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Feng Shui Tips. Feng Shui of the apartment: ten golden rules. The East is in charge of family affairs

Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or suddenly we start to get sick. Worst of all, when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It must be activated in order for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in the house, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule One. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long lost its former appearance must be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of what you haven't used for a long time. So you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of people who come to your house, you need to hang a mirror over the front door, preferably round or octagonal. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the entered person, thereby returning it to the owner. It is also a great way to protect against damage and curses.

Third rule. The feng shui of an apartment says that the front door, which will be located in the southeast, will bring financial success. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wooden or glass panels.

Fourth Rule. The front door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. This will attract positive energy, and will also help to neutralize the negative.

Fifth Rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. In these feng shui zones there should be nothing superfluous. Clothes and shoes, the season for which has long passed, must be put away in closets and kept in the hallway only what you are wearing at this time. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

sixth rule. Behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially on the one on which you sleep, there must be a wall or partition. There shouldn't be any empty space. This can deprive you of support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh Rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then the energy flies out of your house. It is extremely difficult to live in such premises. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to feng shui at home, you need to put tall plants on the windowsill, mostly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or fat woman. They will keep the positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth Rule. For financial well-being, hang a large mirror opposite your dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All the food that will lie on the table will be reflected, thereby, it will double. This will bring money into the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . In no case should they be directed to your place of rest, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to recuperate and relax properly.

tenth rule. The largest room should be occupied by the oldest inhabitants of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family. This gives a balance of energy between those who reside in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, then the atmosphere in your home will soon improve. Coming home, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. The house will become your place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to learn more about Feng Shui, then write to us about it in the comments. And don't forget to press and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy enters the house, both positive and negative. ...

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that helps bring good luck to your home and business. What does it mean? Very simple: following simple tips you will become successful at work, strengthen your family, develop your business, find love and bring balance to your life in everything.
Feng Shui is translated as "water and wind", this science uses different ways to attract favorable energy: finding a balance of yin and yang, the rules for combining the five basic elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal, the correct use of symbols and talismans. Try and you will bring good luck to the house with the help of simple actions.

So, a few simple and very effective tips on how to improve the energy of your home, apartment or office:

1. It is very important that the house is clean, as negative energy accumulates in dirty and hard-to-reach places, affecting the health and well-being of the family.

2. Corners, mezzanines, niches, cabinets should not be filled to capacity with things, especially not used. In such places, you need to sort it out more often and throw out everything unnecessary.

3. If you have non-working appliances or broken things in your house, be sure to fix them. Even small watches that have stopped and are now lying in the far corner of the desk drawer can negatively affect your life. Check for burnt out bulbs in lighting fixtures.

4. Having decided to radically improve the feng shui of an apartment (repair, change furniture, move things that have been in one place for a long time), you need to do this gradually, because changes will also begin in your life and you need to be ready for them. In addition, some of your actions may not please the spirit of the hearth (usually this is manifested in the fact that light bulbs suddenly burn out, some things break and lose themselves, etc.).

5. Do not keep broken, cracked or glued dishes in the house. This greatly worsens feng shui. Even if this thing is very dear to you, it is better to get rid of it.

6. Loud and unpleasant sounds, quarrels, scandals negatively affect the feng shui of the apartment, which also affects the health and luck of the household.

7. Do not keep money in unfavorable places (for example, in the toilet), otherwise you will constantly lose it under certain circumstances.

8. Pets bring extra life energy (qi) into the house and significantly improve feng shui at home.

9. Indoor plants also increase the amount of qi, but they should not be excessive, especially in the bedroom, otherwise your body will lack oxygen during sleep.

10. Unpleasant odors present in the house must be neutralized and their cause eliminated. As a neutralizer, it is better to use incense and aromatic oils, which, by influencing a person and his house, are able to attract positive qi energy, thereby improving the feng shui of an apartment.

11. If your front door to a house (apartment) or office is in an unfavorable zone, then the energy entering the premises will contribute to the formation of unpleasant events for all inhabitants. It is possible to determine the degree of negative or positive influence of the front door zone. If it turns out to be favorable, then by making certain changes, it is possible to form the necessary events, if it turns out to be unfavorable, then in each case it is possible to avoid the negative impact of energy in different ways.

12. If your bed or desktop, at which you spend a long time, is in the zone of unfavorable earthly energy, then you need to move them, or put a neutralizer in this place. It is also necessary that they be oriented in a direction that is favorable for you personally in accordance with their number of gua, which is determined by the date of birth.

