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Is it possible to feed cucumbers with mullein. We fertilize tomatoes with mullein. When to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs with organic matter

Mullein - large manure cattle, many summer residents make it as a fertilizer. It is suitable for almost all plants - flowers, vegetables, berries, and fruit crops. Mullein increases the percentage of humus in the ground.

Cow dung can be attributed to complete fertilizers, because it contains the whole complex of essential minerals, namely:

  • Nitrogen is one of the most important elements for plant growth. It is found most of all in bedding manure, which is enriched with rotted remains of hay and straw.
  • Phosphorus is essential for fruit set.
  • Potassium is essential for tomatoes. They need it during flowering and fruit formation.
  • Calcium, most of which is absorbed by plants from the soil, is not alienated, but returns to the ground again.
  • Magnesium. It is not present in any mullein. This metal is the main one in the photosynthetic pigments that plants need for photosynthesis.

In addition, boron, molybdenum, copper, zinc and cobalt were found in the composition of organic matter.

Varieties of cow dung

Cow dung happens:


It is a fluid medium density, which contains all the necessary useful material. The share of ammonia nitrogen in it is almost 50% - 70%. Due to this, the fertilizer is 2-3 times more effective, provides plants with nitrogen than bedding manure. It is used to prepare liquid mullein and is already used in horticultural crops.


In it, in addition to solid and liquid products The livelihoods of cattle include the remains of dry grass, straw or peat, which are used as bedding. Peat manure is enriched with ammonium nitrogen, which is more efficiently absorbed by plants.
The straw base contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium. It also contains magnesium, which is absent in peat mullein. This variety of mullein can fertilize the soil at the end holiday season after harvesting the fruits, and also it is used to create compost heaps.


This liquid fertilizer, containing a lot of nitrogen and potassium, it can only be used well fermented and diluted.


They produce ready-made fertilizers based on mullein. Particularly popular with amateur gardeners is the BIUD KRS fertilizer packaged in containers of 5 liters, which, according to the manufacturer, replaces half a ton fresh manure. Good feedback about the finished fertilizer "Radogor", sold in liter bottles. It replaces 5 buckets of mullein.
You can also find dry mullein on the shelves, packaged at least 50 grams, which is very convenient, since such manure can be purchased on the way to the garden, for a small amount, and anyone can bring it.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Application of fresh mullein

You can not fertilize the ground with fresh manure right before planting. Mullein, decomposing, releases a lot of heat, so there is a great risk of burning the root system of seedlings.

It is better to feed with such fertilizer in the fall, immediately after harvesting. It is distributed throughout the site, at the rate of 30-40 kilograms per 10 square meters. In order for the process of manure decay to proceed faster, it must be mixed with the ground; for this, the soil must be cultivated.

When a mullein is stored for a long time, a lot of nitrogen evaporates from it. Therefore, in order to save more useful substances, manure must be embedded in the ground, as soon as it enters the garden. Such top dressing should be applied at least once every 2-3 years, otherwise there is depletion and depletion of the soil.

This fertilizer is perfect for beds with cucumbers. The heat that is released during the overheating of manure is detrimental to other plants here, on the contrary, it will be useful. It will heat the cucumber bed from the inside, which will favorably affect the growth of the crop. To create a bed you need wooden frame in the shape of a rectangle. Manure is poured into it 1 meter high. Holes are made in manure at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other, with a depth of 0.3-0.4 meters and a radius of 0.25 meters. Soil for cucumbers is poured into the holes and 5-7 seeds are planted in each, as soon as the first greens appear, the weakened sprouts are pinched, leaving 2-3 strong specimens.

When there is little manure, you can equip the bed more economically. At the base of the pile, earth is poured 0.3 meters high, crushed weeds and last year's leaves are laid on it in a dense layer. After 2 days, when the pile settles a little, the top layer of mullein is poured.

There is another option for using this fertilizer - to prepare a manure solution that can be used to fertilize garden crops and fruit trees in the middle of the growing season and just before the harvest of vegetables and fruits.

Fertilizer is prepared as follows:

Take 1 bucket of mullein and 4 buckets of water, the solution is thoroughly mixed and kept warm for 3-5 days.

Diluted mullein must ferment well so that all uric acid, which is dangerous for plants, is gone from it, because it is she who burns their root system.

