base of the fingers. The cross at a specific finger is associated with a specific planet:

  • Jupiter - index (magical wisdom);
  • Saturn - middle (magic of learning);
  • The sun is nameless (love magic);
  • Mercury is the little finger (magic of prophecy and prediction).

Each planet is associated with certain magical abilities, powers and knowledge. The presence of a cross at a certain finger indicates potential in a particular area.

Crow paw

The Crow's Paw symbol looks like three lines extending down the palm of the hand from the wrist. The sign resembles the paw footprint of a magical bird - a crow. This mark on the right hand symbolizes the presence of witchcraft. The crow's paw on the left hand says that you were a sorcerer in a past life.

People with this tag need to be careful. Their words and thoughts are endowed with serious magical powers. They tend to come true.

Devil Sign

A mark manifested by a cluster of short lines that form a seven or six-pointed star. The sign appears on the right hand during life, located in the central part of the palm, next to the Hill of the Moon. This is a symbol of a black magician who possesses serious power received from the dark forces.

Pentagram on the palm - witch sign

Psychic triangle

Another witch sign is the Psychic Triangle. It looks like the intersection of several lines to form a triangle. It appears at the base of the ring finger above the Venus line. This mark is hard to see.

The presence of this sign indicates the blocking of magical powers. More often this is due to black forces, which are capable of causing serious harm. Hiding and containing abilities allows you to protect the wearer and those around him from the dangers of using supernatural forces. This sign is especially important in situations where a person is unaware of involvement in witchcraft.

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