13. If you want to qualitatively improve your life, increase your material wealth, move up the career ladder, then you need to work on the money energy at home and / or office. To do this, it is necessary to conduct some kind of vigorous activity where the energy of money is located according to Feng Shui: work, receive guests, play sports. You can determine the monetary energy using the "flying stars" map at home (or office), and then start working with the energy of the "water stars" responsible for material well-being. This will be the zone of wealth or the zone of money. If it is not possible to stay in the money zone for a long time, then you can place working electrical appliances there, a fountain, a bright lamp that will activate monetary energy.

14. If you want to improve your personal (family) life, then locating your resting place (bed) or workplace in a favorable area, according to your gua number, will not be enough. It is necessary to draw up a map of "flying stars" at home and work with the energy of "mountain stars" responsible for the personal happiness of a person. Having determined their location in the apartment, it is best to place a bed or stove here (if the favorable star is in the kitchen). Be sure to take into account the correct direction of the bed, stove or desktop. If, for some reason, this is not possible, then you can use household appliances. For example, place an electric kettle, a double boiler, a stove in the zone of influence of a favorable star.

15. In order for the feng shui of an apartment to bring positive energies, it is necessary to take into account the individual astrological chart (ba-zi) of a person. The Ba Zi card will show what types of energy will be useful to a person and how they can be used to improve feng shui at home.

16. The most important area in feng shui at home is the location of the main flow of qi energy. Sometimes such a place is the front door (if a private house) or one of the windows (if an apartment). In any case, both the windows and the front door are important areas and it is here that the energies of prosperity should be active. If unfavorable energies fall on these zones, then they must be neutralized. The choice of neutralization method depends on the type of energy, which can be determined using the Feng Shui map at home.

And a few more tips on how to clear the energy at home in various ways.
There are three basic rules of good Feng Shui: EVERYTHING that is dirty must be washed, EVERYTHING that is broken must be repaired, EVERYTHING that is not needed must be thrown away. Compliance with these rules does not allow the formation of stagnant destructive energies. In addition, the room should always be well ventilated and with sufficient natural light.

1. CLEANING WITH SALT. Prepare 2-3 kg of sea salt in advance. In the morning, mentally ask the evil spirits and negative energies to leave your home, and the good ones to move to the middle of the rooms, as you begin the cleansing ritual. Then sprinkle the salt along all the walls, in the corners, dark cabinets and leave it until the next day, after which all the salt, along with other garbage, is collected and thrown away from the house.

2. CLEANING WITH ESSENTIAL OILS. After moving into a new home for 2 weeks, you need to spray essential oils from sage, juniper or frankincense daily with a lamp. If the house or apartment was previously inhabited, then cleansing with oils is carried out two weeks before moving in. First you need to close all windows and doors and spray each room for several hours, then ventilate.

3. CLEANING WITH WATER (partially eliminates electrosmog). Pour water into a watering can, add a few drops of essential oil (lavender, jasmine, rose, orange, fir) and spray around the house. It's better to do it every day.

4. CLEANING WITH THE HELP OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. (drives away negative energies and strengthens qi in the building). Drums and bells are commonly used. Strong piercing sounds at first are gradually replaced by quieter and calmer ones. You can use a special "cleansing" melody recorded on a cassette.

5. PURIFICATION WITH THE HELP OF MANTRAS AND PRAYERS. A strong cleansing effect is achieved, it enhances life-giving energy if you chant mantras or prayers, but you can also use records. The room must be previously cleaned of dirt and dust.

6. CLEANSING WITH THE HELP OF INCENSES OR CHURCH CANDLES. It is also carried out after preliminary cleaning of the premises. With a burning church candle or with incense, walk around the perimeter of each room, and also run along the doorway several times.

7. PURIFICATION BY FIRE. On the day of moving into a new house, you need to kindle a fire in front of the house, thus symbolically freeing the already cleansed house from negative energies, and inside the house put a boiler with boiling water on the stove to create living energy.

In contact with


There are 10 basic Feng Shui prohibitions that help get rid of negative energy and fill your home with good luck!

PROHIBITION #1. Mirror arrangement

According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden to hang a mirror in front of the door, so that it cannot reject the energy flowing back into the room.
You should not place a mirror in the matrimonial bedroom, so as not to provoke the appearance of a rival or rival.

In other rooms of the house, mirrors are acceptable, even useful. At the same time, it is very desirable that the figure of a person be reflected in a full-length mirror and be whole, and not assembled from fragments.
A cracked, chipped or broken mirror must be thrown away immediately.


It is impossible to place a trash can in front of the door. Dust, dirt, unused old things greatly disrupt the energy of any home. They store stagnant, dead energy that harms your business, relationships with people and health.

In addition, by saving old stuff, you are programming your life for the onset of a “black streak” in it, and then you will finally need all this rubbish.
You need to make room for comfortable, beautiful and new things, then you won’t have to wait long for them to appear.