Then the resulting liquid is diluted with 3-4 times more water (3-4 buckets of water are taken per bucket of diluted manure) and only now they can water the beds at the rate of 10 liters per 1 square meter.

Organics: benefits and harms

Application of mature manure

This fertilizer is applied to the soil throughout the season, but it will be most useful when applied in the spring before planting.

Heaps with dry mullein are laid out on the site immediately before arable work, so that useful macro- and microelements do not have time to evaporate from them. When there is a lot of manure available, it is simply scattered on the surface of the earth, and then the soil is dug up with a shovel or a tractor mixes dry organic matter with the ground.

Dry mullein should be applied at the rate of 4-5 kilograms per 10 square meters of land.
Humus is introduced not only in a continuous layer, but is also used as a mulching nutrient shelter. To do this, it is poured between rows, around fruit trees and garden rose bushes.

It can also be applied to foliar feeding roses. To do this, organic matter must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and insisted for 24 hours. Add 1 part of wood ash to 10 parts of the working solution and in the evening feed the plant along the leaf blade. After that, the rose should be well watered.

Fertilizer from rotted manure can feed almost all plants without fear. The release of useful elements from it occurs slowly, so it will last for a long time.

Restrictions on the use of manure

Cannot be deposited organic fertilizer, especially in unripened form or in concentrated slurry in the following cases:

  • When manure is applied, all root crops, with the exception of beets, become hard and crooked.
  • Legumes respond poorly to the introduction of fresh mullein, they gain green mass well, but bear fruit poorly.
  • Kohlrabi and Beijing cabbage do not respond well to manure, other varieties of cabbage grow well only if they are watered with a liquid infusion.
  • It is unacceptable to use fresh manure for feeding onions and garlic - they will hurt and grow poorly. They are allowed to be watered from the second half of the growing season with a solution of mullein, which is prepared with herbs.

In all other cases, it is permissible to use mullein for plant nutrition in various forms.

How to apply organic fertilizer?

Cattle manure is considered one of the effective organic fertilizers, because it contains all the elements required for growth and fruiting. According to the observations of agricultural workers, after its application, the yield of potatoes, berries and cereals increases by 30-50% compared to the average.

Therefore, if it is possible to apply for plant nutrition on your own personal plot organic matter, it is better to choose it than mineral fertilizers.

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Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, process engineer

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Mullein fertilizer is used by many gardeners and gardeners. It is universal and suitable for almost all plants - flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees. Mullein increases the content of humus in the soil, and is a substance intended by nature itself for the natural enrichment of the earth with nutrients.

Mullein can be called a complete fertilizer, as it contains all the necessary macro- and microelements.

  • Nitrogen. It is most abundant in bedding manure, enriched with rotting remains of hay and straw. This essential element nutrition for plants.
  • Phosphorus - has the properties of a beneficial effect on the formation of ovaries.
  • Potassium is very useful for tomatoes, which need it during flowering and berry setting.
  • Calcium. Most of this element, obtained by plants from the soil, is not alienated, but enters the bedding manure, and together with it returns to the soil.
  • Magnesium. This element is not found in all types of mullein. It is necessary for plants to organize the process of photosynthesis, as it is part of the chlorophyll molecule.

In small quantities, this includes elements such as boron, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, zinc and cobalt.

Varieties of mullein

Mullein is of three types:


A mixture of bovine excrement, both solid and liquid, together with particles of hay, straw or used as bedding. Peat manure contains more ammonium nitrogen, which is better absorbed by plants.

The straw substrate contains a higher percentage of phosphorus and potassium. It also contains magnesium, which is not found in peat manure at all. This type of mullein is used to fertilize the soil in the fall, as well as to create compost.


Fluid suspension, medium density. Contains all essential nutrients. This mullein solution has a lot of ammonia nitrogen, about 50% - 70%, fertilizer can provide plants with nitrogen 2-3 times better than the same amount of bedding manure. It is used to prepare liquid mullein, which is watered with garden plants and fruit trees.


Liquid fertilizer containing a large number of nitrogen and potassium. Its use is possible only in a well-fermented state. Definitely breed.

factory mullein

This organic compound is produced and industrial way. Ready-made fertilizer from mullein Compost BIUD KRS, sold in bottles of 5 liters, and replacing, according to the manufacturer, 500 kg of fresh manure, as well as Radogor, in a compact bottle of 1 liter, which is equivalent to 5 buckets, is widely popular among summer residents. mullein. You can buy this liquid manure at any garden store, at a price of 50 rubles. per litre.