PROHIBITION #3. Faulty, broken things

Things that you intend to use need to be fixed by putting them in order. Imagine that your house is a living organism. Will this organism function normally if some of its organs are defective or diseased?

Everything that can be repaired must be repaired, and those that cannot be repaired should be thrown away without regret.

This also applies to dishes, because cracked dishes serve as a place of accumulation of Sha-Qi negative energy, and if you use it constantly, then this energy can be transmitted to people. The accumulated energy in a person will lead to frequent quarrels and turn luck away from a person. It is also necessary to throw away broken things, and because, having broken, this thing thereby removes some problem from a person’s life.

Particular attention should be paid to communications. Leaky faucets and pipes are a recipe for poverty, and not just because of high water bills. Together with the flowing and dripping water, your house loses the energy of wealth, so repairs will cost you less.

PROHIBITION #4. Floors of different levels

Floors in your house or in a separate room should not be at different levels. Multi-level floors are a very unfavorable moment. Breaking your space energetically, you “split” your destiny into pieces.

By raising any zone above the others, you make it dominant and pull energy from other zones, thereby pulling energy from those aspects of life for which these zones are responsible.

PROHIBITION #5.sharp corners

You may be familiar with the concept of "poison arrows". These arrows cause a distortion of the flow of qi energy and have an adverse effect on a person who is in their path. The protruding corners that are fired by "poison arrows" need to be masked or "rounded off".

If this is not possible, rearrange the furniture so that the corners are no longer directed towards the places where you usually stand, lie down or sit.

You need to pay attention to hanging shelves. They not only have angles, but also hang over you, which depresses your energy.

If you don’t want to be grounded from the shelves, you can “ground” them by hanging, for example, a bead or bamboo curtain that reaches the floor from the bottom edge of the shelf.

PROHIBITION #6.Toilet and bathroom

On the bagua map, unfortunately, there are no zones in which the location of the bathroom was appropriate. But it's not worth taking services outside because of this.

It is enough to keep the doors to the toilet and the bathroom closed, to keep these rooms clean and to eliminate malfunctions in a timely manner.

If your home has a pet that has a toilet next to yours, build a pet door into the bathroom door.

PROHIBITION #7.closed windows

Living in a stuffy room is not only bad because of bad air. Qi energy in the house should not accumulate, so as not to acquire a Yin character, but passing through, wash it.

Try to keep the windows open at all times or ventilate the apartment as often as possible. It is better if the windows are opened simultaneously in all rooms.

If you are afraid of drafts, you can ventilate the house in your absence.

PROHIBITION #8. Poorly located workplace

Whether you work in a factory or an office, the quality of the work you do and your life in general will be affected by the location of your workplace. If you spend a lot of time at your work, make this place as comfortable as possible both physically and energetically.

It is better to sit with your back to the wall, while this wall should not have windows and be solid.

You can, in extreme cases, put a screen behind your back, which will symbolically protect your rear.

If possible, try to turn the table in a direction that is favorable for you, but do not install it opposite the door leading into the room.

Also, do not combine the living room and kitchen. Since, according to the canons of Feng Shui, the living room is an accumulator in which all the luck of a person accumulates, and especially the luck of the head of the family.

If you attach the kitchen to the living room, this will lead to the fact that luck can completely leave this house and it will be extremely difficult to return it. Combining these two rooms leads to disruption of the accumulation of Qi energy.

PROHIBITION #9. barred entrance

Trees growing in front of the house, blocking the approach to it, prevent the flow of Qi from entering the dwelling. This also applies to piling up at the front door in the hallway of various things.

Try to clear the entrance outside and inside. Exceptions can only be made for green spaces separating the house from the road if the building is deployed with a facade to the roadway.

In this case, you should choose the least evil - bushes and trees will protect your house from the negativity coming from the road.

Items such as clocks or wind chimes should not be placed above the door. They can not be placed near the door, not to mention placing such things on the door itself. This can lead to many failures.

PROHIBITION #10. dangerous neighborhood

The location of the building also plays an important role. Before buying a house, take a look at what will be located nearby, as well as within line of sight.
Cemetery, hospital or prison - the neighborhood is very unfavorable.
And a well-groomed square or a bank is quite successful.

Bagua for home

The science of Feng Shui is based on the doctrine of the five elements, their harmony, distribution and flow of Qi energy and tells how a person should live in the modern world so that his entire environment is organized correctly. All feng shui tips are useless without the right approach. And you should start with your own apartment, which is organized according to the Bagua grid. Without this, it makes no sense to move to other areas. So, let's begin.

What is Bagua Octagon

It consists of trigrams - symbols described in the Book of Changes, where one of the systems of divination and explanation of the flow of energy is explained. They are used in medicine, religion and philosophy, as well as other areas of life.

There are 9 main sections, 8 sides and a center. Each of the zones is one of the aspects of human life. It has its own element, direction, color and meaning. With their help, you can find out which individual areas of your home affect different aspects of life.

Trigram Li: clutch, spirits of fire, light and heat, the magical power of awareness, a bird that changes its shape, flying forward, touching objects. Determines the light that illuminates everything around, with full connection with the subject of illumination. Gives energy and strength of understanding and awareness, the ability to formulate thoughts. The symbol is fire, the action is clutch. Composition - one weak line between two strong ones. middle daughter.

Aspect: fame, fame, reputation, other people's opinion of you. There is an association with how you imagine your own future. Location - south.

Trigram Kun: execution. The property is complete dedication. The symbol is the earth, which gives rise to everything that is in the world. It is represented as a spirit that nourishes everything that exists. Gives things a form, realizes images and thoughts in reality. Action is reproduction and service. Composition - only weak features. Mother.

Aspect: relationship between husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend, or just between two people. Association with the female half. Location - southwest.

Trigram Dui: permission. Associated with the spirit of open water, mists, ponds and swamps. Property - joy. The most friendly spirit and open, associated with a pleasant pastime. Gives words persuasiveness, inspiration. Makes things move, creates a wonderful mood. The symbol is a pond, the action is stimulation. Composition - one weak trait on top and two strong traits on the bottom. Youngest daughter.

Aspect: children. Creative reproduction in the spiritual and physical planes. Creativity, children, various projects, communication. Location - west.

Aspect of the center: health, unity, harmony. Unites all sectors. It is by working with the center that one can achieve improvement in several aspects of life at once.

Practical Applications of the Bagua Octagon

And let's move from words to deeds. Just like a journey of a thousand kilometers that begins with the first step, so the path of comprehending the mysteries of Feng Shui begins with a theory that is dead without practice. So let's move on to it.

It is necessary to take a sheet of paper on which it is quite large to display a plan of your own housing, which includes absolutely all the premises. In the event that there are several floors, then the one that has the main entrance is displayed first. And then, using a sheet of tracing paper or other translucent material, draw a Bagua diagram. It will be great if the house plan is a square or rectangle - this is the correct shape.

Practical advice offers a brief instruction:

And finally, advice to those who are looking for a new home. Don't look at price or area. Walk around the agencies, choose, compare, guided by the knowledge of Bagua. Only in this way will you be able to choose a truly auspicious home, where you will live in harmony with yourself and the outside world!

Tip - success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Good Mood Tips

- Before going to sleep, think positive thoughts. Try not to watch negative films, programs, etc. at night.
Tell yourself in the morning that today is a wonderful day. The power of positive thinking is enormous! You can recharge your batteries by listening to your favorite music. Open the window, look around. Enjoy a fresh, cool, sunny morning.
- Learn to relax. When you do some tedious work, think of something pleasant.
- Smile!

Smile more often, even if you don’t feel like smiling, try pulling it in front of the mirror for at least a minute, your mood will definitely rise.
- Control your emotions. Do not be offended over trifles, try not to quarrel with loved ones, forgive them. By forgiving, you get rid of anger and vindictive feelings that destroy yourself in the first place.
- Take things easy. If something starts to annoy you, remember that this is only a few minutes in your huge life, that it is like peppercorns in a well-cooked favorite dish.
- Introduce elements of novelty into your life. Change your hairstyle, makeup, clothing style, hobbies. After all, you will really experience significant changes. For the better!
- Treat yourself. Do a little treat for yourself - you deserve it! Go shopping, buy yourself something. Or visit a restaurant with your favorite cuisine in communication with your beloved girlfriend / friend.Do what you most want right now.

Feng Shui Tips.

A few rules of positive thinking in action from Natalia Pravdina.