On sale there is also dry mullein, packaged in bags of 50 gr. The cost of such a bag is from 59 rubles. This is a very convenient solution, since this dry manure can be bought on the way to the dacha, for little money, and even a pensioner can handle its transportation.

How to use fresh mullein?

This fertilizer must be used correctly. His can not be applied to the soil before planting. Manure can burn the roots of seedlings, as it has a high decomposition temperature.

The optimal time for feeding with mullein is autumn, immediately after harvesting. It is evenly scattered around the garden, at the rate of 30-40 kg per 10 sq.m. The soil is then cultivated to mix the manure with the soil to speed up the processing of this organic fertilizer.

To save more nutrients, you need to scatter and close up the mullein, immediately after it enters the garden plot. During long-term storage, this substrate evaporates such the most useful element like nitrogen, and in large quantities. It is necessary to repeat the cultivation of the soil with this type of organic matter at least once every 2-3 years, otherwise its depletion and depletion is inevitable.

fresh mullein ideal for creating cucumber beds. The one heat internal reactions occurring in this substrate, which harms seedlings, here, on the contrary, is useful. Not rotted manure will “warm up” the bed for the inside, creating comfortable growth conditions for them.

It is very easy to make it. In a rectangular frame made of boards, enclosing the perimeter of the beds, manure is poured, with a layer of 1m. Every 1.5 m, holes are made in it, 30-40 cm deep, and about 50 cm in diameter, into which soil for cucumbers is poured. 5-7 seeds are planted in each, and after germination, weak plants are pinched, leaving 2-3 roots in the hole.

If there is not enough mullein, then you can make this bed in another way, more economical. "Heating" in this case, will provide biofuels, both animal and vegetable origin.

A layer of earth, about 30 cm high, is poured into the base of the pile, chopped weeds and last year's foliage are tightly laid on it. Then they wait a couple of days for the pile to compact, and only after that they lay the top layer of manure.

Another way to use this fertilizer right away is to make a mullein solution. They can be fed to plants in the middle of the growing season, and before harvesting. Prepare it like this. 4 buckets of water are taken for 1 bucket of manure, mixed well and left in a warm place for several days. liquid mullein must ferment well so that thermonuclear uric acid comes out of the solution, which burns the roots of plants. For one bucket of working solution take 3-4 buckets of water. The beds are watered with this liquid, adhering to the ratio - 10 liters per 1 sq.m.

Use of rotted mullein

This organic matter can be applied at any time, but the best result is obtained when it is used in the spring. Heaps with dry mullein are opened in the garden just before plowing, so that useful substances do not have time to evaporate from them. If there is a large amount of this animal organic matter, then it is simply scattered over the surface of the soil, and the tractor mixes this dry substrate with the ground.

The proportions when applying dry mullein are much more modest than when using fresh manure, only 4-5 kg ​​per 10 sq.m.

Humus can be used not only for continuous application. For example, it is very popular as a mulching nutrient shelter. They fall asleep near the trunks of fruit trees, aisles, the space around the roots of a garden rose.

It is also used for foliar feeding garden queens. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10, and insist one day. Then add (1 part to 10 parts of the working solution), and in the evening spend foliar on the sheet. After the procedure, abundant watering is necessary.

Mullein fertilizer in a rotted form can be safely fed to almost all plants. Selection nutrients from it occurs gradually, so this is a “long-playing” top dressing.

Mullein is considered one of the best organic fertilizers as it contains all the essential nutrients. After its introduction, according to the observations of agronomists, there is an increase in productivity, cereals, berry crops by 30-50% of the average annual rate.

Mullein can be used in any form - fresh, dry, and even make liquid mash from it to feed plants.

This is a universal fertilizer, and if it is possible to use it in order to feed your garden and vegetable garden, it must be used, because organic matter is traditionally preferable to mineral fertilizers.

Video: an example of the preparation of liquid organic fertilizer

Top dressing of cucumbers with mullein is popular. This organic fertilizer or formulations with its addition are well accepted. vegetable crop. To get only the benefits of top dressing, you need to know at what time, and in what quantity to make it.