1. Accept our world as it is, that is, without condemnation, criticism and indignation.
Remember that we ourselves create everything that surrounds us? The way it is.
What is not seen up close is seen from the outside. Is something not happening the way we wanted? It doesn't matter, everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. We repeat, we repeat this to ourselves constantly, even if tears from the eyes and the heart hurts. We thank you and move on, confident that everything, absolutely everything happens for our good.
2. Never panic!
At the moment of any trials, even the automatic repetition of affirmations and gratitude to the Higher powers helps better than any sobs. Works great, I assure you! Try to change your attitude to the problem that has arisen, and you will see that the world begins to change for the better. We must control our emotions without letting our emotions control us.
3. Take all obstacles as a challenge and a test of positive thinking.
Difficult situations are often hidden opportunities for growth and new opportunities.
4. Use special magic methods.
Sometimes the most amazing results are obtained by the cheerful method of Simoron, which I myself and my like-minded people use. Applying this method requires a good sense of humor. For those who hear about it for the first time, I will briefly tell the essence.
And the bottom line is that since we create our own world, any deviations from the usual, well-established life signal to a person that he has projected something wrong into the outside world. The result is failures, material difficulties, and so on.
What does a Simoronist do? He or she changes his or her projection, that is, is urgently renamed, sometimes completely ridiculous and irrational, or gives mental gifts to his problem.
For example, you are no longer Alexander, who was fired from his job, but a cheerful hedgehog with pink polka dots. Do you understand? The funnier the better. Be like such a hedgehog for a while, and you will see that the tension disappears and the issues begin to resolve themselves.

Council - the front door is the main supplier of favorable energy to the house. Pay attention to the number of your apartment. It must be clearly visible. The digits of the apartment number should be arranged in ascending order, that is, diagonally up. Lay a bright rug in front of the door. Place three coins tied with red ribbon under the rug. They symbolize that you are walking on gold every time you walk through a door. Hang a picture of the auspicious object next to the door. Excellent activators are peonies, chrysanthemums, plum flowers. Make sure there are no open shelves in front of the front door, no mops and brushes. The front door should not "look" at the toilet. If she does go to the toilet, keep the toilet door and toilet lid closed.

Advice - set goals correctly. Any goal must be specific; measurable; realistic; defined in time.
specific.The goal must be clear. If the goal contains the words “more”, “earlier”, etc., be sure to indicate by how much (rubles, minutes, etc.).
measurable.The result of achieving the goal should be measurable. “Becoming happy” is a hard-to-measure result. But “to get married” is quite measurable; one glance at the passport is enough.
Realistic.You must be able to achieve this goal, at least in potential. It is necessary to realistically assess your resources to achieve the goal. This does not mean that the goal should not be ambitious, quite the contrary. If the goal is not realistic, break it down into multiple realistic goals.
Defined by time.There should be clear deadlines for reaching the goal. Without deadlines, there is no specific goal.
The basis of success in life is the right goal setting. As soon as you define your goal and every day, in small steps, make efforts to achieve it, then every day the goal becomes closer to realization.

- abundance of plants in the southeastern part of the house, office symbolize the growth of income. Southeast, the zone of wealth, belongs to the element of Wood according to the principle of the five elements of Feng Shui. Lush and healthy plants will attract the energy of wealth into your work and living space.

Tip - crystals perfectly activate favorable energies
, especially if located in the southwestern part of the house of the elements Earth. With the help of the crystal, you can also neutralize the "poisoned arrow" if it comes from the north. Before placing the crystal, it must be soaked for 7 days and 7 nights in salt (sea) water to cleanse it of negative energies.

Tip - choose a dining table with a favorable shape.
There are four auspicious shapes for a dining table - round, square, rectangular and octagonal Ba Gua. The round table is the most favorable, because it symbolizes a smooth flow and denotes the element of gold, attracting wealth and prosperity.

Tip - save money for the fulfillment of desires.

Choose a piggy bank according to your desire. The piggy banks of your sign according to the Chinese horoscope are favorable, if you are ready to direct all your efforts to fulfill your desire, or the piggy bank of the zodiac sign of the current year, if you are sure that the desire should and can be fulfilled in the current year. In the current year of the Snake, it is also effective to make a piggy bank in the shape of a Monkey, a secret friend of the Snake.
Choose a piggy bank whose symbolism is close to your desire.
Your wish will surely come true, this of course does not mean that it is in this piggy bank that the required amount will accumulate, the piggy bank as a symbol will attract additional income for the fulfillment of desire.
Be sure to spend the money from this piggy bank on what you dreamed about.

Tip - a desk with favorable Feng Shui will bring great success in work.
Activate its surface with symbols of the five elements. East - vase with fresh flowers. Southeast is a green plant. West - phone. Northwest - computer. North - coffee cup, tea glass. South - a table lamp or something red. Southwest - globe. Northeast - crystal paperweight.

Tip - always keep the house clean and tidy.
Order is very importantleaving a favorable atmosphere of bringing wealth and success to your home. Cleanliness in the house contributes to prosperity, change for the better. Remember, your home is a special place thatrespond to care immediately.

Tip - use colors in clothing in accordance with the elements.
To gain confidence and attract attention, wear red clothes - the color of the Fire element. To smooth out excessive temper and add charm to the image, use the element of Water - black and dark blue colors. White color - the element of Metal will add authority and increase influence. Green color - element Wood, gives a feeling of harmony and balance. The yellow color of the Earth element will bring joy and optimism.

Tip - for career advancement or good luck in business, place a picture of a mountain behind your workplace.
It could be a painting, a photograph. By hanging it, you will feel supported during the working day. It is important that there is no water in the image of the mountain. Water behind your back means missed opportunities.

Tip - treat your technique "with love"

If we approach our technology - from a cell phone to a car - with affection, as if it were a living being, then it will serve us even more faithfully, for a long time and reliably. Our things are an extension of ourselves. It has long been noticed that cars love when they are cared for, cared for, loved. And this applies to absolutely everything: cars, household appliances, telephones, money. We must pay tribute to our electronic assistants. With the help of household appliances, mobile phones, laptops, e-mail, everything has become much easier and faster.

Tip - a double bed helps to attract love.
If you are single and dream of finding your other half, put a wide double bed. Position it in your room so that it can be accessed from both sides.Above the bed, you can hang an image of a peony as a symbol of attracting love.

Tip - create harmony of the five elements in the house.
Make the interior of your apartment so that all five elements are present in it - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water - they will create a harmonious energy balance in your house. Wood is green shades. Tree shapes: tall, oblong, rectangular. Tree symbols: wooden objects, plants, images of trees and plants. Fire is red. Fire shapes: triangular and pointed. Symbols of fire: triangular objects, candles, images of light or fire, sunrises and sunsets. Earth - brown, beige colors. Ground Shape: Square. Symbols of the earth: ceramics, stone objects, crystals, images of earthly landscapes. Metal - metal colors: white, gold, silver. Metal shapes: rounded, domed or crescent shaped. Symbols: metal objects, coins, images of things made of metal. Water is dark blue, black color and wavy shapes. Water shapes: undulating and gently curving. Symbols of water: mirrors, glass, aquariums or fountains, images of fish, waterfalls, and seascapes.

Advice - don't lend.

If possible, refuse those who can be refused. Or offer to lend money at interest. And for those who cannot be refused, for example, close relatives (it is best not to enter into monetary relations with them), lend the amount that you can easily afford to part with. Let's lend with a light heart, without regret.
If you owe, try to pay off the debt as soon as possible. Don't forget about your debts.

Tip - you can increase the flow of money passing through your wallet with special talismans.
- Three Chinese coins connected with a red ribbon
- green banknote
- Mint has an aroma that attracts money. You can put a drop of essential oil on the lining of your wallet or put a mint leaf in it.
Keep only things related to money in your wallet.

Do not keep in your wallet:
- Old receipts, tickets, unnecessary papers
- Photos of friends, relatives, pets
- Torn, shabby, dirty banknotes
- Discount cards

Tip - use the mirror for good.
The mirror is an optical "multiplier" of the objects it reflects, so it is good when the objects reflected in the mirror carry positive energy and bring joy. And the mirror, in turn, doubles this energy. The effect of any symbolic item can be doubled with a mirror. Mirrors are very favorable for trading. A mirror next to a cash register increases sales, and therefore income. A mirror on the sales floor that reflects customers doubles the number of customers.

Tip - say out loud only what you wish for yourself and want to happen to you. A thought is an energy that transforms into a word, and works either for us or against us. Try to be careful about what and how you say. Develop your "language of success". Words have tremendous power that we can consciously control to improve the quality of our lives. It is thoughts and words that create our reality.
Try to consider the importance of each spoken word for your present and future. Positive thoughts give birth to a positive life, full of harmony, happiness and well-being.

Tip - use the power of the lucky eight.

The number "8" is considered the most auspicious and happy, especially now, in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024). Eight brings great wealth and prosperity. The number eight also symbolizes growth and development. It will ensure success in any business. Use the number 8 whenever possible. For example, you can put a talisman in your wallet - 8 Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon to attract wealth.

Tip of the day: Try not to eat or drink from broken or cracked dishes.

Did your favorite cup break the handle?! Throw it away and buy a new one. Try not to drink or eat from cracked dishes, even if they are very carefully glued together. If broken edges or cracks appear, ruthlessly discard the dishes. It only carries negative energy.

Tip: Old, unnecessary things have no place in the house.

They create unfavorable Feng Shui. Every thing has its place. If there is no such place, the thing is probably not needed and you can safely throw it away. More often sort through cabinets with things, dressing rooms. Give the things you don't wear to those who need them the most. You will get double pleasure. Firstly, help those in need, and secondly, increase the space for new things in your wardrobe. Don't worry, they will definitely appear there. Do you want innovation and change? Organize your closet and ruthlessly get rid of old things.