Growing cucumbers is not complete without the application of mineral or organic fertilizers. Can you use mullein on your suburban area, everyone will speak for themselves beneficial features this component.

Mullein ( cow dung) is an organic fertilizer that stimulates the growth and development of cucumbers, increases the number of ripe fruits, improves immunity and protects against many diseases. In the fertilized land, the number of many useful trace elements increases: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron and others. The composition is environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

It is possible to reduce the risk of developing diseases among cucumbers even at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. For sowing, it is best to take disinfected seeds. In addition to the common potassium permanganate solution, cow dung infusion is popular and effective. Recommended proportions 1:6.

The use of infusion for spraying helps prevent many fungal and viral diseases. If the disease has just been discovered, the stems of the bushes have become thinner, the leaves have withered and turned yellow, then foliar treatment is just as effective. In this case, the manure is diluted at a ratio of 1:3 before use.

You can feed cucumbers with mullein several times during the entire growing season, with an interval of 12-14 days. It is especially useful when the plant looks lethargic, weak, and the leaves turn white on the stem. Suitable for the first feeding, when the first leaves are just beginning to unfold. The main thing is to know what kind of manure is suitable for cucumbers and at what time it is safe to use.

Basic rules for using fertilizer

Cucumbers benefit from mullein at various stages of their development, but it is different from slurry. slurry contains many microelements in its composition, but it may contain pathogens of various infections. Mullein is obtained by fermentation and pathogens die during this process. Therefore, it is safer to cultivate the land with mullein than with slurry.

A large number of microelements are concentrated in the manure bed, beneficial microorganisms begin to multiply. It becomes profitable to plant vegetables on such plots of land. All useful substances contained in the soil are more easily absorbed by the plant when mullein is introduced. During the ripening period, you can enjoy delicious and crispy cucumbers.

How to make a bed, vegetable growers recommend rotted manure for cucumbers. Before planting cucumbers, it is useful for them to process the garden during autumn or spring digging. If cucumbers are planted in such soil, then a rich and high-quality crop is obtained. The beds are also mulched with rotted litter and infusions for irrigation are prepared on its basis.

Do not use fresh manure for top dressing. Fresh manure can cause burns to the root system and leaves. It is allowed to make an infusion from fresh manure for watering and spraying, or to put it in a clean, undiluted form only in the fall, digging up the ground.

Since unrotted manure contains a lot of weed seeds, spreading on the site leads to the spread of weeds.

Despite the fact that cucumbers love and accept mullein well, it should not be applied too often to the soil. An excess of some trace elements can harm the plant. Therefore, only a balanced application can be beneficial.

How to prepare a healthy composition

A ready-made mullein is for sale, but you can make top dressing for cucumbers with your own hands. There are two main types of mullein: liquid and litter.

In the presence of bedding material from sawdust and straw in the stall, the cow accordingly obtains bedding-type manure. It turns out solid manure with the inclusion of straw. With prolonged storage, it begins to overheat, forming humus. Humus is also useful to feed the plants.

Liquid-type fertilizer for cucumbers can be done as follows. IN compost pit or big plastic barrel lay such auxiliary components as straw, fallen leaves, sawdust, potato tops or tomatoes. Everything is filled with liquid manure. Then the layer of auxiliary components is repeated again. Layers alternate to the very edge of the container.

You can feed cucumbers with a composition made in a different way. Fertilizer based on mullein should be started a week before applying to the beds. The easiest way to do good feeding, it is to dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave to infuse.

The appearance of bubbles indicates the beginning of fermentation, the color becomes lighter. Before watering, the resulting solution is again diluted with water. Mullein infusion should be watered only between rows, avoiding contact with leaves and ovaries. To preserve all valuable properties, it is impossible to open the container with the finished solution.

There are several rules on how to feed a cucumber bed with prepared manure. For the entire period of development, it is recommended to feed the cucumber bed at least four times. Since a varied diet improves the development of cucumbers, it is useful to alternate nutritional components.