Tip: Do not activate the love and marriage zone at work.

Feng Shui symbols and methods for love should be used at home, not in the workplace. Do not keep mandarin ducks and other symbols of love and marriage in the office. Here they can only lead to an office romance, most likely without a happy ending. In addition, extra symbols will distract from business, which will not have the best effect on your career. At work, use symbols that promote success and career growth - a turtle, a mountain behind the workplace, the hieroglyph "Success".

Feng Shui of the workplace. We put things in order.

- One of the first principles and rules of feng shui that apply to any area of ​​life is order. Therefore, be sure to keep your desktop clean and tidy. Dust regularly and remove all unnecessary items. A pile of papers and folders adversely affect your well-being and mood. The order will help you to better concentrate on the tasks at hand.
- It is very good if you hang a picture on the wall, to which the desktop adjoins. It is best if it is a natural landscape, it is especially good when nature is in a balanced, calm state. In no case, do not hang pictures with stormy landscapes, such as a waterfall or a raging sea. Looking at the calm landscape, you yourself will calm down, you will be able to relax psychologically. Images of mountains also contribute to career advancement.
- Do you work on a computer? Then you need to make sure that the sun does not shine on the computer from the opposite window. The resulting glare has a very negative impact on your health. Negative sha-chi energy arises and interferes with your success.
- Feng Shui recommends that fresh flowers be present in the office. Let there be indoor plants on the windowsills, they symbolize prosperity and growth. Also, flowers will help reduce emotional and psychological stress, will contribute to the development of harmonious relationships with colleagues. It is desirable that flowers with rounded and sharp leaves should be equally divided.
- Do not place sharp objects such as scissors and a utility knife on the work table. These objects, lying open on the table, create a strong tension in space, thus attracting negative vibrations with their cutting surfaces, which cause nervousness and aggression. Hide these items in the table or in a special cup.
- Be sure to put on the table a favorite item, a trinket, which, when looking at it, will return you to a good mood and relieve tension and fatigue.
- If there is a printer, telephone, computer, light bulb, calculator and other equipment on your desktop, then this indicates a strong excess of yang energy. You need to balance the energy of yang and yin. To do this, you need to put on the desktop items with yin characteristics. For example, a flower or a small aquarium with a fish.
- If your desktop is located in the corner of the room, then you need to neutralize its negative energy. Since, according to Feng Shui, the corner is a geopathic zone. Large rapanas or ordinary shells will help you with this. Also, shells can be used as protection against negatively minded colleagues, just put the shells on the edge of the table closer to the side of the ill-wisher. By placing the shells, you create a protective energy screen that will protect you from the negative thoughts of another person.
- Ideally, if the front door is located in front of you diagonally from your table. Avoid having the front door against your back! On this point, you can safely talk with your boss to rearrange the office, but do not sit with your back to the door.
- In no case should there be a mirror on the desktop or near it. It will especially negatively affect the work if the mirror reflects the surface of the desktop, thus, the amount of work, as it were, doubles. Where there are electrical appliances - electric lamps, computers, faxes, etc. the mirror creates a negative energy field.
- Well, if on the desktop in front of you will be your photo with a speech at some significant conference. Thus, you activate luck in your career.
- Physical convenience also affects the quality of work. It is good if there is free space in front of your table and behind it, according to Feng Shui, it symbolizes perspective and opportunities. You must be able to freely approach your workplace.

Feng Shui will help activate your career, attract money and good luck into your life, tilting the scales of fate in your favor.
For such a practice, you need to know your Gua number. Read more about the Gua number
Try to work while sitting facing in your best direction.

Fish is a symbol of abundance in Feng Shui.

The Chinese word for fish is yu, which means abundance and wealth. Pisces is always associated with abundance. An aquarium with fish usually symbolizes the precious Yang energy, which brings good luck. That is why the cultivation of goldfish, which symbolize the abundance of gold, is very popular in China. Japanese carp (Koi), dragon fish are also favorable. If the fish are placed in the living room or dining room (but not in the kitchen) - they will bring prosperity and abundance. In the living room, the best place is at the north, east or southeast wall. Do not place the aquarium in the bedroom, where Yin should dominate, so as not to disturb the balance. The aquarium should be round or rectangular. To attract wealth, you can have either one dragon fish (the best you can afford) or nine goldfish (one of them must be black) or several Koi. A pair of goldfish symbolizes a stormy romance. If it is not possible to keep an aquarium at home, you can place an image of a fish in the appropriate area to activate the desired type of energy. For example, a painting with six dragon fish would be perfect for the northwest corner of the room.

Tip - sew on a button for good luck. You need to thread a needle and thread into the hole so that you get a pattern of one of the letters of the runic alphabet. Each rune has its own meaning.

Tip - use affirmations to achieve what you want.
Affirmation Repetition Rules: You need to choose or compose a positive affirmation to repeat daily. This statement should be simple, easy to remember, and evoke a spiritual response from you. Choose an affirmation of the day for yourself and repeat it every morning. Then your day will be as productive as possible. For affirmative statements, only the affirmative form should be used. Our mind perceives it best of all. When repeating affirmations every day, you must always strive for specifics. The more concretely you imagine the execution of your plan, the better. Thus, the more concretely the desired is described in words, shaping it into a positive statement, the faster it will come true.

Tip of the day - activate the northeast sector of the house in 2013
The White Eight Star, traditionally considered the star of money, is located throughout 2013 in the northeast. It rewards those who work diligently, relying on perseverance, diligence and not striving for "quick easy money". So if such a position in life is close to you, then feel free to use the northeast room. Eight will add you the amount of work and profitable orders, which means a safe and stable increase in income. In a word, work more in this sector - and you can earn more! Any activity in this sector will help awaken the necessary energies and make them work for good luck with even greater returns, so if possible, use the sector for sleep, work, and recreation. You can also activate the sector by placing here objects that symbolize the elements of the earth - crystals, crystal objects. You can place a money tree on a crystal base in the northeast sector. Place the TV in the northeast corner of the living room and the computer desk in the northeast corner of the office. An effective way to “feed” on the beneficial energies of this Star is to orient your gaze and headboard in this direction. Better yet, simply organize your lifestyle so that you spend as much time as possible in this part of your home.

Tip - do not store dry flowers in the house.
Any dried plants are energy vampires. They are not recommended to be kept indoors as they will absorb your energy.

Tip of the day - for a successful career, good luck is best to activate the living room.
If you want to activate the house with good luck symbols, this is the best place for them. Hang a large family portrait in your living room to symbolize its importance. One of the best Feng Shui enhancing items is a sailboat symbolically filled with gold. A Columbus sailboat is best, fill it with counterfeit gold bars, its bow pointing in and not out of the room. Place a three-legged toad next to the front door, placed correctly, they can bring great luck and wealth. Set up a goldfish tank in the corner of the water element, place 8 red and one black goldfish and keep them in a round tank. If it is not possible to buy an aquarium, you can use the painting with 9 goldfish.

Tip - use water to attract money.
The nature of water is close to the nature of money. Water, like money, flows in and out, does not like to stagnate, likes to be constantly in motion. Water features should be located in the water-friendly sectors of your home - southeast, east and north. Water should only flow towards the house. Water activators should only be located in front of the person's workplace, not behind or above.

Tip - place a healthy plant in the southeast.
In the southeast sector of an office, apartment or house, there should be the most beautiful and powerful plant that you can buy. This symbolizes the constant growth of your finances. Beware of plants with unfavorable Feng Shui.
They can be divided into three categories.
. Plants with thorns and pointed leaves. Mother-in-law's tongue, agave, yucca - plants with hard, sharp leaves are also unfavorable.
. Low growing plants. Dwarf trees (bonsai).
. Weeping plants. Weeping willow, willow myrtle, weeping beech look very sad. Wisteria and other climbing plants look beautiful in spring, but in autumn they have a sad yin effect.

Tip of the day - get a personal talisman to achieve the desired goal.
What are talismans? These are a kind of well-being activators that attract a certain type of energy into our lives. Talismans are different. One contributes to the strengthening of marriage and mutual love, the other - to gaining wealth and prosperity, the third - to strengthening health, the fourth - to attract success in our lives. Talismans are magnets that attract favorable energies and harmonize them, creating a certain magnetic field. To find a harmonious relationship, purchase a sign of double happiness or a Dzi Bead 2 eyes and carry a talisman with you. To advance in your career and defeat your competitors, you can purchase the Monkey on a Horse talisman. Dzi bead 3 eyes brings prosperity, wealth, longevity, respect for health and success.

Feng Shui tips for children's room.
There should be more yang energy in the children's bedroom. The room should be bright and cheerful. This not only improves the health of children, but also their luck. Naturally Yin - silence and muted colors that create conditions for relaxation should also be present. Military tanks, ships and planes - interesting toys for boys in the bedroom radiate negative energy. After the game, they need to be hidden in a box, and not left in a conspicuous place. The correct location of the bed and table in the child's bedroom is very important. The location of the bed and the direction in which the child sleeps should not violate the basic rules. Above the table there should not be an air conditioner or an open ceiling beam. It is good if the child has the opportunity to sleep and study in one of the directions favorable for him.

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