  • The very first time, cucumbers should be fertilized with mullein before the start of the flowering period. The recommended dosage of manure is 250 g, which is diluted with a bucket of water. From the experience of gardeners: "Together with manure, I diluted 5 g of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea."
  • The next time to fertilize is necessary during the beginning of fruiting. Instead of mullein, you can use chicken manure and wood ash, which are also bred in a bucket of water.
  • After two weeks, you can again water the cucumbers with a solution of mullein. Tip: "Separately dilute the mullein with water in a ratio of 1:3." For the composition, you still need to take a diluted solution (1 liter), add 5 g of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate.
  • The last top dressing is recommended to be applied after three weeks. Again, instead of cow dung, an infusion of bird droppings is prepared.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse for the first time can be fed with mullein two weeks after planting the seedlings. In 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein is diluted and left to infuse for about three days. Then once again dilute with water and add 250 g of wood ash.

When feeding plants, it is best not to pour the mullein solution under the root, but to put it in the grooves made next to the beds. After soaking the solution, the grooves are again covered with earth.

Application of horse and rabbit manure

Many vegetable growers note that it is much more effective for cucumbers in open ground choose horse manure as a fertilizer. It decomposes much faster, warms up quickly and cools down slowly. It keeps heat for a long time, which has a beneficial effect on the development of cucumbers.

Horse manure, especially fresh, is best cultivated in the fall. For 1 sq. meter will need to take 5.5 kg of the main component. When digging the ground in spring, it is best to make rotted manure for cucumbers. During flowering and the formation of ovaries, it is most effective to water with liquid manure.

To make a cucumber bed when using horse manure in greenhouse conditions, the topsoil is preliminarily removed. Then manure is laid on top of the remaining beds and spilled with boiling water to get rid of all pathogens. After that, greenhouses and greenhouses are covered with a new layer of soil, the beds are dug up and leveled.

It is useful for plants to make compost from horse manure. To prepare it, you need to lay various plant wastes in a pit or large container, for example, leaves, sawdust, tops of other vegetables and mix with prepared manure. To do liquid top dressing manure is diluted with a bucket of water and left to infuse.

You can feed cucumbers and rabbit dung, it is no less useful than cow or horse. It contains equal amounts of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, various trace elements, vitamins and other valuable substances. Growing a good crop is easy, as all components are easily and quickly absorbed by plants. Manure loosens and fertilizes the soil.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer is used in any form in a greenhouse or on open beds. Fresh litter is cultivated in the fall. To prepare the infusion, you need to take one part of manure and ten parts of water. Leave to infuse for 2.5 weeks. Compost is considered effective. They make a compost pit, about 1.5 meters deep, throw sawdust and leaves there. The heap will have an alternating vegetation layer with manure. Can be used for cucumbers in the spring, before planting.

Pledge good harvest correct and timely application of fertilizers. Be sure to take into account the timing of manure, and dilute the components in the recommended dosages.

Mullein is one of the best organic fertilizers used for top dressing. horticultural crops. Once in the soil, it, like other organic matter, gradually mineralizes in it and provides plant nutrition throughout the season.

Often, mullein is called liquid cow dung without a straw or sawdust base - slurry. Actually it's not exactly the same thing. Slurry is a widespread organic fertilizer, which contains almost all the main nutrients and most trace elements. Mullein is a fermented aqueous solution of cow dung. The biggest disadvantage of fresh slurry is that it can contain pathogens of various plant diseases. During fermentation, they die, so mullein is a much safer, but no less useful fertilizer.

Mullein is prepared from cow dung. To do this, one part of fresh manure is placed in a sufficiently large container and poured with five parts of water. Mix well, close the lid and leave to ferment for 1 - 2 weeks. Every 2-3 days the mixture should be opened and stirred. The beginning of fermentation is signaled by bubbles appearing on the surface of the mixture. After a week, the color of the solution changes - it becomes noticeably lighter, and solid particles begin to settle to the bottom.

Before use, the fertilizer must be diluted at least twice. And for enrichment with phosphorus and potassium, you can add superphosphate - 100 grams per 10 liters of solution, and wood ash - 500 grams.

The chemical composition of mullein is highly dependent on the feed that was given to the animals. But in any case, it is a fertilizer that contains the most nitrogen and potassium. Phosphorus is much less in it. Nutrients mullein is easily absorbed by plants. Under the action of microorganisms, the urea contained in the mullein turns into ammonium carbonate, ammonia gas is easily released from it and evaporates into the surrounding air. Therefore, during the manufacture of mullein and subsequent storage, it must be kept in a container tightly closed with a lid.

Those plants that are strong and medium consumers of nutrients respond especially well to feeding with mullein: cauliflower, white and red cabbage, broccoli, Beijing cabbage, onions, celery, chard, cucumbers, tomatoes. Most of all love mullein pumpkin: zucchini, pumpkins, zucchini, squash. It will also be useful for red table beets, head lettuce, spinach, peppers and eggplant.

On radishes, peas, radishes, beans and kohlrabi, top dressing from mullein has little effect. Therefore, the expediency of its use for these crops is very doubtful.

Cucumbers can be fed with mullein every ten days. To do this, 10 liters of water are taken per liter of mullein, and with the onset of flowering, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added there.

For tomatoes, mullein is best used in the initial period of development, when there is a rapid increase in green mass, as well as flowering and ovary formation. About half a liter of diluted mullein is consumed per plant.

To feed trees, take a bucket of mullein per square meter trunk circle. Most often, a groove is dug around the tree up to 10 cm deep and located along a circle equal to the perimeter of the crown. A dilute solution of mullein is poured into it, after which it is leveled. Instead of a groove, you can make a series of small holes around the tree, pour top dressing into them, let it soak and bury.

But when feeding perennials, especially trees, one must be careful enough. When making mullein in the second half of summer and, especially, in autumn, the nitrogen component of this fertilizer will contribute to the rapid growth of wood and green mass of the whole plant. As a result, the natural aging and fall of the leaves is delayed - this phenomenon causes great harm all perennials. The fast-growing wood of both decorative and fruit trees does not have time to mature and prepare for wintering. This means the inevitable freezing of young branches in the cold season. Of course, the tree will not die completely, but it will be long and hard to recover for the next season.

Mullein is a very good environmentally friendly organic fertilizer, the value of which can hardly be overestimated. But it must be applied, like all other means, in a timely manner and in moderation, otherwise the results obtained may be very far from expected.

Growing cucumbers, we all dream of a rich harvest that will delight us both fresh and in the form of blanks for the winter. good cucumbers can be grown if you regularly take care of them and feed them on time. Increasingly used as fertilizers minerals sold in specialized stores. It is easier to work with them, but, nevertheless, this is “chemistry”. Those who really care about the quality of their crops use organic fertilizers, especially since cucumbers respond very well to their application to the soil.

What is a mullein?

Mullein is a natural organic fertilizer that stimulates plant growth and increases their yield. It is cow dung, which contains many trace elements useful for plants. However, you should not use it too often and in large quantities, as in this case there will be an excess of nutrients, which is also harmful for cucumbers.

It is also not recommended to use fresh mullein. It contains a lot of nitrogen, as well as weed seeds that can later germinate on your site. Fresh mullein can be used in two cases: if you bring it in in the fall and immediately dig up the ground before winter; if you made a special infusion from it for feeding cucumbers. But it is better to use rotted mullein, it is safer and will not cause burns to the roots and leaves of plants, even when applied to the ground during their growth.

The benefits of mullein are:

  • naturalness and high efficiency;
  • low cost;
  • at correct application helps protect cucumbers from diseases;
  • it is well suited for feeding cucumbers, as it contains the substances necessary for their growth.

How to feed cucumbers with mullein?

Cucumbers should be fed several times during the season. Mullein will be especially effective in cases where cucumbers are not very attractive. appearance- thin stems, pale fading leaves. Mullein is also ideal for the first feeding, when the leaves of the plant are just beginning to appear. Cucumbers should be fed for the first time no earlier than two weeks after they sprout.

Mullein fertilizer must be prepared in advance. It takes about a week to prepare. Preparing the solution is very simple - you need to dilute cow dung with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Within a week, the fertilizer is infused, after which it is ready for use.

The mullein solution should be applied to the soil only during irrigation. It is impossible to pour a concentrated solution into cucumbers, as they can be burned. Add half a liter of the resulting infusion to a bucket of water. At this concentration, the fertilizer is quite safe for cucumbers.

Do not pour fertilizer on plants from above - cucumber leaves do not like excess moisture. It is best to carefully shed the furrows and grooves in which the plants are planted. If you do everything right and take care of your plants, then they will respond to you with an excellent harvest in the very near future.

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